WS-Resource Framework Adam Belloum Computer Architecture & Parallel Systems group University of Amsterdam [email protected]

WS-Resource Framework

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WS-Resource Framework. Adam Belloum Computer Architecture & Parallel Systems group University of Amsterdam [email protected]. GT1. GT2. OGSI. Started far apart in apps & tech. Have been converging. ?. WSDL 2, WSDM. WSDL, WS-*. HTTP. Grid and Web Services: Convergence?. Grid. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: WS-Resource Framework

WS-Resource Framework

Adam Belloum

Computer Architecture & Parallel Systems group

University of Amsterdam

[email protected]

Page 2: WS-Resource Framework

Grid and Web Services: Convergence?Grid and Web Services: Convergence?



However, despite enthusiasm for OGSI, adoption within Web community turned out to be problematic

Started far apart in apps & tech








Have beenconverging ?

“WS-Resource Framework: Globus Alliance Perspectives” I. Foster

Page 3: WS-Resource Framework

Grid and Web Services:Grid and Web Services:Convergence: Yes!Convergence: Yes!



The definition of WSRF means that Grid and Web communities can move forward on a common base


Started far apart in apps & tech








Have beenconverging

“WS-Resource Framework: Globus Alliance Perspectives” I. Foster

Page 4: WS-Resource Framework

Web Service and State

• Web service interfaces frequently provide a user with the ability to access and manipulate state

– Message exchanges that Web services implement are frequently intended to enable access to stateful resources.

• However, the notion of stateful resources acted upon by the Web

service implementation is not explicit in the interface definition.

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Web Service and State

• It is desirable to define Web service conventions to enable:– the discovery of, introspection on, and interaction with

stateful resources in standard and interoperable ways.

• WS-Resource is approach to modeling state in a Web services context

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Web Service and State

• A WS-Resource is defined as the composition of a Web service and a S-Resource – Expressed as an association of an XML document with defined type

with a Web services portType

– Addressed and accessed according to the implied resource pattern, • a conventional use of WS-Addressing endpoint references

• In the implied resource pattern, a S-Resource identifier is encapsulated in an endpoint reference

• to identify the S-Resource to be used in the execution of a Web service message exchange.

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WS-Resource Framework

• WS-Resource framework allows WS-Resources to be– declared, created, accessed, monitored for change, and

destroyed via conventional Web services mechanisms,

• but – does not require that the WS component of the WS-Resource

to be implemented as a stateful message processor.

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The five specification composing the WSRF

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Service Composition




Quality ofExperience(QoX)



SOAPXML WS-Addressing WS-Renewable References

WS-Metadata ExchangeWS-Policy

WS-Service Group

WS-Resource Properties



WS-Reliable Messaging WS-Transaction

WS-Resource Lifetime

WS-Base Faults

WS-Notification BPEL4WS

How these proposals relates to other Web services standards:

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Renewable References

• The WS-RenewableReferences work defines mechanisms that can be used to renew an endpoint reference that has become invalid.

• These mechanisms can be applied to any endpoint reference, but are particularly useful – For endpoint reference that refers to a WS-Resource, – as it can provide a persistent and stable reference to the WS-Resource

that can allow the same state to be accessed repeatedly over time.

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Renewable References

• A WS-Addressing endpoint reference may contain – not only addressing – policy information concerning interactions with the service.

• Typically, endpoint references are constructed by an authoritative source of the addressing and policy information.

• An endpoint reference made available to a client represents a copy of that information– at some point, become incoherent due to changes introduced by the

authoritative source that effects the endpoint location and/or the policy

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Service Groups

• The WS-ServiceGroup specification defines a means of representing and managing heterogeneous by-reference collections of Web services.

– organize collections of WS-Resources, for example to build registries

– build services that can perform collective operations on a collection of WS-Resources.

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Service Groups

• The ServiceGroup specification express ServiceGroup:– membership rules, – Membership constraints – classifications.

• Groups can be defined.

• using the resource property model from WS-ResourceProperties

• as a collection of members that meet the constraints of the group as expressed through resource properties

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Base Faults

• The WS-BaseFaults specification defines a base fault type for use when returning faults in a Web services message exchange.

• Used by all of the other WS-Resource framework specifications to bring consistency to the faults returned by the operations including– consistent reporting of faults relating to WS-Resource definition

and use.

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• WS-Notification, defines a general, topic based WS system for (pub/sub) interactions that builds on the WS-Resource framework.

• From the perspective of WS-Notification – WS-Resource framework provides useful building blocks for

representing and structuring notifications.

• From the perspective of the WS-Resource framework, – WS-Notification specifications extends WS-Resources by allowing

requestors to ask to be asynchronously notified of changes to resource property value

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Modeling Stateful Resources with Web Services

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Possible association between State and

Services• A stateless service implements

– message exchanges with no access or use of information not contained in the input message

• A conversational service implements– a series of operations such that the result of one operation depends on

a prior operation and/or prepares for a subsequent operation

• A service that acts upon stateful resources– access to, or manipulates a set of logical stateful resources based on

messages it sends and receives.

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Stateless Implementations, Stateful

Interfaces• A Service that acts upon stateful resources may be

described “stateless”

– if it delegates responsibility for the management of the state to another component.

• The service is responsible for the state of the resource between message exchanges

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A consequence of statelessness

• Any dynamic state needed for a given message-exchange execution must be:

– provided explicitly within the request message, whether

• directly by-value • indirectly by-reference maintained implicitly within other system

components with which the WS can interact.

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Modeling State in Web Services (WS-Resource)

• WS-Resource is composed of a Web service and a S-Resource

• S-Resource is used in the execution of Web service message exchanges

• WS-Resources can be created and destroyed

• S-Resource is associated with the interface of a WS to enable: well-formed queries against the state of a WS-Resource

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Modeling State: Stateful Resources

• A S-Resource is defined as having:

– specific set of state data expressible in XML format

– a well-defined lifecycle known to, and acted upon, by one or more Web services.

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How stateful resource is referred to by Web

services? The implied resource pattern refers to the mechanisms used to associate

– a S-Resource

– with the execution of message exchanges implemented by a Web Service.

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The Implied Resource Pattern

• Implied is used because the S-Resource associated with a message exchange is treated as implicit input for the execution of the message request.

– The Association of WS and S-Resource is either static or a dynamic. • Static if the association is made when the WS is deployed.• Dynamic if the association is made at time of message exchange

(S-Resource is encapsulated in the WS-Addressing endpoint reference).

• Pattern indicates that the relationship between WS and S-resources is

– codified by a set of conventions on existing WS technologies, in particular XML, WSDL, and WS-Addressing.

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• WS-Addressing standardizes – The endpoint reference used to represent the address of a WS.– endpoint contain metadata associated with the WS

• service description information• reference properties

• A WS-Addressing endpoint reference is an XML serialization of a network-wide pointer to a WS

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WS-Resource and WS-Addressing

• SW (2) returns an Endpoint reference to the requestor

• “C” is S-resource created

• SW (2) represents an explicit WS-Resource factory.

• The endpoint reference (3)

contains– Wsa:Address (4)

• refers to the network transport-specific address of the WS (URL).

• same address that would appear within a port element in a WSDL of the WS

– wsa:ReferencePropertie• contain an XML serialization

of a S-Resource identifier.

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WS-Resource and WS-Addressing

• S-Resource identifier– is meaningful only to the SW,

– used by the WS in an implementation-specific to identify the WS-Resource related S-Resource needed for the execution.

– should not be examined or interpreted by the service requestor’s applications

– Is represented using a service-specific XML element by XML serialization of the S-Resource

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WS-Resource and WS-Addressing

• S-Resource identifier – must identify a unique S-

Resource to be used the execution of the request message.

– the scope of the S-Resource identifier must be unique within the scope of the WS.

– multiple identifiers within the scope of a WS may refer to the same WS-Resource.

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WS-Resource-qualified endpoint reference

• the endpoint reference represents a pointer to the WS-Resource

• service requestor – must understand that the

endpoint reference refers to a WS-Resource.

– must recognize that the endpoint reference is a WS-Resource qualified endpoint reference.

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WS-Resource-qualified endpoint reference

• requestor use the endpoint reference (1) to send messages (2) to the identified SW(3)

• WS-Resource’s endpoint

reference contains a S-Resource identifier in its ReferenceProperties

• request message directed to the WS using that endpoint reference must include the S-Resource identifier.

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WS-Resource Relationship Cardinality

• A WS can execute message exchanges against:– zero – more S-Resources defined as instances of the resource property


• A single WS at a particular endpoint is associated with several individual S-Resources

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WS-Resource Relationship Cardinality (At the type level)

• WSDL 1.1 portType, defining the interface to a WS: – can be associated with at most one S-Resource property


– S-Resource property document can be associated with many portTypes.

– Any WS that implements a portType is by definition a WS associated with a S-Resource

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WS-Resource Encapsulation

• Strict encapsulation guarantees that encapsulated data can only be accessed through well defined operations.

• Data encapsulation facilitates the use of data without the user having to understand the details of the data implementation

• The implied resource pattern facilitates varying degrees of WS encapsulation of S-Resources.

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WS-Resource Lifecycle

The lifetime of a WS-Resource is defined as the period between its creation and its destruction.

1. WS-Resource creation using a WS-Resource factory

2. Assignment & use of the S-Resource identifier

3. destruction of a WS-Resource.

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WS-Resource Creation

• WS-Resource factory is any WS capable of creating a WS-Resource– creating a new S-Resource– assigning the new S-Resource an identity,– associating the new S-Resource and its WS.

• The response message of a WS-Resource factory operation contains– WS-Resource-qualified endpoint reference containing a S-

Resource identifier that refers to the new S-Resource

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WS-Resource Identity

• S-Resource has at least one form of identity that identifies S-Resource component within the WS-Resource composition.

• To a WS with a S-Resource is associated: – the S-Resource identifier carried within a request message is


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WS-Resource Identity

• A service requestor that obtains access to a WS-Resource-qualified endpoint reference – should not examine or attempt to interpret the value of the S-

Resource identifier.– even comparing the contents of two S-Resource identifiers is

considered invalid.

• From the perspective of the service requestor, the content of the S-Resource identifier within the endpoint reference is opaque.

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WS-Resource Destruction

• A requestor that wishes to terminate a WS-Resource uses WS-Resource-qualified endpoint reference to:

– Immediate Destruction: send a destroy request message to the WS using by the endpoint reference.

– Scheduled Destruction: message exchanges for establishing and renewing scheduled destruction times on WS-Resources

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WS-Resource Properties

• WS-Resource has an XML resource property document defined using XML schema.

• Requestors determine a WS-Resource’s type by retrieving the WSDL portType definition.

• Requestors use WS message exchanges to read, modify, and query the XML document representing the WS-Resource’s state.

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WS-Resource Properties

• resource property to refer to– An individual component of a WS-Resource’s state. – XML document describing the type of a S-Resource within the

WS-Resource is a WS-Resource properties document.

• Each resource property is represented as an XML element within the WS-Resource properties document

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WS-Resource Properties Document

• WS-Resource properties document acts as a view on, or projection of, the actual state of the WS-Resource. – the structure upon which requestor-initiated queries and

updates can be directed.

– Any operation that manipulates a resource property via the WS-Resource properties document must be reflected in the actual implementation of the WS-Resource’s state.

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WS-Resource Properties Document

• the state of “C” comprises 3 components, p1, p2, and p3

• resource properties document, “ExampleResourceProperties,”.

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WS-Resource Properties Document

• WS-Resource properties document declaration is associated with the WSDL portType using a standard attribute, resourceProperties

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WS-Resource Property Composition

• Web services allow to construct a new interface from several existing interfaces via a process of composition

• In WSDL 1.1, this composition must be achieved by a copy-and-paste of the operations defined in the constituent portTypes used in the composition

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WS-Resource Property Composition

• aggregation of WS-Resource properties of the various constituent portTypes is also possible.

• WS-Resource properties document composition is obtained by adding additional XML element declarations, using:

– xs:ref attribute

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Accessing WS-Resource Property Values

• The values of resource properties exposed in the WS-Resource’s resource properties document, can be – read, modified, and queried by using standard WS messages.

• The base functionality is to retrieve the value of a single resource property using a simple WS message exchange

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Accessing WS-Resource Property Values

• Retrieval function allow the retrieval of multiple resource properties with a single message exchange.

– The WS responds with a message containing the values of the requested WS-Resource properties

• message exchange to execute an arbitrary Xpath expression against the resource properties document.

– query expression types may be used to support resource discovery based on the values of a WS-Resource’s state.