The Marketing Consultants Group Introduces A better, more effective solution to solving world hunger than what we’re doing now and what’s been done . . . which hasn’t worked! The World’s First Hydroponic Self-Sustaining Community Feeding Systems (Growing hydroponically year-round with wind, solar and thermal power) Mission Statement: Do you know how world hunger has been a major problem for years and millions continue to go hungry year after year and die because they don’t have food or money for food. And you’ve probably heard the often-quoted saying, “rather than giving a man a fish (or some food), it’s better to teach him how to fish.” Well, what we are going to do is once and for all research the resources available to grow and harvest in the most economical ways technology provides. So that we will be able to provide the most cost-effective state-of-the-art growing and power systems, life-sustaining, year-round growing, harvesting and feeding systems to any community in the world. So that no child, individual or community ever has to go hungry, once and for all. Because up until now, nothing that’s been done has solved the problem. It’s about time for new self-sustaining systems solutions that work. Above: Imagine this vulture waiting to eat your dead child. Tick, tock, tick, another just DIED of hunger. With self-sustaining community feeding systems, we can change desperate hungry faces into smiles.

WORLD HUNGER SOLUTION - Hydroponic Self-Contained Community Feeding Systems (FISH, PLANT, SOLAR, WIND) by the Marketing Consultants Group

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Page 1: WORLD HUNGER SOLUTION - Hydroponic Self-Contained Community Feeding Systems (FISH, PLANT, SOLAR, WIND) by the Marketing Consultants Group

The Marketing Consultants Group Introduces A better, more effective solution to solving world hunger than what

we’re doing now and what’s been done . . . which hasn’t worked! The World’s First Hydroponic Self-Sustaining Community Feeding Systems

(Growing hydroponically year-round with wind, solar and thermal power)

Mission Statement: Do you know how world hunger has been a major problem for years and millions continue to go hungry year after year and die because they don’t have food or money for food. And you’ve probably heard the often-quoted saying, “rather than giving a man a fish (or some food), it’s better to teach him how to fish.” Well, what we are going to do is once and for all research the resources available to grow and harvest in the most economical ways technology provides. So that we will be able to provide the most cost-effective state-of-the-art growing and power systems, life-sustaining, year-round growing, harvesting and feeding systems to any community in the world. So that no child, individual or community ever has to go hungry, once and for all. Because up until now, nothing that’s been done has solved the problem. It’s about time for new self-sustaining systems solutions that work.

Above: Imagine this vulture waiting to eat your dead child. Tick, tock, tick, another just DIED of hunger.

With self-sustaining community feeding systems, we can change desperate hungry faces into smiles.

Page 2: WORLD HUNGER SOLUTION - Hydroponic Self-Contained Community Feeding Systems (FISH, PLANT, SOLAR, WIND) by the Marketing Consultants Group

Self-sustaining, community hydroponic feeding systems work, while everything else eventually fails.

Deadly water borne bacteria can be purified by state-of-the-art water purification systems used by the U.S. military for drinking and for use in food-producing hydroponic systems.

Protein-rich tilapia fish can be bred and raised from fingerlings to eating size in about 10 months. A starter group of only 275 fingerlings can be bred to grow to over 20,000 fish.

Fruit and vegetables grown in indoor or outdoor hydroponic systems, harvested year round.

Page 3: WORLD HUNGER SOLUTION - Hydroponic Self-Contained Community Feeding Systems (FISH, PLANT, SOLAR, WIND) by the Marketing Consultants Group

Cost-effective hydroponic growing systems can be housed in lightweight, durable, self-contained enclosures or set up outdoors depending on weather conditions so that harvest may be year round.

Self-sustaining, cost-effective portable solar, thermal and wind energy systems will power each community’s hydroponic growing system making each totally energy self-sufficient.

The World’s First Hydroponic Self-Sustaining Community Feeding Systems Overview

Combining plant and fish culture in the same system results in a more natural, environmental friendly food production process than traditional agriculture or hydro culture. Instead of using synthetic fertilizers and the few inches of topsoil remaining on land to grow agricultural crops, in hydroponics, the waste from the fish are used as fertilizer for the plants. The plants in turn purify the water for the fish, allowing valuable resources to be recycled and utilized more efficiently. There is no effluent discharge requiring costly filtration or wastewater treatment, and although it is an aquatic system, it only utilizes 3% to 5% of the water that traditional land based agriculture requires for irrigation. This means that you can operate a hydroponics system in resource limited regions, from dry infertile lands to urban settings, without the need for cultivable land or vast water resources.

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This also means that we do not have to rely so much on food coming from far places, but are now able to produce food locally. For people worried about the quality and the freshness of their food, hydroponics provides a means to assure a continuous supply of safe and nutritious food that can be grown right at home. Resources on earth are being strained beyond sustainable limits. Hydroponics offers an economically viable, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible alternative to producing superior quality food locally and more in tune with nature. We will find the most efficient ways of putting together systems of renewable resources which can feed thousands upon thousands of people and communities throughout the world. We will learn and teach others how to move from linear consumption or production processes, to cyclical ones, specifically designed and tuned for perpetuation of basic resources and life supporting systems.

Nutritious, High-Protein Food Source Tilapia is becoming more popular every year, as a commercially-grown fish, as consumers discover how good the fish tastes. Farm-raised fish, are commanding more in the marketplace, because they are free of the industrial contaminants found in many open waterways. No Cultural or Taste Barriers

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Tilapia have scales and are considered a kosher food, unlike catfish, which are prohibited by some religions. Tilapia also has an excellent flavor, with none of the oily, fishy taste that some people object to in many types of seafood.

Rapid Growth Tilapia can grow from fingerling to eating size in about 10 months in an average aqua culture station. Commercial growers have created optimum environments that can grow Tilapia to market size within just six to seven months. Easily Marketable Tilapia have a viable market in all economies - first, second, or third world. Therefore, those people that learn Tilapia hydro culture have more than a protein-rich food source for themselves - they also have a cash-generating crop that can be sold in their local food market. Therefore, Tilapia can do more than feed the people that learn Tilapia hydro culture. Fish (tilapia) can help lift them out of poverty.

Easy, Uncomplicated Aqua Culture Tilapia is more easily grown than other foul fish species for either commercial or non-profit enterprises.

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They may be grown in open ponds cages submerged in ponds, aquariums, or tanks on land. Tilapia's wide range of tolerance of environmental changes, including, water quality, temperature, salinity, population density, make them ideal candidates for aqua culture. Many other fish used for aqua culture, such as fresh water trout, are much more delicate and prone to disease when stressed by even relatively minor changes in their environment. With the proper training and approach, Tilapia aqua culture can provide a reliable harvest that is inexpensive to grow.

Outdoor/Indoor Hydroponic Growing Systems Provide Nutricious Fruits And Vegetable Year-Round

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil.

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Terrestrial plants may be grown with their roots in the mineral nutrient solution only or in an inert medium, such as perlite, gravel, mineral wool, or coconut husk. Researchers discovered in the 18th century that plants absorb essential mineral nutrients as inorganic ions in water. In natural conditions, soil acts as a mineral nutrient reservoir but the soil itself is not essential to plant growth. When the mineral nutrients in the soil dissolve in water, plant roots are able to absorb them. When the required mineral nutrients are introduced into a plant's water supply artificially, soil is no longer required for the plant to thrive. Almost any terrestrial plant will grow with hydroponics. Hydroponic Advantages Some of the reasons why hydroponics is being adapted around the world for food production are the following: ∙ No soil is needed. ∙ The water stays in the system and can be reused - thus, lower water costs. ∙ It is possible to control the nutrition levels in their entirety - thus, lower nutrition costs. ∙ No nutrition pollution is released into the environment because of the controlled system. ∙ Stable and high yields. ∙ Pests and diseases are easier to get rid of than in soil because of the container's mobility. Today, hydroponics is an established branch of agronomy. Progress has been rapid, and results obtained in various countries have proved it to be thoroughly practical and to have very definite advantages over conventional methods of horticulture. The two chief merits of the soil-less cultivation of plants are, first, hydroponics produces much higher crop yields, and, second, hydroponics can be used in places where in-ground agriculture or gardening are not possible. Hydroponic Disadvantages The hydroponic conditions (presence of fertilizer and high humidity) create an environment that stimulates salmonella growth.

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Other disadvantages include pathogen attacks such as damp-off due to Verticillium wilt caused by the high moisture levels associated with hydroponics and overwatering of soil based plants. Also, many hydroponic plants require different fertilizers and containment systems.

Moveable Inexpensive Expandable Storage Systems Will House Hydroponic Growing Systems Allowing Year Round Harvesting When The Weather Outdoors Aren’t Conducive For Growing Crops

Renewable Solar, Thermal and Wind Energy Systems Like These Will Provide Plenty Of Power

Why Solar Power? • Energy from the sun is abundant, clean, and renewable.

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• Each minute enough sunlight reaches the Earth's surface to meet the entire world's energy demand for a whole year. • You can use a solar electric (PV) system to generate power onsite rather than use electricity from a power plant fueled by coal or nuclear energy. • Solar powered system can tie into current utility connections. • Solar electric (PV) technology is reliable and proven. Water Purification and Purified Water Systems – The Key Building Block to Our Hydroponic Systems

Cost-Effective Water Purification Systems Will Save Lives And Hydroponic Growing Systems Water may cover the globe, but the world’s water resources are limited relative to human demand, causing what the United Nations and others have defined as a global water crisis. According to a UNESCO study, two million tons of wastewater are dumped into the world's rivers and lakes every day. Severe overuse and clearance of ecologically important forests, intensive agriculture, expanding urban infrastructures and increasing tourism are having an enormous impact on the natural water balance and existing water resources. More than half of the world's major rivers are polluted or are running dry. Things are not better for many lakes and wetlands. Inadequate access to safe drinking water impacts about 900 million people, and inadequate access to water for sanitation and waste disposal affects approximately 2.5 billion people. Waterborne diseases and the absence of sanitary domestic water are one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

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For children under age five, waterborne diseases are the leading cause of death. At any given time, patients suffering from waterborne diseases occupy half of the world’s hospital beds. According to the World Bank, 88 percent of all diseases are caused by unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), contaminated water accounts for 80% of all diseases contracted during travel. The most common health risk on trips is the infection by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa contained in drinking water. The primary source of contamination is human or animal waste that has entered the water along different paths. Such contaminated water may rapidly lead to infections. According to the European Union drinking water directive 98/83/EC, even water used for showering, laundry and dishwashing must be of drinking water grade. Why Treat The Available Water? There are known water purity problems, especially in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. You should treat water any time you are concerned with water quality. In normal circumstances, municipal water in the United States and most developed countries is perfectly safe to drink. However, there are several instances when water quality cannot be trusted and treatment is advised: Water straight from natural sources such as rivers, streams or lakes, as water run-off from surrounding lands may be contaminated; Water from the tap when the water supply has been jeopardized by natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes or floods, as physical breaches can allow external contaminants into enclosed water systems. Specific reasons for treating water vary in each of the situations listed above, but what they all have in common is the potential presence of a variety of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa, including giardia and cryptosporidium. These microbes make you sick by reproducing quickly and overwhelming your body’s immune system.

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Water purification systems such as the SteriPEN® System creates ultraviolet (UV) light that disrupts the DNA of microbes in seconds. Without functional DNA, microbes can’t reproduce or make you sick. Drink purified water to protect yourself against diarrhea, dysentery, influenzas and other waterborne illnesses. Destroying harmful microbes with SteriPEN® Purified Water Destroys 99.9% of microbes. The Bottom Line Millions upon millions of people go to bed hungry each and every night throughout the world. To date, many organizations have sought to solve a portion of the problem, providing clean drinkable water, or food, training others in planting and harvesting, but up until this time, no one has come up with a self-sustaining systems approach to the problem. We don’t have all of the answers yet, but we think that by providing the key renewable resources in a cost-effective system that we will be able to generate harvests year-round for any type of community, rural or urban, using clean water and low cost energy. What’s needed is a comprehensive, teachable, cost-effective approach to providing self-sustaining community systems one at a time, wherever there is a need, throughout the world. In less than 6 months, we’re going to make every effort to find the most economical sources and make available all of the systems components so that every community that wants to will be able to quickly, efficiently and economically build and establish a year-round, growing, harvesting and feeding system to keep their community from starving. We’d like your comments and support. Please direct any questions to Ron Schmidt at 888-574-8257 Ext.77 or email him at [email protected].

Systems Work . . . While Everything Else Eventually Fails. Source Documentation Used As References For This Overview And Feeding Systems Initiative earth4energy.com LoveAChild, Inc. Hydro-Photon, Inc. Morning Star Fishermen Aquaponics Training Sandri SteriPEN Wikipedia

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More Online Resources The following online resources is a very limited online listing of sources that may be valuable for finding out more about hydroponics, solar panels, wind energy, and water purification. Although by no means comprehensive, each link is a good starting point for finding more about how to develop a self-sustaining year-round community feeding system. Hydroponics – Tilapia and Vegetable Feeding Systems http://www.morningstarfishermen.org/ Solar Panels http://www.homemadeenergy.org/hme3/watch-now.html http://sunelec.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1&zenid=7ce8b2a8608b0bef5f73ba39879d1cde Wind & Solar Panels http://www.earth4energy.com/page/windpower.php Water Purification Systems http://www.steripen.com/stuff/contentmgr/files/1/49e6b166f3e60a38220d021c3d70c344/miscdocs/military.pdf