Women Technologists as Leaders

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  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders




    Women Technologists As Leaders Leadership Traits Living Your Commitments Leadership: What That Means on a Daily Basis Neuroscience and Psychology Have Converged Leadership Coaching Summary Q&A

  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    Women Technologists As Leaders

  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    What Does It Mean to be a Woman in

    Technology and to Be a Leader?


    What is our image? What are our responsibilities? Who do we influence and inspire


    Who follows in our footsteps?

  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    Leaders Dont Know Everything

    Leaders know what they dont know (Joharis Window) Their Arena window is large - Leaders know what they dont know,

    and dont keep it a mystery to others

    Leaders know who to call when they dont know Academics and knowledge are good AND wisdom, heart, and

    intuition make a leader

    Know your facts, speak your facts from your heart and soul


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    Leadership Traits

    1. Integrity and Authenticity2. Clear vision3. Presence: emotional and physical4.

    Ability to stay rooted and centered during adversity

    5. Communicates clear, concise, and understandablemessages

    For each of these traits in the following charts, ask yourself: To what extent is this me? What is the gap?


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    1. Integrity and Authenticity

    Congruency between knowledge, beliefs, and actions Being true to yourself Finding your vision or passion

    (More about this later) Living your vision or passion

    (More about this later) Leaders inspire by their presence and example

    Not by their advice or expertise (More about this later)


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    2. Clear Vision

    A leader sees both the big picture and the immediate details Business Personal

    Environmental Global short and long term ramifications

    It is important to know what we are committed to being and what aredreams are

    Combine your passion or vision with your career so that you can makechange happen

    Living a life without meaning or passion leads to depression and selfsabotaging behaviors

    If you are not living your vision or passion you are not living a life ofauthenticity and everyone around you knows it


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    Finding Your Vision or Passion

    Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken winged bird thatcannot fly. --Langston Hughes

    Discover your purpose and your passion Achieve your dreams by being true to yourself and living your


    What are you meant to do in life? Ways to discover:

    1. know yourself self awareness, strengths, weaknesses, what makes you happyand feeling worthwhile, Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath

    2. Visualization techniquesGo confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life youveimagined. -- Henry David Thoreau


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    Steps Toward Achieving Your Vision OR

    Living Your Passion

    Living our commitments means living a life ofintegrity and authenticity

    Dare to live your passionWhat gets in the way?What are you willing to do?What are you willing to not do?What two steps can you do today towards living your

    passion? Commit to doing them. Write them downnow on paper or on your calendar.

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    4. Staying Rooted and Centered

    During adversity No one is centered all the time Come back to center quickly

    By being self aware By practicing self-awareness By meditating or similar


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    5. Communicating a Clear Message

    Clearly and respectfully state requests and expectations Be clear about the difference between requests, expectations, and


    Demand: Test this new feature by tomorrow. Expectation: Im really annoyed that you havent tested the new

    features yet.

    Request: Id like to meet with you for 30 minutes to discuss a newfeatures Id like you to test. When would be a good time for you todiscuss it with me?

    Roles and responsibilities in organizations frequently gowithout definition or agreement


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    Living our commitments

    Commitments to:1. Self2. People3. The organization4. The truth5. Leadership

    The Five Commitments of a Leader, Mark Leheney

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    1. Commitment To Self

    To be most effective as a leader, you must understandyourself as a human being. -- Mark Leheney, The FiveCommitments of a Leader

    What is the central theme of the story of your life? How do you deal with negative information or opinions about


    Do you know your strengths and are you living a life thatplays to your strengths?


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    Leaders Are Self-Aware

    Skill development is important BUT inner personaldevelopment is essential

    Self-awareness, centeredness Empathy, compassion, receptivity, honesty, integrity, listening and

    hearing, responsiveness not reactivity

    Awareness around distinctions, the more aware, the more distinctions An introspective look at your present and future goals Self-observations:

    What is working for you and what is not? How did you get to who you are today and how does or doesnt it

    serve you?

    How can you get to where youd like to be? What are you willing to change about yourself today?


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    Personality Types

    Any personality type can evolve into a leader

    Personality assessments will explain the type of work that a personwill be most fulfilled in not their leadership ability

    Developmental theories explain that leadership corresponds withstages of self-awareness not with personality type

    Self-awareness enhances leadership ability Understanding your personality type can help your leadership evolution


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    2. Commitment To People

    People dont need to be managed, they need to be unleashed.-- Richard Florida

    Leaders are committed to their organizations goals andvalues AND they are committed to people

    Leaders bring out the best in people and help them achievetheir potential Complement and praise often Listen with heart, share your understanding of what the

    person is wanting to express

    What is their message that they want you to hear? This gives people the space to think it through and have their own

    aha moment

    Play to peoples strengths, not their weaknesses20

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    Delegating to Achieve Potential 1

    Think of delegating in terms of developing eachindividual who is part of your leadership team

    What do they need to grow to achieve their potential?This should be a two-way dialogue How do they see themselves achieving their potential, and how do you see

    them? What would they like to work on in themselves and what would you like to

    help them with as leaders? What are they comfortable doing without your supervision and what are

    you comfortable trusting them to do?


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    Delegating to Achieve Potential 2

    Delegate with: Requests Clearly verbalize expectations

    Check-out if requests areaccepted andexpectations are agreedupon

    Acknowledge successwith appreciation oftenand specifically


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    3. Commitment To The Organization

    Is through inspiration Believing that the larger cause is bigger than yourself The cause is communicated through

    The organizations vision and mission Through the organizations leaders behaving and communicating

    consistently with the vision and mission

    Reward, acknowledge, and praise behaviors and work thatare consistent with the organizations mission and that are

    working well

    Speak up and against behaviors and work that areinconsistent with the vision and mission and that lackintegrity (in a constructive manner) and propose to fix it


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    4. Commitment To The Truth 1

    Actions corresponding to your values will usually strengthen andreinforce you, whereas actions inconsistent with your values will usuallycause confusion and dissipate your energy. -- Mark Leheney

    Listen with heart, respond with backbone and heart

    Backbone: Does my team know what I think? How often do I say; I agree with you, or I

    disagree with you and clearly state why?

    Do I identify what I need from my team in our working relationship in order tobe most effective?

    Can I give my position without blame or defensiveness? Can I state my opinion without jargon or arcane concepts? Can I give hard feedback when I need to?Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart, Mary Beth ONeill


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    Commitment To The Truth 2

    Heart: Do I emphasize my teams situation? Can I clearly articulate my teams position and reflect it back to them? Do I identify and communicate the hunches I have about possible

    deeper reactions, feelings, and thoughts that are being left unsaid?

    In the face of disagreement or conflict with my team, do I keepengaging with them, or do I retreat and disengage?

    Do I continue to stay in touch? Do I express appreciation for the degree of difficulty in the teams

    situation and also the degree of accomplishment they have achieved?

    Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart, Mary Beth ONeill


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    5. Commitment To Leadership

    Living according to all principles discussed in the presentation The past can be helpful, but its the present, the here and now, that

    matters Be your best self now

    What do we declare when we define ourselves as Leaders? I am a strong and ethical leader I know my weaknesses I surround myself by others who have strengths where I am weak and who

    think differently than I do

    I am a good listener I communicate my feelings and expectations constructively

    Being a Leader means behaving consistently with our declarations Being authentic Living our visionLanguage and the Pursuit of Happiness by Chalmers Brothers


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    Leadership: What That Means on a Daily

    Basis 1

    Every person (i.e. on your team) needs to feel like you acknowledgethem and listen to them

    Give credit to people who help make the work happen, and takeresponsibility for the mistakes (Grace Hopper bloggers1)

    Celebrate and recognize successes Be curious Leaders lead by helping others think better, not just by being the expert Be inspired and be inspiring:



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    Leadership: What That Means on a Daily

    Basis 2

    Show appreciation Be specific Thank you for documenting the variations and taking the time to

    answer my questions. Your attention to detail and patience with my

    questions has helped me to arrive at a decision that I feel verycomfortable with.

    Scientific research in neurology shows that human beings need to beconnected and appreciated Show your appreciation to others, connect with others, and find ways to get

    appreciation for yourself!

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    How Can You Develop as a Leader

    Set Goals Get Feedback Get a coach or a mentor Use assessments Take on developmental


    Participate in a learning group Shadow others Participate in leadership

    development programs

    Read and journal Teach others


    The Five Commitments of a Leader, Mark Leheney

  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    Lead by Helping Others Think

    Leadership is the ability to get others to think, not to tellothers the answers

    Clearly convey appreciation; counsel, dont punish if communicatedexpectations not met

    Think about your best teachers were they the ones who hadall the answers or-

    Were they the ones who got you to think? We learn when we have an aha moment, not when we are

    told something How do we get others to think? And to think better? How to think? How does the brain work



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    Neuroleadership Science and

    Leadership Have Converged

    Neuroplasticity, is the lifelong ability of the brain toreorganize neural pathways based on new experiences. Theability of the brain to change with learning is what is knownas neuroplasticity.

    You can teach an old dog new tricks (if they want to learn) By building new neuro-pathways

    No two brains think alike How often do you give or get advice? How often is it useful?


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  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders


    Leadership Coaching

    A process intended to support leadership development bydiminishing interference between who we are and who wewant to be

    Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provokingand creative process that inspires them to maximize theirpersonal and professional potential

    Individuals who engage in a coaching relationship can expectto experience fresh perspectives on challenges and

    opportunities, enhance thinking an decision making skillsand improve interpersonal effectiveness.


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    Women technologists as leaders have expertise, achievement, andself-awareness and influence the young women of tomorrowsfuture

    Leadership traits include charisma, honesty about the tough stuffand, speaking with clarity, succinctness and respect

    Living your commitments means being genuine and authentic andembodying a powerful leadership presence

    Leadership on a daily basis means partnering with those we leadand listening to the individuals message, not just their words

    Neuroscience and Psychology have converged most of us sure like to give advice even though it will fall on deaf ears no two brains are alike Leadership Coaching helps us to find and live a purposeful and

    passionate life!


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    Q&A and Discussion

    Book Recommendations

    Be Your Own Coach, Barbara Braham and Chris Wahl The Five Commitments of a Leader, Mark Leheney Language and the Pursuit of Happiness, Chalmers Brothers Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart, Mary Beth ONeill Co-Active Coaching, Laura Whitworth Karen Kimsey-House, Henry

    Kimsey- Houe, Phillip Sandahl Quiet Leadership, David Rock


  • 8/6/2019 Women Technologists as Leaders



    Comskil is a woman owned smallbusiness headquartered inBethesda, Maryland since 1997

    Galina Knopman, President

    SEI authorized lead SCAMPI appraiser

    SEI authorized Intro to CMMI andSCAMPI instructor

    Leadership Coach Life Coach Team and meeting facilitator

    Fifteen consultants with an averageof over 25 years relevant experience

    http://www.comskil.com 301.896.0698 [email protected]

    Comskil, an SEI Partner andICF Member

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