WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture

WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

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Page 1: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture

Page 2: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

GTSPP ocean profile data (non-

fixed platform) 1990-2015

4 million casts

WOD ocean profile data (non-

fixed platform) 1990-2015

6.6 million casts

GTSPP Fixed Platform

(Equatorial Moorings +

Coastal Stations) 1990-2015

17 million casts

WOD ocean profile data (non-fixed platform) 1772-1989

6.5 million casts

WOD Fixed Platform 1984-2015

1.5 million casts

GTSPP and the World Ocean Database (WOD) – overlap, but very different data sets

Page 3: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Similar, but different roles

• GTSPP is the repository for quality controlled near-real time ocean profile data from the GTS and delayed-mode updates from participants. The main use today is near-real time data delivery to users.

• WOD is the repository for all sources of ocean profile data, historic and recent. The main use is for long-term climate studies.

Page 4: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

GTSPP WOD Quarterly Updates: XBT, CTD, glider, XCTD, pinniped

GTS feed from MEDS: Argo,

moored buoys, pinniped, glider, XBT, CTD, XCTD

Delayed Mode: CSIRO (BOM/RAN), SIO


Argo from GDAC

(near-real time _

delayed) Moored

buoy PMEL

Page 5: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Reason: WOD does not carry some of the metadata required by GTSPP History records with qc software used and

conversion routine used. History records with original values which

have been altered Originator database identifier Other (SEAS identifier, SOOP line, etc.)

Data are not presently passed from WOD to GTSPP Some original data are uploaded to both WOD and GTSPP

Page 6: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Benefits of WOD and GTSPP sharing same system architecture

1. NCEI needs to maintain only one system 2. Easier transfer/sharing of data between data sets 3. Combined data delivery through the CMD

Obstacles WOD and GTSPP sharing same system architecture

1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic processing and scientific work the new system must be at least as fast as the existing system

2. Long-term maintenance and alterations: Can we maintain an flexible dual use system for GTSPP and WOD with their disparate demands.

Page 7: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

WOD and GTSPP: Joined at a higher level


Page 8: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic


World Ocean Database Additional QC

Uniform format

NODC to Public Information Stream (Profile Data)

NODC Permanent


Public Access G




Page 9: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic


Ideal NODC to Public Information Stream (Profile Data)

NODC Permanent


Public Access G






PMEL buoys

Page 10: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic


Ideal NODC to Public Information Stream (in situ Data)

NODC Permanent


Public Access G



Coastal Buoy



Thermo salinograph

Page 11: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Consolidated Granule Level GeoPortal

Best Copy

World Ocean Database



Individual Accessions

Get Data Information

Get Data

Get Data

Get Data




See all Information

Page 12: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Best Copy: Get Data

•Virtual download through THREDDS Server

•tar ball of all data files

•CF compliant netCDF format

•Files are not uniform in format

•Quality control not uniform in execution or as represented by flags

Page 13: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Best Copy Information Description of data which matches request X casts from GTSPP (ocean profile data from 1990 to present Y casts from World Ocean Database (historical ocean profile data from 1772-[WOD most current date] : takes precedence over GTSPP Z cycles from Argo (takes precedence over all others for profiling floats) A daily means from PMEL/NDBC tropical moored buoy arrays (takes precedence over all others for tropical moored buoys) B cruise thermosalinograph records C coastal moored buoy stations

Page 14: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Progress towards goal

WOD and GTSPP are both available on NCEI THREDDS server WOD and GTSPP are both in CF compliant netCDF WOD and GTSPP have supplied single cast ISO metadata to Geoportal Everything is in place Holdup: Cannot test – NCEI has had delays in installing latest versions of THREDDS server, ERDDAP, elastic search, etc. Future: Looks good, but absolutely no way to tell until we test Addition of Argo data stream, ICOADS data stream underway

Page 15: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic
Page 16: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic
Page 17: WOD and GTSPP: same system architecture...1. Speed: the present WOD system is the basis for the World Ocean Atlas and other scientific research including ocean heat content. For basic

Advantages to being part of the MCDS

Codify data flow which is somewhat ad hoc now Make it easier for originators to see where to send data Give official imprimatur to our activites

Obstacles to being part of the MCDS

Apathy on the part of IODE (hopefully to be discussed at IODE 23 Turnover at WMO Disagreement WMO/IODE as to some terms/definitions in MCDS ICOADS agreement from their community

WOD proposal will be submitted for approval to JCOMM for next meeting (Oct. 2017)