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Home Page26 April 2016






Iranian Media


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G.C.CSaudi Arabia

Reading in the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Declaration ofSaudi Arabia›s vision

• Prince Mohammed bin Salman engaged terms have not been used previously in the Saudi speech; like, people, government, elections, transparency. It is possible to say that he announces the transfer of the kingdom to a phase characterized by new values and a special language, which commensurately with this stage.• It was clear that the Prince wanted to clarify the difference between his rejuvenation supporters cluster, and the old clusters that have been neglecting the Kingdom positions of power, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to distinction between him and the clusters that are resistant to the reform process, which he wants to prepare with the king for it.• The Extremist party in Saudi Arabia will not be welcoming the new concepts raised by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, it tolls the alarm bell for them. We notice mentioning the word «The legislator» and we know they are from the Saudi taboos dictionary because the only legislator is the Koran, which were replaced by this word as the «organizer».• Prince Mohammed bin Salman seemed An editor of terms and opened a very wideband panel discussion within Saudi society, which is no less important than those that were opened up at the global level, which Dealt with cautiously than cautiously Saudis themselves.• The paradigm shift which Prince wants to be clarified one way or another is to compensate the time that is wasted for the restructuring of the economy, however, it is to see that the future is possible and seems to insist on the importance of his presented ideas, There is even danger to stay on the current situation.• Headings appeared clearly under a lot of domestic and foreign research, are the «oil addiction» and «sanctification Aramco» and considering they are two concepts dangerous must bypass them to realize the reservoirs and other Saudi power that exceeds oil and even superiority importance, these ideas were not on the table, not Saudis or Arab.• Connecting the Kingdoms history and futurity dimension of the Arab and Islamism’s alike, beyond all red lines in the province to deny the positive faces in the era before Islam, be built the island›s history, which dates back to thousands of years, and proposed the idea of cherishing this history and the importance of incubating it as part of the Saudi identity.• The Prince Mohammed bin Salman Neutralized all the courtesy attempts and the linking of the Saudi vision to himself, seemed cold conclusive and decisive in not giving the impression that this is his project, but reiterated that the Saudi project is in the interests of the Saudis as nation but not a particular person.

• Raising the level of welfare and the welfare of the people, this may be the first time in which talked about the subject of well-being in Saudi Arabia, which may not seem positive to the radical class which it sees it as a deviation from the societal system, which does not include the idea of enjoying life as government target, a similar quest to ensure that happiness in the United Arab Emirates should happen through establishing a Ministry of happiness.• The military sector: Prince Mohammed bin Salman as secretary of defense and like his father before him turned the face of the compass to the lack of financial exploitation potential allocated to the Ministry of Defense, and in the shortcomings of military industries to meet the simplest Saudi military needs, and emphasized the importance of changing this reality, an issue that will offer a lot of questions about the Minister of Defense posit seriousness, especially for the United States.• The military sector: the prince imposed a new vision for military system, its most important foundations is to stay away from the old spending methods, and pointing on the importance of raising the level of military capabilities to the army, which is considered a low percentage of defense budget which is considered the third in the world.• The Saudi political arena may witness a solidarity movement among the most conservative streams of the ruling family who feel the danger of pulling the power tools with from the wealthy business men who believe that the new policy will weaken their traditional control of the economy in order to reverse this rush layer.• The reaction of Saudi society and the Gulf was a positive note with sort of cautious, but the negative side may represent to approach the issue of green card, which the Saudis considered it as additional acquisitions factor form foreigners to work in Saudi Arabia chances.• Explicit talk about lifting subsidies on electricity plans, water, oil, and to clarify the categories which will reach a wealthy class only, away from the middle class and the poor that deserve the support in his opinion, puts the new ruling class against a strong segment in Saudi Arabia.• The prince recognition of the underlying difficulties within the implementation process was a realistic and important awareness, he did not pave the way by saying that it will be a fast yields process, he even putted the theory without equivocation and cited the example of the dismissal of the Minister of Electricity and water because of an error in applying the process of removing the subsidies.• Saudi Arabia Uses the same experts who helped Margaret Thatcher to implement her economic plan, therefore, the prince raised the same questions posed by the Thatcher herself, «Why with all those capabilities, the British economy is dropping and no longer able to compete.»


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G.C.CSaudi Arabia


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G.C.CSaudi Arabia

President Barack Obama's visit to Riyadh:

The Saudi US relations does not look- at its best, and we note that through the lukewarm reception that President Obama received which does not include the king Salman, also not covering the visit by the Saudi television Although it was the first time that a US president to attend a GCC summit.

The Continued US attempts to heal the rift happening in relations with Saudi Arabia because of Obama›s policy refers to the strength of the US government stream, which recognizes the importance of these relationships and insists on the importance of preservation in spite of any personal vision of the American president.

The idea of governance in the United States does not relate to the person of the president and Saudi Arabia is aware of this, hence the engages with this reality on this basis, and reading Prince Turki al-Faisal, a statement we see that the Kingdom is aware of the existence of a stream similar to Obama›s view which he proposed in the Atlantic, and sees the importance in standby to them, and understand the implications of the existence of such power in Washington.

It may be a situation of force and rigor that is dealt it out with Obama›s policies stems from the nature of the new ruling class in the Kingdom, which sees Saudi is able to respond in this way, and that the phase nature does not allow to go along with, to see the American president who does not understand or ignore the Saudi interests.

The most important outcomes of this meeting is Obama›s statement that there is no naivety in dealing with Iran, something that we notice through the continuation of sanctions by the United States, and push for allocating part of Iran›s frozen funds to compensate victims of the Iranian terrorist operations, including Lebanon and al khubar, as well as to open involvement in the September 11 file operations.

One of the faces of the dispute with the US administration is the inability to stop the current hostile to Saudi Arabia in Washington, which is pushing to allow the prosecution of Saudi Arabia in the federal courts and the deployment of 28 secret pages of September 11 reports, and believe that the inability to stop this trend despite the Saudi warning is the stage at which it might be said that there is a problem in relationships and in the balancing of interests and differences between the two parties.

We do not see a current indicators of improving relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States, but we also do not see the manifestation of the current deterioration of these relations, the strategic link which was built over the past decades will not be torn down so easily, strategic interests are that have been Incorporation her between the two sides is still the same, and the oil is not the only component, on its importance.


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First: the path of the Yemeni negotiations currently being held in Kuwait:Yemeni negotiations faces several obstacles, and it seems that the path of the political settlement is barbed because of the obstacles set by the al-Huthi delegation and Saleh in the course of negotiations:Exert pressure to rearrange the negotiating agenda to suit their goals, which came to Kuwait to achieve, and perhaps consistent with the guarantees obtained.He refused to enter into any discussion before confirming cessation of airline alliance operations in the various fronts and confirm the situation on the ground and then move on to the political track and overcome the negotiations agenda items.He declined to discuss building trust measures such as the opening of safe passages and lift the siege on cities and the release of detainees.Ask for more guarantees for the transition of the Parties to a wider consultation on the governance future, and participate in the national unity government and a military that have to fill the security void, according to a transition plan.Seeking to revive what was called the «peace and partnership agreement.»Saleh representative’s pursuits the UN delegation resolutions related to the Yemeni crisis and to get rid of the item relating to the sanctions imposed on Saleh and his son Ahmed.The pursuit of both Huthi delegations and saleh in favor of a deal to form a government of national reconciliation before going to the implementation of the five points.

As a result:• We believe that the parties just sit at the dialogue table, is a positive sign, but we can not say that Kuwait is an important political negotiations will achieve a breakthrough in the wall of the Yemeni crisis due to the hardening of the position of the Houthis in front of all the attempts to end the conflict in Yemen.• Huthi continue to apply in the same method that caused the failure of the Geneva negotiations and Biel before, with a dominant atmosphere in Kuwait consultations right now.• It is clear that the purpose of the movements of the Houthis and saleh is the same and the objective of dismantling the terms of reference of the Yemeni situation in the forefront of the UN resolution. And trying to jump into the discussion of the political transition to achieve a victory they did not achieve military, which means postponing UN resolution entitlements to a future rounds so that no one can force them to be implemented with the possession of weapons and their quest for explicitly the biggest field gains.

Second: Saudi UAE coalition declares war against al-Qaida in southern Yemen:The Saudi and UAE forces are doing wide military operations to purge «AL_ Mukalla,” and the rest of Hadramout from al-Qaeda troops, as well as another military operations against elements of the organization in the «Huta» Lahj, and Zinjibar, capital of the «Abyan» South Yemen.We see that the liberation of the south from the control of terrorist groups is essential for the following reasons:Is a reflection for the intentions of the coalition to maintain the security and stability of the liberated areas. Cut the way for Iran to use paper of «terrorism» to undermine peace in Yemen and involve themselves in the conflict.The Houthis Lack of political cultivated sources in front of the international community and their argument to stretch south to confront terrorism.




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Economic axis:China is the second largest economy in the world, and in case of adopting the navigational route through the Arctic alternative to the Suez Canal, would have a negative impact on the channel income, and the large investments made by the Egyptian government in the project channel expansion until the economic and strategic level in the event of an improving global economy.

The Egyptian pound reached against the dollar a level that never been reached before which is 12 pounds per dollar, which has a great inflationary effects, to fall after reaching 11.30 pounds for a barrel after the announcement of UAE an Egypt aid worth $ 4 billion, including $ 2 billion in the form of deposits in the central bank, but the Gulf aid will remain influential dwelling if the Egyptian government has been able to exploit them thoughtfully, Egyptian economy will comes out of his predicament.

Political axis:It emerged in the Egyptian street three scenes on April 25:

The first: a military where the spread of the security forces and the armed forces dramatically under the pretext of celebrating the anniversary of the liberation of Sinai and to maintain the security of vital installations.

The second: demonstrated the birth of limited demonstrations to oppose the demarcation of the border with Saudi Arabia Convention, which demanded the fall of the regime, rather than objecting to the Convention.

Third: the scenery of rallies for President al-Sisi, which continued late into the night.

The Repeated calls for demonstrations in Egypt, which has recently increased, whether for political or economic reasons, and the reaction by military and security organs of the state could cause an increase of tension and anger cumulatively, even though if there were no great popular response on the ground to these calls, The widely absence participation currently is not a positive indicator for the benefit of power, revolution in January came after repeated calls to protest prior to the date of the revolution.


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Turkmen and Kurds relationships within the complexity of the Iraqi equation:Still the subject of a Kurdish state infuriate Turkmens who are demanding always the same rights, and this explains the new phenomenon which has become permeated Turkmen areas and is divided ideologically between Turkmen and Shiite taking a side along with the popular crowd and the Iraqi government and between Sunni Turkmen, who can be described as neutral. Knowing that includes the peshmerga guerrillas belonging to the group, the Kurdistan Union, which tends to tip the popular crowd that is, powered largely Arena, unlike the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Barzani and backed Turkey.

The question that can be raised at the moment:Does complement Hezbollah militants in southern Kirkuk, said that true, military wing the Kurdistan Democratic Party sources in Syria and Iran, thus Implementation Plan is already moving forward to achieve expansion?

Jubouri dismissal Backgrounds:The intended Dismiss of the al-Jubouri process not Jubouri himself, but Abadi mainly however he have been tampered with him as the weakest link, and may be a competition between Khamenei and Sistani mainly and this is what explains the Sistani once again to declare the dismay of politicians, especially under the Khamenei›s support for Maliki, is embodied the dispute among the both conservative

Economic predicament in the Kurdistan region:The main problem in the management of oil and gas fund in the Kurdistan region, which currently falls apart, based on the hypothesis that «the fastest way to build the region is a urgency greater resources from the oil collection, to strengthen the general budget, rather than retain them within the framework of the Development Fund» This converts the province›s economy to yield economy affected the current oil prices, accompanied by corrupt governance which makes alarm bells strike everywhere.

Synchronization of clashes in Syria and Iraq:Regarding clashes in Qamishli, we find it coincided with clashes of Tuz in Iraq, which are in the same context, any divisions between the «one alliance» This leads us to wonder about the real essence to those differences, which are not produced often from instantaneous clashes, and if audited We believe that the:All the interlocking parties either in Qamishli of Tuz Iraqi or Syrian, supported by Iran and Russia, one way or another, with the two forces, which are supposed to pour into the same focus, is the question leads us to know that was the last evidence of conflict of influence between them?Will be engagement with the Turkmen component reaction to the Turkmen army, which Turkey is trained to fight Daash in northern Syria, with the support of the United States?





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Detailed vision in the next election runoff:The next round of repatriation elections image doesn’t appear in the same clarity that it was in the first election round in February, although the palm tends certain percentage in favor of the moderates, it is important to remember that the biggest opportunities for the coalition of hope centered in Tehran in the last election, where there will be no a re-run which, after all the seats have been resolved in favor of the reformists, with the exception of just one.

Most of the electoral process will be stationed in rural areas, small towns, where none of the candidates failed to obtain the required percentage of votes to get to the Shura Council, and therefore it is not expected to be an easy task to reformers, despite the expectations and optimism harvested about forty seats out of sixty eight seats will be contested on them.

To some extent, the prospects look good for the reformists, considering that the militants had already reaped maximum percentage of votes that can gaining, it is believed that the fundamentalists voters, they were more responsive than others to the calls of the supreme leader to participate in the elections, which compare Khamenei›s religious duty which every citizen is supposed to do.

%38 of the voters Boycotted the last election, whether political or social reasons, or even because they had lost confidence in any of the candidates, but it is expected to witness the runoff post a substantial share of those who abstained from voting in the first time, since the end of campaigning for the Conservatives has expired, and the emergence of the effects of the rise of the reformers recently, which bodes their ability to do something in this time, in case they succeeded to achieve a majority in the parliament.

The support message from the university professors to President Rouhani, an important step ahead of the next elections, due to the high position occupied by the teachers and professors in Iran between various segments of Iranian society, and for the high credibility that they have. It is thus are expected to effects the message among students in the Iranian provinces, especially those who are still on the fence, and did not have their say in the first round of elections, which took place in February.

I r a n i a nm e d i a


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Iran is trying to promote a refraction

of Saudi Arabia-US relations and trying to say that Saudi Arabia wrong policies led to rotate the traditional US ally them, being administers policies


Iran is focusing hard on the Egyptian›s,

because of it is critical files for the Saudi-Emirati axis.

It is unlikely to be coordinated through the current period between Iran and the Egyptians Muslim Brotherhood

about the latest developments in Egypt.

Iranian attempts appear to continue to question the ability of the regular Iraqi army, especially in the fight Daash, and focus on the side reasons to explain this failure.

It shows more and more radical wing tendency inside

Iran to keep the sectarian conflict in the region as a front of dispute with Arab states, and the goal is to

narrow the field of maneuver in front of the reformists

in the construction of new trends in Arab-Iranian



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Hamas:Israel tend to ease tension with the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, due to the high cost to be incurred in case of escalated their procedures towards the West Bank or Gaza Strip, as a result of the international campaign carried out by peace activists around the world, The most prominent manifestations of the Israeli delinquency toward the truce is a recurrent talk by the Israeli government that the bombing in Jerusalem does not reflect the political leadership of Hamas, and it is a matter of dispute within the movement, which was not previously whether the Israeli government deal with Hamas as an integrated whole. With regard to the Palestinian Authority, it has brought praise by being succeeded in reducing the stabbing operations, in order to give the impression that the security coordination at its best, without the least political cost.

The talking Supports the conflicts between the political and military leadership of Hamas, about the Jerusalem bombing, news leaks that talked about the real distinctions began to appear within the Palestinian Islamist movement, Can be considered that this process represents an embarrassment on the part of the military wing of the political wing, which accuses the security coordination with Egyptian intelligence, and that he underwent to the Turkish pressure related to the arrangements that are being talked about with Israel, It seems that the military wing who is accused of direct coordination with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah wanted to embarrass the political organization and destroy the quiet and far from the media talks to bring out the Turkish-Israeli agreement on the Gaza Strip to take it out of the chronic crisis.

Russian-Israeli relations:Although the political and military nature of the visit, Netanyahu short to Moscow dominated the news, but the leak from the remarks did not reflect anything new in terms of this file, with the exception of gas and energy profile which showed Russian companies willingness to invest in it, it is not known yet over Netanyahu is serious to deal with this Russian desire.


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Turkish strategy way:If things continue at this level of positive, been able to Turkey Payment accession to the EU dossier, and the abolition of the visa and improving economic cooperation channels, would give this Turkish leadership the necessary tools both domestically and internationally to get out of the idea of «regional role» and move towards a «partnership» with the World Ocean. Any transition from being an ally to being a partner, not just with the United States and NATO, but as part of the EU are enshrined.

Kurds among government policy and the vision of the Turkish military:It is not clear on the ground went Kurds to dialogue with the Turkish government table, but the data indicate that even if the Turkish government wants to accept a return to dialogue, the army has a harder unit of the Kurds, and may not witness the state of calm only through military decision at the moment, away from the political decision-making.

Saudi-Turkish Compatibility:Freeze the properties of former President Saleh refers to the height of strategic coordination and political compatibility between Turkey and Saudi Arabia the level, also refers to the trend towards pleasing bilateral interests at various levels, and that there is a new shared vision between the two parties towards the Yemeni file.

Bridge Ottoman sultan and Atatürk:We note in Turkey emergence sympathetic stream with epoch empire to Turkey under the Ottomans, not the sense of expansion as far as the era considered golden for many in Turkish history, has contributed to the ruling party›s policy in the development of this trend, however, does not believe that the stream of Ataturk will be affected from the base hand People, Turkey is built on a new secular Atatürk, and the success of the justice and development in the first ten years was associated not announcing the Islamic vision directly.

A security perspective in Turkey:It must be recognized that there is a security situation is sensitive and fragile in the Turkish inside of the hand and the Islamic Kurdish state, so the slightest security glitch during Merkel›s visit to Turkey would have meant that Turkey is a country «problem» and not a state as possible help solve regional problems and the war on terrorism.


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Firstly – Final ConclusionsIslamic state organization Passes the situation of the defense of existence and stop field expansion due to the significant human and material losses suffered in the recent period, but he continues to hold in the areas of effective control, whether in Iraq or in Syria.Where the organization showed much flexibility adapting to air strikes repulsed ground attacks, and succeeded in the implementation of combat tactics as processes hit-and-run attacks and suicide and dissemination of piles of car bombs and mines in areas abandoned as a means the biggest losses on the other hand to the enemy events. However, the regulation has not yet achieved any alliances with other parties on the ground, and did not alter the pattern of strategy and tactics of combat typical of attack and defense, progress and withdrawal in the theater of operations.A report released by the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) that Washington spends about $ 6.8 billion, or approximately 12 million per day to finance the operations of the US-led anti-organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria since September 2014. «The Washington Times» also pointed out that the combat aircraft of the United States and coalition countries carried out so far more than 11 thousand air strike, which dropped more than 28,000 bombs against targets to state regulation. It is clear that this report is part of the adoption of a new style of fighting, the Americans are getting ready to plunge further from the Air Force and professional elements of the US special forces against al Daash in Mosul and tenderness leaders.In this context, US Defense Secretary, «Ashton Carter,» announced that the troop strength of 217 military trainers and special forces of US, accompanied by attack helicopters «Apache» and missile system long term, and a shipment of heavy weapons, is heading to Iraq to support and strengthen the Iraqi forces to regain control of Mosul. The Pentagon also plans to enhance the capabilities of the Allies the Kurds in Syria by sending trainers and advisers Americans in the near future. It seems that there is an imminent change in US plans for fighting over stalled previous attacks against the central gravity for the strategic planning in Mosul and tenderness. These projected plans include:• The siege of cities and towns by Iraqi forces and peshmerga in the Mosul area, and by the Kurdish alliance (BYD) - The Arab siege of Raqqa region in Syria.• Air support and heavy multi-tasking American planes (strategic, operational and tactical) bombers B - 52 heavy fighters and light bombers, «Fairchild A10- Thunder Bolt» and helicopters armed «Apache» categorically against Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria.It appears state organization faces difficulties in the crowd jihadist the local and international media. This situation was the result of increased operations tuning the border with Turkey recently and the non-arrival of new volunteers who were the backbone to military operations, which forced him to intensify conscription in the areas controlled by the operations. Americans also launched a counter cyber attacks to Daash websites which have limited his letters and news e compared to the previous two years.There is a dispersion of among anti-military powers of organization on the ground in operational and strategic approaches to deal with the case contraction suffered by the organization Daash in Iraq and Syria. Since most of the parties that claim to fight the regulation is for local communities, and opponents are fighting each other despite the fact that the main enemy organization Daash.Those non-allied parties at war is not standardized or coordinated against the organization in Iraq include: militias popular crowd and national peshmerga crowd and the tribal Turkmen Iraqi army. In Syria include: Syrian regime forces and Kurdish troops (BYD) and the forces of the free army and opposition factions and Front victory.The final conclusion: is difficult to assess the combat situation is the real for the the organization and the extent of the impact of human losses on the steadfastness and survival, where the (ignorant) hostile have sides and perhaps (hide) some accurate intelligence information from the media, in order to achieve surprises strategic and tactical depth against the organization in the future.


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In Iraq: (countries that participated in organization Aldharbatdd Daash in Iraq are: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States of America).• Near al-Baghdadi, eight strikes targeted the tactical unit and two warehouses the two arms and three sites for the dreamlike warriors and three tunnels, Asafaranha prevent fighters from follow up their progress in the field.• Near-al-qaaem, targeted strike one facility wheels b o m b s .• Near Baiji, one strike destroyed his fight wheel bomb site.• Near Fallujah, targeting three strikes and tactical units separate and destroyed a bridge and a combat site featuring high-caliber machine guns and an underground bunker and tunnel system.• Near heyet the targeted strike and tactical unit destroyed four machine guns and large-caliber recoilless launcher.• Near Kirkuk, one strike command and control point and a bridge were destroyed.• Near Mosul, targeting three hits and two units Tktikitin separate Tkdecen destroyed weapons and a checkpoint and two wheels and wheel bomb.• Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed two for the mortar.• Near Tal Afar, it caused a blow to one outcome is certain.

Thirdly:Maps of the Military Stance:

Second: Developments in Combating

Map of the military situation in Iraq and Syria (according to the map key):

Coalition forces carried out dozens of strikes against targets to regulate Daash using offensive aircraft; fighter aircraft and helicopter march from a distance. The following is a summary of the blows that have been recently carried out against al Daash in Syria and Iraq sites:

In Syria: (countries that participated in strikes against al Daash in Syria are: Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America).• Near Abu Kamal, one targeted air strike weapons factory.• Near the Sphinx, targeted strike one tactical unit.• Al Rigga, targeted hit one tactical unit destroyed the wheel.• Near Deir al-Zour, targeted hit one tactical unit destroyed the checkpoint• Near Manbej, targeted four tactical units separate strikes destroyed four wheels.• Near Mare`, one strike destroyed a site m o b i l i z e s .• Near Alouachih, targeted strike one unit tactical combat outpost and destroyed.





Results of farewell visit of Obama to Riyadh:Obama did not succeed in stimulating the relations between the two countries, and despite the existence of a strong flow in the United States: Supports changing alliances.Rebuffed from the Middle East.And supports the decision passed by Congress to punish the figures in the Saudi government to compensate the families of the victims of 11/9.However, there is strong evidence to refrain from prejudice is the national security of the state and the deep American institutions:

The visit is in itself brought by Obama›s humility or forced to Saudi Arabia.

Obama›s brandishing to veto on a draft resolution to punish Saudi Arabia and compensation for the victims of 11/9.

Reaching the volume of trade between the two countries among 90-70 billion dollars, despite all the tensions.

The position of one of the largest pro-US officials and supportive of the stream which encouraged the draft resolution, but said in the end he could not abandon Saudi Arabia as simple as that, or this is naive.

It is possible to see the change in the US strategy toward the Middle East through the following points:

All this contributed to the decline in relations between the two countries is striking, but even though it can not break the bridges between the two countries, but that happened today is a change in the depth of the relationship.

The Atlantic series of articles described Saudi Arabia the free passenger and inviting the Allies not to abide by the rules of Washington.

Disengagement from the Middle East.

Reduce the US role.

Iranian agreement.

Falling oil prices.

America›s self-reliance in oil.

182.923 182.242

US Election: Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton

Assembly election campaign funds

Policy towards Syria

Policy towards the Gulf States

Everything related to syria for him is connected with daash.He supports Russian and Iranian shelling in Syria because they contribute to the eradication of terrorism.Against a no-fly zone.He supports Assad›s departure through a political transition process in Syria.Refuses to arm the opposition

With the establishment of humanitarian corridors and a no-fly zoneWith arming the oppositionShe supports the idea of removing Assad from power by political means rather than military.It must be the departure of Assad to get rid of Daash This is the opinion of many experts

-He calls for the Gulf to play a bigger role in the war against Daash being rich nations. -He stressed his criticism of Qatar and accused her of supporting terrorist groups such as the Front victory and Daash -He criticized the Saudi intervention in Yemen

-The Gulf Arab ally essential to America and American targets in the region-SHe noted the importance of Saudi Arabia to help the US stabilize in northern Syria and take responsibility in the region for peace


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Obama›s visit European and uncertainties:As the tour farewell to US President sought to reassure traditional European allies and renew the US commitment to partnership Atlantic strategic framework regulating the relationship of the parties, but it is clear that President Obama›s policy over the past years has been successful to a large extent in pushing his European counterparts to ask serious questions about the true significance of this partnership and formats new that can be taken in the future.

Changing nature of the American role:The strategic transformation of the role of the United States as a superpower, exercise dominance of direct and traditional relying on military superiority to a new style of leadership, being welcomed in some European and German circles.In particular, are seen as an opportunity to reform and strengthen the work of various international institutions, parties, and makes the management of world affairs more participatory and democratic, but of course, this process of transformation will be accompanied by a period of crises while enabling all parties to develop tools and finding appropriate formulas for the future and, of course, according to optimistic.

Euro Free Trade Agreement area:While it seems that Britain out of the European Union is unlikely so far, in contrast, the fate of the free trade agreement between the eurozone and the United States is still uncertain under the the European fear popular opposition, and it seems that the negotiations between the two sides will require a longer time may not owned by President Obama, especially in light of the continuing popular discontent with unemployment and the loss of jobs, which is still experienced by a number of European economies.


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First: the manifestations of Chinese policy in the China Sea:China will continue its policy regarding China Sea is an attempt to assert its dominance in this region and to deal with them as part of the borders of these manifestations:

1. Landing Chinese warplanes on artificial islands in the South China Sea and the United States objected to that.

2. Build a floating nuclear power plants.

3. The possibility of building a nuclear pads on the artificial islands.

4. Experience of ballistic missiles.

5. Missile test in the China Sea.

It is clear that China is continuing to assert its dominance in the disputed areas, not only because of its belief that China Sea, part of the actual and historical borders, but also because of the presence of oil and natural resources worth billions of dollars.

We may see measures on an international scale of the continuation of dialogue in the areas of influence, where he left Thread mean recognition of the dominance of China, which is not anticipate receiving from the international community or the countries that dispute with China on hydro power.

Second: the child ghost crisis:

The social aspect:Caused «of the child ghost» crisis sensation in China recently after replacing the one-child policy, the policy of the two children, where there was a families give birth to more than one child before the launch of the new policy, and they are not able to push objectionable value for the government›s recognition of these children as citizens Chinese. Today, there are nearly 16 million children Chinese government refuses to recognize them.

The economic side:The new children›s policy due to lower consumption levels in China to try to create a new consumption cycle and raise the level of growth. In addition, it has become the average age of the Chinese per capita is very high and mostly male. It seems that, despite the obligatory inclusion of «ghost child» two Chinas as citizens, but as long as this segment is the consumer, it is unlikely the government provide the attention and the amounts that can be disbursed vaccinations and education as citizens and other immigra