Writing Skills Infants - 6th Classes (1)

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WRITING SKILLS INFANTS 6TH CLASSESInfants1st/2nd3rd/4th5th/6th

Receptiveness to language Write for different audiences Learn to form and name letters upper and lower case with correct pencil grip Left to right orientation Copy words and letters Confidence to use approximate spelling and develop conventional spelling of simple words. Select topics for writing Collaborate with others when writing Writing in various genres Editing and redrafting Recognise when they need help/editing Use punctuation to make meaning clearer in writing Develop conventional spelling based on common spelling strings and patterns Spell correctly familiar, important and regularly occurring words Recognise the quality of good presentation. Being able to reread/confer/rewrite Extending meaning by adding words Writing questions and answering questions Express feelings in writing Use personal reading as a stimulus to writing Reread his/her writing for pleasure Receive and give positive responses to writing Develop competence, confidence and the ability to write independently Engage with the writing of one piece over a period Learn to use questions Give sequence to ideas and events in stories Learn to use a wide range of punctuation Learn to write with increasing grammatical accuracy Develop his/her ability to write using information technology. Clarifying thought through writing Write in a variety of genres Summarise work Develop emotional and imaginative life through writing: Create stories and poems. Observe the teacher modelling and improving writing Use a wide variety of writing genres Express and communicate reactions to reading experiences Experience interesting and relevant writing challenges Write for a varied audience See his/her writing as valued Write regularly on chosen topic Write independently through a process of drafting, revisiting, editing and publishing Write without re-drafting, on a given or chosen topic within certain time constraints Use dictionaries and thesauruses to extend and develop vocabulary and spelling Develop a legible, fluent, personal style of handwriting Clarifying thought through writing. Reflect on and analyse ideas through writing Argue the case in writing for a particular point of view Keep a personal diary Express, analyse, report personal reactions to the experiences of others/ personal experience and the arts.