Billion June 2, 2008 Workaround for the Windows XP SP3 compatibility issue with the Billion ADSL Router 5200G series

Workaround For Windows XP SP3 Issue

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June 2, 2008

Workaround for the Windows XP SP3

compatibility issue with the Billion ADSL Router 5200G series


June 2, 2008

1. Problem Description We found out recently there is a software incompatibility problem with Billion's BiPAC 5200G

series router. After end-users have upgraded Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (Service Pack

3) release on their PC or Notebook, it will cause the BiPAC 5200G series router to crash and

reboot constantly.

After detailed analysis, we discovered that SP3 sends out DHCP packets with Option 43 data

(including Microsoft’s “Vendor Specific Information”), which Service Pack 2 (SP2) did not.

However, Option 43 data is not compatible with 5200G series router's original definition, which

causes the problem. The affected firmware versions of BiPAC 5200G series are 2.9.8.x and

2.11.0.x~2.11.33.x. There is no impact on BiPAC 5200G series if the user's firmware version

is 2.10.x.x.

Microsoft released Windows XP SP3 on May 6, 2008, and put it on their website for manual

download only. We have not received many end-users reporting this problem to us so far.

However, Microsoft plans to upgrade all end-users' PC to Windows XP SP3 automatically in

June, 2008.

We strongly recommend that you upgrade to the new firmware ASAP before you install XP


If you have installed XP SP3 already, you can either roll back to XP SP2 or use Fixed IP

address in SP3 to access the Internet. Once you can access the Internet, please download

the new firmware to your Billion Router. After that, you can re-install SP3 or change Fixed IP

back to Dynamic IP, depending on your previous action.


June 2, 2008

2. Solutions Billion has released a new firmware version to fix the problem. The Appendix A will show you

how to check your current firmware version. The new firmware can be found at

www.billion.uk.com – simply follow the instructions on the home page and download the new

firmware as instructed.

2.1 For end-users who have not upgraded to the new firmware yet and have not

encountered this issue (for end-users who did not upgrade their PCs to SP3) the

solution is as follows:

Solution A:

Because users still can connect to the Internet, they just need to upgrade to the new firmware

to fix this problem.

Step_1: Download the new firmware from the Billion website - www.billion.uk.com

Step_2: Upload the new firmware to your Router (Refer to Appendix B for details)

2.2 For end-users who have already encountered this issue after upgrading their PCs

to SP3, there are two solutions:

Solution B:

Users can change their PC’s setting to static IP and upgrade their Routers with the new

firmware to fix this problem. There are four major steps to implement this solution:

Step_1: Change the PC’s setting to static IP (Refer to Appendix C for details)

Step_2: Download the new firmware from the Billion website – www.billion.uk.com

Step_3: Upload the new firmware to the Billion Router

Step_4: Change the PC’s setting back to dynamic IP (Refer to Appendix D for details)

Solution C:

Users can remove SP3 from their PCs and upgrade their Routers with the new firmware to fix

this problem. There are four major steps to implement this solution:

Step_1: Remove SP3 from the PC (Refer to Appendix E for details)

Step_2: Download the new firmware from the Billion website – www.billion.uk.com

Step_3: Upload the new firmware to the your Router

Step_4: Re-install SP3 onto the PC (Refer to Appendix E for details)


June 2, 2008

Appendix A

How to check your firmware version Steps: 1. Log on to WEB GUI. Use your Web browser to access the Billion Router.

The Billion Router’s default LAN IP is, the default username/password is

admin/admin. If you have changed these settings from the factory defaults, please use your

revised IP address or username/password to log in to the Billion Router.

2. Check the Firmware Version on Device Info page. The affected firmware version of BiPAC

5200G series are 2.9.8.x and 2.11.0.x~2.11.33.x.



June 2, 2008

Appendix B

How to upgrade the new firmware

Download the new firmware to your computer/laptop from our website – www.billion.uk.com 1. The firmware will be in a format called ras file.

Steps: 1. Log on to the WEB GUI. Use your Web browser to access the Billion Router.

The Billion Router’s default LAN IP is, the default username/password is

admin/admin. If you have changed these settings from the factory defaults, please use your

revised IP address or username/password to log in to the Billion Router.

2. Go to “Maintenance” => “Firmware”.

3. Click the Browse button next to the New Firmware Location field. Select the directory

where your new firmware file is located.

4. Click “UPGRADE” to upload the new firmware. The device will reboot after upgrading.


June 2, 2008

5. Log on to WEB GUI again and go to “Maintenance” => “SysRestart”.

6. Chose Factory Default Settings and click “RESTART” to reset to factory default. In order

to apply the new settings, you must reset to factory default after upgrading.

7. Please allow the router to reboot. This may take several minutes.

8. Remember you will now have to re-configure the router from scratch – so you’ll need to re-

enter your Service Provider (ISP) username and password settings and any wireless security

settings on the router before you can access the internet.


June 2, 2008

Appendix C

How to Configure Static IP in Windows XP If you have not upgraded Windows XP SP3 yet and your firmware version is in the

range that we mentioned above, please skip this one and just follow the Appendix B to

upgrade your device.

1. From the Start menu, choose Control Panel.

2. Click the Network and Internet Connections icon.

3. Click the Network Connections icon.


June 2, 2008

4. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon and choose Properties from the pop-up


5. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the This connection uses the following items list.

6. Click the Properties button.

7. Select Use the following IP address.

(Note: For step 8~12, we assume the LAN IP address of CPE is If your LAN

IP address is not, the input value should be different. )

8. In the IP address field, type the IP address


June 2, 2008

9. In the Subnet mask field, type

10. In the Default gateway field, type

11. Select Use the following DNS server addresses.

12. In the Preferred DNS server field, type

13. Click the OK button, and click OK again to exit.


June 2, 2008

Appendix D How to configure dynamic IP in Windows XP

1. From the Start menu, choose Control Panel.

2. Click the Network and Internet Connections icon.

3. Click the Network Connections icon.

4. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon and choose Properties from the menu.


June 2, 2008

5. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the This connection uses the following items list.

6. Click the Properties button.

7. Select Obtain an IP address automatically.

8. Select Obtain DNS server address automatically.

9. Click the OK button, and click OK again to exit.


June 2, 2008


June 2, 2008

Appendix E Remove SP3 from the PC, and upgrade the new firmware to the Billion Router Step_1: Remove SP3 on the PC 1. From the Start menu, choose Control Panel.


June 2, 2008

2. Double-click the Add or Remove Programs icon.

3. Select the Windows XP Service Pack 3 item and click the Remove button.


June 2, 2008

4. A “Software Update Removal Wizard” window will appear and remind you that you are

removing Windows XP Service Pack 3. Click Next to proceed.

5. A few windows will appear to show the SP3 removal progress. Please wait until a window

that shows “Service Pack 3 has been successfully removed” appears. Click Finish. Your

computer will restart.


June 2, 2008

6. After your computer restarts, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select

“Properties”. A window detailing your system properties will appear. It will show that SP3

has been removed, and that your computer has returned to its original configuration.

Step_2: Now you can download the new firmware and upgrade your router – see Appendix B for instructions. Step_3: Re-install SP3 on the PC 1. Connect to

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5b33b5a8-5e76-401f-be08-1e1555d4f3d4&DisplayLang=en, and download the SP3

installation file.

2. Double-click the installation file to begin reinstalling SP3.


June 2, 2008

3. A “Software Update Installation Wizard” will appear to inform you that “Windows XP

Service Pack 3” will be installed on your computer. Click Next to proceed. During the

installation, you will be prompted to check “I agree” on the License Agreement window.

You can change the system backup files directory location in case you want to uninstall

the Service Pack.


June 2, 2008

4. The installation process will take a few minutes. Wait until the “Completing the Windows

SP Service Pack 3 Installation Wizard” message appears. Click the Finish button. Your

computer will restart.

5. After your computer restarts, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select

“Properties”. A window detailing your system properties will appear. It will show that

Windows XP Service Pack 3 has been reapplied to your computer.


June 2, 2008