RESEARCH Open Access Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in embryonic stem cell converted tumor cells Xinrong Peng 1, Tao Liu 1, Ying Wang 1 , Qiaoling Yan 1 , Huajun Jin 1 , Linfang Li 1 , Qijun Qian 1,2* and Mengchao Wu 1 Abstract Background: Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent stem cells and can form tumors containing cells from all three germ layers. Similarities between pluripotent stem cells and malignant tumor cells have been identified. The purpose of this study was to obtain ESCs-converted tumor cell lines and to investigate the mechanism of malignancy in pluripotent stem cells. Methods: Mouse ESCs were subcutaneously injected into nude mice to obtain tumors from which a tumor-like cell line (ECCs1) was established by culturing the cells in chemical-defined N2B27 medium supplied with two small molecular inhibitors CHIR99021 and PD0325901 (2i). The ECCs1 were then subcutaneously injected into nude mice again to obtain tumors from which another tumor-like cells line (ECCs2) was established in the same 2i medium. The malignant degree of ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 was compared and the underlying mechanism involved in the malignancy development of ESCs was examined. Results: The three ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 cell lines were cultured in the same 2i condition and showed some likeness such as Oct4-expression and long-term expansion ability. However, the morphology and the tumor-formation ability of the cell lines were different. We identified that ECCs1 and ECCs2 gradually acquired malignancy. Moreover, Wnt signaling-related genes such as CD133 and β-catenin expression were up-regulated and Frizzled related protein (FRP) was down-regulated during the tumor development of ESCs. Conclusions: The two tumor-like cell lines ECCs1 and ECCs2 stand for early malignant development stage of ESCs and the ECCs2 was more malignant than the ECCs1. Moreover, we identified that Wnt/β-catenin signaling played an important role in the malignancy process of ESCs. Keywords: Embryonic stem cell, Malignancy, Wnt/β-catenin signaling Background Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent stem cell which can develop into normal individuals after being injected into blastocysts [1-3]. ESCs can form tumors after being injected into nude mice [4], which is a secur- ity barrier for cell replacement therapy of ESCs. Recently, several groups reported that significant signatures related to ESCs were also identified in many human cancers and in mouse cancer models [5-9], indicating that tumorigen- esis might start at an early embryonicstate. Classical views of tumorigenesis have invoked tissue dedifferenti- ation in the oncogenic process, whereas modern views assume that tumor initiating cells might arise from stem cells or from the dedifferentiation of somatic cells. Som- atic cells have been reprogrammed to induced pluripo- tent stem cells (iPSCs) by transduction of defined transcription factors such as Oct4 [10-13] and the gener- ation of mammalian offspring after somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) have been obtained [14,15]. These results showed that somatic cell can be reprogrammed into ESCs-like pluripotent stem cells and then convert into the tumor initiating cells. Thus, establishment of ESCs-converted tumor cell lines will provide excellent models for researching the mechanism of tumorigenesis and new approaches for cancer therapy. In this study, ESCs was subcutaneously injected into nude mice to * Correspondence: [email protected] Equal contributors 1 Laboratory of Viral and Gene Therapy, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgical Hospital, The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China 2 Xinyuan Institute of Medicine and Biotechnology, College of Life Science, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China © 2012 Peng et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Peng et al. Journal of Translational Medicine 2012, 10:196 http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/10/1/196

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in embryonic stem cell converted tumor

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Peng et al. Journal of Translational Medicine 2012, 10:196http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/10/1/196

RESEARCH Open Access

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in embryonic stemcell converted tumor cellsXinrong Peng1†, Tao Liu1†, Ying Wang1, Qiaoling Yan1, Huajun Jin1, Linfang Li1, Qijun Qian1,2* and Mengchao Wu1


Background: Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent stem cells and can form tumors containing cells from allthree germ layers. Similarities between pluripotent stem cells and malignant tumor cells have been identified. Thepurpose of this study was to obtain ESCs-converted tumor cell lines and to investigate the mechanism ofmalignancy in pluripotent stem cells.

Methods: Mouse ESCs were subcutaneously injected into nude mice to obtain tumors from which a tumor-like cellline (ECCs1) was established by culturing the cells in chemical-defined N2B27 medium supplied with two smallmolecular inhibitors CHIR99021 and PD0325901 (2i). The ECCs1 were then subcutaneously injected into nude miceagain to obtain tumors from which another tumor-like cells line (ECCs2) was established in the same 2i medium.The malignant degree of ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 was compared and the underlying mechanism involved in themalignancy development of ESCs was examined.

Results: The three ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 cell lines were cultured in the same 2i condition and showed somelikeness such as Oct4-expression and long-term expansion ability. However, the morphology and thetumor-formation ability of the cell lines were different. We identified that ECCs1 and ECCs2 gradually acquiredmalignancy. Moreover, Wnt signaling-related genes such as CD133 and β-catenin expression were up-regulated andFrizzled related protein (FRP) was down-regulated during the tumor development of ESCs.

Conclusions: The two tumor-like cell lines ECCs1 and ECCs2 stand for early malignant development stage of ESCsand the ECCs2 was more malignant than the ECCs1. Moreover, we identified that Wnt/β-catenin signaling playedan important role in the malignancy process of ESCs.

Keywords: Embryonic stem cell, Malignancy, Wnt/β-catenin signaling

BackgroundEmbryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent stem cellwhich can develop into normal individuals after beinginjected into blastocysts [1-3]. ESCs can form tumorsafter being injected into nude mice [4], which is a secur-ity barrier for cell replacement therapy of ESCs. Recently,several groups reported that significant signatures relatedto ESCs were also identified in many human cancers andin mouse cancer models [5-9], indicating that tumorigen-esis might start at an early ‘embryonic’ state. Classical

* Correspondence: [email protected]†Equal contributors1Laboratory of Viral and Gene Therapy, Eastern Hepatobiliary SurgicalHospital, The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China2Xinyuan Institute of Medicine and Biotechnology, College of Life Science,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

© 2012 Peng et al.; licensee BioMed Central LCommons Attribution License (http://creativecreproduction in any medium, provided the or

views of tumorigenesis have invoked tissue dedifferenti-ation in the oncogenic process, whereas modern viewsassume that tumor initiating cells might arise from stemcells or from the dedifferentiation of somatic cells. Som-atic cells have been reprogrammed to induced pluripo-tent stem cells (iPSCs) by transduction of definedtranscription factors such as Oct4 [10-13] and the gener-ation of mammalian offspring after somatic cell nucleartransfer (SCNT) have been obtained [14,15]. Theseresults showed that somatic cell can be reprogrammedinto ESCs-like pluripotent stem cells and then convertinto the tumor initiating cells. Thus, establishment ofESCs-converted tumor cell lines will provide excellentmodels for researching the mechanism of tumorigenesisand new approaches for cancer therapy. In this study,ESCs was subcutaneously injected into nude mice to

td. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creativeommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andiginal work is properly cited.

Peng et al. Journal of Translational Medicine 2012, 10:196 Page 2 of 9http://www.translational-medicine.com/content/10/1/196

form tumors, from which a tumor-like cell line (ECCs1)was derived. ECCs1 were then subcutaneously injectedinto nude mice to form tumors again, from which an-other tumor-like cell line ECCs2 was established. Ourresults indicated that ECCs1 showed a tendency of ma-lignant and ECCs2 was more malignant than ECCs1.Furthermore, ECCs1 and ECCs2 could maintain Oct4-expression. Recent researches have already examined theoverlapping features that are shared by ESCs and tumorcells [8,16,17], indicated that expression of Oct4 is poten-tially correlated with malignancy and may impact onsome aspects of tumor behavior. Moreover, we alsofound that a cancer stem cell marker [18] CD133expressed in ECCs2 which is regarded as a Wnt/β-catenintarget gene. We then validated the expression of severalkey target genes in Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.It showed that β-catenin up-regulated during themalignance of ESCs and expression of Frizzled relatedprotein (FRP) down-regulated with the progress of ma-lignancy. FRP interact with Wnt proteins, antagonizingWnt/β-catenin signaling [19]. Wnt/β-catenin signalingimproved Oct4-expression and self-renewal ability ofhuman and mouse ESCs [20]. Furthermore, Wnt/β-catenin signaling play a key role in differentiation andmaintenance of ESCs in vitro [21], and it also play acentral function in transforming normal stem cells intocancer stem cells [22-24], all of which verified thatWnt/β-catenin signaling can be utilized both in the acqui-sition of pluripotency and in tumorigenesis.Although some similarities between the pluripotent

stem cells and tumor cells have been identified, ESCs-converted tumors cell lines need to be established tostudy the mechanism involved in the earliest tumorigen-esis, moreover, further researches need to be performedto solve difficult problems in this field including the cur-rently culture system for ESCs and tumor cells are dif-ferent. In this study, we maintained mouse ESCs inchemical defined N2B27 medium supplied with twosmall molecular inhibitors CHIR99021 and PD0325901(2i) as previously described [25]. The ECCs1 and ECCs2were also maintained in the same chemical-defined 2imedium. Moreover, the two cell lines maintained long-term self-renewal ability in 2i and spontaneouslyobtained malignancy without transferring viral or tran-scription factors. We believe that establishment of thesecell lines may provide concise models for researchingthe mechanism of carcinogenesis in ESCs.

MethodsMaintenance of ESCsThe ESCs were maintained in N2B27 medium suppliedwith two inhibitor (2i): CHIR99021 (STEMGENT) andPD0325901 (STEMGENT) as previously described [25].Other culture medium and growth factors were purchased

from Invitrogen. The ESCs were detached using 0.05%trypsin every three days, with a split ratio of 1 to 10.N2B27 is a 1:1 mixture of Dulbecco’s minimal essentialmedium (DMEM)/F12 and Neurobasal medium suppliedwith 1% Glutamax, 1 ×N2 and 1×B27. 2i is N2B27medium supplied with 3 μm/ml CHIR99021 and0.4 μm/ml PD0325901. The culture medium was changedby half every day. Cells were maintained at 37°C, 5% CO2and 100% humidity.

Tumors induction and establishment of ECCs1Nude mice were purchased from Shanghai ExperimentalAnimal Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All animalexperiments were carried out in adherence with the Na-tional Institutes of Health Guidelines on the Use of La-boratory Animals and approved by the Second MilitaryMedical University Committee on Animal Care (EC11-055). The ESCs were dissociated into single-cell and sus-pended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), each nudemouse was subcutaneously injected 5 × 106 cells to pro-duce tumor. When the diameter of tumors was up to1.5 cm, the mice were sacrificed. The tumors wereremoved from the sacrificed nude mice and washed eachthree times in PBS and then cut into 1cubic millimeterpieces. After digesting by collagenase IV for 30 min at37°C, the cell suspension was filtered through 200-meshsieve and centrifuged for 3 min at 100 g. Then the cellswere suspended in 2i medium and plated onto 96-wellplate in single cell, several days later, the single cell-formed clone was picked up and propagated. The estab-lished cell line was named ECCs1.

Establishment of ECCs2Cells from ECCs1 were dissociated and suspended inPBS, each nude mouse was subcutaneously injected5 × 106 cells to produce tumor. When the diameter oftumors was up to 1.5 cm, the mice were sacrificed. Der-ivation of cells from the ECCs1-converted tumors wassame with the derivation of ECCs1. The cells were cul-tured in 2i medium in single cell, several days later, thesingle cell-formed clone was picked up and propagated.The established cell line was named ECCs2.

Malignancy analysis of ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2-formedtumorsDifferentiation ability of ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 wasdetermined by switching these cells from 2i medium toDMEM medium supplied with 10% fetal bovine serum(FBS). For hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, tissuesfrom ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2-converted tumors wereseparately preserved in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 h,and then the samples from each group were embeddedin paraffin, sectioned, and stained with H&E. Karyotypeanalysis was performed according to previous study [26].

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Immunostaining assayWe fixed the ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 cells in 4% paraf-ormaldehyde for 20 min at 20°C individually, thenwashed the cells three times × 10 min with PBS andincubated them in blocking buffer (BB)(0.2% Triton X-100, 1% BSA) in PBS for 1 h at 20°C. Then, the cellswere separately incubated with a primary antibody, anti-goat Oct4 (Santa Cruz, sc-8629) or anti-mouse CD133(eBioscience, 14133180) at a dilution of 1:200 for 12 h at4°C, the cells were then washed three times × 10 minwith PBS and incubated with secondary antibody at a di-lution of 1:500 for 1 h at 20°C and washed threetimes × 10 min with PBS. The cells were incubated with0.5 μg/ml diamino phenyl indole (DAPI) for five min forstaining of nuclei for total cell content.

Western blot analysisAll the cell lysates (5 × 106) were collected and homoge-nized in radioimmunoprecipitation buffer (Pierce) sup-plied with protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche) for 30 minat 4°C. Protein concentrations were determined by aBicinchoninic Acid Protein Assay Kit (Thermo) and theamounts of protein were normalized for quantification..Protein preparations were resolved on a 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and then transferred to nitrocellulosemembranes (Protran, Schleicher and Schuell). The mem-branes were rinsed and probed with the following anti-bodies at a dilution of 1:1000: β-catenin (BDTransduction Laboratories, 610153), FRP1 (Santa Cruz,

Figure 1 ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 in 2i medium. (A) ESCs in 2i (left), imm2i (left), immunostaining of Oct4 (red), ECCs1-converted tumors (right). (C)tumors (right). DAPI (blue) staining of nuclei for total cell content.

sc-13939), standard was tubulin (Sigma T9026,). Blotswere visualized using enhanced chemiluminescence(Amersham) and quantified with a Kodak gel documen-tation system. The Western data were analysised andquantified by using GeneSys software (SynGene)

Cell growth curveCell growth curves of ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 in differ-ent culture medium (2i or DMEM supplied with 10%FBS) were determined. Cells from each group were sep-arately cultured in 24-well plates at a density of 1,000cells per well. Every 24 h, three of the wells from eachgroup were harvested using 0.05% trypsin and the num-ber of cells per well was counted with a hematocyt-ometer. This procedure was repeated for 7 days.

Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was performed by using SPSS 11.0.Results are presented as means and standard deviation(SD), and a value of P < 0.05 was considered statisticallysignificant. The paired Student t test was calculated tocompare the values between each group.

Results and discussionESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 maintained Oct4 expression in 2imediumThe mouse ESCs were cultured in chemical-defined 2imedium as previously described [25]. Figure 1A showedthat the ESCs grew in clone and maintained Oct4-

unostaining of Oct4 (red), ESCs-converted tumors (right). (B) ECCs1 inECCs2 in 2i (left), immunostaining of Oct4 (red), ECCs2-converted

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expression in 2i medium. The ESCs stably maintainedtheir characteristics over numerous passages in 2imedium. After being injected into nude mice, the ESCsformed tumors measuring up to 1.5 cm in diameter within7–8 weeks (Figure 1A). Then, the mice were sacrificedand tissues obtained from the tumors were dissociatedinto single cell and cultured in 2i medium. The dissociatedcells grew abundantly in 2i medium. We picked up a sin-gle cell-formed clone and named the clone ECCs1(Figure 1B). Although the ECCs1 was cultured in the sameculture condition with the ESCs, the ECCs1 displayed cel-lular disarrangement and the morphology of ECCs1 wasgradually different with the ESCs (Figure 1B). The ECCs1also maintained Oct4-expression in 2i medium(Figure 1B). We already maintained the cells more than 50passages and the cells still grew abundantly in 2i medium.Then, we injected the ECCs1 into nude mice again. TheECCs1 formed tumors measuring up to 1.5 cm in diam-eter within 6–7 weeks (Figure 1B). The mice were thensacrificed and tissues from the ECCs1-formed tumorswere dissociated into single cell and cultured in 2imedium. Several days later, a single-cell clone was pickedup and named as ECCs2 whose morphology was com-pletely different from that of ESCs (Figure 1C). TheECCs2 did not grow in separate clone but showed over-lapping growth and cellular disarrangement. As well asESCs and ECCs1, Figure 1C showed that the ECCs2 stillmaintained Oct4-expression in 2i medium and long-termself-renewal ability. After being injected into nude mice,the ECCs2 could form tumors measuring up to 1.5 cm indiameter within 4 weeks. Taken together, these resultsindicated that ECCs1 and ECCs2 were different fromESCs and showed a tendency of malignancy.It is well known that ESCs could form tumors after

being injected into nude mice and the tumors are mainlycomposed of normal cells and tissues from three germlayers [4]. However, our results indicated that Oct4-possitive cells still existed in the ESCs-formed tumors.Moreover, in our previous study, we also injected a wellestablished Oct4-GFP knock-in mouse ESCs [27] intonude mice to form tumors and several Oct4-positives celllines were derived from the tumors by using the 2imedium [28]. We purposed that there were several fac-tors that facilitated the derivation of the Oct4-possitivecells. First, in this study, we cut the ESCs-formed tumorsinto 1cubic millimeter pieces and different samples fromthe tumors were collected for deriving ECCs1 andECCs2. Second, most of differentiated cells could notsurvive in the serum-free 2i medium. Third, the 2imedium includes small molecular inhibitor CHIR99021and PD0325901. CHIR99021 is a GSK3 inhibitor [29]and previous studies showed that inhibition of GSK3plays an important role in maintaining Oct4-expressionand overall cell survival ability [20,25]. PD0325901 is an

inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase signalingwhich induces differentiation of ESCs [30]. The 2imedium was first applied to derive mouse ESCs [25]. Inthis study, we applied 2i medium to derive and maintainthe two ECCs1 and ECCs2 cell lines. Although we cul-tured the ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 in the same 2i culturecondition, the morphology and the tumor-formationability of the three cell lines were totally different(Figure 1). In our previous study, we also performedmicroarray analysis to show that many well-knowntumor-associated genes change with the malignancy de-velopment of ESCs after sequential transplantation [28].Taken together, these results indicated that the subcuta-neous microenvironment of nude mice could acceleratethe malignancy degree of ESCs. We proposed that thetwo tumor-like ECCs1 and ECCs2 cell lines might standfor the early tumor development stage of ESCs.

ECCs1 and ECCs2 gradually acquired malignantThe two tumor-like lines ECCs1 and ECCs2 were estab-lished via monoclonal formation (Figure 2A). Even afterrepeated passage in 2i medium, the karyotype analysisshowed that the ECCs2 maintained normal chromosomenumber (Figure 2A) at early passage (Passage 19).We then evaluated the likeness and difference among

ESCs, ECCs1 (Passage 14) and ECCs2 (Passage 15). Thethree cell lines shared several same characteristics such asOct4-expression and self-renewal ability in 2i medium.However, after withdrawal of 2i, the ESCs could not main-tain long-term self-renewal ability. The ESCs differen-tiated into embryonic body in DMEM medium suppliedwith 10% FBS (Figure 2B) and Oct4-expression of theESCs quickly disappeared (Figure 2C). The results con-firmed that the ESCs maintained a balance of self-renewaland differentiation, after withdrawal of 2i inhibitors, theESCs quickly converted into normal differentiated cells.We observed that the ECCs1 grew abundantly and differ-entiated partially in DMEM medium supplied with 10%FBS (Figure 2B), some of which still maintained Oct4-expression for 2–3 passages (Figure 2C). The results indi-cated that the ECCs1 had a tendency of malignancy. Afterwithdrawal of 2i, the ECCs2 maintained Oct4-expressionin DMEM medium supplied with 10% FBS (Figure 2C)even after long-term expansion and repeated passages(Figure 2B) which verified that ECCs2 lost the appropriateregulatory mechanisms to maintain a balance of self-renewal and differentiation.The cell growth curve assay confirmed that ESCs,

ECCs1 and ECCs2 grew abundantly and maintained ex-ponential growth in 2i medium (Figure 2D) with statisti-cally no significant difference among each group. Afterwithdrawal of 2i, the cell growth curve showed that thedifferentiated ESCs had two phases of growth: an expo-nential phase with a steady-state exponential growth and

Figure 2 ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 in DMEM supplied with 10% FBS. (A) tumor-derived cells seeded as single cells (left) Single cell-formedECCs2 clone (middle), ECCs2 maintained normal karyotype at early passage(right). (B) ESCs (left), ECCs1 (middle) and ECCs2 (right) in DMEMsupplied with 10% FBS. (C) Immunostaining of Oct4 (green) and DAPI (blue) of ESCs (left), ECCs1 (middle) and ECCs2 (right). (D) Growth curve ofESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 in 2i medium. (E) Growth curve of ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2 in DMEM supplied with 10% FBS. *,P < 0.05 versus ESCs;{,P < 0.05 versus ESCs and versus ECCs1. Each point represents a mean of triplicate values for each sample ± SD.

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a contact-inhibition phase with cell proliferation cease(Figure 2E). The growth curve of ECCs1 also showed thegrowth rate of ECCs1 was significant (P < 0.05) higherthan that of ESCs (Figure 2E). However, the cell growthcurve of ECCs2 only showed an exponential growthphase in DMEM supplied with FBS (Figure 2E) and the

growth rate of ECCs2 was significant higher (P < 0.05)than that of ESCs and ECCs1 (Figure 2E). Taken together,these results showed that ECCs2 acquired malignancyand lost differentiation ability.We then fixed tissues from the ESCs, ECCs1 and

ECCs2-converted tumors to examine the malignancy

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degree of these cell lines. The H&E staining resultsshowed that the ESCs-formed tumors were mainly com-posed of normal cells and tissues from the three germlayers (Figure 3A) including muscle, bone, glandular andneural tissues. The ECCs1-formed tumors still includedtissues such as muscle, gland and bone, however, thetumors showed a malignant tendency of hyperchromaticnuclei and cellular derangement (Figure 3B). The ECCs2-formed tumors were mainly composed of poorly differen-tiated adenocarcinoma and carcinomatous nerve tissue(Figure 3C). Moreover, the H&E staining results con-firmed that ECCs1 showed a tendency of malignancy andECCs2 was malignant tumor cells. Therefore, weassumed that ECCs1 was intermediates between theESCs and ECCs2. These results also indicated that thecharacteristics of these cell lines were profoundly influ-enced by microenvironment and the subcutaneousmicroenvironment of nude mice accelerated the malig-nancy degree of the ESCs. On the other hand, embryonic

Figure 3 H&E staining. (A) Muscle (left), bone (middle), neural and glandand gland (right) tissues of ECCs1-formed tumors. (C) ECCs2-formed tumor

microenvironment suppresses the tumorigenic pheno-type of aggressive cancer cells proved by several previousworks [31,32]. Other studies showed that there is a con-vergence between malignant tumor cells and embryoniccells in the molecular messengers including members ofNotch and Wnt signaling [33,34]. Our results alsoexcluded the possibility that the tumorigenesis of ECCs2was caused by the loss of chromosomes.We then evaluated the chromosome number of ECCs2

at late passage (Passage 53). Interestingly, the ECCs2 wasestablished by clone-formation and maintained normalchromosome number at early passage (Figure 2A), how-ever, ECCs2 showed a loss of chromosomes at late passage(Passage 53) and chromosome number of some ECCs2was around 38~39 (Additional file 1: Figure S1). We pro-posed that deletion and amplification of genes and signal-ing played a role in increasing the rate of chromosomemutations and then the abnormal mitotic mechanismsmay result in numerical aberrations in the daughter cells.

(right) tissues in ESCs-formed tumors. (B) Muscle (left), bone (middle)s.

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In this study, we established two ESCs-originated tumor-like cell lines in which ECCs1 showed a tendency of ma-lignancy and ECCs2 was malignant tumor cells. The twocell lines provided models for studying the convergence oftumorigenic and embryonic signaling pathways and thenmight help to identify new targets for therapeuticintervention.

Wnt/β-Catenin signaling has a relationship with themalignancy of ESCsTo clarify the difference between ESCs and ECCs2, weperformed immunostaining to detect the expression ofCD133, a common marker for the identification of stemcells from normal and cancerous tissues [35,36]. Theimmunostaining results showed that CD133 expression inESCs was negative (Figure 4A), however, most of ECCs2showed expression of CD133 (Figure 4B), the results alsoindicated that the ECCs2 was different from the ESCs.CD133 is regarded as a target gene of Wnt/β-catenin

signaling pathway [18]. Previous researches point out that

Figure 4 Wnt/β-catenin signaling in carcinogenesis of ESCs. (A) ImmuCD133 (red) in ECCs2. (C) β-catenin-expression in ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2. (

inappropriate activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathwayimplicate in transforming normal stem cells into cancerstem cells [22-24,37], however, the role of Wnt/β-cateninsignaling in ESCs carcinogenesis remains unclear. In ourprevious study [28], we also noted that some of Wntsignaling-associated genes changed with the malignancydevelopment of ESCs. We then examined the expressionof β-catenin in ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2. The western blotresults showed that expression of β-catenin was stronglyactivated in the ECCs1 and ECCs2 compared with ESCs(Figure 4C). The Western data were also quantified byusing GeneSys software and the results confirmed thatWnt/β-catenin signaling was activated during malignantdevelopment of ESCs (Additional file 2: Figure S2). Fur-thermore, we also detected another Wnt signaling relatedprotein, FRP1. It is reported that FRP antagonize withWnt signaling and down-regulation of FRP activate Wntsignaling [19]. The western blot result showed that FRP1was obviously down-regulated in ECCs1 and ECCs2(Figure 4D). Expression of FRP1 was also quantified by

nostaining of DAPI (blue) and CD133 (red) in ESCs. (B) DAPI (blue) andD) FRP1-expression in ESCs, ECCs1 and ECCs2.

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using GeneSys software and the results confirmed that ex-pression of FRP1 was gradually reduced during the malig-nant development of ESCs (Additional file 2: Figure S2).According to the results, we assumed that β-catenin mightact as a molecular switch in carcinogenesis of ESCs. Pos-sible function of Wnt/β-catenin signaling might includeup-regulation of target gene, disruption of linked signal-ing, deregulation of cell proliferation and disruption of celladhesion [38]. In summary, our results indicated thatdown-regulation of FRP1 activated Wnt/β-catenin signal-ing, up-regulation of β-catenin facilitated the expressionof Oct4 in ECCs1 and ECCs2 and then promoted malig-nancy of these cells. However, it was still unclear whichgene regulated the expression of FRP1 during the carcino-genesis of ESCs. In future, we would study and comparemore involved genes in Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Also, theiPSCs can form tumors in nude mice [11,12]. It will beuseful to establish iPSCs-converted tumor cell lines andour work provides a simple protocol for establishing thepluripotent stem cells-converted tumor cell lines. Thechemical-defined culture condition will provide a preciseplatform for studying the carcinogenesis mechanism ofpluripotent stem cells.

ConclusionsIn this study, we established two ESCs-originated tumor-like cell lines ECCs1 and ECCs2, the ECCs1 and ECCs2could maintain long-term self-renewal ability in 2imedium. Second, our results showed that the ECCs2 wasmalignant tumor cells and ECCs1 was intermediates be-tween the ESCs and ECCs2, while subcutaneously injec-tion in nude mice accelerated the malignancy of thesecells. Third, our work also indicated that Wnt/β-cateninsignaling played an important role in the process of malig-nancy of these cell lines.

Additional files

Additional file 1: Figure S1. Karyotype analysis of ECCs2 at passage 53.

Additional file 2: Figure S2. Western data were quantified by usingGeneSys software. The value of spot1 ~ 12 stands for the western blotdata respectively, Spot 13 stands for the negative control.

AbbreviationsESCs: Embryonic stem cells; GFP: Green fluorescent protein; GSK3: Glycogensynthase kinase 3; iPSCs: Induced pluripotent stem cells; PBS: Phosphate-buffered saline; H&E: Hematoxylin and eosin; FRP: Frizzled related protein;DMEM: Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium; DAPI: Diamino phenyl indole;FBS: Fetal bovine serum.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsXRP carried out cell culture experiment and drafted the manuscript. TLparticipated in molecular genetics study and carried out animal experiment.YW carried out experimental design. QLY drafted the manuscript. HJJparticipated in molecular genetics study. LFL carried out cell culture

experiments. QJQ participated in the study design and coordination. All theauthors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Science Funds for distinguishedYong Scholar (No.30925037), the Science Fund for Creative Research Groupof NSFC (No. 30921006) and National Significant Science and TechnologySpecial Projects of New Drugs Creation (No. 2011ZX09102-010-02).

Received: 21 June 2012 Accepted: 12 September 2012Published: 20 September 2012

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doi:10.1186/1479-5876-10-196Cite this article as: Peng et al.: Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in embryonicstem cell converted tumor cells. Journal of Translational Medicine 201210:196.

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