GE Foundation Scholar Leaders Program 2008-10 Bangalore, June 6 - 10, 2009 Energizing Leaders to Innovate! WORKSHOP REPORT

Workshop report 2009 final

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GE Foundation Scholar Leaders Program 2008-10

Bangalore, June 6 - 10, 2009

Energizing Leaders to Innovate!


2 You must be the change you wish to see in the world - Bapu


1. Foreword - Dr.P.J.Lavakare . . . 4 2. Editors’ Note . . . 5 3. GE Foundation Scholars 09 . . . 6 4. Day Zero - The Journey Begins . . . 7 5. Day One - Lets Work, Together . . . 8 I. Introductions II. GE Overview III. Community Development Program Summary 6. Day Two . . . 10 I. The John.F.Welch Technology Center II. Site Tour of JFWTC III. GE Mentors IV. There is no ‘I’ in TEAM 7. Day Three . . . 13 I. Presentation Prep II. Happy Hours - Trick and Treat III. Happy Hours 2 - Cultural Program 8. Day Four . . . 15 I. A door into GE! II.Tech Presentations II. The ‘Space Man’ of India III. Moment of Truth! 9. Conclusion . . . 21 10. Testimonials . . . 22 12. Annexure . . . 23 A. List of Scholars B. Workshop Program C. Compilation of Community Development Programs D. Workshop Feedback Report - Ishneet Kaur




But when they met, it was a great reunion of minds and hearts, as if they knew each other for a very long time. This spirit continued during the entire workshop and when the scholars went back to their respective homes, they had taken with them memories that would last for a lifetime. As has become the practice now, the task of bringing out the report of the workshop is assigned to the volunteers at the beginning of the workshop. Our editors this year, Bharath Swaminathan and Narashimha Datta readily volunteered and did a won-derful job that you will witness as you read the report. Ishneet Kaur, volunteered to analyze the feed back forms that were received from the students after the workshop. Ishneet’s analysis tells it all and I am happy that the students have enjoyed this workshop. As usual there have been complaints about the quality of food in the hostel, but that is what kept them energized perhaps! On behalf of Institute of International Education, it gives me great pleasure to pre-sent this report to the GE Foundation. Dr.P.J.Lavakare, Country Program Representative (India), GE Foundation Scholarship Program.

This is the ninth cycle of the GE Foundation Scholarship program in India and, as always, we all look forward to the annual workshop that gives the opportunity to all the scholars to meet each other, work together and enjoy the true spirit of the workshop – “Energize to Innovate” the leaders. Though the workshop was held only for a limited period of June 6-10, 2009, the preparations and the networking of scholars got started soon after their scholar-ships are announced around March 2009. So the 60 odd scholars virtually knew each other, and their team members, even before they met.


At the time of sitting down and getting our hands dirty with the compiling of this report, we more than took time in a little cribbing of the responsibility that we landed on our shoulders by accepting to do so, but then realized that by doing the report, we were going to dissect and look back on each and every second, minute, hour and day that we spent at the workshop and it made us remember the amazing experience that it truly was. And by doing the report we were going to relive every one of those moments. With this thought we sat down with new vigour and got our keyboards tapping! Right from the day we arrived, it seemed like another world. The bonding started at the word go, and by the end of it, everyone had made friends for life. All the more amazing, was the ease with which, fifty odd people from different parts of the country and with dif-ferent stories to share, became so dear to one another. It was amazing for the fact that the GE Foundation managed to pick out so many like-minded people, and get them to interact on a common platform. And I speak on everyone’s behalf, that each one of us took something back from this workshop, that would last a lifetime. On this note, we would like to thank everyone involved in the GE Scholar Leader 2009 Workshop - the management & staff of GE, all the project mentors of the six groups, the numerous Alumni of the GE Foundation Scholar Leaders Program, all the scholars who made it this year for making it a wonderful experience worth sharing. A special note of thanks goes out to Dr. Lavakare, whose energy and enthusiasm, was the soul of the workshop and we owe it to him, for making the workshop “ one of a kind”. We would also like to thank our college for selecting us as representatives at the workshop. We would like to wish our fellow scholars the very best for all their future endeavors, and hope that, in the years to come, all of us would continue to epitomize the qualities of the GE Foundation Scholar Leader within all of us.

- Bharath Swaminathan - Narasimha Datta

Editors’ Note



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Day Zero - The Journey Begins The 4 - day workshop on “Energizing leaders to Innovate” was scheduled between the 6th and 10th of June 2009, at Bangalore. Dr. Lavakare kick-started the activities early, for by mid-march, after all the scholars had been shortlisted by their respective institutes, the emails regarding the details of the workshop and the agenda to be followed there had been sent out. This got everyone interacting, with a stream of communication in all directions, towards getting to know the scholars, and also carrying out the various requirements like the Community Service updates and the technical presentation shortlists. The scholars were put into six teams - Zero, Gunpowder, Transistor, Penicillin, Internet and Nano, each comprising of 10 scholars and each group was assigned a team manager. This year saw 55 scholars out of the selected 61, attend the workshop and accommodation during the workshop was arranged at United Theological College (UTC) Guest House.

Day Zero saw the scholars arrive at the UTC towards the evening, and make themselves at home. Dr.Lavakare and Mr.Ram were present to greet the scholars and give them a briefing on the workshop. Over dinner, the team managers were explained the importance of their roles, and the agenda for the following day, combined with some lighter moments. The later part of the evening was spent in getting to know each other. The ongoing T20 World Cup kept most scholars glued to the television screens in the hallway, and ensured that the inter-actions continued well into the night. Some teams got to work in preparation for the Community Development Programme the next day, and also got to planning the topics for the technical presentation. The scholars then retired for the night in anticipation of the days that would follow.


I. Introductions

The day began with all the scholars meeting over breakfast at the UTC. The proceedings then moved to the meeting room, where the first session included a formal introduction of all the scholars and team managers, and an insight of the history of this workshop from its inception and a detailed explanation of the activities planned for the afternoon and the upcoming days. Also, the planned visit to JFWTC was spelled out in detail.

II. GE Overview - Expert Session

After the introductory session, several experts from various divisions of GE India, presented an overview of the activities that GE has undertaken under its Indian Operations. Dr.Prabha Chatterji (Manager & Co-ordinator, JFWTC) gave a brief presentation of the history of GE in India and its current range of activities. A brief foray into the R&D activities of GE at JFWTC captured the attention of the scholars. She was followed by presentations by Mr.Giridharan Shanmugavel (GE Healthcare), Mr. Vaira Saravanan (GE Infra & Aviation) and Mr. Ramesh Bhat (GE Transportation—Locomotives). More insights were offered about the JFWTC being a center of choice for R&D activities and the session concluded with a Q&A period, with many scholars putting forward the request of internships and projects at JFWTC. There was a break for lunch at this point, which allowed everyone time to understand the myriad opportunities that were available at GE.

III. Community Development Program Summary

Lunch was followed by the Community Development Program summary where the team managers were to present the various community development activities of their team members. Everything from Blood Donation Camps, Village Education projects, to adding aesthetic value to a nearby NGO, the students dwelled into several spheres of community development and really broadened everybody’s understanding of the very term “community development”.

Gathering in the Meeting Room - Day One

Day One - Lets Work, Together



Day Two - Helter Skelter

I. The John.F.Welch Technology Center

The day began early, and earlier still for the team managers who had to make sure that their comrades would get ready in time for the bus to JFWTC. With breakfast done, the team managers rounded up all their team members into the waiting buses. Every scholar wore the GEFS shirt proudly and boarded the bus which would introduce them to a day filled with knowledge, fun, work, innovation and excitement.

At first sight, the students were awe-struck at the enormity and the magnificence of the structure before them. The JFWTC was a campus the likes of which none of the students had ever seen. And if the outer shell excited them, it was nothing compared to the sheer genius, innovation, invention and application of technology that they would witness within the confines of this amazing place. But this amazing place was well guarded and our enthusiasm met a small bump at the security check.

Us star eyed wanderers then made our way to the aptly named ‘Voyager’ block of the JFWTC campus. In order to receive our certificates. We were directed to the MP hall, where the first event on the itinerary was an address by the Managing Director of JFWTC himself, Dr. Guillermo Wille (right). Everyone present were all ears to the pearls of experience and wisdom that Dr. Wille shared. And were grate-ful for his congratulations and recognition of all the scholars present there. So it is with immense pride that each student accepted his Certificate of Merit from Dr. Wille.


II. Site Tour of JFWTC

After the distribution of the certificates, we gathered together for a group photo on the steps of the amphitheatre. After which we were split into two groups for the site tours.

The site tours covered almost every part of the JFWTC and included visits to the Non-Destructive testing lab where demonstrations were shown on Ultra-sonic testing, and its various uses were explained. We were also taken to the X-ray testing lab. After this the group was taken to the Transportation Control systems lab, where a brief overview was provided on the systems under development and those currently deployed in locomotives across the world. The morning session of tours was concluded and was followed by lunch at the new cafete-ria. For the afternoon session, the group was taken to the GE Healthcare facility, in close vicinity to JFWTC. The afternoon was spent understanding the various technologies under development at the GE BE labs, which is a collaborative healthcare equipment facility be-tween GE and Bharat Electronics. We were shown production of X-ray tubes and other components that are assembled into a CT scanner. All in all, it worked up to a very knowledge-enriching experience, with a multitude of ques-tions being posed by the scholars to the tour guides.


III. GE Mentors

At the end of the site tours, the six teams were taken to the plush conference rooms of the Odyssey wing, which was decked up with everything a team would need to create the next revolution, access to knowledge through the internet and mentors…. and an endless supply of caffeine courtesy the pantries on every floor. The teams were introduced to their respective team mentors, and were given a briefing on how to go about with the presentation, along with hints and nudges about how the process of innovation is under-taken.

IV. There is no ‘I’ in TEAM (but there is a me)

The mentors gave us their time and knowledge in helping to arrive at the best topic for the technical presentation, but in the end the whole process of innovation and deciding on the actual topic itself was to be the work of the respective teams. And so the arduous process of arriving at a topic, evaluating the same, comparison of pros and cons, the discussion on the feasibility and general scrutineering of topics began. It might have been a very simple process if not for the fact that this was a congregation of over 50 scholars selected on the basis of their academic as well as leadership qualities, hence everybody wanted to bring in the idea that each of them had. In the end it came down to the team managers and each of the students themselves to try and keep the energy and thought process going, no matter whose idea was being pursued over others. This was but a taste of what was to come the next day. The day concluded with the scholars boarding the bus back to the UTC, exhausted but look-ing forward to the next day.

Back at the UTC

By the time the we arrived at the UTC, tired as we were, we began to work out what Cultural Program we could put up the next day. At the same time we had to concentrate on the all important technical presentation the day after as well. So practice of the various shows that each team wanted to put on commenced behind closed doors and open air gardens, with peals of laughter being heard from the more comical acts.


Day Three - All Work and some Play

I. Getting down to Business

The day began early as usual at the UTC and everyone hurried up with their breakfast in order to catches their buses in time. We were looking forward to the day with both anxiety and excitement, what with the Cultural Program and the need to finish up the preparations for the Technical Presentation! After arriving at the JFWTC we headed directly to Odyssey, into our respective conference room to brainstorm the innovations that we would be presenting the to a panel of esteemed GE judges the very next day. This was when the concept of ‘Teamwork’ was brought into the picture over and over again. Who’s idea is the most innovative? How to move forward with an idea? How do we make our concept the most feasible of all? How do you make it unique? …. These were the questions each and every team had to ask themselves and come to a conclusion on. As easy as it is put up these questions, answering them took teams hours together even with the valuable inputs from the very knowledgeable mentors who couldn’t directly influence the thought process but act as a faint guiding light which each team could choose to follow or not. The day wouldn’t have gone by if not for the constant encouragement that the mentors provided us and also the guidance that they offered was something to keep in our minds forever.


II. Happy Hours - Trick and Treat After a grueling brainstorming session, we welcomed the unexpected treat that the alumni of the GEFS had provided for us. They had arranged fun filled games for all the groups with a hint of friendly competition thrown into the mix. There was mini-games arranged with different rounds which made sure that all of us were able to participate and have fun at the same time. There was every kind of whacky games going on, from push-ups, to knotting the wire, to bottom-up of coconut milk and even skipping rope! Fun filled hours indeed. The “winner” of sorts was the team Nano!!


III. Happy Hours 2 - Cultural Program

After the fun and games… well we had more fun and games. But this time it was us who were providing the entertainment to others. We came up with a variety of cultural programs from parodies to drama’s to song and dance!

Team ZERO presenting a funny parody Team GUNPOWDER turn Roadies!!

Team TRANSISTOR presents a riveting drama Team PENICILLIN presents a melodious song

Team INTERNET presents a jives to a musical Team NANO presents ‘Jumbo Electrics’


Day Four - Finale

I. A door into GE!!

The last day was here at last and everybody was trying to catch up on lost sleep during the bus journey after a long night of preparations for the technical presentation. Some teams were even going over their presentation just one more time while having their breakfast! Before we were to present our topics, we had an enlightening and engaging session with Mr. Raj Raghavan, Senior HR Manager, JFWTC who talked about the job opportunities during recession and its effects on the job market as a whole, hence giving us a better idea about the actual impacts of recession from a first person’s hands on view.

II. Tech Presentations At the end of the talk, we got ready to present to the panel of judges and all that were around , what we were toiling over for the past two days. The concept of the technical presentation during the workshop, ensured everyone was at their innovative best, even in between all the fun. The presentations ensured that UTC was awake all night from day two, and there was a stiff competition between the teams to find out the topics of the other. The technical presentaions gave everyone to show their technical prowess, in their chosen domain of study. All teams would remain locked up in their rooms during the planning, and a team member would suface briefly in another team’s room. Spying some would call it, but all in good spirit.

Mr.Raj Raghavan takes the stage

We were told all about the various HR practises that companies employ for re-cruitment. And from the point of view of GE, what they look for in a new recruit. Also, the various perks of landing a job in GE were explained!.


After the stress of going through the presenta-tions, the teams would meet out in the lobby of the UTC and take a walk around its lawns, and then sometimes for a hot cup of tea in the nearby Cantonment Railway station at 3 a.m. The technical presentations were a good way to understand the ability to think laterally in a situa-tion of pressure, and also to perceive the extent of research that is required to make an innovation convincing in front of a panel of qualified judges

who have spent all their time innovating in the labs of GE. Here is a list of topics that the team based their presentations on: Zero : Nanotechnology based treatment of Cancer Gunpowder : Piezoelectric Road Hump Transistor : Wireless Energy Transfer Penicillin : Intelligent Transport System Internet : Automated Medication Service Nano : Flex-Or Solar Cells We were grilled on the specifics of our presentation and the feasibility of our ideas and the innovation behind the topic that we had chosen and the possibilities of im-plementing such technologies as were presented.



II. The Space Man of India

After the teams were done with their presentation, M.P Hall was abuzz with discussions of the presentations and anticipation of the arrival of the guest of honor for the day - Dr.Kasturirangan. Former chairman of ISRO and the epitome of India’s space programme. People gathered were awed to see his many achievements and when he took the mic, rapt attention followed. He spoke about the development of India’s space program and his associations with Dr.Vikram Sarabhai and Dr..Satish Dhawan. Incidentally, that is when we found out that Dr. Kasturirangan and Dr.Lavakare had together pioneered India’s first space mission - Aryabbhatta. The talk included his experiences, with many an anecdote, and his learnings from these experiences, and valuable advise to the scholars on dreams and chasing them.

After the talk, M.P Hall broke into tumultuous applause.


III. The Moment of Truth! After the end of the amazing talk by Dr. Kasturirangan, it was time to find out which team’s efforts would now end in fruition, after all the burning of the mid-night oil and hurried breakfasts and lunches, which team would come up on top in the Technical Presentation! Apart from giving us an engaging talk, Dr. Kasturirangan made us even more ecstatic by distributing the prizes himself, which was a proud moment for all us scholars. After a tense few moments, Team Nano was declared the best overall in the Technical Presentation! But all the teams were at the same spirit levels as they won in individual categories and were awarded by the “Space Man” himself.

Team NANO Team NANO with their mentor Mr.Ravi Ravikumar and Dr. Kasturirangan










Conclusion The four day workshop came to a close, and with heavy hearts we drove back to the UTC for the last time to pick up our bags and head our own ways. Every scholar would ensure that the bonds that were created during these four days would be kept intact, and strengthened at every opportunity. Words cannot bring to fore the new experiences that each of us had at all instances throughout the workshop, whether it be the jokes we shared, the new friendships we made, the awesome trip to JFWTC and even the midnight excursions and rehearsals. On behalf of all scholars, I thank GE Foundation for awarding us this scholarship and recognizing us as individuals who can make a difference. Thanks due to Dr. P.J. Lavakare and Institute of International Education who made scholar-ships available to all scholars. We are grateful to Dr. Guillermo Wille; Managing Director of JFWTC, Dr. Prabha Chatterji Manager and Co-ordinator of JFWTC, Mr. Raj Raghavan - Senior HR, Members of expert\team, Team Mentors , Bench of Judges, all point of contacts and Alumni at JFWTC who made this workshop a success. Sincere thanks to Mr. S.R. Ram who took great pain for scholars’ comfortable accommo-dation, reimbursement and for providing the workshop T-shirts and caps. I express gratitude to UTC staff for providing us relaxed stay at Bangalore. Finally, a word of appreciation to all scholars, who travelled miles to attend this workshop and shared their assets and knowledge with others.



A memorable and enlightening tour, fun and knowledge laden: it’s just a maxim for my en-tire peregrination

The 4 day event is unforgettable for all the reasons I can recollect. It has been a month al-ready, all of the things conjured up as if they happened just the day before… Undertakings were well-organized during the workshop stretching from Company visits to speeches and finally the cultural as well as technical competitions were very engaging as well as stimulating. Most significant part of my journey was the enhancement of my acumen and cognizance. Beside this I formed a good network of friends and mentors.

And how can I overlook the fact that the interaction among team members led to enormous flow of information. Working together burning the mid night lamps, brainstorming on nu-merous issues, convincing each other, impinging on new ideas, wandering along canton-ment station during the late hours and meeting up the deadlines was all very exhilarating…

Overall it was a rich experience with eternal reminiscences…

-Swati Jaswal

Well, the GE workshop was one of the most memorable events of my life. I have enjoyed with all of you specially the 4-6 group. The Dumb Charades and Antakshari in the bus on our first day trip, A long discussion on the cultural programme which took almost the whole night, the games before the cultural show, the great Jumbo Electric show and all, the mo-ment we shared, we can never forget those. I also remember Roopali's great will to give treat on her results. Hey, I am seriously happy you got good grades. :). As far as the stay is concerned, I enjoyed the beautiful rooms of the UTC and also the food :). I made lots of friends there. With Amit, I can never forget the trip to ‘Oye Amritsar’. And the team Inter-net, well its without Internet, we have learned to work in a team. Miss you all. and hope to see some of you again.

-Abhishek Kumar Gupta

We had the most memorable time during the workshop, the team spirit, the fun we shared, the trip to JFWTC, the nights at the UTC, and the people all around us, its an experience I’ll never forget and I hope the next year a new batch experiences all that we have and more. -Narasimha Datta








GE Mentor: Uma


GE Mentor: Shyamsunder,


GE Mentor: Vinay Ramanath

GE Mentor: Ramesh Bhat

GE Mentor: Giridharan


GE Mentor: Ravi


Martin Suresshbabu

Durai (Manager)

Vibhav Vineet (Manager)

Rhea (Manager)

Bharath Swaminathan


Ishneet Kaur (Manager)

Narasimha Datta (Manager)

Aditya Khandelia Nilesh Koshe Akash Kumar Satyaki Bhatacharjee Abhishek Kumar

Gupta Anurag Sujania

Sonil Krishnapal Singh

Apurva Gupta Kaustubh Gururaj Sachin Kalia Yaswanth Kumar

Vudhya Setu Amitkumar B


Anant Jigar Shah Vijayanand Velusamy

Ketan Anand Nayak Surbhi Aggarwal Himaja Nischitha

Bollam Dilip Bharadwaj

Jobin George Cijo P Joseph Satish Kumar Bandlamudi

Prasobh J Mechery

S Kishore Pradeep Nekka-


Suresh Pittala Kavitha Malayala Abhijit Anand Pawar Tushar Sopan

Jadhav Muhsin

Mohammed Ameen Arvindha Raja A

Chandra Harika Tankasala

Tarak Saha Mansi Bhatia Swati Jaswal Rajdeep Majumdar Anisha Gupta

Kanchan Kulkarni

Neeti Banerjee Sarika Dhanraj Pawar Sneha Satish

Surpuriya Sundar Saran

Sombhatla Gunjan Rastogi

Nabendu Ghosh Ravali Uppala Rajan Chellsamy K Saravana Kumar

Gnanamohan Rajkamal M

S M Abdul Khuddhush

Jeetu S Babu Anand

Chandrasekharan Mrutyunjay Rout Rohit Sharma Roopali Dhingra Neha Chawla



Scholars who couldn’t make it to the workshop

The Teams ANNEXURE - A






Time Activity Venue

Evening All Participants arrive at UTC and check in GUEST HOUSE






Time Activity Venue


8:30 AM Meeting with Dr. P.J. Lavakare

(Introductions and Briefing Session)

Meeting Hall


11:00 AM

Presentation Session by GE Experts (10 minutes each followed by Q & A)

Dr. Prabha Chatterji (Manager & Coordinator, JFWTC)

Mr. Vaira Saravanan (GE Infra, Aviation )

Mr. G. Shanmugavel (GE Healthcare)

Mr Ramesh Bhat ( GE Transportation)

Mr. Mayank Tiwari (GE Research)


2:00 PM Individual Team Managers summarize the

Community Development Activities of their Team Members and present their overview

Meeting HALL

3:30 PM Individual Team Managers discuss with their

Team Members and evolve a work plan, including Cultural presentations






Time Activity Venue


8:00 Leave UTC by Buses for JFWTC

9:00 Arrive at JFWTC

JFWTC Security clearance

9:30:00 -9:45:00


Welcome address by Dr.Guillermo Wille

Managing Director, JFWTC M.P. HALL

09:45 10.15

Distribution of GE Scholar Certificates

10:15- 10.30

Introducing tour guides; briefing on tours M.P. HALL


Site Tour - II & I



16.15: 18.00

Session with Mentors Odyssey Block—

Conf. Rooms - 26, 27 , 28, 29, 30, 31

18:30 Leave for UTC by respective buses

19:00 Dinner UTC CANTEEN



Site Tour - II & I



Time Activity Venue


8:00 Leave UTC

9:00 - 12:30

Arrive at JFWTC 9

Odyssey Block—Conf. Rooms - 26, 27 , 28, 29, 30, 31

Individual Project Groups meet with their Men-tors for Project Finalization and evolving Presentation Strategies



Project Finalization and Presentation Strategies - Continued

Odyssey Block—Conf. Rooms - 26, 27 , 28, 29, 30, 31


Interactive session with GEFS Alumni; Cultural Program by Scholars

MP Hall

18:30 Leave for UTC by respective buses





Time Activity Venue

7:00 AM


All the Scholars vacate their rooms

8:00 AM Leave UTC

9:00 AM Arrive at JFWTC

JFWTC Get set for individual Team Presentations

9:30-9:45 Address by Dr P J Lavakare ,Country Program Representative,"Approaching the Next Decade-

Future Perspectives" MP HALL


MP HALL (10 minutes each + 5 minutes for Q & A)


Chief Guest, Dr K. Kasturirangan, former Charman, ISRO and presently Director, National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS),

Bangalore, will address the Scholars



Observations and Annoucement of results by Dr. Gopichand, GM, JFWTC




1:15 PM Leave for UTC by respective buses

3:00 PM Scholars collect their baggage and depart




Community Development Programs This year saw the participants showcase a wide range of activities that each was involved in, and each is its own way, seeming to touch many lives. The projects varied from small setups to community initiatives with a large outreach. Added to the fact of presenting indi-vidual community development programs, each of us was inspired by the work undertaken by the other, and promised to keep the initiative going strong. Here is a more detailed, but summarized CDP activities that were undertaken by the students.

Team Zero: GRA– Group for Rural activities, Youth United Mass Education and Awareness Mission, Nature Club, Emerging Technologies - Workshop,Bachche Mann Ke Sachche pro-gram,Shikshana Abhiyana.

Team GUNPOWDER: Services to Gopali Youth Welfare Society ,JAGRUTI SEVA SANSTHA—provision of basic education to underprivileged children ,Ashakiran - Organising medical camps and such, The Awakening - Bringing about awareness among the youth regarding nature, energy saving, drugs, etc.

Team INTERNET: Home for the aged, Art of Living, Muskaan, Disha, MVSS, Teaching Underprivileged students, Empowering Knowledge of Rural Youths, Support of the Specially abled,

Team PENICILLIN: Education, Empowerment, Outreach, Environment, Healthcare. Education of the Girl Child, Isha Vidya, Ranga,Pavenje Water Project, Jherli Employment Programme, CARE, Ad-vanced Technology Blind Students Learning Center, Indian Youth Climate Network, Rural Rejuvenation.

Team TRANSISTOR: Socio-economic development of the village Gopali, Community Service with NSS, Madras, Conduction of Blood Donation Camps, Upliftment of blind children, Collection of Scrap paper and notebooks, One Rupee a Day scheme, Services to Akanksha Organization, Project NEER.

Team NANO: Shramdan, Scholarships, Imparting Values, Shishu Shikshan Mandir, Pupil for Pupil, Project Shakti, Avas Vikas Kalyan Samithi, Services offered at Samarthanam.



By Ishneet Kaur

Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Delhi.

"Achievement is largely the product of steadily raising one's levels of aspiration . . and expectation." Jack Niklaus This year 61 students were selected , all over India , as GE Foundation scholars.56 students attended the workshop held in Bangalore from 6th -10th june’09.All the scholars had a splen-did time interacting with everyone and participating in various activities. “It was a great intellectual conglomerate”- quoted one of the scholars. The workshop began with the introductions .All the scholars were divided into various teams with a team manager for each team. The community development presentations threw some light on our moral obligations towards the society. “Last year I had a request of not being bias while choosing the team managers, so this year we have 3 girls and 3 boys”-Dr Lavakare Each team was expected to present an innovative product/service and GE mentors were al-lotted for the same .This followed various brainstorming sessions among the team mem-bers . "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." Henry Ford Among all this came the cultural program which was liked by one and all. This report is a feedback from the scholars in a concise manner.

The experience The scholars benefited a lot from the workshop .It was a lifetime experience, quoted many scholars. Visiting the GE labs reduced the gap between theoretical and practi-cal learning. They got a feel of how the corporate R& D works and realized that in-novation is the key!


Feedback Report


About the scholars In spite of the fact that the scholars belonged to various parts of the country and different cultural backgrounds, their bonding was remarkable. The scholars found their team members technically competent .Since they were from different disciplines , the innovative product development became easy, being an interdiscipli-nary task In the end it is the team spirit that came out in full form.

Interaction with GE experts

Through the interaction, scholars got to know the functioning of GE better. They learned about the new trends and innovations. The lab visits were very interactive and informative. Many scholars were impressed by the work culture in GE and its interest in the area of community development.

Administrative content of the program

All the scholars received sufficient information about the program beforehand through mails . The overall logistic arrangements were mostly rated ‘very good’.

Most exciting parts of the workshop

Cultural program topped the list!! Some enjoyed rising early in the morning while others enjoyed late night discussions and meetings at UTC .Brainstorming sessions and debates for the technical presentation were equally exciting.

Suggestions for future programs

Food quality at UTC was the prime suggestion by most of the scholars. Many also believed that Internet should be provided at UTC. The other suggestions include the relaxation of the schedule and providing a guest house near JFWTC. "We will either find a way or make one” , Hannibal The workshop instilled such enthusiasm in the scholars. It introduced them to corporate R&D, taught them the meaning of teamwork and abridged the gap between academic learning and its practical implementation . Everyone was grateful to be a part of this “once in a lifetime experience.”

* * * * *