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  • 8/6/2019 Women+in+Fur


    Dec 2, 201OWOMEN IN FUR

    Dr Shamim Ali 1


    ABSTRACTThis article of mine looks at feline feelings. In

    places it compares or contrasts human and feline

    responses or makes references to other animals

    for illustrative purposes. Felines display a range

    of feelings including pleasure, frustration and

    affection. Other feline behavior is attributed to

    jealousy, frustration and revengefulness. Owners

    base their answer on observation of feline

    behavior, but without an understanding of what

    makes a cat tick, they risk crediting a cat with

    emotions it does not feel as well as recognizing

    genuine feline emotions.

    KEY WORDS: Feline, Emotions, Human"Emotion" is the term we use for feelings, some of which are

    instinctive and some of which are learned from those around us as we

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    Dr Shamim Ali 2

    conform to society's expectations and norms. Human emotions range

    from "primitive" feelings such as disgust, rage, fear and lust to

    "complex" emotions compassion and jealousy. - Anyone who has lived

    intimately with a cat knows: a feline has feelings. Those feelings are

    more muted than those of a dog (no tail wagging or facial expressions

    of guilt) and are less fraught than those of a human. But they are there

    nevertheless, expressed in a flick of a tail, a blink and, of course, a

    purr. That means we humans have a responsibility to think, treat and

    talk about cats as living creatures deserving of respect. "I sometimes

    make the mistake of calling a cat an 'it,' but it really is a he or a she," Ifocused my attention towards cats after hearing disparaging comments

    leveled at them - that cats were aloof,shallow, unfeeling - usually by

    those who were unexposed to their idiosyncratic kind of charm. I

    started my research by adopting few cats to live with them and

    their family in the backyard of my house.For a year I observed

    these furry and beautiful creatures - how they behaved,

    interacted with one another and with humans. From that I

    determined there are nine emotions that play the greatest role in

    the life of the cat; narcissism, love, contentment, attachment,

    jealousy, fear, anger, curiosity and playfulness. My research

    article illuminates these feline feelings. "I learned one particularly

    amazing thing: We are important to them," Cat admirers need no

    scientific evidence that the creatures they love return that

    affection. Cats express emotions, but they are not necessarily

    easy to discern. "Cats have very complex emotions. Recent

    studies, especially in fields such as neuropsychology, show that

    the more "primitive" or basic emotions have a physiological basis

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    Dr Shamim Ali 3

    and may be caused by chemical stimuli or visual stimuli. Basic

    emotions appear to cause chemical changes in the body in

    response to a stimulus. Cats and humans are built much the same

    way and share many of the senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste,

    touch - as well as having additional "senses" which are

    adaptations to our particular environments and lifestyles Though

    humans have better vision, cats have better smell, taste and

    hearing. Like us, cats feel heat, cold, pain and other physical

    sensations. Physical stimuli may lead to physiological responses,

    some of which are termed emotions. If humans and cats have

    similar responses to, for example, the smell of enticing food, they

    may share certain emotions e.g. happiness at the prospect of a

    satisfying meal. We interpret their instinctive behaviors according

    to our own wide range of emotions. We credit them with feelings

    they do not have. Many of people living around me deny that

    animals, including cats and dogs, are anything more than flesh-

    and-blood "machines" programmed for survival and reproduction.

    Some of them credit animals with some degree of emotional

    response. Those who deny animals any feelings at all may do so

    in order to justify animal experiments which others consider

    inhumane. This denial of animal emotions allows them to conduct

    experiments with little regard for their subjects' physical or

    mental wellbeing.

    Laboratory animals and animals in a wild (or domestic)

    environment behave differently. They have different

    surroundings. Their interaction with other animals and with

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    humans is very different. Laboratory animals may have little

    opportunity for social contact with others or their responses

    may have been impaired through

    Some animals are selectively bred for specific traits and

    they may not exhibit "typical" or representative behavior.

    Emotions cannot exist in a vacuum - they are (in part) a response

    to external factors. Scientific methods do not like to have too

    many variables. Scientists prefer to measure one variable at a

    time. Unlike inanimate properties such as temperature or pressure

    which are individually controllable in laboratory conditions,

    emotions cannot be isolated. Environmental factors must be

    manipulated in order to produce an emotional change. Individuals

    may react in different ways to the same environmental change.

    This makes the study of emotions in laboratory conditions

    frustrating. To properly assess animal emotions, scientists and

    animal behaviorists must study animals in the field or in the home.

    The environment can be manipulated, but cannot be controlled

    absolutely. What is important is how the animal behaves in its own

    environment and how it interacts with its environment and with

    others. The observer must interpret the behavior and decide

    whether the subject is fearful, apprehensive, angry etc. To ensure

    a consistent approach, the animal's behavior may classify

    according to a shortlist of likely emotions or on a sliding scale for

    a particular attribute e.g. fearfulness or curiousness. Similar

    methods are used in assessing the behavior of very young

    children. A growing number of farmers, particularly those in the

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    organic sector, are recognizing the need for animals to express

    instinctive behaviors. Although some stress is unavoidable in

    farming, animals which suffer minimal stress may be more

    productive, have better immune systems, be less prone to disease

    and have a lower mortality (wastage) rate. This is even more

    apparent in zoos and wildlife parks where environmental

    enrichment and encouragement of natural behavior has led to

    "happier" (less stressed) animals more likely to breed successfully

    in captivity. THE FOUR BASIC BEHAVIOURS Animal behaviorists

    recognize four basic behaviors which are found in most animals.

    These are termed "The Four Fs". These are the four basic

    instinctive responses which aid survival. Fight Flight (or hide)

    Feed (predation or foraging) F*** (mate or reproduce) - the

    crudity helps psychologists with the mnemonic.The hormone

    adrenaline is a key player in these reactions. On encountering

    someone or something, the most immediate instinct is "Do I run

    away from it or stay and fight it? This is a self-preservation

    reaction. If neither of those reactions is triggered, the next instinct

    is "Do I eat it? Do I mate with it? If none of the 4 Fs applies the

    animal may exhibit curiosity or simply ignores the stimulus as

    irrelevant. These behaviors can be modified through learning or

    conditioning. Cats will often ignore one another to avoid conflict. A

    cat raised alongside a rabbit may no longer have a "feed" response

    to that particular rabbit or to all rabbits. Pavlov demonstrated

    conditioning (learning) in his famous experiments where dogs

    were taught to associate a sound with the presentation of food.

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    After a while, the dogs reacted to the sound even when food was

    not presented. In humans, and probably in cats, these responses

    have two parallel routes through the brain. The "quick and dirty"

    route gives an instinctive, almost instant reaction. The "thinking"

    route takes slightly longer and modifies the animal's reaction. Four

    basic responses are sufficient for primitive animals. Humans, cats,

    dogs and other more advanced animals need more than four basic

    instincts if they are to cope with a rich and varied environment. A

    complex environment requires a greater complexity of response.

    THE BASIC RESPONSES In humans, there are basic responses

    especially emotions which are rooted in our physiology. These

    cause an instinctive response in our brains and bodies, not just in

    our minds. These emotions are linked to particular brain areas in

    humans or to hormonal or chemical responses. They are survival

    responses to protect us from adverse conditions and to make us

    seek out favorable conditions. Most are linked to our perception of

    comfort and discomfort. It is likely that cats have equivalent

    physiological responses to the same, or similar, stimuli. FEAR A

    self-preservation instinct. Fear leads to alertness, caution and

    possibly to flight. It prepares the body for flight or defense. Fear

    is the recognition of a potential danger rather than the instinctive

    (and possible energy wasting) flight from potential (rather than

    actual) danger. Fear allows the animal to assess how real or

    immediate the danger is and to take appropriate action (flight,

    freeze, hide, disregard etc).


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    Dr Shamim Ali 7

    In the human context, originally this prevented us from

    eating contaminated food or coming into contact with filth. In

    modern humans it is also applied to other stimuli (the thought of

    doing something, an image or a situation). It is an avoidance

    mechanism. In cats, whose livers are not good at dealing with

    toxins, the avoidance of stale food is probably caused by a similar

    mechanism. Cats rely on smell, taste and "disgust" to avoid tainted

    food. DESIRE Associated with the basic mating urge without which

    we would not breed. Desire is associated with pheromones and

    body language; and causes chemical reactions in our own bodies

    when we experience it. It is associated with mate-seeking,

    assessment of a potential mate's suitability and courtship behavior.

    SADNESS A form of psychological discomfort experienced in non-

    ideal situations; it helps us to avoid non-ideal conditions. Humans

    have a wide range of sadness-emotions varying from grief,

    transient upsets and some forms of depression (a chemical

    disturbance in the brain) have symptoms like sadness. Cats exhibit

    depression in some situations and some cats have been reported

    as "inconsolable" when a close companion dies. Separation anxiety

    in cats and dogs may be partly due to the sadness mechanism.

    HAPPINESSA form of psychological comfort/satisfaction experience. It

    helps us seek ideal conditions or repeat beneficial behaviors,

    chemical reactions are involved feel good chemicals are released

    in the brain. In cats it is most often seen as "contentment" and is

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    also evident in cats and kittens during play. Play is a self-fulfilling

    behavior which produces "happiness" by release of feel good


    ANGERA reaction to a non-ideal situation when we intend to fight;

    chemical reactions occur in the body as part of the fight or flight

    response. It can also result in displacement activities such as self-

    mutilation. Cats which are handled against their will exhibit

    obvious anger. Most vets are familiar with sheer feline fury though

    it is hard to distinguish "anger" from the "fight" reaction. "Fight" is

    relatively transient; anger (a bad mood) does not pass so quickly

    (a cross cat will stay angry even when the stimulus is removed).


    A cat has an excellent sense of smell and can detect foodwhich is stale or contains medication. Though the sneer looks like

    disgust (humans wrinkle their noses when disgusted), it is simply the

    way the cat's mouth is set to pass scent molecules over .Cats show

    fear and lust in response to the appropriate sights, sounds and smells,

    but love requires a degree of abstraction which cats probably do not

    possess. Lust is the mating urge, love is the emotional baggage which

    surrounds and tempers that urge in most humans. Humans have a

    wider range of emotions and the emotions which we share with cats

    are more refined in the human species.


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    Frustration is what happens when a basic emotion cannot be,

    or is not, fully expressed. It is generally viewed as an emotion in

    itself rather than a displacement of the initiating emotion. The build-

    up of physiological effects demands some sort of outlet. In cats there

    may be displacement activities such as shrieking, stamping, tearing

    vegetation (humans may cry in frustration) etc. These give alternative

    outlets for pent up energy. Frustration is what we feel when we

    cannot fully express ourselves or when the situation makes full

    expression impossible, impractical or unsafe. For a cat living in a

    human world there are many frustrations which it resolves as best it

    can. Many are resolved through modifying other behavior through the

    learning or conditioning process. Cats are highly adaptable but they

    retain many wild instincts which need to be expressed e.g. hunting,

    territoriality. Frustration is often associated with a state of agitation

    or high emotion. Feline frustration is obvious when a cat watching

    prey from behind a window chatters its teeth. The teeth chattering

    are a frustrated form of the neck bit the cat would have used to kill

    the prey. A cat which has lost a fight to another cat may lash out at

    its owner or may flee from a familiar person. The cat's body is still

    full of adrenaline and primed for fight or flight. Any approach from

    even a familiar person may trigger a fear or fight response. Similarly,

    it may attack other cats in the household. Female cats with a

    frustrated maternal instinct may abduct and protect another cat's

    kittens, other small animals or kitten-like inanimate objects such as

    slippers. Cats are wild creatures at heart, designed and programmed

    for outdoor life. In modern indoor cats, an owner must provide a

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    stimulating environment to reduce feline frustration. Playing provides

    an outlet for predatory behavior and produces satisfaction in return.

    EMOTIONSThere are a number of other basic emotions which are

    recognized in humans and in cats. These produce physiological

    responses and are varying degrees of, or combinations of, the six

    basic emotions. These include (but are not limited to):

    STRESSStress results from continued unhappiness where there is no

    escape from the stimulus. It affects the immune system, reducing

    the immune response. Continued elevation of adrenaline adversely

    affects other organs. Different animals have different stress levels.

    Some cats are nervous and more easily stressed than others.

    DEPRESSIONAlso a form of continue unhappiness including unhappiness due

    to pain. The chemical effects in brain can lead to withdrawal to the

    point where the animal loses the will to live. Depression can

    override survival instincts.

    EUPHORIAIt is hard to think of euphoria in cats unless you have

    witnessed the effect of catnip. Not all cats are susceptible to catnip

    high, but those that are exhibit a sort of drugged euphoria due to its

    effect on the brain.

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    Dr Shamim Ali 11

    ABSTRACT AND COMPLEX EMOTIONSAt present, the more abstract emotions are believed to be

    human only. However, what we define as altruism, relief etc, may be

    our rationalization of an emotion or a mixture of one or more basic

    emotions. When owners say their cats are jealous, they are trying to

    rationalize a feline emotion into human terms. Feline "jealousy" may

    be a response to any number of stimuli - the cat seeking to better

    its place in the household hierarchy or an opportunist or stronger

    cat competing for food or attention. The cat does not rationalize it in

    terms of "I am jealous of the other cat" or "I covet what the other

    cat has"; its feelings will be more along the line of "I am stronger or

    fitter than the other cat, I deserve to be dominant cat around here."

    Cats are not as strictly hierarchical as dogs, but where several cats

    live in a single household, they will establish a pecking order.

    AFFECTIONCats show obvious pleasure in company of a familiar person,

    often a modified cat/kitten relationship. The presence of a

    companion/caregiver (surrogate parent) produces happiness (a basic

    emotion)... In the domestic setting, most cats adopt a kitten role,

    allowing us to groom them, play with them and provide food and

    warmth.By demonstrating their happiness (which we term

    "affection") they reinforce the cat owner bond and ensure a

    continued supply of companionship and care. Mother cats show

    affection towards their kittens. This is part of maternal care. Male

    cats have been known to show affection to their mates and towards

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    their own kittens this is similar to the behavior of lions towards

    their own cubs (but not towards unrelated cubs).There is little doubt

    that most pet cats enjoy the company of their humans and give

    affection in return. Those who deny that cats can be affectionate

    should analyze exactly what it is that makes humans affectionate.

    The underlying causes of affection are actually very similar! GRIEF

    Cats are aware that a familiar person/cat is absent and may search

    for that person/cat. It may change an established hierarchy as well

    as being the absence of a familiar companion. It is not grief in the

    human term, but the sudden absence of something familiar is

    distressing to many cats. The absence of a familiar part of the

    environment causes sadness. The continued absence of that person

    or thing can lead to stress. In the context of bereavement, this

    stress is termed grief. As with affection, humans must analyze

    exactly what causes and sustains human grief before arguing that

    animals do not feel a comparable emotion. Grief is a reaction to the

    sudden absence of something or someone which caused

    happiness/satisfaction. The major difference is that cats show grief

    for someone who has been a close companion while humans show

    grief for a distant relative or at the death of a public figure. Cats

    simply lack the abstraction (and the memory capacity) which allows

    humans to grieve for someone we have never met or who has been

    absent from our life for a prolonged period of time.


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    Cat appears to comprehend a state of someone not being

    alive body temperature changes, smell changes etc. Whether they

    make the link between a corpse and someone previously alive is not

    certain, but many cats stop looking for an absent companion after

    being shown the body of a deceased companion. Therefore cats

    probably have some comprehension that something dead cannot

    become alive again. The display of grief in cats is due to the

    absence of someone familiar. In humans it is, in part, due to the

    realization that we will never see that person alive again i.e. to our

    understanding of the permanence of death.

    PLEASUREPleasure appears to be an abstracted form of

    happiness/satisfaction which persists after the original stimulus has

    gone or which is felt in anticipation of an event. In many contexts,

    pleasure is a synonym for happiness/satisfaction. Pleasure can also

    occur through memory and through anticipation.

    SENSE OF HUMORThis is a tricky topic. The "smile" on a cat's face is due to

    conformation of its muzzle. A cat "smiles" with its eyes and with its

    tail. Observant owners soon learn to distinguish a cat's "happy face"

    from its "sad face". Cats do not tell jokes (certainly not that we know

    off) but they do engage in clownish behavior. A cat can suspend its

    adult behavior and revert to kitten behavior. Scientists used to

    believe that a cat playing with its own reflection in a mirror or with a

    TV image is unable to distinguish an image from reality. Many still

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    think that way. Pet cats learn very early on that reflections and TV

    are "not real". This doesn't stop them making use of them as play

    objects. Batting a moving object is instinctive. Batting a picture on a

    TV is a safe outlet for hunting behavior, but the cat doesn't expect to

    catch the object (unless it has never encountered the TV before).

    Inexperienced cats and kittens expect to find the reflection cat behind

    the mirror. When the image puffs its tail and hisses (albeit silently)

    back at them, they may become startled. After a few unsuccessful

    checks behind the mirror (and the lack of any scent of the "other

    cat"), they accept the image as a plaything. Even experienced cats

    will occasionally search behind a mirror or TV in case the pretend

    prey has emerged from it. It doesn't really expect to find anything,

    but it is always worthwhile checking just in case! Suspension of

    disbelief in this way is sometimes considered to be the feline sense of

    humor. It is an outlet for predatory behavior and it results in

    happiness. Whether it is genuinely humor is debatable. Some of the

    play tactics are interpreted as a sense of humor e.g. jumping out of

    hiding at the owner or onto a cat companion. This is play and is

    practice of the cat's ambush hunting technique rather than a practical

    joke. cat which engages in clownish behavior has learnt that its

    behavior results in a reward from the owner - food, attention,

    physical contact etc. This reward leads to happiness/satisfaction for

    the cat, therefore the behavior is repeated. If it is a sense of humor, it

    is one which has been conditioned (albeit unwittingly) into the cat.


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    Dr Shamim Ali 15

    At first this seems like another tricky abstract emotion. A cat

    which clumsily falls off a shelf and acts differently according to

    whether the owner is watching or whether the owner is believed to

    be out of sight is thought to be showing embarrassment..

    Embarrassment in humans is associated with potential loss of face,

    loss of status or loss of respect (these are all related, but modified by

    culture and circumstances). The loss of status may be permanent or

    temporary. A cat is not only a predator; it is also prey for larger

    animals. In addition it is programmed to fight other cats for its

    territory and for mates. If it shows any indication of weakness, it may

    be challenged by a younger or fitter rival and ousted from its

    territory. For this reason, many cats hide signs of illness, injury and

    pain. A cat which has fallen off a shelf in plain sight will pretend the

    event has not happened i.e. that it has not shown any weakness. A

    human may make excuses for why a similar human mishap happened

    (the ledge was icy or slippery); this is simply a human way of saving

    face. Cats speak with their bodies and an "embarrassed" cat will most

    often sit down and wash nonchalantly - cat speak for "nothing has


    JEALOUSY"The cat will be jealous of the new baby and harm it!" "My cat is

    jealous of the kitten and keeps urinating on the bed!" Jealousy and

    sulking are human emotions. A cat is protective of its territory and

    defends it. Unless a newcomer is carefully introduced so that it is

    accepted as a "family member", a territorial fight/flight response is

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    triggered. Few cats respond to a new arrival with enthusiasm. We

    must understand how a cat views the world about it and to understand

    how it is responding rather than interpreting feline reactions as

    human-like emotions. When a newcomer arrives, the owner's

    attention is suddenly divided. The cat receives less attention. The

    newcomer may receive a disproportionate amount of attention. There

    are new smells and sounds and a bewildering change in routine and

    environment.Its relationship with the owner changes. Things become

    unfamiliar or stressful and the cat may become unhappy or

    depressed. Urination on the bed (or elsewhere) is an attempt to scent

    mark territory in an attempt to repel an intruder. By mixing its scent

    with the owner's scent, the cat is saying "My clan owns this

    territory". When a child gets scratched it is rarely an attack by the

    cat. Most often the child (who is unable to read cat body language)

    has made a "threatening" move (grabbing fur, pulling tail) and the cat

    has responded to the perceived threat. After one or two such

    encounters the cat usually gives the child a wide berth until the child

    learns to behave more considerately. The owner's reaction confuses

    the cat. The child has molested it. The cat has swatted the child. The

    child cries. The parent consoles the child and chastises the cat. The

    child's behavior is reinforced; the cat's behavior is punished. In feline

    terms, the newcomer is ousting the cat from its territory. The

    "defeated" cat may remove itself from the situation; this is

    interpreted as sulking or the result of jealousy. Some parents are so

    over-protective that a curious cat which sniffs a baby is interpreted

    as a jealous cat about to attack. With a little consideration for feline

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    behavior and emotions, introductions can be managed carefully to

    avoid these cat/human misunderstandings. Cats respond to the

    situation according to their more limited range of emotions; jealousy

    and vengefulness are human, not feline, emotions.

    CONCLUSIONCats and other animals have feelings. However their feelings

    must be interpreted in the context of their own physical needs and

    their own environment. They have a more limited range of feelings

    than humans and their reaction to environmental stimuli is different to

    humans, but they show many responses indicative of emotions.

    Although I have used the term "programmed", to reduce cats to little

    more than pre-programmed machines with a finite set of available

    reactions would be wrong. Those who deny that cats, or other

    animals, are entirely lacking in feelings do this to justify their own

    treatment of animals rather than through any true understanding of

    those animals. Rather than attribute full human feelings to cats, it is

    better to understand how cats perceive the world and to adjust our

    behavior to accommodate their physical and emotional needs as best

    we can. Cats have deep emotional lives and get lonely and nasty if

    they don't get what they need.

    What people are opening up to is how fragile are the emotions of Cats

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