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World War I 20s & 30s World War II Cold War GrabBag


























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World War I for 1Question: Which of the following was not one of the Central Powers of World War I?A. RussiaB. GermanyC. Austria-HungaryD. Ottoman Empire

Answer: A. Russia

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World War I for 1

Question: Which of the following is NOT a major cause of World War I?A. Imperialist policies of European powersB. Nationalist identities in Central EuropeC. Desire for democracy in African countriesD. The Alliance system

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World War I for 2

Answer: C. Desire for democracy in African countries

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World War I for 2

Question: Most of the fighting of World War I took place in which European nation?

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World War I for 3

Answer: France

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World War I for 3

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Question: Which event is considered to be the immediate cause of World War I?A. The Russian RevolutionB. Otto Von Bismarck’s unification of GermanyC. The invasion of BelgiumD. The assassination of the Austrian archduke.

World War I for 4

Answer: D. The assassination of the Austrian archduke.

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World War I for 4

Question: Which of the following weapons was not created for use in World War I?

A. the airplaneB. the tankC. mustard gas

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World War I for 5

Answer: A. the airplane

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World War I for 5

Question: Which type of government took over Russia in 1917?

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20s & 30s for 1

Answer: Communism

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20s & 30s for 1

Question: Which Russian leader headed the Russian government after Czar Nicholas II?A. LeninB. StalinC. TrotskyD. Kruschev

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20s & 30s for 2

Answer: A. Lenin

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20s & 30s for 2

Question: Which statement most accurately describes similarities between Stalin’s USS and Hitler’s Germany?A. They had popular support because of poor economic conditions.B. They had economic systems based on communist principles.C. They had popular support because of their foreign policies.D. The had command economies and were political dictatorships.

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20s & 30s for 3

Answer: D. The had command economies and were political dictatorships.

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20s & 30s for 3

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Question: Which of the following is NOT a belief held by fascists?A. Society should be classlessB. Nations must struggle for supremacyC. The State should have an authoritarian leaderD. One party should rule

20s & 30s for 4

Answer: A. Society should be classless

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20s & 30s for 4

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Question: The Long March was led by:A. Chang Kai-ShekB. Mao Tse-TungC. Mohandas K. GandhiD. Sun Yat-Sen

20s & 30s for 5

Answer: B. Mao Tse-Tung

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20s & 30s for 5

Question: What was the policy of allowing Hitler to take over countries to avoid war called?

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World War II for 1

Answer: Appeasement

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World War II for 1

Question: From the map, which city was the goal of the Japanese invasion?

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World War II for 2

Answer: Singapore City

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World War II for 2

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Question: Japan surrendered to the Allied forces because of:A. defeats at Iwo Jima and OkinawaB. losses at MidwayC. kamikaze raidsD. dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

World War II for 3

Answer: D. dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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World War II for 3

Question: World War II started in Europe when Germany invaded which country?

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World War II for 4

Answer: Poland

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World War II for 4

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Question: What was the name of the defensive structure built on the French-German border during the late 1930s?A. The Maginot LineB. The Western FrontC. NormandyD. The Trocadero

World War II for 5

Answer: A. The Maginot Line

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World War II for 5

Question: The Cold War was “fought” between which two superpowers?

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Cold War for 1

Answer: United States and Soviet Union

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Cold War for 1

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Question: What was the name of the alliance formed by European Communist nations in response to NATO?

Cold War for 2

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Answer: The Warsaw Pact

Cold War for 2

Question: Which two leaders were involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?

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Cold War for 3

Answer: John F. Kennedy and Nikita Kruschev

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Cold War for 3

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Question: What term did Winston Churchill use to describe the division between Communist and Democratic nations in Europe?

Cold War for 4

Answer: The Iron Curtain

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Cold War for 4

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Question: In 1979, the Soviet Union became involved in a long military struggle in:A. Iran.B. Iraq.C. Vietnam.D. Afghanistan.

Cold War for 5

Answer: D. Afghanistan.

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Cold War for 5

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Grab Bag for 1

Question: The leader of France during World War II was:

A. Pierre SimonneB. Gerard DepardieuC. Charles DeGaulleD. Maurice Chevalier

Answer: C. Charles DeGaulle

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Grab Bag for 1

Question: Which country underwent a violent Civil War in the 1930s?

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Grab Bag for 2

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Grab Bag for 2

Answer: Spain

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Grab Bag for 3

Question: The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended the war between:A. Russia and GermanyB. Russia and Austria-HungaryC. Germany and FranceD. United States and North Korea

Answer: A. Russia and Germany

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Grab Bag for 3

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Grab Bag for 4

Question: Which of the following does fascism stress?A. nationalismB. individualismC. isolationismD. classless society

Answer: A. nationalism

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Grab Bag for 4

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Grab Bag for 5

Question: Il Duce was the title of which leader?A. Benito MussoliniB. Adolf HitlerC. Francisco FrancoD. Mau Zedong

Answer: A. Benito Mussolini

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Grab Bag for 5

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