Workplace Violence Bradley D. Hyde Delta Medical Center of Memphis

Workplace violence by Brad Hyde

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Safety at work is important. Awareness of your surroundings and how you and your co-workers can stay safe is the focus of this presentation

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Page 1: Workplace violence by Brad Hyde

Workplace Violence

Bradley D. Hyde

Delta Medical Center of Memphis

Page 2: Workplace violence by Brad Hyde

Workplace Violence

On August 20, 1986, a part-time letter carrier named Patrick H. Sherrill, facing possible dismissal after a troubled work history, walked into the Edmond, Oklahoma, post office, where he worked and shot 14 people to death before killing himself.

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Workplace Violence

In California form 1989 to 1997, there were 15 workplace homicide incidents, six with multiple victims, that killed 29 people.

In Connecticut four state lottery executives were killed by a lottery accountant. (3/89)

In Hawaii a Xerox technician killed several coworkers. (11/99)

In Massachusetts a software engineer killed seven coworkers. (12/2000)

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Workplace Violence

In Illinois a former forklift driver killed four current workers at the Navistar plant. (2/2001)

In New York three coworkers were killed by an insurance executive. (9/2002)

In Missouri three workers were killed by a coworker. (7/2003)

In Mississippi six aircraft plants workers were killed by a coworker. (7/2003)

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Workplace Violence

School Shootings Terrorism

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Workplace Violence

Assaults Domestic Violence Stalking Threats Harassment (Including Sexual Harassment) Physical and Emotional Abuse

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Average Annual Number Incidents by Type of Crime 1993-1999

Homicide 900 0.1% Sexual Assault 36,500 2.1% Robbery 70,100 4.0% Aggravated Assault 325,000 18.6% Simple Assault 1,311,700 75.2%

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Workplace Violence

It is rare for someone to just “snap” and go on a killing rampage.

There are usually warning sings. The warning signs include threats both overt and covert.

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What is a Threat?

An expression of an intention to inflict something harmful.

An indication of impending danger or harm. One regarded as a possible danger.

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“All Men Are Created Equal”

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Threat Assessment

But all threats are not equal!

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Threat Assessment

Gather Information

Listen to what has happened and DOCUMENT

Like all narratives given under stress--gaps may be present.

Clarification may be needed.

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Threat Assessment

Basic Information


Marital Status

Previous Health Status

Work History

Job Description

Previous Behavior

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Threat Assessment

Company Environment

Blue Collar vs. White Collar

Previous History of Violence at Company

Ongoing Union Disputes

Changes in Leadership or Management

Potential Closing or Down Sizing

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Threat Assessment

Talk To Others

If no one is willing to talk -- Bad Sign

May mean that everyone is afraid of him -- or he may just be aloof.

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Threat Assessment

Written Incident Report Is Very Important

Without a written report--you must confront the employee with hearsay evidence.

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Threat Assessment

How does the employee react to the allegations?

1. He may betray his anger and make further threats.

2. He may be accepting of his actions.

Acceptance has a better prognosis.

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Risk Factors for Violence

What is the sex of the person making the threat?

Most workplace violence is committed by men.

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Risk Factors for Violence

Is there a past history of violence?

Prior criminal acts

Motor vehicle infractions

Spouse or child abuse

Bad Temper (prone to property destruction)

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Risk Factors for Violence

Is there an identified victim?

If the threat is directed at a specific person, it is much more ominous.

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Risk Factors for Violence

Does the employee have access to weapons?

Recent acquisitions or preoccupation with weapons is much more worrisome.

Long term ownership is less problematic.

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Risk Factors for Violence

Does the employee use alcohol or other drugs?

The issue here is the affect of alcohol on the employee.

1. Reduces inhibitions

2. Increases impulsitivity

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Risk Factors for Violence

“of all the many variables that are being studies in models for the prediction of violence, substance abuse emerges as the most significant factor.”

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Risk Factors for Violence

Does the employee have a psychiatric illness?

Paranoid delusions or command hallucinations constitute a distinct risk.

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Risk Factors for Violence

Does the employee have a social network to look to for assistance?

Social isolation and recent loss are significant risk factors.

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Risk Factors for Violence

Violence rarely occurs without a recent loss

Loss of job, promotion, grievance

Loss of spouse or other family difficulties

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Risk Factors for Violence

Has the employee contacted the EAP and complied with their recommendations?

An employee that uses the EAP to work through problems and who follows their recommendations is of a lesser risk than someone who refuses help.

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Risk Factors for Violence

Are there other subjective factors?

Some people may evoke fear in people across different segments of the company (security, management, coworkers, and supervisors).

When an employee upsets everybody

Take Heed!!

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Houston, we have a problem!

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Typical Call

“we have an employee we are worried about”


“one of our employees just made a threat!”

You may have a duty to inform the potential victim.

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Early Intervention

A useful but non-intuitive intervention is to confront the employee who made the threat and relate how their actions have affected others.

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Early Intervention

Many employees, when confronted, are surprised by the allegations and seek to reassure the employer that they mean no harm.

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Early Intervention

When you talk to an employee -- Listen!

Employees who feel that they are not being heard sufficiently will escalate their anger.

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Outside Referral

Psychiatrist Emergency Room Clinician in Private Practice

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Fitness For Duty Evaluation

Employee should be told that an independent clinician has been retained to assess the incident and that confidentially can not be guaranteed.

The employee should sign a release to that effect.

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Fitness For Duty Evaluation

A determination will be made as to whether the employee may return to work and if so under what conditions, or whether he represents such a threat that he can not go back to work.

It is rare to find an employee that requires emergency psychiatric evaluation or police intervention.

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Fitness For Duty Evaluation

Usually a risk rating is given to the employer.

Low risk



High risk

Police intervention and an emergency petition can be filled. Usually reserved for psychiatric conditions.

Does not return to work.

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Workplace Violence


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Thank You

Bradley D Hyde

[email protected]

Delta Medical Center of Memphis