World War II

World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

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Page 1: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

World War II

Page 2: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII

1. The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was very harsh on Germany. Many Germans blamed western Europe and America for their hardships

2. The Great Depression spread, causing unemployment and low economic activity in many nations.

Page 3: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

3. Many European nations began to turn to fascist dictators who promised to end the Depression

- Germany – Hitler-Italy- Mussolini-Japan- Tojo

Page 4: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

World War II began on September 1, 1932 with Germany’s surprise attack on Poland.

The Axis• Germany• Japan• Italy

The Allies• Great Britain• France• The Soviet Union


Page 5: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

The Axis powers quickly gained the upper hand in the war, conquering much of Europe and the Pacific.

The U.S. chose to remain neutral in the early days of the conflict.

Page 6: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

Several events draw the U.S. into the war

• The Lend-Lease Act:• Even though the U.S. was neutral, Roosevelt wanted

the democratic nations of Europe ( France and Great Britain) to survive

• I 1941, Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act, lending supplies to any country whose defense was critical to U.S. security, in exchange for bases on Greenland and Iceland

• The U.S. provided the Allies with $50 billion in supplies

Page 7: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

The Lend-Lease Act

• Lend-Lease was able to allow the U.S. to support then Allies without committing U.S. troops

• Roosevelt referred to the U.S. as an “arsenal for democracy”


Page 8: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

Several events began to draw America into the war

• Tensions between the U.S. and the Empire of Japan increased because of Japanese conquests of China, Thailand, and Indochina

Page 9: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

Several events began to draw America into the war

• The Attack on Pearl Harbor

• On December 7. 1941, the Empire of Japan launched a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii


Page 10: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

• The attack on Pearl Harbor crippled the U.S. Pacific fleet, sinking and damaging

• 8 battleships, • 13 other ships, • 188 planes • killing 2,400 people

Page 11: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

The Attack on Pearl harbor

The following Day, December 8, 1941, the U.S. Congress declared war on Japan


Page 12: World War II. Economic and political conditions in Europe and throughout the world after WWI led to WWII 1.The Treaty of Versailles- which ended WWI was

The attack on Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into the war

• On June 6, 1944, the U.S. led the D-Day invasion of occupied Europe

• By May 8, 1945 Hitler was dead and Germany surrendered to the Allies

• By August 15, 1945, Japan surr3endered to the Allies after the U.S. dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki