Critical Analysis and Advancement of Writing and Communication Skills Session 2 May 11, 2011 Instructors Lynn Donohue Nneka Onwualu

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Critical Analysis and Advancement of Writing and Communication Skills

Session 2 May 11, 2011Instructors

Lynn Donohue Nneka Onwualu

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This week Recap of last week’s getting to the know

audience exercise – common writing challenges

Writing tools: the 5 w’s Email etiquette “I can hear you talking, but I’d don’t understand you!”

- Medical Jargon & Clear Communication REB and consent forms Questions Assignment – important to know

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Common challenges ESL Reading/translating medical jargon How to write clearly, concisely - how to “keep it simple” Self editing Run-on sentences/grammar How to organize your thoughts Email etiquette How to use the proper “voice”

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The Secret to good writing?

The 5 “W’s”

Who What Where When Why

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The 5 “W’s” exampleAn article from The Hamilton Spectator - March 4, 2008

Hamilton is the home of research into a revolutionary surgical procedure that could dramatically reduce recovery time. (WHAT)

The research is being led by Dr. Mehran Anvari, founder and director of the Centre for Minimal Access Surgery at McMaster University and one of the world’s leading practitioners of laparoscopic surgery, and by Dr. Marguerite Caddedu, associate director of the centre.(WHO)

Anvari expects Hamilton to be the first site in Canada that will use the surgical technique. (WHY)

He chaired a symposium on the surgery at St. Joseph’s Healthcare last week that brought together more than 50 surgeons and others from across Canada, inlcuding two experts from Britain and the U.S. (WHERE/WHEN)

The surgery is know as natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). (WHAT)

The surgery is performed using a small flexible scope that enters the body through a natural orifice, like the mouth, vagina or rectum. (Don’t forget - HOW is an important part of your writing - how will your research be performed?)

While laparoscopic surgery through tiny holes is already very popular, NOTES is the next step in minimally invasive surgery. Anvari said the scope allows surgeons to see and work inside the body without making any kind of cut. CONCLUSION/SUMMARY

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Sound writing

A recap of sound writing:

Error free Correct spelling - be mindful of Canadian vs American spelling Grammar Confusing words/wordiness Appropriate tone Punctuation

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Writer’s tool boxTools to help you write more effectively

Invest in classic writing references – the most up-to-date dictionaries (English & medical)

Know the difference between “Canadian” and “American” spelling

Organize your thoughts using index cards Hire an editor - Editor’s Association web site Tutors - take an ESL class at your local continuing

education centre


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Email EtiquetteA classic scenario:

A colleague has just sent you an email relating to a meeting you’re having in one hour’s time. The email is supposed to contain key

information that you need to present, as part of the business case for an important project.

But there’s a problem: The email is so badly written that you can’t find the data you need. There are spelling errors and incomplete sentences, and the paragraphs are so long and confusing that it takes you three times more than it should to find the information

you need.

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Email EtiquetteThe outcome

You’re under prepared for the meeting and it doesn’t go as well as it should.


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Email EtiquetteYOU have just sent an email relating to a meeting your colleague is

having in one hour’s time. The email is supposed to contain key information that THEY need to present, as part of the

business case for an important project.

But there’s a problem: The email is so badly written that THEY can’t find the data THEY need. There are spelling errors and incomplete sentences, and the paragraphs are so long and

confusing that it takes THEM three times more than it should to find the information THEY need.

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Email Etiquette In today’s information overload, it’s vital to communicate clearly,

concisely and effectively. People don’t have time to read book-length emails and they don’t have the patience to scour badly-constructed emails for “buried” points.

The better your writing skills are, the better the impression you’ll make on the people around you – including your boss, your colleagues, and your patients.

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Email EtiquetteBut there’s more to consider - another classic scenario:

To: [email protected]: [email protected]: Yesterday’s meeting

Hey there, just go your email. LOL. You’re soooo right. Yesterday’s meeting was a total bore. Jane just kept talkin’ and talkin’. OMG.

I thought that I was gonna nod off any minute!!!!! So, here are the minutes from the meeting. Blah Blah Blah.

I’ll be in the caf if you need me. Ttyl!

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Email Etiquette


Think for a moment…

Rather than this being a “new” email you’ve actually hit “REPLY ALL” and “JANE” and every member of the Senior Team gets this message…..What do you think your colleagues will think about you?

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Email EtiquetteConclusions:

Email – day-to-day, not for sensitive issues. Unless you are sending attachments – reports, resumes/CVs, cover letters, consent forms. Treat the body of your email as your ‘introduction’ and even if you have attachments that are perfectly written, the initial point of contact is the email message – you must be sure to proofread even that because once you hit send…

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Email EtiquetteConclusions:

As we pointed out last week about the “email chain”: Secondary audiences in today's business world: it’s like a chain reaction – your email is sent to a co-worker, who forwards to her supervisor, who forwards to executive manger, who makes a hard copy and takes it to a meeting with the CEO.

Be prepared for your writing to end up in the hands of a client or CEO - in fact, your writing may be circulated beyond the person to whom it was originally written.

That’s why it’s so important to KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE! Contents of an email or letter to a member of your team will not be the

same as one written to a client or someone in top management or even to a “friend” who is in your organization EVEN IF THE TOPIC IS THE SAME!

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Medical Jargon

“I hear you talking, but I don’t understand you!”

– Molina Healthcare & California Academy of Family Physicians


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Jargon Webster’s Dictionary defines jargon as language that

is used by a particular group, profession or culture whose words and phrases are not understood or

used by other people…obscure and often pretentious language marked by the use of more words than

necessary to express something. Medical jargon can be both a tool for effective and

efficient communication amongst your peers, as well as a significant barrier to understanding for those

outside the group. The sophistication of the audience determines whether jargon can hinder or help


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Medical Jargon Jargon is a language of familiarity. It can be a

useful tool when everyone has a common understanding of the terms at hand—it is verbal

shorthand. The problems arise when physicians let jargon creep into their every day

communications with patients. This is when physician language can separate, insulate, and

intimidate. Good communication is the result of the use

of common terms that are clearly understood by both parties.

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Why do we use jargon? Jargon is instilled during the years of medical training in highly

intellectual and scientific environments. After such intense professional training, it is easy to forget that medical vocabulary is extremely technical. Clinical/medical language may be many grade levels above that of an average patient. Physicians typically have had more than 20 years of education by the time they reach practice, whereas the average Canadian reads and speaks at an 8th or 9th grade level, pointing to a huge disparity in learning and comprehension.

(see list of alternative words - REFER TO MEDICAL JARGON WEB SITE)

Dangerous Abbreviations

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REB & Lay Statements

Tour of McMaster University’s REB site and associated links &


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