Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Public Health Program Promotion for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Final Term Paper Sonia Donaires August 16, 2015 MPH 585, Programming and Evaluation in Public Health Dr. Kelly Wheeler

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Public Health Program Promotion for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Final Term Paper

Sonia Donaires

August 16, 2015

MPH 585, Programming and Evaluation in Public Health

Dr. Kelly Wheeler

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Table of Contents


Needs Assessment

Program Strategic Plan

Mission, Vision and Stakeholders

Program Goals

Logic Model

Planning Model Discussion



Outcomes -- Impact

Program Objectives for Plan Implementation

Tasks, Timelines, Responsible Leads/Partners

Program Pro Forma

Budgetary Needs

Program Evaluation Plan

Outcome measurements and standards

Program Strategies Summary


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The learning problem that some children face in the schools is the Attention Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). For Some teachers, it is a challenge to teach children with

ADHD and for others it is a frustration. Most parents feel unable to give their support to their

children and teachers. They end up being indifferent with their children. These children are

difficult to teach and most of the time teachers and parents have certain frustration with them

because of their misbehavior and lack of attention. The problem of children diagnosed with

ADHD continues through adulthood and become severe if it is not treated. However, ADHD is

not considered as learning disability but according to the Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) a

child is eligible to receive special education services at the schools. ADHD fall into the category

other than health impaired learning problems, and not under “Specific Learning Disabilities”.

Research indicates that 30 to 50 percent of children with ADHD also have specific learning

disabilities (Learning Disabilities Association of America, 2015).

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition that affects children in preschool

and elementary and high school. It is estimated that between 3 and 5 percent of children that

have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) cannot control their behavior and have

difficulties to pay attention. There are approximately 2 million children in the United States with

ADHD. It means that in a classroom of 24 to 30 children, it is likely that at least one will have

ADHD (Learning Disabilities Association of America, 2015).

Needs Assessment

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is another health problem in the United

States that affects mainly children. Currently, the prevalence of children diagnosed with ADHD

is children ages 0-17 years. There are nearly one in five high school age boys in the United

States diagnosed with ADHD. There are approximately 6.4 million children ages 4-17 had

received an ADHD diagnosis at some point in their lives, a 16% increase since 2007 and a 41%

rise in the past decade (Schwarz, A. & Cohen, S., 2013).

In the school, children with ADHD most of the time are categorized as troublemakers,

losing privileges and punished for misbehaving. In preschool, children have communication

problems, poor motor coordination, problem with memory routine, stay on task, listen multiple

instructions, problems of socialization, and difficulties to interact with other children. According

the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a child with ADHD present the

following symptoms:

lack of paying attention instructional teaching

difficulties to listen and making mistakes all the time

trouble to focus on finishing activities and tasks

lack of planning and organization work

losses necessary tools to work tasks such as pencils, toys, homework assignments,

books, and so on

become easily distracted and forget things

squirms in the chair, gets up, runs around, or climbs during class or in other situations

where one should stay seated.

very often “on the go” or acts as if "driven by a motor”

talks too much and blurts out answers before questions have been completed

cannot wait his turn

Interrupts or intrudes on others’ conversations or games (Engler, 2006).

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common mental health

disorder that affects children nationwide in the United States. According the data from the

National health Interview Survey 1998-2009 the percentage of children ever diagnosed with

ADHD increased among boys and girls. The prevalence of ADHD varies by race and ethnicity.

The prevalence of ADHD increases to 10% for children with family income less than 100% of

poverty level and 11% for those with family income between 100% and 199% of poverty level.

From 1998 through 2009, ADHD prevalence rose to 10% in the Midwest and South regions of

the United States (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011).

Currently, the federal agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that

there are nearly one in five high school age boys in the United States with ADHD. 11 % of

school-age children overall have received a medical diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder (Schwarz & Cohen, 2013). In addition, the CDC conducts community-based studies to

better understand the impact of ADHD. The Project to Learn about ADHD in Youth (PLAY) is a

study being conducted over time in two communities: one school district in South Carolina and

five schools districts in Oklahoma. Information from the PLAY study helps us better understand

ADHD as well as the needs of children and families living with ADHD (CDC, 2014).

The American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) reports the existence of the treatment of

children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with special health care needs. Children

ages 4-17 years receive about 4 in 10 children with ADHD treatment with medication alone, 1 in

10 received behavioral therapy, 1 in 10 were treated with both medication and behavioral

therapy, and 1 in 10 received neither medication nor behavioral therapy. Overall, about 1 in 10

children took dietary supplements for ADHD (CDC, 2015).

The type of data is primary data collected through an interview survey nationwide in the

United States. The date is a single step cross-sectional telephone survey of households with at

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least one resident child age 0-17 years at the time of the interview. It was a "complex sample

design, with stratification by state and sample type (landline or cell phone) and with clustering of

children within households" (CDC, 2013).

Actually, treatments for ADHD have the purpose to reduce the symptoms of children with

ADHD and improving functioning. Treatments available are medical prescription by physicians,

various types of psychotherapy, education, and training, or a combination of treatments. The

program in development will be complementary to the current treatment of ADHD.

Program Strategic Plan for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Mission Statement

The mission of this program is to provide students with symptoms of ADHD to obtain

specialized intervention and ensure learning success in the classroom.


My vision for this project is that every child who comes with a diagnosed of ADHD to

school has the right to receive all necessary assistance to improve behavior and academic


Program Goal

To improve academic achievement, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning of all

students with characteristics of ADHD.


- To identify children with symptoms with ADHD (inattention, hyperactivity, and


- To sensitize teachers and parents about ADHD children

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- To identify the treatment that students already have or may need a diagnostic

- To establish strategies or methods for intervention

- To monitor behavior and academic progress

Step 1: Problem Definition

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is another health problem in the United

States that affects mainly children. Currently, the prevalence of children diagnosed with ADHD

is children ages 0-17 years. There are nearly one in five high school age boys in the United

States diagnosed with ADHD. There are approximately 6.4 million children ages 4-17 had

received an ADHD diagnosis at some point in their lives, a 16% increase since 2007 and a 41%

rise in the past decade (Schwarz, A. & Cohen, S., 2013).

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common mental health

disorder that affects children nationwide in the United States. According the data from the

National health Interview Survey 1998-2009 the percentage of children ever diagnosed with

ADHD increased among boys and girls (CDC, 2013).

A long-term study of children with ADHD reported that there is 46% failed school, 11%

have been suspended or expelled from the schools. This study also have shown that children

with ADHD expulsed plus dropout resulted in a rate of 50%. That rate is alarming since children

with ADHD compose up to seven percent of the population in the U.S. The three principal

characteristics that interfere with the academic performance of children with ADHD are

inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Children with ADHD have problems focusing on

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meaningful instruction time and prolonged tasks. On the contrary, they are involved in

extraneous details or noises. “Hyper kids” in the classrooms usually lack the motor and verbal

control. They are categorized as troublemakers because they cannot sit quietly. Impulsivity

affects any task requiring a delay such as raising hands to answer questions, reading, listening

to directions, asking questions, planning, and organizing. All of these symptoms imply that the

academic progress of these children is poor. In additions, there is an estimated of 50% children

with ADHD that have learning disabilities that affect spelling, reading, writing and math. They

lack self-control and self-direction (Partners Resource Network, 2015)

Step 2: Conduct a capacity/ Inputs/Gaps Inventory

The target population of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder health promotion

program is children with ADHD in the schools. Relevant stakeholders that might contribute to

the program according the priority would be government organizations to obtain contributions,

funds and materials necessaries in the process of planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Also, the support of leaders of the community will help to organize a committee to support the

project. Partners such as the Health Care Professionals that will benefit the program providing

their services through doctors, psychologies, researchers, superintendent of the school district,

principles, teachers and parents.

Therefore, inputs for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder would be necessary for the

process of diagnosis that involves having a medical exam, including hearing and vision tests, to

rule out other problems with symptoms of ADHD. Another part of the process may include a

checklist for rating ADHD symptoms and taking a history of the child from parents, teachers,

and sometimes, the child. Using the same standard across communities will help determine how

many children have ADHD, and how public health is impacted by this condition. (CDC, n.d.)

Primary resources that would benefit the project are:

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The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition

(DSM-5) is used by mental health professionals to help diagnose ADHD. Use of the

DSM-5 criteria for ADHD to identify children with ADHD.

Funding resources would include Children and Adult with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder (CHADD) summer camps and programs tailored to meet the needs of children

with ADHD and related disorders. More information:


Multimodal Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (MTA). The NIMH was

designed to evaluate the leading treatments for ADHD, including behavior therapy,

medications, and the combination of the two. More information:



Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) of the U.S. established in the Individuals with

Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) was designed with the purpose to help kids

succeed in school through a work team between parents and educators (Kids Health,

2015). More information: http://kidshealth.org/parent/growth/learning/iep.html?


504 Education Plans of the U.S. established in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was

designed to help parents of students with physical or mental impairments in public

schools, or publicly funded private school, work with educators to design customized

educational plans. These 504 plans legally ensure that students will be treated fairly at

school (Kids Health, 2015)

Step three: Define Activities

Activities for the planning intervention strategies is important to consider the learner and

the learning environment.

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Contact the key stakeholders of the community to gain support for the planning,

implementation, and evaluation.

Organized a committee of key persons interested in contributing with their time and be

involved in the planning process. Principals, teachers, parents and volunteers from the


Increase academic performance of children with ADHD

Decrease the number of children with ADHD expelled from the schools

Staff development for educator about the misconception about children with ADHD.

Developing a program to inform symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for children with

ADHD for elementary schools.

Develop a nutrition program to reduce the consumption of sugar for children with ADHD.

Step four: If …..THEN….Process

If we gain the support of stakeholder from the government and community, then the

coalition will be formed.

If we organized a committee, then they will develop a Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD) plan.

If we increase academic performance of children with ADHD, then children with ADHD

will be successful.

If we decrease the number of children expelled, then children with ADHD will have the

possibility to be professional.

If we reduce the misconception of teachers and parents, then it will increase the

acceptance to teach children with ADHD and parents to get treatment for their child.

If we develop a program to inform about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, then we

will acknowledge people about children with ADHD

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If we develop a nutrition plan to reduce consumption of sugar for children with ADHD,

then children with ADHD will have the possibility to reduce the hyperactivity symptoms.

Step five: Arrange Logic Model Components (below written in the graphic).

Step 6: Logic Model Narrative

The misconception about children with ADHD impedes a fair education and treatment in

the schools. Lack of the use of the state plan intervention for children with ADHD has become

impossible a satisfactory academic performance of ADHD children in the schools. In order to

approach children with ADHD in the schools, the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder health

promotion program is developed to reduce the prevalence of children with ADHD suspended or

expelled from the schools. For this reason, the primary objective is to develop a series of

activities that will ensure a fair treatment and education for these children. Also, the intervention

of stakeholder and partnership with health professionals will address this issue. This step taken

has the purpose to gain support from the community and the school districts to implement the

ADHD program in the school districts.


Staff- teachers and parents involved in the intervention of children with ADHD

The support of principles to ensure implementation of the program

Psychologists to identify children with ADHD

Administrative support of the school district (superintendent)

Program of ADHD coordinator


Organization of committee to gain support of stakeholders in the progress of the


Organize a coalition with key top people of the government and community

Administrative support of the superintendent of the school district

Rev. 7/2013

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Surveillance system

Surveillance system in the classroom and in the school with children of ADHD

Community-level indicators to identiy children with ADHD

Finding specialized professionals for data checking

Ensure the availability of funding


Legislative mandate to develop ADHD helth promotion program

Funds to support the development of the ADHD health promotion program

Gain the support of potential stakeholders that migth contribute with the ADHD program


Development a local Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Plan

Organization of a coalition between stakeholders, team members and other partners

Application of state plan intervention to fairly treat children with ADHD

Surveillance data


Monitoring the implementation of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder health

promotion program every year at the beginning of the school year.

Intermediate Outcomes

Mandatory use of state plan of intervention for children with ADHD

Monitoring student behavior change and progress of students with ADHD

Distal Outcomes

Reduction of the misconception about children with ADHD

Reduction of unsuccessful academic performance of children with ADHD

Reduction of expelled of children with ADHD from the school

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Logic Model Implementation Planning:

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InputsOutputs Outcomes -- Impact

Activities Participation Short Medium LongFunds to develop ADHD health promotion program coalitionOrganized a Coalition between planners, stakeholders, and leaders of the communityPresentation of the evidence of the need assessment of children with ADHD.Resources available to develop a plan, implementation, and evaluation.

Organization of ADHD health promotion program coalition.

Develop a local ADHD health promotion program plan.

Justification for the use of funding to support the development of the program.

Develop a staff development in the schools for principals, teachers and paraprofessionals.

Develop an educational program for parents and caregivers in the schools.

Active involvement of the coalition

Implementation of the program to the most in need population.

Appropriate use of funds.

Awareness of teachers and parents/caregivers about children of ADHD

Intervention and use of strategies to teach and to help children with ADHD

Acknowledge of state plan of intervention: IEPs and 504 Education Plan

Mandatory use of state plan of intervention for children with ADHD

Monitoring student behavior change and academic progress of students with ADHD

Reduction of the misconception about children with ADHD

Reduction of unsuccessful academic performance of children with ADHD

Reduction of expelled of children with ADHD from the schools

Assumptions- Children with ADHD can be curable- ADHD can be preventable

External Factors - Possible causes that affect childeren with ADHD would be the limitations that the program will encounter during planning, implementation, intervention, and evaluation.

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Planning Model

The program planning selected for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

health promotion program is MAP-IT. MAP-IT stands for Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement,

and Track. This framework would help me to follow the sequence during the planning,

implementation, and evaluation process to approach the unhealthy community. MAP-IT

framework involves all the key stakeholders that might be the potential contributor for the

program. Assesses resources as well as needs and looks for ways to use them. It starts with the

reality of the community, rather than preconceived ideas about what resources are available. It

also develops a comprehensive, a precise plan, reasonable timeline, assigned responsibility,

clear objectives, and well-defined action steps related to an overall strategy. It incorporates

evaluation from the beginning allowing adjustment when necessary (Community Tool Box,

2014). It includes five sections:

1. Mobilize, contacting key individuals and organizations to form a coalition is crucial for the

success of the program, mainly focusing on those that might contribute the process of

planning and implementation. Then, the distributions of roles are necessary to keep

Partners engaged in the program. The importance of adherence of these leaders would

benefit facilitating community input through meetings, and events. Developing training

programs to inform and educate participants, conduct fundraising, policy initiatives, and

to provide technical assistance during planning or evaluation (McKenzie et al., 2013)

2. Assess, this section assesses the needs and resources in the community. It will help "to

get a sense of what you can do, versus what you would like to do". Community

members and key stakeholders set priorities together to develop a plan action. Also, it is

important to consider feasibility, effectiveness, and measurability to determine priorities.

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This section starts the data collection to prioritize the community needs (Community Tool

Box, 2014).

3. Plan, planners and evaluators in this section develop goals and objectives based on the

necessity of the target population. They also need to consider how to measure the

progress and identify interventions that will be used to accomplish goals and objectives

(Community Tool Box, 2014).

4. Implement, planners create a detailed work plan to identify clear action steps and

determine who is responsible for completing them. Besides, they set a timeline and

deadlines for the implementation. Responsibilities are distributed between the team

members. A communication plan and meeting are established with partners to bring

fresh ideas, suggestions or concerns to be discussed (Community Tool Box, 2014).

5. Track, this section is equivalent to evaluation. The specific questions to ask and answer

are as follow: Are we evaluating our work? Did we follow the plan? What did we change?

And did we reach our goal? Planners and evaluators should consider partnering with a

local university of the state center for health statistics to help with data tracking.

Additionally, When they evaluate, it is important to consider the following points: data

quality, limitations of self-reported data, data validity and reliability, data availability. It is

also crucial to share progress and successes with the stakeholders (Community Tool

Box, 2014).

Goals and Objectives

Program Goal: Identify children with symptoms with ADHD (inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness)

SMART objective 1: From September to November of the school year for two years, all children with ADHD in elementary schools will be identified.Key Component Objective

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Specific - What is the specific task? Through teacher’s observation, all children with symptoms of hyperactivity, attention deficit and impulsiveness will be referred to a physician for diagnosis.

Measurable - What are the standards, measure or parameters?

Number of children diagnosed with ADHD

Number of children already diagnosed and under medication

Number of children with ADHD diagnosed but without treatment

Evaluation period of measure is Short Term (months), Intermediate (1-3 years), or Long Term (3 or more years)?

Short term

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Yes, based in daily observation in the classroom

Realistic - Are sufficient resources available? (Inputs from logic model)

Yes, Medicare and medical insurance. Also, the IEP and the 504 program provided the respective funds to help children with ADHD

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

First year: September 2015 to June 2016

Second year: September 2016 to June 2017

Program Goal: Sensitize teachers and parents about ADHD children

SMART objective 2: Every school year on October, all teachers and parents will receive training about children with ADHD.Key Component Objective

Specific - What is the specific task? Invitation to parents to participate in the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder health promotion program.

Measurable - What are the standards, measure or parameters?

Number of teachers that teach children with ADHD

Number of parents with children with ADHD

Evaluation period of measure is Short Term (months), Intermediate (1-3 years), or Long Term (3 or more years)?

Short Term

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Yes, health cares professionals such as psychologists, physicians, and teachers available for the presentation.

Realistic - Are sufficient resources available? (Inputs from logic model)

Yes, the IEP and the 504 programs provided the respective funds to help children with ADHD.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

First year: October 2015, four sessions

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Second year: October 2016, four sessions

Program Goal: Identify the treatment that students already have or may need of a diagnostic.

SMART objective 3: August to September of the school year, identifying children with ADHD with treatment or prescription, and those in need of a diagnostic of ADHD will be identified.Key Component Objective

Specific - What is the specific task? Parents with children with ADHD will be interviewed to obtain information needed.

Measurable - What are the standards, measure or parameters?

Number of children with ADHD treatment under prescription.

Number of children with ADHD diagnosed but without prescription.

Number of children with ADHD needed of diagnosed (teacher observation)

Evaluation period of measure is Short Term (months), Intermediate (1-3 years), or Long Term (3 or more years)?

Short Term

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Yes, health cares professionals such as psychologists, physicians, and teachers available for the identification of children with ADHD.

Realistic - Are sufficient resources available? (Inputs from logic model)

Medicaid and Medical Insurance

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

First year: September 2015 to June 2016

Second year: September 2016 to June 2017

Program Goal: Establish strategies or methods for intervention

SMART objective 4: From November to June of the school year for two year, all Children with ADHD will be benefited of the intervention of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder program.Key Component Objective

Specific - What is the specific task? Children with ADHD will receive the intervention needed based in their diagnostic.

Measurable - What are the standards, Number of children diagnosed with ADHD will be the beneficiaries

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measure or parameters? of the program.

Evaluation period of measure is Short Term (months), Intermediate (1-3 years), or Long Term (3 or more years)?

Long Term

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Yes, based in the diagnostic

Realistic - Are sufficient resources available? (Inputs from logic model)

Yes, the IEP and the 504 programs provided the respective funds to help children with ADHD.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

First year: November 2015 to June 2016

Second year: November 2016 to June 2017

Program Goal: Monitor behavior and academic progress

SMART objective 5: From November to June of the school year for two years, all children with ADHD in the program will be monitored their academic progress.Key Component Objective

Specific - What is the specific task? Monitoring academic progress of all children with ADHD

Measurable - What are the standards, measure or parameters?

Number of children with ADHD in the program

Number of children with ADHD responding the intervention

Evaluation period of measure is Short Term (months), Intermediate (1-3 years), or Long Term (3 or more years)?

Long Term

Achievable - Is the task feasible? Yes, based in the intervention

Realistic - Are sufficient resources available? (Inputs from logic model)

Yes, the IEP and the 504 programs provided the respective funds to help children with ADHD.

Time-Bound - What are the start and end dates?

First year: November 2015 to June 2016

Second year: November 2016 to June 2017

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Health promotion program Monthly Budget Report

Revenue and Support Amount

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Contribution from sponsors 25000.00

Gifts 1000.00

Grants 150000.00

Staff training (School District) 3000.00

Total income: 179000.00


Direct Costs


Salary and Wages & wages 100000.00

(Total Staff: 15)

Specialist service consultation with stakeholders $1500.00


Instructional materials 1000.00

Incentives 1200.00

Meeting costs 1000.00

Equipment 500.00

Travel 3000.00

Postage 150.00

Advertising 300.00

Total of direct costs: 108650.00

Indirect costs (includes rent, insurance,

Telephone, & other utilities) $3000.00

Total of indirect costs: 3000.00

Total expenditures: 111650.00

Net Surplus or (deficit): 67350.00

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Source: McKenzie, Neiger, Thackeray, 2013

Staff Involved in the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) program are as follow:

Administrative Coordinator /Finance Analyst

Director of the program

After School Coordinator

Coordinator of the Program

Health Educator

Nutrition Educator

Office Manager/Secretary/Admin Asst.



Program Assistant

Research Specialist

School Administrator (principal, Superintendent)

Teacher (preK-12 Classroom, PE, Speech, etc.)

Patient Cost Treatment for ADHD prices for ADHD testing in two cities

ADHD assessment and treatment estimated costs for the usual evaluation

method/approach to ADHD, based on their hourly fee multiplied by the amount of time (or

sessions) typically requires are divided into three basic categories:

1) Minimal- providers whose ADHD testing is exceedingly narrow in scope perhaps one

interview session without the use of testing instruments, or the use of a single instrument.

2) Stepwise- providers whose ADHD testing begins with a narrower range of tests, most of

which focus specifically on the identification of ADHD. Additional tests may be added based on

the initial findings.

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3) Extensive- Providers whose ADHD and “rule-out” tests for other learning disabilities,

depression screenings, and others. The extensive approach may require as much as 10 to 15

hours of testing and evaluation time.

Cost of threating a child for ADHD will be covered completely or partially by the child’s

health plan. Out-of-pocket cot for therapy, tutors or classes an average of $800-1000.00 in

medication and other 600 on therapy, tutors, or classes. The table below shows a comparison of

costs of treatment of ADHD based on a survey realized in two cities in the USA. The estimates

are based on the three categories mentioned above. This information can give an idea of how

much will cost the treatment of each child with ADHD.

Survey results for ADHD testing prices

Category/item Des Moines Los Angeles

Price for all categories

Minimum price for evaluation $100 $375

Maximum price for evaluation 1,360 2,500

Average price for evaluation 686 1,634

Average therapy price (per hour) 128 149

Average price by Healthcare Blue Book category

Minimal average testing price $295 $375

Stepwise average testing price 540 1,000

Extensive average testing price 930 1,871Editor's Note: Source: Healthcare Blue Book, July 2010 

Marketing for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Program

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One of the most important components to release information to reach the general public

is the diffusion of the program. The ADHD program will use different ways of spreading the

information to gain the participation of the target audience. ADHD program will follow the plan

described below:

1. Produce a short video introducing facts, problem, and consequences about children with

ADHD in the classroom. The short video will be presented in each meeting, workshop,

school assembly, and staff development. For this task, it is important to select carefully

words used in the video. Every word in the video can be printed or broadcast to create a

pamphlet. The goal is that the video comes across as cordial cooperative and

knowledgeable. This short video will reflect the impact of untreated ADHD children in the

schools. Also to show that this problem will continue into adulthood if not treated.

2. Once all the information and resources are in place we are ready to contact the press

from each local school district to disseminate the ADHD program. The main focus at this

point is developing writing materials to release the information through the media with

the purpose to alert for upcoming events such as workshops for teacher and training for

parents interested to participate in the program. Press materials also should include the

“who, what, when, where, and why” of the event. In other words, for an optimal press

release, it should include a headline, contact information, the place where the event will

take place, why the event is important, the benefits offered to the public and how people

can learn more or register.

3. Presentation of the program in each district school. For teachers, during workshops and

presentation in a staff development. For parents, during a general assembly in the

schools, training for parents interested to participate, and during counseling.

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4. During the dissemination of the message about ADHD. It is crucial to stay in contact with

other partners that will help develop the program and following their professional advise,

their experience will benefit the social marketing of the ADHD program. The possible

partners are:




ADHD Children Health Promotion Program Timeline

Task Start date Duration End DateDeveloping a short video 7/1/15 30 7/31/15Meet administrators of Region XI 7/31/15 2 8/15/15Meet the press of each school district 8/15/15 15 8/30/15Release information to the public in general 8/30/15 3 9/2/15Distribute pamphlets and brochures 9/2/15 30 10/2/15Present program at community forums in the schools 10/2/15 4 10/6/15Present program at teacher during staff development 10/16/15 5 10/21/15Registration of participants 10/20/15 15 11/4/15

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Gantt chart for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Health Promotion Program

Formative and Process Evaluation

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder program will determine achievement of objectives

using the CDC’s framework of the six steps for the evaluation process. These steps represent

an ongoing cycle that follow a sequence of steps that are fundamental to evaluate the Attention

Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder program.

1. Engaging Stakeholders are critical for a program. It increases the chances to improve the

evaluation credibility, clarify roles, and responsibilities (CDC’s Healthy Communities Program,

n.d.). The ADHD program will include internal and external partners as stakeholders. Internal

partners will be the director of CHADD and administrator of the School Districts. The external

factor will include experts in the field of social marketing and behavior change, health promotion,

communication, and children issues with ADHD. Planners keep in touch with stakeholders and

get input from them throughout the program (CDC’s Healthy Communities Program, n.d.).

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2. The description of the program improves evaluation’s fairness and accuracy. Also, permits

balanced assessments of strengths and weaknesses and helps stakeholders understand how

program features fit together and relate to a larger context (CDC’s Healthy Communities

Program, n.d.). This step decides what is worth monitoring in the program. The needs

assessment of the ADHD program will focus on the target audience formed by parents that have

children with ADHD and teachers that teach Children with ADHD. Children with ADHD have the

need to have a fair treatment in the schools. The process evaluation has the purpose of

monitoring the program's message, effectiveness of the message, and awareness of the

audience about children with ADHD.

3. Focus the evaluation design, increases the chances that the assessment will succeed by

identifying procedures that are practical, politically viable, and cost effective. Once stakeholders

agree on a design focus, it is used throughout the evaluation process to keep the project on

track (CDC’s Healthy Communities Program, n.d.) This step develops basic evaluation

questions that planners should follow to measure 1) target audience awareness, response to

the program, behavior related to children with ADHD. 2) Awareness of the target audience of

how to get help (understanding ADHD support and to call for help). 3) Inviting other to call for

help or get help for available support service in the schools. 4) The impact of the advertising and

acceptance to be referred to counseling and a physician for a diagnostic (CDC’s Healthy

Communities Program, n.d.).

4. Gather credible evidence enhances the evaluation utility and accuracy; guides the scope and

selection of information and gives priority to the most defensible information sources; promotes

the collection of valid, reliable, and systematic information that is the foundation of any valid

evaluation (CDC’s Healthy Communities Program, n.d.) In this step will determine how to gather

the information. The first two months of the implementation of the program will identify children

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with ADHD through the registration process for teachers and parents. Based on the number of

children registered, planners will evaluate the awareness and impact of the advertisement,

training, counseling, workshops, and staff development. Also, results of the intervention on

behavior change and academic progress will be evaluated by the success of failure of academic


5. Justify conclusions reinforce findings to the evaluation utility and accuracy; involves values

clarification, qualitative and quantitative data analysis and synthesis, systematic interpretation,

and appropriate comparison against relevant standards for judgment (CDC’s Healthy

Communities Program, n.d.). During this step, planners will determine how the data will be

analyzed and how the results will be summarized, interpreted, disseminated and used to

improve program implementation (CDC, 1999, 2008). Once the data is analyzed, the evaluator

will develop a report of the results. Then, it will be distributed to the program managers, as well

as to all partners and stakeholders. The feedback from the stakeholders should lead planners to

decide if the program needs to change the strategies, message, and intervention to improve the

program (CDC, n.d).

6. Ensure use and share lessons learned, this step’s primary purpose is to evaluation goals and

objectives of the program. In this step, stakeholders can provide critical information about the

ADHD program, function, and distribution of evaluation findings to maximize their use (CDC,

1999, 2008). Stakeholder’s feedback will revel the strengths and weakness of the program with

the purpose of chance, continue or discontinue, improve or eliminate ineffective parts of the

program (CDC’s Healthy Communities Program, n.d.).

The use of formative and summative evaluation is necessary for the assessment

processes of the ADHD program. The ADHD program will benefit from the combination of a

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quantitative and qualitative method with the purpose to compensate the weaknesses of one

method for by the strengths of the other (Mackenzie et al, 2013).

Formative evaluation will be conducted during the development and implementation of

the program. Once the needs assessment is defined, the formative evaluation will measure the

participation of the target audience. It involves audience research, informs audience

segmentation, and marketing mix (4P’s) strategies (CDC’s Healthy Communities Program, n.d.)

The process evaluation will measure how much was accomplished during the intervention. It will

measure the results of the behavior therapy treatment, drug treatment, and curriculum

modification. In addition, the evaluation process will measure whether the implementation is

operating as planned. The findings will help to improve the program and revise the intervention.

For the effectiveness of the assessment, the process of evaluation will continue from the

moment of planning to the end of the program.

Summative evaluations should be completed once a program is vested (CDC’s Healthy

Communities Program, n.d.) The purpose of a summative evaluation is to identify to what

extent the intervention is reached. It also evaluates the results of behavior change of children

with ADHD, the success or failure of academic progress, and the policy changes reached during

the intervention. Outcomes will be based in medium-term and long-term of behavior change of

children participants in the program. Additionally, the summative evaluation will evaluate

awareness, and attitude change of the target audience (parents and teachers). The impact

evaluation will measure the impact of the program in the entire schools (community of

intervention). The ADHD program will be a long-term evaluation of two years to see positive or

negative results that will lead to a success or failure of the ADHD health promotion program

(Mackenzie et al, 2013).

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The final positive outcomes of the evaluation and conclusion of the program will increase

community support for initiatives to institutionalize the ADHD program. The ADHD program

might contribute to the scientific base, presenting a well-written report. Also, an explicit use of

tools such as graphs and charts within the text and include statistical information that will

evidence the positive or negative outcomes of the program. Additionally, integrating evaluation

findings with other research and assessment as they relate to the program focus. Provide high-

quality research and revise the gaps and outcomes and leave suggestions on possible

unreached points for future studies. Depending on the final results of the program the public

health policy decisions increase the chances that the program will become as part of the yearly

curricula of the intervention of children with ADHD in the schools.

Elements of Comprehensive Formative Evaluation

Element How it will be assessed/evaluated in your program

Justification After intervention, monitoring behavior change and academic success of children with ADHD in the schools.

Evidence A well-written report including improvements, positive and negative results, failure or success of the program during planning, implementation, and intervention.

Capacity The internal and external staff will be evaluated based on their skills and duty fulfilled.

Resources Cost-identification analysis will be used to compare different interventions available for ADHD program. It will be based on hourly fee multiplied by the amount of sessions in three categories: minimal, stepwise, and extensive providers for intervention in children with ADHD.

Consumer-Orientation The impact of the awareness of parents and teacher will be evaluated to measure of what degree the intervention is working for children with ADHD.

Multiplicity The types of intervention (Behavior therapy, drug treatment, environment, and curriculum modification) will be compared to identify the more advantageous strategy for children with

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Support The attendance to CHADD summer camps programs will evaluate to identify the advantages and disadvantages of children with ADHD.

Inclusion The participation of partners will be assessed to identify the potential contributors of the program.

Accountability There would be regular meetings with stakeholders, report the progress to identify ways to improve the performance of the program.

Adjustment Feedback of stakeholders will be necessary to make changes to the program.

Recruitment It will determine if the methods for recruitment are appropriate to gain the participation of the target audience.

Reach The impact of the social marketing used to reach parents and teacher of the community.

Response Evaluators will monitor the implementation of the program and academic success of children with ADHD during intervention.

Interaction To what degree the practitioners work effectively and communicate the program to stakeholders and participants.

Satisfaction The evaluation of the satisfied participants will be based on the capability of the instructor.

Elements of Process Evaluation

Element How it will be assessed/evaluated in your program

Fidelity Does the program was delivered as planned? Practitioners will evaluate the outputs (activities and participants) and outcomes (impacts) of the ADHD program.

Dose Practitioners will evaluate the number of workshops and staff development for teachers. Also, trainings and sessions to parents with children with ADHD. It will measure the quality, value or effectiveness of the ADHD program.

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Recruitment Practitioners will determine if the methods used (social marketing materials) for recruitment are appropriate to gain the participation of the target audience.

Reach Practitioners will measure fairness and adequacy of the recruitment practices.

Response Practitioners will monitor the impact of the implementation of the program and academic success of children with ADHD during intervention.

Context Practitioners will evaluate negative side effects of drug treatment cause for what parents reject to continue with the treatment. Environment and curriculum modification resources might another problem encounter during the intervention of the program.

Program Strategies Summary

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder health promotion program objective is to improve

academic achievement, social, emotional and behavioral functioning of all students with ADHD

in the classroom. This objective will be accomplished following the six steps in conducting a

needs assessment and the logic model to focus the big picture of the program. The ADHD

program planning will use the framework of MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, and

Track). The key components to set up the goals and objectives of the program would be

specific, measurable, period of measurement might be long term or and short-term, achievable,

realistic, and time-bound. The budget will be based on the three categories of approach children

with ADHD (minimal, stepwise, and extensive). The use of print materials and the media would

conduct the social marketing for the program. Finally, the program will be evaluated using the

CDC's framework of the six steps of the evaluation process; the use of the formative and

summative evaluation will conduct the assessment of the ADHD program.

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