Workforce Mobilization: What Your IT Department Should Know Published: 2012

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Workforce Mobilization: What Your IT Department Should Know

Published: 2012

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©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.




1.0 Introduction

1.1 Executive summary

1.2 Keyfindings

1.3 Methodology

2.0 Infographic

3.0 Detailed analysis

3.1 Breakdown 1 - Vertical

3.2 Breakdown 2 - Job function

3.3 Breakdown 3 - Company size

3.4 Breakdown 4 - Location

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Resources

5.1 Mobile working blog

5.2 Enhancing Your Collaborative Ecosystem – Whitepaper

5.3 Navigating a Changing Business Landscape: How to Enhance Your Collaborative Ecosystem – Webinar

6.0 Appendices

6.1 AIIM data

6.2 Definitions

7.0 About Workshare

Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 3: Workforce Mobilization

1.0 Introduction1.1 Executive Summary

ThisreportdetailsthefindingsandanalysisofanonlinesurveystudyingtrendsinmobileworkingandBringYourOwnDevice(BYOD),aswellastheuseofconsumer-basedfilesharingapplications.Thesurvey was conducted as part of an on-going primary research program commissioned by Workshare and augmented by the polling of Association of Information and Image Management (AIIM) members during a recent webinar sponsored by Workshare on “Navigating a Changing Landscape: How to EnhanceYourCollaborativeEcosystem.”ThefindingsoftheAIIMwebinararehighlightedinappendixone for comparison.

The survey looks at the extent to which employees are working with mobile devices and consumer-based applications as well as how the workforce has engaged the IT function to accommodate its requirements, both for providing advanced comparison tools such as document comparison, social business, and other Web 2.0 technologies and supporting the wide range of chosen devices.

Thisdocumenthighlightsthesimilaritiesanddifferencesinthesefindingsandfurtherbreaksdownthedataprovidedbytheprimaryresearchintofindingsfromrespondentsdistributedacrossvariousvertical markets, job roles, company sizes, and locations in order to understand nuances and draw conclusionsfromtheresearch.Suggestedexplanationsforthefindingshavebeenproposedinthedetailed analysis.

Four questions were asked to a sample of 4,119 respondents from a range of companies within the US and UK. The questions asked were:

1. Inordertodoyourjob,doyourequireaccesstoyourworkdocumentsfromoutsideoftheoffice?

2. Doyouuseyourownmobiledeviceortabletforwork?


4. DoesyourITdepartmentknowyouareusingthesefreefileshareservicesforcorporatedocuments?

1.2 Keyfindings

• Mobileworkingisbecominganinevitablerequirementformostbusinessestoday,with77%ofknowledgeworkersrequiringaccesstoworkdocumentsoutsideoftheoffice.Thishighlightsthe importance of communication and collaboration channels to facilitate mobile working andproductivity, particularly for those in legal job functions. Among those who work in legal jobfunctions,almost100%reportrequiringaccesstodocumentsfromoutsideoftheoffice,followedby97%inmarketing;92%infinance;and80%insalesjobfunctions.Only35%ofthoseworkingin administrative job functions report needing remote access.

• BYODhassolidifieditsstandingasworkplaceprotocol,with80%ofrespondentsusingtheirowndevicesforwork.Employeesinlegalandprofessionalservices(92%),financialservices(86%),andhealthcare(84%)sectorsreportthehighestBYODusewhilethoseingovernment(38%)reportthelowest.Allcompanies,rangingfrom200to2,000+employees,reportBYODuse,atover50%.

• Filesharinghasalsobecomeanecessaryrequirementforwork,with66%ofemployeesusingfreefilesharingplatformstosharecorporatedocuments.Employeesworkinginlegal&professionalservices(87%)andfinancialservices(84%)reportthehighestusageoffreefilesharingplatforms,followedbyhealthcare(57%),creativesectors(55%),andgovernment(54%).Yet,amongthoseworkingspecificallyinafinancialjobfunction,only39%usefilesharingplatforms,andthosewhosefunctionfallsinsales(81%),legal(77%),ormarketing(70%)mostfrequentlyusefreefilesharing.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 4: Workforce Mobilization

• ITdepartmentsarenotawareoftheuseofconsumerfilesharingtoolsoutsideoftheofficeand/orfailtoprovideameansforemployeestoefficientlysharefilesandcollaboratewithintheofficefirewall.ApositivecorrelationexistsbetweenhowtransparentemployeesarewithITadministratorsregardingtheiruseoffilesharingtoolsandtheirjobfunctions.Only29%ofthoseworkinginsalesfunctionsreportedtheiruseoffreefilesharingplatformstoIT,whereas95%ofthoseworkinginfinancialpositions,53%workinginmarketingfunctions,and62%workinginadministrative functions report use to IT. A multitude of issues arise from this, including InternetProtocol (IP), data security, compliance, and the creation of additional data silos.

• Knowledgeworkersareattheforefrontofthismobileworkingrevolutionandareusingapplicationsand devices supported by IT functions. If they are not provisioned internally, users are resorting tounapproved applications and devices.

1.3 Methodology

Workshare conducted primary research by preparing an online questionnaire and inviting 35,000 companies to complete the questionnaire. The data sample was based on a number of companies and contacts distributed across various vertical markets, job roles, company sizes, and locations (divided by the US or UK, based on HQ location). The total number of responses received was 4,199, although partial responses have been excluded. The quantitative data has been used to generate thegraphicalrepresentationofthefindingcontainedherein.Commentsandconclusionshavebeenmade by analyzing the data with a view to identify trends and variations across company size, geographical market, job function, and company size. Sample sizes were different for each of these splits since some respondents failed to provide certain demographic information or did not fall within set categories.

The survey was conducted between April 16 and April 30, 2012.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 5: Workforce Mobilization

2.0 KeyFindingsInfographic

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 6: Workforce Mobilization

2.0 KeyFindingsInfographic(continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 7: Workforce Mobilization

3.0 Detailed Analysis

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

77 80 66


23 20 34


"In order to do your job, do you require access to your work

documents from outside of the office?"

"Do you use your own mobile device or tablet for work?"

"Are you using a free file sharing platform to store or share corporate documents?"

"Does your IT department know you are using these free file share services for corporate


Overall Survey Findings* % Yes % No

*Based on 4,119 respondents

Theoveralldatashowsthatthemajorityofworkers(77%)requireaccesstoworkdocumentsfromoutsidetheiroffice.WithBYODtrendsemerging,80%oftheseworkersnowusetheirownmobiledeviceortabletforwork.Themajority(66%)oftheseworkersalsousedocumentsharingplatformstocollaborate,butoutofthosethatdo,theirITdepartmentsaremostly(55%)unaware.ThissuggeststhattheseITdepartmentsdonotprovideefficientfilesharingservices,forcingemployeestogooutsideofthecompanyfirewalltoseektheseplatforms.Alternatively,thoseITdepartmentsdo not have the checks and balances in place to ensure compliance with internal and external data protection, privacy, and transparency mandates. IT departments will need to start providing secure alternativestothesefreeservicesinordertoallowefficientcollaborationwhilepreventingarangeofissues including IP protection problems, data security leaks, legal compliance requirements, and the creation of additional data silos.

Page 8: Workforce Mobilization

3.1 Breakdown 1 – Vertical

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know



70 59




30 41


Financial services

Government Healthcare Creative Legal & professional

servicesCompany Sector

"In order to do your job, do you require access to your work documents from outside of the office?"

% Yes % No

Inthebreakdownforcompanysector,wecanseethatallsectorsexceptforgovernment(only23%)aremorelikelytorequireaccesstodocumentsoutsideoftheofficeenvironment.Thisisperhapsdueto the sensitive nature of the documents and government policy on where these documents can be accessed. Ninety-six percent of employees in the legal & professional services sector require access todocumentswhiletheyareoutsideoftheofficeenvironment.Thisisunsurprisingasthissectorisknown to have the highest percentage of employees that work from client sites or work outside of the office.Thefindingsarethereforemostlikelyduetothemobilenatureofemployeework.

Page 9: Workforce Mobilization

3.1 Breakdown 1 – Vertical (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Financial services

Government Healthcare Creative

Company Sector











"Do you use your own mobile device or tablet for work?"

% Yes % No

Legal & professional


Legal & professional services employees are the most likely to use mobile devices or tablets for work (92%)duetotheirincreasednecessityformobileworking.Onlygovernmentworkersareunlikelytousetheirownmobiledevicesortabletsforwork(38%).Thisisagainmostlikelyduetothesensitivenature of government documents and the security protocols in place.

Page 10: Workforce Mobilization

3.1 Breakdown 1 – Vertical (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Financial services

Government Healthcare Creative

Company Sector

% Yes % No


54 57 55



46 43 45


"Are you using a free file sharing platform to store or share corporate documents?"

Legal & professional


Mostworkersdouseafilesharingplatform(67%onaverage)withallsectorshavingmorethan50%usage. The difference in numbers may be due to the necessity of collaboration tools for each sector. Financial(84%)andlegal&professionalservices(87%)havethehighestpercentageofusers.

Page 11: Workforce Mobilization

3.1 Breakdown 1 – Vertical (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Financial services

Government Healthcare Creative

Company Sector

% Yes % No


15 18 25



85 82 75


"Does your IT department know you are using these free file share services for corporate documents?"

Legal & professional


ThepercentageofpeoplewhoalerttheirITdepartmentsabouttheirfilesharingservicesisremarkablylowacrossallsectors(24%onaverage).Perhapsthisnumberisparticularlylowforgovernment(15%)duetoworkerssharingdocumentsbutnotalertingtheirITdepartmentsbecauseof the penalties associated with losing important data or sharing sensitive documents with the wrong people. The employees that inform their IT departments most often are those working in legal & professionalservices(32%).

Page 12: Workforce Mobilization

3.2 Breakdown 2 – Job Function

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Sales Finance Operations Marketing Administration Legal

Job Function

% Yes % No

80 92





20 8




"In order to do your job, do you require access to your work documents from outside of the office?"

Examining the data across job function, we can see that most job roles require working from outside oftheoffice.Onehundredpercentoflegalemployeesrequirethis.Onlyadministrativeroles(35%)don’trequireaccessingeneral,perhapsduetothenatureofadministrativeworkandtheofficehoursin which they are conducted.

Page 13: Workforce Mobilization

3.2 Breakdown 2 – Job Function (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Sales Finance Operations Marketing Administration Legal

Job Function

% Yes % No



78 70





22 30



"Do you use your own mobile device or tablet for work?"

Themajorityofjobrolesusemobiledevices/tabletswiththehighestbeinglegal(96%).Onlyfinance(39%)andadministration(33%)donotusethesedevicesfrequently.Thisisperhapsduetothesensitivenatureofthefinancialdataandtheconsequencesifthisdataismisplacedorstolenaswellas the fact that, as mentioned above, a low percentage of administrative workers require access to workdocumentsoutsideoftheoffice.Thoughthesensitivedataissuesapplytolegalemployeestoo,96%stillbringtheirowndevices.Thisismostlikelybecause100%requireworkingoutsideoftheoffice.

Page 14: Workforce Mobilization

3.2 Breakdown 2 – Job Function (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Sales Finance Operations Marketing Administration Legal

Job Function

% Yes % No













"Are you using a free file sharing platform to store or share corporate documents?"

Finance(39%)andadministrative(45%)rolesareleastlikelytousefilesharingplatforms.Thisismost likely due to the same issues surrounding sensitive documentation mentioned above. Sales employeeshavethehighestpercentageoffilesharingplatformuse(81%),perhapsduetothenecessity of storing large amounts of contact information.

Page 15: Workforce Mobilization

3.2 Breakdown 2 – Job Function (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Sales Finance Operations Marketing Administration Legal

Job Function

% Yes % No




53 62





47 38


"Does your IT department know you are using these free file share services for corporate documents?"


Page 16: Workforce Mobilization

3.3 Breakdown3–CompanySize

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know



















Company Size (employees)

% Yes % No

66 65

88 87 88

73 76

34 35

12 13 12

27 24

"Do you use your own mobile device or tablet for work?"

Examining the data across company size shows further insight. There is a general consistency across the table which highlights that mobile devices or tablets are used across organizations of any size. Thehighestpercentageofuserscomesfromwithinmid-sizedcompanies(e.g.88%for1,000-1,500employee companies). This is perhaps due to the distributed nature of these large medium to large companies and the requirements of staff to be connected on the move.

Page 17: Workforce Mobilization

3.3 Breakdown3–CompanySize(continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know



















Company Size (employees)

% Yes % No


89 83

95 98 90



11 17

5 2

10 16

"In order to do your job, do you require access to your work documents from outside of the office?"


Page 18: Workforce Mobilization

3.3 Breakdown3–CompanySize(continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know



















Company Size (employees)

% Yes % No

83 89 80 82 81



17 11 20 18 19



"Are you using a free file sharing platform to store or share corporate documents?"


Page 19: Workforce Mobilization

3.3 Breakdown3–CompanySize(continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know



















Company Size (employees)

% Yes % No

38 25 28 34

61 58 64

62 75 72 66

39 42 36

"Does your IT department know you are using these free file share services for corporate documents?"

Alowpercentage(44%onaverage)ofemployeesacrossallcompanysizesclaimthattheirITdepartmentsareawarethattheyusethesefreefileshareservices.Thishighlightsanissuewhereamajorityofemployeesaregoingoutsideoftheofficefirewalltocollaborateoncorporatedocuments.Sixty-four percent of employees in the 2,000+ size range alert their IT departments which suggests that these larger companies may have polices and processes in place to block unauthorized use of applications.

Page 20: Workforce Mobilization

3.4 Breakdown 4 – Location

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

% Yes % No

United States United Kingdom

Company Location


19 27

"In order to do your job, do you require access to your work documents from outside of the office?"

Examining the data across location, we can see that both UK and US workers require access to work documentsoutsideoftheoffice(81%forUSand73%forUK).Withnotmuchdifferencebetweenthetwolocations,itcanbeassumedthataccessingdocumentsoutsideoftheofficeisgloballyimportant.

Page 21: Workforce Mobilization

3.4 Breakdown 4 – Location (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

% Yes % No

United States United Kingdom

Company Location

80 78

20 22

"Do you use your own mobile device or tablet for work?"


Page 22: Workforce Mobilization

3.4 Breakdown 4 – Location (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

% Yes % No

United States United Kingdom

Company Location

75 65

25 35

"Are you using a free file sharing platform to store or share corporate documents?"

Themajorityofemployeesinbothlocationsalsousefreefilesharingplatforms(80%forUSand78%for UK), showing a global rise in BYOD.

Page 23: Workforce Mobilization

3.4 Breakdown 4 – Location (continued)

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

% Yes % No





United States United Kingdom

Company Location

"Does your IT department know you are using these free file share services for corporate documents?"

EmployeesinbothlocationsgenerallydonotinformtheirITdepartmentsaboutusingfreefilesharingservices.However,thispercentageishigherintheUS(69%)comparedtotheUK(51%),whichsuggests that online technology is adopted at a faster rate in the US.

Page 24: Workforce Mobilization

4.0 ConclusionSome strong overall conclusions can be drawn from this research. First, mobile working is on therise,withthemajority(77%)ofemployeesrequiringaccesstoworkdocumentsfromoutsideofthe office. Mobile working is becoming an inevitable requirement for most businesses today – some analysts are predicting that as much as 62% of workers are spending their time working at locations other than the office.1 With other analysts stating that 62% of businesses believe that the number of mobile or remote employees will increase in the future, 2 harnessing the power of a mobile workforce is understandably an essential focus for the future of any business.

Inlinewithmobileworkingrequirements,BYODisalsoontherise. Themajority(80%)ofemployeesare bringing their own mobile devices into the workplace. This is generally true across all job types, vertical markets, company sizes, and locations though it is especially true for those in the legal and sales job roles and those in the legal & professional services sector. Although some job types and sectors will collaborate less with these devices, this is probably due to the sensitive nature of the data being handled. The largest adopters of BYOD are knowledge workers. Knowledge workers also collaborate on files outside of the office most frequently. Our supplementary data highlights the fact that a higher proportion of knowledge workers results in more collaboration. Knowledge workers in general are more likely to carry multiple devices, work outside of the office, and need to collaboratemore to complete tasks.

Companies that provide their workers with mobile devices are already taking advantage of the increased productivity that comes from being able to work from anywhere. These companies strive to explore the ways in which the current technology revolution can be used for innovation, since innovation and productivity are inextricably linked. As many analysts3 explain, history has shown that more than two-thirds of productivity growth comes from product and process innovation. Now is the time for mobile innovation because employees who are presented with today's range of new communication channels within a collaborative environment have the option to choose their preferred method of interaction and focus on the task at hand while spending less time on administration and less time learning to use new applications or systems.

While the most obvious use for mobile devices is remote working, these devices have the potential to improve innovation too. One of the most crucial elements of mobile working is the ability to extend farbeyondtheoffice.Mobileworkingisalsoaboutdocumentcomparison,socialbusiness,andotherWeb 2.0 technologies that can be used securely on these portable devices. For example, many organizationshaveofficesworldwideandarefacedwiththechallengeofharnessingtheintellectualcapital of their distributed teams in order to share and collaborate on documents of all types. It is essential for them to do this across their agency- and client-side teams without having to use multiple tools and systems. Enterprise collaboration applications offer manageable solutions to these problems and more.

Despiteallofthesebenefits,mobileworkingcanhavesomesignificantdrawbacks,specificallyaround accessibility, Internet Protocol (IP), and backup. Giving your employees access to sensitive companydatafrommobiledevicescanberiskyevenifthedeviceismainlyusedinsidetheoffice.Lost or misplaced tablets or mobile phones can cause major problems for internal and external workersandITfunctions.Infact,itisreportedthat76%ofcompanieshavetodealwithlostorstolenphones every year. The main issue at hand is that employees are not notifying their IT departments aboutthesefreefilesharingservices,whichindicatesthatalargenumberofemployeesaregoingoutsideofthecompanyfirewallandtakingmattersintotheirownhandswhencollaborating.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 25: Workforce Mobilization

This is most often due to a failure of IT departments in providing collaboration platforms. This is problematic due to the security issues surrounding important or sensitive information. BYOD growth has made it a necessity for organizations and their IT departments to learn new skills and spend more time understanding the consumer technologies required to support these devices such as administrative control over metadata cleaning and data policy enforcement. This inevitably means new procedures, metrics, and organizational structures within the company. On top of this, IT departments will need to start providing such platforms to manage the mobile workforce revolution aswellasnegatetheneedforemployeestousefreeplatforms.Thiswillallowsecureandefficientcollaboration both internally and externally.

References1 Schadler, T. et al. Forrester (2011). The State of Workforce Technology Adoption:

US Benchmark 2011 – An Information Workplace Report.

2 Gens,F.IDC(2008).Defining“CloudServices”and“CloudComputing.”

3 Bisson,P.,Stephenson,E.,&Viguerie,S.P.McKinsey(2010).TheProductivityImperative.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 26: Workforce Mobilization

5.0 Resources5.1 Mobileworkingblog

Further commentary and analyst statistics can be found in our blog post on How Mobile Working is Revolutionizing the Workplace.

5.2 EnhancingYourCollaborativeEcosystem–Whitepaper

Synopsis: A collaborative ecosystem is the collection of tools and applications that an organization’s employees use to share and collaborate, but most organizations set up their collaborative ecosystem severalyearsagoandarenowfacingseveralsignificantandgrowingproblems.Thiswhitepaperis designed to explain how online technologies have disrupted traditional collaboration processes in enterprises – and why this presents an opportunity for organizations to take an active role in rebuilding enterprise-level collaboration ecosystems for a changing and more mobile workforce.

Read the whitepaper here.

5.3 NavigatingaChangingBusinessLandscape:HowtoEnhanceyourCollaborative Ecosystem – Webinar

Watch our AIIM webinar.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

Page 27: Workforce Mobilization

6.0 Appendices6.1 AIIM data

Our analysis was based on a survey conducted by the Association of Information and Image Management (AIIM) during a Workshare webinar on enhancing a collaborative ecosystem. In AIIM’s original survey, the same four questions were asked to a sample of ninety people from a wide range of companies across the US and Europe.

Compared to the AIIM survey, results of our supplementary survey seem mostly consistent. This may be due to a difference in the samples measured. Our survey size was 4,199 employees compared to 90 in the AIIM study. The workers in our sample were also all knowledge workers (compared to a moremixedjobrangeintheoriginalsurvey)andthereforemorelikelytorequirefilesharingplatformsand more likely to take initiative in using them without telling their IT departments. Knowledge workers haveaninherentneedforsuchfilesharingplatforms;however,theirITdepartmentsoftenfailtoprovide them, forcing them to go outside of the organization to seek the tools they require.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

*Based on 90 respondents

% Yes % No









"In order to do your job, do you require

access to your work documents

from outside of the office?"

"Do you use your own mobile device or tablet for work?"

"Are you using a free file sharing

platform to store or share corporate


"Does your IT department know

you are using these free file

share services for corporate


AIIM Survey*

Page 28: Workforce Mobilization

6.2 Definitions

Knowledgeworker Any employee who handles and distributes information as their primary job function.


Sales Any employee whose role it is to sell a product or service in return for compensation.

Finance Any employee who manages and monitors funds for a corporation’s activities.

Marketing Any employee whose role it is to identify and satisfy customer’s requirements by communicating, creating, and delivering offerings.

Legal Any employee involved in the management and monitoring of legal activity affecting their company and its employees.

Operations Any employee responsible for the production and delivery of a product or service.

Administration Any employee who engages in a common set of functions to meet an organizations goal, including planning,organizing,managing,orstaffing.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

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7.0 About Workshare

Workshare is a leading provider of secure enterprise file sharing and collaboration applications. Workshare allows individuals to easily create, share and manage high-value content anywhere, on any device. Workshare enhances the efficiency of the collaborative process by enabling content owners to accurately track and compare changes from contributors simultaneously. Workshare also reduces the commercial risk posed by inadvertently sharing confidential or sensitive documents. More than 1.8 million professionals in 70 countries use Workshare’s award-winning desktop, mobile, tablet, and online applications. For more information visit www.workshare.com or follow Workshare on twitter at www.twitter.com/workshare.

©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

About Workshare PointWorkshare Point enhances Microsoft SharePoint 2010 as a Document Management System by providing a document-centric front end that provides integration to both Microsoft Outlook and Office for better Microsoft SharePoint access and content management. Workshare Point integrates Microsoft SharePoint and Outlook. You can access SharePoint document libraries from the Outlook Navigation pane. A Reading Pane view in Outlook lets you perform tasks on documents within SharePoint. You can also easily drag-and-drop files from SharePoint into Outlook email either as links or attachments.

About Workshare ProtectWith Workshare Protect you can remove hidden information (metadata) to protect against financial risk, a competitive disadvantage, or an embarrassing situation with costly consequences. Customizable with more than 25 document security options with unique settings for different types of recipients, Workshare Protect removes hidden information to reduce the risk of inadvertent exposure of confidential information with automated alerts and one-click removal of hidden information such as tracked changes, speaker notes, the author’s name, and document editing time from Microsoft Office documents and PDF files.

About Workshare CompareWorkshare Compare provides users with advanced document collaboration between multiple Word and PDF documents. The ability to compare images and Excel tables within documents, as well as the ability to accurately track document changes down to the paragraph, line, word, or character level, all add up to a streamlining of the entire document review process.

Workshare empowers users with a document-centric collaboration experience, enabling them to review, make content-specific comments, and update documents based on user-defined permissions. This is managed with presence indicators, real-time alerts, and activity feeds. Workshare offers a range of integrations that enable customers to embed the power of Workshare collaboration and file sharing into existing enterprise content management and productivity applications such as Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint).

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©2012 Workshare. All rights reserved. Workshare and DeltaView are registered trademarks of Workshare. Workshare Document Content Technology, Workshare Protect, Workshare Compare Service, Workshare Professional and the Workshare logo are trademarks of Workshare. All product and company names herein may be trademarks of their registered owners.


Workforce Mobilization: What Your I.T. Department Should Know

About Workshare ProfessionalWorkshare Professional combines advanced document collaboration with the ability to keep documents secure. Users can expect accurate tracking even between the most complex documents while also benefitting from advanced security features when sharing documents, including the ability to remove potentially embarassing metadata or other information from any document. Additionally, Workshare Professional eliminates the need for multliple different document versions, maintaining all suggested document revisions within the original master document.

About Workshare DesktopWorkshare Desktop is ideal for individuals or organizations who want to collaborate, review, and comment on documents without the use of a web browser or Microsoft Office. Workshare Desktop also keeps local copies of files and folders in sync with the central cloud store, ensuring that everyone has the latest version and allowing users to continue working while offline.

About Workshare MobileWorkshare Mobile makes collaboration and file sharing easy for users on the move. Users and their guests can view, share, and comment on files using any browser-enabled mobile device while all content remains auditable and protected from loss. Additionally, the Workshare Mobile App is available for all users wishing to connect their iPhone or iPad to the collaboration experience, seamlessly integrating Workshare into the iOS interface.