Workout - s3.amazonaws.com · aptitude, training and fitness ... 1A Jumping Jacks — 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, x 4 rounds ... 20/10 Workout # 6 — The 10-minute Bodyweight

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Page 1: Workout - s3.amazonaws.com · aptitude, training and fitness ... 1A Jumping Jacks — 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, x 4 rounds ... 20/10 Workout # 6 — The 10-minute Bodyweight

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. — www.HomeWorkoutRevolution.com

Craig Ballantyne, Ctt


TT Home Workout Revolution

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Home Workout revolution Workout Guidelines


Week 1 Workouts


Week 2 Workouts


Week 3 Workouts


Week 4 Workouts


Week 5 Workouts


Week 6 Workouts


Week 7 Workouts


Week 8 Workouts


Week 9 Workouts


Week 10 Workouts


Week 11 Workouts


Week 12 Workouts

Table of Contents

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to the New Home Workout revolution System

Y o u ’ r e a b o u t t o t a k e p a r t o f s o m e t h i n g m o r e t h a n j u s t w o r k o u t s y o u c a n d o a t h o m e .

T h e r e ’ s a r e a s o n I c a l l e d t h i s t h e H o m e W o r k o u t R e v o l u t i o n S y s t e m .

Inside these short-burst, metabolic workouts are the ultimate fat loss key to finally shredding the most stubborn fat and keep it off — forever. You’ll discover a variety of the NEW 20-10 revolution system, ladder workouts, bootcamp style workouts and more using this ultimate fat loss key.

Not only that, but you’ll have MORE than enough workouts to keep the weight off for good, all without having to step into a gym ever again.

Whether you only have 4 minutes, 12 minutes and even 19 minutes, you’ll find these workouts to be the shortest, yet most effective you’ve ever experienced, and I promise you you’ll finally unlock the body you deserve.

This is something you’ve been searching for… not just another home workout program… a REVOLUTION.

In fact, I’m willing to you pay for you transforming your life. Join me and discover how you can earn thousands of dollars just for losing weight, building relationships and more.

Join me here: www.TranformationContest.com

Your friend and coach,

Craig Ballantyne, CTTCertified Turbulence Trainer

Creator, The Turbulence Training World — Welcome to it!


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You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only.

The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Don’t perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Don’t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval training.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Turbulence Training. If you experience any lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you don’t use Turbulence Training, please follow your doctor’s orders.

Copyright © 2003-2013 CB Athletic Consulting, Inc.

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© CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. — www.HomeWorkoutRevolution.com

Home Workout revolution Workout Guidelines


See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.

• Train with Home Workout Revolution Workouts no more than 4 days per week.

• Do 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise on off-days, but don’t let this workout impair your recovery or limit your performance real workouts.

• No matter what your fitness level, you must drop down to a 3/10 intensity level between workout intervals

• Start every workout with this warm-up circuit.

The Bodyweight Warm-up Circuit

Go through the circuit ONCE using a 2-0-1 tempo for each exercise.

1A Prisoner Squat — 10 reps

1B Prisoner Lunge — 6 reps/side

1C X-Body Mountain Climber — 6 reps/side

1D Leg Swing — 20 reps/side

1E Jumping Jack — 20 reps

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12-Week HWr Workout Manual

Day 120/10 Workout # 1 — The 12-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Jumping Jacks — 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, x 4 rounds

1B Close-Grip Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (just hold top position if tired)

1C Bodyweight Squats — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1D Mountain Climbers — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (just hold top position if tired)

1E Prisoner Lunges — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

Week 1

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Day 220/10 Workout # 3 — The 19-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Low Box Jumps — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1B TRX Rows or Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Spiderman Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1E Plank — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1F Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

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Day 320/10 Workout # 6 — The 10-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Total Body Extension — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Mountain Climbers — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

(optional) Bodyweight Workout # 10 — Bodyweight Cardio

Do 40 reps per exercise. Do not rest — or rest as little as possible — between exercises. Perform 2 rounds and rest for 1 minute between rounds. The first time you do this workout just complete 1 round.

1A Jumping Jacks

1B Run in Place — 40 per side

1C Skater Hops — 20 per side

1D Bodyweight Squat

1E X-Body Mountain Climber — 20 per side

1F Side to Side Jump — 20 per side

1G Push-Up or Kneeling Push-Up

1H Seal Jump

1I Walking Lunge — 20 per side

1J Split Shuffle — 20 per side

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12-Week HWr Workout Manual

Day 1Bodyweight Workout # 4 — The Big 12 Circuit

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting one minute between circuits.

1A Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat — 15 reps

1B Close-Grip Push-Up — 10 reps

1C Jumping Jacks — 20 reps

1D Reverse Lunge — 10 reps per side

1E Inchworm — 6 reps

1F Run in Place — 20 seconds

1G Mountain Climber — 10 reps per side

1H Total Body Extension — 8 reps

1I Calf Jump — 10 reps

1J Reaching Lunge — 8 reps per side

1K Decline Push-Up or Regular Push-Up — 12 reps

1L Run in Place — 20 seconds

(optional) Bodyweight Workout # 12 — The punisher

Do the following exercise 8 times, resting as little as possible.

1A Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat — 20 seconds squats followed by a 10 second hold in bottom position.

Week 2

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Day 2Bodyweight Workout # 5 — The Bodyweight 300 Challenge

Do the following circuit once, resting as little as possible between exercises. Record your time. Beat it each week.

1A Bodyweight Row or TRX Row (20)

1B Diagonal Lunge (25/side)

1C Close-Grip Pushups (40)

1D Skater Hops (50/side)

1E Mountain Climbers (20/side)

1F Prisoner Squat (30)

1G Bodyweight Row or TRX Row (20)

(optional) Ladder Workout # 6 — The ripped abs Ladder

Do the following superset, resting for 10 seconds between exercises. In the first superset, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 7 reps of each exercise. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.

1A T Pushups (8/side...1/side), rest 10 secs

1B Bodysaw (8...1), rest 10 secs

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Day 320/10 Workout # 2 — The 15-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Total Body Extensions (TBX) — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1B Decline or Regular Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Wall Squats — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

1D X-Body Mountain Climbers — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Prisoner Squats — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

(optional) abs Workout # 1 — The abs 20/15 Circuit

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits.

1A Total Body Extension (20)

1B Bodysaw (15)

1C Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat (20)

1D Mountain Climbers (15/side)

1E Switch Lunge (20) (10/side)

1F X-Body Mountain Climber (15/side)

1G Chop (20/side)

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12-Week HWr Workout Manual

Day 1Bodyweight Workout # 1 — The New 5 rounds of 5

Do each exercise for 40 seconds, resting 20 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Rest 1 minute at the end of each round before moving to the next round.

r o u n d # 1

1A Jumping Jacks

1B Bodyweight Squats

1C T-Push- Ups (alternate sides)

1D Repeated Squat Jumps

1E Prisoner Lunges

r o u n d # 2

1A Push-Up

1B Prisoner Squat

1C Squat Thrust

1D Duck Under

1E Burpee

r o u n d # 3

1A Seal Jump

1B Spiderman Climb

1C Get Up

1D Side-Step

1E Run in Place

r o u n d # 4

1A Split Shuffle

1B Side to Side Jump

1C Side Plank (40 seconds per side)

1D Total Body Extension

1E Run in Place

r o u n d # 5

1A Side Step

1B Close-Grip Push-Up

1C Lateral Lunge

1D Mountain Climber

1E Seal Jump

Week 3

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Day 220/10 Workout # 4 — The 18-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Elevated Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (alternate sides every 20 seconds)

1B Total Body Extension — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1C Side Plank — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1D Jumping Jacks– 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Run In Place — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1F Spiderman Climb — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

(optional) Challenge Workout # 4 — The Take away Challenge

Set your timer. Start with 10 reps of any type of squat followed by any kind of pushup.

e x a m p l e :

Goblet Squat and Spiderman Climb Pushup

Knock out 10 reps for each, resting as little as possible. Then do 9 reps, resting as little as possible. Then 8 reps…7 reps…6 reps…etc. Stop the clock. Cool down with 2-3 min of stretching.

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Day 320/10 Workout # 15 — The SCrEaCH

Do the following circuit as shown one time:

1A Bulgarian Split Squat (alternate sides with each round) — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

1B SCREACH — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Alternating Lateral Lunge — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

1D Inchworm — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

(optional) Ladder Workout # 2 — The metabolic Trio

Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 7 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Then, work your way back up. The next circuit will then be 2 reps, etc. Continue until you complete 8 reps of each exercise.

1A Narrow-Stance Goblet Squat or Bodyweight Squat (8...1...8)

1B Close-Grip Pushups (8...1...8)

1C Skater Hops (8/side…1/side…8/side)

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12-Week HWr Workout ManualDay 1

Bodyweight Workout # 2 — The 30/15 Circuit

Do each exercise for 30 seconds, resting 15 seconds before moving to the next. Rest 60 seconds after completing each circuit. Go through each circuit once.

c i r c u i t # 1

1A Prisoner Squat

1B Lateral Lunge (Alternating)

1C T Pushup

1D Total Body Extension

1E Mountain Climbers

c i r c u i t # 2

1A Lateral Jumps

1B Alternating Reverse Lunge

1C Close-Grip Push- Ups

1D Bodyweight Squat

1E Spiderman Climb

c i r c u i t 3

1A Split Squat

1B Split Squat

1C Jumping Jacks

1D Elevated Pushups (20s/side)

1E Bodysaw

c i r c u i t # 4

1A Lunge Jumps

1B Skater Hops

1C Decline Push-Up

1D Prisoner Lunge

1E Total Body Extension

c i r c u i t # 5

1A Burpees

1B Split Shuffle

1C X-Body Mountain Climber

1D Diagonal Lunge

1E Run-in-Place

(Optional) Workout #8 — on next page

Week 4

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(optional) 20/10 Workout # 8 — The 10-minute Bodyweight Shuffle

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Split Shuffle — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Close-Grip Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Diagonal Lunge — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Spiderman Climb — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

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Day 2Bodyweight Workout # 9 — The Bootcamp 3-Circuit Workout

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 2.

1A Prisoner Squat

1B T Pushups

1C Skater Hops

1D Diagonal Lunge

1E Squat Shuffle

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 3.

2A Burpee

2B Switch Lunge

2C X-Body Mountain Climber

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 4.

3A Close-Grip Pushup

3B Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat

3C Inchworm

3D Split Shuffle

3E Squat Thrust

(Optional) Workout #7 — on next page

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(optional) 20/10 Workout # 7 — The 10-minute Bodyweight Conditioning Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Run-in-Place — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Spiderman Climb Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Switch Lunge (alternate sides every 20s) — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Burpee — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

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Day 320/10 Workout # 11 — The 16-minute Total Body revolution

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Bodyweight Squats — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1C Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Switch Lunges — 20 on, 10 off (alternate legs with each round) x 6 rounds

1E Spiderman Climb — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1F TRX Row or Run in Place — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

(optional) Ladder Workout # 5 — The Conditioning Ladder

Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 7 reps of each exercise. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.

1A Burpees (8...1)

1B Split Shuffle (8/side...1/side)

1C Total Body Extension (8...1)

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12-Week HWr Workout Manual

Day 1Bodyweight Workout # 6 — The Bodyweight 400 Challenge

Do the following circuit once, resting as little as possible between exercises. Record your time. Beat it each week.

1A 10 Burpees

1B 30 Total Body Extensions

1C 30 Decline Push- Ups

1D 10 Chin-ups

1E 20 Prisoner Reverse Lunges (10 per side)

1F 10 Squat Thrusts

1G 30 Bodyweight Squats

1H 20 Bodyweight Rows or TRX Rows

1I 30 X-Body Mountain Climbers (15 per side)

1J 10 Chin-Ups

1K 20 Close-Grip Pushups

1L 30 Star Shuffles (30 per side)

1M 10 Squat Thrusts

1N 20 Prisoner Lunges (10 per side)

1O 30 Spiderman Climbs (15 per side)

1P 60 Jumping Jacks

(Optional) Workout # 9 — on next page

Week 5

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(optional) 20/10 Workout # 9 — The 10-minute Total Body Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Prisoner Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Decline Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Total Body Extension — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D X-Body Mountain Climber — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Run-in-Place — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

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Day 2Challenge Workout # 5 — The pull-up/ pushup/Squat Challenge

Do the following circuit 3 times. Do as many reps as possible in 1 minute of each exercise. Write down how many reps you were able to do and try to beat that each time you do this challenge.

1A Pull-ups — As many as possible in 1 minute

1B Pushups — As many as possible in 1 minute

1C Bodyweight Squats — As many as possible in 1 minute

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Day 320/10 Workout # 3 — The 19-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Low Box Jumps — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1B TRX Rows or Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Spiderman Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1E Plank — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1F Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

(optional) abs Workout # 2 — The abs 20/20 Circuit

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute between circuits.

1A Lunge Jumps (10/side) — 20 total

1B Spiderman Climb (10/side) — 20 total

1C Bodyweight Squat (20)

1D X-Body Mountain Climber w/Feet Elevated (10/side) — 20 total

1E Total Body Extension (20)

1F 12-Week HWR Workout Manual — Week 6

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12-Week HWr Workout Manual

Day 1Bodyweight Workout # 3 — The Big 10 Circuit

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute between each circuit, and with as little rest as possible during each circuit.

1A Prisoner Squat — 15 reps

1B Elevated Push-Up — 6 reps per side

1C Prisoner Diagonal Lunge — 10 reps per side

1D Jumping Jacks — 30 reps

1E Jump Squat — 6 reps

1F Spiderman Climb — 10 reps per side

1G Side to Side Jump — 8 reps per side

1H Spiderman or Regular Push-Up — 12 total reps

1I Total Body Extension — 10 reps

1J X-Body Mountain Climber — 10 reps per side

(optional) Bodyweight Workout # 13 — The punisher X

Do the following exercise 8 times, resting as little as possible.

1A Total Body Extension — 20 seconds followed by a 10 second hold in bottom position.

Week 6

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Day 220/10 Workout # 10 — The 10-minute Bodyweight Star Shuffle

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B T Pushups (alternating sides) — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Alternating Reverse Lunge — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Burpees — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Star Shuffle — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

(optional) Ladder Workout # 3 — Total Body Duet

Do the following superset, resting only when needed. In the first superset, you will perform 8 reps per side of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 7 reps per side. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep on each side of each exercise.

1A Prisoner Switch Lunge (8/side...1/side)

1B Spiderman Pushups (8/side...1/side)

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Day 320/10 Workout # 5 — The 14-minute Bodyweight punisher

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Punisher Squat (hold bottom for 10 second rest period) — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B T-Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds (alternate sides every 20 seconds)

1C Split Shuffle or Star Shuffle — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1D Bodysaw — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1E Run-in-Place — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

(optional) Challenge Workout # 1- The Bodyweight Challenge

Set a timer for five sets of 40 seconds with a 20 second transition time. Count your reps for each set, then record (during the 20 second transition). Rest 1 minute between sets. Repeat up to 3 times trying to match your reps from the first set.

1A Burpee

1B Pull ups

1C Squats

1D Push ups

1E Alternating Prisoner Lunge

Cool down with 2-3 minutes of stretching.

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Day 1Strength & muscle Workout # 2 — The Lunge, press and row

Do the following circuit 3 times. Each exercise should be performed for 40 seconds, resting 20 seconds between exercises.

1A DB Alternating Lunge

1B DB Neutral Grip Chest Press

1C DB Bent Over Row

(optional) Ladder Workout # 7 — The Climbing abs Ladder

Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 5 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Then work your way back up. Your next circuit will then be 2 reps of each, etc., etc. Continue until you complete 6 reps of each.

1A Goblet Squat or Bodyweight Squat (6...1...6)

1B Spiderman Climb (6/side...1/side...6/side)

1C Alternating Prisoner Lunge (6/side...1/side...6/side)

1D X-Body Mountain Climber (6/side...1/side...6/side)

Week 7

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Day 220/10 Workout # 12 — Quad Domination

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Total Body Extension — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Low Box Jump or Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1C Close-Grip Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Bulgarian Split Squat (one leg 20, rest 10, other leg 20, rest 10 = 2 rounds) x 4 rounds

1E Plank — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1F Wall Squat Hold — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1G Bonus 20-minute option: X-Body Mountain Climber — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

(optional) abs Workout # 4 — The abs 100 Circuit

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute between circuits.

1A T Pushups (10/side) — 20 total

1B Swing Lunge (10/side) — 20 total

1C Stability Ball Ab Pike (10)

1D Mountain Climbers (20/side) — 40 total

1E Stability Ball Jackknife (10)

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Day 320/10 Workout # 11 — The 16-minute Total Body revolution

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Bodyweight Squats — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1C Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Switch Lunges — 20 on, 10 off (alternate legs with each round) x 6 rounds

1E Spiderman Climb — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1F TRX Row or Run in Place — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

(optional) Ladder Workout # 6 — The ripped abs Ladder

Do the following superset, resting 10 seconds between exercises. In the first superset, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 7 reps of each exercise. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.

1A T Pushups (8/side...1/side), rest 10 secs

1B Bodysaw (8...1), rest 10 secs

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Day 1Ladder Workout # 1 — The Lower/Upper Ladder

Do the following superset, resting only when needed. In the first superset, you will perform 12 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 11 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.

1A KB/DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (12…1)

1B Decline or Regular Pushups (12…1)

(optional) 20/10 Workout # 6 — The 10-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Total Body Extension — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Mountain Climbers — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

Week 8

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Day 2Bodyweight Workout # 8 — Bootcamp addiction

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be done for 30 seconds. Then move onto circuit 2.

1A Bodyweight Squat

1B Jumping Jacks

1C T-Push up

1D Prisoner Lunge


Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be done for 30 seconds. Then move onto 3.

1A Bulgarian Split Squat (30 seconds/side)

1B Decline Push-Up or Spiderman Push-Up

1C MC to Sprint Start

Push-Up Addiction — Do as many reps of pushups as possible in 2 minutes — the first time you do this, do it for 1 minute. Then rest for one minute and move onto 4.

Total Body Extension Punisher — Do 20 Total Body Extensions, but on the 20th rep, hold the bottom position for 10 seconds. Do this 8 times.

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Day 3Bodyweight Workout # 9 — The Bootcamp 3-Circuit Workout

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 2.

1A Prisoner Squat

1B T Pushups

1C Skater Hops

1D Diagonal Lunge

1E Squat Shuffle

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 3.

1A Burpee

1B Switch Lunge

1C X-Body Mountain Climber

Do the following circuit twice, resting 1 minute between circuits. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds. Rest 1 minute and then move onto circuit 4.

1A Close-Grip Pushup

1B Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat

1C Inchworm

1D Split Shuffle

1E Squat Thrust

(optional) Bodyweight Workout # 13 — The punisher X

Do the following exercise 8 times, resting as little as possible.

1A Total Body Extension — 20 seconds followed by a 10 second hold in bottom position.

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Day 1Bodyweight Workout # 7 — The Bodyweight 500 Challenge

Do the following circuit once with as little rest as possible between exercises. Record your time. Beat it each week.

1A 50 Low Box Jumps

1B 50 Prisoner Squats

1C 50 Pushups

1D 50 Lunges (25/side)

1E 50 Bodyweight Rows or TRX Rows

1F 50 Stability Ball Leg Curls

1G 50 Stability Ball Rollouts

1H 50 Lateral Lunges (25/side)

1I 50 Split Shuffles (25/side)

1J 50 Jumping Jacks

(optional) Bodyweight Workout # 14 — The Iso-X punisher

Do the following exercise 8 times, resting as little as possible.

1A Wall Squat — 20 seconds followed by a 10 second hold in bottom position.

Week 9

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Day 220/10 Workout # 13 — The gauntlet

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Lunge Jumps — 20 on, 10 off x 2 rounds

1B Spiderman Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Lunge Jumps — 20 on, 10 off x 2 rounds

1D Total Body Extensions — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

1E Decline Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1F Total Body Extensions — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

1G Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1H Alternating Diagonal Lunge — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1I Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

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Day 3Bodyweight Workout # 11 — Bodyweight Supersets

s u p e r s e t # 1

Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 secs between supersets. Then move onto superset 2.

1A Lateral Jump + Push-Up — 20 reps (10 jumps per side each with a push-up)

1B Bodysaw — 15 reps

s u p e r s e t # 2

Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 secs between supersets. Then move to superset 3.

1A Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated — 15 reps per side

1B Elevated Pushups — 8 reps per side

s u p e r s e t # 3

Do the following superset 3 times, resting for 30 seconds between supersets.

1A 1-Leg Deadlift — 15 reps per side

1B Mountain Climber — 20 reps per side

(optional) abs Workout # 3 — The metabolic abs Density Circuit

Do the following circuit as many times as possible in 10 minutes, resting only when needed.

1A Chinup w/Knee-up (5)

1B Alternating Lateral Lunge (10/side)

1C Stability Ball Jackknife Pushup Combo (10)

1D Jumping Jacks (20)

1E Side Plank w/Leg Raise (5/side)

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Day 1Strength & muscle Workout # 3 — The anabolic Trio

Do the following circuit 3 times. Each exercise should be performed for 40 seconds, resting for 20 seconds between exercises.

1A DB Alternating Reverse Lunge

1B DB Incline Chest Press

1C DB Chest-Supported Row

(optional) abs Workout # 5 — The abs Supersetter

Do the following as shown.

1A Elevated Pushups (15 secs/side)

1B Plank (30 secs)

Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times.

2A Alternating Prisoner Lunge (30 secs)

2B Spiderman Climb (30 secs)

Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times.

3A Inchworm (30 secs)

3B Bodysaw (30 secs)

Rest 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times.

Week 10

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Day 2Bodyweight Workout # 2 — The 30/15 Circuit

Do each exercise for 30 seconds, resting 15 seconds before moving to the next. Rest 60 seconds after completing each circuit. Go through each circuit once.

c i r c u i t # 1

1A Prisoner Squat

1B Lateral Lunge (Alternating)

1C T Pushup

1D Total Body Extension

1E Mountain Climbers

c i r c u i t # 2

1A Lateral Jumps

1B Alternating Reverse Lunge

1C Close-Grip Push- Ups

1D Bodyweight Squat

1E Spiderman Climb

c i r c u i t # 3

1A Split Squat

1B Split Squat

1C Jumping Jacks

1D Elevated Pushups (20s/side)

1E Bodysaw

c i r c u i t # 4

1A Lunge Jumps

1B Skater Hops

1C Decline Push-Up

1D Prisoner Lunge

1E Total Body Extension

c i r c u i t # 5

1A Burpees

1B Split Shuffle

1C X-Body Mountain Climber

1D Diagonal Lunge

1E Run-in-Place

(Optional) Workout # 2 — on next page

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(optional) Challenge Workout # 2 — Continuous Timed Sets

Set your timer for 30 seconds with a 5 second transition for 25 total sets. Keep rotating through the following list of exercises for just over 12 minutes of fat burning fun.

1A Box Jumps

1B Chin-ups

1C Pushups

1D Total Body Extension

1E Plank

Cool down with 2-3 minutes of stretching.

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Day 3Challenge Workout # 3 — The Burpee & Jump rope Challenge

1A 30 seconds of Jump rope

1B 10 sec rest

1C 30 seconds of Burpees

1D 10 sec rest

1E Repeat this for 6 sets

Cool down with 2-3 minutes of stretching.

(optional) 20/10 Workout # 6 — The 10-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Total Body Extension — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Mountain Climbers — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Close-Stance Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

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Day 120/10 Workout # 14 — Upper Body Uh-nihalation

1A Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1B 4-Second Eccentric Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Chin-up or Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Alternating Lunges — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1E T-Pushup (alternating sides) — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1F Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

1G Close-Grip Pushups — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1H Punisher Squat (hold bottom of squat for 10 seconds) — 20 on, 10 off (hold) x 8 rounds

Week 11

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Day 2Bodyweight Workout # 1 — The New 5 rounds of 5

Do each exercise for 40 seconds, resting 20 seconds before moving to the next exercise. Rest 1 minute at the end of each round before moving to the next round.

r o u n d # 1

1A Jumping Jacks

1B Bodyweight Squats

1C T-Push- Ups (alternate sides)

1D Repeated Squat Jumps

1E Prisoner Lunges

r o u n d # 2

1A Push-Up

1B Prisoner Squat

1C Squat Thrust

1D Duck Under

1E Burpee

r o u n d # 3

1A Seal Jump

1B Spiderman Climb

1C Get Up

1D Side-Step

1E Run in Place

r o u n d # 4

1A Split Shuffle

1B Side to Side Jump

1C Side Plank (40 seconds per side)

1D Total Body Extension

1E Run in Place

r o u n d # 5

1A Side Step

1B Close-Grip Push-Up

1C Lateral Lunge

1D Mountain Climber

1E Seal Jump

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Day 320/10 Workout # 3 — The 19-minute Bodyweight Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Low Box Jumps — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1B TRX Rows or Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Spiderman Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Bodyweight Squat — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1E Plank — 20 on, 10 off x 8 rounds

1F Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 6 rounds

(optional) Bodyweight Workout # 14 — The Iso-X punisher

Do the following exercise 8 times, resting as little as possible.

1A Wall Squat — 20 seconds followed by a 10 second hold in bottom position

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Day 1Bodyweight Workout # 7 — The Bodyweight 500 Challenge

Do the following circuit once with as little rest as possible between exercises. Record your time. Beat it each week.

1A 50 Low Box Jumps

1B 50 Prisoner Squats

1C 50 Pushups

1D 50 Lunges (25/side)

1E 50 Bodyweight Rows or TRX Rows

1F 50 Stability Ball Leg Curls

1G 50 Stability Ball Rollouts

1H 50 Lateral Lunges (25/side)

1I 50 Split Shuffles (25/side)

1J 50 Jumping Jacks

(optional) Ladder Workout # 1 — The Lower/Upper Ladder

Do the following superset, resting only when needed. In the first superset, you will perform 12 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 11 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.

1A KB/DB Swings or Total Body Extensions (12…1)

1B Decline or Regular Pushups (12…1)

Week 12

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Day 2Ladder Workout # 4 — The 4 x 4 Ladder

Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 6 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 5 reps of each. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise. Then, work your way back up. Your next circuit will then be 2 reps of each exercise, etc., etc. Continue until you complete 6 reps of each exercise.

1A Low Box Jumps or Bodyweight Squat (6..1...6)

1B Decline Close-Grip Pushups (6...1...6)

1C Sumo Squat (6...1...6)

1D SCREACH (6/side...1/side...6/side)

(optional) 20/10 Workout # 7 — The 10-minute Bodyweight Conditioning Workout

Do the following circuit as shown one time.

1A Run-in-Place — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1B Spiderman Climb Pushup — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1C Switch Lunge (alternate sides every 20s) — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1D Burpee — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

1E Jumping Jacks — 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds

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Day 3Bodyweight Workout # 3 — The Big 10 Circuit

Do the following circuit 3 times, resting 1 minute between each circuit, resting as little as possible during each circuit.

1A Prisoner Squat — 15 reps

1B Elevated Push-Up — 6 reps per side

1C Prisoner Diagonal Lunge — 10 reps per side

1D Jumping Jacks — 30 reps

1E Jump Squat — 6 reps

1F Spiderman Climb — 10 reps per side

1G Side to Side Jump — 8 reps per side

1H Spiderman or Regular Push-Up — 12 total reps

1I Total Body Extension — 10 reps

1J X-Body Mountain Climber — 10 reps per side

(optional) Ladder Workout # 5 — The Conditioning Ladder

Do the following circuit, resting only when needed. In the first circuit, you will perform 8 reps of each exercise. In the next circuit, you will perform 7 reps of each exercise. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.

1A Burpees (8...1)

1B Split Shuffle (8/side...1/side)

1C Total Body Extension (8...1)

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