WORKBOOK LMS Overview: Supervisor Module

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WORKBOOK LMS Overview: Supervisor Module

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WORKBOOK LMS Overview: Supervisor Module

INDEX LMS OVERVIEW: SUPERVISOR MODULE ................................................................................................ 4 WHAT’S AN LMS? ........................................................................................................................................ 4 LOGGING IN ................................................................................................................................................. 4 LLooggggiinngg iinnttoo tthhee SSyysstteemm ................................................................................................................................ 4 RReeqquueessttiinngg aa NNeeww PPaasssswwoorrdd ........................................................................................................................ 4 MY HOME TAB ............................................................................................................................................. 5 ORGANIZER ICON ....................................................................................................................................... 6 LEARNING AND METRICS ICON ................................................................................................................ 7 MMyy RReeqquuiirreedd LLeeaarrnniinngg ................................................................................................................................... 9 MMyy EElleeccttiivvee LLeeaarrnniinngg ................................................................................................................................... 16 CCaattaalloogg ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 MMyy RReeqquueessttss ............................................................................................................................................... 26 MMyy WWaaiivveerr RReeqquueessttss ................................................................................................................................... 31 CCaalleennddaarr ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 MMyy TTrraannssccrriipptt .............................................................................................................................................. 36 MMyy GGrraaddeebbooookk ............................................................................................................................................. 37 RESOURCE CENTER ICON ...................................................................................................................... 38 OOnnlliinnee RReessoouurrcceess ........................................................................................................................................ 39 SETTINGS AND PREFERENCES ICON ................................................................................................... 41 MMyy PPrrooffiillee .................................................................................................................................................... 42 MMyy SShhoorrttccuuttss ............................................................................................................................................... 45 MMyy RReeggiioonnaall PPrreeffeerreenncceess ............................................................................................................................ 46 PPlluugg--iinnss ....................................................................................................................................................... 47 END-USER TUTORIAL ICON..................................................................................................................... 48 MY ADMINISTRATION TAB ....................................................................................................................... 49 USER MANAGER ICON ............................................................................................................................. 50 LEARNING CONTENT ICON ..................................................................................................................... 51 CCoouurrssee CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee ....................................................................................................................................... 52 LEARNING ACTIVITIES ICON ................................................................................................................... 53 LLeeaarrnniinngg PPllaannss ............................................................................................................................................ 54 CCllaassss MMaannaaggeerr ............................................................................................................................................ 67 GGrraaddeebbooookk .................................................................................................................................................. 68 WWaaiivveerr RReeqquueessttss ......................................................................................................................................... 69 APPROVAL MANAGER ICON.................................................................................................................... 70 LLeeaarrnniinngg RReeqquueessttss ...................................................................................................................................... 71

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LMS OVERVIEW: SUPERVISOR MODULE This module is designed to enhance your knowledge of the Learning Management System (LMS) by providing you a general overview of features. You are encouraged to ask questions and to share your thoughts during your progression through this module.

WHAT’S AN LMS? A Learning Management System (LMS) is an Internet-hosted human capital management and development platform that enables NTC to capture, manage, and share knowledge to accelerate critical business processes and drive organizational performance. The system centralizes and automates the entire learning process. LOGGING IN The sign-in form on the login page is your gateway to the learning center. From this screen, you can login using an existing username and password, request a new password if you have forgotten. LLooggggiinngg iinnttoo tthhee SSyysstteemm

1. Navigate to https://www.ntc.edu/geolearning/ Tip! Make sure to use https rather than http.

2. In the Username text box, enter your username. This is the username you use to log into your computer

3. In the Password text box, enter your password. This is the password you use to log in to your computer

4. Click the Enter button. RReeqquueessttiinngg aa NNeeww PPaasssswwoorrdd

1. On the login page, click the Forgot your password? Link. 2. In the Username text box, enter your username. 3. Click the Send button. This will trigger the system to randomly generate a

temporary password that will be sent to the email address listed in your User Profile. This temporary password will expire. That expiration time will be displayed on the Forgot Password Form.

4. Click the Back to Login Page link to return to the login page. There, you must login using the temporary password that was emailed to you. The system will prompt you to change the password upon login.

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MY HOME TAB The My Home tab contains the following icons:

• Organizer • Learning and Metrics • Resource Center • Settings and Preferences • End-user Tutorial

Best Practice! It is highly recommended that you view the End-user Tutorial before moving forward in this module.

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ORGANIZER ICON Your organizer allows you to keep tabs on personal messages and system notices, training and system events, and personal notes. If you click on the icon Organizer the Organizer Home page will appear.

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LEARNING AND METRICS ICON Here you can take and register for online courses and instructor-led courses, as well as view your progress against your personal learning plan. You can also view your learner transcripts and certificates for completed courses. To launch a course from Learning & Metrics Home, simply click the launch icon next to any eligible course. If you click on the Learning and Metrics icon the Learning and Metrics Home page will appear.

Available Icons within Learning & Metrics Home:

• My Required Learning: Courses that someone has assigned to you. • My Elective Learning: Courses that you have chosen for yourself. • Catalog: A listing of the available courses within the system. This list may be

filtered according to Catalog Access Codes and your permissions within the system.

• My Requests: Learning requests that you have submitted and their status within the approval cycle.

• My Waiver Requests: Waiver requests that you have submitted and their status within the approval cycle.

• Calendar: Your training on a calendar in day, week, month or year view. • My Transcript: your transcript of learning activities.

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Status for Learning Events The following status states are used regardless of whether or not approval is required.

• Registered: The event has been requested. This could mean that you have requested a course and are waiting for administrator approval or that you have registered for a course but have not yet enrolled in the specific class you will attend.

• Enrolled: You have a seat in the ILT class or have been given permission (if required) to take the training. If you need to drop the class, you may do so and then register for another class in the future. (If you choose to drop a required class, you must choose a drop reason.) If you drop a course or class from the “registered” state, you do not have to choose a drop reason since you were not enrolled in the first place.

• Waitlisted: You are on a list of users waiting for a space to open for that particular class. If a waitlist is automatically managed, it works in a “first come, first served” manner, where the user at the top of the list (the user who has been on the list the longest) automatically gets a spot when one becomes available.

• Dropped: You have been dropped from course registration either by your own action or by someone else such as an administrator or manager.

Progress for Learning Events The following progress states are used to indicate your progress through a course.

• Not Attempted: The learning event has not been started yet. • In Progress: The learning event has been started. This state is not used for

User-Defined Tasks. • Complete: The learning event has been completed. OLT completion status is

automatically updated while UDT and ILT will require someone to manually enter completion status through the Gradebook.

Approval States Whether or not the Approval Manager module is being used, some courses require approval. If approval is not required, the approval status does not appear. The states of approval are:

• Awaiting Approval: You have requested approval to take a course or someone has requested approval on your behalf.

• Approved: The request has been granted. • Denied: The request has been denied and a reason provided.

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MMyy RReeqquuiirreedd LLeeaarrnniinngg The My Required Learning page shows you all of the learning events for which someone else has registered you. This includes learning plans, individual courses and user-defined tasks. Navigating to My Required Learning

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Learning and Metrics icon. 3. Click the My Required Learning icon.

Managing Your Required Learning To Access a Course from the All Required View

1. Navigate to My Required Learning. 2. Click the All Required tab. 3. If necessary, use the search criteria to locate the desired course. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course you want to access. 5. Click the desired button below the list.

To Access a Course from the By Course Only View

1. Navigate to My Required Learning. 2. Click the By Course Only tab. 3. If necessary, use the search criteria to locate the desired course. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course you want to access. 5. Click the Open button. This will take you to a page where you can view all the

components of the selected course in one composite view. To Access a Course from the LP History View

1. Navigate to My Required Learning. 2. Click the LP History tab. 3. If necessary, use the search criteria to locate the desired course. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course you want to access. 5. Click the Open button. This will take you to a page where you can view all the

components of the selected course in one composite view. To Access a Completed Course You may, at any time, access a course that you have completed. If you choose to access a completed course, its status will remain "Completed" unless it is part of a certification learning plan.

1. Navigate to My Required Learning. 2. Click the History tab.

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3. If necessary, use the search criteria to locate the desired course. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course you want to access. 5. Click the Open button. This will take you to a page where you can view all the

components of the selected course in one composite view. Dropping a Required Course You may only drop required courses when they are part of a learning plan that allows you to choose from a pool of available courses. Single courses that are assigned to you through the Mass Assignment module may not be dropped. The system will alert you if you attempt to drop a course that is not eligible for that action.

1. Access the course in My Required Learning. 2. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course you want to drop. 3. Click the Drop Course button. 4. From the Drop Reason drop-down, select an appropriate reason for dropping

the course. 5. In the Add Comments text box, enter any applicable comments. 6. Click the Save button.

Launching a Required Course You must be enrolled in a course before the system will allow you to launch it.

1. Access the course activities page in My Required Learning. 2. Click the Launch button. This will open the course in a separate window.

Tip! You may also launch certain courses from your Learning and Metrics Home page. Just click the Launch icon. Best Practice! To ensure that your course completion status updates after you finish a course, click the My Required Learning icon to return to the main list of required courses. This will prompt the system to update your status in your transcript and Reports. Submitting a Waiver Request At times, you may wish to submit a request to have a course's completion requirement waived. Once submitted, the request will be visible on your My Waiver Requests page where you can monitor its progress.

1. Access the required course for which you want to submit a waiver request. 2. Click the Submit Waiver Request button. 3. In the Request Title text box, type a title for your request. This will help the

responder distinguish this request from others. 4. In the Provide Reason text box, type the reason for your request. This will help

the responder understand why you are requesting a waiver for this course. 5. Click the Submit button.

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Viewing the Activities for a Registered OLT Course The OLT Activities tab allows you to view information about the activities related to the selected online course including the activity names, any associated scores, your progress for each activity, the last time you accessed that activity and the time you've spent on it. Also displayed are your progress in the course, whether the course is required or not and its duration. Any actions that can be taken for the course will be available through buttons on this page. Example! To request a waiver for an activity associated with this course, select the activity in the table and click the Submit Waiver Request button. Viewing a Course Description The Description page shows you basic information about the selected course, including the name, status, description, etc. Important! When someone registers you for an ILT course, they are telling the system that you are required to take that course. You must enroll in the ILT class before you attempt to launch it. You will be automatically enrolled in any OLT or UDT courses. To Enroll in a Course For OLT and UDT courses, the registration and enrollment steps are combined. For ILT courses, you must register before you can enroll in a specific class.

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the course for which you want to enroll. 3. Click the Details button to view the details of the course. 4. Click the Enroll button.

To Register for an ILT Course You must register for ILT courses before you can select dates and enroll in a specific class.

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the ILT course for which you want to register. 3. Click the Details button to view the details of the ILT course. 4. Click the Register button.

To Submit a Request for a Course Your ability to self-register for a course depends on the settings chosen by the administrator. You may need to request registration for certain courses.

1. Navigate to the Course Catalog.

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2. Locate the course for which you want to submit a request. 3. Click the Details button to view the details of the course. 4. Click the Submit Request button.

Viewing the Activities for a Registered UDT Course The UDT Activities tab allows you to view information about the activities related to the selected userdefined task including the activity names, any associated scores, your progress for each activity, the last time you accessed that activity and the time you've spent on it. Also displayed are your progress in the course, whether the course is required or not and its duration. Any actions that can be taken for the course will be available through buttons on this page. Example! To request a waiver for an activity associated with this course, select the activity in the table and click the Submit Waiver Request button. Viewing the Activities for a Registered ILT Course The ILT Activities tab allows you to view your progress in the course, whether the course is required or not and its duration. Any actions that can be taken for the course will be available through buttons on this page. For each activity associated with this course the following information may be displayed depending on the nature of the activity:

• Activity names • Any associated scores • Your progress for each activity • The last time you accessed that activity • The time you've spent on the activity

Example! To request a waiver for an activity associated with this course, select the activity in the table and click the Submit Waiver Request button. Viewing Scheduled Classes The Scheduled Classes tab allows you to view all of the instances when an instructor-led course will be offered. From this page, you can view the details of a particular class or view a schedule of all of the individual ILT class sessions you want to or will attend. To View Class Details

1. Access the course for which you want to enroll. 2. Click the Scheduled Classes tab. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose details you want

to view. 4. Click the View Details button. This allows you to see details about the class as

well as when the classes are being offered so that you may enroll.

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To View the Class Schedule

1. Access the course for which you want to enroll. 2. Click the Scheduled Classes tab. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose schedule you

want to view. 4. Click the View My Class Schedule button. This allows you to see how this class

fits into your current class schedule. To Enroll in an ILT Class If you are registered for the course but not enrolled in the class, you can enroll from the Scheduled Classes tab within the course details.

1. Access the course for which you want to enroll. 2. Click the Scheduled Classes tab. 3. In the Select column, check the box for the desired class. 4. Click the Enroll in this Class button. This will open a page displaying details for

the selected class where you can view how it fits into your current class schedule and/or choose to complete the enrollment process.

Viewing Your Schedule of Classes The Scheduled Classes page shows you the individual class sessions for all of the ILT courses for which you are registered. From this page, you may drop a class, or drop yourself from a class waitlist. You may also adjust your view of the schedule by day, week, month or year using the tabs above the calendar. The time zone can also be adjusted using the Time Zone drop-down. To Drop a Class

1. Access the course in My Required Learning. 2. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class session you want to

drop. 3. Click the Drop Class button.

Note! Not all classes may be eligible to be dropped. To Drop from a Waitlist

1. Access the course in My Required Learning. 2. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class session from which you

want to drop from the waitlist. 3. Click the Drop from Waitlist button.

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Viewing Alternate Class Details for an Enrolled Course When accessed through the My Calendar view, the Class Details page allows you to preview the details of other classes offered for your enrolled course. This gives you the opportunity to see how the selected class fits into your schedule. From here, you can see the session name, location, classroom and instructor as well as the dates and times it will be offered. Click the View My Class Schedule button to compare this class against the rest of your training schedule. Best Practice! If you want to switch to another class, it is best to contact the instructor or LMS Administrator and have them manually switch you from one class roster to the other. Taking a Survey If a survey has been assigned to a course, the Take Survey button will appear for that course.

1. Locate the course 2. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose survey you want

to take. 3. Click the Take Survey button. 4. Read the survey introduction and then click the Begin button. Depending on the

options chosen by the survey author, you may choose to preview the questions or submit the survey anonymously.

5. For each question, choose your answer then click the Submit button. This will submit your answer for that question. Depending on the options chosen by the survey author, you may be able to review your answers and/or take the survey again.

6. When you are finished reviewing your results, click the Exit button. Taking a Test If a test has been assigned to a course, the Take Test button will appear for that course.

1. Locate the course. 2. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose test you want to

take. 3. Click the Take Test button. 4. Read the test introduction and then click the Begin button. 5. For each question, choose your answer then click the Submit button. This will

submit your answer for that question. Depending on the options chosen by the test author, you may be able to review your answers and/or take the test again.

6. When you are finished reviewing your results, click the Exit button.

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Writing a Review for a Completed Course Once you have completed a course, you may be presented with the option to write a review that will appear in the course catalog.

1. Navigate to My Required Learning. 2. Click the Completed tab. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course for which you would

like to write a review. 4. Click the Write a Review button. 5. In the Review Title text box, enter a title for this review. Remember that other

users may read your review, so your title should help them understand what your review will be about.

6. In the Comments text box, enter your comments about the course or activity. Remember that other users may read your review in the course catalog, so keep your comments professional and appropriate.

7. From the Choose Star Rating drop-down, choose the number of stars you would award to this course, 4 being the best and 0 being the worst.

8. Click the Submit Review button.

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MMyy EElleeccttiivvee LLeeaarrnniinngg The My Elective Learning page shows you all of the learning events that you have chosen for yourself. This includes individual courses and user-defined tasks (UDT) that you have chosen from the catalog. Navigating to My Elective Learning

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Learning and Metrics icon. 3. Click the My Elective Learning icon.

Managing Your Elective Learning The My Elective Learning section allows you to see and manage the learning events for which you are registered but not required to complete. Tip! The Test and Survey columns indicate whether a test and/or survey is available for a particular course. Use the Open button beneath the list to access those items. If completion of a test or survey is required, then the course will appear on the History tab after all of the completion requirements have been met. To Access a Course from any view in My Elective Learning

1. Navigate to My Elective Learning. 2. Click the tab for the view you want. 3. If necessary, use the search criteria to locate the desired course. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course you want to access. 5. Click the Open button. This will take you to a page where you can view all the

components of the selected course in one composite view. Launching an Elective Course You must be enrolled in a course before the system will allow you to launch it.

1. Access the course activities page in My Elective Learning. 2. Click the Launch button. This will open the course in a separate window.

Best Practice! To ensure that your course completion status updates after you finish a course, click the My Elective Learning icon to return to the main list of electives. This will prompt the system to update your status in your transcript and Reports. Viewing All Electives The All Electives page allows you to see all of your elective learning at a glance. Remember that electives are courses that you have chosen for yourself. These electives carry no formal completion requirement in the system.

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To Access a Course from the All Electives View

1. Navigate to My Elective Learning. 2. Click the All Electives tab. 3. If necessary, use the search criteria to locate the desired course. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the course you want to access. 5. Click the desired button below the list.

Viewing Elective Learning History The History tab allows you to see all of the courses that you have completed. When you complete a course, it will be moved to the History tab to keep your view of remaining courses neat and tidy. For each course listed on the History tab, you can see its type, approval status, registration status, progress and grade. To Open the Details of a Course

1. Locate the course title in the list of courses. 2. In the Select column, click the radio button for that course. 3. Click the Open button. This will take you to a page where you can view all the

components of the selected course in one composite view. To Write a Review for a Completed Course

1. Locate the course title in the list of courses. 2. In the Select column, click the radio button for that course. 3. Click the Write a Review button.

Viewing the Activities for a Registered ILT Course The ILT Activities tab allows you to view your progress in the course, whether the course is required or not and its duration. Any actions that can be taken for the course will be available through buttons on this page. For each activity associated with this course the following information may be displayed depending on the nature of the activity:

• Activity names • Any associated scores • Your progress for each activity • The last time you accessed that activity • The time you've spent on the activity

Example! To request a waiver for an activity associated with this course, select the activity in the table and click the Submit Waiver Request button.

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Viewing a Course Description The Description page shows you basic information about the selected course, including the name, status, description, etc. Important! When someone registers you for an ILT course, they are telling the system that you are required to take that course. You must enroll in the ILT class before you attempt to launch it. You will be automatically enrolled in any OLT or UDT courses. To Enroll in a Course

1. Access the course for which you want to enroll. 2. Click the Description tab. 3. Click the Enroll button located in the upper right corner of the main workspace. If

you are already enrolled in this course, there is no need to enroll again. Viewing Scheduled Classes The Scheduled Classes tab allows you to view all of the instances when an instructor-led course will be offered. From this page, you can view the details of a particular class or view a schedule of all of the individual ILT class sessions you want to or will attend. To View Class Details

1. Access the course for which you want to enroll. 2. Click the Scheduled Classes tab. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose details you want

to view. 4. Click the View Details button. This allows you to see details about the class as

well as when the classes are being offered so that you may enroll.

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To View the Class Schedule 1. Access the course for which you want to enroll. 2. Click the Scheduled Classes tab. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose schedule you

want to view. 4. Click the View My Class Schedule button. This allows you to see how this class

fits into your current class schedule. To Enroll in an ILT Class If you are registered for the course but not enrolled in the class, you can enroll from the Scheduled Classes tab within the course details.

1. Access the course for which you want to enroll. 2. Click the Scheduled Classes tab. 3. In the Select column, check the box for the desired class. 4. Click the Enroll in this Class button. This will open a page displaying details for

the selected class where you can view how it fits into your current class schedule and/or choose to complete the enrollment process.

Viewing the Activities for a Registered OLT Course The OLT Activities tab allows you to view information about the activities related to the selected online course including the activity names, any associated scores, your progress for each activity, the last time you accessed that activity and the time you've spent on it. Also displayed are your progress in the course, whether the course is required or not and its duration. Any actions that can be taken for the course will be available through buttons on this page. Example! To request a waiver for an activity associated with this course, select the activity in the table and click the Submit Waiver Request button. Viewing the Activities for a Registered UDT Course The UDT Activities tab allows you to view information about the activities related to the selected userdefined task including the activity names, any associated scores, your progress for each activity, the last time you accessed that activity and the time you've spent on it. Also displayed are your progress in the course, whether the course is required or not and its duration. Any actions that can be taken for the course will be available through buttons on this page. Example! To request a waiver for an activity associated with this course, select the activity in the table and click the Submit Waiver Request button.

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Submitting a Waiver Request At times, you may wish to submit a request to have a course's completion requirement waived. Once submitted, the request will be visible on your My Waiver Requests page where you can monitor its progress.

1. Access the required course for which you want to submit a waiver request. 2. Click the Submit Waiver Request button. 3. In the Request Title text box, type a title for your request. This will help the

responder distinguish this request from others. 4. In the Provide Reason text box, type the reason for your request. This will help

the responder understand why you are requesting a waiver for this course. 5. Click the Submit button.

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CCaattaalloogg The Course Catalog contains all of the course listings within the system. It allows users to search and register for courses and can be viewed by featured courses, by category, alphabetically, or by those with open seats. Within the catalog, learners may do the following depending on their permissions:

• Navigate through and search the catalog. • View available courses. • Manage their individual view of the catalog through filters. • Register for, enroll in, and/or submit requests for available courses depending on

the system settings. • Choose a specific ILT class once they have registered for a course.

The course catalog is divided into these tabs:

• Featured Courses: allow you to view the courses that the administrator has marked as "featured" within the system. These might be featured based on how new or popular they are as well as based on whatever criteria the administrator determines.

• By Category: allows you to view the courses in their hierarchical category structure. Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to expand or contract the categories.

• Alphabetically: allows you to see an alphabetical list of all the available courses within the catalog. The courses visible on this list will be determined by your permissions within the system.

• Open Seats: allows you to see a list of classes with open seats. Navigating to Course Catalog Navigating to the Course Catalog is unique compared to other modules in the system because there are two distinct ways to get there depending on your role and purpose. This division occurs because some users will access the catalog to register for courses and others will access it to manage the contents of the catalog. Navigating to the Catalog as a Learner

1. From My Home, click the Learning and Metrics icon. 2. Click the Catalog icon.

Navigating as a Supervisor

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Content icon.

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3. Click the Catalog icon. Registration Status Options and Procedures A learner's status for a learning event can change depending upon the individual circumstances of their registration. Registration Status Options

1. Registered: The event has been requested. The inference is that additional action is required to get to “enrolled” status, including: an approver has not taken action on the request; the user still needs to choose an ILT class; or the user has chosen a class but instructor involvement is required to complete the enrollment.

2. Enrolled: The learner has a seat in the ILT or has been given permission (if required) to take the class. If learners need to drop the class, he does so (must choose drop reason if class is required, but only if he is enrolled) and can register for another class in the future. If user drops a course or class from the “registered” state, he does not have to choose a drop reason since he was not enrolled to begin with.

3. Waitlisted: The learner has a spot on a list of users waiting for a space to open for that particular class. If the waitlist is automatically managed, it works in a “first come, first served” manner, where the user at the top of the list (the user who has been on the list the longest) automatically gets a spot when one becomes available.

Viewing Course Information To View the Details of a Course

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the course you want to view.

a. To locate a course by category: i. To view the entire list of Categories, click the Expand/Collapse All

link. To view a select Category, use the + and - buttons to expand and contract the desired Category.

ii. Click a category name to select it. iii. Click the Show button.

b. To locate a course alphabetically: i. From the Select Letter Range drop-down, select the letter range

that contains the first letter of the course you want. ii. Click the Show button.

3. Click the Details button. Once you locate a course and click to view its details, three more will become visible depending on the type of course: Details, Reviews and Scheduled Classes.

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To View a Course Review The Reviews tab allows you to view any reviews that have been written for this course. If the Reviews tab is not visible, no reviews have been written.

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the course that you want to view. 3. Click the Reviews tab. 4. The reviews that have been submitted for the selected course are displayed in

the center pane. Viewing ILT Class Details This page allows you to view the details of the selected instructor-led course. To View Your Class Schedule from within the Class Details

1. Access the details of the ILT Class you want to view. 2. Click the View Class Details button. 3. Click the View My Class Schedule button.

a. The Session(s) table will display a summary of all the individual class sessions that you will attend or teach as part of the overall class.

b. The Calendar view allows you to see all of the classes for which you are scheduled. This allows you to see an at-a-glance view of your training calendar. Use the Day, Week, Month and Year views to narrow or expand the level of detail shown.

To Enroll in a Class from within the Class Details

1. Access the details of the ILT Class you want to view. 2. Click the View Class Details button. 3. Click the Enroll in this Class button.

To View the Roster for a Class from within the Class Details

1. Access the details of the ILT Class you want to view. 2. Click the View Class Details button. 3. Click the View Roster button. This feature will be available if the Administrator

has made the roster visible for this class. Viewing the Activities for an ILT Course Through the catalog, you can view information about the activities associated with ILT courses. This page includes your progress in the course, whether you are required to take it, and the course duration.

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Viewing the Scheduled Classes for an Instructor-Led Course You may view classes that have been scheduled for the course. From here, you can choose a class to view details about it and then you can view your own class schedule to see if you want to attend. To View the Details of an ILT Class

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the course you want to view. 3. Click the Details button for that course. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class you want to view. 5. Click the View Details button.

To View the Class Session Schedule for an ILT Class

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the class whose schedule you want to view. 3. Click the Scheduled Classes button. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose schedule you

want to view. 5. Click the View My Class Schedule button.

Viewing the Scheduled Classes with Open Seats for an ILT For the selected course, you can view a list of classes with open seats. From here, you can see how many people are registered for a class, choose to view the details for a particular class and then view your own class schedule to see if you want to attend. To View the Details of an ILT Class

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the course you want to view. 3. Click the Details button for that course. 4. Click the Scheduled Classes with Open Seats tab. 5. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class you want to view. 6. Click the View Class Details button.

To View the Class Session Schedule for an ILT Class

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the class whose schedule you want to view. 3. Click the Details button for that course. 4. Click the Scheduled Classes with Open Seats tab. 5. In the Select column, click the radio button for the class whose schedule you

want to view. 6. Click the View My Class Schedule button.

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Viewing the Activities for an OLT Course Through the catalog, you can view information about the activities associated with OLT courses. This page includes your progress in the course, whether you are required to take it, and the course duration. You can also launch an OLT course from this page and, if available, submit a waiver request. Viewing the Summary of a Course or User-Defined Task The Summary tab provides information about the selected course or User-Defined Task. Learners may register for and enroll in courses. To Enroll in a Course For OLT and UDT courses, the registration and enrollment steps are combined. For ILT courses, you must register before you can enroll in a specific class.

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the course for which you want to enroll. 3. Click the Details button to view the details of the course. 4. Click the Enroll button.

To Register for an ILT Course You must register for ILT courses before you can select dates and enroll in a specific class.

1. Navigate to the Catalog. 2. Locate the ILT course for which you want to register. 3. Click the Details button to view the details of the ILT course. 4. Click the Register button.

To Submit a Request for a Course Your ability to self-register for a course depends on the settings chosen by the administrator. You may need to request registration for certain courses.

1. Navigate to the Course Catalog. 2. Locate the course for which you want to submit a request. 3. Click the Details button to view the details of the course. 4. Click the Submit Request button.

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MMyy RReeqquueessttss The My Requests module gives you the ability to review your own training requests that have already been submitted or are incomplete. Tabs within this module are:

• All Requests: every state except for ‘Canceled’ shown in this list view. • Open: request still in the approval process. • Approved: all approvers in process have approved request. • Denied: at least one approver has denied the request. • Cancellation Requests: the learner has requested to Cancel a request already

submitted. • Canceled: the learner’s request has been honored and canceled by one of the

Approvers. • Needs Agreement: the learner has yet to agree to the ‘Service Agreement

Terms’ as required. • Incomplete: the learner has to complete a form before submitting the request.

Process: Learner Receives Approval Email

1. Learner receives approval notification and registration email. 2. Learner selects training request list item from Approved tab view. 3. Training Request record is opened. 4. Learner reviews request and notes to written by Approver(s).

Process: Learner Receives Denial Notification

1. Learner receives denial notification. 2. Learner selects training request list item from Denied tab view. 3. Training Request record is opened. 4. Learner reviews request and Approver notes that communicate missing

information or a reason the request was denied. 5. Learner provides missing information on appropriate record tab. 6. Learner updates each tab after editing form. 7. Learner selects “Resubmit” button. 8. System sends notification to Approver that denied original training request. 9. System places request record in Open tab view.

Process: Request is Incomplete

1. Learner needs to finish incomplete training request. 2. Learner selects training request list item from the “Incomplete” tab. 3. Training Request record is opened. 4. Learner reviews request tab by tab. 5. Learner updates request with missing information. 6. Learner updates each tab after editing form. 7. Learner selects “Submit” button. 8. System sends notification to first level Approver. 9. System places request record in Open tab view.

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Process: Learner Has Not Received Any Notification

1. Learner has not received notification of any action taken. 2. Learner selects training request list item from the “Open” tab. 3. Training Request record is opened. 4. Learner reviews History tab and sees how long request has been sitting in

Approver’s cue. 5. Learner selects Approver’s email address link. 6. Learner drafts email and sends it. 7. System sends email to Approver.

Navigating to My Requests

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Learning and Metrics icon. 3. Click the My Requests icon.

Submitting a Learning Request This wizard walks you through the steps to submit a request for external training.

1. Navigate to My Requests. 2. Click the Submit Learning Request button. 3. Select the type of request by choosing one of the following options:

a. The total cost of training (including travel related costs) is within a range. b. The total amount of duty and non-duty hours exceeds a specific amount.

4. Click the Begin button. 5. From the Request Forms section, select the form that you want to use.Click the

Next button to proceed. 6. In Section A: Trainee Information, enter any necessary or required information.

Click the Next button to proceed. 7. In Section B: Course Data, enter any necessary or required information. Click

the Next button to proceed. 8. In Section C: Costs and Billing, enter any necessary or required information.

Click the Next button to proceed. 9. In the Terms of Service section, if a service agreement is required, read it and

choose your desired option. Click the Next button to proceed. 10. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work

before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

Viewing All of My Requests The All Requests page shows you all of the requests that you have submitted, regardless of their status.

1. Navigate to My Requests.

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2. Click the All Requests tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

To Add Review Comments to Your Learning Request

1. View the learning request you want to manage. 2. Click the Trainee Info tab. 3. In the Add Review Comments text box, type the comments you want to add to

this Training Request. 4. Click the Update button.

To View the Course Data for Your Learning Request

1. View the learning request you want to manage. 2. Click the Course Data tab. 3. In the Add Review Comments text box, enter any comments that should

accompany this request. 4. If you want make these comments viewable to the learner, check the box marked

Make these comments viewable to Student only. 5. Click the Update button.

To View the Costs and Billing for Your Learning Request

1. Access the learning request you want to manage. 2. Click the Costs and Billing tab. 3. In the Add Review Comments text box, enter any comments that should

accompany this request. 4. If you want make these comments viewable to the learner, check the box marked

Make these comments viewable to Student only. 5. Click the Update button.

To View the Approvals for a Learning Request

1. Access the learning request you want to manage. 2. Click the Approval tab.

To View the History for a Learning Request

1. Access the learning request you want to manage. 2. Click the History tab.

Viewing My Open Requests The Open Requests tab allows you to see all of the training requests you have submitted which still have an "open" status.

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1. Navigate to My Requests. 2. Click the Open tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

Viewing My Approved Requests The Approved page shows you all of your requests that have been approved.

1. Navigate to My Requests. 2. Click the Approved tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

Viewing My Cancellation Requests The Cancellation Requests page shows you all of the requests that you requested to cancel but that have not been canceled yet. If you change your mind, you can reinstate the request by submitting it again through the catalog.

1. Navigate to My Requests. 2. Click the Cancellation Requests tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

Viewing My Canceled Requests The Canceled Requests page shows you all of your requests that have been canceled.

1. Navigate to My Requests. 2. Click the Canceled tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

Viewing My Denied Requests The Denied page shows you all of your requests that have been denied.

1. Navigate to My Requests. 2. Click the Denied tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

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Viewing My Requests Needing Agreement The Needs Agreement page shows you all of the requests that you have submitted that need approval.

1. Navigate to My Requests. 2. Click the Need Agreements tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

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MMyy WWaaiivveerr RReeqquueessttss The My Waiver Requests module gives you the ability to review your own waiver requests that have already been submitted or are incomplete. Tabs within this module are:

• All Requests: every state except for ‘Canceled’ shown in this list view. • Open: request still in the approval process. • Approved: request has been approved and requirement has been waived. • Denied: at least one approver has denied the request. • Canceled: the learner’s request has been honored and canceled by one of the

Approvers. Navigating to My Waiver Requests

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Learning and Metrics icon. 3. Click the My Waiver Requests icon.

Viewing All of My Waiver Requests The All Requests page shows you all of the waiver requests that you have submitted, regardless of their status.

1. Navigate to My Waiver Requests. 2. In the data table, locate the Waiver Request that you want to view. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Waiver Request. 4. Click the Edit button.

Viewing My Approved Waiver Requests The Approved page shows you all of your waiver requests that have been approved.

1. Navigate to My Waiver Requests. 2. Click the Approved tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Waiver Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Waiver Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

Viewing My Canceled Waiver Requests The Canceled Requests page shows you all of your waiver requests that have been canceled.

1. Navigate to My Waiver Requests. 2. Click the Canceled tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Waiver Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Waiver Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

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Viewing My Denied Waiver Requests The Denied page shows you all of your waiver requests that have been denied.

1. Navigate to My Waiver Requests. 2. Click the Denied tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Waiver Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Waiver Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

Viewing My Open Waiver Requests The Open Requests tab allows you to see all of the waiver requests you have submitted which still have an "open" status.

1. Navigate to My Waiver Requests. 2. Click the Open tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Waiver Request that you want to view. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Waiver Request. 5. Click the Edit button.

Managing Your Notes The Notes feature allows you to create and store notes to yourself within the system. Think of it as a virtual notebook that only you can access. You can create notes, search for and edit existing notes as well as archive notes that are no longer needed. To Access a Note

1. Navigate to Notes. 2. Use the search criteria to locate the note. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for the note you want to access. 4. Click the Edit button.

Navigating to Notes

1. Click the Notes link in the Quick Links bar.

Adding a Note Adding a note is a simple process. Just complete the form and save it. Tech Note! All text entry fields are limited to 100 characters and allow the following characters ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|; :'",.?/ unless otherwise noted with the field description. The following characters are not allowed < <> unless otherwise noted.

1. Navigate to Notes. 2. Click the Add Note button. 3. In the Note Name text box, enter a name for this note.

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4. In the Description text box, enter a description for this note. The description is the body of the note. This is where you should enter the text that you want to keep as a reference. (Character Limit = Unlimited)

5. Click the Save button. Editing a Note Here, you can edit notes that you have created.

1. Navigate to Notes. 2. Use the search criteria to locate the note. 3. In the Note Name text box, edit the name for this note. 4. In the Description text box, edit the description for this note. The description is

the body of the note. This is where you should enter the text that you want to keep as a reference.

5. Click the Update button.

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CCaalleennddaarr The calendar is filtered depending on your role when you view it. When you view the calendar as a Learner, you see your training schedule containing only those classes that you are scheduled to attend. When you view the calendar from another role, you see all of the ILT classes in the system. Within the calendar, you can:

• Filter the view by day, week, month or year. • Specify the time zone in which you would like to see the events displayed. • Export an event to iCal for use in another compatible application. • Print a view showing the day, week, month or year.

Navigating to My Calendar

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Learning and Metrics icon. 3. Click the Calendar icon.

Accessing the Calendar Views There are two ways to view information about notifications within the system, by Event, and by Message. Instructions for each are listed below. Before managing the notifications in the system, it is important to understand the distinction between Events and Messages. The Events tab shows you when a notification will be sent (e.g. the event that triggers it) and who will receive it. In contrast, the Messages tab shows you the actual text of the notification that will be sent. To Access a Calendar Event

1. Navigate to Calendar. 2. Select the desired calendar view. 3. Within that view, click the name of the event that you want to access. This will

open the course summary from the catalog.

To Filter the Calendar by Location

1. Navigate to Calendar. 2. From the Events at drop-down, select the desired location. 3. Click the Show button.

To Filter the Calendar by Course

1. Navigate to Calendar. 2. From the Course drop-down, select the desired location.

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Viewing the Course Activities from the Calendar The ILT Activities tab allows you to view your progress in the course, whether the course is required or not and its duration. Any actions that can be taken for the course will be available through buttons on this page. For each activity associated with this course the following information may be displayed depending on the nature of the activity:

• Activity names • Any associated scores • Your progress for each activity • The last time you accessed that activity • The time you've spent on the activity

Viewing a Course Description from the Calendar The Description page shows you basic information about the selected course, including the name, status, description, and other details that may be important to you. Viewing Course Reviews from the Calendar The Reviews tab displays reviews for the selected course submitted by other system users. This tab is only available for courses with this feature enabled. Viewing Class Details from the Calendar The Class Details tab provides the date, time, location and instructor for each individual class session.

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MMyy TTrraannssccrriipptt The My Transcript module gives you the ability to create a custom view of your transcript by changing the filters used to display your learning history. Navigating to My Transcript

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Learning and Metrics icon. 3. Click the My Transcript icon.

Filtering Your Transcript The wizard provides you with an intuitive method to create custom filters for your transcript of learning activities.

1. Navigate to My Transcript. 2. In the Completion Status section, choose from the drop-down the option that

best fits how you want to filter for completion status then specify the criteria in the text box. Filtering options here include the following options:

a. Contains: results returned will contain the value entered. For example, if you choose "Contains" and then enter "complete" in the text box the results will include all courses with a completion status of "Complete" as well as those that are "Incomplete".

b. Ends With: results returned will end with the value entered. c. Equals: results returned will equal exactly the value entered. For example,

if you choose "Equals" and then enter "Complete" the results will only include courses that are complete.

d. Starts With: results will begin with the value entered. e. Wildcard: use a wildcard to return a value. Only a percentage sign (%) is

allowed as a wildcard. 3. In the Completion Date section, choose the desired option from the drop-down

and specify in the text box the value by which you want to filter. 4. In the Course Type section, in the Available Value(s) list box, choose the

desired value(s) and click the Add button. This will move the selected values to the Selected Value(s) list box.

5. Click the Next button to proceed. 6. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work

before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

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MMyy GGrraaddeebbooookk My Gradebook allows you to mark grades and completion credit for certain user-defined tasks. Navigating to My Gradebook

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Learning and Metrics icon. 3. Click the My Gradebook icon.

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RESOURCE CENTER ICON The Resource Center module allows you to view the online resources in the system. It contains the Online Resource Repository. Such resources include:

• NTC internally developed courses • Photographs • Process Models

If you click on the Resource Center icon the Resource Center page will appear.

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OOnnlliinnee RReessoouurrcceess The Online Resources module contains all of the resources that have been uploaded into the system and made available to you. You can view the resources by name or by category as well as search for resources using either the basic or advanced search feature. Navigating to My Online Resources

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Resource Center icon. 3. Click the Online Resources icon.

Viewing Online Resources There are two ways to view the online resources within the system, by Name and by Category. Instructions for each are listed below. To Access an Online Resource from the Category View

1. Navigate to Resource Center. 2. Click the By Category tab. 3. To view the entire list of Categories, click the Expand/Collapse All link. To view

a select Online Resource, use the + and - buttons to expand and contract the desired Category.

4. Select the record you want to view. 5. Do one of the following:

a. To access the record to edit it, click the Edit button. b. To access the record to view the actual file or open the URL, click the

Open button. To Access Your Online Resource from the By Name View

1. Navigate to Resource Center. 2. Click the By Name tab. 3. If necessary, use the search criteria to locate the desired resource. 4. In the Select column and click the radio button for the record you want to view. 5. Do one of the following:

a. To open the file or URL, click the Open button. b. To view the details of the resource, click the View Details button.

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Viewing the Details of Your Online Resource From the Details tab, you can view the name, description, status and other information about the selected resource. No action can be taken on this screen; it is for display purposes only. Viewing the Categories for an Online Resource The Categories tab allows you to view the categories to which an online resource is assigned. In the list of Online Resource Categories, the categories assigned to the selected online resource will be highlighted.

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SETTINGS AND PREFERENCES ICON Here you can adjust various settings and preferences: Change your password and user profile or manage your roles; configure the appearance of the application using themes, and configure My Home content and appearance, or adjust language and regional settings. If you click on the Settings and Preferences icon the Settings and Preferences page will appear.

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MMyy PPrrooffiillee The My Profile section allows you to view and manage your user profile based on your permissions. Navigating to My Profile

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Settings and Preferences icon. 3. Click the My Profile icon.

Editing Your Profile The User Profile is the main record to which all of your training data is tied. Depending on your permissions, you may edit the information contained in your profile. Tech Note! All text entry fields are limited to 100 characters and allow the following characters ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|; :'",.?/ unless otherwise noted with the field description. The following characters are not allowed < <> unless otherwise noted. To Edit Your User Profile

1. Access your profile. 2. Click the My Profile tab. 3. In the Personal Information section, edit the information as necessary.

a. In the First Name text box, edit your first name. b. In the Middle Initial text box, edit your middle initial, if applicable.

(Character Limit =1) (No special characters allowed.) c. In the Last Name text box, edit your last name. d. In the E-mail Address text box, edit your email address. All

correspondence from the learning center will be sent to this email address. e. In the Address text box, edit your home mailing address, if applicable. f. In the City text box, enter your city. g. From the State drop-down, select your state. h. From the Country drop-down, select your country. i. From the Postal Code Type option group, select one of the following

options. i. US ZIP ii. Foreign Postal Code iii. APO

j. In the Postal Code text box, edit your postal code. (Character Limit = 11) k. In the SSN text box, edit your Social Security Number. NTC’s LMS does

NOT require this – this text box is NOT available. l. If available, in the EHRI Employee ID, enter your Employee ID.

4. In the Location Information section, edit your information as necessary. a. In the Office Telephone text box, edit the telephone number for your

office. (Character Limit = 32)

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b. In the Ext. text box, edit your telephone extension, if applicable.(Character Limit = 5) (No special characters allowed.)

c. From the Location drop-down, select the location to which you should be associated.

5. In the Job Information section, edit your information as necessary. a. In the Start Date text box, edit the date that you began their current job. b. From the Job Code drop-down, select your job code. c. From the Pay Grade drop-down, select your pay grade.

Note: There may be other fields present depending on how the Administrator has configured the User Profile using the Custom Fields module.

6. Click the Update button. To Edit Your Login

1. Access your profile. 2. Click the Login tab. 3. In the Login Information section, edit your information as necessary.

a. In the Username text box, enter any edits you want to make to the username. It is important to note that if you make changes to your username or password, you will need to log out and login again for the changes to take effect. (Character Minimum = 6)(Character Limit = 54)

b. In the Password text box, enter the new password. (Character Minimum = 6)(Character Limit = 54)

c. In the Confirm text box, retype the new password. This effort ensures that you have typed the password the same twice (Character Minimum = 6)(Character Limit = 54)

d. From the Time Zone drop-down, select an appropriate time zone for your location. This will allow the system to display class times correctly in your calendar.

4. In the Account Status section, in the Status drop-down, select the status to apply to this user.

5. Click the Update button. Password Status Options

• Active: User account is active and password is active so the user can login. • Temporary: User has been assigned a temporary password; Upon successful

login, the password status will change to Active. • Expired: Password has expired; Upon next login attempt, the user must set a

new password which will return the password status to Active. • Lockout: User has entered the wrong password too many times; Passwords

status will return to Active when the Administrator manually releases the password or the lockout time expires.

• Suspended: User account is Inactive or Archived so they cannot access the system.

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• Inactive: User was issued a temporary password but it expired before they logged in to change it; To reactivate the password, the Administrator must set the user's account to Inactive and then to Active, then issue a temporary password.

To Edit Your Assigned Groups

1. Access your profile. 2. Click the User Groups tab. 3. In the list of Groups shown, the groups to which you are currently assigned will

be highlighted. Use the Expand/Collapse All link to change your view of the list. a. To add a group assignment, check the box next to the name of the desired

group. b. To remove an assignment, uncheck the box next to the highlighted name

of the group you want to remove. 4. Click the Update button.

To View Your Assigned Supervisors

1. Access your profile. 2. Click the Supervisors tab. 3. All of the supervisors assigned to your user account are displayed in the data

table in the main window. To View Your Assigned Roles

1. Access your profile. 2. Click the Roles and Permissions tab. 3. All of the roles assigned to your user account are displayed in the data table in

the main window. To Change Your Default Role

1. Access your profile. 2. Click the Roles and Permissions tab. 3. In the Select column, click the radio button for the role that you want to set as

your default role. 4. Click the Default Role button.

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MMyy SShhoorrttccuuttss Here you can view and manage your shortcuts within the system. Shortcuts must be created on the page to which you want to create a shortcut. Example! If you want to create a shortcut to Reports, navigate to that module, then click the Add Shortcut button in the upper right corner of the screen. This shortcut will appear on your Organizer page as well as on the My Shortcuts page. To Remove a Shortcut

1. Navigate to My Shortcuts. a. Click the My Home tab. b. Click the Settings and Preferences icon. c. Click the My Shortcuts icon.

2. In the Select column, click the radio button for the shortcut that you want to remove.

3. Click the Archive button.

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MMyy RReeggiioonnaall PPrreeffeerreenncceess Depending on the configurations set by the Administrator, you may modify the language and time zone of your learning center interface. Navigating to My Regional Preferences

1. Click the My Home tab. 2. Click the Settings and Preferences icon. 3. Click the My Regional Preferences icon.

Selecting a Language and Time Zone Depending on your permissions, you may select a language and time zone to change your view of the system. Note! The languages available for selection are determined by the languages purchased for your system. If you do not see the language you need, contact your LMS Administrator to inquire about purchasing additional languages. To Select a Language and Time Zone for Your Learning Center Interface

1. Navigate to My Regional Preferences. 2. From the Language drop-down, select the language that you want to use as

your default language. 3. From the Time Zone drop-down, select the time zone that you want to use as

your default time zone. 4. Click the Update button. This will change the language and time zone of only

your view of the learning center. Important Note About Languages! If your system has multiple languages enabled, it is important to know that not all text within the system will be translated. Any text that has been entered into the system (such as a course name, class description, or classroom) will be displayed in the language in which it was entered.

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PPlluugg--iinnss This section contains a list of browser plug-in applications that may be required to make full use of the application, including viewing of third party training material such as courses and other tools. Below is a list of some of the available plug-ins:

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END-USER TUTORIAL ICON Here you can view the end-user tutorial. The Learning Center provides you with in-depth instruction on navigating the LMS. If you click on the End-user Tutorial icon the Learning Center will automatically appear in a new window.

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MY ADMINISTRATION TAB The My Administration tab contains the following icons:

• User Manager • Learning Content • Learning Activities • Approval Manager

Best Practice! It is highly recommended that you view the End-user Tutorial before moving forward in this module.

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USER MANAGER ICON Use the User Management tools to view groups within the system. As a user, you will be able to keep your user profile information up to date with My Profile.

Navigating to User Manager

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the User Manager icon.

Navigating to Groups

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the User Manager icon. 3. Click the Groups icon.

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LEARNING CONTENT ICON Here you can view the course catalog and manage course certificates.

Navigating to Learning Content

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Content icon. 3. Click the Catalog icon.

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CCoouurrssee CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee The Course Certificate Manager allows you to create custom course certificates to attach to courses within your LMS. With this feature, you can create custom certificates with your own branding and specify which user and course data appears on a completion certificate. You can also specify which groups within your LMS receive which certificates. Please note: Some of these functions are NOT available to supervisors. Example! Our LMS supports separate divisions within NTC. Learners in each division may have a distinct logo on their completion certificate. This module allows you to create a custom certificate for your division and assign them based on their default group assignment. If a Learner has no default group assigned, they will see the default system completion certificate. See your Domain Manager for further instruction. Learners can access these certificates once they have completed a course by accessing the details for that course and then clicking the Print Certificate button. Navigating to Course Certificates

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Content icon. 3. Click the Course Certificates icon.

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LEARNING ACTIVITIES ICON Control some of the aspects of learning-related activities with the Learning Activities Manager. You can create and manage learning plans, register courses to individuals within your group, and manage waiver requests for your team.

Navigating to Learning Plans

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Learning Plans icon.

Navigating to Class Manager

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Class Manager icon.

Navigating to Gradebook

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Gradebook icon.

Navigating to Waiver Requests

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Waiver Requests icon.

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LLeeaarrnniinngg PPllaannss This section of training will teach you how to create learning plan templates and assign them to learners. At the end of this section, you will have an opportunity to complete some activities and scenarios that will pull all of this information together into a practical application. Understanding Learning Plans A learning plan is a grouping of learning activities into a curriculum that can be assigned to one or more learners. For example, NTC might require that all new employees complete a curriculum of learning events including history of the college, vacation policies, harassment free workplace, etc. Types of Learning Plans

• A Traditional Learning Plan is best used for curriculum that will not change from one user to the next and is not required for maintaining certification or compliancy in areas like safety, OSHA compliance, or government regulations.

• A Certification Learning Plan is best used for curriculum that supports a learner’s compliance in OSHA regulations for safety and other government regulations where a worker cannot be allowed to begin until they can prove they have obtained the necessary certifications.

What Learning Plans Can Contain A learning plan can contain activities that a learner must complete to qualify for a certification or CEUs (Continuing Education Units). Other characteristics and rules about learning plans:

• They do not appear in the course catalog because they cannot be self-assigned. • Depending on the Learning Plan design, Learners may choose which of the

courses in a plan they will take and which will be electives. • Learning plans are reusable. • Learning plans can be tied to a certification. • Learning plans can be tied to a competency. • Like any other learning activity in the system, users can run reports on plans,

their contents, learners assigned to plans, and learners’ progress. Navigating to Learning Plan Manager

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Learning Plans icon.

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Creating a Learning Plan This wizard walks you through the steps necessary to create a learning plan. The steps for creating a Traditional Plan and a Certification Plan are identical. The differences are apparent during the assignment process. Starting the Create Learning Plan Wizard

1. Navigate to Learning Plan Manager. 2. Click the Create Learning Plan button. 3. In the Plan Type section, select the option that best fits the kind of plan you want

to create: a. Traditional: Learner must complete courses according to the rules set for

the plan and within the time specified but completion of courses is not tied to compliance with safety or other regulations.

b. Certification: Learner must complete courses according to the rules set for the plan within the time specified or they will be considered non-compliant for that skill.

4. In the Completion Rule section, click the radio button for the option that best fits your desired completion criteria for the learning plan.

a. Learner must complete all courses. b. Of learning events in the plan, learners must choose a certain number to

complete. c. Of learning events in the plan, learners must choose a certain number of

CEUs to complete. 5. Click the Begin button. 6. Follow the steps below based on the criteria you selected above.

To Create a Learning Plan Requiring All Courses Must Be Completed Learners assigned to this type of learning plan will be automatically enrolled into any OLT and UDT courses within the plan regardless of whether that course has approval triggers. They will still have to enroll in any ILT Classes in the plan. This streamlines the workflow for learners while balancing the need for each user to manage their own schedule. If the learning plan is a Certification Plan, the learner must complete all courses in order to remain in compliance with the material.

1. In the Name and Describe Learning Plan section, enter a name and description for the learning plan.

a. In the Plan Name text box, enter the name of the new learning plan. This name can contain only letters and numbers so characters like a dash (-), slash (/) or other symbols will not be accepted.

b. In the Description text box, enter a description for the new learning plan. (Character Limit = Unlimited)

c. From the Status drop-down, select an appropriate status. d. Click the Next button to proceed.

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2. In the Add Courses and Events section, add courses and events to the learning plan.

a. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the course(s) and/or event(s) that you want to assign to this learning plan.

b. b. Click the Next button to proceed. 3. As applicable, in the Select Prerequisite Courses section, decide which, if any,

prerequisite courses you want to the learning plan. a. If a course you selected has a prerequisite associated with it, the system

will prompt you to either add the prerequisite to the learning plan or choose not to add the prerequisite. If you choose not to add the prerequisite, the learner will then have to locate and complete that prerequisite course prior to enrolling in the other course. This allows you the opportunity to make a complete package for a learner.

b. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the course(s) and/or event(s) that you want to assign to this learning plan.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 4. In the Sequence Courses and Events section, specify the sequence in which

you want the courses and events for this learning plan to appear. a. Answer the question; Do learners have to complete the learning plan

in a specific order? Choose Yes or No. b. In the Courses and Events list box, use the arrow buttons to move the

items into the order in which you want learners to complete them. c. Click the Next button to proceed.

5. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

To Create a Learning Plan Requiring a Certain Number of Courses Must Be Completed

1. In the Name and Describe Learning Plan section, enter a name and description for the traditional plan.

a. In the Plan Name text box, enter the name of the new learning plan. b. In the Description text box, enter a description for the new learning plan.

(Character Limit = Unlimited) c. From the Status drop-down, select an appropriate status. d. Click the Next button to proceed.

2. In the Add Courses and Events section, add courses and events to the traditional plan.

a. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the course(s) and/or event(s) that you want to assign to this learning plan.

b. Click the Next button to proceed. 3. As applicable, in the Select Prerequisite Courses section, decide which, if any,

prerequisite courses you want to the learning plan. a. If a course you selected has a prerequisite associated with it, the system

will prompt you to either add the prerequisite to the learning plan or choose not to add the prerequisite. If you choose not to add the

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prerequisite, the learner will then have to locate and complete that prerequisite course prior to enrolling in the other course. This allows you the opportunity to make a complete package for a learner.

b. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the course(s) and/or event(s) that you want to assign to this learning plan.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 4. In the Define Completion Criteria section, specify the number of courses that

learners must complete. a. In the Required Number of Courses text box, enter the number of

courses that each learner must complete from this learning plan in order to complete the entire plan. (Character Limit = 5)

b. In the Notes text box, enter any notes you want to include about this requirement. (Character Limit = Unlimited)

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 5. In the Identify Required Courses section, decide if there are specific courses in

this plan that the learner must complete, and then select them. a. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the items that must be

completed before the learning plan can be marked complete. The unchecked items will be included in the learning plan, but their completion will not be required. Example! In a learning plan with 10 courses, 5 must be completed. Out of those 5, 2 are required which leaves the user 3 courses to choose from the whole list.

b. Click the Next button to proceed. 6. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work

before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

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To Create a Learning Plan Requiring a Certain Number of Courses Must Be Completed

1. In the Name and Describe Learning Plan section, enter a name and description for the traditional plan.

a. In the Plan Name text box, enter the name of the new learning plan. b. In the Description text box, enter a description for the new learning plan.

(Character Limit = Unlimited) c. From the Status drop-down, select an appropriate status. d. Click the Next button to proceed.

2. In the Add Courses and Events section, add courses and events to the traditional plan.

a. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the course(s) and/or event(s) that you want to assign to this learning plan.

b. Click the Next button to proceed. 3. As applicable, in the Select Prerequisite Courses section, decide which, if any,

prerequisite courses you want to the learning plan. a. If a course you selected has a prerequisite associated with it, the system

will prompt you to either add the prerequisite to the learning plan or choose not to add the prerequisite. If you choose not to add the prerequisite, the learner will then have to locate and complete that prerequisite course prior to enrolling in the other course. This allows you the opportunity to make a complete package for a learner.

b. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the course(s) and/or event(s) that you want to assign to this learning plan.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 4. In the Define Completion Criteria section, specify the number of courses that

learners must complete. a. In the Required Number of Courses text box, enter the number of

courses that each learner must complete from this learning plan in order to complete the entire plan. (Character Limit = 5)

b. In the Notes text box, enter any notes you want to include about this requirement.(Character Limit = Unlimited)

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 5. In the Identify Required Courses section, decide if there are specific courses in

this plan that the learner must complete, and then select them. a. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the items that must be

completed before the learning plan can be marked complete. The unchecked items will be included in the learning plan, but their completion will not be required. Example! In a learning plan with 10 courses, 5 must be completed. Out of those 5, 2 are required which leaves the user 3 courses to choose from the whole list.

b. Click the Next button to proceed. 6. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work

before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

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Learning Plan Status and Assignment Protocol Below are some guidelines to help explain when Learners are registered for a course and when they are enrolled. It also explains the status for a learner's certification plan based on the due dates and recurrence. Important! Once submitted, the learning plan assignment will run in a background process allowing you to move on to other tasks within the LMS. Assignment Protocol Assignment Type Status After Assigned Learner Action Required

Prior to Taking Course* Learning Plan: All courses in plan are required

OLT: Enrolled UDT: Enrolled ILT Course: Registered

OLT: None UDT: None ILT Class: Select class and Enroll

Learning Plan: Some courses are required; some are elective

OLT: Registered UDT: Registered ILT Course: Registered

OLT: Enroll UDT: Enroll ILT Class: Select class and Enroll

Learning Plan: A certain number of courses or CEUs must be taken; none are required

OLT: Registered UDT: Registered ILT Course: Registered

OLT: Enroll UDT: Enroll ILT Class: Select class and Enroll

Mass Assignment

OLT: Registered UDT: Registered ILT Course: Registered

OLT: None UDT: None ILT Class: Select class and Enroll

Roster Management from within Class Manager

OLT: N/A UDT: N/A ILT Class: Enrolled

OLT: N/A UDT: N/A ILT Course: None

* All enrolling can take place from either the Catalog or from the My Required Learning pages.

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Learning Plan Completion Status Status Type Description Pending

Appears when a certification plan has been assigned for the very first time but the learner has not yet completed it. This status combines Not Attempted and In Progress from traditional plans. The status can change to: • Certified: when the learner qualifies for the requirements. • Past Due: when the due date has passed. • Expired: when the learning plan is recurring and the trigger date

has passed. Past Due

Appears when the learner has not completed the requirements of a certification plan by the Due Date. This occurs for only the very first iteration of the assignment. The status can change to:

• Certified • Expired


Appears when a learner has completed all of the requirements in the plan before the due date or recurrence date has passed. The status cannot change once it achieves Certified status. This indicates that the learner's certification is current.


Appears when a learner has not completed the requirements of the plan by the recurrence date. The status can change to Certified if the learner completes the requirements.

Assigning a Learning Plan This wizard walks you through the steps to assign a learning plan. Important! Once submitted, the learning plan assignment will run in a background process allowing you to move on to other tasks within the LMS. Starting the Assign a Learning Plan Wizard

1. Navigate to Learning Plan Manager. 2. Click the Assign Learning Plan button. 3. In the Learning Plan Assignment Type section, select the option for the type of

learning plan you want to assign: a. Assign Traditional Learning Plan: Learner must complete courses

according to the rules set for the plan and within the time specified but completion of courses is not tied to compliance with safety or other regulations.

b. Assign Certification Learning Plan: Learner must complete courses according to the rules set for the plan within the time specified or they will be considered noncompliant for that skill.

c. Assign Certification Learning Plan with Recurrence: Learner must complete courses according to the rules set for the plan within the time specified or they will be considered non-compliant for that skill.

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Additionally, the plan will have a recurrence so that they must repeat the courseware according to the specified schedule.

4. Click the Begin button. 5. Follow the steps below based on the criteria you selected above.

To Assign a Traditional Learning Plan

1. In the Select Learning Plan section, select the learning plan you want to assign. a. Use the search criteria to locate the plan you want. b. In the Select column, click the radio button for the plan you want to

assign. c. Click the Next button to proceed.

2. In the Assign Users by Groups(s) section, select the group(s) whose current members you want to assign to this learning plan.

a. To view different groups, use the expand (+) and collapse (-) buttons to view existing group hierarchies.

b. Click the Next button to proceed. 3. In Assign Individual Users section, assign users to the chosen plan. The

system does note restrict the number of learners that you assign at one time. a. Use the search criteria to locate the user(s) you want to assign.

i. To search by individual user, use the User Table tab. ii. To search by group, use the Users By Group tab.

b. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the user(s) you want to assign.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 4. In the Set Due Date section, set the due date for the plan you are assigning.

a. In the Date Rule section, decide whether the courses in this plan must be completed one time or on a recurring basis.

i. For one-time assignments, choose one of the following: 1. Plan due in days: enter a number to indicate how many

days will pass before this plan is due.(Character Limit = 5) 2. Plan due on: enter the exact date when this plan must be

completed. ii. For recurring assignments, choose one of the following:

1. Plan due monthly by: select the day of the month when this plan is due. This creates a recurring due date that occurs automatically each month on the day you specify.

2. Plan due annually by: select month and day when this plan is due. This creates a recurring due date that occurs automatically each year on the month and day specified.

iii. In the Notifications section, specify any reminders that you want sent out to learners assigned to this learning plan. Reminders will be sent out prior to the due date specified. Past Due Reminders will be sent out after a learner has missed a deadline.

iv. Click the Next button to proceed. 5. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work

before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving;

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otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

To Assign a Certification Learning Plan

1. In the Select Learning Plan section, select the Certification learning plan you want to assign. The list will include only the Certification-type learning plans.

a. Use the search criteria to locate the plan you want. b. In the Select column, click the radio button for the plan you want to

assign. c. Click the Next button to proceed.

2. In the Assign Users by Groups(s) section, select the group(s) whose current members you want to assign to this learning plan.

a. To view different groups, use the expand (+) and collapse (-) buttons to view existing group hierarchies.

b. Click the Next button to proceed. 3. In Assign Individual Users section, assign users to the chosen plan. The

system does not restrict the number of learners that you assign at one time. a. Use the search criteria to locate the user(s) you want to assign.

i. To search by individual user, use the User Table tab. ii. To search by group, use the Users By Group tab.

b. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the user(s) you want to assign.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 4. In the Set Due Date section, set the due date for the plan you are assigning.

a. In the Due Date section, for the Plan due in days option, enter a number to indicate how many days will pass before this plan is due. (Character Limit = 5)

b. In the Notifications section, specify any reminders that you want sent out to learners assigned to this learning plan. Reminders will be sent out prior to the due date specified. Past Due Reminders will be sent out after a learner has missed a deadline.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 5. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work

before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

To Assign a Certification Learning Plan with Recurrence

1. In the Select Learning Plan section, select the learning plan you want to assign. The list will include only the Certification-type learning plans.

a. Use the search criteria to locate the plan you want. b. In the Select column, click the radio button for the plan you want to

assign. c. Click the Next button to proceed.

2. In the Assign Users by Groups(s) section, select the group(s) whose current members you want to assign to this learning plan.

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a. To view different groups, use the expand (+) and collapse (-) buttons to view existing group hierarchies.

b. Click the Next button to proceed. 3. In the Assign Individual Users section, assign users to the chosen plan. The

system does not restrict the number of learners that you assign at one time. a. Use the search criteria to locate the user(s) you want to assign.

i. To search by individual user, use the User Table tab. ii. To search by group, use the Users By Group tab.

b. In the Select column, check the box(es) for the user(s) you want to assign.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 4. In the Set Due Date section, set the due date for the plan you are assigning.

a. In the Due Date section, for the Plan due in days option, enter a number to indicate how many days will pass before this plan is due for the first time. The days are counted from the assignment date. Once the recurrence goes into effect, it will follow the recurrence triggers you specify later in the wizard.(Character Limit = 5)

b. In the Notifications section, specify any reminders that you want sent out to learners assigned to this learning plan. Reminders will be sent out prior to the due date specified. Past Due Reminders will be sent out after a learner has missed a deadline.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. 5. In the Duration section, specify how long the certification earned by completing

this plan will be valid. a. From the Choose Duration Unit drop-down, select from Years, Months,

Weeks or Days. i. Years = Duration less than or equal to 99 ii. Months = Duration less than or equal to 31 iii. Weeks = Duration less than or equal to 52 iv. Days = Duration less than or equal to 7

b. In the Duration text box, enter a number to specify the duration of the recurrence. For example, if you want this certification plan to renew every year, select Years from the list and enter 1 into the Duration text box.

c. Click the Next button to proceed. Important! The number of days for the duration must be greater than the number of days for the due date.

6. In the Recurrence section, specify what will trigger the Certification Plan to renew.

a. From the Recurrence Trigger option group, select the best option for what event or date triggers a new recurrence of the learning plan to be assigned.

i. Assignment Date: Triggers the plan to renew based on the date when it is assigned to the learner.

ii. Completion Date: Triggers the plan to renew based on the date when the learner completes their first course in the plan regardless of whether it is required or elective.

iii. User Start Date: Triggers the plan to renew based on the date with the learner first launches a course in the plan.

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iv. Custom Date: Triggers the plan to renew based on a custom date that you enter. this option is available only when the duration is measured in years.

b. In the Recurrence Plan Access Window section, specify in days when the learner will be able to access the courses in the plan prior to the expiration of their certification so that they may complete their courses and remain compliant. For example, if you want the learners to have 30 days in which to retake their courses in order to avoid a lapse in compliancy, enter 30 in the Access Window (days) text box. This value must be between 1 and 365 days.

7. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action.

You can view the courses and events assigned to a learning plan. You cannot edit the learning plan from this view. It is provided for display purposes only.

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Learning Plan Activities and Scenarios This series of activities will test your knowledge of the following topics:

1. Creating Learning Plan Templates 2. Assigning a template to learners 3. Managing Learning Plan Templates


1. Where would you look to find out how many learning plan templates are active in the system, both assigned and unassigned? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where would you look to see how many learning plans have been assigned? (This is the list of plans, not the number of individuals assigned to the plans.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What are the navigation steps a learner would take to view the learning plans to which they have been assigned?

a. My Home b. __________________________________________________________ c. __________________________________________________________ d. __________________________________________________________

4. List the three completion options available for a learning plan. (Hint: What will a Learner have completed in order to have the entire plan marked "Complete"?)

a. _________________________________________________________ b. __________________________________________________________ c. __________________________________________________________

5. After you assign a learning plan to learners, what happens to each of the following people if you add a course to the learning plan template?

a. Mary has not attempted any course in the plan: ____________________ __________________________________________________________

b. Bob has completed the plan requirements: ________________________ __________________________________________________________

c. Jim has started some courses but is not complete:__________________ __________________________________________________________

6. When you edit a learning plan, what tabs are available for editing? (answers may vary depending on the type of learning plan and if learners are assigned)

a. _________________________________________________________ b. __________________________________________________________ c. __________________________________________________________ d. __________________________________________________________ e. __________________________________________________________

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Scenarios Create three learning plan templates; one template for each type of completion requirement. Use your name or initials in the LP name as well as the completion requirement. Assign the three courses you created to each learning plan, one of each type. If you created multiple courses assign different courses to each learning plan.

1. All Learning Objects. (Name example: MK All Required) a. LP name: ________________________________________

2. Number of Courses. (Name example: MK Course Completions) a. LP name: ________________________________________

3. Number of CEUs (Name example: MK CEU Completions) a. LP name: ________________________________________

4. Assign your learner to all three of your learning plans. Use the "assign based on individual users" method of assignment.

5. Review your learner account and view your My Required Learning.

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CCllaassss MMaannaaggeerr The Class Manager allows NTC to manage a fully blended learning environment consisting of online courses, instructor-led classroom training and other live learning events. Your permissions, within the Class Manager, enable you to:

• Search for courses or classes by keyword, or the advanced search feature. • Assign classes to your subordinates.

Navigating to Class Manager

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Class Manager icon.

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GGrraaddeebbooookk Within the Gradebook you will be able to:

• View your Gradebook. • View the Gradebook of your subordinates. • Enter your own completion status for UDT’s.

Navigating to Gradebook

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Gradebook icon.

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WWaaiivveerr RReeqquueessttss The Waiver Requests gives you the ability to review the waiver requests of your subordinates that have already been submitted or are incomplete. Waivers that include the supervisor in the approval process may be viewed and acted on. Those waivers that do not include the supervisor in the approval process may not be viewed or acted on. Navigating to Waiver Requests

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Learning Activities icon. 3. Click the Waiver Requests icon.

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APPROVAL MANAGER ICON Manage learning requests, approval workflows, and expense reports.

Navigating to Approval Manager

1. Click the Administration icon. 2. Click the Approval Manager icon.

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LLeeaarrnniinngg RReeqquueessttss A learning request form is created to give employees an online form to fill out to formally request training. Learners fill out forms if the requested course has caused a trigger or their user profile data has caused a trigger. Navigating to Learning Request Forms

1. Click the Administration tab. 2. Click the Approval Manager icon. 3. Click the Learning Request Forms icon.

Creating a Learning Request Form A learning request form is created to give employees an online form to fill out to formally request training. Triggers can be set to prompt a learner to complete a request form which must then go through the associated workflow. The following triggers are provided in the form template:

• Cost of training (determined by the Cost to Learner field in the course properties) • Length of training (in hours) (determined by the Duration field in the course

properties) • Learner's assigned User Group • Custom User Field (determined in Approval Settings and triggered by a value in

the user's profile) • Custom Course Field (determined in Approval Settings and triggered by a value

in the course properties) This wizard walks you through the steps necessary to create a learning request form. Tech Note! All text entry fields are limited to 100 characters and allow the following characters ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|; :'",.?/ unless otherwise noted with the field description. The following characters < <> are not allowed unless otherwise noted.

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. Click the Create Learning Request Form button. 3. On the Introduction page, click the Begin button. 4. Provide Learning Request Form Details.

a. In the Form Name text box, enter the name for this learning request form. b. In the Description text box, enter a description for this form.(Character

Limit = Unlimited) c. From the Status drop-down, select an appropriate status.

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d. From the Cost Amount Trigger drop-down, select the cost that will trigger the need for approval. You may edit these triggers from the Settings module.

e. From the Number of Hours Trigger drop-down, select the number of hours that will trigger this form. You may edit the triggers from the Settings module.

f. From the User Group Trigger, select the user groups that will trigger this form. This list will be populated by the groups created in the Groups module. Use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple items.

g. From the Custom User Field Trigger list, select the Custom User Field that will trigger this form. This list is maintained through the Custom User Fields tab in the Configure Fields module. Use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple items.

h. From the Custom Course Field Trigger list, select the Custom Course Field that will trigger this form. This list is maintained through the Custom Course Fields tab in the Configure Fields module. Use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple items.

Note! If you select multiple triggers for your form, the system will interpret them with an "and “rather than with an "or". For example, if you choose to set a cost amount trigger of $100 and a User Group trigger of "Sales" then you are telling the system that users who are members of the Sales group must get approval for any course that costs over $100. Also! You may select up to 5 triggers per form. They can be any combination of cost, hours, group, user and course triggers. For example, you could select one from each type or you could select all five from one list. Finally! Be sure that when you pick your triggers, you do it in a way that is meaningful in context of your course offerings and group structure. It is possible to use the system's flexibility to create an impossible set of triggers. For example, it is unwise to select multiple cost or hours triggers since a course has just one cost and one duration but would have to meet all of the triggers you specify in order to require approval.

5. In the Select Fields section, specify which fields will appear on this form. a. In each section, select the fields to appear on this form. Use the Add and

Remove buttons in the middle to move field names from the Available list to the Assigned list.

i. All standard and custom fields for that section will appear in the Available list.

ii. Certain required fields are included in the Assigned list by default. Note! If the standard field “Name of Vendor” is part of an Approval Request form, and if requester enters a vendor name that does not exist in the LMS, when the requester clicks Save to submit the request, then the LMS adds that new Vendor to the list of LMS Vendors. If you do not want these added to the LMS vendors list, then you should not use the standard vendor fields in a request form. Instead create one or more Custom

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AWE fields to capture vendor information. Then, if appropriate, an LMS Administrator can create the vendor manually from the information provided.

6. In the Approval Levels section, specify who should approve requests using this form.

a. Each form must have at least one level of approval. You may add more levels if needed.

b. In the Approval Level 1 section, for the Choose Approver Type, select who will approve requests that use this template. By default, you can choose from the following options but any custom field can also be added based on a setting in the General Application Settings module.

i. Immediate Supervisor ii. Role (select the role from the drop-down) iii. Individual (search for the person's name)

c. In the Select Fields option group, check the box(es) for the fields that the individual identified in Approval Level 1 can edit.

d. If you want to add more levels of approval to this template, click the Add Approval Level button. If you want to remove a level of approval from this template, click the Remove Approval Level button. Remember that each template must have at least one Approval Level, so you cannot remove all of them.

e. Click the Next button to proceed. 7. In the Validation of Training Completion section specify who will serve as the

Certifying Official for requests using this form. This section applies to an optional feature in the LMS that not every Administrator will activate. If your system does not utilize this feature, you can ignore this field and just click Next.

a. In the Certifying Official Information section, for the Choose Approver Type, select the person who has the authority to validate that the training has been completed. You are not required to define a Certifying Official. You may click Next to pass this step.

i. Learner self-approves ii. Role (select the role from the drop-down) iii. Individual (search for the person's name)

b. In the Select Fields option group, check the box(es) for the fields that the individual identified in Approval Level 1 can edit.

c. In the Actual Training Costs section, check the box if the validation of training completion must always be submitted by the learner before receiving training credit.

d. Click the Next button to proceed. 8. The Confirm Your Decisions screen allows you to double-check your work

before you proceed. Click the Previous button to make changes before saving; otherwise click the Save button to continue. Once you save your changes, you will be prompted to choose your next action. If you would like to print the form, click the Print Form button.

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Managing Learning Request Forms A learning request template is created to give employees an online form to fill out to formally request training. Understanding Triggers Learners fill out forms if the requested course has caused a trigger or their user profile data has caused a trigger. The following triggers are provided in the form template:

• Cost of training (determined by the Cost to Learner field in the course properties) • Length of training (in hours) (determined by the Duration field in the course

properties) • Learner's assigned User Group • Custom User Field (determined in Approval Settings and triggered by a value in

the user's profile) • Custom Course Field (determined in Approval Settings and triggered by a value

in the course properties) Understanding the Fields on the Form While it may be necessary at times to edit a learning request form, there are a few things to consider.

• Any field may be edited, and there are many possibilities for user error. A best practice to observe is that it may be better to create a new form than edit one, particularly if triggers are being edited; it is possible, for example, for a user to change the cost trigger to <$250 for a form with the name Training Cost Over $1000, but the system does not verify that the content in these fields sync up.

• Forms may be edited even if they have recently been used to request training. The system will notify you that the form is currently in use by someone else but will not prevent you from editing.

Understanding the Areas of the Form The editable areas on a form include:

• Details: allows you to manage basic information about the selected training request form.

• Trainee Fields: allows you to manage the trainee information that will appear on the training request form.

• Course Fields: allows you to manage the fields for the course that appear on the training request form.

• Approvals: allows you to specify how many levels of approval are required for the selected training request form as well as the requirements for each level.

• Costs and Billing Fields: allows you to manage Section C of the training request form. Here you can designate how a user will indicate the costs and billing associated with their training request.

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• Validation of Training Completion: if applicable, this allows you to specify how a user may validate that the requested training has been completed.

To Archive a Learning Request Form

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. Click the Learning Request Forms tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request Form that you want to archive. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request Form. 5. Click the Archive button. Once archived, this item can only be located using the

Advanced Search feature. To Access a Learning Request Form

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. Click the Learning Request Forms tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request Form that you want to edit. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request Form. 5. Click the Edit button.

Editing Learning Request Forms While it may be necessary at times to edit a learning request form, there are a few things of which you need to be aware.

• Any field may be edited, and there are many possibilities for user error. A best practice to observe is that it may be better to create a new form than edit one, particularly if triggers are being edited. For example, it is possible for a user to change the cost trigger to <$250 for a form with the name Training Cost Over $1000, but the system does not verify that the content in these fields sync up.

• Certain areas of a form may be edited even if it has recently been used to request training. The system will notify you that the form is currently in use by someone else but will not prevent you from editing.

• The number of approval levels required on a form may not be added or removed once a form has been used in a request. However, the settings for an existing approval level may be edited including the type of Approver and the fields that they must complete.

To Edit a Learning Request Form

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. Click the Learning Request Forms tab. 3. In the data table, locate the Learning Request Form that you want to edit. 4. In the Select column, click the radio button for that Learning Request Form. 5. Click the Edit button.

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To Update the Details of a Learning Request Form The Details tab allows you to manage basic information about the selected learning request form. Once a learning request form has been associated with a Workflow, it cannot be edited.

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. In the data table, locate the Learning Request Form that you want to edit. 3. On the Learning Request Form properties page, click the Details tab. 4. In the Learning Request Form Details section, update the information as

necessary. a. In the Form Name text box, edit the name for this learning request form. b. In the Description text box, edit a description for this form.(Character

Limit = Unlimited) c. From the Status drop-down, select an appropriate status.

5. In the Triggers section, update the information as necessary. a. From the Cost Amount Trigger drop-down, select the cost that will trigger

the need for approval. b. From the Number of Hours Trigger drop-down, select an appropriate

number of hours. c. From the User Group Trigger, select an appropriate user group. This list

will be populated by the groups created in the Groups module. 6. Click the Update button. Refer to Creating a New Learning Request Form for

more information. To Manage the Fields on a Learning Request Form The Fields tab allows you to manage the fields that will appear on the learning request form. From here, you can add or remove fields to an area.

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. In the data table, locate the Learning Request Form that you want to edit. 3. On the Learning Request Form properties page, click the Fields tab. 4. For each section, select the fields you want to Add or Remove and then click the

appropriate button in the middle. To select all of the fields in a particular section, click the Select All button beneath that section. All standard and custom fields for each section will appear in the Available list.

5. Click the Update button. Note! If the standard field “Name of Vendor” is part of an Approval Request form, and if requester enters a vendor name that does not exist in the LMS, when the requester clicks Save to submit the request, then the LMS adds that new Vendor to the list of LMS Vendors. If you do not want these added to the LMS vendors list, then you should not use the standard vendor fields in a request form. Instead create one or more Custom AWE fields to capture vendor information. Then, if appropriate, an LMS Administrator can create the vendor manually from the information provided.

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Important! The number of approval levels required on a form may not be added or removed once a form has been used in a request. However, the settings for an existing approval level may be edited including the type of Approver and the fields that they must complete. To Update the Approval Levels Required on a Learning Request Form The Approval Levels tab allows you to specify how many levels of approval are required for the selected learning request form as well as the requirements for each level.

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. In the data table, locate the Learning Request Form that you want to edit. 3. On the Learning Request Form properties page, click the Approvals tab. 4. In the Sections D&E: Approvals/Concurrences section, update the information

for each approval level required for this form. 5. Click the Update button.

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Understanding Approval Levels and the Filter Data by Group Permission When the Filter Data by Group permission is turned on for a role, the filtered requests will only display from members of the approver’s group when role is selected for the approval level. The following table explains when learning requests are displayed under differing conditions. For this example, suppose that John is:

• A member of the "Marketing" group • Bob's direct supervisor • A member of the "Regional Supervisor" role which has the "Filter Data by Group"

permission enabled. Learning Request Scenario Learning Request Scenario Possible Action Michael submits a request that names the John as the approver.

John will see this request and can take action on it because he is specifically named as the approver.

Bob submits a request that requires approval from his direct supervisor.

John will see this request and can take action on it because he is assigned as Bob's direct supervisor.

Diane, a member of Marketing group, submits a request to be approved by the Regional Supervisor.

John can see this request because he is a member of the Marketing group AND because he is a Regional Supervisor. He will be able to take action on the request.

Jerry, a member of the Manufacturing group, submits a request to be approved by the Regional Supervisor.

John does not see this request and cannot take action on it because it comes from a member of a different group. Jerry's request will need to be approved by a Regional Supervisor who is either (A) a member of the Manufacturing group, or (B) does not have the Filter Data by Group permission enabled.

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To Update the Validation of Completion for a Learning Request Form The Validation of Completion tab allows you to specify how a user may validate that they have completed the learning requested through the learning request form.

1. Navigate to Learning Request Forms. 2. In the data table, locate the Learning Request Form that you want to edit. 3. On the Learning Request Form properties page, click the Validation of

Completion tab. 4. In the Certifying Official Information section, update the information as

necessary. a. From the Choose Approver Type option group, select the desired type of

approver. b. From the Select Fields option group, select the fields that the approver

must complete when they take action on a request. 5. In the Actual Training Costs section, check the box if the actual training costs

must always be submitted by the learner before receiving training credit. 6. Click the Update button.