WORLD WAR II Aim : Explain the dictators that came to power in Europe in the 1930s. Do Now : Why do you think a dictator might be able to gain power during a depression? What were the results of the Treaty of Versailles?

WORLD WAR II Aim: Explain the dictators that came to power in Europe in the 1930s. Do Now: Why do you think a dictator might be able to gain power during

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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: Explain the dictators that came to power in Europe in the 1930s. Do Now: Why do you think a dictator might be able to gain power during a depression? What were the results of the Treaty of Versailles?
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  • RISE OF DICTATORS Dictator absolute ruler Economic and political problems Great Depression Result from Treaty of Versailles
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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: How did Germany/Hitler cause World War II? Do Now: What were the reasons for dictators being able to take over in Europe?
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  • RISE OF DICTATORS Germany Adolf Hitler Soviet Union Josef Stalin Italy Benito Mussolini Japan Hideki Tojo Spain Francisco Franco
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  • FASCISM Preached an extreme form of patriotism and nationalism that is often linked to racism Persecute those who disagree Mussolini of Italy Il Duce (Boss/Leader) Hitler of Germany Fuhrer NAZI National Socialist Workers Party
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  • ADOLF HITLER Failed artist couldnt get into art school German soldier in WWI Devastated with German loss Blamed politicians (Jews) and Marxists (Communists) Leads NAZI Party Swastika as symbol Superiority of Aryan (white) race
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  • ADOLF HITLER 1923 Beer Hall Putsch Hitler leads a coup revolt against government Fails and he is imprisoned Writes book Mein Kampf My Struggle Becomes famous Spoke to mass audiences about making Germany a great nation again - propaganda Hitler becomes Chancellor (head of govt) in 1933
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  • ADOLF HITLER Reichstag fire gives Hitler total power all parties were outlawed except the Nazi party Announces himself dictator
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  • GERMANY Betrays Treaty of Versailles Hitler builds up army Moves troops into Rhineland Rome-Berlin Axis pact between Italy and Germany Takes over Austria France
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  • MUNICH AGREEMENT Germany wants Sudetenland Europe on brink of war Britain Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Agreement between Hitler and Chamberlain Germany gains Sudetenland Hitler promises to stop seeking more territory Appeasement give in to enemy to avoid conflict
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  • AN EVIL CONVERSATION Write a script for a possible conversation between one of these groups Hitler and Mussolini (left)Hitler and Stalin (right)
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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: How did Hitler plan to go about conquering Europe? Do Now: List underlying causes of World War II.
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  • WAR Soviet Union and Germany sign Non-aggression Pact Agree to not attack one another Hitler invades Poland Sept. 1, 1939 GB and France declare war Allied Powers vs. Axis Powers Axis Germany, Italy, Japan Allies France, Great Britain, China, Mexico, Canada, Belgium, India, Poland
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  • WAR Blitzkrieg lightning war of attacking quickly Germany conquers Poland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway Lebensraum living space for German/Aryan race Natural right as superior race France conquered in June 1940
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  • WAR British no surrender Battle of Britain Luftwaffe (German Air Force) vs. Royal Air Force (GB) Hitler bombs London and GB RAF holds off Luftwaffe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJhIptKXs1M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJhIptKXs1M
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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: How was the U.S. gradually brought into World War II? Do Now: List the causes of World War II.
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  • USA Isolation and neutrality FDR vows to stay neutral Knows that could be pulled into war Prepares US Builds up navy Neutrality Act of 1939 cash and carry act warring nations can buy US goods if they buy with cash and car the goods in their own ships Selective Service and Training Act peacetime draft of men 21 to 35 years old
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  • U.S.A. FDR Breaks Washingtons precedent of two terms - wins third term in 1940 Prepare Americans mindset for possible war arsenal for democracy help fight fascism Garden hose for neighbor if house on fire Lend Lease Act lend/lease supplies to Allied nations US economy getting back on track Making more products More people working
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  • JAPAN Seizing land in Asia Northern China Moving into Philippines (US territory) Need oil and rubber US response Applied economic pressure froze Japanese funds and stopped trading Japanese angered
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  • PEARL HARBOR WORK Open up Pearl Harbor website on eChalk Answer questions What was important about when the Japanese attacked? How did the US react to the attack? Click on Lt. Phillip Rasmussen and His P-36A Why did Rasmussen use an outdated airplane? What did his actions show about this man? How could have the Americans been better prepared for the attack?
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  • PEARL HARBOR Pearl Harbor Hawaii Dec. 7, 1941 a date that will live in infamy Japanese planes attack Kill 2400 Americans US declares war Turning point US help will turn the tide of the war
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  • JAPANESE AMERICANS Feared and hated by many Americans after Pearl Harbor Nisei American citizens born in US Internment camps 100,000 Japanese Americans relocated into detention centers Conditions were harsh
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  • JAPANESE INTERNMENT CAMPS Lets go back in time to January 1942. How do we feel about Japanese people living in America after the attack on Pearl Harbor? EQUALITY HATRED FOR ALL AMERICANS VSFOR THE PEOPLES WHO ATTACKED THE USA
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  • ISIS There are 500 people spread throughout America who agree with ISIS. It is possible they could at some point start plotting an attack against the US. It is also possible they will not do anything, and they just believe in the beliefs of ISIS. SHOULD THIS GROUP OF 500 PEOPLE BE ROUNDED UP AND PUT INTO INTERNMENT CAMPS??
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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: Explain the U.S. home front during the war. Do Now: Take out homework paragraph on Japanese Internment Camps.
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  • HOME FRONT Pearl Harbor unites the nation Mobilization military and civilian preparation for war Automakers now make trucks, jeeps, and tanks Goods being produced for war effort
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  • WOMEN First time large number of women in army WACs Womens Army Corps Worked as nurses and secretaries Important roles for war effort Work in jobs previously held by men No longer just work in home Rosie the Riveter
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  • MAKING SACRIFICES Men drafted into war Fear of receiving news of killed family member Rations consumers buy limited amount of a good Gasoline, meat, tires
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  • AFRICAN AMERICANS Army is segregated 1 million African Americans in army Tuskegee Airmen Fighter Group in Air Force Shot down 200 enemy planes Move to the northern cities Still experiencing discrimination/racism
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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: How did the Allies start to go on the offensive against Germany? Do Now: Define: Allies and Axis Powers. Take out USSR and North Africa worksheet
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  • WAR OPERATION BARBAROSSA Hitler invades Soviet Union in 1941 Breaks pact between Stalin and Hitler Attack Leningrad, Stalingrad, and Moscow Do not conquer these cities Hitlers miscalculations Doesnt concentrate troops on Moscow Attacks through winter Millions starve and freeze Scorched earth policy Turning point Germans advance halted in the East
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  • WAR IN AFRICA Allies plan defeat Hitler then Japan Start attack in North Africa Give American troops experience German General Erwin Rommel Desert Fox 1942 British defeat Germans at Battle of El Alamein Prevent Germans from capturing Suez Canal Late 1942 American forces land in N. Africa Led by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower Drive Germans out by May 1943
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  • MAP
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  • YALTA CONFERENCE Early 1945 Germany retreating Stalin, FDR, Churchill have meeting in Yalta Discuss and plan what Europe will look like after the war Stalin promises Soviet help against Japan International peacekeeping organization UNITED NATIONS
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  • WAR IN ITALY Attack from N. Africa Take over Sicily Gen Patton (US) and Gen Montgomery (GB) Allies advance Mussolini overthrown then surrender (1944) Air war on Germany day and night bombings
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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: How did the Allies defeat Germany in World War II? Do Now: What was the significance of D-Day?
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  • WORLD WAR II Aim: How was World War II won by the Allies? Do Now: S.S. FINAL MONDAY June 8 th Take out Voices of D-Day Clear desks for prayer
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  • OPERATION OVERLORD Allied invasion of France June 6, 1944 D-Day Allied commander Gen. Eisenhower Amphibious landing across English Channel Invade beaches of Normandy, France Soldiers invade by ship and paratroopers Invasion successful Late August France taken by Allies http://www.army.mil/d-day/ http://www.army.mil/d-day/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzgKMDydr5Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzgKMDydr5Y
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  • D-DAY 5,000 ships carry 130,000 soldiers British, American, Canadian More than 10,000 killed
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  • VICTORY US/GB/Fr. Invade from west Soviets invade from east Battle of the Bulge Dec. 1944 hard fought Allied victory 1945 Allies right outside Berlin Hitler commits suicide V-E Day May 7, 1945 Victory in Europe
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  • ATOMIC BOMB Einstein (flees Germany) warns FDR of Nazis trying to split atoms to create bomb Manhattan Project top-secret program to develop atomic bomb Scientists Oppenheimer and Fermi 1942 first nuclear reactor splitting of atoms 1945 first atomic bomb testing in New Mexico successful
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  • ATOMIC BOMB Invasion of Japan would cost between 400,000 and 1 million soldiers President Truman decides to drop the bomb Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945 No surrender after 3 days Second bomb dropped on Nagasaki Aug. 9, 1945 Japan surrenders Over 100,000 people killed instantly Over 50,000 die later from effects of the bomb Radiation sickness/cancer
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  • ATOMIC BOMB - DECISION Situation You are the president of the United States. You are about to invade Japans main islands. From experience at Okinawa and Iwo Jima, you believe the Japanese will fight to the death and will be willing to fight for years. An estimate of at least 400,000 Americans will die in an invasion. Now America has in its hands a weapon equal to 20,000 tons of TNT. It worked in a test, but it may not work when dropped out of a plane. Possibly you can have a demonstration of the bombs power but if it doesnt work, the Japanese resistance will harden. You also wouldnt mind portraying this weapon to Stalin and the Soviets to make sure they stay in line. However, the bomb could kill hundreds of thousands of innocent, Japanese civilians. In the back of your mind, you remember what happened at Pearl Harbor. What do you do? Use the bomb or attack another way? Explain Why.
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  • HOLOCAUST We must learn so it never happens again Do NOT be a spectator Speak up and take action against evil
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  • JEWS UNDER HITLER Concentration camps prison camps to hold people for political reasons Auschwitz and Dachau Families hidden for protection (Anne Frank) Belongings taken Referred to as numbers (dehumanizing) tattoos Fed a little bread and watery soup
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  • JEWS UNDER HITLER 1933 Jewish rights restricted Couldnt vote, marry non-Jews, hold office, own businesses, practice law/medicine Yellow stars star of David worn by Jews in public Krisallnacht night of broken glass Jewish temples and shops destroyed 1938
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  • THE FINAL SOLUTION Death camps purpose to kill of all Jews Healthy work as slaves Sick, old, disabled, mothers, children murdered Poison gas chambers and furnaces
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  • HOLOCAUST The killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis Scapegoats blame someone else for bad times Nazis belief in Aryan race. Wipe out inferior races Genocide wiping out an entire group of people How could something like this happen? Must learn about it to ensure it never happens again Must stand up to evil Dont be a spectator
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  • WAR IN PACIFIC Japan expanding in Southeast Asia Attack American Philippines (1942) US and Filipino troops unite Led by General Douglas MacArthur Forced to retreat to Bataan Peninsula Macarthur: I shall return Allies surrender in Philippines Bataan Death March 20,000 Allies die on 60 mile march
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  • WAR IN PACIFIC Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa Japanese soldiers rarely surrender Fight to the death Kamikazes suicide pilots By 1945 most of Jap. Navy and air force destroyed Still must conquer Japan No surrender
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  • THE ATOMIC BOMB Aim: Was it wrong for the US to drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan? Do Now: Think about the Aim. Think about how you could understand both sides of the argument. Make a decision on your stance. TAKE OUT HOMEWORK
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  • WAR IN PACIFIC Bombing of Tokyo James Doolittle Lifts Allies spirits Island hopping attacking and capturing key islands Battles take place in the air Aircraft carriers carry fighter planes US victory Battle of Midway Battle of Guadalcanal
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  • YES - Drop the BombNO - Dont Drop the Bomb Save American soldier lives At least 400,000 #1 job as president is to protect American lives Death is a part of war Take extreme measures Conquer quickly Invasion could take years Bomb takes few days for surrender Revenge? Remember Pearl Harbor and Bataan Death March Warning to Soviet Union (Russia) Make sure they stay in line Killing civilians is not acceptable Innocent Women and children/infants How would you feel as a Japanese person 100% wrong if done to USA This kind of death is morally wrong vaporize US lives are no more important than Jap. Death in war should be as limited as possible to soldiers Work out another way to win the war Revenge is wrong two wrongs dont make a right Hypocritical
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  • LEGACY OF WWII Aim: Explain the legacy of World War II. Do Now: List some of the effects that you think World War II had around the world.
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  • NUREMBURG TRIALS Nazi leaders put on trial for war crimes Crimes against humanity 12 are executed People are responsible for their actions, even in war time
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  • LEGACY OF WWII Women gain independence in USA Political/Economic/Physical destruction of Europe Cities in ruins Only country to benefit U.S.A. Marshall Plan US gives $13 billion to help nations of Europe get back on their feet Extreme loss of life Over 60 million deaths (civilian and military) United Nations US joins along with 50 nations
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  • LEGACY OF WWII World enters the atomic age Soviet Union (Russia) conquers Eastern Europe in 1945 Lands under Stalins control He makes these Communist countries under U.S.S.R. Cold War conflict between Soviet Union and U.S.A. Never confronted on battlefield Threat of war lasts for decades
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