Współpraca akademicka stypendia, badania, rozwój Warszawa, 9 listopada 2010

Współpraca akademicka stypendia, badania, rozwój Warszawa, 9 listopada 2010

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Warszawa, 9 listopada 2010

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Współpraca akademicka – stypendia, badania, rozwójWspółpraca akademicka – stypendia, badania, rozwój


The Polish-Norwegian Research Fund is the block grant established within

the allocation of the Priority No. 6 Academic Research of the Operational

Programmes – the EEA / Norwegian Financial Mechanisms.

Time framework: 2007 – 2012 (Projects: 2008 – 2011)

Total budget of the Fund: 25 181 105 EUR

Basic funds: 15 294 000 EUR

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The overall objective of the Fund is establishing and strengthening

of a fruitful and long-term co-operation between Polish and Norwegian

researchers focusing primarily on environmental and health research.

It is directed to the Polish research institutions (schools of higher education,

research and development entities, research centres of the Polish Academy

of Sciences and non-governmental organisations) interested in a long-term

co-operation with the similar Norwegian scientific institutions.

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Partnership – the unique feature

Board of the Fund (Polish-Norwegian)

Research Council of


Joint Fund Secretariat


Norwegian Partner

Polish Partner

Norwegian Partner

Joint Project

Fund Operator


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Budget of the Fund

Total budget of the Fund: 25 181 105 EUR

Norwegian Financial Mechanism: 21 403 939 EUR

State Budget: 3 777 166 EUR

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Budget of the Fund

Total budget of the Fund: 25 181 105 EUR

Management costs: 1 688 710 EUR

Grants for Beneficiaries: 23 492 395 EUR

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The Fund provided grant assistance for projects submitted within 2 Activities:

Activity 1. Research projects which objective is to support implementation of joint research projects realised by Polish and Norwegian researchers within the areas of protection of the environment and healthcare. Within this activity beneficiaries could receive grant assistance up to 2 000 000 EUR.

Activity 2 Workshops and seminars which objective is financing workshops and seminars facilitating co-operation of Polish and Norwegian researchers within the priority areas of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Within this activity beneficiaries could receive grant assistance up to 20 000 EUR.

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Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji (OPI)

called into being in 1990 as a research and development unit, supervised

by the State Committee for Scientific Research, at present the Ministry

of Science and Higher Education.

Its main goal is to provide quick and easy access to up-to-date and detailed

information about science in Poland.

160 employees, including around 85 persons dealing with the EU/EFTA


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OPI’s activities development and implementation of information systems on the organisation and financing

of scientific research and the research and development sphere,

keeping the record of the results of the completed research and R&D projects (Polish Science Databases),

propagation of the results of the completed research and R&D projects,

running the international exchange of scientific and technical information in the range resulting from inter-governmental agreements and the current needs of the State authorities,

elaboration of developmental trends for the national activities of international computer networks of scientific and technical information,

propagation and dissemination of information on Polish science and technology,

implementing EU Funds: Innovative Economy and Infrastructure and Environment,

the Executing Agency for the Polish-Swiss Research Programme,

the Operator of the Polish-Norwegian Research Fund.

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Fund Operator

Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji (as the Fund Operator) is responsible for the proper process of Fund implementation.

Its tasks include above all:

preparing, publication and promotion of Call for proposals as well as the process of projects’ selection,

signing agreements with beneficiaries,


monitoring and controlling of co-financed projects as well as reporting on irregularities.

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consists of 6 members: 3 persons appointed by the Polish side, including the Chair of the Board and 3 persons appointed by the Norwegian side, including the Vice-Chair of the Board.

is responsible for strategic management and implementation of the Fund and makes final decisions regarding appraisal and choosing of the projects that will be co-financed.

There are also 2 Observers (appointed by the Ministries) who take part in the Board’s activities.

The Board of the Fund

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Launching Conference – the Call for Proposals announced

Held on the September 26th 2007

110 Attendees:

Polish and Norwegian authorities


Press representatives

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87 286 222

23 492 395


10 000 000

20 000 000

30 000 000

40 000 000

50 000 000

60 000 000

70 000 000

80 000 000

90 000 000

100 000 000[EUR]

2 editions of the Call for Proposals:

2007: September 26th – December 28th

88 submitted proposals:

79 research projects

9 workshops & seminars

2008: July 31st – October 31st

19 submitted proposals

(workshops & seminars)

Research projects

Requested grants PNRF allocation

14 594 000


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5 resolutions of the Board of the Fund

10 meetings of the Board of the Fund

43 chosen proposals

42 projects granted for the total amount of 23 492 395 EUR

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Research projects

22 granted projects:

13 related to the healthcare

9 related to the protection of the environment

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Research projects

47 institutions: 28 from Poland and 19 from Norway

more than 23,1 mln EUR granted

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Workshops & Seminars 20 granted projects (more than 0,35 mln EUR)

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Workshops & Seminars 30 institutions: 19 from Poland and 11 from Norway

16 projects completed (November 2010)

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Present activities

Reimbursement of incurred expenses:

Till the September 2010: 9 770 683 EUR

Amount to be reimbursed: 13 721 712 EUR

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Present activities


on-site visits:

3 in 2009 and 10 in 2010

planned: 4 in 2010 and 6 in 2011

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Present activities

Workshops for Beneficiaries

Simplifying of procedures, i.e.: prolongation of reporting deadlines; decrease in the number and size of

the reporting forms; planned:

proceed audits in order to check the eligibility of the expenditures within the projects.

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Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji (Information Processing Centre)

Dział Wdrażania Instrumentów Wsparcia Badań Naukowych

(Department for Research Support Instruments)

Al. Niepodległości 188b

00-608 Warszawa

Phone: (+48 22) 570 14 33/91


[email protected]

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