Family outings in Wielkopolska

WOT wypoczynek EN_maly

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Family outings in Wielkopolska Important Cities Area The Capital EUROPEAN FUNDS FOR INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN WIELKOPOLSKA Project co-financed by the European Union through the Regional Development Fund, as part of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for the years 2007 - 2013 Wielkopolska is inhabited (approximately) by3,4 million people, which is8,7% of the whole population of Poland. The province occupies the area of29826 km 2 , which is9,5% of the Polish territory. ISBN 978-83-61454-58-8

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Family outingsin Wielkopolska

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Project co-financed by the European Union through the Regional Development Fund, as part of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for the years 2007 - 2013



LocationWielkopolska Province is located in the basin ofWarta river, in the central part ofWielkopolsko-Kujawska Lowland. Simultaneously,it is situated on the crossroads of the mainEuropean East-West track leading from Berlin toMoskow (via Poznań, Konin and Warsaw) and thetrack from Prague towards the north (via Wrocław,Leszno, Poznań). As a result, the province has veryfavourable transportation connections with otherEuropean countries as well as the rest of the world.

AreaThe province occupies the area of 29 826 km2,which is 9,5% of the Polish territory.

PopulationWielkopolska is inhabited (approximately) by 3,4 million people, which is 8,7% of the wholepopulation of Poland.

The CapitalThe capital of the province is Poznań, a city withpopulation of 600 000 people. Due to itseconomic, commercial, scientific, cultural andtourist significance, the city is considered thecentre of western Poland. Also, Poznań has itsown airport (Ławica airport) performing bothnational and international functions.

Important CitiesGniezno, Kalisz, Konin, Leszno, Ostrów Wielkopolski, Piła.PHOTOS ON THE COVER:


ISBN 978-83-61454-58-8

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To begin with, we propose 15 ideas for a successful weekend with children. Amongour suggestions, there are adventures involving physical activity, such as the ropes parks

in Oborniki and Leszno, or the horse-riding centre in Jaszkowo, or even ski slopes openyear-round. When winter comes, the ski run in Chodzież is a must. Skiers and snowboardersare attracted to the Malta Ski centre in Poznań throughout the year.

To all those interested in discovering history, we recommend visits to Poznań, Kalisz,Gniezno as well as nearby locations of historic significance. In Poznań, a meeting with theTown Hall tower billy goats in the main square is always a good idea, after which we can callin at the Franciscans” monastery on Przemysł Hill to get an understanding of what Poznańwas like centuries ago. Gniezno in turn woos visitors with legends associated with the Hillof Lech. In Ostrów Lednicki, we can get a feeling of the truly great history by immersingin the climate of Poland’s oldest times, when the Polish state was only taking its shape. InGrzybowo, there’s a chance of an encounter with a medieval warrior. In the Kalisz district ofZawodzie, from spring to autumn, we can take an even deeper breath of Medieval historyin a carefully reconstructed settlement – the place now bustles with life thanks to efforts madeby various groups of activists.

Nature lovers are recommended a visit to Stobnica, where they can experience an eye-to-eyeencounter with a wolf and take a walk in the beautiful surroundings. In Gołuchów, we caneasily combine active rest (water sports) with history (the castle) and close contact with natureat either the beautiful arboretum or around the animal enclosures inhabited by, among others,wisents (European bison).

In a certain way, Wielkopolska is a unique province. It attracts enthusiasts of steam enginesand trains. The steam locomotive shed in Wolsztyn is open year-round and from spring toautumn families can enjoy rides on various trains and draisines. In Cichowo, famous forits film heritage park Soplicowo, there’s an opportunity to enjoy a ride on the new miniaturetrain, which tours the park. A true feast for railway fans.

Wielkopolska is worth tasting and discovering in a number of ways. Each of our weekendsuggestions combines active rest with an educational function. Nobody will be bored becausethere are a variety of activities to suit all needs. Most importantly, there are ideas for allsorts of weather, and for each season of the year. ◗

When Friday comes, we often find ourselvescoping with the usual dilemma how to spend our Saturday and Sunday. Parents startwondering how to organize the time for theiroffspring – how to drag them away fromcomputers or television sets. We can see no problem here: Wielkopolska is attractiveenough to accommodate for all the weekends,throughout the year. There won’t be enoughweekends to fully appreciate the region’spotential.

Wielkopolska for children




























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15ideas for

a successfulfamily




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At about noon, the square in front of the PoznańTown Hall fills up with people, and both children

and adults look up at the Town Hall tower, where twomechanical billy goats appear precisely at noon. The billygoats butt their heads while the tower clock is strikingtwelve, to disappear after the last strike.

The original ‘fool’s tool’, (i. e. the billy goats) wasordered from master Bartholomew Wolf in Gubin in themid-sixteenth century, at more or less the same timewhen Italian architect Giovanni Baptista di Quadroredesigned the Town Hall in the Renaissance style, whichremains until the present day.

According to the legend, the presentation of a newclock on the tower was celebrated with a feast, whosemain course was to be the roasted leg of a roe deer.However, the meat was burnt. The desperate head chefMikołaj decided to send his assistant Pietrek to get somemore meat. When Pietrek failed to purchase the meat,he ventured out of the town himself. He noticed twosmall billy goats grazing on the meadows near the Wartariver. Without thinking twice, he grabbed the animalsand hastened to the Town Hall. However, the billy goatsmanaged to escape the cooks, ran upstairs to the towerand went onto the cornice. When the governor arrivedat the Town Hall, nobody noticed him as all the peoplewere looking up to see the two white billy goats. The sightmade the governor laugh so much that he ordered masterBartholomew to incorporate two billy goats which butt

In the company of goats...

The Old Market Square in Poznań is teeming with colours and at thesame time, it is notparticularly big, which is especially appreciatedby children. They feelsafe here, and at midday, they can enjoy watchingthe billy goats on thetower of the Town Hall.


The billy goats in the Town Hall

Relaxing in Poznań



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their heads in the mechanism of the clock tocommemorate the event. The billy goats returned to themeadow and to their owner – a poor widow.

In the summer, the Old Market Square in Poznańlooks like one huge cafe. Almost in every tenement housewe can find a cafe or a restaurant, some of which are quiteextraordinary. Among these establishments, visitors cancome across palaces built by the Działyński, Mielżyńskiand Górka families, as well as the Museum of MusicalInstruments and the Henryk Sienkiewicz museum. Youcan take a walk from the Old Market Square, pass theDziałyńskis’ palace and then go towards the PrzemysłHill. Unfortunately, cellars built in the Gothic style arethe only remains of the original castle built by PrincePrzemysł I and his son Przemysł II. The castle, which wasbuilt in the 18th century and rebuilt after the secondWorld War, now houses the Functional Art Museum.

Opposite the castle stands a church belonging to theFranciscan order. In the cellars of the church, visitors canenjoy three models of Poznań made by KrzysztofPrzybyła. The Town of the First Piasts presents Poznańin the times of the first rulers from the Piast dynasty. Thesecond model – the Old Poznań – forms a part of anaudio-visual show which presents the history of the city.The author based his model on an engraving made byGeorge Braun and Franc Hogenberg in the year 1618.Viewers can easily recognise the oldest part ofPoznań – the Ostrów Tumski holm or the Old Market,but the model also features buildings and objects whichno longer exist. The third model presents the Old Squareand was prepared for the visually impaired – it isthree-dimensional and features a description in the Braillealphabet. ◗

The Poznań City History Museum – Town HallStary Rynek 161 – 772 Poznańtel. 61 852 56 13www.mnp.art.pl

The Old Poznań Modelul. Franciszkańska 2 (cellars of the Franciscan order church; the entrance is located in Ludgarda street) 61 – 768 Poznańtel. 61 855 14 35; 602 463 028www.makieta.poznan.pl










In the company of goats...

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In order to see the animals living in the Poznań zoo,choose a means of transport which is as exotic as the

inhabitants of the zoo – the Maltanka Park Railway. Thenarrow-gauge railway operates between April andOctober. The first train stop is situated near the Śródkaroundabout. You can’t miss the characteristic checkedhalf-timbered station building. The railway, which is oneof the last remaining narrow-gauge railways in Poland(the railway is 600 mm wide) runs along the Maltańskielake and the last stop, called Zwierzyniec, is locatednearby the zoo.

Usually, the feature of zoos which children find themost appealing are the elephants. Why is that? Becausethese animals are often mentioned as friends of thecharacters in fairy-tales. Visitors can observe the elephantsliving in the Malta Zoo from a distance. A special facilitywas built for the animals, including an indoor enclosuremeasuring about 3500 square metres and an outdoorenclosure of about 2.5 hectares, as well as an additionaloutdoor area of six hectares. Near the main outdoor part,an ‘African village’ with a bar and a cafe was built forvisitors. The upstairs terrace of the village, which canbe reached by a bridge, provides excellent views of thenatural landscape of the zoo, as well as the main elephantenclosure, featuring a stream and a waterfall.

The animals living in the zoo built on the Biała hillnear the Malta Lake often enjoy conditions which closelyresemble their natural environment. For example,a number of habitats for birds were designed nearby the

numerous lakes and this might be the reason why thebirds manage to reproduce so successfully in the Poznańzoo. The hilly area, which is covered with trees, certainlysuits the European deer, the fallow deer or the llama.However, not all animals are able to roam the zoo freely.For some of them, special enclosures have been built,either outdoors or indoors, in accordance with theirclimatic preferences or due to security considerations.

Visitors can easily spend a whole day in the Poznań zoo.Those who do not enjoy long walks or feel tired can takeadvantage of the free-of-charge railway which runs aroundthe zoo. It is not even necessary to get out in order to see theanimals in their enclosures. Those who need moreexcitement can visit Zoolandia, a small park with ropes forclimbing, which is available to children as young as three. ◗

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...and elephants

The Maltanka Park Railwayul. Jana Pawła II 161 – 131 Poznańtel. 61 877 26 [email protected]

Poznań Zooul. Krańcowa 8161 – 048 Poznańtel. 61 877 35 [email protected]






Take the Maltanka narrow-gauge railway to the zoo

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From the ski slope... to tropical lands

Andrzej Wituski, a former president of the city of Poznań, was jealous of his colleague – HerbertSchmalstieg, the mayor of Hannover, because of Maschsee, a beautiful lake in the centre of the city. This inspired Mr Wituski to create an attractive area around the Malta lake. He was successful, and this is how the sports and recreation facility with a ski slope openall year round, was created.

Relaxing in Poznań



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Initially, the natural ski slope on the Freedom Moundwas used by the lovers of skiing only on the few days

when it was covered by snow. However, for several yearsnow, it has been possible to go skiing on the slope evenon a hot day. In the Malta Ski facility, it is possible to useboth traditional skis and a snowboard.

Nearby the ski slope, visitors can take advantage ofa summer tobogganing track. Get on top of the 530-metre track and take the exciting ride on a specialsleigh-like carriage in a winding steel chute placedpicturesquely on the mound. You’re bound to enjoy theride, during which the carriage takes numerous turns andleans at various angles. At the same time, the ride iscompletely safe, although children aged less than 8 canonly travel in the company of an adult. During thesummer, Malta Ski offers an unusual attraction: a tripdown a seventy-metre ski slope in a rubber boat. Thechildren are certainly going to enjoy the adventure, andtheir parents will recall their childhood days.

Those who prefer slightly less exciting ways ofspending their free time can travel to the observation decksituated at the top of the Freedom Mound. From thedeck, they can enjoy an exciting view of the Malta Lakeand the city. To travel to the top, visitors need to takea chairlift, which is always undeniably attractive ina lowland area.

Numerous other attractions can be found at the footof the slope, including a mini-golf course and a golfcourse for those who are learning to play the game.Between April and autumn months, visitors can rentroller blades, bikes, scooters, or nordic walking poles.Nearby the Malta lake, children will enjoy the biggestplayground made of wood in Poznań, which for manyyears has attracted the youngest visitors. Adults can spend

their time in one of the numerous cafes located nearbythe playground.

The area near the Malta lake is also used for numerouscultural events. Throughout the summer, the open-airSummer Cinema is set up near the ski slope. To celebratethe 750th anniversary of granting the municipal charterto Poznań, a Time Garden was built. Dorota and AndrzejGosienieckis designed five different sundials: a classicsundial with a horizontal dial and a style whose shadowtells the current time, an analemmatic sundial, which usesthe shadow of the visitor to tell the time, a multiplesundial, which shows the current time in a number ofEuropean capital cities, a bow sundial, which tells thetime to an accuracy of fifteen minutes, as well as thepre-Slavic sundial, which is said to bring good luck tothose who touch its sun-shaped part. And if all that is notenough, you can visit the picnic area or simply relax inthe green areas surrounding the Malta lake. There is nodoubt that the Malta Lake and its surroundings are nowas attractive as the famous Maschsee in Hannover. ◗

From the ski slope...

Mal ta Ski Re cep tion Of fi ce and Equ ip ment Ren tal

ul. Wian ko wa 261 – 131 Po znańtel. 61 878 22 12, 61 878 22 13re cep cja@mal ta ski.plwww.mal ta ski.pl

Go skiing even on a hot day and then...A


. MA










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The Palmiarnia palm house is often associated withpalm trees, which are not a natural element of the

Polish landscape. Not all of us are able to travel to theMediterranean to enjoy viewing these beautiful trees intheir natural environment. However, the Palmiarnia ismore than just palm trees.

The Poznań Palmiarnia is one of the biggest palmhouses in Poland, and even in Europe. It featuresabout 1100 species of plants, 50 species of water plantsand 170 species of fish in a number of huge aquariums.

The main attraction of the palm house is theExhibition Pavilion One, which features plants from thesub-tropical climate, including a palm tree from the Sabalminor species, which survived the year 1945, whena huge part of the palm house was destroyed by the war.Those wishing to see live citrus plants should visit ExhibitPavilions Two and Three. In the third pavilion, it is worthseeing the cork oak, the species which is used to makecork stops for bottles of wine.

When you feel tired by the sub-tropical heat, visit theAquarium Pavilion or the pavilion featuring succulent

plants native to America to see the unusual shapes of thecactus plants. In Pavilions 5 and 6, visitors can findtropical trees including rare specimens such as the blackpepper or the ebony tree. Those who visit Pavilion 9 willbe able to see plants which naturally grow in the savannas,and see for themselves that the conditions in which thelions are living in the Poznań zoo are quite different fromtheir natural environment.

When walking around the Palmiarnia, rememberto take a look into the ponds, which are teeming withexotic fish. Those who enjoy watching butterflies areadvised to follow information in the local press – themedia regularly provide information concerning theappearance of butterflies which are normally not foundin our climate. Organise a trip to the Palmiarnia as soonas you can, as the life of a butterfly is very brief.

The Poznań Palmiarnia dates back to the year 1910,which is when the first greenhouses were built. It islocated in Wilson Park – a beautiful old park, a formerbotanical garden named after American PresidentThomas Woodrow Wilson. ◗

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...to tropical lands

Palmiarnia Poznańskaul. Wilsona 1860 – 767 Poznańtel. 61 685 89 [email protected]

... visit the tropical land in the centre of the city

Relaxing in Poznań


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Visitors interested in history are advised to visit theKalisz Piasts Town, a reconstruction of the seat of the

dukes from the Piast dynasty, and one of the mostinfluential centres in the process of creating the state ofPoland in the 10th century. The Piasts Town is localised inZawodzie, one of the town’s quarters. The archaeologicalreserve covers the area of three hectares and it includes thefoundations of St Paul’s collegiate church, the first churchin Kalisz, founded by Duke Mieszko III, as well as a burialmound in which the dead were buried followinga ceremonial burning of the body. Other attractions inthe reserve include a reconstructed 10-metre-high gatetower and a higher tower built for defence, complete witha palisade, as well as seven typical houses from the MiddleAges. Visitors can see the Mieszko fleet of boats made ofhollowed-out trees, which the adventurous visitors canuse to travel across the pond created by a widening of themoat. It is worth looking down from the bridge leadingto the town, as visitors can see the original fortificationsof the embankment, dating back to the Middle Ages.

Between spring and autumn, visitors can watcharchaeological excavations conducted in the reserve. Inthe summer, they can enjoy numerous attractionsincluding mock jousts, fairs and feasts (such as theArchaeological Fair in June and the Kupała Night in July,the Feast of Piasts in September and the Prince’s HoneyGathering Event in September). Try your hand at makingclay dishes, making objects of bone, horn or animal skins,and learn the techniques used in the production of pitchand wood tar. In the wooden huts, watch thepresentations of old crafts such as weaving, leathercraftor metalwork.

When visiting the Zawodzie district, it is worthvisiting the St. Adalbert’s church. Inside the church, thevisitors can see an old sculpture of saint Adalbert wearinghis pontifical robes. The saint is wearing a glove on onehand, but not on the other hand, which is raised. Thisparticular sculpture and the fact that the saint is notwearing a glove on one hand is connected with a legenddescribing the time during which saint Adalbert stayedin Kalisz. Edward Stawecki mentions the legend in hisAlbum Kaliski, published in the year 1858: ‘When saintAdalbert was telling the words of the holy faith to thecongregation that had gathered, he put his gloves and hisstaff on the ground. One of the listeners came closer andstole one glove. When he noticed the theft, the holyapostle felt angry that the glove be stolen at the verymoment when he was telling the words of the Saviourmost vigorously. Not being able to discover the thief,he supposedly stated that as a punishment for the deed,none of his listeners, nor their descendants, would everpreach the words of the Saviour, or in other words, thatthey would never become priests…’ ◗

The Kalisz-Zawodzie ArchaeologicalReserve Gród Piastów

ul. Bolesława Pobożnego 87/10162 – 800 Kalisztel. 691 996 528, 62 757 16 08www.muzeum.kalisz.pl

With the Prosna river in the backgroundRelaxing in Kalisz

‘Oh, isn’t it good to standand stare near the Prosnariver in the spring’ is a well-known line from a song sung by the KabaretStarszych Panów cabaretgroup. However, this is notentirely true. Kalisz, whichis the town featured in thesong, remains beautifulthroughout the year. There is no doubt that the town has a specialcharacter, since it was the only town mentioned by Greek scientist ClaudiusPtolomaeus in his workGeography, describing the areas between theDanube and the Baltic Sea.

What was life like in Middle Ages?








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One of the most important elements of every town isthe tower from which visitors can admire the panoramic

view of the area. Kalisz is no different. The central feature of the Old MarketSquare is the Town Hall. The first town hall was built after the year 1360. Thecurrent one was rebuilt in the year 1925 and it was designed by architectSylwester Pajzderski. The tower features a clock with a diameter of about 3metres. On their way to the viewing platform, visitors can take a look at themechanism of the clock. The tower of the Kalisz Town Hall is open for visitorsfrom the beginning of May to the end of October. Inside the tower, on severalfloors, visitors can see an interesting exhibition presenting the history of thetown. From the viewing platform, visitors can take a look at the town. Themediaeval layout of the streets in the centre of the town is clearly visible, butunfortunately, it is not possible to see the Dorotka Tower, one of the elementsof a small part of the wall surrounding the town which have survivedunchanged until this day. According to the legend, the daughter of the Kaliszstarost (the royal deputy) fell in love with a shoemaker called Marcin. Whenthe affair was discovered, the shoemaker was killed, and Dorotka joined a groupof travelling flagellants. Soon, the love-stricken Dorotka was captured byher father’s servants and the angry starost, whose pride had suffered a heavyblow, punished his daughter by having her bricked up alive in the tower.According to the legend, any girl found guilty of immoral behaviour was lockedup in the tower and nicknamed ‘Dorotka”. It is rumoured that even today, thesighs of the unhappy lover can still be heard in the tower on a quiet day. ◗

Prosna is a magical river, particularly in Kalisz. Visitorsare encouraged to take a walk along the river banks,

or even better, to go for a boat trip on the river in Calisia,the boat of Saint Adalbert. The boat trips on the Prosnariver begin and finish near the Wojciech Bogusławskitheatre, and the boat returns near the Bursztynowy(Amber) Bridge. The educational boat trips begin witha meeting near the theatre. Then, visitors take the Calisiaboat to the Zawodzie reserve. There, visitors take a tourof the Saint Adalbert’s church, then visit theArcheological Reserve (the exhibition pavilion) and readlegends about Kalisz. After visiting the reserve, visitorstake the boat back to the theatre. The crew on the boatare dressed in medieval-style clothes, which makes thetrip even more attractive. ◗

Municipality OfficeRy nek Głów ny 2062 – 800 Ka lisztel. 62 765 43 00www.ka lisz.pl






With the Prosna river in the background

Look down from the TownHall tower









Calisia, the boat of Saint Adalbert

Mie czy sław Ma cho wiczul. Gór no ślą ska 1862 – 800 Ka lisztel./fax 62 753 43 29kom. 509 611 272in fo@ma cho wicz-ry mar stwo.ka lisz.plwww.ma cho wicz-ry mar stwo.ka lisz.pl/





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In Izabella’s castlein Gołuchów

The most important attraction in Gołuchów is the castle,which is more than four hundred years old. If given

appropriate lighting, the castle might easily serve as a naturalfeature of a horror film. The castle owes its present look toIzabella Działyńska, nee Czartoryska. It was Izabella whoinvited a group of architects, sculptors and painters fromFrance. They redesigned the castle and gave it a new shape,resembling the famous castles on the Loire river, but at thesame time maintaining the details characteristic of Polishcastles from the Renaissance period. From the very beginning,Izabella’s intention was not to build a family residence, butsomething resembling a museum, and there is no doubt shewas successful. The castle is surrounded with the biggestnatural landscape park in the Wielkopolska (with a size ofabout 160 hectares), which features a collection of severalhundred species of trees and bushes. Initially, the castle wassurrounded by a rather small garden in the Italian style. Whenhe inherited the property, Jan Działyński founded the parkand introduced collections of trees and bushes imported fromaround the world. ◗

The Castle – a branch of the National Museum in Poznań

63 – 322 Gołuchówtel. 62 761 50 94 [email protected]

The wisentsanctuary in Wielkopolska

You do not have to travel all the way to the PuszczaBiałowieska national park in order to see a live wisent

(European bison). Instead, you can visit Gołuchów.Since 1977, tourists have had an opportunity to visit a specialenclosure for these huge animals in the forests next to the park.The wisents can roam freely within the enclosure, whichmeasures 20 hectares. If they could walk the whole area freely,they would probably be very difficult to see. Therefore, theanimals (there are about 10 wisents in the area) are kept inspecial smaller enclosures during the day, so that the visitorscan see them the whole year round. Within the last 30years, 76 wisents have been born in Gołuchów. To prevent thewisents from feeling a bit lonely, other species of animals, suchas the konik (the Polish primitive horse), the fallow deer andthe wild boar have been introduced to the enclosure. Keepingwild animals in an enclosure is a reflection of the traditionof creating private zoos in the vicinity of family residencesof Polish magnates. ◗

Forest Culture Centreul. Działyńskich 263 -322 Gołuchówtel. 62 761 50 45, 62 761 50 46www.okl.lasy.gov.pl

Wisents and wigwams

In Gołuchów, the border between history and present times becomes blurred and legendscome back to life like winsents did, animals which were reintroduced to Wielkopolska. And in the village of Brzezie, those looking forentertainment can find an intriguing world...

Relaxing in Gołuchów








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Visitors are encouraged to spend at leasta few hours in Brzezie, a village located

between Pleszew and Kalisz. They can admirefour hectares of unusual landscape, whosecharacter is defined by four wigwams.

‘Wigwams under the Moon’ is the nameof a one-of-a-kind recreation ‘republic’. Theplace even has its own currency of 1 cacyk (theequivalent of PLN 5) and 1 lunar (theequivalent of PLN 50). This feature of the‘recreation republic’ makes the visitors feel asif they were taking part in an exotic trip. Thereis something for everyone to enjoy: smallchildren will immediately run to the indoorplayground if the weather happens to be rainy,and if it is dry, they will be tempted by outdoorplaygrounds, a tree house, climbing ropes andswings. Adults might be more interested invisiting the old vaults, which have recently

been converted into restaurants and bars.Those who prefer cooking in the open air,might prefer to choose the barbecue area.

There is a small lake in the ‘Wigwams underthe moon’ recreation complex, and visitors areencouraged to rent a pedal boat, go fishing orsimply relax and sunbathe on the beach by thelake. ◗

Wigwams under the MoonBrzezie, ul. Stawiszyńska 163 – 300 Pleszewtel. 510 117 490, 510 117 492, 62 742 02 [email protected]

The stone

Relax by the lake

Wigwams under the Moon

In the pine forest located about 2.5 kilometresto the south of Gołuchów (the forest along the

Gołuchów – Kalisz road), visitors can admire thebiggest glacial erratic in Wielkopolska. The stoneis 3.5 metres high and has a circumference of 22metres. It is known as Saint Kinga’s or SaintJadwiga’s stone. The stone is a medium-grainedScandinavian pink granite rock, covered withlichen, which gives the stone its characteristic greycolour. There are a number of legends explaininghow the stone was brought to the area.

One of the legends claims that the devilwanted to throw the stone at Kalisz when hebecame angry with the inhabitants of the town.However, the stone was very heavy, and at thesound of the first crow in the morning, thedevil was still far away from the town. Hedropped the stone and abandoned it in theforest, where it remains until today. Anotherlegend states that the stone was to be used for

the construction of the castle in Gołuchów.However, one of the devils who worked for themaster of the Gołuchów castle, did not manageto carry it to its destination as on its way he meta woman carrying a cock to the village fair. Thecock crowed suddenly and the scared devil leftthe stone in the forest. It is rumoured thata great treasure is buried under the stone, butnobody is able to recover the treasure, as thestone is too heavy. According to anotherlegend, the knights of Saint Jadwiga of Silesiaare sleeping under the stone. The saint isbelieved to have convinced Holy Mary not toallow the knights killed in a fight against theTatars to die, but only to fall asleep. When theCatholic faith is in danger again, the knightsare again going to rise with swords in theirhands to fight and win another battle. ◗


The forests surrounding Gołuchów offer anotherattraction to visitors – an artificial lake with an area

of 51 hectares. The lake has a sandy beach, a swimmingarea with a lifeguard and visitors can take advantage ofsummer houses, a camping area and boat, kayak andpedal boat rental. It is a perfect place for those who enjoysunbathing, swimming, sailing, kayaking, windsurfing

or fishing. On the western side of the lake, nearby theschool, visitors can use sports and recreation facilities,including a volleyball court and a beach volleyball area,a football stadium, tennis courts, a gymnasium, as wellas playgrounds and recreation areas. ◗

Gołuchów Tourist and Sports Centreul. Leśna 163 – 322 Gołuchów tel./Fax 62 761 50 63, 62 761 51 77tel. 606 662 954 [email protected]

Wisents and wigwams
























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According to the legend, three brothers named Lech,Czech and Rus were travelling through dense forests

in search for a land on which they could settle. After a longtrek, the brothers suddenly saw a broad valley witha number of small hills. On the highest hill, in an old oaktree, an eagle had woven its nest. The legend has it thatLech, enchanted by the beautiful view, said ‘I will take thiswhite eagle as an emblem of my people, and around theoak tree, I will build my town and call it Gniezno, incommemoration of the eagle’s nest’. And that is what hedid. Czech decided to go further south in search for a newland for himself, while Rus decided to go further east. Somuch for the legend. In terms of historical facts, there isno doubt that in the first half of the tenth century AD,Gniezno became the central town of the Polans tribal state.According to a document dating back to the end of thetenth century AD, Gniezno played the role of a capitaltown connected with the Piast dynasty. The results ofarchaeological research have confirmed that at the end ofthe eighth century AD, a town with a duke’s house as wellas a settlement were built and surrounded by walls madeof earth and wood. It is supposed that the Hill of Lech wasthe focal point of the tribal pagan worship, which is provenby the remains of a religious fireplace dating back tothe 7th-8th century AD, found in the vaults of theCathedral, as well as a stone mound under Saint George’sChurch. It is assumed that the first Catholic church, madeof stone, was built here as early as in the ninth century AD.Mieszko I, the first historic ruler of Poland, built a statewhich extended over a considerable territory andstrengthened the state politically by introducingChristianity. The ceremony of baptising Poland probablytook place in Gniezno, on the Silent Saturday of theyear 966. Thus, Gniezno became the capital town. TheCathedral, which to some extent is the reflection of thehistory of this area, is built in the Gothic style. The buildinghas three naves, and it is built according to the basilicamodel and features an ambulatory. The central nave isseparated from the chancel by a chancel arch, and fromthe side naves – by ogive-shaped arcades dating back to themid-fourteenth century and richly decorated with carvings.The side naves adjoin fourteen chapels, two vestries,a library and the new chapter house, and the western part

On the hill of Lech Relaxing in Gniezno

City of Gniezno was built onseven hills. Each of these hillshas its individual character and symbol. However, the mostimportant one is the hill of Lech,on which the cathedral stands.

It was first noticed by Lech







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During your stay in Gniezno, it is worth to spendone day taking a trip on the Gniezno

Narrow-Gauge Railway from Gniezno to Anastazewo.The trains run regularly from mid-June to the end ofAugust, on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.The train has a restaurant carriage. The distance ofabout 30 kilometres is covered in three hours. The trainstarts the journey in Gniezno. There are five stops on theway: Żelazkowo, Niechanowo, Witkowo, Powidz andPrzybrodzin. It is worth remembering that on the finalDay of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity annualevent, a special trip on the train is organised from

Gniezno to Witkowo. A number of special events areorganised every year, including the Railway Engine F? teat the end of April / beginning of May, the RailwayEngine Midsummer Eve in June, as well as the BakedPotato Day in September. The narrow-gauge railway wasbuilt in the year 1896. ◗

The Gniezno Narrow-Gauge Railwayul. Wrzesińska 262 – 200 Gnieznotel./fax 61 426 11 30www.gkw-gniezno.pl

of the church houses two crypts located near the towers,as well as the old chapter house.

At the end of the nave, in the southern vestibule,visitors can admire a portal dating back to the second halfof the 14th century, which includes the famous Gnieznodoors, one of the most valuable Romanesque relics inEurope. The doors consist of two leafs and are made ofbronze. They feature 18 plots decorated with low reliefsshowing the life and teachings of Saint Adalbert, from hisbirth to his martyr death and the burial of the saint’s body.The young generation considers the Gniezno Doors tobe a kind of a comic strip. The relics of the saint, who isalso the saint patron of Europe, are placed in the cathedralinside a Baroque reliquary in the shape of a silver coffin,on top of which lies a figure of the saint wearing his bishoprobes.

Visitors are advised to take a walk from the Hill ofLech to the six remaining hills: the Hill of Saint Peter (nowSaint Peter and Paul’s Cemetery), the Hill of St Lawrence(St Lawrence’s Church and the marketplace), the Hill ofSt Michael (St Michael’s Church), the Virgin Hill (theOld Market), the Hill of Teutonic Knights and theŻnińskie Hill. On each of these hills, visitors will findsomething interesting for them. One of the mostinteresting institutions is the Museum of the Origins ofthe Polish State, which mainly shows artefacts connectedwith the Middle Ages in Poland, as well as the history ofGniezno and the whole region. The most interestingfeature of the museum is a multimedia

exhibition – a show which presents the history of theregion from the middle of the tenth century to thebeginning of the sixteenth century.

There are five lakes in the city of Gniezno: JelonekLake, Winiary Lake, Świętokrzyskie Lake, Koszyk Lakeand Wełnickie Lake. Apart from that, there are numerousponds both within the city and in the surrounding area,so visitors will certainly find the Gniezno Lake Districtquite impressive. ◗

The Archcathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

ul. Kanclerza Łaskiego 9 62 – 200 Gniezno, tel. 61 426 38 98www.archidiecezja.pl

Visiting hours: on weekdays, between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m.,except for 12-1 p. m., when the Holy Mass is celebrated; in April and October, until 4 p. m. On Sundays and nationalholidays, between 1 p. m. and 2.30 p. m., and between 4 p. m. and 5 p. m., on Sundays and national holidays,groups are only allowed with a guide. There is an entrancefee and additional fees for seeing the Gniezno Doors, the vaults, entering the tower and seeing the bells.

Museum of the Origins of the Polish State ul. Kostrzewskiego 1 62-200 Gniezno tel. 61 426 46 41 fax 61 426 48 41 www.mppp.pl

The Gniezno Narrow-Gauge Railway

On the hill of LechPH


















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Those who visit Lednickie Lake have the impressionthat in this part of the world, present times are not

much different from the past. Perhaps only the modernrhythm of life is slightly different. Archaeologists live ata slower pace than the locals or the tourists, as theycannot afford to miss even the smallest detail. The FirstPiasts Museum in Lednica includes several attractionssuch as Lednicki Holm, the Small Open-AirEthnographic Museum, the Wielkopolska EthnographicPark, as well as archaeological reserves localised in Giecz,Grzybowo and Radzim.

Lednicki Holm, an island measuring 7.5 hectares, situated in the southern part of Lednickie Lake, offersa range of attractions to visitors, including the ruins of stone buildings dating back to the second half of thetenth century AD, the times of Duke Mieszko I and KingBolesław Chrobry (Boleslaw I the Brave): a palatine,a chapel with a baptistery, and the town church. Theisland used to be surrounded by thick embankments, andtwo bridges used to connect it to the mainland. LednickiHolm was one of the central elements of the state duringthe times of Mieszko I. The present-day visitors travel to

What was life like in the Middle Ages? Relaxing by the Lednickie

Lake and

in Grzybowo

If you wish to learn howpeople lived in the times of the Piasts dynasty, why don’t you take a trip to the holm. Here, nearLednickie Lake, on theisland, and in the nearbyGrzybowo, visitors can getthe feel of the way ourancestor lived. They canfeel and touch elements of a very distant past.

At Lednickie Lake











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The town of Grzybowo was founded at thebeginning of the tenth century AD and existed

until the end of the century. The period of its peak development was the second half of the tenth century.A number of well-preserved elements of the townhave been discovered, and the archaeological worksconducted since the end of the nineties are slowlyuncovering the secrets of the area. Some of the historical artefacts discovered in the town are nowon display in the museum in Września. Every year,on the last-but-one weekend of August, anInternational Convention of Knights is held inGrzybowo, which attracts knights from aroundEurope. Every year, the theme of the convention isdifferent. The participants of the conventionexchange their ideas and at the same time, share theirknowledge with the audience. The knights havejointly started the construction of an open-airethnographic museum, which will ultimatelycomplement the museum in Grzybowo. w

Archaeological Reserve in Grzybowotel. 61 427 50 17

the island by ferry, which is an additional attraction. TheSmall Open-Air Ethnographic Museum is a smallparkland area onto which a number of historical buildingshave been transferred from the Wielkopolska region. Nearthe entrance to the Museum, visitors can see theSkarbczyk, a small-scale copy of the Church of St John ofJerusalem in Poznań, which houses several exhibitions.The main exhibition presenting historical artefactsconnected with Lednicki Holm is located in the oldgranary building in Dziekanowice.

The Wielkopolska Ethnographic Park stretches overthe Lednickie Lake Area. The Park is one of the biggestethnographic parks in Europe. Visitors can see buildingsdating mainly to the 18th and the 19th century, from thewhole Wielkopolska Area. It is worth comparinga peasant cottage from the year 1602 to a similar cottagedated 1936, both built in accordance with thevertical-post log construction model. The two buildingsprovide an interesting example of contrasts betweencultures. In the Ethnographic Park, visitors can feel asif they were walking around an old village, as apart frompeasant houses from various parts of the WielkopolskaArea, the Park features windmills, a small church,a granary, a blacksmith’s shop and a school. The buildingslook as if they were still inhabited and the peasants livingthere went to work in their fields a short while ago.

In May, the Small Open-Air Ethnographic Museumorganises an archaeological-historical fete, during whichchildren and teenagers are encouraged to change into‘young researchers’ and learn new facts and skills fromthe employees of the First Piasts Museum in Lednica.After they take a ferry trip to Lednicki Holm, they will

find themselves in a different world. Reconstructiongroups will make it possible for them to move back tothe past and ‘taste’ the way in which their ancestors lived.It is worth seeing the Corpus Christi procession organisedin the Wielkopolska Ethnographic Park in Dziekanowiceand see the colourful crowd of people dressed in folkcostumes, walking slowly around the Park.

On the first Sunday of each month, the historicalbuildings come to life as potters, shoemakers, blacksmithsand ordinary peasants move into the buildings. Thehousewives cut out the traditional folk paper cuts,embroider, spin wool, weave cloth on looms and churnbutter. A number of people dressed in folk costumes walkaround the area – some of them are members of folklore groups, who invite visitors to singing anddancing events. A fair is held on the central village square.

For several years now, on the other side of the lake,visitors have been able to see the ‘Millennium Gate’, nearwhich the John Paul II House is run by the PoznańDominican Friars Order. Every June, a Youth Meetingis organised in the area, but visitors are invited to visit theJohn Paul II House (in which a museum commemoratingthe Polish pope is being created) or walk under thefish-shaped Millennium Gate all year round. ◗

First Piasts Museum in Lednica Dziekanowice 32 62-261 Lednogóra tel. 61 427 50 10 fax 61 427 50 [email protected]

What was life like in the Middle Ages?

The town of Grzybowo






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Under the sky and on the groundRelaxing in Leszno and its





Leszno, the town of the KingStanisław Leszczyński, is most frequently associatedwith speedway racing, hang-gliding and balloontrips. In the year 2009, a miniature zoo was opened in the town, and the Tarzanrope-climbing park was builtin the same year.


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In Strzyżewice, on the outskirts of Leszno, we canfind an airfield, the Leszczyński Flying Club and

the Central Glider School. It is the biggest and best-known centre for gliders in Poland; it is also the all-Poland centre for model planes and balloon trips. Itis here that the International Glider and BalloonCompetitions are organised. The Central GliderSchool, in accordance with its name, offers coursesfor glider pilots and aeroplane flights. It provides courses for those interested in obtaininga tourist pilot licence. Every year, a glider picniccalled ‘Leszno. Spread your wings’ is organised in June. During the rally, visitors can admire gliders and balloons, as well as try what it feels liketo fly in a glider or a balloon and at the same timeenjoy breathtaking views of the town from highabove the ground. ◗

Central Glider School in Lesznoul. Szy bow ni ków 28, 64-100 Le szno tel. / fax 65 529 24 00 in fo@cs sle szno.euwww.cs sle szno.eu

In the Leszno Old Town

Hanging on a rope

Spread your wings

If you want to rest after theexciting trips under the sky, it is

worth visiting the Old Town inLeszno. Visitors can admire thethree-floor Town Hall from theBaroque period. The building isrectangular, with a tower in thecentre. The Town Hall is crownedwith a parapet featuring a balustrade,and covered with a gable roof. Thetower is crowned by a lofty steel cap,dating back to 1817 and featuringan arcade. The Town Hall was givenits present look during the alterationsconducted in years 1707-1708 andwas probably designed by PompeoFerrari.

For those who visit Leszno inJune, it is worth taking part in the‘Bumming Around’ fair, which isorganised to celebrate the walksaround the Old Market andsurrounding streets traditionally

taken by the inhabitants of Lesznoevery Sunday. The fair is organisedduring the Grand Prix competitionon the speedway track in the LesznoOld Market. Numerous sellers set uptheir stalls, craftsmen tempt visitorswith their products, and artists givenumerous performances. InSeptember, an event called ‘TheReturn of the King’ is organised inLeszno and Rydzyna. During theevent, the king and his court enterthe Old Market square in Leszno,numerous performances are given,including court dances and swordfighting, as well as groups of amateuractors presenting the most importantevents from the history of Leszno.Organised tours are made along the‘Following the footsteps of KingStanisław’ route and an antique fairis organised on the courtyard of thecastle in Rydzyna. ◗

City Office Lesznoul. Kazimierza Karasia 1564 – 100 Lesznotel. 65 529 81 00

ABC Editorial Officeul. Słowiańska 6364 – 100 Lesznotel. 65 529 25 [email protected]

Leszno-Region TouristOrganization

ul. Karasia 1564 – 100 Lesznotel. 65 529 82 [email protected]

W y p o c z y n e k r o d z i n n y w W i e l k o p o l s c e | 1 7

In the Tysiąclecia Park, situatednear the Alfred Smoczyk

Speedway track, it is worth visitingthe Tarzan Rope-Climbing Park,where a number of ropes, bridgesand other climbing facilities arestretched among old trees. Visitorscan choose from among four tracks:the toddlers’ track (just above theground), the children’s track (11obstacles) and the adults’ track (15and 20 obstacles, with varying levelsof difficulty). More tracks arecurrently being developed. AsInternet users often point out, therope climbing park has breathednew life into the Tysiąclecia Park andit now attracts whole families. Soon,the park will offer other attractionssuch as new playgrounds and a café.

Another feature of the TysiącleciaPark is a miniature zoo, which has

been operating since 1977.Currently, the miniature zoo isinhabited by 13 species of mammalsand 12 species of birds. Theminiature zoo is very popular amongparents with young children, as theyoungest ones enjoy watching bears,wild boars, fallow deer, roe deer andllamas, as well as ducks, peacocksand pigeons.

Another place recommended forrecreation is the Akwawit complex.

With the services it offers,Akwawit is undoubtedly one of thegreatest attractions of Leszno. Olderchildren can swim in the poolequipped with water jets and geysersor take a ride down a water slide. Forthe younger ones, there's a smallpool with warmer heated water. ◗

Tarzan Rope Climbing ParkPark Tysiącleciaul. 17 Stycznia64 – 100 Lesznotel. 510 24 25 [email protected]

Miniature ZooPark Tysiącleciaul. 17 Stycznia64 – 100 Lesznotel. 65 529 93 [email protected]

Akwawit Conference and Recreation Center

ul. Św. Józefa 564-100 LesznoTel. 65 529 37 81www.akwawit.pl [email protected]

It is worth visiting Osieczna to seethree post mills – wooden

windmills of the most popular typein Poland. Windmills of this kindwere usually built on top of hills. In windmills of this type, the wholebody of the mill that houses themachinery is mounted on a singlevertical post, around which it can beturned to bring the sails towards thewind. The mill was turned into the

wind with the help of a long tailpole.The front wall, through which oneentered the mill, was usuallyadorned with various decorations,including miniature galleries. Thesails in windmills of this type arelocated on the opposite wall.

The central post mill inOsieczna dates back to theyear 1763 and it has recently beenrenovated. ◗

Municipal and Community Administration Office

ul. PowstańcówWielkopolskich 664 -113 Osiecznatel. 65 535 00 [email protected]; www.osieczna.pl

WORTHSEEINGThe land of windmills in Osieczna

Under the sky and on the ground




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You don’t always have to leave the country to see theworld’s most beautiful buildings. In Kościan, in the

Nenufar recreation park there are miniature models ofbuildings known from Europe’s capitals: the ParisianEiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and London’s BigBen. To reach the Statute of Liberty, a symbol of NewYork, we must take a boat ride.

The Nenufar Club offers a combination of aneducational park with a recreation centre. It covers a largearea of both land and water. Visitors can count not onlyon sports activities (canoeing and rafting rallies) but alsoleisure: there are barbecue and bonfire spots, woodenshelters where we can prepare a meal and where childrencan play, and playgrounds as well as angling spots.

From spring to autumn, the park offers various formsof activities organised with children in mind. Theyoungest ones (aged 3-6) can participate in the ‘Fairy TaleWorld’ project: children get on rafts and travel to places

resembling those they know from fairy tales. Olderchildren (13 and over) can join the pirates, who will takethem on a round-the-world journey. The latter form ofactivity requires active involvement on the part of thechildren. But there is a reward: a treasure hunter’sdiploma. In summer, there are one-week „PirateHolidays’ organized there, and from 5 November to 23December, the Nenufar Club organizes its annual projectentitled ‘In Search of Santa’.

The Nenufar Club has plenty to offer also to adults:this place is appreciated by both children and theirparents. ◗

Nenufar Clubul. Boczna64 – 00 Kościantel. 695 741 212www.nenufar-koscian.pl

One of the major attractions of this area is theKrzywiń Draisine Railway, with its base in Bieżyń.

The village is situated in the poviat of Kościan(Commune of Krzywiń), near the Leszno – ŚrodaWlkp. road. It is the starting point for all trips.Draisines can travel mainly between Bieżyn andJerka, and between Bieżyń and Kunowo. TheKrzywiń Draisine Railway owns twodifferent draisines, which can take ona single journey a total of 15 people.There’s also a possibility of taking a triparound the Bieżyń base station as wellas ordering longer journeys, todestinations situated beyond theGostyń station, to as far as Krobia.Longer trips must be reserved 30 daysahead of the planned departure asdetails need to be agreed on with thenational railway operator PLK. Thedraisine line functions thanks to the effortsmade by its enthusiasts; future plansenvisage restoration work on currentlyimpassable sections of the line so that trips canbe extended to as far as Miejska Górka. Werecommend a visit to the Railway Museum inKunów. ◗

Krzywiń Draisine Railway tel. 600 292 [email protected]

The most beautiful buildings of Poland

In Kościan we can find the famous Eiffel Tower,and in Chichowo we can visita Polish manor farmcharacteristic of theEastern Borderlands,described by AdamMickiewicz in Pan Tadeuszand shown in the epic’s filmadaptation directed byAndrzej Wajda. If there’senough time left, you can crown the day with a draisine ride.

Relaxing in Kościan

and Cichowo


To travel within view of the Statute of Liberty





Krzywiń Draisine Railway

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and the world

Soplicowo manor farm in CichowoDuring his stay in Wielkopolska (1831 – 1832),

Adam Mickiewicz visited the Krzywiń Region(paying a visit to, among others, Kopaszewo). Cichowoin turn is where Marek Pinkowski lives, the man whoestablished the ‘Academy of Film Animals’. His storksappeared in Andrzej Wajda’s Pan Tadeusz. Pinkowski wasso fascinated by the beauty of the area the film was set inthat he talked Krzywiń’s regional authorities and filmproducers into creating the Soplicowo Film HeritagePark. The park was opened on 26 June 1999 and itconsists of the manor farm designed by Allan Starskifor the purpose of the film. The manor farm’s buildingare surrounded by Zosia’s garden, brought back to lifewith domestic animals, the film’s ‘stars’. Inside the

buildings, we can see the costumes and props used in thefilm as well as listen to music composed for the film byWojciech Kilar.

Near the attraction there is Lake Cichowskie (Mórka),whose clear waters woo bathers and anglers alike. Insummer, Cichowo hosts numerous outdoor events. Themost popular ones include the European Competitionof Fire Pumps for Horse-driven Vehicles, vintagemotorbike rallies, knights’ gatherings, horse-ridingcompetitions and the Soplicowo Days... ◗

Soplicowo Film Heritage Park – Marek Pinkowski

Cichowo 1164 – 010 Krzywińtel. 65 517 71 77www.krzywin.pl

Miniature Park Railwaytel. 600 645 647, 514 864 038www.shk.org.plwww.krzywin.pl


















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Nearby the seat of the Sieraków Forestry Division inBucharzewo, families will find the Educational

Integration Garden, the first such facility in Poland. TheForest Garden has been adapted to the needs of thosewho cannot discover the forest with the sense of sight.The Garden stretches on nearly two hectares and itcomprises various educational paths. Following thedendrological path, children can learn to distinguishamong tree species by touching their trunk. In the partdedicated to hunting, they can try the salty taste of thesalt lick or climb a tower blind. They learn about fires bytouching a charred trunk. The most exciting path is thepath of the senses, which children traverse barefoot. The

Forest Educational Garden is organized in such a wayas to enable participation of the disabled, especially theblind and visually impaired children. They can discoverthe forest by walking on conifer cones and acorns... Withdisabled children in mind, the paths are marked withdescriptions in Braille. ◗

Sieraków Forestry DivisionBucharzewo64 – 410 Sierakówtel./fax 61 29 52 065 [email protected]

The Regional and Natural Education Centre atMniszki found its seat on the premises of a deserted

and run-down manor farm. The effects of the renovationwork are stunning. Artisans with rare crafting skillsestablished their workshops in the buildings of the formermanor farm: a smith, a potter, a shoemaker, a basketweaver and a cooper. A colonial store and a rural schoolbuilding have also been reconstructed. But the place isn'tmuch like a museum. We can feel at Mniszki the genuinespirit of the old days fading into the past before our veryeyes. At Mniszki, we don't just watch. At Mniszki we areactively involved in the workshops: we can try makingour own nail, shape our own pot, weave a basketor collectherbs for a bouquet during the celebrations of the

Assumption of the Virgin Mary... At the Mniszki centrewe can admire also unique artefacts: tools that used to beindispensible for life and work on the farm. Most of themhave been presented or loaned to the centre by the localcommunity.

Another attraction offered by Mniszki can bea walking or cycling expedition into the Kamionki Valley,while in autumn we can go mushrooming. ◗

Regional and Natural Education CentreMniszki 262 – 421 Kamionnatel. 95 748 81 18, 509 609 653www.mniszki.pl

From a manor farm to a forest

The Międzychód-SierakówLake District woos visitorswith lakes and forests. It is also a paradise formushroom pickers and all those interested in various forms of activetourism (a number of walking, bicycle and horse-riding trails).There are breathtakingsights awaiting us in thisparadise.

A forest garden

Do it yourself

Relaxing in the

Międzychód-Sieraków Lake









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The Opalińskis’ town tempts visitors with, above all,its castle and its stallion herd. There are just some

ruins left of the original abode of Sieraków’s owners. Inthe 1990s, one wing of the castle was reconstructed andin 1995 the Opalińskis’ sarcophaguses were located there,moved from the crypt of the parish church. Thesarcophaguses had been renovated to its past splendourbefore they were placed in the castle’s cellar, which wasturned into a crypt with an altar for this new role. Thesarcophaguses of the town’s past owners are exquisiteworks of art – objects of envy for many museums. Theyare a testimony to the great history of the noble familyand the history of Poland and the Sieraków region.

Nearby the castle, there’s the famous stud farm,operating there for nearly two centuries now. It breedsthe Wielkopolski horse and the Polish Pony, called ‘Konikpolski’ in Poland. Every year the stables attract thousandsof tourists who want to take a ride on horseback or ina carriage, or participate in a St. Hubertus Huntorganized every autumn. We can also visit a historicalcoach house with a collection of coaches dating from theturn of the 20th century and a harness collection.Children will enjoy a pony ride. ◗

Nowy Tomyśl is associated with wicker. The world'slargest wicker basket made of 8 tons of wicker has

come to be the town's symbol. It can be admired in thetown's center.

The basket marks the beginning of the Wicker Trail,taking us to the Basketry and Hop Growing Museum.The museum was established in 1985 in a partiallyreconstructed cottage of an Olender settler, a buildingdating back to the end of the 18th century. Childrenmost commonly associate wicker with the traditionalEaster basket. But wicker weaving is both a farmingactivity and a craft. Wicker was and still is used to weavenot only baskets but also to make furniture, fences andlamps.

On the ground floor of the museum, we can admirewicker products from prehistoric to modern times. Thebarn is used as the center for workshops and outdoorevents; under its roof we can admire the masterpiecescreated during the open-air artistic events. The museumorganizes short weaving courses. And you don't have tocome in groups. The course can be an excellent activityfor the whole family to enjoy. ◗

From a manor farm to a forest

Visit the Opalińskis’ town








Opaliński Castle Museumul. Sta dni na 3a64 – 410 Sie ra kówtel. 61 29 52 392www.mu zeum-sie ra kow.plsie ra kow_mu [email protected]

Stallion Herdul. Sta dni na 464 – 410 Sie ra kówtel. 61 29 52 511www.sta do sie ra kow.plbiu ro-sie ra kow@sta do sie ra kow.pl

Basketry and Hop Growing Museum

ul. Topolowa 10Nowy Tomyśl

tel. 61 – 442 23 [email protected]


Weave yourself a basket

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Under steamRelaxing

in Wolsztyn



Every spring a parade of steam locomotives isorganized in Wolsztyn. This ‘railway town’ attracts

not only historical engines from all over Europe but also,even more importantly, enthusiasts of heritage trains fromall over the world. Wolsztyn has amazing attractionsawaiting them: there are fully operational models ofsteam locomotives (hardly ever seen outside museums).Visitors can actually take a ride in the cab of a steamlocomotive. The parade is accompanied by another event:The International Competition of Engine Drivers.

Wolsztyn remains attractive throughout the year as itssteam locomotive shed is the only one in Europe tooperate scheduled passenger services on rules unchangedsince its beginnings. The Wolsztyn Steam LocomotiveShed has 30 steam locomotives, including its pride: Polishsteam engine Pm 36-2 Beautiful Helena, capable oftravelling at a maximum speed of 130 km/h. Whenvisiting the steam locomotive shed, we must call in at theExhibition Room – a paradise for heritage railwayenthusiasts. The first railway line reached Wolsztyn asearly as in 1886 (from Zbąszynek). Soon the townbecame an important rail junction. In 1907, a steamlocomotive shed was built to house eight trains. Nothinghas changed since then: Wolsztyn continues to be animportant rail junction. ◗

Wolsztyn Steam Locomotive Shedul. Fabryczna 164 – 200 Wolsztyntel. 68 419 17 68, 663 294 [email protected]

Who would have thought that in the age of fast trains,Internet and mobile telephony the world would go crazyover the good old steam locomotive? Piękna Helena(Beautiful Helena) is a locomotive from Wolsztyn thatturned a small sleepy town into a place known farbeyond Polish borders.

A railway town





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The steam locomotives are not the only attractionof the town. Tourists interested in the medical

world could visit the house where Robert Koch livedand worked. It was in Wolsztyn where this Prussianphysician subdued the anthrax bacillus. Koch workedas the poviat's doctor in years 1972 – 1880. In thebuilding where he lived (housing also a hospital) Kochbegan research into wound infections and experimentswith the anthrax-causing bacteria. On moving toBerlin, he announced the results of his work ontuberculosis, which brought him a Noble Prize.Wolsztyn's residents are proud with the fact that such

a great medical career of a Nobile Prize winner wasstarted in their town.

Another famous resident was Marcin Rożek. Thesculptor left his home town for a taste of the Parisian fameto return to Wolsztyn in 1934. There is an exhibitiondedicated to the artist at the place where he lived. Inthe garden we can look at the copies of some of hissculptures. Two rooms house temporary exhibitions. Themuseum boasts also a collection of memorabiliadedicated to another famous resident: Józef MariaHoene-Wroński, a philosopher and mathematician bornin Wolsztyn in 1776. ◗

Marcin Rożek Museumul. 5 stycznia 3464 – 200 Wolsztyntel. 68 384 26 48www.muzea-wolsztyn.com.pl

Robert Koch Museumul. Roberta Kocha 1264 – 200 Wolsztyntel. 68 384 27 36 www.muzea-wolsztyn.com.pl

W y p o c z y n e k r o d z i n n y w W i e l k o p o l s c e | 2 3

Under steam

At Koch’s and Rożek’s





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2 4 | F a m i l y O u t i n g s i n W i e l k o p o l s k a

Under thatched roofs

The Ethnographic Museum of theWest-Wielkopolska Folk Buildings Heritage Park

stretches on 3.5 hectares along the south-west shore ofWolsztyńskie Lake. This open air heritage parkcomprises, among others, a homestead with a log tavernfrom Nowy Solec (1706), a log barn from Solec (the endof the 18th century), a stable with a carriage house fromSzarki (19th century), an octagonal wooden well fromJastrzębsko (18th century) and a farm-hand’s house fromNowa Tuchorza (19th century). As was usual in suchsettlements, a smithy and a chapel can also be found there.The place gives us an impression of a genuine livingvillage – a feeling reinforced with the presence of liveanimals and exhibitions inside the particular buildings.When we get tired walking round the heritage park, wecan rest on the nearby beach, where we can also hire watersports equipment. ◗

West-Wielkopolska Folk Buildings Heritage Park

ul. Bohaterów Bielinka 2664-200 Wolsztyntel. 68 384 26 19www.wolsztyn-muzeum.com.pl

Under thatched roofs


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F a m i l y O u t i n g s i n W i e l k o p o l s k a | 2 5

Enthusiasts grouped around the Wyrzysk PoviatRailway Society (TWKP) succeeded in preserving

the oldest sections of the Wyrzysk Poviat Railway:Białośliwie – Łobżenica as well as branches from theIndustrial Plant to Glesno and Czajcze to Wysoka. Theimport of new trains at the Białośliwie station is alsoowed to the same society. The Białośliwie enthusiastswatch over the railway's starting station, too. This stationis the only example in Europe and perhaps the onlyexample in the world, of a multi-level railway station,connecting to the standard-gauge railway. We can see allthat from the outside, but trains run between Białośliwieand Łobżenica only occasionally (to individualreservations). ◗

Wyrzysk Poviat Railway Societyul. Kościuszki 589 – 340 Białośliwietel. 606 339 [email protected]

At the borderline

Wielkopolska borders on Pomerania here. At the province’s frontiersthe biggest attractions are forests and lakes.However, when staying in this region we should also pay a visit to Osiek and Wyrzysk.

The usual country life

The Wyrzysk Poviat Railway

Relaxing in Osiek

and Wyrzysk

The Folk Cul tu re Mu seum in Osiek upon No teć li -ves in har mo ny with the se asons of the year. The

exhi bi tions or ga ni zed the re are pa ra the atri cal in na tu re:they bring back such cu stoms as Chri st mas ca rol ling andthe Chri st mas Eve Sup per, Shro ve ti de fe sti vi ties, tra di -tio nal Easter, the unve iling and cap ping ce re mo ny ofwed dings. Ano ther form of pre sen ta tion are in te rac ti veac ti vi ties, for exam ple le ar ning abo ut how li nen is ma de,from re trie ving the fi bres to we aving fa brics, or abo uthow to ma ke re gio nal fo od spe cial ties (in c lu ding be etro -ot sy rup and swe ets ma de from this sy rup), how to ba -ke bre ad and churn but ter or pre pa re a ho me -ma de ro -asted -gra in be ve ra ge. Vi si tors do not just watch but they

can jo in in the ac ti vi ties any ti me they wish. The se ac ti -vi ties are com ple men ted by lar ge out do or events suchas the li ving he ri ta ge park, May -day pic nics, Fa re well toSum mer pic nics, at which lo cal folk gro ups per form whi -le ar ti sts pre sent the ir hand ma de re gio nal cra ftwork.

The Folk Cul tu re Mu seum com pri ses two parts: eth -no gra phic and ar cha eolo gi cal sec tions. The first one wat -ches over the ne ar ly com ple te ly re cre ated vil la ge on anoval plan. Be si des the cot ta ges and uti li ty bu il dings, wecan see he re wind mills, a for ge, a wo od yard and a ho usethat com bi ned the func tio na li ty of an ele men ta ry scho -ol and its te acher’s ho me (mid 19th cen tu ry). The ob jectscol lec ted in the he ri ta ge park co me from the cen tral ri -

ver ba sin of No teć, so from the No teć Fo rest, Kraj na andPu ła ki.

The ar cha eolo gi cal sec tion in turn pre sents exhi bitsob ta ined in ef fect of the exca va tion work con duc ted inthat area in the se cond half of the 20th cen tu ry. ◗

Folk Cul tu re Mu seumul. Dwor co wa 1089 – 333 Osiek nad No te cią tel. 67 286 60 90www.mu zeum.pi la.pl






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2 6 | F a m i l y O u t i n g s i n W i e l k o p o l s k a

Our beliefs about wolves are shaped already in our childhood daysby fairy tales. The wolf is usually the black character of those stories.

But Mr. Dawid Mech believes that ‘the wolf is not a vicious animal,nor is it just a soft toy to be cuddled. It is neither dangerous nor is it nice.It is just one of the many interesting species pestered by man forcenturies – an animal that deserves its place for life.’

If somebody wants to experience an encounter with a wolf, they couldgo to a zoological garden but then they will only get a glimpse of a wolf.Another possibility is to go to Stobnica (on the edge of the Noteć Forestnear the town of Oborniki) and visit the Research Station of the ZoologyDepartment of Poznań University of Life Sciences, the so-called Myth-Debunking Centre, known also as the Wolf Park.

Established in 1974, the research station is involved in reintroducingto their natural habitats rare and locally extinct species of animals, suchas the European beaver. In the valley of the Kończak stream, we cansee such rare species as the Polish Konik (tarpan type), the wood grouseand the black grouse... But Stobnica owes its fame first of all to wolves.The first female wolf named Fifty was brought to Stobnica in 1996. Shewas born in the zoo in Nowy Tomyśl. Her parents were selected byhunters from among the wolfs found at a nest site in Noteć Forest. Soonthe wolf received some company and was no longer lonely. After sometime, children of the first wolfish residents were born. Wolves are keptin enclosures but the brave ones can enter inside, only in the companyof the wolves’ keepers though. Those who have found enough courageto step inside the enclosure say that they have changed their opinion ofwolves completely.

Is Stobnica a wolf paradise? Probably it is a safe place for wolves, whichare now on the verge of extinction. To visitors, it is a lesson in life anda beautiful place in the valley of Kończak, a stream winding meanderinglynearby. Stobnica’s wolves appeared in a few documentaries shot forNational Geographic and in a historical drama Ogniem i mieczem (WithFire and Sword). ◗

Zoology DepartmentPoznań University of Life Sciencesul. Woj ska Pol skie go 71 c60 – 625 Po znańtel. 61 848 76 49 lub 61 848 76 48

Research Station of PUStob ni ca 164 – 607 Ki sze wotel. 61 291 36 39

The picturesque forest landscape on theWełna river can be found close to Noteć

Forest, by the ruins of the Wronki bridge inOborniki. Fans of active rest will find idealplaces for themselves there: a climbing wall,two ropes courses and a paintball field...

The ropes park in Oborniki consists of twoobstacle courses of various levels of difficulty. The routes follow woodenplatforms hanging on trees. The Madagascarcourse is suitable for beginners and it includesa number of interesting obstacles of a low levelof difficulty. Kilimanjaro in turn is a course forpeople who love challenges.

The paintball field is situated along theWełna river, in the lower area of the ropes park.It gives visitors an opportunity to participatein a paintball game on an open outdoor areawith various obstacles put up for players.Paintballers have also at their disposal a part ofthe forest area. The forest terrain offers suchamazing assets as labyrinths, blinds and sniper

points. Each team receives a special fort, fromwhich players can conquer parts of theopponents’ forest.

The climbing wall is situated in one of thepark’s most beautiful spots. It is 8 meters highand is wide enough for four simultaneousclimbs.

One alternative to all this excitement atheights is a canoeing rally on Wełna, of themost picturesque rivers in Poland. The rally canstart in Jaracz or Wełna (3.5 hours), Ruda (6.5hours) or Rogoźno (7 hours). The day can becrowned with a bonfire arranged on theterritory of the park. ◗

Adrenalina Ropes Parktel. 506 384 140, 505 107 [email protected]

With wolves and adrenalin

In the vicinity of Oborniki, there aretwo places that can raise our adrenalinlevels: wolves in Stobnica and an exciting ropes park on the town’soutskirts. But there’s nothing to beafraid of...

A real wolf is not a toy but...

Wandering among ropes

Relaxing in Stobnica





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A ski run

Mount Talerz is the highest elevation located within the town (132 mabove sea level) and it offers a magnificent view over Chodzież and its

surroundings. In 2003, a group of enthusiasts from the Chodzież SkiingAssociation built a 200 metre ski run, which can be extended to 500 metres.The completed section of the ski run is already fitted with a ski lift. It is thelongest such track in the north of Poland. An additional attraction is a separateluge track. There’s an observation deck at the top of Mt. Talerz. The placeis magical. We recommend climbing the mountain in summer and in winteralike. In Summer we can also climb Gontyniec, which offers an observationtower at its top.

The lakes’ subtle beauty

The three lakes become a major attraction during the summer. Theyoungest visitors will enjoy a boat trip aboard Chodzieżanka. Bathing

enthusiasts will turn their attention to Lake Karczownik, which offers a grassyor a sandy beach. There’s also a possibility to hire water sports equipmentby the lake.

Weavers’ house

In Chodzież we will find also well preserved houses that used to belong toGerman weavers and clothmakers who came to Chodzież in two waves

in the 17th and 18th centuries. They marked a new road, initially calledNowe Miasto (New Town), renamed into Pod Lipami and subsequently intoits current name Kościuszki street. The weavers’ houses are one-storeybuildings facing the street, with timber-frame walls (now covered withstucco). At the back owners built workshops and outbuildings for storingpurposes. Unfortunately the houses cannot be visited as they are now inprivate hands. ◗

Relaxing in Chodzież

Chodzież is surrounded by three mountains: Talerz, Łysa and Gontyniec,and three lakes: Miejskie,Strzeleckie and Karczewnik.This way the town becomesattractive both during the winter and summerseasons.

Tourist Information at the Municipal Libraryul. Ko ściu szki 3264 – 800 Cho dzież tel. 67 381 81 38www.bi blio te ka-cho dziez.plbi blio te ka@bi blio te ka-cho dziez.pl

Municipal Sports and Recreation Centreul. Sta szi ca 1264 – 800 Cho dzież tel. 67 28 20 249www.mo sir-cho dziez.plmo sir@mo sir-cho [email protected]




Winter on the slope, summer by the lakes





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2 8 | F a m i l y O u t i n g s i n W i e l k o p o l s k a

Antoni Chłapowski, a descendent of a famous generalDezydery Chłapowski returned to Poland at the end

of the 20th century and bought back from the StateTreasury the Jaszkowo palace, erected most probably byStanisław Mieczkowski in 1912, and the adjoining farmland. He settled down there, turning the place intoa horse-riding centre.

The Horse-riding Centre is open throughout the yearand offers lessons in horse riding, horse grooming(including horseshoeing) and training in basic equestrianvaulting. Jaszkowo boasts a complex of indoor riding

maneges, a hotel, a horse clinic and a cross-countrycourse... Both parents and their children come to practicehere as horse riding is a family sport. There are specialponies bred at the centre for the youngest ones.

Depending on their budget, visitors to the Horse-riding Centre can stay either at the palace itself or in itsannexes. Thanks to Antoni Chłapowski, the palace wasrestored to its past glory. It stuns visitors with its libraryand ballroom. A short walk away from the palace, we willfind an observation tower and a harbour, as there are alsoopportunities to practice water sports.

On horseback Relaxing in Jaszkowo

Charming village on the Warta



This charming village on the Warta river attractshorse-riding enthusiastfrom all over Europe. But horses are not the onlyattraction of Jaszkowo.




M. D


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F a m i l y O u t i n g s i n W i e l k o p o l s k a | 2 9

Jaszkowo owes much to its location: it is situated onthe territory of the picturesque Rogaliński LandscapePark. It is an ideal place for all those who would like torelax on bicycles, with a fishing rod or by taking a walk.In the village it is worth visiting St. Barbara Church,dating from the mid 15th century. The presbytery housesan exhibition dedicated to Blessed Edmund Bojanowski.Jaszkowo is just a short drive away from the palace inRogalin or the castle in Kórnik... ◗

Horse-riding CentreJaszkowo63 – 112 Brodnicatel. 61 28 37 [email protected]

On horseback




N, A


M. D


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3 0 | F a m i l y O u t i n g s i n W i e l k o p o l s k a

Who remembers the principles of the four-field rotation? City dwellers do not seem to knowanything about it, and memory of it is fading away in the countryside, too. We can find

out about this traditional method of cultivation or even learn to use it at the National Museumof Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa – by watching as four different kindsof crops are sewn in turn: wheat, turnips, barley and clover.

Szreniawa will unveil before us quite a few secrets, especially if we first check the calendar ofevents organized by the museum. At around Easter, Christmas and Pentecost, visitors are invitedto participate in fairs at which they can taste or even learn how to cook regional specialties. Thefairs’ participants include folk artists who present their crafts and works related to the particularoccasion.

‘Autumn in the Countryside’ provides an opportunity to learn about farmers’ workcharacteristic for this season (ploughing, sewing) or about housewives’ traditional products (powidland other preserves)...

If somebody pictures the museum as composing of showcases and exhibitions, they are sowrong... On an area of 10 hectares, there are a palace, farm buildings, and a park in Szreniawa.There’s even a herb garden and a field.

The National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry has five branches: Prof.R. Kostecki Bee-keeping Skansen and Museum in Swarzędz (tel. 61 651 18 17), Museum ofMilling and Water Equipment of Rural Industry in Jaracz (tel. 67 261 05 15), Museum of Basketryand Hop Growing in Nowy Tomyśl (tel. 61 442 23 11), Museum of Natural Environmentand Hunting in Uzarzewo (tel. 61 818 12 11), Museum of Meat Industry in Sielinko(tel. 61 447 36 14). Each of them are an attraction of its own. The branches are scattered withina radius of a few dozen kilometres from Wielkopolska’s capital city Poznań. ◗

National Museum of Agriculture and Agricultural-Food Industry in Szreniawa

62 – 052 Komornikiul. Dworcowa 5tel. 61 81 07 [email protected]

Poznań bubliks Relaxing in Szreniawa

and Pobiedziska

The Museum of Agriculture in Szreniawa with its branches and the Miniature Park in Pobiedzieska arrange themselvesinto the shape of a regionalobwarzanek (Wielkopolska’straditional bread rings).

Four-field cultivation in Szreniawa





Z. S



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While travelling from Poznań to Gniezno, we muststop at just about the place where the historical

Piast Trail begins, just before Pobiedziska, on the roadfrom Poznań to Gniezno. We don’t need to spend muchtime to see, on a small area, all the historic architecturalstructures of Wielkopolska – in the scale of 1: 20.

We might even risk and say that it is enough to see theMiniature Open Air Museum in Pobiedziska to see thewhole of Wielkopolska. Of course it; s just a joke but themuseum certainly is an excellent opportunity for childrento see how great Wielkopolska is – even though thisgreatness may not be overwhelming when we arestanding next to a miniature Poznań Town Hall, theTower of Poznań International Trade Fair or the palacein Rogalin.

There are a total of 35 structures in the park. Apartfrom the ones mentioned above, we can also admire thePoznań Cathedral, Poznań churches of St. Adalbert, StJohn of Jerusalem Outside the Walls, St. Martin, VirginMary, the Poznań Crosses... There are also charmingminiatures of palaces: from Antonin, Rogalin, Lubostrońand Czerniejewo. The park is a natural place also forthe Mouse Tower in Kruszwica, the Biskupin settlement,the Gniezno Cathedral or the Palladium in OstrówLednicki... We can wander amidst the buildings and

bring back legends of the beginnings of the Polish state,of King Popiel eaten by mice and of Poznań’s billy goats...

The park is open year-round. From spring to autumnit astonishes with the colours of the changing seasons.The historic buildings look completely different whensprinkled with snow.

In 2010 a Centre for Contemporary Arts was openedin the park, nearby the miniature of Poznań’s OldMarket Square. That is the kind of institution artistswould like to see in Poznań. They became so impatientwaiting for it that they decided to create its miniature inthe park in Pobiedziska. The Centre in Pobiedziska isinvolved in genuine artistic activity: it organizes regularexhibitions. It is the world’s first modern arts centre inscale 1: 20. This way Pobiedziska joined such citieshaving their own art centres as Warsaw, Wrocław, Toruń,New York, London and Paris. The architectural modelof the Modern Art Centre was designed as a building-sculpture. ◗

Miniature Open Air Museum Pobiedziskatel. 61 81 77 [email protected]

Wielkopolska in the micro scale

Wielkopolska in the micro scale




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Tourist information

Wielkopolska in Internetwww.wielkopolska.travel


PoznańRegional Tourist Information Centre61-772 Poznań, Stary Rynek 59/60 tel. 61 852 61 56

61 855 33 79 [email protected]

City Information Centre61-816 Poznań, ul. Ratajczaka 44 (entrance, ul.27 Grudnia) tel. 61 851 96 45

61 856 04 54 [email protected]

City Information Centre - Branch at Poznań International Fair60-734 Poznań, ul. Głogowska 14tel. 61 869 20 [email protected]

City Information Centre - Branch at Airport Ławica60-189 Poznań, ul. Bukowska 285tel. 61 849 21 [email protected]

Tourist Information and Services „Glob-Tour FB”at Poznań Railway Station60-801 Poznań, ul. Dworcowa 1tel. 61 86 606 [email protected]

GnieznoDistrict Tourist Information Centre62-200 Gniezno, ul. Rynek 14tel. 61 428 41 [email protected]

KaliszTourist Information Centre 62-800 Kalisz, ul. Zamkowatel. 62 598 27 31 [email protected]

KoninTourist Information Centre 62-510 Konin, ul. Dworcowa 2tel. 63 246 32 [email protected]

LesznoTourist Information64-100 Leszno, ul. Słowiańska 24tel. 65 529 81 91

65 529 81 9265 529 81 92

PiłaDistrict Tourist Information Centre 64-920 Piła, al. Niepodległości 33/35tel. 67 210 94 [email protected]

Nowy Tomyśl Commune Tourist Information Centre64-300 Nowy Tomyśl, pl. Niepodległości 10tel. 61 44 23 [email protected]

PuszczykowoEkoinfo Centre62-040 Puszczykowo, ul. Poznańska 1tel. 61 633 62 83

61 898 37 11 [email protected]

ŚremUnion of the Śrem Region – the Śrem Centre for the Support of Small Business63-100 Śrem, ul. Okulickiego 3tel. 61 283 27 [email protected]

WolsztynCommune Tourist Information Centre64-200 Wolsztyn, ul. Roberta Kocha 12a tel. 68 347 31 [email protected]

Selected incoming travel agencies MARPOL TRAVELul. Dworcowa 164 – 500 Szamotułytel./fax 61 292 38 [email protected]

Travel agency „ATUR” ul. Mielżyńskiego 18/361 – 725 Poznań tel. 61 85 16 292, 61 85 60 881fax 61 85 13 604www.atur.com [email protected]

Travel agency – Karolina Gnusowska-Weiss ul. Mścibora 62/961 – 062 Poznańtel. 61 65 33 650 fax 61 65 33 [email protected]

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Map of Wielkopolska

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www.wielkopolska.travel www.turystyka-kulturowa-wlkp.pl

Publisher: Wielkopolska Tourist Organisationwww.wot.org.pl

Text: Stefan Drajewski

Map: Autografwww.autograf-poligrafia.pl

Translation: Piotr Woryma

ISBN 978-83-61454-58-8

Poznań 2012

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