Would you like to be in Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle? Would you like to duplicate Bob Proctor’s success? People are constantly asking Bob Proctor what a pical day looks like for him, how he comes up with ideas and what they should do about a challenge they are facing. ey ask what they should study, what Bob is thinking about and HOW he is thinking about it. Ultimately, they just want to have a conversation and get inside his head so they can better understand how his mind works. at is exactly what was going on in my mind when I first sat through a weekend seminar with Bob. I decided I was going to get into his Inner Circle and that is exactly what I did. From the first day I was in his Inner Circle and started to follow his direction, my life began changing and my income has multiplied. When you add up all the people who would like to reach out and have a conversation with Bob, well … it’s a huge number! It was understanding this and knowing how being in his Inner Circle has impacted my life for good that caused me to think we should create Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle, a forum where the serious students who want to perform like he does would have an inside opportuni to pick his brain … to wander around his mind. We could even carry it a little further, from time-to-time you will be able to communicate with Bob’s team as well as him … Bob really loved the Inner Circle Idea. He has dedicated his entire adult life to helping as many people as he can, and he absolutely loves the idea of being able to do it in a relaxed and intimate setting so he can really get into the nit-grit of what’s on people’s minds. is kind of program is exactly what has been missing from the industry … It’s not so much about what Bob knows, but more about what he does on a daily basis — and how he does it. Sandy Gallagher Where Wealth Is Created, Shared and Multiplied Time and money freedom is VERY real and available to you. For more than half a century Bob Proctor has been almost totally consumed with helping a world of individuals realize and act on the greatness they already possess within themselves. And now — for the first time ever — he’s letting you into his Inner Circle. www.proctorgallagherinstitute.com BPICBrochure6x9.indd 1 8/14/15 11:31 AM

Would you like to be in Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle?programcontent.s3.amazonaws.com/Think and Grow Rich Seminar... · Can you imagine how much better your life would be, how much

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Would you like to be in Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle?

Would you like to duplicate Bob Proctor’s success? People are constantly asking Bob Proctor what a typical day looks like for him, how he comes up with ideas and what they should do about a challenge they are facing.

They ask what they should study, what Bob is thinking about and HOW he is thinking about it.

Ultimately, they just want to have a conversation and get inside his head so they can better understand how his mind works. That is exactly what was going on in my mind when I first sat through a weekend seminar with Bob. I decided I was going to get into his Inner Circle and that is exactly what I did. From the first day I was in his Inner Circle and started to follow his direction, my life began changing and my income has multiplied. When you add up all the people who would like to reach out and have a conversation with Bob, well … it’s a huge number! It was understanding this and knowing how being in his Inner Circle has impacted my life for good that caused me to think we should create Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle, a forum where the serious students who want to perform like he does would have an inside opportunity to pick his brain … to wander around his mind. We could even carry it a little further, from time-to-time you will be able to communicate with Bob’s team as well as him …

Bob really loved the Inner Circle Idea. He has dedicated his entire adult life to helping as many people as he can, and he absolutely loves the idea of being able to do it in a relaxed and intimate setting so he can really get into the nitty-gritty of what’s on people’s minds.

This kind of program is exactly what has been missing from the industry …

It’s not so much about what Bob knows, but more about what he does on a daily basis — and how he does it.

Sandy Gallagher

Where Wealth Is Created, Shared and Multiplied

Time and money freedom is VERY real and available to you.

For more than half a century Bob Proctor has been almost totally consumed with helping a world of individuals realize and act on the greatness they already possess within themselves.

And now — for the first time ever — he’s letting you into his Inner Circle.


BPICBrochure6x9.indd 1 8/14/15 11:31 AM

Can you imagine how much better your life would be, how much different it would be if you were in Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle?

IMAGINE communicating with Bob on a regular basis in a relaxed setting, where you can ask the questions you want to ask ...

IMAGINE if you could get his opinion, his advice on the ideas you’re presently working on ... his input usually improves everything. There is nothing like real life experience, and he has an abundance of successful experiences.

IMAGINE having inside access to how he’s working, what he’s studying and what success habits he’s instilled ...

Now seriously ask yourself, would you like to add Bob Proctor’s influence, his direction to your life ... to where you are going?

As someone who is serious about your success, your answer to that question is surely a resounding ‘YES’.

At the beginning of Bob’s success journey and career in this industry he forged his way into Earl Nightingale’s inner circle — Now looking back over 55 years of dedicated study and application of the laws of success Bob can clearly see the effect that time had on his continued and increasing success.

Earl was known as the Dean of Personal Development he was, at the time, the most listened to man in the history of the broadcasting industry — and now Bob Proctor, is in a position where people are knocking down his door to get in his presence. Tarcher Penguin, the world’s largest publishing company recently named Bob America’s Greatest Prosperity Teacher.

You have to ask yourself — ‘what am I presently doing to subject myself to someone that will improve my quality of life, my level of success and my overall growth?’

Get real honest with yourself, do you have someone like Bob Proctor that you can communicate with on a regular basis?

If you do, that’s great.

If you don’t have someone like this that you spend time with – who has been there and is leading you to where you want to go — you’re not alone. You are a part of a very large group of people.

The Harsh Truth

The truth is, most people find themselves in a circle of influence where the only place they’re being led is to more of the same or perhaps, unfortunately even worse results.

That’s what happens when you leave your circle of influence up to chance and convenience. If you fall into that category, that’s a mistake you are presently paying for and you definitely want to change it.

Here’s the thing, if you’re going against the masses to create success in your life by actively thinking, purposely improving your life and consciously expanding your awareness — applaud yourself, you are different.

Here’s Some Great News …

You don’t need to search high and low, join weird online forums or stalk your nearby coffee shop to find a new Inner Circle or someone that can lead you to better results — Bob Proctor has created one for you.

That’s right, now you can join Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle.

Imagine what it will be like ...

Having access to ask Bob questions, learn from his experience, gain from his knowledge and

intertwine your life with his — to improve and expand your life.

This is an incredible opportunity to join a very small, hand selected group of individuals in a setting specifically designed to build

you up, stretch you and improve your life.

By following Sandy Gallagher’s lead and doing whatever is required to get in Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle isn’t just responsible, it’s incredibly beneficial and rewarding — here’s why:

1. You’re going to see how fast and how effectively Bob can turn an idea into profit — he’s learned and you will learn that multiple sources of income are the key to financial freedom.

2. You will IMMEDIATELY and CONSISTENTLY be involved in exercises and situations that will expand your level of awareness.

3. You will be challenged to stretch and do what has to be done to improve your results.

4. You will have placed yourself in a position to receive an incredible level of support.

5. Being in Bob’s Inner Circle you will not only be encouraged to entertain and act on big ideas you will also be masterminding with like-minded people who are also in his Inner Circle.

6. You will experience the beauty of continuous inspiration to take new action.

7. You will continually be held accountable to do what needs to be done, you’ll learn how to accomplish a lot in short amount of time to reach your goals

While finalizing the details for the Inner Circle, Bob was very clear that he only wanted to work with the super serious learners, people who realize the real value of investing in themselves. Individuals that weren’t just talking about big ideas, but were taking action and making things happen.

This is because Bob KNOWS the importance of who you surround yourself with and the impact it has on your success.

Over the last year Bob had an actual TV multi-camera broadcasting studio built on his property where he can communicate effectively with YOU — anywhere, anytime. This facility is cutting edge, it’s one of a kind and has been built to benefit the many people that Bob and his organization serve.

Your Inner Circle Is The FoundationFor ALL of Your Success

The Inner Circle is about being part of a community that has a strong eagerness to succeed in all, not just some, areas of life. You will have the ability to mastermind, brainstorm and associate with other members of the Inner Circle.

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