WORD ASSOCIATION S.N o. Clues Answer 1. Party,boy,sphere Ball-Have a ball--party, Ball boy--lawn tennis, Ball is spherical. 2. Goods,flea,down Market- like used goods market, flea market and down market 3. Rate,bottom,locatio n Base-Base Rate--banking, Base--Bottom, Shift Base from one place to another--Location 4. Lies,card,punch Pack- a pack of lies, a pack of cards, to pack a punch(to hit someone hard) 5. Sunrise,light,godde ss Aurora-Sunrise is a syn. Of aurora, Aurora lights is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere, Aurora , from the Latin word aurora, "sunrise" or the Roman goddess of dawn 6. Country,conference, Host- host country

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S.No. Clues Answer1. Party,boy,sphere Ball-Have a ball--party, Ball boy--lawn

tennis, Ball is spherical.2. Goods,flea,down Market- like used goods market, flea

market and down market3. Rate,bottom,location Base-Base Rate--banking, Base--

Bottom, Shift Base from one place to another--Location

4. Lies,card,punch Pack- a pack of lies, a pack of cards, to pack a punch(to hit someone hard)

5. Sunrise,light,goddess Aurora-Sunrise is a syn. Of aurora, Aurora lights is a natural light display in the sky particularly in the high latitude regions, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere, Aurora , from the Latin word aurora, "sunrise" or the Roman goddess of dawn

6. Country,conference,website Host- host country (Nation in which individuals or organizations from other countries or states are visiting due to government invitation or meeting.), host a conference, a host website.

7. Top,confusion,head Spin-Spin like a Top, All in a spin--Confusion, Head spin.

8. Spear,condition,mint Mint- spearmint, in a mint condition (in perfect condition),mint is where coins are made.

9. Discord,eye,order Apple-Apple of discord - cause of quarrelApple of my eye - belovedApple pie order - perfect order - all idioms

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10. Invest,kind,fish Angel- AngelInvestment---Initial investment in a project, U have been an angel to me---U hav been Kind, AngelFish a type of fish.

11. Disc,bell,ears Ring-disc,ring both circular. ring a bell, ring in someone's ears

12. Bunk,land,trench Ditch-Ditch class--bunk, Ditch a plane--emergency landing, Ditch is trench

13. Five,hog,drink High- high five, high on the hog--luxury, getting high after drinking.

14. Replica,face,mirror Image- replica of an image, synonym of face is image as an aspect of something, mirror image

15. Slash,steam,oil Burn-slash and burn(doing something in a crude way), steam burn,burn the midnight oil.

16. Eat,hand,old Hat-Hat in hand--modest, i'll eat my hat--surprised, old hat--old fashioned

17. Use,knock,water Tap-Tap energy--use, Tap on the shoulder--knock, Tap water

18. Hand,ear,money Lend- lend a helping hand, lend an ear, lend money

19. Water,show,music Pump-water pump, pump shoe, pump up the music

20. Solve,laugh,voice Crack- to solve is to crack a problem ,Crack someone up- make someone laugh, crack a joke—laugh, cracked voice

21. Metal,bicycle,music Pedal-pedal to metal--full speed, pedal in music--a bass note

22. Adhesive,bread,biscuit Wafer-A small adhesive disk of paste; used to seal letters., A small thin crisp cake or cookie., Thin disk of unleavened bread used in a religious service (especially in the celebration of the Eucharist).

23. Tough,shell,ground Nut-Tough nut to crack, Nutshell, Groundnut

24. Step,tempo,march Pace-Take small paces--small steps,

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Pace of work---tempo, keep Pace with--match

25. Trade,contract,card Deal-Deal in drugs--Trade, Deal is fixed--contract, poker--card--deal

26. Measure,rain,estimate Gauge-measure syn. Of gauge,rain gauge, to gauge something-to estimate

27. secret,play,place Scene-Behind the scene--secret, A play has many scenes, Scene of Crime--Place

28. Food,hold,work Serve-Serve food, Hold a Serve--Tennis, Serve for a company--work

29. Fall,dance,journey Trip-Trip over something--fall, trip up the dance step--Dance, Trip--a journey

30. Disappear,exhaust,pipe Drain-Brain--drain or draining wealth---disappear, Exhaust or drain a resource, Drain Pipe

31. Light,signal,metal Beam-Beam of light, Laser beam/Radio beam--signal, Metal beam

32. Spot,score,number Point-Turn left at the point--spot, Points--score, Decimal point--number

33. Sudden,precise,brain Sharp-Sharp turn--sudden turn, Sharp at 8--precise, Sharp brain

34. Crisp,instruct,time Brief-Brief--Crisp, Brief someone--tell him the details/instruct, Brief period of time/Brief History of Time

35. Time,state,significance Matter-matter of time, state of matter, Did it matter to them--Significance

36. Filling,thrust,material Stuff-Stuff in something--fill--stuffed vegetable, Stuff something in a bag--put thrust, what is this Stuff made of--material

37. Symbol,race,country Flag-Symbol-Flag, to Flag off a race, Country Flag.

38. Ban,pressure,metal Bar-ban-To Bar something, Pressure has Bar as its unit, Metal Bar.

39. Mail,American,Lane Express-Express Mail, American

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Express, Express Lane40. Offer,young,quotation Tender-Tender your resignation--

offer resignation,tender age--young, Tender is in itself a quotatio

41. Transparent,nine,internet Cloud-Cloudy--unclear/ Transparent clear, Internet Cloud servers, Cloud Nine--feel High

42. Lion,ego,peacock Pride --group of lions, ego-- Pride synonyms, Group of peacocks--pride

43. Bother,offer,less Spot-Spot of bother, Spot offer, spot less

44. Crime,marriage,devote Commit-Commit a crime, Committed in marriage, Commit to something--be devoted to it

45. Watch,slap,band Wrist-Wrist-watch, Slap on the wrist--moderate punishment, wrist band

46. Curious,fur,bag Cat-curiosity killed the cat, Cat--fur, Let the Cat out of the bag

47. Pan,mob,light Flash- pan--Something that shows potential in the beginning but fails to deliver, flash mob, flash light

48. Mark,charge,reserve Book-Book mark, Book for a crime--charge, Book a seat--reserve

49. Peak,blow,Somalia Horn-Horn--top most point=peak, Blow a horn, Somalia--Horn of Africa

50. Bush,retreat,lose Beat-Beat about the bush,Beat Retreat--leave in haste, Beat someone in an event

51. Work,mind,reference Frame-frame work, Frame of mind, Frame of Reference--Its a relative term, comparing something with other

52. Course,helmet,market Crash-Crash course, Crash helmet, Market Crash

53. Card,cake,success Pan- pan card, pan cake, Pan out--succeed

54. Trade,pot,car Jack-jack of all trades, Jack pot, A lever to lift a car--jack

55. Water,run,blow Dry- Drywater(a m emulsion of air

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and water surrounded by silica), dry run--rehearsal, dry something by Blowing--or a hair drier

56. Belt,out,divide Zone-A specific belt/location--Zone, Zone out--sort of daydream, Divide into Zones

57. Spread,fire,book Cover-spread = cover , cover fire is military jargon and book cover

58. Out,poke,iron Pig-Pig out---Eat hastily,Pig in a poke--offered in such a way in order to obscure d real nature, pig iron

59. Bag, hire, sleep Sack-Sack--bag,Sack someone--Fire him, Hit the sack---sleep

60. Play,king,yard Court- a playing court for sports, king’s court,courtyard

61. Space,green,rest Room-Make Room= Make Space, Green Room, Restroom

62. String,bird,fly Kite- kite attached to a string, kite a type of bird, a kite flies

63. Token,blue,shoulder Chip-Chip on the shoulder, Blue Chip Company, Chip/Token

64. Aspect,side,book Face-a different face of anything--diff aspect,Face of a cube/building, Facebook

65. Reduce,expel,cancel Drop-Drop your voice--reduce, Drop from team, Drop charges

66. Carry,stand,yield Bear-bear the responsibility--carry, I can't stand him--bear, tree bears fruits--yields

67. Filled,rush,control Charge-Charge is a synonym for fill, to charge = to rush, in charge = in control

68. Remain,view,head Stand-The decision stands--remains, What is your stand--view, head stand

69. Stop,gold,deal Strike-Stop work--Strike,strike gold--discover something, strike a deal

70. Blow,paper,fruit Punch-paper punch is punch machine...blow= punch...fruit punch drink

71. Case,record,iron File-file a case,file of records,iron

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file(tool)72. Field,flow,chain Stream-field of subject(stream),

Chain of things is something in continuation----Stream of things is d same

73. Force,campaign,zeal Drive- a driving force, campaign and zeal syn. Of drive

74. Coffin,bite,iron Nail- Another/final nail in the coffin, bite one’s nails, iron nails(composition)

75. Tackle,care,door Handle-tackle means handle, handle with care, and door handle

76. Gun,slot,time Machine-machine gun, slot machine and time machine

77. Pair,common,equal Match-match-pair, matching-common, match someone-try and be equal

78. Air,schedule,lip Tight- air tight, a tight schedule, tight-lipped

79. Confine,train,reaction Chain- to restrict or confine with a chain,chain reaction, pull chain in a train

80. Parliament,wise,night Owl- a group of owl = parliament, wise as an owl, a night owl (a person who tends to stay up until late at night)

81. Create,bit,gold Coin- to coin is to create, bitcoin (digital currency), gold coin(coin made of gold)

82. Yearn,forest,apple Pine- pine syn. Of yearn(to miss or long for), Pine forest(A forest of pine trees), pineapple

83. Bone,blue,shirt Collar- collar bone, blue collar(working class person), collar of a shirt

84. Group,computer,organize System-river system-group, Computer-system, Organize-maintain a system/systematic

85. Seek,find,skin Hide-hide and seek, find something hidden, hide(A hide is an animal skin

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treated for human use)86. Tube,dream,smoke Pipe-pipe syn. For tube, pipe

dream(A fantastic notion or vain hope.), a smoking pipe

87. Follow,race,rail Track-follow in someone's tracks, a race track, a railway track

88. Long,guard,shelf Life- life long, life guard, shelf life89. Flour,wind currency Mill-flour mill,wind-mill and Mill is

one Thousandth of a dollar90. Air,bite,story Love- love is in the air, love

bite(hickey), love story91. Wave,shoulder,blood Cold- cold wave,cold shoulder,cold

blooded92. Engine,stop,food Stall-stall means to stop.A stall of an

engine refers to a sudden stopping of the engine. A food stall

93. Sin,eye,pie Apple-apple the original sin,apple of my eye,an apple pie

94. Work,take,tough Task- task is a piece of work, Take something to task,tough task

95. Start,size,epilepsy Fit-By fits and starts—irregular,a fit size, fit syn. Of seizure/epilepsy

96. Fever,press,mustard Yellow- yellow fever,yellow press(Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates),mustard is a dark yellow color

97. Kill,plant,mail Shoot- shoot to kill, Shoots are new plant growth,shoot a mail

98. Thames,alarm,light Fire-To set the Thames on fire--impossible task,fire alarm, light a fire

99. Hold,burn,light Candle-To be fit to hold a candle, candle--burns, light --candle

100. Horse,hand,big Mouth-look a gift horse in the mouth--criticize a gift, hand to mouth, big mouth

101. Look,knife,go Kill-if looks could kill,kil with a knife,go for the kill

102. Stem,boot,case Trunk-Stem of a tree--trunk, Boot space of car--trunk, Box, Case--trunk

103. Ear,beat,stick Drum-ear drum,drum beats,drum

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sticks104. Battle,bench,runner Front-battle front,front bench, Front

runner105. Guy,snow,asleep Fall Guy--scape goat, snow fall, fall

asleep106. Over,promise,blue Moon-over the moon, promise the

moon, Blue moon107. Foot,check,money Bill-Foot the Bill, Check Please= Bill

Please, paper money is called bill108. Cutter,danger,trees Wood-Wood Cutter, Knock on Wood,

Trees give Wood109. Bird,steps,air Flight-birds fly, flight of stairs, the

action or process of flying through the air.

110. Age,diamond,drug Stone-stone age,diamond is a precious stone, When u get drugged it is called getting stoned

111. Instrument,width,rock Band-instruments in a band, bandwidth, a rock band

112. Horse,weed,food Sea-seahorse,sea weed,sea food113. Ice,dance,leg Break-Ice Breaker, Break dance,

Break a leg--Good luck114. Touch,white,brain Feather-Feather touch, show White

feather---show Cowardice, Feather brain---foolish person

115. Mountain,fail,difficult Pass-mountain pass, fail opp. of pass, To come to a pass---difficult situation

116. Draft,rely,border,world Bank- bank draft, bank syn. Of rely, Border of a river is called Bank,world bank

117. Pass,bucket,grave Death-Pass away means die, To kick a bucket---means to die,grave-used as an allusive term for death

118. Time,eye,follow,tower Watch- wear watch to keep time, a watch tower,keep close watch on means to follow someone

119. Ignite, Theory, Fix, Octet Set-Set fire-Ignite, Set theory, set synonym of fix, set of 8 is an octet

120. Eye ,Shape,Corn,Funnel Cone-eye-cones/rods,cone shape,corn cone,funnel-cone shaped

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121. Basket,detergent,dirty Laundry- laundry basket, laundry detergent(washing powder),dirty laundry(personal matters that could be embarrassing if made public)

122. Abstract,Integrity,Policy ,Deceit

Honesty is abstrct,Honesty & integrity,honesty best policy,honesty--deceit..opp

123. Treasure,barrier,easter Island-treasure island, a coastal landform and a type of barrier system, are relatively narrow strips of sand that are parallel to the mainland coast,easter island

124. Crier,down,ghost Town-downtown, town crier , town of ghosts

125. Leader,western,labour Union-leader of an union,western union,labour union

126. Public,second,poll Opinion-public opinion,second opinion,opinion poll

127. Fire,wrestling,chair Arm- firearm(a gun),arm wrestling,arm chair

128. pin, bag, plane, round Paper- paper pin(paper clip),paper bag, paper plane,paper round(the route taken when delivering newspapers every day)

129. Ascend,measure,large,wage Scale-ascend is to climb(scale),scale is used to measure sth,large-scale, Minimum wage is also called Scale.. if someone works for minimum wage, he works for a scale

130. Face,kind,writer,cast Type-Type face(family of fonts), Type -- kind , type writer , type cast

131. Surge,heat,ride,curve Wave-to rise and move in waves or billow(surge),heat wave, Ride the wave -- to make use of a popular opinion,wave is in the form of a curve

132. Short,tooth,revenge,kind Sweet-short and sweet,have a sweet tooth,sweet revenge(aterm which generally states that taking revenge gives satisfaction),syn. Of kind

133. Feel,strike,hammer,stretch Home-feel at home,strike

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home(reach an intended target),hammer home - to try extremely hard to make someone understand or realize something, Home stretch -- last part of any difficult activity