The mission of Mount Olympus Presbyterian Church is to invite people to experience Jesus Christ and be- come his passionate followers. Volume XLVIl, Issue 10 October 2012 Women’s Retreat The women will relax at Snowbird October 5-7. Day registrations will be accepted through October 3rd. Thanks to Cathy Dupont, Maggie Larson, and Janet Hutchinson for organizing this weekend! . Introduction to MOPC, October 6, 9 a.m. Do you want to know more about MOPC or about being a Christian? Or do you want to become a member of MOPC? If so, you will want to mark your calendar so you do not miss this class, taught by Pastor Phil, on October 6, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Call the church office, 801-277-2674 to register. Congregational Meeting & Dinner Come celebrate the faithfulness of our God to our congre- gation with a pot-blessed dinner, election of officers for 2013, and a night of fun as we kick off our stewardship campaign. Sunday, October 28th, at 4 p.m. See page 3 for more information.

Women’s Retreat Introduction to MOPC, October 6, 9 a.m ...storage.cloversites.com... · Introduction to MOPC If you haven’t attended an Introduction to MOPC class with Pastor

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Page 1: Women’s Retreat Introduction to MOPC, October 6, 9 a.m ...storage.cloversites.com... · Introduction to MOPC If you haven’t attended an Introduction to MOPC class with Pastor

The mission of Mount Olympus Presbyterian

Church is to invite people to experience Jesus Christ and be-come his passionate


Volume XLVIl, Issue 10 October 2012

Women’s Retreat The women will relax at Snowbird October 5-7. Day registrations will be accepted through October 3rd. Thanks to Cathy Dupont, Maggie Larson, and Janet Hutchinson for organizing this weekend! .

Introduction to MOPC, October 6, 9 a.m. Do you want to know more about MOPC or about being a Christian? Or do you want to become a member of MOPC? If so, you will want to mark your calendar so you do not miss this class, taught by Pastor Phil, on October 6, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Call the church office, 801-277-2674 to register.

Congregational Meeting & Dinner Come celebrate the faithfulness of our God to our congre-gation with a pot-blessed dinner, election of officers for 2013, and a night of fun as we kick off our stewardship campaign. Sunday, October 28th, at 4 p.m. See page 3 for more information.

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Introduction to MOPC If you haven’t attended an Introduction to MOPC class with Pastor Phil, mark your calendars now. This is for those who want to explore membership. Classes are on Saturdays from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The fall class will be October 6th and the spring class will be March 2, 2013.

MOPC Finances: Revenues through August 2012 = $443,775. Expenses = $455,156

Dear MOPC family,

The past couple of months I have been doing some weightlift-ing as a part of my regular exercise routine. I am sure you can tell, given my chiseled, body-builder look.

I am doing this to get a little strength in the arms, shoulders, and upper body. I figure it might even help my preach-ing. But anyway…

In order to build strength, I am told by those who know far more than I that you have to challenge the mus-cles if they are to get stronger. For example, if I just lift a 10-pound dumb-bell 20 times, and do only that every time I go to the gym, I may keep the muscle toned but I am not increasing in strength.

The weight and/or the repetitions have to increase in order for the muscles to grow and for strength to develop. Do the same thing all the time, and you are going nowhere.

The life of faith works the same. If we never challenge ourselves, our faith won’t

get any stronger. We need to “increase the weight” once in a while in our praying, giving, serving, worship, or whatever to grow as Christians.

What is one step, however great or small, you

can take to get a little stronger in faith and grow in your walk with Christ? Maybe you

have been living on a plateau for a long time and need something a little heavier to grow in your love for God.

Ask the Lord to lead you to a new exercise in your faith. See what happens.

And I am available for hire as your personal trainer if you ever want to head to the gym with

your pastor. Maybe you too can look like me.1

In His Grace,

Phil 1. Pastor Phil has been blessed with the gift of sarcasm. Please do not take everything you read in this blog with absolute seriousness.

You have to challenge the

muscles if they are to get stronger

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Did you know that two-thirds of Jesus’ parables have to do with our possessions. There are 500 verses on prayer, 500 on faith and 2,000 on things we accumulate. In the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), 1 out of 7 verses deal with giving or sharing with the world. Your annual pledge of money and time to MOPC is one way you can give and share with the world. MOPC’s local and international mission work, youth ministries, children’s programs, Stephen Ministries, and adult programs are just a few examples of God’s work through MOPC during the past 50 years. Please consider sharing generously to help MOPC continue another 50 years of sharing the love of God within our own community and to others.

Instill Lessons About Stewardship Christian stewardship is about more than just pledging donations or placing money in an offering plate. A steward manages resources, including time, talent, and money. Because God has given us so many blessings, we respond by using them wisely and also sharing them with others.

Children observe their parents’ financial habits and learn about the role of money at a young age. So it’s important to model appropriate attitudes about saving, spending, and giving. When we’re honest about everything from our daily transactions to our yearly taxes, we demonstrate how to be trustworthy. And when we contribute to church, charities, and neighbors in need, we teach the joy of being generous while assisting other people.

In children’s church, we will be taking an offering each week to begin showing children what it means to give back to the Lord. Please encourage your children to bring an offering for chil-dren’s church. Consider allowing them the opportunity to earn some money by helping around the house so they have the satisfaction and understanding of giving of one’s own resources.

Congregational Meeting

and Pot-Blessed Dinner

4 p.m.

Sunday, October 28th Come enjoy a fun evening of food, meeting new elders and deacons, and other surprises. Bring a dish to share.

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"Congratulations to The Mount on its Sixth Anniversary! Thanks to all the people who have helped over the years to make The Mount what it is today."

Senior Adult Fellowship: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2012, 12 Noon MOPC friends and adventurers, Lynn and Dave Pease, will share a compilation of their first 20 years of travel together with pictures from Asia, Europe, the Solomon Islands, Tas-mania, and the Americas - North, Central and South. There is a little bit of everything: mountains (lots of them), trekking and bicycle touring. Native plants and animals. Mission work and vacations. So, bring along your fa-vorite dish to share, a friend, for fun, food and fellowship. It’s traveling time.

Session Approves Pastor Phil’s Sabbatical

In an unanimous vote, the Session voted to send Pastor Phil and Nancy to the Holy Land on his mini-sabbatical next summer. They will be part of “A Spiritual and Educational Jour-ney Through the Holy Land”, a 4-week con-tinuing education program from the Tantur Ecumenical Institute of the University of Notre Dame. The congregation will gain through the insights that Pastor Phil and Nancy will re-ceive on this journey.

Men’s Retreat The Men’s Retreat was a great time to get to know other men that you might have never had the chance to get to know and to continue to build existing relationships. In-stead of just saying hi on Sunday, we had a chance to really find out who they are, where they come from, and where they are in their lives. In addition to sharing meals, there was hiking, skeet shooting, rifle shoot-ing, fishing, mountain biking, rock wall climbing or we could just grab a book and read. We participated in “break-out” ses-sions where we had a study that focused on what the Bible says about being men and how we are to express that in living our lives within our families, job and commu-nity. Thanks to Bruce Davidson for putting the study guide together and thanks to John Terrion and his committee for planning the retreat. —Jim Wight

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October Classes Continue


In this study, we will explore the writings from a practical application point of view: What does God have for each of us in these colorful yet challenging verses?

Prophetically, the Book of Daniel is the key that unlocks eschatology, the study of the last days. Daniel is written in prose and it differs from other prophetic books of the Bible, which tend to be writ-ten in poetry.

Practically, the Book of Daniel abounds with personal applications. Daniel himself models a godly life, blessed by God from teenage years through old age. Room 204/6

HOW WE GOT THE NEW TESTAMENT Taught by Kevin Peterson

God’s redemptive pursuit of humankind finds its climax in the New Testament, first through the life and message of Jesus Christ, and then through the work of the apostles in the founding of His Church. Constituting Part One of this two-part study, we will focus on the historical and religious background of the New Testament, its structure, and on the person, life, and message of Jesus Christ—the Messiah, Son of God, and Savior of the World. Room 502/4

Text: The New Testament: Its Background, Growth & Content by Bruce M. Metzger

SPACE FOR GOD Led by Debbie Penney

This is a gathering for people interested in making a broader and deeper place for God in their lives. Be aware, this class may have you changing and re-arranging a few habits. We will be practicing and sharing each week about our personal attempts to make space for God while incorporating vari-ous spiritual exercises like prayer, solitude, scripture, self-examination and discernment. The book, “Sacred Rhythms” by Ruth Haley Barton, will help us address areas for growth and spiritual transfor-mation. Discussion and small groups will provide support as we begin to create a space for God to do His work in us. Room 202 (Library)

Bible Study for Women Beth Moore’s Beloved Disciple, the Life and Ministry of John continues. The bottom line in this study, given by the author herself, is that “John was free to love because he was so utterly convinced that he was loved.” Would we live differently if we characterized our-selves above all else as beloved disciples of Jesus Christ?

Wednesday nights at 7 in the library Thursday mornings at 9:30 in the library

Hope to see you there!

Men’s Discipleship

Tuesdays at Einstein’s: 6:30 a.m. Thursdays at MOPC: 7 a.m.

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Prayer Requests? Call the church office at 801-277-2674 with your requests or e-mail [email protected]. If you would like to join the prayer chain, call 801-277-2674. Need Prayer? The second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. the prayer team meets to pray for your needs. Please join us for this time of prayer. Gospel of John Devotional The Gospel of John Devotional continues to be an inspiration to many of our members. You can access them from our website or at mountolympuschurch.tumblr.com If you would like to be a writer for an upcoming month, contact Pastor Phil or Dorothy.


• Pray for the 50 Years of Caring promotion that pledges will generously support the mission of MOPC.

• Pray for our worship leaders and musicians who faithfully serve.

• Pray that those who attend the Women’s Retreat will be blessed and inspired.

• Pray for God to provide additional people to assist with the technology for our ser-vices.

• Pray for members of our congregation who are suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia.

• Pray for members of our congregation who are suffering from cancer or other dis-eases.


• Praise God for the Mount as they celebrate six years in ministry.

• Praise God for the ministry of the mission-aries we support overseas.

• Praise God for John & Lauren Mehlhoff who keep our building and grounds in tip top shape.

• Praise God for One Way Ministries feeding those in need in Richfield, Utah.

• Praise God for the healing of members of our congregation.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


1 pm Staff

7 pm Children’s Ministry Team


8:30 am Mom’s in Prayer

6:30 am Men’s Bible Study

7 pm Office and Tech


Anna Moreshead

6:45 pm Youth Sm. Groups

7 pm 56 Sm. Groups

7 pm Celebration Singers


Hailey Schiff

7 am Men’s Discipleship 7 pm Praise



Sally Cornett

7 pm Rescue



9 am Introduction to MOPC

10 am Utah Food Bank


Dale Alward Vicky Bicker

8:30 & 11:00 A.M. Worship

9:45 Sunday School 6:00 pm

The Mount


Sydney Graybill Maile Peterson

12 pm Staff

7 pm Prayer


6:30 am Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Mom’s in Prayer

7 pm Local Missions 7 pm Finance

7 pm Deacons


6:45 pm Youth Sm.

Groups 7 pm 56 Sm.

Groups 7 pm Celebration



Mike Richerson Lonnie Baskett

Hal Gooch Bruce Jacobson

7 am Men’s Discipleship 7 pm Praise



9:00 Sandwich-making for

4:45 Salvation Army


Dee Thompson Zachary Judkins


Tom Metcalf Karina Magill

8:30 & 11:00 am Worship

9:45 Sunday School 6 pm The Mount


Karen Spackman Debbie Mascaro

David Woolf Parker DeHoll

Office Closed for Staff Retreat

7 pm Outreach & Evangelism

16 Rick Forster

6:30 am Men’s Bible Study

8:30 am Mom’s in Prayer

7 pm Session


6:45 pm Youth Sm. Groups

7 pm 56 Sm. Groups

7 pm Celebration Singers


Brady Huston 7am Men’s Disci-

pleship 7pm Praise Team


Trent White 20

Doris Smalley Tanya Baskett


8:30 & 11:00 A.M. Worship

9:45 Sunday School 6:00 pm

The Mount


Betty Miller Anita Magill

1 p.m. Staff

23 Jody VanderWilt

Jan Ingerson

8:30 am Mom’s pray 6:30 am Men’s Bible

6 pm New Mem-ber/Session

7 pm Facilities


6:45 pm Youth Costume Party

7 pm 56 Sm. Groups

7 pm Celebration Singers

25 Julie Davidson

7 am Men’s Discipleship 7 pm Praise



27 Karen Warrick

Phil Hughes Stephanie Asman

Breanna Zehnder Quinn Parker

28 Layne Perkins

8:30 & 11:00 A.M. Worship

9:45 Sunday School 4 pm Congregation

Pot-Blessed Dinner/ Meeting

6:00 pm The Mount


1 p.m. Staff 7:30 pm Personnel


30 Gordon Moreshead

8:30 am Mom’s in Prayer

31 Carol Sorensen Karen Jackson

Birthdays and Events


Women’s Retreat Oct. 5-7

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October 2012 All Wed 645pm Youth Night/Small Groups 24 Wed 630pm 1920’s Costume Detective Mystery Dinner Party! 25 Thur 7pm Adult Leadership Mentoring Small Group 31 Wed NO WED NIGHT (due to holiday) 30 Tues 7pm Confirmation Evaluation Meeting 2012/2013 Permission Slips MANDATORY!

All students must turn in a signed permission slip for the new school year. This form gives us the legal right to take you to and from youth events, receive medical care if necessary, etc. So get them turned in ASAP to Jamie’s box. They are located on the Information Wall in the gathering area. Youth Costume Party: 1920’s Themed Detective Mystery Dinner Party! That's right, this year is Inverted’s first-ever ‘who dun it’ style party. You’ll want to break out your gang-ster suits, flapper dresses, feather boas and fedora hates for our annual Youth Costume Party. This year we’re heading to 1920 Atlantic City Boardwalk for a Mobster Convention, where all the big names in mob bosses, gangsters and celebrities will come out for a night of fun and murder mystery! Come dressed in your favorite 1920’s attire and be working on that East coast accent. We’ll be giving out offi-cial mystery roles on a first come, first serve basis over the coming Wednesday nights at youth… so talk to Jamie White or Vanessa Routh if you’d like an official part in the mystery. If you’d prefer to just show up in 1920’s costume without a part, that’s great too. We’ll also be providing dinner and really doing it up good! Bring your friends and come dressed to kill! See you Wed, Oct 24th at 6:30pm. Attention Adult Youth Leaders (or any interested adults around MOPC)... Jamie and Dave White will be leading a weekly adult small group on Thursday nights, beginning Oct 25th from 7-9pm that will run through May. This group will offer training and mentoring on leadership development, personal spiritual growth practices, group sharing, and practice in ministry and mentoring with others. If you’ve been struggling with thoughts and questions like these, this may be a perfect fit for you: ♦ I can sense God is calling me to a deeper, more committed faith but I need help knowing how to take my spiritual life further. ♦ I love the ministry and serving I do, but I often feel inadequate in my role and want to be better equipped and more confident. ♦ I want to be a better leader and need to learn more about how to develop this in my life. ♦ I am in a role where I am mentoring others… but not quite sure if I know how to do the job well. I want to be a quality mentor and learn how to do it right. ♦ I love Jesus and am really trying to follow him, but I struggle articulating my faith and its role in my life to those I serve and love. ♦ I need to learn more about who I am in Christ, my unique giftings, personality and role in His king-dom.

Due to the nature of the subjects discussed, this group will require a strong level of commitment and investment. If you think you may have interest in joining this mentoring small group, please email Jamie and Dave at [email protected] to find out more information.

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Remember to begin thinking about what you might want to include in your shoe box this year. Now is the time to stock up on school supplies for your shoe box! This min-istry provides you with the opportunity to send a mes-sage of hope and God’s love to a child in need. The mis-

sion campaign begins October 7. Our packing party is November 11th at 12:30!

You and your family are invited to


for families with at least one child aged birth through kindergarten


Home of Doug and Karen Warrick, 1155 East Castlecreek Circle (5300 South)

Come hungry! Lunch provided.

WHY? To give you and your family an op-portunity to meet and spend some social

time with other young families that have vis-ited or attend MOPC.

RSVP by Friday November 2nd

Ever think to yourself…..I sure wish there was a place that I could connect with other parents and sup-port one another in a cas-

ual, relaxed atmosphere while my children are be-ing nurtured by people who love them and are helping shape their spiritual life with engaging ac-tivities? If so, come to the Parent Café that is now open Sundays 9:45-10:45.

Sunday School !Join us for Sky Sunday School every Sunday 9:45-10:45, we will fly through the sky to dis-

cover how, with God, everything is possible! We will do games, crafts, skits, songs and more!! Most importantly, we will learn to TRUST GOD no matter what!

CALENDAR: October 7 Operation Christmas Child: Shoebox Collection Begins November 11 Shoebox Packing Party

Solid Rock 56 If you’re unfamiliar, SR56 is a small group-based ministry for 5th & 6th grade students. We’ll spend the upcoming year asking formative questions about faith and God and discovering who we are as Christians, as well as our place in our Church and our community. Small groups continue every Wednesday night throughout the school year. Come join us! Questions? Contact Bre Kernan at [email protected]

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Presbyterian Women WOMEN OF FAITH AND


Hello Ladies! October already!! The leaves are stunningly beauti-ful under GOD’S paintbrush. Enjoy. This month we will be having a “paper product shower” for our friends at Rescue Haven. They are always in need of toilet tissue, Kleenex type tissues, paper towels and napkins. Lets share and take them an abundant supply.

Annual Christmas Bazaar & Cookie Bake is scheduled for Sunday, November 11, 2012 in the Gathering Area. Bazaar monies are shared by International (1/2) and Local Missions (1/2). Our International choice this year is Burma, the Orphanage and the Teaching facility. One lo-cal mission will be Family Promise. Please be sewing, knitting, quilting, canning or whatever your talents may be, to donate to our Bazaar for the benefit of those less fortunate.

Officers were installed in September by Loyda Kryemes: Co-Moderators, Mardi Lessey, Pauline Forster, Secretary, Esther Emerson, Treasurer: Carol Ogden, Publicity – Betty Rider and Prayer Shawl Ministry, Betty Merritt. We look forward to a productive and serving year.

Please continue to save Campbell Soup bar code from labels, Box Tops for Education and personal hygiene products.

October program features Lieutenant Rosie Riveria, Unified Police Department, who will speak about “Senior Safety”. Please join us at 9:30 a.m., October 2nd – hostesses: Betty Mer-ritt and Esther Emerson. Bible Study – Carol Ogden. Remember your paper products! We look forward to having you with us – help us ---“be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only”. See you October 2, 9:30 AM, MOPC??

Crossroads Urban Center Food of the Month

Small jars of Peanut Butter Leave donations in the box in the gathering area.

Family Promise is having their Abundance of the Heart Fundraising Banquet (donations not required) on Friday, October 12, 2012 8-9am at Little America Hotel, 500 South Main Street. The keynote speaker will be Mary Beth Vogel-Ferguson, Ph.D., U of U Child & Family Poverty Researcher.

Family Promise is a national organization created to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence. Because poverty is a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted response, they respond by integrating educational out-reach, smart programming, effective poli-cies, and the hands-on work of thousands of volunteers. Food, shelter, and support ser-vices are provided for homeless families. In SLC, the families are housed in churches for one week at a time, and two meals per day are provided, all by volunteers. During the weekdays, the adults go to work, if they have a job, or are assisted with job-hunting, applying for housing, food stamps, etc, and school age children go to school. MOPC partners with Wasatch Presbyterian Church 4-5 weeks/year to provide meals and super-vision.

For more information, or to RSVP, go to www.fpsl.org or call 801-961-8622.

Family Promise Banquet

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Loose Coin Offering

The 4th Quarter Loose Coin Offering will be going to support One Way Ministry in Rich-field, UT. OWM is a Christian compassion ministry, the only one in central Utah. They provide short term shelter to the homeless and stranded (Richfield is at the crossroads of I-15 and I-70), a one-year discipleship pro-gram for people struggling with addictions, as well as daily Bible studies and donations of food and clothing to anyone in need. Each person who stays at OWM is given the mes-sage of salvation.

The directors, Keith and Daphne Duhart, have strived to be part of the community, and have been successful in becoming an integral part of social support services in the 6-county area. They also work closely with the local LDS bishop in charge of social services. Each person who stays at OWM is given the mes-sage of salvation. The directors and volun-teers know that they were there to be God’s witness in that brief moment of the person’s life.

OWM runs on a very tight budget and, by the grace of God, they have been able to remain open. MOPC has been one of their major sup-porters. In addition, Alice Tsai has helped them set up Quick Books to manage their fi-nances and Bill Rees has assisted them with grant writing.

For more information on OWM, check their website: ministryoneway.webs.com.

Utah Food Bank UTAH FOOD BANK – Save A Saturday -

October 6th, 10:00-12:00 noon

Thanks to all of you eager volunteers! Are you rested? Good! Join us for another fun time at the Utah Food Bank, Saturday, Octo-ber 6 at 10:00 to 12:00 Noon. 3150 South 900 West. No open toed shoes and children need to be 12 years or older. If you need a ride or would like to car pool meet at MOPC parking lot at 9:30 AM. For more information contact Pauline Forster, 801-278-9566.

For many years MOPC has served the eve-ning meal for the homeless on the 2nd Friday night of the month. Most recently, members from The Mount have volunteered to do the serving (sandwiches are made earlier in the day by Sher Santaw and friends-thanks Sher). The Mount is now looking for some volunteers to help share the load. The meal is served at St. Vincent de Paul’s dining room at 200 South 427 West, SLC from 5-6pm. Volunteers would need to arrive about 15 minutes early and can leave after the serving is done.

If you would like to volunteer occasionally to help out, or if your Care Group, Bible study group, or BFFs would like to take one Friday a year to serve, please contact Yoko Hanabusa at 801-557-4814 or [email protected], or call Gwen Mitchell at 801-550-4437.

Feeding the Homeless

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Church Staff & Ministry Team Leaders

Subscribe by email by calling the church office (801-277-2674) or sending an email to [email protected].

Pastor Rev. Philip J. Hughes Executive Administrator Dorothy Hammond Office Manager Geneva Burchell Children’s Ministry Director Ruth Rudy Asst. Dir. Children’s Min Breanne Keenan Youth Ministry Director Jamie and Dave White Director of The Mount Chad Whitehead Treasurer Jeanne Mehlhoff Child Development Director Julie Hessheimer Assistant Administrator Sheila Barnish Caretakers John and Lauren Mehlhoff Financial Secretary Mitch Spackman Ministry Assistant Dale Alward Assistant for Pastoral Care Kathy Terrion Director of Adult Ministries Elaine Davis Outreach Directors Marina Collins /Julie Davidson

Office Hours: Mon—Fri 9 A.M.—5 P.M. Phone: (801) 277-2674 Fax: (801) 277-2059 Pastoral Email: [email protected] Newsletter email: [email protected] Website: www.mountolympuschurch.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/mountolympuspresbyterian Address: 3280 East 3900 South Salt Lake City, UT 84124

Elders Serving on Session Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Cathy Dupont Bruce Davidson Jim Cobb Terry Meidinger Lori K. Jones Yoko Hanabusa Mark Templeman Karen Jackson John Terrion Karen Warrick Kathy Wight

Adult Ministry Pauline Forster Children’s Ministry Katie Peterson Outreach & Evangelism Donaree Neville Congregational Life Linda Duffy Facilities Management Gary Peterson Global Missions Lori Jones Local Missions Gwen Mitchell Office and Info Tech Jim Wight Prayer Finance Terry Meidinger Worship Youth Cathy Dupont

Our Ministry of Care BOARD OF DEACONS

Class of 2012: Debbie Harvey, Marilyn Marshall, Ralph Paisley, Rose Marie Parkinson, Mary Ellen Peterson, Scott Young

Class of 2013: Laurie Brett, Pauline Forster, Tony Huston, Jackie Longmore, Kaye Meidinger, Molly Molenaar Class of 2014: Adrienne Aldous, Lay Leng Chan, Mary Gartner, Chuck Graybill, Adele Watts, Gayle Woolf

STEPHEN MINISTERS Kathy Terrion*, Candy Vila*, Bruce Bemis*, Don Alexander, Barbara Alexander, Karen Jackson and Ralph Paisley.

* Stephen Ministry Leadership Team