Words for an Educated Vocabulary

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  • 7/30/2019 Words for an Educated Vocabulary



    The newspaper reported that a gangster was stabbed with a dagger by another


    (A) short, pointed weapon

    (B) ax

    (C) hatchet

    (D) spear

    2. The violet is a dainty spring flower.

    (A) coarse

    (B) vulgar

    (C) delicate

    (D) gross

    3. Leartes told his sister Ophelia that Prince Hamlet could only dally with her affections.

    (A) rush

    (B) trifle

    (C) scurry

    (D) hasten

    4. Almost no one likes damp weather.

    (A) arid(B) dry

    (C) wet

    (D) sultry

    5. The leaves dangled in the wind.

    (A) hung and swung

    (B) rushed

    (C) flooded

    (D) deluged

    6. The snake darted out its tongue.

    (A) shrank

    (B) shot and threw

    (C) munched

    (D) flinched

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    7. Despite the dangerous nature of the undertaking, the dauntless soldier volunteered for theassignment.

    (A) hesitant

    (B) reluctant(C) courageous

    (D) timid

    8. Inasmuch as we must meet a deadline, don't dawdle over this work.

    (A) loiter

    (B) rally

    (C) stir

    (D) expedite

    9. The bright sunlight dazed him.

    (A) heightened

    (B) alerted

    (C) dazzled

    (D) deadened

    10. The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools.

    (A) superfluity

    (B) scarcity

    (C) lavishness

    (D) profusion


    1A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6B 7C 8A 9C 10B

    1. Don't attempt to increase your stature by decrying the efforts of your opponents.

    (A) depreciating

    (B) appreciating

    (C) extolling

    (D) eulogizing

    2. The members decided to defer voting until the next meeting.

    (A) ut off

    (B) advance

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    (C) expedite

    (D) romote

    3. Do you treat your parents with deference ?

    (A) disobedience(B) nsolence

    (C) udeness

    (D) great respect

    4. The clerk assumed a defiant attitude toward his employer.

    (A) defensive

    (B) deceitful

    (C) decent

    (D) disobedient; rebellious

    5. The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing.

    (A) cleansed

    (B) rofaned

    (C) urified

    (D) defrauded

    6. The pianist has extremely deft fingers.

    (A) lundering

    (B) ungling

    (C) dexterous

    (D) awkward

    7. It is a pity that liberty often degenerates into lawlessness.

    (A) plifts

    (B) egenerates

    (C) deteriorates

    (D) ustifies

    8. Will such an important person deign to answer your letter ?

    (A) stoop

    (B) onor

    (C) efuse

    (D) ecline

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    9. The Chang sisters and brothers are delectable companions.

    (A) oathsome

    (B) delightful

    (C) epulsive

    (D) offensive

    10. If you delete this paragraph, the composition will have more appeal.

    (A) add

    (B) nduce

    (C) strike out

    (D) delegate


    1A 2A 3D 4D 5B 6C 7C 8A 9B 10C

    Workers in nuclear research must avoid the deleterious effects of radioactivesubstances.

    (A) harmful

    (B) salubrious

    (C) salutary

    (D) inevitable

    2. A statesman should be deliberate in his speech.

    (A) desultory

    (B) scrupulous

    (C) impetuous

    (D) casual

    3. The writer is well versed in delineating social customs.

    (A) deifying

    (B) deflating

    (C) flaring

    (D) portraying

    4. Parents minding their own business without giving time to their children are delinquent.

    (A) deranged

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    (B) disrespectful

    (C) negligent

    (D) sensible

    5. The boy was delirious from the fever.

    (A) composed

    (B) unconscious

    (C) rational

    (D) sane

    6. Don't delude yourself into believing that he will relent.

    (A) elucidate

    (B) illuminate

    (C) enlighten

    (D) deceive

    7. The lowlands were completely deluged.

    (A) flooded

    (B) drained

    (C) parched

    (D) shriveled

    8. The scholar has delved into the subject for a long time.

    (A) dented

    (B) explored

    (C) delivered

    (D) nullified

    9. We don't need demagogues; we already have had too many.

    (A) vendors

    (B) curators

    (C) statesmen

    (D) rabble-rousers

    10. His sober demeanor quieted the noisy revelers.

    (A) action

    (B) bearing

    (C) activity

    (D) deformity

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    1A 2B 3D 4C 5B 6D 7A 8B 9D 10B

    1.Each person has his merits and demerits.

    (A) irtues

    (B) mperfections

    (C) strong points

    (D) strengths

    2. Upon the demise of the dictator, a bitter dispute about succession to power developed.

    (A) survival

    (B) death

    (C) urgation(D) llness

    3. He majors in demography.

    (A) oology

    (B) iology

    (C) ornithology

    (D) statistical study of human populations

    4. A hurricane demolished many a house.

    (A) framed

    (B) destroyed

    (C) eared

    (D) aised

    5. The demon of avarice ruined his own happiness.

    (A) god

    (B) goddess

    (C) devil

    (D) angel

    6. Don't demur at her request.

    (A) concur with

    (B) comply with

    (C) object to

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    (D) race up

    7. The little girl looked demure.

    (A) nnocent

    (B) aive(C) serious

    (D) ilarious

    8. Don't go near the den if you are not well armed.

    (A) iver

    (B) rook

    (C) crevice

    (D) air

    9. The child's pulse is too quick; it denotes fever.

    (A) ndicates

    (B) denominates

    (C) defies

    (D) devises

    10. The denouement of the play is a happy ending.

    (A) outcome

    (B) rologue

    (C) lot

    (D) Characterization


    1B 2B 3D 4B 5C 6C 7C 8D 9A 10A

    1. The city of Taipei has a very dense population.

    (A) dissipated

    (B) sparse

    (C) enuous

    (D) compact; crowded

    2. In that book, the author depicts the slave owners as kind and benevolent masters.

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    (A) raises

    (B) scorns

    (C) discovers

    (D) ortrays

    3. We must wait until we deplete our present inventory before we order replacements.

    (A) se up

    (B) augment

    (C) olster

    (D) mport

    4. They deplored the death of their capable and magnanimous leader.

    (A) denounced

    (B) ejoiced

    (C) emoaned(D) aunted

    5. His is gentlemanly deportment.

    (A) deposition

    (B) depot

    (C) ulgarity

    (D) earing

    6. Rumors tend to deprave the morale of the troops.

    (A) corrupt

    (B) elevate

    (C) exalt

    (D) ennoble

    7. I must deprecate your negative attitude.

    (A) endorse

    (B) disapprove

    (C) comment(D) favor

    8. The derelict ship was a menace to navigation.

    (A) ewly-built

    (B) uclear

    (C) stupendous

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    (D) abandoned

    9. His colleagues derided his grandiose scheme.

    (A) auded

    (B) denied(C) derailed

    (D) idiculed

    10. We can barely descry the vessels in the distance.

    (A) attack

    (B) assail

    (C) assault

    (D) see


    1D 2D 3A 4C 5D 6A 7B 8D 9D 10D

    1. Don't desecrate the temple.

    (A) uild

    (B) destroy

    (C) rofane

    (D) dedicate

    2. The island was desolate.

    (A) nhabited

    (B) deserted

    (C) cultivated

    (D) loughed

    3. Just ignore his despicable remarks.

    (A) contemptible(B) graceful

    (C) decent

    (D) eputable

    4. A great number of cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable


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    (A) estored

    (B) lundered

    (C) eputed

    (D) ourished

    5. The young man is despondent about his health.

    (A) appy

    (B) uoyant

    (C) depressed

    (D) consolable

    6. The people rebelled against the despotic king.

    (A) athetic

    (B) yrannical

    (C) decrepit(D) deleterious

    7. The father's death left the family destitute.

    (A) sad

    (B) despondent

    (C) extremely poor

    (D) disconsolate

    8. What is the use of their desultory research ?

    (A) aimless

    (B) urposeful

    (C) ard-working

    (D) assiduous

    9. Numerous obstacles in the way of a real detent remain to be seen.

    (A) elaxing of tension

    (B) eace

    (C) detention(D) detergent

    10. This chemical is used to deter rot.

    (A) abet

    (B) revent

    (C) nstigate

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    (D) rovoke


    1C 2B 3A 4B 5C 6B 7C 8A 9A 10B

    1. The road quickly deteriorated into a bumpy path.

    (A) ameliorated

    (B) orsened; degenerated

    (C) enhanced

    (D) eightened

    2. Violence is a detestable means.

    (A) adorable(B) abominable

    (C) commendable

    (D) effective

    3. We had to make a detour because the main road was jammed.

    (A) short cut

    (B) oundabout way

    (C) straight road

    (D) slippery path

    4. The famous artist still has his detractors.

    (A) chums

    (B) sponsors

    (C) slanderers

    (D) atrons

    5. Smoking is detrimental to health.

    (A) conducive(B) elpful

    (C) eneficial

    (D) deleterious

    6. A devastating war has impoverished Vietnam.

    (A) developing

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    (B) avaging

    (C) detractive

    (D) desultory

    7. No deviation from traditional methods was permitted in preparation for the banquet.

    (A) accordance

    (B) departure

    (C) correspondence

    (D) conformity

    8. He was suspected to have become rich by devious ways.

    (A) crooked

    (B) onest

    (C) orthwhile

    (D) affable

    9. The social worker was devoid of any personal desire for gain.

    (A) full

    (B) eplete

    (C) furnished

    (D) empty

    10. The hungry man was devouring his food.

    (A) eating up greedily

    (B) swallowing slowly

    (C) chewing

    (D) digesting


    1B 2B 3B 4C 5D 6B 7B 8A 9D 10A

    1. Mrs. Smith is a devout churchgoer.

    (A) mpious

    (B) apostate

    (C) ious

    (D) acksliding

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    2. The magician was so dexterous that we could not follow him as he performed his tricks.

    (A) nept

    (B) gauche

    (C) aladroit

    (D) skilled

    3. Hijacking is a diabolic crime.

    (A) angelic

    (B) devilish

    (C) chivalrous

    (D) cavalier

    4. Your demand that I respond either with a "yes" or "no" presupposes a dichotomy ofchoice on the issue that I don't accept.

    (A) command

    (B) option

    (C) division

    (D) chance

    5. His speech to the freshmen was painfully didactic.

    (A) ecstatic

    (B) oralizing

    (C) onsensical

    (D) eaningful

    6. A salesman must overcome his diffidence.

    (A) self-assurance

    (B) ack of confidence

    (C) resumption

    (D) overconfidence

    7. Your composition suffers from a diffusion of ideas, try to be more compact.

    (A) ordiness

    (B) ithiness

    (C) erseness

    (D) succinctness

    8. The speaker digressed into too many side issues.

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    (A) strayed

    (B) concentrated

    (C) roceeded

    (D) focused

    9. The wall dilapidates rapidly.

    (A) dries

    (B) damps

    (C) falls into pieces

    (D) swells

    10. In the dark, the pupils of your eyes dilate.

    (A) shrink

    (B) constrict

    (C) attenuate(D) expand


    1C 2D 3B 4C 5B 6B 7A 8A 9C 10D

    1. Some people are dilatory in paying their bills.

    (A) rompt

    (B) delaying

    (C) sedulous

    (D) assiduous

    2. In his dilemma, he knew no one to whom he could turn for advice.

    (A) diagnosis

    (B) diatribe

    (C) redicament

    (D) dialogue

    3. Mr. Morris is proud of being a dilettante.

    (A) expert

    (B) artist

    (C) architect

    (D) connoisseur

    4. Please dilute the acid before you use it.

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    (A) concentrate

    (B) enhance

    (C) ake thinner

    (D) dim

    5. Civil war diminished that nation's strength.

    (A) aggravated

    (B) decreased

    (C) ntensified

    (D) augmented

    6. People ignored his dire prediction of anothe rapproaching depression.

    (A) lissful

    (B) felicitous(C) euphoric

    (D) dreadful

    7. The funeral dirge stirred the mourners to tears

    (A) scenario

    (B) usical lament

    (C) carol

    (D) rologue

    8. Sometimes, things get into disarray.

    (A) order

    (B) disorder

    (C) diminution

    (D) dinosaur

    9. Carelessness in driving often results in disastrous accidents.

    (A) rovidential

    (B) celestial(C) dialectic

    (D) calamitous

    10. The dance group disbanded after a farewell performance.

    (A) roke up

    (B) combined

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    (C) congregated

    (D) disbursed


    1B 2C 3D 4C 5B 6D 7B 8B 9D 10A

    1. It is rather difficult for him to discard his prejudices.

    (A) rize

    (B) get rid of

    (C) embrace

    (D) urture

    2. This ruse will discomfit the enemy.

    (A) pset(B) disclose

    (C) disown

    (D) discontent

    3. The lawyer was disconcerted by the evidence produced by his adversary.

    (A) encouraged

    (B) pset

    (C) comforted

    (D) uoyed up

    4. The death of the kitten left Mary disconsolate.

    (A) obust

    (B) stalwart

    (C) sad

    (D) sturdy

    5. The scholar's discourse was unanimously applauded.

    (A) formal speech(B) rologue

    (C) diction

    (D) style

    6. The manager is fortunate enough to have a discreet assistant.

    (A) fool-hardy

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    (B) die-hard

    (C) cautious

    (D) ostentatious

    7. Wide discrepancies were found between the two accounts of the battle.

    (A) ostilities

    (B) differences

    (C) similarities

    (D) arallels

    8. The universe is composed of discrete bodies.

    (A) ntegrated

    (B) connected

    (C) separated

    (D) nterlocked

    9. Use your own discretion in this matter.

    (A) nowledge

    (B) ashness

    (C) ecklessness

    (D) rudence

    10. The law does not discriminate against the poor.

    (A) confound

    (B) differentiate

    (C) discard

    (D) cringe


    1B 2A 3B 4C 5A 6C 7B 8C 9D 10B

    1. The listeners were annoyed and bored by his discursive remarks.

    (A) digressing; rambling

    (B) focused

    (C) concentrated

    (D) concentric

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    2. You have made enemies of all whom you disdain.

    (A) admire

    (B) scorn

    (C) esteem

    (D) adore

    3. The passengers were disgruntled by the numerous delays.

    (A) gratified

    (B) discontented

    (C) gulped

    (D) flickered

    4. His disheveled appearance will hurt his chance in the interview.

    (A) olished(B) ell-wrought

    (C) ntidy

    (D) eat

    5. The fans were disillusioned by his sloppy acting.

    (A) enthralled

    (B) esmerized

    (C) ypnotized

    (D) disenchanted

    6. Some areas were disinfected as soon as the typhoon was over.

    (A) destroyed

    (B) cleansed of germs

    (C) carried away

    (D) uined

    7. With the rise of nationalism, the colonial empires disintegrated

    (A) lended(B) deteriorated

    (C) coalesced

    (D) erged

    8. The only disinterested person in the room was the judge.

    (A) nbiased

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    (B) rejudiced

    (C) enient

    (D) cruel

    9. She looks dismal today.

    (A) gloomy

    (B) animated

    (C) ively

    (D) ivacious

    10. The old steamer was sent to the dock to be dismantled.

    (A) epaired

    (B) aken apart

    (C) emolded

    (D) equipped


    1A 2B 3B 4C 5D 6B 7B 8A 9A 10B

    1. The employee was dismayed by the task that lay ahead.

    (A) assured

    (B) rovoked

    (C) disheartened

    (D) ensured

    2. Don't disparage anyone's contribution; these little gifts add up to large sums.

    (A) aximize

    (B) elittle

    (C) applaud

    (D) oralize

    3. Their stories showed significant disparity.

    (A) eaning

    (B) sense

    (C) difference

    (D) equivalence

    4. Many household gadgets are readily dispensable.

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    (A) nnecessary

    (B) mperative

    (C) ital

    (D) essential

    5. The police dispersed the lookers-on.

    (A) dispelled

    (B) assembled

    (C) convened

    (D) congregated

    6. Jim is a man of irritable disposition.

    (A) ehavior

    (B) earing(C) action

    (D) emper

    7. Factious quarrels may disrupt the state.

    (A) split

    (B) nite

    (C) disrepute

    (D) op up

    8. Some girl students could not stand seeing the frogs dissected.

    (A) compounded

    (B) anatomized

    (C) composed

    (D) constituted

    9. Even though you are trying to dissemble your motive in joining this group, we can seethrough your pretense.

    (A) eveal(B) disguise

    (C) divulge

    (D) disclose

    10. The invention of television helped to disseminate learning.

    (A) lock

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    (B) spread

    (C) amper

    (D) encumber


    1C 2B 3C 4A 5A 6B 7A 8B 9B 10B

    1. Do you dissent from what the speaker has said ?

    (A) differ from

    (B) accede to

    (C) acquiesce in

    (D) assent to

    2. In order to earn a graduate degree from most universities, a candidate is frequently

    required to prepare a dissertation on some scholarly subject.

    (A) reatise; thesis

    (B) discussion

    (C) reaty

    (D) act

    3. The dissident was exiled for life.

    (A) conformist

    (B) oyalist

    (C) isanthropist

    (D) dissenter

    4. The young man quickly dissipated his inheritance.

    (A) equeathed

    (B) donated

    (C) squandered

    (D) contributed

    5. The dissolute life led by those nobles was indeed shocking.

    (A) disciplined

    (B) rincipled

    (C) conscientious

    (D) rofligate

    6. Some contemporary musicians deliberately use dissonance to achieve certain effects.

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    (A) usicality

    (B) usicale

    (C) discord

    (D) armony

    7. The event was distorted by newspaper accounts.

    (A) isrepresented

    (B) isprinted

    (C) expounded

    (D) erased

    8. The noise drove him distracted.

    (A) pset

    (B) exude

    (C) extenuated(D) ecstatic

    9. The distraught parents searched the ravine for their lost child.

    (A) agitated

    (B) consoled

    (C) composed

    (D) divested

    10. A farmer cannot neglect his diurnal tasks at any time; cows, for example, must be milkedregularly.

    (A) octurnal

    (B) daily

    (C) diverted

    (D) diverse


    1A 2A 3D 4C 5D 6C 7A 8A 9A 10B

    1. The paths diverge at the fork in the road.

    (A) converge

    (B) conform

    (C) ranch off

    (D) rawl

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    2. There are diverse ways of approaching this problem.

    (A) dentical

    (B) selfsame

    (C) equivalent(D) arious

    3. The deputy was divested of power to take care of the business.

    (A) nvested

    (B) stripped

    (C) distilled

    (D) distributed

    4. He won't tell you the news because he is afraid you will divulge it prematurely.

    (A) eep

    (B) etain

    (C) detain

    (D) eveal

    5. The speed with which she dispatched her tasks made the onlookers dizzy.

    (A) uzzled

    (B) sober

    (C) divine

    (D) dissipated

    6. Docile as he seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious, snarling beast.

    (A) obstinate

    (B) obedient

    (C) ntractable

    (D) ead-strong

    7. She dodged her suitors with ease.

    (A) antered

    (B) defied

    (C) evaded

    (D) confronted

    8. Although we find occasional snatches of genuine poetry in his works, most of his writing

    is mere doggerel.

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    (A) epic

    (B) elegy

    (C) dirge

    (D) oor verse

    9. Sometimes a dogma is so convincing that an ordinary person will take it for truth withoutany doubt.

    (A) enet; doctrine

    (B) erity

    (C) eracity

    (D) derision

    10. The memory of the economic doldrums of the early seventies is still vivid.

    (A) uoyancy(B) elasticity

    (C) esilience

    (D) depression


    1C 2D 3B 4D 5A 6B 7C 8D 9A 10D

    1. We were surrounded by the dolorous sight at the funeral.

    (A) blithe

    (B) gleeful

    (C) chirpy

    (D) sorrowful

    2. This question is out of my domain.

    (A) dole

    (B) corrosion

    (C) field

    (D) coma

    3. The dome of the church can be seen in the distance.

    (A) pinnacle

    (B) spire

    (C) rounded roof

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    (D) spine

    4. Although his legal domicile was in New York city, his work kept him from his residencefor many years.

    (A) office(B) occupation

    (C) home

    (D) villa

    5. The loafer has taken to dope.

    (A) drug; narcotic

    (B) alcohol

    (C) beverage

    (D) syrup

    6. Sometimes dormant talents in our friends surprise us.

    (A) latent

    (B) active

    (C) vivacious

    (D) dynamic

    7. In his dotage, he told us long tales of events in his childhood.

    (A) maturity

    (B) adolescence

    (C) youth

    (D) senility

    8. The mother couldn't help doting on her only child.

    (A) loathing

    (B) lavishing love on

    (C) abusing

    (D) domineering

    9. The story of the doughty pioneer has been filmed time and again.

    (A) docile

    (B) timid

    (C) latent

    (D) courageous

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    10. The curtain was fully doused

    (A) dried

    (B) dyed

    (C) soaked

    (D) parchedAnswers

    1D 2C 3C 4C 5A 6A 7D 8B 9D 10C


    1. She came to her marriage with no dowry.

    (A) education

    (B) alent

    (C) affection

    (D) roperty

    2. Having watched television, the boy was inclined to doze at his desk.

    (A) ork

    (B) drowse

    (C) rowse

    (D) study

    3. He is leading a drab existence.

    (A) awdy(B) dull

    (C) significant

    (D) usy

    4. There were heavy drapes at the window.

    (A) cloth hangings

    (B) anes

    (C) sills

    (D) olts

    5. Drastic measures have been taken to stop the crime wave.

    (A) ild

    (B) extreme

    (C) ukewarm

    (D) enient

  • 7/30/2019 Words for an Educated Vocabulary


    6. Everything has its drawback.

    (A) irtue

    (B) advantage

    (C) erit(D) demerit

    7. What a dreary day it is !

    (A) right

    (B) gloomy

    (C) fine

    (D) cheerful

    8. Thieves and murderers are regarded as the dregs of society.

    (A) elite

    (B) orthless people

    (C) dignitaries

    (D) celebrities

    9. The campers were drenched.

    (A) aked

    (B) seared

    (C) deluged

    (D) soaked

    10. That faucet is dribbling.

    (A) rickling

    (B) flooding

    (C) down-pouring

    (D) droning


    1D 2B 3B 4A 5B 6D 7B 8B 9D 10A

    1. Very few people will drone when they can live by honest labor.

    (A) oaf

    (B) cheat

  • 7/30/2019 Words for an Educated Vocabulary


    (C) oil

    (D) droll

    2. None of us knew why her spirits drooped.

    (A) elated(B) ose

    (C) ecame sad

    (D) nflated

    3. The old man died but was supposed to be drowsing.

    (A) dozing

    (B) drooping

    (C) stooping

    (D) doddering

    4. The miner does not regard his life as a life of drudgery.

    (A) mportant work

    (B) sacred mission

    (C) oly occupation

    (D) enial work

    5. Do you think he is a dubious character ?

    (A) espectable

    (B) admirable

    (C) doubtful

    (D) dependable

    6. The duct got clogged with dirt.

    (A) iver

    (B) ipe

    (C) stream

    (D) og

    7. Japan has been accused of dumping its steel to the United States.

    (A) culling

    (B) cumulating

    (C) dunning

    (D) selling at a low price

  • 7/30/2019 Words for an Educated Vocabulary


    8. The dunce was a butt of their jokes.

    (A) serious person

    (B) rude

    (C) rig

    (D) dull-witted person

    9. The criminals were kept in lightless dungeons.

    (A) renches

    (B) ditches

    (C) furrows

    (D) nderground prisons

    10. The public is easily duped by extravagant claims in advertising.

    (A) nformed(B) nculcated

    (C) appraised

    (D) fooled


    1A 2C 3A 4C 5C 6B 7D 8D 9D 10D


    1. His duplicity was finally exposed to all.

    (A) prightness

    (B) frankness

    (C) deceit

    (D) candor

    2. Almost nothing was visible in the dusk of the room.

    (A) drapery

    (B) dummy

    (C) drawl(D) dark

    3. The children were curious about the dwarf.

    (A) ygmy

    (B) giant

  • 7/30/2019 Words for an Educated Vocabulary


    (C) demon

    (D) clown

    4. As a prodigal son, his wealth has dwindled.

    (A) aggrandized(B) dilated

    (C) decreased gradually

    (D) agnified

    5. As a workaholic, he suffers from dyspepsia.

    (A) ressure

    (B) ervousness

    (C) ndigestion

    (D) erves


    1C 2D 3A 4C 5C