Tomn and County flews.-- ! Mrs. A. Armstrong gave a coin plimenlary dinner Sunday to Grand Chief Arthur, and Messrs. Fikes and Vroman. Get The Wilcox Dept. Store's keg- - price on nails. Calvin Kose, to whom reference was made last week, is reported by the physicians to be somewhat improved to-da- y. A band of gypsies, consisting of three men and four women, have been camped at the stock yards for several days past. Best Oil, in 60 cents a gallon, at the Store. grade Harness bulk, Wilcox Dept. v. Tom $rown appeared on the streets to-d- ay with his new ex press wagon, and is as happy as a boy with his first pair of boots. C. h. Patterson returned Sun day night from the Birdwood. He will have the H. & P. ditch com pleted in a few more days, Bay your Overalls of the Wileo Dept. Store. Miss Alice Barraclough, who had been visiting- - her brother Fred ' for several days past, returned to Laramie Saturday night. A carload of elk enroute from "Wyoming to Sioux City passed east 3'esterday morning. They will be placed in the park in that city. The committees appointed to make arrangements for the bicycle meet to be held next week are out this afternoon seeing1 what can be done in regard to the matter. The section between Hershey and Kimball was visited by a rain Sunday night, and last night there was evidence of a heavy rain north of us. Our turn will come next. All members of the Home For- um are earnestly requested to be on hand at the meeting1 next Thurs- day evening", as special business will be considered. By order of the President. See the 1897 style Shirt Waists at the Wilcox Sept. Store. The room to be occupied by the Sparling- - saloon is being re- paired and the proprietor expects to be ready for business next Sat- urday. Mr. Sparling and his as- sistant arrived in town Saturday. Our Keen Cutter Lawn Mowers at $6.50 to $9.00 are the cheapest high grade machines on the market to-da- y. Barb wire $2.45 per hun- dred, wire nails 2Kcens a pound. Harrington & Tobin. Attend the railroad social at Keith's hall this (Tuesday) even- ing". Those who purchase a ticket over the new road wiil have a most enjoyable trip and receive several times the worth of their money. Ply nets, all kinds and prices, at The Wilcox Sept. Store. Business is so quiet in Judge Ray's court that the Judg-- thinks he might as well take a vacation till business improves. Business, however, in his court goes by fits and starts, one week may be busy and the next supreme quietude prevails. jp or .kent liooa nouse; seven rooms, nice shade trees, city water One block from brick school. T. C. Patterson. A telegram- - received from Coun cil Bluffs this forenoon after the departure of No. 2 announced that Mrs. Graves, mother of Lon, Frank and Mrs. Eells, is very sick. The two former will go down to-nig- Morris Fowler has sold several bead of horses and mules to Harrington Bros., of Missouri, who have been in this section for sev eral days past The prices obtained were such as to make Morris, who -- is a democrat, believe that the elec tion of McKinley was a good move. Western Washers $3 at the Wilcox Sept. Store. " When you want to buy garden hose buy the best Boston Belting Go's, goods sold by Harrington & Tobin at 124 cent a foot and if you are a good responsible man we do not exact spot cash, although this price is as low as that quoted by the cash stores. The weather forecast: Showers and probably thunder storms this afternoon and to-nig- ht and cooler. Wednesday, showers and cooler. The maximum temperature yester day at North Platte was 79 degrees, minimum in past 24 hours 58. For the same period and time one year ago the maximum temperature was 78 degrees, minimum 48. Sny your Hubber Hose of the Wil- cox Dept. Store. They handle nothing but guaranteed quality. Wiper's Union No. 1 round house employes is holding its first .annual picnic to-da- y at Five Points formerly known as Struthers grove. The boys chartered Tom Brown's carryall and left at half past eight this morning well sup- plied with provisions, etcetera, the latter in bulk. Athletic games were to be the principal means ot " amusement i WSf a 0new Chamber Suit pieces - FOJR TEjNT DOLLAES? I presume you would. We cannot sell you one for that money but you can purchase a good one for a little more money. We have the finest line of FURNITURE ever shown in the city. Call and see our new Couches and Lounges. We have something cheap in an extension table, and our dining room Chairs are the best made for the money. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. E. B. WARNER, ! Great Slaughter Sale & at the Jennie Dept. Store. SHOES! ST-IOS- SI Beginning to-da- y, we are going to give you the greatest Shoe Sale of the age. "We have determined to close out our entire shoe stock, regardless ot cost to make room for other goods. These goods must be sold at once,- - and you can get the benefit. LOOK AT OUR PEICES.-O- ur immense lino of 85 French Kid Shoes at S3.25, pointed and coin toe. Our S French Kid Shoe for 82.75. Our 83.50 Shoe at 82.50. Our 83.00 Shoo at S2.00. Our 82 50 Shoe at 81.50. An immense line of Shoes that sold at 82 and 82.25, to close at $1.15. In children's shoes we will sell you the best school shoe, from 8 to 12, at 81.00 per pair. These shoes were formerly SI. 50. We will sell you 12 to 2 for 81.15, goods we sold at 81.75. We give you the same reduction in men's shoes also. Remember the shoes must be closed out at once, and regard- less of cost. We will also give you 25 cents worth of tinware free of charge wttu every dollar s worth you purchase m the store, including Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, curtains, or with anything pur- - chased from us. The Rennie Department Store. A. F. Parsons went to Ogalalla last evening- - on legal business. Mr. and Mrs Frank Simpson are home from a brief visit in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Claude Weingand re turned Saturday night from her eastern visit much improved in health. Screen Doors, all kinds, at the Wilcox Dept. Store. Dr. C. M.Duncan returned Sun day night from a visit to his farm near Lincoln. He wasaccompaneid norae by nis niece, Miss 1illian Duncan. WEDDING PRESENTS. 3ffje are showing a fine line of goods suitable for wedding presents. The stock includes many articles too many to mention in this space. If you are in search of some- thing in this line, and do not know just what you want, visit our store and perhaps we can assist jou in the selection . HARRY DIXON, -- JEWELER. D. Jackson, the new lessee of the Pacific Hotel, is to com- mended for purchasing his supplies in this city. It means just that much more trade for our home mer chants. Heretofore nearly all the supplies for the hotel were pur- chased in Omaha. Busfgy harness from $4.50 per set np at The Wilcox Dept. Store. - At a business meeting of the Baptist congregation Sunday Rev, Clark, of Omana. presiding it was decided to issue a call to Rev. F. M. Williams, of Lincoln, to act as pastor for the local church. It is thought Rev. "Williams will accent. At the meeting of the High School Alumni Association Satur day evening Miss Eunnice Babbitt was elected president, Miss Ida VonGoetz vice-preside- nt, Mabel Goozee secretary and Geo. A. Mc- - Michael treasurer. The associa- tion will tender a banquet to the class of '97 on Saturday evening, June 5th. Poultry Netting 1- -2 cent a square loot at tne Wilcox Dept. Store, MEMORIAL DAY? Memorial Day exercises at Fort McPherson national cemeterv will held on Monday, May 31st., be 33 1. be be ginning at one o'clock p. m. Re- freshment stands will be near the of three -- A party of fishermen went for the to lake and caught keen the mem about 200 fish, mostly bullheads Kails, 6 d to 20 d, 2 1-- 2 cents a pound at The Wilcox Dept. Store. The members of the Cody Guard have received their back pay for services at the encampment last year. The amount due was$143.64. A. F. Streitz has sold to John P. Noehrn, formerly of this city but now of Gold Hill, Col., a soda ap- paratus and several gallons of syrups used in making soda water. Ladies' Kid Gloves, all kinds, at the Wilcox Dept. Store. Jacobson day Americans them their from Australian Tom Eagle Bicycles, model, Gent's The Dept. evening 1. east, until husband anuual Lrarueld institute be Garfield morning afternoon. served. Two from state are expected be present dehvsr addresses, be local members. the Store. Butterflies' Carnival," be Tuesday evening direction cos- tumes. There are thirty-fiv- e backed hundred be most production reserved seats 50 25 1 1 M i H4ffl4-H- 4 Mil- - FIELD and high: CABLED P3CKET LAWN FENCE BOARD and STRIP. Posts, and and Tomato line and and tQnce jj Sale The Department-Store- . up be one full Mrs. Stoddard of lace, has been visitingKorth days past. Patterson has accepted invitation deliver address at Lexington Memorial Mr. Mrs. O. E. Hughes re- turned Saturday night from a brief visit with Mr. H's parents the Ladies' Hose at the Dept. Store. Mrs. Field, mother of George in night pass with Charley Whalen, has been visiting North Platte friends several weeks, expects to return to Cripple Creek Shavely, pastor of M. E. church, preach Memor- ial Ladies of G. A. R. Sunday, 30th. Gentlemen buy your Shirts fi aiiu unuerwear une Store. members of Rebekah Lodge are requested be present at (Tuesday for staff drill. order of Cap- tain. Margaret Gilman entertained Ninth grade literary society Friday evening last, at- tendants one of their usual pleasant sessions. Wilcox Dept. sells leather width want, W. was was approving of Mayor enne yesterday attending a of B. L. E. of city, having-- a special invitation occasion of Chief Ar visit brigade has recentlv Siebold's Sunday organized young congrega- tion, with Captain Hamilton military have Thursday evening. Machine Oil the Store Knights Templar at- tend services Episcopal church in a body Ascension decision having reached a of commandery Friday evening of week. Window all qualities, the President McKinlev sent n Mr. and J. special message to congress yester- - Saturday night River, recommending appropria- - Wyo., where assume 550,000 relieve desti- - management of the Union Pacific tution of the 600 who Hotel. wishes ot are suffering in Cuba of North Platte accompan the to new The mavor has received a letter it you want a s00 saddle S a Denver party asking Wilcox Dept. arrangements could be made 1HE -- Libdne is informed exhibition game of between the f best attorneys in and the champion existing conditions, of Colorado. The mayor Platte has no legal marshal, ferred letter to Haley. and tlie individual filling 1897 $39.50, Ladies' $40.50. At Wilcox Store. The Omaha World-Heral- d of published an item stat ing Mrs. Bedell, wife of C tp .is be V. of this citv. had lir m tirW and May in lie trom the and was there she could telegraph money. The meeting of the farmers will held at Saturday, May 22d, both and A bas- ket dinner will speakers the eastern part of the to aud and short talks will made by your Straw of Wil cox Dept. -- Titania, or the will given at opera house on of week, the of Prof. songs and char in the cast, by chorus of voices. This will the juven ever given in the city, is 35 cents, j cents, cents. I i I I 1 CABLED 24 in. to 68 in. POULTRY FENCE, 24 in. to 68 high. STEEL FENCE, to SO Rail, Gates Tree, Flower Guards. manufac a of Wire Gates Posts, solicit KaU ? jj - o o Geo. C. Wal Platte several C. an to an Day. and at Try 3 for cents Wilcox arrived city Saturday and will summer son. who for to-nig- ht. Rev. the will the sermon for the May wii-co- s All to hall this By on and the had The Store in any strip eo. in meet- - J ing the of that to at- tend on the thur's there. A boys' cj J by oers ot as instructor. boys will drill next Best Grade Castor 35c gallon at Wilcox will at the on Day May this been meeting the on last Shades, at Wilcox Dept. Mrs. for Green the they will tion of to the best many by friends war. home. 2O0d to for an by ball tlie town club tliat imder t??e club re- - North the the last that the Has next 18 in. by The position nas no legal right make an arrest or perform duties of the office, It informed by a prominent citizen as no appointment been made, the office is therefore an injunction will issued Bedell, lnsh case Morgan presents a purse containing- - her llis services from 1st to money, while nie is correction detained for the under acters Dept. 17th, - 3 T 1 1 i f in tne meantime it desire to have any arretted, you had better tlje seryices of a constable, thus be on safe side. Dept. Store Sells You: 20 Screen Wire 22 21 2G 28 36 on - 9 - - 11 - 12 " " - 12K " - 13 " " - 15" cents per yard ( Either Green or Black. tC It ( t( K it bewildering spectacular adjourned. fascinating resplendent Presbyterian During lat ter part administra- tion Mrs. Brooks made appli- cation a ministration came to before was reached of- - will undoubtedly be the most The application was renewed entertainment our under Cleveland administration, people have Those ut those officials who have attended recent adverse to to that passes off very the deserving, application was smoothly. The general admission refused. that repub- - placed at Ludwig Baege, Supt. children 1 R1 1 1 1 Ml HOG FENCE, in. WEB in. high. WIRE ORNAMENTAL Steel Steel We ture Fencing, your Catalogue De I0Q For Wilcox friends pair 85 T., the the her at Dept. the evening the the you tne per at left some iat the further has and vacant, bill her yuaigeu. employ Wilcox 30 32 10 for you pne and the inch lately ing to about the for the by the the ever everything the the lican only body that recognjges the of the old soldier and family, again 'made application tp the present administration, and the proofs being appli- - cation promptly Don't they City Hats for $2.00 every warranted at the Dept. , Kimball made to be shifted the Third to the Second Fair Virginia" will be for theatre m Savage WE LEAD! & & OTHERS TRY TO FOIXGW. Oar competitors acknowledge that sell goods close. You all pay the whether you are a responsible or not, and all pay cash. Cash is what makes prices. ... Notions and Fur- nishing Goods Dept. 3 spools o thread for 10c Embroidery Silk 10c a Hump hooks and eyes,2 cards for oc Buttermilk soap 5c a bar "Vaseline 5c a bottle Twin dress stays 5c a set Ladies' mitts 8c a pair Ladies vests 3 for 10c Men's quality, 25 cents. No allowed the tip- - nnirl for, and that for cash If are not satisfied with our after taking them bring them back and get NORTH COUNCIL At the of the council last evening all members but Tracy were The first official act the bond Vroman Chev- - their Store. The reason Store. what The close "For dozen good J I t- - the The bond is in the sum of one hundred dollars and the sureties are James Belton and H. S. White. The mayor appointed the several who will serve during the fiscal year. The court fee bill in the case of the city the water company was to the proper without by the The costs in the case of Mrs. C. L. amounting to $154.54 approved. WilCOX . . n--t i ? 1 I x is case wncrein worses were impounded under a city ordi- nance, and later the animals were sold to Mr. Patter- son. Mrs. Savage the stock, and in the suit which fol lowed the city council by agreed to back Mr. Patterson in order that the validity ot the ordi nance might be tested. Sav age won the case and the costs taxed to The latter also presented bill the amount he paid for the animals and the cost of them, which amounted to kome 565. This latter bill was referred to the claims. After considerable was to allow dog owners to work out the dog tax, or have one the for them. work mist be performed be tween the day of May the day of The city treasurer his which was re red to the An ordinance certain sections oi tue now in force the of was read for the first time upon motion referred back that city route eitlier appointed or dis- - to the city for Buy The that hat goers. 20th The council was of the opinion that the new ordinance improve ment over the one in force. Iouis Peterson made that while he had put up a bond herder, others the voca- tion had not done so. Mr. Peterson was told that he could file informa tion the parties complained of if he so desired. The Telegraph awarded the the at legal the other publishers not careing to make a bid. warrant for in favor of W. M. Cunningham superintendent of Mrs. Fannie Brooks, widow of companv, was ordered W. M. Brooks, and nptjl a drawn on the water fund. -- resident of Nichols precinct, was on The tnayqj: gave no evidence of Garlichs. operetta I May 6th granted a pension of $8 per desire to a marshal, and month and back amount- - the council then gorgeous a ile patronage. T. $500. of Harrison's an pension, but that ad a matter and ficials. pleasing that witnessed. as were apparent- - rehearsals pensions say STEEL Steel Steel party is the political rights his lFs-Brook- s correct, the was granted. forget sell Queen Store. has trom district. treat we same party underwear, CITY referred council. nis tue aud Mrs. were on it some work This and first let to and en no as in ing as low A $300 The ''JOE FAIR Our patrons of the theatre may rest assured that in Buss play "For Fair Virginia" they will find at the opera house onTursday, May 20, an entertainment of strik- ing merit and interest. From the time of its production in the spring of 1895 at the 5th Ave. Theater, JNew lork.-i- t lias been acted more than 450 times and has never tailed to win general and critical favor. The action opens peace fully and quietly in the of a plantation. The sound of songs frpm the negro coms from belling tlje scenes vqth the and of birds. and divide the first acts; the wooing of a southern lover and a northern girl: the part? ing between a northern man, who can no longer hesitate to answer the call of the Union, and his south- ern wife, passionately devoted to the cause of her people. The cur- tain falls on the husband's his farewell message, given and not to his wife but. to their little boy. 4 -- 4s & -- THIS PEOTBS IT: vr. Crockery Dept. Dinner plates 35c a set crocks 10c jugs 11c Tumblers 20c a set Hardware Dept. Army axle crease, 2 boxes for 15c Genuine Glidden barb wire per hundred. Western washers 3.00 12-qua- rt galvanized pails 20c goods leave house trial ham" hp.p.n One price only. you your money. THE WILCOX DEPARTMENT PLATTB, NEBRASKA. FH0CEEDIHGS. meeting" present. committees against commit- tee against Patterson, decided annual finance ordinance one-thir- d Humor pathos Miss Annie Dodge, dress maker who had in town for several weeks, returned to Omaha Mrs. A. F. Streitz and children returned Friday night from their visit in Illinois and is again himself. F. M. Brooks, late editor of the Review, is in town. He has not fully decided whether he will remain in Lincoln county. -- A half dozen or more teachers were in from the country Saturday taking an examination before Co. Supt. Franklin. Lace Curtains at the was DeDt. Store. n. advertised resolution Patterson. covering keeping committee discussion perform- - August. presented statement, committee. amending relating obstruction sidewalks, attorney engaged against the'watef a presents nominate displays, payment granting Knowing Wilcox Brakeman aoDlication a a yiBGnflA.'J Whytal's dooryard quarter? whistling singing depart- ure, directly, Alexander Hershey precincts Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Letts ar- rived from Iowa the latter part of the week and will visit their son Fred Letts and his wife through the summer. Judge Grimes and Reoorter L Scharmann left the latter part of the week for the northwest part of the district, where the Judge is this week holding court. Buggies for sale at very low prices by Joseph Hershey. The effects of the recent frost upon the fruit trees was not so dis- astrous as was at first supposed. From what we can learn about one-ha- lf the fruit upon the. trees uninjured. Messrs. McGinness and John- son, of Blaine precinct, were in town yesterday. They report corn growing in good shape in that section and wheat looking fairlv .o J well. A nice large faniily iorse, good driver and gentle, will be sold cheap. Max BEpR. B. C. Howard, U. P. foreman at Grand Island, accompanied bv his wife, came up Friday night to attend the banquet tendered grand chief Arthur, of the B. of L. K. They returned home Sunday morn ing. Bishop Graves, of the Episco pal of the Platte, will sail on June 19th for England to attenp: what is known as the Lam- -' beth Conference. The Bishop's stay in England will be brjef, as the duties of the Jurisdiction de- mand almost bis full time, Buy your Team Harness contract for doing city publish-- ! of the WilcoxDept. Store. rate, both Virginia 32.25 been Mrs. Mrs. John Keliher, who re- turned from a visit with her son John in St. Louis, reports having had a delightful trip and is in love with that southern metropolis. She tound her son in excellent health and well pleased with his position and life in St. Louis. W. H. Jones, the Grand Island florist, will be here this week to a take orders for fjowerjng plants. A nunjber of our citizens have pur chased plants pf Mr. Jones, and they have found them just as rep resented- - If you have contemplated sending an order, wait until you see Mr. Jones. Smoke Wright's Havana Rose nt cigar. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hastings left morning for the east. Mr. H. goes to Hot Springs, Ark., to take baths for rheumatism, with which he has been troubled more or less for some time. Mrs. Hastings will visit friends at Milwaukee dur ing bew s absence at tue sprjngs, which wjl be thirty days' duration. J. H. Johnspn, ot: made this office a business call Satr urday, and gave out the ipfprma-tio- n that, commencing this week, Sutherland will have a newspaper. The Hershey Revigw plant has been purchased and moved there, and the paper will be edited by Chas. Purnell. It will be it W Alligator wrench las iy Best spring hinges for screen v doors 10c a pair, with screws. ii Screen door springs. .. 10c -- T- -- Harness M( Line snaps 2c -- - Breast snaps oc W Roller snaps 10c Hame staples 2 for 5c Hame clips 2 for 5c W Bridles 50c ii Leathercollars Sl.CO "J- - Single harness $150 W to on without goods home, examination replevined was complaint was the yesterday. was Jurisdiction yesterday' Sutherland, Dept. TORE. I Isaac Watts, of Corning, Iowa, visited his mother in this citj- - for a day or two last week, returning home Sunday. Sweat Pads, both wiiite and brown and white, at the Wilcox Dept. Store at 20 cent3 each. Miss Irene Swarthouthas been-selecte- d as Junior Endeavordelegatc to the C. E. convention which meets in Julesburg next Friday. Mrs. M. Breternitz moved her household goods yesterday to tho. farm of her son Will northeast ol town, and will spend the summer there. Her house in town will be occupied by Geo. M. Graham, of the yellow front shoe store. Boston Hubbev Hose 12 1- -2 eents a foot at the Wileo Dept. Store. The case ot J. W. Alexander, of this city, against M. Meyer, of Gothenburg, for the possession of a timber claim near the latter place, was last week decided in favor of Meyer by the county judge of Daw- son county. Mr. Alexander has. appealed to the interior department at Washington. C. F. Iddings of North Platte, was in town Saturday and sold to C. C. Banks a car load of North Platte flour. Mr. Banks handles the North Platte flour exclusively and has succeeded in building up a large trade for it in a short time, which result is justly merited by the quality of the flour and the gentlemanly treatment accorded ' by Mr. Banks to his patrons- - Cozad Tribune. Buy your Ice Cream Freezers at the Wilcox Dept. Store. They handle the White Mountain, the best on earth. A recent issue of the New York Telegram says: The social events of the week were not of a stirring nature. Several weddinge were cel- ebrated which claimed a certain amount of attraction from societv: there were also luncheons and din- ners and receptions and the Wild West Show at the Madison Square Garden, which has been particularly lavorea oy tne attendance of fash: ionable people, both at afternoon and evening performances. Indeed the patronage ot fashionable pepr pie at the performances of Buffalo Bill's organization has been little less than remarkable, as at every ex- hibition the boxes and choice seats have been occupied by men and wo- men who are regarded as steller lights in the world of fashion. As a result of these gatherings late sup pers at the Delmonico's and the Waldorf have been almost nightlv occurence. Genuine Glidden barb wire $2.25 per hundred at The WilcoxDept. Store. IF YOU WANT TQ BUY a poorly inade refrigerator and " pay the ice man the price of a good one we hayen't wijat yoi want. If you want the best there is made and that runs with the least ice, IT JSi THE SIBERIA, . Ask your neighbors about them. r 3?or sale by -- The Wilcox Dept. Store.

WSf Chamber Suit three DOLLAES? WE LEAD! TRY€¦ · Tomn and County flews.-- Mrs. A. Armstrong gave a coin plimenlary dinner Sunday to Grand Chief Arthur, and Messrs. Fikes and Vroman

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Page 1: WSf Chamber Suit three DOLLAES? WE LEAD! TRY€¦ · Tomn and County flews.-- Mrs. A. Armstrong gave a coin plimenlary dinner Sunday to Grand Chief Arthur, and Messrs. Fikes and Vroman

Tomn and County flews.-- !

Mrs. A. Armstrong gave a coinplimenlary dinner Sunday to GrandChief Arthur, and Messrs. Fikesand Vroman.

Get The Wilcox Dept. Store's keg- -

price on nails.Calvin Kose, to whom reference

was made last week, is reportedby the physicians to be somewhatimproved to-da- y.

A band of gypsies, consistingof three men and four women, havebeen camped at the stock yards forseveral days past.

Best Oil, in60 cents a gallon, at theStore.

grade Harness bulk,Wilcox Dept.

v. Tom $rown appeared onthe streets to-d- ay with his new express wagon, and is as happy as aboy with his first pair of boots.

C. h. Patterson returned Sunday night from the Birdwood. Hewill have the H. & P. ditch completed in a few more days,

Bay your Overalls of theWileo Dept. Store.

Miss Alice Barraclough, whohad been visiting-- her brother Fred

' for several days past, returned toLaramie Saturday night.

A carload of elk enroute from"Wyoming to Sioux City passed east3'esterday morning. They will beplaced in the park in that city.

The committees appointed tomake arrangements for the bicyclemeet to be held next week are outthis afternoon seeing1 what can bedone in regard to the matter.

The section between Hersheyand Kimball was visited by a rainSunday night, and last night therewas evidence of a heavy rain northof us. Our turn will come next.

All members of the Home For-um are earnestly requested to beon hand at the meeting1 next Thurs-day evening", as special businesswill be considered. By order of thePresident.

See the 1897 style Shirt Waists atthe Wilcox Sept. Store.

The room to be occupied bythe Sparling-- saloon is being re-

paired and the proprietor expectsto be ready for business next Sat-

urday. Mr. Sparling and his as-

sistant arrived in town Saturday.Our Keen Cutter Lawn Mowers

at $6.50 to $9.00 are the cheapesthigh grade machines on the marketto-da- y. Barb wire $2.45 per hun-dred, wire nails 2Kcens a pound.

Harrington & Tobin.Attend the railroad social at

Keith's hall this (Tuesday) even-

ing". Those who purchase a ticketover the new road wiil have a mostenjoyable trip and receive severaltimes the worth of their money.

Ply nets, all kinds and prices, atThe Wilcox Sept. Store.

Business is so quiet in JudgeRay's court that the Judg-- thinkshe might as well take a vacationtill business improves. Business,however, in his court goes by fitsand starts, one week may be busyand the next supreme quietudeprevails.

jp or .kent liooa nouse; sevenrooms, nice shade trees, city waterOne block from brick school.

T. C. Patterson.A telegram- - received from Coun

cil Bluffs this forenoon after thedeparture of No. 2 announced thatMrs. Graves, mother of Lon, Frankand Mrs. Eells, is very sick. Thetwo former will go down to-nig-

Morris Fowler has sold severalbead of horses and mules toHarrington Bros., of Missouri, whohave been in this section for several days past The prices obtainedwere such as to make Morris, who

-- is a democrat, believe that the election of McKinley was a goodmove.

Western Washers $3 at the WilcoxSept. Store.

" When you want to buy gardenhose buy the best Boston BeltingGo's, goods sold by Harrington &Tobin at 124 cent a foot and if youare a good responsible man we donot exact spot cash, although thisprice is as low as that quoted bythe cash stores.

The weather forecast: Showersand probably thunder storms thisafternoon and to-nig- ht and cooler.Wednesday, showers and cooler.

The maximum temperature yesterday at North Platte was 79 degrees,minimum in past 24 hours 58. Forthe same period and time one yearago the maximum temperature was78 degrees, minimum 48.

Sny your Hubber Hose of the Wil-

cox Dept. Store. They handle nothingbut guaranteed quality.

Wiper's Union No. 1 roundhouse employes is holding its first.annual picnic to-da- y at Five Pointsformerly known as Struthers grove.The boys chartered TomBrown's carryall and left at halfpast eight this morning well sup-

plied with provisions, etcetera, thelatter in bulk. Athletic gameswere to be the principal means ot

"amusement i

WSf a 0new Chamber Suit pieces- FOJR TEjNT DOLLAES?

I presume you would. We cannot sell you one for that moneybut you can purchase a good one for a little more money. Wehave the finest line of FURNITURE ever shown in the city. Calland see our new Couches and Lounges. We have something cheapin an extension table, and our dining room Chairs are the bestmade for the money.


! Great Slaughter Sale& at the Jennie Dept. Store.


Beginning to-da- y, we are going to give you the greatest ShoeSale of the age. "We have determined to close out our entire shoestock, regardless ot cost to make room for other goods. Thesegoods must be sold at once,-- and you can get the benefit.

LOOK AT OUR PEICES.-O- ur immense lino of 85 French KidShoes at S3.25, pointed and coin toe. Our S French Kid Shoe for 82.75.Our 83.50 Shoe at 82.50. Our 83.00 Shoo at S2.00. Our 82 50 Shoe at 81.50.An immense line of Shoes that sold at 82 and 82.25, to close at $1.15. Inchildren's shoes we will sell you the best school shoe, from 8 to 12, at 81.00per pair. These shoes were formerly SI. 50. We will sell you 12 to 2 for81.15, goods we sold at 81.75. We give you the same reduction in men'sshoes also. Remember the shoes must be closed out at once, and regard-less of cost.

We will also give you 25 cents worth of tinware free of chargewttu every dollar s worth you purchase m the store, includingDry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, curtains, or with anything pur--chased from us.

The Rennie Department Store.

A. F. Parsons went to Ogalallalast evening- - on legal business.

Mr. and Mrs Frank Simpsonare home from a brief visit in theeastern part of the state.

Mrs. Claude Weingand returned Saturday night from hereastern visit much improved inhealth.

Screen Doors, all kinds, at theWilcox Dept. Store.

Dr. C. M.Duncan returned Sunday night from a visit to his farmnear Lincoln. He wasaccompaneidnorae by nis niece, Miss 1illianDuncan.


PRESENTS.3ffje are showing a fine line

of goods suitable forwedding presents. The stockincludes many articles toomany to mention in this space.If you are in search of some-

thing in this line, and do notknow just what you want,visit our store and perhaps wecan assist jou in the selection .


D. Jackson, the new lesseeof the Pacific Hotel, is to com-

mended for purchasing his suppliesin this city. It means just thatmuch more trade for our home merchants. Heretofore nearly all thesupplies for the hotel were pur-chased in Omaha.

Busfgy harness from $4.50 per setnp at The Wilcox Dept. Store. -

At a business meeting of theBaptist congregation Sunday Rev,Clark, of Omana. presiding it wasdecided to issue a call to Rev. F.M. Williams, of Lincoln, to act aspastor for the local church. It isthought Rev. "Williams will accent.

At the meeting of the HighSchool Alumni Association Saturday evening Miss Eunnice Babbittwas elected president, Miss IdaVonGoetz vice-preside- nt, MabelGoozee secretary and Geo. A. Mc--Michael treasurer. The associa-tion will tender a banquet to theclass of '97 on Saturday evening,June 5th.

Poultry Netting 1- -2 cent asquare loot at tne WilcoxDept. Store,


Memorial Day exercises at FortMcPherson national cemeterv will

held on Monday, May 31st., be



beginning at one o'clock p. m. Re-

freshment stands will be near the

of three

--A party of fishermen went



to lake and caught keen the memabout 200 fish, mostly bullheads

Kails, 6 d to 20 d, 2 1-- 2 cents apound at The Wilcox Dept. Store.

The members of the Cody Guardhave received their back pay forservices at the encampment lastyear. The amount due was$143.64.

A. F. Streitz has sold to JohnP. Noehrn, formerly of this city butnow of Gold Hill, Col., a soda ap-paratus and several gallons ofsyrups used in making soda water.

Ladies' Kid Gloves, allkinds, at the Wilcox Dept.Store.




them their




Eagle Bicycles, model,Gent's

The Dept.




anuualLrarueld institute be

Garfieldmorning afternoon.

served. Twofrom

state are expected be presentdehvsr addresses,

be localmembers.


Butterflies'Carnival," be

Tuesday eveningdirection

cos-tumes. There are thirty-fiv- e


be mostproduction

reserved seats50 25

1 1 Mi H4ffl4-H- 4

Mil- -


FENCE BOARD and STRIP. Posts,and and Tomato

line and andtQnce jj

Sale The Department-Store- .





Mrs. Stoddard oflace, has been visitingKorth

days past.Patterson has accepted

invitation deliver addressat Lexington Memorial

Mr. Mrs. O. E. Hughes re-

turned Saturday night from a briefvisit with Mr. H's parents

theLadies' Hose at theDept. Store.

Mrs. Field, mother of Georgein

night passwith

Charley Whalen, has beenvisiting North Platte friendsseveral weeks, expects to return toCripple Creek

Shavely, pastor of M.E. church, preach Memor-ial Ladies of G.A. R. Sunday, 30th.

Gentlemen buy your Shirts fiaiiu unuerwear une

Store.members of Rebekah Lodge

are requested be present at(Tuesday for

staff drill. order of Cap-

tain.Margaret Gilman entertainedNinth grade literary society

Friday evening last, at-

tendants one of their usualpleasant sessions.

Wilcox Dept. sellsleather width want,

W. was was approving of Mayor

enne yesterday attending aof B. L. E. of city,

having--a special invitationoccasion of Chief Ar

visitbrigade has recentlv

Siebold's Sunday organized youngcongrega-

tion, with Captain Hamiltonmilitaryhave Thursdayevening.

Machine Oilthe Store

Knights Templar at-

tend services Episcopalchurch in a body Ascension

decision havingreached a of

commandery Friday evening ofweek.

Window all qualities,the

President McKinlev sent n Mr. and J.special message to congress yester- - Saturday night River,

recommending appropria- - Wyo., where assume550,000 relieve desti- - management of the Union Pacific

tution of the 600 who Hotel. wishes otare suffering in Cuba of North Platte accompanthe to new

The mavor has received a letter it you want a s00 saddle Sa Denver party asking Wilcox Dept.

arrangements could be made 1HE --Libdne is informedexhibition game of between the f best attorneys in

and the champion existing conditions,of Colorado. The mayor Platte has no legal marshal,

ferred letter to Haley. and tlie individual filling

1897$39.50, Ladies' $40.50.

At Wilcox Store.The Omaha World-Heral- d of

published an item stating Mrs. Bedell, wife of C



beV. of this citv. had lir m

tirW and Mayin lie

trom the and wasthere she could telegraph


The meeting of thefarmers will

held at Saturday, May 22d,both and A bas-ket dinner willspeakers the eastern part ofthe toaud and shorttalks will made by

your Straw of Wilcox Dept.

--Titania, or thewill given at opera

house on ofweek, the of Prof.

songs andchar

in the cast, bychorus of voices. Thiswill the juven

ever given in the city,

is 35 cents,j cents, cents.

I iI

I 1

CABLED 24 in. to 68 in. POULTRYFENCE, 24 in. to 68 high. STEEL FENCE, to SO

Rail, Gates Tree, Flower Guards. manufaca of Wire Gates Posts, solicit

KaU ? jj-


Geo. C. WalPlatte


an to anDay.



Try 3 for centsWilcox

arrived city Saturdayand will summer



to-nig- ht.

Rev. thewill the

sermon for theMay



hall thisBy

onand the


The Storein any strip

eo. inmeet- - J

ing the of thatto at-

tend on thethur's there.

A boys'cj J

byoers ot

asinstructor. boys will

drill next

Best Grade Castor 35cgallon at Wilcox

willat the

on DayMay thisbeen meeting the


Shades, atWilcox Dept.

Mrs.for Green

the they willtion of to the

best manyby friends

war. home.


for an byball tlie town

club tliat imder t??e

club re- - Norththe the





18 in.



position nas no legal rightmake an arrest or performduties of the office, Itinformed by a prominent citizen

as no appointment beenmade, the office is therefore

an injunction will issuedBedell, lnsh case Morgan presents a

purse containing- - her llis services from 1st tomoney, while nie is correction








- 3 T 1 1 i fin tne meantime itdesire to have any arretted,you had better tlje seryicesof a constable, thus be onsafe side.

Dept. StoreSells You:

20 Screen Wire22212G




- 9-- 11- 12

" " - 12K" - 13

" " - 15"

cents per yard


Either Green or Black.






bewildering spectacular adjourned.fascinating



During latter part administra-tion Mrs. Brooks made appli-cation aministration came to before

was reached of--

will undoubtedly be the most The application was renewedentertainment our under Cleveland administration,

people have Those ut those officialswho have attended recent adverse to to

that passes off very the deserving, application wassmoothly. The general admission refused. that repub- -

placed atLudwig Baege, Supt. children

1 R11 1 1


in. WEB in.high. WIRE ORNAMENTAL Steel Steel

Weture Fencing, yourCatalogue De I0Q

For Wilcox


pair 85

T., thethe























and the



ing to about the


the by the


everything thethe

lican onlybody that recognjges the ofthe old soldier and family,

again 'made application tpthe present administration, andthe proofs being appli- -

cation promptlyDon't they

City Hats for $2.00every warranted at the

Dept. ,

Kimball madeto be shifted the

Third to the Second

Fair Virginia" will befor theatre




Oar competitors acknowledge that sell goods close. You allpay the whether you are a responsible or not,and all pay cash. Cash is what makes prices. ...

Notions and Fur-nishing Goods Dept.3 spools o thread for 10cEmbroidery Silk 10c aHump hooks and eyes,2 cards for ocButtermilk soap 5c a bar"Vaseline 5c a bottleTwin dress stays 5c a setLadies' mitts 8c a pairLadies vests 3 for 10cMen's quality,

25 cents.

No allowed the tip- - nnirlfor, and that for cash If are not satisfied with ourafter taking them bring them back and get



At the of the councillast evening all members but Tracywere The first official act

the bondVroman Chev- -










J I t--


The bond is in the sum ofone hundred dollars and the suretiesare James Belton and H. S. White.

The mayor appointed the severalwho will serve during

the fiscal year.The court fee bill in the case of

the city the water companywas to the proper

without by the

The costs in the case of Mrs.C. L.

amounting to $154.54 approved. WilCOX. .n--t i ? 1 I

x is case wncrein worseswere impounded under a city ordi-nance, and later the animals were

sold to Mr. Patter-son. Mrs. Savage thestock, and in the suit which followed the city council byagreed to back Mr. Patterson inorder that the validity ot the ordinance might be tested. Savage won the case and the costs

taxed to Thelatter also presented billthe amount he paid for the animalsand the cost of them, whichamounted to kome 565. This latterbill was referred to the

claims.After considerable

was to allow dog owners towork out the dog tax, or haveone the for them.

work mist be performed between the day of May the

day ofThe city treasurer his

which was rered to the

An ordinance certainsections oi tue now inforce the of

was read for the firsttime upon motion referred back

that city route eitlier appointed or dis- - to the city for







The council was of the opinion thatthe new ordinance improvement over the one in force.

Iouis Peterson madethat while he had put up a bondherder, others the voca-

tion had not done so. Mr. Petersonwas told that he could file information the parties complainedof if he so desired.

The Telegraph awarded thethe

at legal the otherpublishers not careing to make

a bid.warrant for in favor of W.

M. Cunningham superintendent ofMrs. Fannie Brooks, widow of companv, was ordered

W. M. Brooks, and nptjl a drawn on the water fund. --

resident of Nichols precinct, was on The tnayqj: gave no evidence ofGarlichs. operetta I May 6th granted a pension of $8 per desire to a marshal, and

month and back amount- - the council thengorgeous





$500.of Harrison's

anpension, but that ad


and ficials.pleasing that

witnessed. as were apparent- -

rehearsals pensionssay

STEELSteel Steel

party is the politicalrights

his lFs-Brook- s

correct, thewas granted.

forget sellQueen




wesame party





nis tue















lowA $300


''JOE FAIROur patrons of the theatre may

rest assured that in Bussplay "For Fair Virginia" they willfind at the opera house onTursday,May 20, an entertainment of strik-ing merit and interest. From thetime of its production in the springof 1895 at the 5th Ave. Theater,JNew lork.-i- t lias been acted morethan 450 times and has never tailedto win general and criticalfavor. The action opens peacefully and quietly in the ofa plantation. The soundof songs frpm the negrocoms from belling tlje scenes vqththe and of birds.

and divide the firstacts; the wooing of a southernlover and a northern girl: the part?ing between a northern man, whocan no longer hesitate to answerthe call of the Union, and his south-ern wife, passionately devoted tothe cause of her people. The cur-tain falls on the husband's

his farewell message, givenand not to his wife but. totheir little boy.

4 --4s &


Crockery Dept.Dinner plates 35c a set

crocks 10cjugs 11c

Tumblers 20c a set

Hardware Dept.Army axle crease, 2 boxes for 15cGenuine Glidden barb wire

per hundred.Western washers 3.0012-qua- rt galvanized pails 20c

goods leave house trial ham" hp.p.nOne price only. you

your money.







against Patterson,




one-thir- d

Humor pathos

Miss Annie Dodge, dressmaker who had in town forseveral weeks, returned to Omaha

Mrs. A. F. Streitz and childrenreturned Friday night from theirvisit in Illinois and isagain himself.

F. M. Brooks, late editor of theReview, is in town. He

has not fully decided whether hewill remain in Lincoln county.

--A half dozen or more teacherswere in from the countrySaturday taking an examinationbefore Co. Supt. Franklin.

Lace Curtains at thewas DeDt. Store.n.







perform- -




relating obstructionsidewalks,





apresents nominate

displays, payment











whistling singing






Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Letts ar-rived from Iowa the latter part ofthe week and will visit their sonFred Letts and his wife throughthe summer.

Judge Grimes and ReoorterL

Scharmann left the latter part ofthe week for the northwest part ofthe district, where the Judge isthis week holding court.

Buggies for sale at very lowprices by Joseph Hershey.

The effects of the recent frostupon the fruit trees was not so dis-astrous as was at first supposed.From what we can learn about one-ha- lf

the fruit upon the. treesuninjured.

Messrs. McGinness and John-son, of Blaine precinct, were intown yesterday. They reportcorn growing in good shape in thatsection and wheat looking fairlv. o Jwell.

A nice large faniily iorse, gooddriver and gentle, will be sold cheap.

Max BEpR.B. C. Howard, U. P. foreman

at Grand Island, accompanied bvhis wife, came up Friday night toattend the banquet tendered grandchief Arthur, of the B. of L. K.They returned home Sunday morning.

Bishop Graves, of the Episcopal of the Platte, willsail on June 19th for England toattenp: what is known as the Lam- -'

beth Conference. The Bishop'sstay in England will be brjef, asthe duties of the Jurisdiction de-

mand almost bis full time,Buy your Team Harness

contract for doing city publish-- ! of the WilcoxDept. Store.rate,






Mrs. John Keliher, who re-

turned from a visit with her sonJohn in St. Louis, reports havinghad a delightful trip and is in lovewith that southern metropolis. Shetound her son in excellent healthand well pleased with his positionand life in St. Louis.

W. H. Jones, the Grand Islandflorist, will be here this week to


take orders for fjowerjng plants.A nunjber of our citizens have purchased plants pf Mr. Jones, andthey have found them just as represented- - If you have contemplatedsending an order, wait until you seeMr. Jones.

Smoke Wright's Havana Rosent cigar.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hastings leftmorning for the east.

Mr. H. goes to Hot Springs, Ark.,to take baths for rheumatism, withwhich he has been troubled more orless for some time. Mrs. Hastingswill visit friends at Milwaukee during bew s absence at tue sprjngs,which wjl be thirty days' duration.

J. H. Johnspn, ot:

made this office a business call Satrurday, and gave out the ipfprma-tio-n

that, commencing this week,Sutherland will have a newspaper.The Hershey Revigw plant hasbeen purchased and moved there,and the paper will be edited byChas. Purnell. It will be


WAlligator wrench las iyBest spring hinges for screen v

doors 10c a pair, with screws. iiScreen door springs. .. 10c -- T-

-- Harness M(

Line snaps 2c -- -

Breast snaps oc WRoller snaps 10cHame staples 2 for 5cHame clips 2 for 5c WBridles 50c iiLeathercollars Sl.CO "J--Single harness $150 W

to on withoutgoods















I Isaac Watts, of Corning, Iowa,visited his mother in this citj-- for aday or two last week, returninghome Sunday.

Sweat Pads, both wiiite and brownand white, at the Wilcox Dept. Storeat 20 cent3 each.

Miss Irene Swarthouthas been-selecte- d

as Junior Endeavordelegatcto the C. E. convention which meetsin Julesburg next Friday.

Mrs. M. Breternitz moved herhousehold goods yesterday to tho.farm of her son Will northeast oltown, and will spend the summerthere. Her house in town will beoccupied by Geo. M. Graham, of theyellow front shoe store.

Boston Hubbev Hose 12 1- -2

eents a foot at the WileoDept. Store.

The case ot J. W. Alexander, ofthis city, against M. Meyer, ofGothenburg, for the possession of atimber claim near the latter place,was last week decided in favor ofMeyer by the county judge of Daw-son county. Mr. Alexander has.appealed to the interior departmentat Washington.

C. F. Iddings of North Platte,was in town Saturday and sold toC. C. Banks a car load of NorthPlatte flour. Mr. Banks handlesthe North Platte flour exclusivelyand has succeeded in building up alarge trade for it in a short time,which result is justly merited bythe quality of the flour and thegentlemanly treatment accorded '

by Mr. Banks to his patrons- -Cozad Tribune.

Buy your Ice CreamFreezers at the Wilcox Dept.Store. They handle theWhite Mountain, the best onearth.

A recent issue of the New YorkTelegram says: The social eventsof the week were not of a stirringnature. Several weddinge were cel-

ebrated which claimed a certainamount of attraction from societv:there were also luncheons and din-ners and receptions and the WildWest Show at the Madison SquareGarden, which has been particularlylavorea oy tne attendance of fash:ionable people, both at afternoonand evening performances. Indeedthe patronage ot fashionable peprpie at the performances of BuffaloBill's organization has been littleless than remarkable, as at every ex-hibition the boxes and choice seatshave been occupied by men and wo-men who are regarded as stellerlights in the world of fashion. As aresult of these gatherings late suppers at the Delmonico's and theWaldorf have been almost nightlvoccurence.

Genuine Glidden barb wire $2.25per hundred at The WilcoxDept. Store.

IF YOU WANT TQ BUYa poorly inade refrigerator and "pay the ice man the price of agood one we hayen't wijat yoiwant. If you want the bestthere is made and that runswith the least ice,



Ask your neighbors about them. r

3?or sale by

--The Wilcox Dept. Store.