- wm V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ iip D aho MAY BE BONDED FOR $200,p i i Agroement to Bond Idfiho Limit in Order to Qoro I atato Lutitutioiis; jfoven No 'AppropriatioD ^Uls Appear : R oubo Yetterdaj. ^BOISS. Uarch : tu most important linglo bills ( tho legislatit'o tesaion wero ii troduced- ia tbo bouio Wedne day jnomioff.'the odnedtioual a] propriBtlona calUns for moi .tbsa two .miUion’ dollars. House bill No.- 336 providi . _ $4S.0BP:for the Btato boaid < ' edtioation uid Btato npeibtoTK ent's office. House'bill No, 3! providM $1,867,209.01 for tho ii educQtional institutions und< tho Btato board. When 'to these, amounu ' ai ,'8dd«4 those'cfuried in boas •bJll No. 1, to provide for th first' two montlu of the yeai ’ and houso b ill' No. 328, intr< duced Tuesday, for the deficit s ' ZiOwisten 'Normal school, ,tho 'toti _ appropriations proposes for e<li cation for tho bienniuza .at fonnd to be $2,227,037.70, dn ii crease of $S6&839 over thos pMsed.by tho 1923 legislature. 'tTbo'.tJnlvonltr or Idaho U allowo 1880,]» in ths now bill, wlileb ndtlo « to iu Kbnro o( houKO bill .Vo. 1 make n,0c0,s30. or $189.1)7 moro than to . llio last two yean, - _ . iTba Idaho Tecbnlcul Iniiltuto wll rMolve $348,079. or $72,720 moru Iha for tho laat blonnltim. . ■; Levuton -Normal'a appropriallo rtm ilar apDroprlBllon in paaHud an If the bill IntroduCiHl Tucwla)’ lo moc Ihc Hchool'a dcficlonr>-'lH pa»nr<l. Tlio amotinlfl carried by liotiMo bll No. 330 aro an followii; - _ .Unlveralty or Idaho, $880,120; jiur a«f() admlnlMra(loT), $<ilOi); rodnii control. 810.000; Albion Noriual. |I17. 104; LowlNton ..Nonnol, |i'U4.093.82 lilalio Technical InHfli'uto, $31',97a InduKirlal Tralnlnu nchool, $201,303 flchool for'dear and blind, >117.[>1u.C!i , Houno bill Nn. 33n, for Ihc «tati board and atiperlniciidinU carrlcH i lOlal of $<0,065. Kouhi'lllll .Vo.‘l car rlotl for th«m $6:ou. which lotala 160. 26S for tbo biennium un coiiiparuc t $44,065 raRBCd by (hu I<^ln1a :wo yeara ago. The nuw bill al $0078.82 for tho commlAsloncr o lion, (he of/lce for wMclt '(hi iture of 1923 refuxod to provldi a aalary. A llmliadon of itSOO a yeai la plaeed on Ihlii nalary, Jiowover. ai contpared lo $0,000 a yeor forrocrl; Dald:lhe'commlaB»oDor. . fJ<i appropriation meaitirea were Iu cludid In the tbird rondlns cajendai . Blvon' UJo houao Wedneaday momlni \ by tho aiftlD* coramlitee. Houin bll \ No. SS7..lntn>dnc«l Tucnday. embrac mg’ tbf new motor rei,leh- nglttra Uon Sehedaltf; was paanvd under'nua penalon of tbc rules. ' ' UorSQ. Idaho, Maralr'4.—Asrea ' ment haa beon reached betweet frlanda' of iha education^ InatKu. tlona an'd ibe admlolntralloa' ot paailnr n bcndinx measuro for Ibt laauBDca of tho $200,000 remalndei at Idaho'a boodlnic limit for the pur poao of bulldlni; permanent Im * prorementa far tho IntlUatloa* oi h|(her leamlajc. Of thli approxl- niately $100,000 Is' to b« used fot compleilnx the science halt at the Itelvertlty, $«0.000 for addition tc Ibe enKl&etrInt buildlnic at ih« Idaho Technical inatliuie At I'oca- tello. approximaiely $40,000 for i central hcatine . plqnt at iba Albion state Nonnal al Albion and the re* malnder for imalt Improrementa at olher Institutions. . Tbla. baa bean acrted upon lo conrerence ai dolnx away with the request of tha educational tostitu* tJona for a ,thre»-«ishtha mill tas lary for baildinR purpom- The threa-algbtba miil Ux would hare broDcht ta to tht ituutuuoss ap< proslmatelr $360,000 < b two years and tha compromiie ahowa tha ecoD* * ontjr iQsIstance of tbe admiatatra* 'tion. Wblla Iba initltuLlons tic . doQbt can na« nore it vas fait that tber wera belnc ukea can ot by Ihla arrfoceBMat aa well as tbe people could afford at thla time. : Thea* mattera wilt not b« aattled howarer aatll they paaa both hoaaaa tor tho adncaUonal compretnUea ara ' (ratvht wilh emit daasar aad •eott IUII has iKwUaaad to atUcIi lb« Unlvanltr ot Itebo achadali 'for tacraase In aatariaa for tba fac- altj anotmuac to YUljOOO ost ot the $110,000 nalBUBaaca badstt tor tba. itnlraraity acraed .apoo a tav daya aso tn ceaotltta*'whaa Beott IUII waa ni and not preanL Tba r>»eraer will aim aay edoc^Uowil (Ceetlnaed on pact . m m ' j„"; ' ,s as5ss^=a:===:= *■ HKllll.lfjlirS OP THK IXAUJl'KAI, ADURKS: R “America ncekn no carlhly om piro built on blood and forcu. Thi icelqiiB which nhu.nrndn forih an .armed, not wilh Uiu aword, bu with tho cross. She chei'ishMi ni n r Pxrposo navo to merit the favor o Ifli Almighty God." 111^ ' "I wulcomu Ihc cooperation (o: cnnKrenii) nnd expert to sbare wltl ' • It not only the rMponnllilllty. bui lho credit, for our common cffon to to necuro bonrficial inR>al(ijlon." r»» "T'J'i* collection' of 011^ taxes which arc noi almointoly reqiiiroii ttm i whicii do nm biyonil n'asnnalii( ■*’“ rtotibl coutrfliiito to Ihp imlillo wcl- ir in *** ""'V “ «l>eclc» of IcKaiizeil larceny." "Unlenn wc wish to liampe.r. (lit l^ p le In thvir riKiii >o rarn a iiv- Ins; wc niUNt have lax n forni. two I'hV*<cul cnnflrmmlon ol _ nf Iho o;irth hu;i npcaruivii iik from all , of the Old World, imt lint commtin , in- brotherhood of miin. (h«- lilKbcni lues, law nf nil unr brine:. hsH unlKMl u> [ ap- by inscparnUlc Imndn u-itli nil hu- ^n-_ inanity." "Onr country rcprem-nt* nnthinr •' hut pcoci'fiii intonilnnH loword all ides thu oarlli. iml il ouKht noi lo fnll tu i of! nintniali) niTcb ii iniiitary fortv un ond.'t ~on'ipoFia'TVi«rtlio-(llBnity'ah>l"Rin MQ curity of the people.'' “Wt' cjinnol permit ciuniftlvcn In > i»o narrowHl nnd OwnrfM by thii nder hIoeoub und phrnKi'H. • • * it in noi lho nanii’ of liu' union. I>ih tho jo- ■«-» miU of tbe action wliWii ii Ihc '*'l‘'f coururn. It will bir well not to IjD too much dlRinriicd i)y tbn the thouKht tiiul I'itlK'r Indlnllon or <-n- 'ear, 'tanKli-meni of 'pacKlntn and mill- jtro- It a t ---------------------------------------------: -------- total City Politics Are Growing Warmer; t in- Few Candidate hose • ^ ______ e. Polllleal disci Hsioni are oow isoln >woa on on every ntroct corner, and man ddoil nro b«InK nusBcatcd for \-arlo«a posI akeii tions. New men menlioned .for mayo 1 for aro Senator M. J. Swectey, Captal Uverett Sweeley. Arthur L. 8wlm an will A. 11. Hiclca.. Bevoral ot thoip mci lhan tloned earlier havo declared that the ., will not bo candidates.' - li ?" '. JJoosta IIJ*, llanJIJale/ ’ ©eckrinjT that- hla - tftwdiOalO^^J nono nclho above, Ju(|go John 13. Da “"V vie* iiald IhiH mornlnR that be woul Kuppori nomo ot t>ii‘ onen niiRRcntod I . nominated, but di-ncrlhed bis man a younK, vlsoronn, huvlnc nonnd Idea ...... O'* bUHinenn and iiavine mado a nuc > cens 9f-bla ow'n lmnlncM, Ho woul not name him. Ankcd when ho woul name the man, ho replied, "pcrhap *'!•• never, an I do not know wbWhorJi will aeeopi or noi. I bpllcv« that v want youni: bl«o<l*and niifinld hav. somebody not iulx«-d up wllb oli I*"" .ouarrein, no that wo cnn i;o aheai * vlRorouniy." Thero n^eins Illtle doiibl liial^nome sfmt *’** nomlnaled'by Ihu-voler i.ix places and . pcrhapn novera ticket* i»ul in the field biforo Satur day nlRhi. v*|de LONDON.—Earth iremooi of con )-car aiderabis vloleuco bave been fel , an In Kuly. ticcordlnR to n Centra erly News dispatch from Itome. I Deadlocfcei H W o r d o f Si = Gongresf the ' - >dei: Sixty*eighth Congress Adjc im^ - . tion Unfiniahed; It W ill I reat of Numerous Blocs an oxi- - _ WASHINGTON. D. C, Morch 4.- (o t>eadloekod lo tho last, thu sixty- lh« otshth coiiRress coDcluUed lodaj lea*lnit a mass of leeiilatlon un- . a finished. lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In the house at and the senate fell—uiherinit oul the old divided congresi and herafd- lo Ins the comlas ot straliht-put re- the publican rule. itu* Down to the last wire the atro&S bloca whicb sUrted oft two yean aco in a tie up maintained theii »»• adamaot. poslllont. Fann relief Maselo Bboals, probibitloa Mforct- maat and other le|lslatlon wtn ■o"* caucbt irretrieraWy.. Tbt d^loc$ was so bopelaaa tbal laadara «tm cfllod ett the nlgbt .atssion Bsnalty held Just before inancoratlbn 4ay. W ^Mtetlnc at 10 a. ». tba boos* cltanw)- up the taat rraalalnR ap- *■ proprlatloa bill—Um second defid. oBcy; w«ileb / earrtea promlartioai *** ttema for (oram nont expeaat. ^ Prtaldtsl Ooolldst'a actloa oa Ui tecUIaUT* appropriauon Wll cam - lac an tacrtaat to aatariaa ea ItcH; totora to tlMM a yaar waa a eaaUt of latanal -io tha tad. TM m«aa* nrt waa pautd a wtatt aco and ataca ,.v that'tltaa M>. OocdldKt haa btaa•ea^ ^ rrlac tt arovDd 4a Wa peckst; . rba Tbt hOnst alwaya ad)o«ras - al a. m. to attend tha Tiet prtsl- __ dentlat tnaunratlon CM«moai«a la tha acaatt.chaabtr. tba saaatt. bt- M IS TWIN falls ; Mm - ilt s TiKE I riiflililAND J," Vico President Delivers Figh1 Irod! ’Speech and Demands Bofo ' .in S^ato .Rules otad Urges "«'■ tion Rather Than Avoic Ihe the Hool Issues; Reminds & V- of Teddy. I or 1 all —— mtm T in: .C.VPITOl,, WASIIINGT bcni Xai- 'I.—In . a fltihllnt: fnatiKi d IIH npuKch, Vlve-Protldunl Ciiari«-i> l,ii. Uawps upon .asBtiinlnE hin offlci> in Nviiato today deniundi'd ihnt tho io hin/t liilivp riiluK of thni body be rov I nil »'> aa proviml ‘■ohnlrnolinn nf II tu pnlilic MislncnH.' L - UII "Heform-i» the proscnl niitn of -RIP- wnaMnmjjimannpaiiorfiniyTir'Aii icun iMihilc ophilon but I vrniurt n in Huy In ihu Indlvidtiol conHcli-ncpn thu. till! majority of tho mrmbi-rii of uol lu^mto Itni-lf." Onwon declurtHi. I to- IL Is my dnty ou thc'iiart of lho i lho nldiiiK officor of Iho nvnulo to ouIl not tcnllon to dufrcilvo niothoilH in thn cumhRrrof l>uslni'Hit by tho bo<ly c: on-' which Iio prenldos, no, tmdor tho t nlll- niltiitKoiiai powor, It Ih tlio.duty of niumbem of thlii iiody to con ____ Ihcni." KvHsltm I h Wninjc. “To cvndu or iRnnro nn Issue , iwrou riuhl [inrf wronc tuuihodn It » itnolf.a wronK. To thu purformanni fa tf this duty—ft dtity which lu non-i ^ llssn -a dutx which In nori-kcclloni a duly which is aionu In Ibo i«*ci Kolne of Ihu nation we have nworn fa! many, fully to aervo—I ask tho considerat posi- of the iivnatc, appeulltiR to the c layor science, and to tho palrloUam of ptaln Individual mcmbera." I and Dawen Waa administered tho o »"«>•: of office by Prenldani Pro Tcm All they Q, Cummins of. Iowa In tho ritual coiutitutional ‘custom In tbe aun chamber a; Jf;}4 }Mt ono nilnuio D ^n {ord'CbmmiiiR declared tho OHttti c . ua- srci^fl^adjourned Hlnn dlf. 'O''',** Jte-aHcendeil the'mntrnm nnd ol pruyor i)CRan thu roaiiiiii; of bin otmura) inoHHftKe which hn liod Idoan „ivcrt oven to Ihc prtns, burom ho Ran. Tho new vict-pri-aldcni m 'OU *1 familiarly known ot '‘11011 and Mar rould iiocaiiso of Mn explosive vlanRua “»P" ntartrd oul by pledRlnK thal he wo »r.)io iipvitUie Irt a non-psrOsan mani 5 withoui ri-spuct to party nfflllailo Bill ho naid ho I.cIIcvmI bln posit old pave him the authority to domand bead viHinn i,n the mcthoils of proct^i which Have been effectually une<l home nenatom In blacklnR loirtaiatl liiRhtK ot AmcrlraDS i)T«Tlvokn. terai Heeoinflzlnic tho historic oricln atur- Ihy present rules, h'o addcdl "Out however, natural ban been i evolution, 'however comniendablo tl «>"• ex’istlnR dealre on Iht pari ot ail tl tbo rlRhtn of each individual nona itrai -------- ______ (Conilaued on paRo 0) ■ ed Is Last 5 ix ty Eighth ss A t Finisl djoUmed With Mass of Uegisl ill Be Remembered As the Con and Bitter FighU. 4.—'injc -a cooUaninR J*odr. was to i lxty*>mala in atsalon. After tho laauRv oday ation. a messace trom tho prei un- dent sunmioninR an extra seasl for the upper houat to Inform I cabinet nomloationa ia always re „M.. and Ibe senato tbtrcnpon adjour out until the foliowinip day. .afj. Ouu/cio ot tba raatloff »Jlfl< ra. tion of nomlnuioos Ibt senate, u der an aRretmenC which already h reportad. w ill.takt np tbt b - of PInrs and lAasaane traatb TUera has bettt atrowc , actUti< .iiJf amonR world court adhertnia T action on pendloR rtsolutloas pled American participation In t court. Rumors have tTso bten cl cnlattd OB- t:apll0l HUI thal h .iZ CbcNdRt miglit .meiitfofl'tba aiatt In hit massage. Thero kUo ba btea lifdlcatlons that roait staat would mora lo U kt np the matt J ? aner. the special session Is u&de way. *"•* There Is a differene® of oplnh about how, ioBR the aeaskm v u a loat. s«nator Curtis, rapabtlc! leader, whott »iew la moat rtaptct >n«r saya'two wetks.' Saaator Coptlaa aw Stw York, democrat, end atroag o •a*- pontnt of tbt Isit ot Plata traa ‘oca alon* with Senator Kin*, Utah. da< ear^ om t. aad opponeat ot (ba LMaani im ty asrat that It will ukt s • V *»*ka- iw , n i* cloae of tbt senalo aeaaii bf (CDminned on page 4> V MI s; IDAHO,. WEDNESDAY, M iSTEH Esr president ( inc ]^for§ C ghting Informs ' ' GS Ac- oiding Bomo .. Ion ' ' In lho the 'Aiifpr- ~ ~ lurc to ' of Iho ' >0 pro- ni- ill iii<^ over 1(1 coll- uu he- H lu 111 Vcront -.Cf.','; . •ration This laSlow'preludent Co'nIldBo D con- Tuft, IIS uhlef Justicc. Is tho only i of the shown tlio bilile which Iioh bcun i Alherl P® *'” *®*’ I d a h o S c u l p t o t uai of Indicted on .Charges oi ilTbl^ M alicious M isch iel h eon* i«Y -___•_ .* ATIiANTA'. fJii.. Mnroh 4;—Ijiitxot; I aftor JiorRlum. ili-pniii.il xouiplor of tin Hh in- (^u)Tiu .Monuiiiln. moiiuirlni w. ik Iii. ■1 nnl dU;toii by llu- i)oK>ili> ninniy Knnii! ho iKJ- Jury iodiiy;im. ihri-o ooiuiIh Involv. llti; iiiroirny nml- mnllclixn* mniihlor itarla indinmenlH rharned ili'striir. Ruaso. (Jon a^d ulluRod thytt of moilcln ni wouiil (ho mnmorlui. nliorlly nflor tiif 'llnmliiHi'il. ! iH *' O- Tncker. HiirKluni'n <lilo| nd ro" ln<IIclud. i ^ “by l»AXtj:i. .M'lJHNT JIKI.KASKI* IX lotion .ST(IKK.S IIIVmtCK fASI Jin of .CinCAOO, Mnrch 4.—ftanlol Nu. Rent. .S'ew York lawyor, Inillclci sn tho Stokes nn clinrRCii g {},„( ol cdaiplrnvy to iMumc lho rbn»- I thal acter of liolen Kiwooil SloVrs to. inator day ytaa nrl free by JuiIko Wllllnni -------- N. G'ummlll who ruled thn ninte iimi failed to producc n'ufflrirnl evidence to ronnect him with the ciuic. DefenHo nttoriioyn coniildori.Hl lln action or llie court, inatamount to a death blou, lo-tiio etalo'B cano ncftinHt Stokes. . . t-1 I.V«A>TK nilOTUKIlS It'IM . IfK tA ' .STAItVKI) Ol'T 01‘ IIAIIIIACKN « . Hi:i,I,KFONTAINi:. Ohio. .March 4— ^ The slece of liie Riishylvania farm ^JLJL houHe wbere Harry Wren, SO. and bln brother. Ray. 40, ailescd luhatlcn, barricaded tbcmnclrca aimnnt the law, ta in , turned today Into a ranipalRJi or wotchful wnltinR.’ ■ Ong> Sheriff Wooley aaid hr would ox. )>au«t all efloria to iSMoiige' lho luo- them pcacoably before rcaoriiUR to tear lunnbs or othor formn of vlo- 0 ro- lonce. URur- ------------------------ prcsl- ROMl'l—Willlum Cnrdln.il O'Con- isslon nell of Itonlon. IradlnR li InrRe drle. 1 his Ration of American pllRrimn hns ur- read rived from Naples, t’npo I’lno '■Ml Duma Krant ihe pIlRrlmn nn nuilleno to- day or tomorrow, llflca* ------------------------ S BURLEY BANKER g GOES ON TRIAL tht ^ . Fatwer Prrsldeat ol Ftnil NatloDat , lUak of ttarier on TrUl • la Federal CoaH. aator dOTSIX ilarch 4—E. Curtif Warren, latter former president of tbe defuncl nm l ader- Natloual bank of Durley, went on trial In Ibe federal court here Tuesday on ilnloa a «barxe of mlaapplicatloo of funda. will The dwrgt. aiallt up , of ten couata. 4lcha baa t» do wltb aa account of tbe Har- ■acted rouo Sbeep > company' and alle*pd itaad. orardratla •nntST Warr«» Is aald I op- to bare beta Ihtcr«a|e<l la tbla com- raaty Paay itrooRh rtlatlrea. Jeaa n. Haw- daw- lay. attorney for <!efenae. Inirrpoatd laniit a Otansmr.-'arRulnR an overdraft » six chart* doea not eeaatiiuto a criminal . otreaatt. It waa overroled. Warrta «alon baa beta trM four tlmaa befort oa -------- CharRe* gn>wia« out of ib<> hank*a dlf.-. ncslllea and Hnat failure. ^ PLY T •Y, MARCH 4, 1925. WM ' Coolidge As H Chief Justice 7 'ook The Oath c HBBI dBO dud ox-Prosidenl Tafi looked lodny wl lly cx-prosidoni who )ins over delivered tl in used Jll neurly every InnuBurntlon. 3 President’s B Scintillate! B Prosperity tile , I II. Coolidge Stresses Idea T h at. less Other Nations Arc Fr . . ter Our Independence an ASK Favors Entering World Co Nu- WA81IIN0T0N. Mnr. 4.-Ain( rion « | Iclcd ro(iiionBll)llliy In load llio world in por- rRCN I wnnoni j.on'co nnil proaperliy wnn pro- bnj. rlnlmi-d by. I’rcnidont'Coolldco In IjIh lo. Innunirai nddri'Sn tmlay o.i tho i>aru- llnni moiini dniy faclni: the nailon. ■mil 'Hio United Klatcn. Innlntod alike'in enre itn proxporiiy. lln Indoiianilcnn’ and lt« power, mnnl rfconnlto tho olill;;n- the *ioii Iniponed by thin exccpiloiial i>o- ;o n nitioii. be dorlarcd. ilnst 1“ hin address, delivered In the trn- dltlonal place before ihe Rrent dome of • the capllol. but bJ- the innnlr of thi- radio, enrrled far beyond Ibo Ijjoii*- I'KS nn'h* "ho sulher«-<] to hear him. to millions thrnnRhoni ilie coimtiy. tbo 4_ Vrcnldoni pioaclird a cospel of laior- arm national cooperation nnd dome'nile liln economy wltli fervor tbat wan at Unun ticn, deeply relUloua. , law. The president rc-emphaslzcd- rov- or eremenial.economy nnd tak rnlui-ilon. an tho basic policli-ii of his admlnin-l PX. tratlon. The* com of ROTerniuent. ho I fiio. nald. shonld Ik> cut tieforo «ovenunont' (a bccame more of a liurdcn than a pro-: vIo- lection lo tbe people. Tax retlurtli.ii j; he drclared wan noi only economlrallyi desirabli- bul an Inherent rIcht lo ^on- which thr eltlienn or male and nation rlP. won* eniltlpd. *' World leadrrshlp in the slrnaclo li>{' III advance unlvernal pronprrlly aiulj. to. prace devoivi-n naliiraiiy li|i<>n Ihol' Unllod 8ialon,.tbe prenldont iMilnti'iI'' nut. because atiione all thr iinllonH I V tho llnlled Staton In the innni fAvtir- ‘ J alily nitualed. < \ Otitilnlne sp^irie wayn in whlob th« Unilrd SlatM coiiM properly ex- ' Lv erl'-ltn vast Infnienee. tbe pm ldrntf' Ll advocated'adhenVice to Ihe World!' U j Court, tho holdlnx or frequent Inter-1' national -epafcrcnlM sucb aan tboM>[' which resulted in no Dawes Plan andj< ipat the Parbi aRreemtat, comlnueti rn- ' In dea^'ora <o limit atnuimcDia. I'ctBom-'^ Ic and floanclal assHtancc to fess fav- j orcd ptople. and tho codification tif tn-l> ren. ternatlonal la-. I irat Prtsldeot Coolidse sirvased . the!' rial I principle ittat tbls country could only on bo ptma&enlly prtwpcreus If otber Ida. countries also ailalaed. a measur* of ] Bti>; prosperity. He urR«d thmfore tbat . lar- the (tr*t aim of tb t Vatteri Staten In J Red Its foreign rrlatloas shoold be to as- m d alst otber couotriM. < am- He dliraot mfer ro (ho letetie of aw- nations or to debts. Rnt this eotint^‘s «td tradltloMl isolation, h f aald, should < raft only ro ao far aa to kctp tbls natloa i Inal withdrawn from Uie poUtlcal aftaira « T«» ot Eurof** while vooptraufca In Vrtrx i oa practical way wbkh mlgbt procaott dlf,-. iteact aad proaperity. I fn dUcusslnr tha world coort he ad- | riM E ^ ----------------- ToPl He'^ppeared Taft Today of Office ' when tho formor was sworn 'liito offko, I tho oiilh of offloo. Ittitwcvii ihi-m'lH s Address 3SmFeace- ;y for World xt America'Cannot Prosper Un* Prosperous; “Wc Cannot Bur* and Sovereignty," He Said; Court. a'li vooaidl thin rouuti'y’n luMiorcnee in I’r- iitroii>;i.r ii-rmii tliiin ho hnn ovor pro- rn- vlminiy unod. jIh fjtiiHiil llnrli-r Our JiiiJpprndrnrr. 'a- ‘‘Wo ciiniiiH bnrtiT away nnr Itido- ' poiidinco or nur'*ovcrel«niy.'‘ he raid. ' In "but wo ouuhl In cncuKu In no rcflno- ml m«ni of IokIo. no noiihlnirlon. and no ;n- "UlinrfUKvn. to artno away tho nn- ' iloiiliii-d duly of Ihin eoumry l.y nn- iion'of tlif mlKht of.ltn numbem. ilio • •n- I‘‘>wor oT it" roHnurrr» and Ua posi- of tion of li’adership In Ihe world, hr- Iiv lively and coniproh«nslvely lo nicnl- V,. fy llK approval -and to bear Hn fnlf l„ Klmre of the renponfllbliliy of a r.m- Ii<. <Md nnd dlnlnli-roninl nttenipi at ihe •r- «'i'ial)llnhtn?nt of a irlbmiBl for the ' ,l(. ndiiiinlntmtioii of cvi-ii-handi'l punilce ' 1..„ lu-iwoeti nation nnd imilon. Tho ' Iwolchi of nur onorinoim Influence * ,v. munt t.,. lam npon Ihe nido of a rolra ' iinliioi of foroo. bill of Jaw nti'l trial, not * 1.. by liatlle. l-tii by roanon," l„, I In dlhoiiKiilnK doinphilo ottslm .Mr. ' ,it'''"ollileo net ::ovorniiiont.nl occmoniy " 0.;«nd lav rednclinn ubov.. all olhur ^ ',i,|r1>iih Ilf bin ailmltilflratlnn. niitimlni; ^ Ij- hi* iirnornt political plillntopby he “ l„ viKiironnly do/rnil<-d lho |irlni-l|ilo of * .11 l'a"y Bovornmriil. dlvlnloun of pow- 1 lorn, iiniiy rrK|ion.nlhlHiy, jiovfor of tho 1,>]r«Mirtn and majority rule, whllr ho „|iJu;ii ail vltiiiroiinly oondoinnetl Kovorn- * l„, jm 'nt ownership, anil radical 'ronstl- , ,.,1 .tiitlnnal obnnitin. T1i>i>r principles. *' ho dK'Iaroil. Ii.id l>orii nuppnrird "by ” r- a Vrry clear anif ilcflnlie mandate *' from tbo luople ’ In Iho lasl election. “ -Whon we lurncd from what wan X. roJ<H-l<Hl to w hai w as Bcce|>lf>d'' hv * „t contJiini->l.«discuii«lni: tbe meanlnR of 1,1 tbo election, ••the policy that niaifds *' f. nut «|ib lbe crratest elrarne«n In J ^ that In economy In public expindlturr £' id and rrfonu taxation. J. ■'Tho principle Involved tn this cf- *’ fort ts that of conncrvation. Th«^e-, I M itvat ot llilM coaatrr are almosi^be- ^ ].|yoad computation. Nn i;iind can con* ^ j pr»liend them. Put the cont of>orfr “ [j;*' i^ilH ued oa pact S) n ;{ New Turkish Cabinet ” la Is Formed with Pasha , "* a» Prime Minister^ »f --------- 2 •a lX)Nt)ON. if#t«h 4-^A n«w Tnrklah p Id cabinet has been* formwl with lamti J •a Paaka aa prtmt mintater. anxirdlnc to y ra an RxchanRt Ttlearapb dispatch m m b T ConstanUnoplt. . •0 TewHk Pasha has bera oeteaad as forelfa minister aad RedM B«y. mln- - d- Utcr of aatloaal dtfoaa. ^ • S IDAHO WEATEZB ' ^ I'luiiily toniKlii .and ThinMliiy: i<tobahly rain . nnrili i>oi'tlun-ionliiht. OLD VOL. XIIL NO. BB , m W t COOLIDGE IS J thirtieth PII^IDENT D.’tu’ci; Ooolldgc Aasumo Pcwcr of Government nnd Set Fort ll Platform; President ; TaUc.s OiUh with Hands on. Mot'ticjf's Bible: Economy'\nd Co-opcnilion la Pledge; Sim* ^ pliciiy Marka Affair. • - - \ WASHINQTON, March's.— In ^ brilliant but unpreton- ____ tiQiiR. niigcunt. Prcaidont Pool. idpc todav runewcil Ids oath os . thirtieth president of tho Uni- led Sutus. Standini^ upon the.stops of.' llic cupitol, the preudcnt i^- fimicd his pledge of office and tlicn Inid down a three-fold progrnm for his administra- tion—.ccononrj', tax ‘reduction atul co-opcmtion'with the na- tions of the world. Bare-headed in the chill march brccse Chief Jostica Tnft himself d former presii dent, now gnrbod in the b l ^ ' robes of his -prosent office, ■ , stood beside him and adminis- ,'' tered tho oath. T>ie president placed his ' s _ right hand upon tho biblo • which his mother read to hJxa ..• ? as a child'and pledg«d him* ; self again to defend the con>~ - stitutipn and tbe nation. - a Mnuon toilay a'nsumnd their new re- iipoiinibllliloH an pronldent and vic«-— -r ).fihlilonl. roKiUH'tlvoly, of tho Ame^-^ ^ lenn uovornitiont. for thu ty-xt four "1 Ami III inlclnR tbo oolb of offleo ^ •A and Inyinj: down iheir proRrams. tacb - plodEod himnelf lo a htrlotly buslneas v ndmlnlHtrallon, the president'to.effect ^ _ lowor tiixos. more ccouomy and craat* ■ t‘ or i-o-oiirmilnii with forolen powers; . \ .1^ lho vloo prohldont to offecl a chanRft' . J. ofxnnto procoduro nuch aa will prfr; ; viuii prolnnned deluyn in putUnir f IhroiiKh hcnoflclBl ioRlnlalioo, ll WIIN a Klorloun day for tho nolJ' > ^ nblo ovrnt—the monl favorable day la -' h two docadrii. Thounands of peopl</' llnod tho hinloric avenun IcadlnR from tho onpliol to thn White Houso and . flliorod Ihe president aad bli new 'I riKbi hund man. ' • ?»i Othor ihoiinande Rathered to heap*, 't, Ibo prenlddit deliver his InaiiRtiration mldronn. - 8IIII oiliom peered from balcdatca ' 2 and bulldlne roofs and, windowa and ' , inllllnnH worn perniltud to hear tht - ; ‘ t-rrinionlen tliroURh the medium of' ‘i. one ot the most exlcnslvt radio hook-^ ; 1., lips In histor}'. ' , f: fckilWRf .Sfifna «alaiT ura. , , Till* OKih.conRrean died at boon, re* 7- ci lUnir word Jnnt befora It passed out. of oxlntnnco ihat tbo last meaauro -v? ^ nicned by President CoolidRn waa thf; -J conKrennional pay boost bill, raiatuf mcinbern $2,600 each annually, effeei’ tlve noxt year.' -. President COolldRo'* ap«<h was 5 well recotveil tiy Iho RTeat crowd th af' ? • mood In tbu chill air to hear him and "j . OonoraJ t>au-c«, fit amashlftR a prte»- • ,1 ... edont by attackins the senatt mtaa and IndlpatlnK he feels hts'joh to' .f somoiblnt; more than a lIstenbR poia' in conf.T<-ns. proved the aenaatioa oC^ 1., lbe day. ' ' Sfl .Much of tho applaunt for Dawea* ta>- ..3 .. auRuratlon utitrancea. howe^r. WU ' j i . noticeably from tht Railertft. Sena-' a u>i7 and mcmbera of toncTata W anrj.Ta ' only mildly rmponairo and home the drmocratJe Jcadera,’ notably 8 aa-^ •» - ator Rem] of Misaourl. apptartd to'-;?]!! m dcrlcD \ant amuaemtnl from (ht'n«7;‘ '-M goneral'a pronounoemont ^^-e^y onu asreod Ihol hbi apetdi-' ^ ,, Indicated ihere wonld bo a«ldltleasl . . 9 1, reason, with t>awea preaidlat o m e« it.M .. for atteadlnc staSloaa' ot Uit H aat^' -the mott inttrttunc ' AtttbmUag-M I. body In tb t worltl.*' ' ''-viSl Not a hlt<;h nor tmhappj; p.' raarrtHkjhs day for tha s Brtnftmli.*-^iM Kroffl tht atandpolnt orw eallw frpq^B * L ular reaetloB te tbelr roapoOtif* w 'j9 H _ drcssM and tho spirit oC Ihese-wllS^^H nttalne tho errtnealea. K. appeam i^H to bp aa 'ntapirtoaa .btffiMM'-^ . new four y av M ito ti -* !t Old V. 8. E»pWy> Is'TiliiiC gSa^B - TV-hen calrta Ooe»4N_Mam«;c^^H ^ ward 10 tako tae'eM b'efeiB lasraw ^H «• capital today; a 'lra D ^ w A a M iM^^H JJ n baa (lt«a jiiiMliiin III Ihi InllliaTlitlW kTr gf^M J*

wm m m M IS V MIPLY T S V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ i i p Mm ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In

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Page 1: wm m m M IS V MIPLY T S V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ i i p Mm ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In

- w m■ V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR

^ i i p D aho MAY BE

BONDED FOR$200,p i i

Agroement to Bond Idfiho Limit in Order to Qoro I atato Lutitutioiis; jfoven No 'AppropriatioD ^Uls Appear : R oubo Yetterdaj.

^BOISS. Uarch : tumost important linglo bills ( tho legislatit'o tesaion wero ii troduced- ia tbo bouio Wedne day jnomioff.'the odnedtioual a] propriBtlona calUns for moi .tbsa two . miUion’ dollars.

House bill No.- 336 providi . _ $4S.0BP:for the Btato boaid <

' edtioation u id B tato npeibtoTK ent's office. House'bill No, 3! providM $1,867,209.01 for tho ii educQtional institutions und< tho Btato board. “

When 'to these, amounu ' ai ,'8dd«4 those'cfuried in boas • bJll No. 1, to provide for th first' two montlu of the yeai

’ and houso b i l l ' No. 328, intr< duced Tuesday, for the deficit s

' ZiOwisten 'Normal school, ,tho 'toti _ appropriations proposes for e<li

cation fo r tho bienniuza .at fonnd to be $2,227,037.70, dn ii crease of $S6&839 over thos pMsed.by tho 1923 legislature. 'tTbo'.tJnlvonltr or Idaho U allowo

1880,]» in th s now bill, wlileb ndtlo« to i u Kbnro o( houKO bill .Vo. 1 make

n ,0c0,s30. o r $189.1)7 moro th a n to . llio la s t tw o y e a n , - _ .

iT ba Idaho Tecbnlcul In iiltu to wll rM olve $348,079. o r $72,720 moru Iha fo r tho la a t blonnltim. .■; L e v u to n -Normal'a appropriallo

r tm ila r apDroprlBllon in paaHud an If th e bill IntroduCiHl Tucwla)’ lo moc Ihc Hchool'a dcficlonr>-'lH pa»nr<l.

T lio amotinlfl carried by liotiMo bll No. 330 aro an followii; -

_ .U nlveralty or Idaho, $880,120; jiur a«f() admlnlMra(loT), $<ilOi); rodnii control. 810.000; Albion Noriual. |I17. 104; LowlNton ..N onnol, |i'U4.093.82 lilalio Technical InHfli'uto, $31',97a InduKirlal T raln lnu nchool, $201,303 flchool fo r'd ea r and blind, >117.[>1u.C!i , Houno b ill Nn. 33n, for Ihc «tati

board and atiperlniciidinU carrlcH i lOlal of $<0,065. K ouhi'lllll .Vo.‘ l car rlotl for th«m $6:ou. which lota la 160. 26S for tbo biennium un coiiiparuc

t $44,065 raRBCd by (hu I<^ln1a :wo yeara ago. The nuw bill al $0078.82 for tho commlAsloncr o lion, (he of/lce fo r wMclt '(hi itu re o f 1923 refuxod to provldi

a aalary. A llm liadon of itSOO a yeai la plaeed on Ihlii nalary, Jiowover. ai contpared lo $0,000 a yeor forrocrl; Dald:lhe'commlaB»oDor.. fJ<i appropria tion m eaitirea w ere Iu c lud id In the tb ird rondlns cajendai

. Blvon' UJo houao Wedneaday m om lni \ by tho aiftlD* coramlitee. H ouin bll \ No. SS7..lntn>dnc«l Tucnday. embrac

• m g’ t b f n ew m otor rei,leh- n g l t t r a Uon Sehedaltf; w as paanvd under'nua penalon of tb c rules.

' ' U orSQ . Idaho, M a ra lr '4 .—A srea' m ent haa beon reached betweet f rlanda ' o f iha educa tion^ InatKu. tlona an'd ibe adm lolntralloa ' ot p a a i ln r n bcndinx m easuro for Ibt laauBDca of tho $200,000 remalndei a t Idaho'a boodlnic lim it fo r th e p u r poao of bulldlni; perm anent Im

* prorem enta f a r tho IntlUatloa* oi h |( h e r leamlajc. Of th li approxl- nia tely $100,000 Is' to b« used fot com pleilnx the science ha lt a t the Ite lv ertlty , $«0.000 for addition tc Ibe enKl&etrInt buildlnic a t ih« Idaho Technical inatliuie At I'oca- tello. approxim aiely $40,000 for i cen tra l hcatine . p lqnt a t ib a Albion s ta te N onnal a l Albion and the re* m alnder for im a lt Improrementa at o lhe r Institutions.. Tbla. baa bean a c r ted upon lo

conrerence a i dolnx away w ith the req u e st of th a educational tostitu* tJona fo r a ,thre»-«ishtha m ill ta s la ry for baildinR p u rp o m - The threa-algbtba m iil U x would hare broDcht ta to t h t itu u tu u o s s ap< p ro slm a te lr $360,000 <b tw o years and th a com prom iie ahowa th a ecoD*

* ontjr iQsIstance of tbe admiatatra* 't io n . W blla Iba initltuLlons tic . doQbt can na« n o re it v a s fa it th a t

tb e r w era belnc u k e a c a n o t by Ihla a rrfoceB M at aa well a s tbe people could afford a t thla time.: Thea* m a tte ra wilt no t b« aattled

how arer a a t l l they paaa both hoaaaa to r tho adncaUonal compretnUea a ra

' ( ra tv h t w ilh e m i t d a asa r aad • e o t t IUII has iK w U aaad to atUcIi lb « U n lv a n ltr o t I te b o achadali

'fo r tacraase In aatariaa fo r tba fac- a l t j a n o tm u a c to YUljOOO o s t ot the $110,000 nalBU Baaca b a d s t t to r t b a . itn lrara ity acraed .apoo a ta v daya a so tn c e a o tltta * 'w h a a Beott IUII waa ni and no t p r e a n L Tba r> » e ra e r w ill a im a ay edoc^Uowil

(C eetlnaed on p a c t ‘ .

m m' j„"; ' ,s a s 5 s s ^ = a : = = = : =

*■ H K lll l . l f j l i r S O P THKIXAUJl'KAI, ADURKS:

R “A merica ncekn no carlhly ompiro b u ilt on blood and forcu. Thi icelqiiB which nhu.nrndn forih an

.a rm ed , no t w ilh Uiu aword, bu w ith tho cross. She chei'ishMi ni

n r Pxrposo navo to merit the favor o I f l i Alm ighty God."1 1 1 ^ ' " I wulcomu Ihc cooperation (o:

cnnKrenii) nnd expert to sbare wltl ' • I t no t only the rMponnllilllty. bui

lho credit, for o u r common cffon to to necuro bonrficial inR>al(ijlon."

r»» "T'J'i* collec tion ' of 011 taxes w hich a rc noi almointoly reqiiiroii

t t m i whicii do nm biyonil n'asnnalii( ■*’ “ rtotibl coutrfliiito to Ihp imlillo wcl- ir in *** ""'V “ «l>eclc» of IcKaiizeil

larceny.""Unlenn wc w ish to liampe.r. (lit

l ^ p l e In thvir riKiii >o rarn a iiv- In s; wc niUNt have lax n forni.

tw o I'hV*<cul cnnflrmmlon ol_ n f Iho o;irth hu;i npcaruivii iik from all

, of the Old W orld, imt lint commtin , in - brotherhood of miin. (h«- lilKbcni lu e s , law nf nil unr brine:. hsH unlKMl u> [ a p - by inscparnUlc Imndn u-itli nil hu- ^ n -_ inanity ."

"O nr country rcprem-nt* nnthinr •' hu t pcoci'fiii intonilnnH loword all

i d e s thu oarlli. iml il ouKht noi lo fnll tu i o f ! nintniali) niTcb ii iniiitary fo rtv un o n d .'t ~on'ipoFia'TVi«rtlio-(llBnity'ah>l"Rin

MQ c u rity of the people.''“ Wt' cjinnol perm it ciuniftlvcn In

> i»o narrow Hl nnd OwnrfM by thii n d e r hIoeoub und phrnKi'H. • • * it in noi

lho nanii’ of liu ' un ion . I>ih tho jo- ■«-» miU of tbe action wliWii ii Ihc

'* 'l‘'f coururn. It will bir well not W ® to IjD too much dlRinriicd i)y tbn

th e thouKht tiiul I'itlK'r Indlnllon or <-n- 'e a r , 'tanKli-meni of 'pacKlntn and mill- jtro -It a t --------------------------------------------- :--------total C ity Politics Are

G row ing W arm er; t in- F ew C andidatehose • ______e. P o lllleal disci Hsioni are oow isoln>woa on on every ntroct corner, and manddoil nro b«InK nusBcatcd for \-arlo«a posIakeii tions. New men menlioned .for mayo 1 for aro S ena tor M. J . Swectey, Captal• U verett Sweeley. A rthur L. 8wlm an will A. 11. Hiclca.. Bevoral o t tho ip m ci

lhan tloned e arlie r havo declared th a t the . , will no t bo can d id a tes .' - ’l i ? " '. JJoosta IIJ*, llan JIJa le /

’ © eckrinjT th a t - hla - tftwdiOalO^^J ‘ nono n c lh o above, Ju(|go John 13. Da “"V vie* iiald IhiH mornlnR th a t be woul

Kuppori nomo o t t>ii‘ onen niiRRcntod I . nominated, but di-ncrlhed b is m an a

younK, vlsoronn, huvlnc nonnd Idea . . . . . . O'* bUHinenn and iiavine mado a nuc> cens 9f-b la ow'n lmnlncM, Ho woul

no t nam e him. Ankcd when ho woul nam e the man, ho replied, "pcrhap

*'!•• never, an I do no t know w bW horJi will aeeopi o r noi. I bpllcv« th a t v

‘ w ant youni: bl«o<l*and niifinld hav.somebody not iulx«-d up wllb oli

I*"" .ouarrein, no tha t wo cnn i;o aheai* vlRorouniy."

T hero n^eins Illtle doiibl liial^nome sfmt *’** nom lnaled 'by Ihu-voleri.ix places and . pcrhapn novera

ticket* i»ul in the field biforo Satur day nlRhi.

v*|de LONDON.—E arth irem ooi of con )-car aiderabis vloleuco bave been fel , an In Kuly. ticcordlnR to n Centra e rly News dispatch from Itome.

I D e a d l o c f c e i H W o r d o f S i = G o n g r e s fthe ' — -

>dei: S i x t y * e i g h t h C o n g r e s s Adjc im - . t i o n U n f i n i a h e d ; It W i l l I

reat o f Numerous Blocs anoxi- • - _

WASHINGTON. D. C , Morch 4 .- (o t>eadloekod lo tho last, thu sixty-

lh« o tsh th coiiRress coDcluUed lodaj lea*lnit a m ass o f leeiilatlon un-

. a finished.lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of p residing offlcors In the house a t and th e senate fell—uiherin it oul

the old divided congresi and herafd- lo Ins the com las o t s tra lih t-p u t re-

the publican rule.itu* Down to the la s t wire the atro&S

bloca whicb sU rted oft two ye an aco in a tie up maintained the ii

»» • adam aot. poslllon t. F ann relief Maselo Bboals, probibitloa M forct- m a a t and o the r le |ls la tlon w tn

■o"* caucb t irre tr ie raW y.. T b t d ^ l o c $ was so bopelaaa tb a l laadara «t m c fllod e tt the n lg b t .a tssion Bsnalty held Just before inancoratlbn 4ay.

W ^ M te t ln c a t 10 a . » . tba boos* c ltanw )- up the taa t rra a la ln R ap-

*■ p roprlatloa b ill—Um second de fid .oBcy; w«ileb / earrtea prom lartioai

*** ttem a fo r ( o ra m n o n t expeaat.^ P rta ld ts l Ooolldst'a actloa oa U i

tecUIaUT* appropriauon Wll c am - lac an tacrtaat to aatariaa ea ItcH; totora to tlM M a yaar waa a eaaUt of la tan a l -io tha tad. TM m«aa* n rt waa p a u td a wtatt aco and ataca

, .v that'tltaa M>. OocdldKt haa b taa•ea^ ^ r rla c t t arovDd 4a Wa peckst; . rba T bt hOnst alwaya ad)o«ras - al

a. m. to attend tha Tiet prtsl-__ dentlat tn a u n ra t lo n CM«moai«a la

th a a c a a t t . c h a a b t r . tba s a a a t t . b t-

M I STWIN f a l l s ;

M m- i l t s TiKE I r i i f l i l i lA N D

J," • Vico President Delivers Figh1 Irod! ’Speech and Demands Bofo

' .in S ^ato .Rules otad Urges "«'■ tion Rather Than Avoic Ihe the Hool Issues; Reminds &

V-of Teddy.

I or1 a ll ■ ■ ——mtm T in : .C.VPITOl,, WASIIINGT bcni X ai- 'I.—In . a fltihllnt: fnatiKi d IIH npuKch, V lve-Protldunl Ciiari«-i> l,ii. Uawps upon .asBtiinlnE hin offlci> in

Nviiato today deniundi'd ihnt tho io hin/t liilivp riiluK of thn i body be rovI nil »'> aa proviml ‘■ohnlrnolinn nfII tu pnlilic MislncnH.'L- UII "Heform-i» the proscn l n iitn of -RIP- w naM nm jjim annpaiio rfin iyT ir'A ii

icun iMihilc ophilon but I v rn iurt n in Huy In ihu Indlvidtiol conHcli-ncpn

thu . till! m ajority of tho mrmbi-rii of uol lu^mto Itni-lf." Onwon declurtHi.

I to- IL Is my dnty ou th c 'iia r t o f lho i lho nldiiiK officor of Iho nvnulo to ouIl not tcnllon to dufrcilvo niothoilH in thn cumhRrrof l>uslni'Hit by tho bo<ly c: on-' which Iio prenldos, no, tm dor tho t

nlll- niltiitKoiiai powor, It Ih tlio .duty of niumbem of thlii iiody to con

____ Ihcni."KvHsltm I h Wninjc.

“To cvndu o r iRnnro nn Issue , iwrou riuhl [inrf w ronc tuuihodn It » itnolf.a wronK. To thu purformanni ■ f a t f this duty—ft dtity which lu non-i

^ l l s s n - a dutx which In nori-kcclloni a duly which is aionu In Ibo i«*ci

Kolne of Ihu nation we have nworn fa! many, fully to aervo—I a sk tho considerat posi- of the iivnatc, appeulltiR to the c layor science, and to tho palrloUam of ptaln Individual mcmbera."I and Dawen Waa adm inistered tho o »"«>•: of office by Prenldani P ro T cm All they Q, Cummins of. Iowa In tho ritua l

coiu titu tional ‘custom In tb e aun cham ber a ; J f;}4 }M t ono n ilnuio

D ^ n {ord'CbmmiiiR declared tho OHttti c . u a - srci^fl^adjourned Hlnn d lf.'O''',** Jte-aHcendeil th e 'm n trn m nnd ol

pruyor i)CRan thu roaiiiiii; o f bin otmura) inoHHftKe which hn liod

Idoan „ivcrt oven to Ihc p rtn s , burom ho Ran. Tho new vict-pri-aldcni m

'OU *1 fam iliarly known o t ' ‘11011 and Mar rould iiocaiiso of Mn explosive vlanRua “ »P" n ta rtrd oul by pledRlnK th a l he wo »r.)io iipvitUie Irt a non-psrO san mani 5 withoui ri-spuct to pa rty nfflllailo

Bill ho naid ho I.cIIcvmI bln posit old pave him the authority to domand

bead viHinn i,n the mcthoils of p roct^ i which Have been effectually une<l home nenatom In blacklnR loirtaiatl

liiRhtK o t AmcrlraDS i)T«Tlvokn. te ra i Heeoinflzlnic tho histo ric oricln a tur- Ihy presen t rules, h'o addcdl

"Out however, na tu ra l ban been i evolution, 'how ever comniendablo tl

«>"• ex’istlnR dealre on Ih t p a ri o t a il tl tbo rlRhtn of each individual nona

itr a i --------______ (Conilaued on paRo 0) ■

ed I s L a s t 5 ix ty E i g h t h ss A t F in i s ldjoUmed W ith Mass o f Uegisl ill Be Remembered As the Con and B itter FighU.

4.—'in jc - a cooUaninR J*odr. w as to i lxty*>mala in atsalon. A fter tho laauRv oday ation. a m essace trom tho prei

un- dent sunmioninR an ex tra seasl for the upper houa t to Inform I cabinet nomloationa ia a lw ays re

„M.. and Ibe senato tb trcnpon ad jou r out un til the foliowinip day.

.a fj . Ouu/cio o t tb a raa tloff »Jlfl< ra . tion of nom lnuioos Ib t senate , u

der a n aRretmenC w hich a lready h reportad. w i l l . t a k t np tb t b

- of P Inrs and lA asaane traa tb TUera has b e ttt atrow c , actUti<

.iiJf amonR world c ou rt a d h ertn ia T action on pendloR r tso lu tlo as pled

American participa tion In t court. Rum ors have tT so b ten cl c n la ttd OB- t:apll0l HUI th a l h

. i Z CbcNdRt miglit .m e iitfo f l 'tb a a ia tt In h i t massage. T hero kUo ba b te a lifdlcatlons th a t r o a i t s ta a t would m ora lo U k t np th e m att

J ? a n e r . the specia l session Is u&de way.

*"•* T here Is a differene® of oplnh about how, ioBR th e aeaskm v

u a loat. s« n a to r C urtis , rapabtlc!leader, w h o tt »iew la moat r ta p tc t

>n«r s a y a 'tw o w e tk s . ' S aaato r Coptlaa a w S tw York, dem ocrat, end a troag o •a*- pon tn t o f t b t I s i t o t P la ta traa ‘oca alon* w ith S enator Kin*, U tah. da< ear^ o m t . aad opponeat o t (ba LMaani

i m t y a s ra t th a t I t w ill u k t s• V *»*ka-i w , n i * cloae of t b t senalo aeaaii

b f (CDminned on page 4>


MiSTEHE s r president ( inc ]^for§ C

g h tin g

Informs ' ' •

GS A c -

o id in g

Bom o ..

Ion '' In lho

the'Aiifpr- ~ ~ lu rc to '

o f Iho '

>0 pro- ni-

ill iii< over

1(1 coll-

uu he- H lu 111

Vcront • -.Cf.','; .

•ration T his laS low 'p re luden t Co'nIldBo D con- Tuft, IIS uhlef Justicc. Is tho only i o f the shown tlio bilile which Iioh bcun i

A lherl P ® * '” *®*’ I d a h o S c u l p t o t uai of I n d i c t e d o n . C h a r g e s o i

ilT b l^ M a l i c i o u s M i s c h i e lh eon* ■ i«Y -___•_ • .*

ATIiANTA'. fJii.. Mnroh 4;—Ijiitxot; I a fto r JiorRlum. ili-pniii.il xouiplor of tin Hh in- (^u)Tiu .Monuiiiln. moiiuirlni w.ik Iii. ■1 nnl dU;toii by llu- i)oK>ili> n inn iy Knnii! ho iKJ- Jury iod iiy ;im . ihri-o ooiuiIh Involv.

llti; iiiroirny nml- mnllclixn* mniihlor ita rla indinmenlH rharned ili'striir.Ruaso. (Jon a^d ulluRod thytt of moilcln ni wouiil (ho mnmorlui. nliorlly n flor tiif

'llnmliiHi'il.! iH *' O- Tncker. HiirKluni'n <lilo|nd ro" ln<IIclud.

i ^ “by l»AXtj:i. .M'lJHNT JIKI.KASKI* IX lotion .ST(IKK.S IIIVmtCK fA S I

Jin of .CinCAOO, Mnrch 4.—ftanlol Nu.Rent. .S'ew York lawyor, Inillclci

sn tho Stokes nn clinrRCiig {},„( o l cdaiplrnvy to iM um c lho rbn»- I th a l a c te r of liolen Kiwooil SloVrs to. ina to r day ytaa nrl free by JuiIko Wllllnni-------- N. G'ummlll who ruled thn ninte iimi

failed to producc n'ufflrirnl evidence ■ to ronnect him with the ciuic.

DefenHo nttoriioyn coniildori.Hl lln action or llie court, inatam ount to a death blou, lo-tiio etalo'B cano ncftinHt Stokes. . .

t -1 I.V«A>TK n ilO TU K IlS I t'IM . IfK t A ' .STAItVKI) O l'T 01‘ IIAIIIIACKN

« . Hi:i,I,KFONTAINi:. Ohio. .March 4— T he slece of liie Riishylvania farm

^JLJL houHe w bere H arry W ren, SO. and bln b ro ther. Ray. 40, ailescd luhatlcn, barricaded tbcmnclrca a im nn t the law,

t a i n , tu rned today Into a ranipalRJi or wotchful wnltinR .’ ■

O ng> Sheriff Wooley aaid h r would ox. )>au«t a ll efloria to iSMoiige' lho luo- them pcacoably before rcaoriiUR to te a r lunnbs o r othor formn of vlo-

0 ro- lonce.URur- ------------------------prcsl- ROMl'l—Willlum Cnrdln.il O'Con- isslon ne ll of Itonlon. IradlnR li InrRe d r le .1 h is Ration of American pllRrimn hns ur-

read rived from Naples, t’npo I’lno '■MlDuma Krant ihe pIlRrlmn nn nu illen o to ­

day o r tomorrow, llflca* ------------------------


t h t .‘ F a tw e r P rrs ld e a t o l F tn il NatloDat , lU ak of tta r ie r on T rU l • la

Federal CoaH.

a a to r d OTSIX i la rc h 4—E . C urtif W arren, la tte r form er p resident of tbe defuncl n m l ader- Natloual bank of Durley, w ent on tr ia l

In Ibe federal court here Tuesday on ilnloa a «barxe of mlaapplicatloo o f funda.

w ill T he d w rg t . a ia ll t up , of ten couata. 4lcha baa t» do w ltb a a account o f tbe H ar- ■acted rouo Sbeep > com pany ' and alle*pd itaad. o ra rd ra tla • n n t S T W arr«» Is aald I op- to b a re b e ta Ihtcr«a|e<l la tbla com- raa ty P aay itrooR h rtla tlre a . Jeaa n . Haw- daw - lay. a tto rney for <!efenae. In irrpoa td la n iit a O ta n sm r.- 'a rR u ln R an overdraft » s ix c h a r t* doea no t eeaatiiu to a crim inal

. otreaatt. I t waa overroled. W a rrta «alon baa b e ta t r M four tlm aa be fo rt oa-------- CharRe* gn>wia« out of ib<> hank*a dlf.-.

n c sllle a and Hnat failure . ^

PLY T•Y, MARCH 4, 1925.

W M'' Coolidge As H Chief Justice 7 'ook The Oath c


dBO dud ox-Prosidenl Tafi looked lodny wl lly cx-prosidoni who )ins over delivered tl in used Jll neurly every InnuBurntlon.

3 President’s B Scintillate! B Prosperity

tile , I II.Coolidge Stresses Idea T h a t .

less O ther Nations Arc Fr . . ter Our Independence an

ASK Favors Entering W orld Co

Nu- WA81IIN0T0N. Mnr. 4 .-A in( rion « | Iclcd ro(iiionBll)llliy In load llio world in por- rRCN I wnnoni j.on'co nnil proaperliy wnn pro- b n j . rlnlmi-d by. I’rcnidont'Coolldco In IjIh

lo . Innunirai nddri'Sn tmlay o.i tho i>aru- llnni moiini dniy faclni: the nailon.■mil 'Hio United Klatcn. Innlntod a like 'in

enre itn proxporiiy. lln Indoiianilcnn’ and lt« power, mnnl rfconnlto tho olill;;n-

the *ioii Iniponed by thin exccpiloiial i>o- ;o n nitioii. be dorlarcd. ilnst 1“ hin address, delivered In the trn-

dltlonal place before ihe Rrent dome of • the capllol. but bJ- the innnlr of thi-

radio, enrrled fa r beyond Ibo Ijjoii*- I'KS nn'h* " h o sulher«-<] to hear him. to

m illions thrnnRhoni ilie coimtiy. tbo 4_ Vrcnldoni pioaclird a cospel of laior-

a rm national cooperation nnd dome'nile liln economy wltli fervor tb a t wan at Unun

ticn, deeply relUloua. , law. The president rc-emphaslzcd- rov-

or erem enial.econom y nnd tak rnlui-ilon. an tho basic policli-ii o f his admlnin-l

PX. tratlon . The* com of ROTerniuent. ho I fiio . nald. shonld Ik> cut tieforo «ovenunont'

(a bccame more of a liurdcn than a pro-: vIo- lection lo tbe people. T ax retlurtli.ii j ;

he drclared wan noi only economlrallyi desirabli- bul an Inherent rIcht lo

^on- which th r eltlienn or m ale and nation r lP . won* eniltlpd. *'

W orld leadrrshlp in the slrnaclo li>{' III advance unlvernal pronprrlly a iu lj.

to . p rac e devoivi-n naliiraiiy li|i<>n Iho l' Unllod 8 ia lon ,.tbe prenldont iMilnti'iI'' nu t. because atiione a ll th r iinllonH I

V tho llnlled Staton In the innni fAvtir- ‘ J alily nitualed. <\ Otitilnlne s p ^ ir ie wayn in whlob

th « Unilrd SlatM coiiM properly ex- ' L v e rl'-l tn vast Infnienee. tbe p m ld r n t f ' L l advocated 'adhenV ice to Ihe W orld!' U j Court, tho holdlnx or frequent In ter-1 '

national -epafcrcn lM sucb aan tboM>[' w hich resulted in n o Dawes Plan andj<

ipat the Parbi aRreem tat, comlnueti rn- ' In dea^'ora <o limit atnuimcDia. I'ctBom-'^

Ic and floanclal assH tancc to fess fav- j ‘ o rcd ptople. and tho codification tif tn-l>

ren. ternatlonal l a - . Ii ra t P rts ldeo t Coolidse sirvased . t h e ! ' r ia l I principle ittat tb ls country could only on bo p tm a& enlly prtwpcreus If otber

Ida. countries also ailalaed. a measur* of ] Bti>; p rosperity . He urR«d th m fo re tba t . la r - the (tr*t aim of t b t Vatteri Staten In J Red Its foreign rrlatloas shoold be to as- m d a ls t o tber couotriM. <am- H e d l ir a o t m fer ro (ho le tetie o f aw - nations o r to debts. R nt th is e o tin t^ ‘s « td trad ltloM l isolation, h f aald, should < ra f t only r o ao far aa to k c tp tb ls na tloa i Inal w ithdraw n from Uie poUtlcal afta ira « T«» o t Eurof** while vooptraufca In V rtrx i

o a p rac tical w ay w b k h m lgbt procaott dlf,-. iteac t aad proaperity. I

fn dU cusslnr tha world coort he ad- |

r i M E ^----------------- — —

ToPlHe'^ppeared Taft Today of Office ■

' when tho form or w as sw orn 'liito offko,I tho oiilh o f offloo. Ittitwcvii ihi-m'lH

s Address 3S mFeace- ;y for Worldxt A m erica 'C annot Prosper Un* Prosperous; “ W c Cannot Bur* and Sovereignty," He Said; Court.

a'li vooaidl thin rouuti'y ’n luMiorcnee in I’r- iitroii>;i.r ii-rmii tliiin ho hnn ovor pro- rn- vlminiy unod.jIh fjtiiHiil llnrli-r Our JiiiJpprndrnrr.'a - ‘‘Wo ciiniiiH bnrtiT aw ay nnr Itido- '

poiidinco or nur'*ovcrel«niy.'‘ he raid . ' In "but wo ouuhl In cncuKu In no rcflno- ml m«ni of IokIo. no noiihlnirlon. and no ;n- "UlinrfUKvn. to a r tn o aw ay tho nn- '

iloiiliii-d duly of Ihin eoum ry l.y n n - iion 'o f tli f mlKht o f.ltn numbem. ilio •

•n- I‘‘>wor oT it" roHnurrr» and Ua posi- of tion of li’adersh ip In Ihe world, hr- Iiv lively and coniproh«nslvely lo nicnl- V,. fy llK approval -and to bear Hn fnlf l„ Klmre of the renponfllbliliy of a r.m- Ii<. <Md nnd dlnlnli-roninl nttenipi a t ihe •r- «'i'ial)llnhtn?nt of a irlbmiBl for the ' ,l(. ndiiiinlntm tioii of cvi-ii-handi'l punilce '1..„ lu-iwoeti nation nnd imilon. Tho '

Iwolchi of nur onorinoim Influence *,v. munt t.,. lam npon Ihe nido of a ro lra ' iin liio i of foroo. bill o f Jaw nti'l trial, not *1.. by lia tlle . l-tii by roanon,"l„, I In dlhoiiKiilnK doinphilo o tts lm .Mr. ' , i t ' ' '" o l lile o net ::ovorniiiont.nl occmoniy "0 .;« n d lav rednclinn ubov.. all o lhur ^ ',i,|r1>iih Ilf bin ailm ltilflratlnn. n iitim lni; Ij- hi* iirnorn t political plillntopby he “ l„ viKiironnly do/rnil<-d lho |irlni-l|ilo of * .11 l 'a " y Bovornmriil. dlvlnloun of pow- 1

lorn , iiniiy rrK|ion.nlhlHiy, jiovfor of tho1,>]r«Mirtn and m ajority rule, w hllr ho „ |iJu ;ii ail vltiiiroiinly oondoinnetl Kovorn- * l„, jm 'n t ow nership, anil radical 'ronstl- , ,.,1 .tiitlnnal obnnitin. T1i>i>r principles. *'

ho dK'Iaroil. Ii.id l>orii nuppnrird "by ” r- a Vrry c lea r anif ilcflnlie mandate *'

from tbo luople ’ In Iho la sl election. “ -W hon we lu rncd from w hat wan

X. roJ<H-l<Hl to w hai w as Bcce|>lf>d'' hv * „t contJiini->l.«discuii«lni: tbe meanlnR of 1,1 tbo election, ••the policy th a t niaifds *' f . nut « |ib lbe c rra te s t elrarne«n In J ^ tha t In economy In public exp in d ltu rr £' id and rrfo n u taxation.J. ■'Tho principle Involved tn th is cf- *’

fort ts th a t of conncrvation. T h«^e-,I M i tv a t o t llilM c o a a trr a re almosi^be- ^

] . |y o a d com putation. Nn i;iind can con* ^ j pr»liend them. P u t th e cont of>orfr “

[ j ;* ' i^ i l H u e d oa p a c t S) n

;{ N ew T urkish C abinet ” la Is F orm ed w ith P asha , "* a » P rim e M i n i s t e r ^»f --------- 2•a lX)Nt)ON. if#t«h 4-^A n«w Tnrklah p Id cabinet has been* formwl with lam ti J •a Paaka aa prtmt mintater. anxirdlnc to y ra an RxchanRt Ttlearapb dispatch m m b T ConstanUnoplt. .•0 TewHk Pasha has bera oeteaad as

forelfa minister aad RedM B«y. mln- - d- Utcr of aatloaal d tfo aa . ^ •

S IDAHO WEATEZB ' ^I'luiiily toniKlii .and

ThinMliiy: i<tobahly rain . nnrili i>oi'tlun-ionliiht.



JthirtiethPII IDENTD.’tu’ci; Ooolldgc Aasumo

Pcwcr of Government nnd Set F o r t ll P latform ; President

; TaUc.s OiUh with Hands on. Mot'ticjf's Bible: Economy'\nd Co-opcnilion la Pledge; Sim* ^ pliciiy Marka Affair. • • - - \

WASHINQTON, M arch 's.—In ^ brilliant but unpreton-

____ tiQiiR. niigcunt. Prcaidont Pool.idpc todav runewcil Ids oath os

. thirtieth president of tho Uni- led Sutus.

Standini^ upon the.stops of.' llic cupitol, the preudcnt i^ - fimicd his pledge of office and tlicn Inid down a three-fold progrnm for his administra­tion—.ccononrj', tax ‘reduction atul co-opcmtion'with the na­tions of the world.

Bare-headed in the chill march brccse Chief Jostica Tnft himself d former presii dent, now gnrbod in the b l ^ ' robes of his -prosent office, ■

, stood beside him and adminis- , ' ' tered tho oath.

T>ie president placed his ' s _ right hand upon tho biblo •

which his mother read to hJxa ..• ? as a ch ild 'and pledg«d him* ; self again to defend the con>~ - stitutipn and tbe nation.

- aMnuon toilay a'nsumnd the ir new re-

‘ iipoiinibllliloH an pronldent and v ic«-— -r ).fihlilonl. roKiUH'tlvoly, of tho Ame^-^

^ lenn uovornitiont. fo r thu ty-xt four

" 1 Ami III inlclnR tbo oolb of offleo •A and Inyinj: down ih e ir proRrams. ta c b -

plodEod himnelf lo a htrlotly buslneas v ndmlnlHtrallon, the presiden t'to .effec t ^

_ lowor tiixos. more ccouomy and craat* ■ t‘ o r i-o-oiirmilnii w ith forolen pow ers; . \

.1^ lho vloo prohldont to offecl a chanRft' .J . o f x n n to procoduro nuch aa will prfr; ;

’ viuii prolnnned deluyn in putUnir f IhroiiKh hcnoflclBl ioRlnlalioo,

ll WIIN a Klorloun day for tho n o lJ ' > ^ nblo ov rn t—the monl favorable day l a - ' h

two docadrii. Thounands of peop l< /' ■ llnod tho hinloric avenun IcadlnR from tho onpliol to thn W hite Houso and . f llio rod Ihe p residen t a ad b li new 'I riKbi hund m an. ' • ?»i

Othor ihoiinande Rathered to heap*, 't, Ibo prenlddit de liver his InaiiRtiration mldronn. -

8IIII oiliom peered from balcdatca ' 2 and bulldlne roofs and, windowa and '

, inllllnnH worn perniltud to hear t h t - ; ‘ t-rrinionlen tliroURh the medium of'‘ i. one o t the m ost ex lcnslv t radio hook-^ ;1., lips In histor}'. ' , f:

fckilWRf .Sfifna « a la iT ura. •, , Till* OKih.conRrean died a t boon, re* 7-

ci lUnir word Jnnt befora It passed ou t. of oxlntnnco ih a t tbo la s t m eaauro -v?

^ nicned by P residen t CoolidRn waa th f ; -J conKrennional pay boost bill, r a ia tu f mcinbern $2,600 each annually , e ffee i’ tlve noxt year.' -.

P resident COolldRo'* ap « < h w as 5 well recotveil tiy Iho RTeat crowd th a f ' ?

• mood In tbu chill a i r to h e a r him and " j . OonoraJ t>au-c«, fit amashlftR a p rte»- • ,1

... edont by a ttac k in s th e s e n a t t m taa and IndlpatlnK he feels h t s 'jo h to '

. f somoiblnt; m ore than a lIstenbR p o ia ' in conf.T<-ns. proved th e aenaatioa oC^

1., lbe day. ' ' Sfl.Much of tho ap p lau n t fo r Dawea* ta>- . .3

. . auRuratlon u t it ra n c e a . h o w e ^ r . W U ' j i . noticeably from th t R ailertft. S e n a - '

a u>i7 and mcmbera o f t oncTa ta W a n r j.T a ' only mildly rm ponairo and home

th e drm ocratJe Jcadera,’ notab ly 8 a a -^ • »- a to r Rem] o f M isaourl. a p p ta r td to'-;?]!! m dcrlcD \a n t am uaem tn l from ( h t 'n « 7 ; ‘ '-M

goneral'a p ronounoem ont ^^-e^y onu asreod Iho l hbi ap etd i- ' ^

, , Indicated ih e re w onld bo a«ldltleasl . . 9 1, reason, w ith t>awea p r e a id la t o m e « i t . M . . fo r a ttead ln c s taS loaa ' o t U it H a a t^ '

- th e m o tt i n t t r t t u n c ' A t t t b m U a g - M I . body In t b t worltl.*' ' ' ' - v i S l

Not a hlt<;h n o r tm happj; p.' raa rr tH k jh s day fo r th a s B rtnftm li.*-^ iM

Kroffl t h t a tandpo ln t o r w e a l l w f r p q ^ B * L u la r reaetloB te tb e lr roapoOtif* w ' j 9 H _ drcssM and tho s p ir i t oC Ih e se -w llS ^ ^ H

n tta ln e th o e r r tn e a le a . K . a p p e a m i ^ H to bp a a 'n ta p ir to a a .btffiM M '-^

. new fo u r y a v M i t o t i -*!t Old V . 8 . E»pWy> Is 'T iliiiC g S a ^ B- TV-hen calrta Ooe»4N _ M a m « ;c ^ ^ H^ w ard 10 tako t a e ' e M b 'e f e i B l a s r a w ^ H «• cap ita l today; a ' l r a D ^ w A a M i M ^ ^ H

JJn baa ( l t « a

jiiiM liiin III Ih i Inl lliaT lit lW k T r g f ^ M


Page 2: wm m m M IS V MIPLY T S V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ i i p Mm ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In

' Tw o '

I i " .. ^

^ '— O F \VA«WINpTO

i ^ s o g

a daU M rs . H . E . D.irj* Hpinidld MpelJnif—T he yoimK Imllm ^

and routift niPn'H M utual ImproVinu Mi 1 “ u so c la i lo n nf tbo rirKi w nnl of ilir n

' U t l S. iicId a aploiidid mnctftiK la<ii i> ' R (‘ntDlDR w ith iho follow ing prnRrniii:•• U ■ A akoich, "Orflcor*' acniliii'lrf.’"' hy n - t l _ K rank Wobb; aolo. T aw n W llliinUon; u

If Goapei TruiliH, by J . A rrlnR ton: Muiio ii ’ U aolo; A ltha ItOHcbcrry. T ho (Jlraiirr

/tJ a irIK uaed th o ir c ^ w i iicrlm] r»r u—Xl_____ V IitiunL iD C liiL atJicrbaL uud-llun tiD .

a ■ A ftw tbe. iiM'Ctlntt tlio M. I. A. cuiiI (i; o f 'T h o OypMy-Itovur" bml an 4'x< ul- lent rebcaraal uitil ilio hvo c]y|iK)' T

r aun makoni in lbe c u it, Sinao nnil ' | - M arta ,'d id tb e lr partB nniiannlly wi-II.. y. T bo coat a re do ln s nxcclli‘n.i work.

>• . ft&d whon IhlB o p rra Ik pruxcntPil <inMDrcb C and 7 nil miialc jovi-rii nbuiild l‘>

Ii ' ‘ n'ayaliln T l"‘ W uyiildr d n lim et T uendsr aflcrnoon w lili Mix.

'.A K rank Drown, w ith MrK., lli 'm rlK lSonner^ajt aHefailnni hoMieKii. Twcniy< i., tb reo motubcrn wurt- p rcn in t und Mi a>

I 1 ' datncH LonK'and JliitcblnH w orn kucmiji .a o f ' tbo clut>. T ho ruK 'ilar liiiKlni>in ^

. »■ •■meetlnK woa followed l>y a .p ro tsm m I a lo charge of Mra. O. F. Joii«-m atid

conalatod of a dobalc, Xho qiit^lliiii ‘ ft beloc. "To Dob o r N ot lo Bob." und

. tt w as jro n by tho ncKatlvc xtile. A dc- ,,I ; Ileioua lw o eourao lunch waH nt n e d

durinK tbe aoclaj hotjr. ^

** Tw eatle th Oi-ntury (:itil>--Tliit k<ii- '.V' e ra! m eetine o f t)ie Tw ontle ih tVn>

. tu ry d u b w as hold T uesday itftornoon ... : . a t tho Justao ioru Inn. Mnt. McUoIk ,,

■'* « rta, th e p restdont, prealdod ovc-r the; ". buaioess nicelTnic. Tw o coninilltcvH.'' caeh compoaed of five indlex. wcro n leetcd lo nom lnato candldati-.i for tlio :‘ annual eieclloo which w in b.- Iirid ..li : : , : a A pril 21. Mr*. H urion K. M nrw iiiKii..-j D briefly on tlm event th e cliili In k1v - | , f IQR for the Uuaincnn and I'rciftHnlfiii-

a l W omen on M arch 31. Twt> a n d I .partiea will a lao bu Rlvon by ibo c liib i .

on Friday. M arch 13. T ho nrionim m 'o p a rty for. ladlea anil th e ovoninc fo iJo ,:

both ladrn i and aontipm cn. Tlic T c ram under tho Icadcntiiln o ( .Mrx. K .'

V. P a rk e r wan excopllonnily fiiio und . t co n aia ted 'o f a vocal nnln, ' ’l.orcilu .' ,,,

L iazt, by Mrti. Jam on Iln ll. und i , rrad tn it. •T he Sin of Aimi)." l.y Mn- •

H . C. iieynolda.

I ' Oox Social—Prlm rntio KHii'h.iIi i(ifli;i‘ • m et Tupeday ovcnlni; in tlic .I . O, O, r . b all. A tie r a nhori buxInoHii uckhIoii

' prpgldc<l over by tho noblo Krntid.Mrs. Krancla W olirra , tiio rvonlni:

, was lum ed ove r to .Mnry U Wcn.l. , , C ha tm an of th e prOKrnm roinnilitoi', AJ

' aad ihu foiiowlnR iirncm in wnn r< ri> dered : S ing inc of A m crira by iho lodae: piano aolo. Mlaa Alva I'ic ro.':

; 4-eadlnir. V icior GaUoway; dancc. Uo- '' him O ricm , aceom panlM nn ih o piano ,’ by Miaa Ruth Snow hitl; vocal aolo.« .Miaa Jerom a K rtvanek, nccompnnlcd

by Miaa Mary V iritlnla H a r i; readlni;. Mlaa H elen F lahe r: vocal aolo. Mr.W. 8. Mikoaril . Tbe prog ram ci.nc.l w itb th r a lnctnc of •Th.? tf ta r Span:;- led U anprr." T hla woa follow ed by i carda and dancinR and a t u la te hnur th r dalnly Ik»xc« woro nold w hicli m.i* ' \« l a n cal aum.

F inoch lr P a r ty —Mra. C. r.. Adnnii enterta ined four taiiloa w lih i.JnoHil.- T uraday rvrnInK a t h r r homo in th.- Rex Arm a apartnionin, f'livoro f.ir h lxh acorc w .to won i . r .Mr. C. \V. Rlmpaon and .Mlaa AdaniH uii.i .Mr. nn^l — Mra. A. D. Uciiamy. Th.- roomn « n o — dceoratcd wliii Si. rn ir l rk ii dny m i- ' blcroa and c n io ra 'a n d tbo i-.imr l.li-.ill waa carried ou l in lho drlfclona i»-o(l >• courae lunchron aerv.-.i a t lho oio— l l ,s o f rb r Kanioa, Tlir>"r p rcn n it w .n - i f i Mr. and Mra. J . W. P o rte r . Mr. nn-ifl .Mra. A.-D. Ik-ilamy. Mr. am i Mra.IL lU lp in . .Mr. nn.I .Mrr. f.: K fl.i.i- — n r t l r . Ur. an.l Mra. J . <5. Tr>o!i...ii.| - .M m ra. C. \V. Simi.unn. W llllnn i!“ “ S leam a. C. i:, .\<Ian». nn.l .Mii-:.. h | - U ia n rb r Adama nnd In n a lln^h.iin.

I DlUie claaa will ■>.- oondtu i. .1 a l ih.-!L u the ran church tliia ac T;3'i.

T he .U ltb rp in U .IIrn- Al.l Sool.'tv w ill m eet T huraday nftfrm «rn from Jlo 4:30vbI the hnmo oC Mrj IM uliil laiera. j

T he ra th o llc U 'onirir? l.n .rii.* will,''v m eet T h tiirday nflrm.HUi ;.i iln- lio;u- ‘> • o f Mr*. Suaan .Maraiilry. ' '

* n r Sham rock ciub k III n ic t .inJ T huraday . .Marrh 5. w ith Mri«. J. 1-l D allas. T be an n u al e l'-n in n or-m -1 ncen i w ill br held a t th u ’ in .rr in ;; an.lI a ll mrml>«ra a r r urer<l t<>

Tbe Melhndiat AM rV ill m eet in th r rh n rrh |'.-x:l.ir-- n.i T burvday afternoon . M..-iiiu- i . ■. r r c a i Im portance. PlrOM- I>r^n::BM dles a ad tbirolilea. •

i T he H enry V. W alllas f . n l . - N..3 I t . iM U t* e f tb r O raivi A im v ..f Iii-I JU pnbllc . met a t th " H oriK .'.n > ' 'i . 'I T n ea iia j rrentjiE; w iltt [ .i‘- m ] . j

‘V "


r O N L I N .C O L N

m f r ~Doiss, Fbono 833. ,

tl Mrii. Jim.'ph Koctor. n flor mc<tlln;T.I Tliir li<inti'!iK Norv.'d dclioluini rofroHb-1- inc'iiiH 1.1, Ibo iiioml.iim aoiiiod a roundI IHU- lone tiiblo. Tbo nrcHldi-ni, Mra. ;: Ki-*fiT. am nt ono citii n f tim laiiio J' nnd i'iial P na ld e iil .Mm, i>. H. Puck: ol the oilier end of the Inhlo. Dcoor*> nllouK wero pink floworii. ‘ ^

I Tlio Mi:mlonnry S».!loly of lho f;iirIa- ! . J4a]i_i±undi_w ill_n it-t:l_ iu i^u_diuf(:u . t im rinra Tburxdiiy nflorniinn ni l’:3(). j

Lodge and C lub N otes |The Rlimnrook clnb w ill tncet to ­

rn..! ri.w nflerniMiVwlilt^irK. J . I.. Dili* '' illll. Klecilon of ( i r r ic o m 'w t l l -^ belli.

M A R O A N EW S 'Minn Adn V'Uhl)*'- lonohcii

Mcliiml nonr ItoKornoii. npoiil Ibo w’ook cl end w ltii iior pnronm. t

Mr. nnd .Mra. ('hnrlie Sohoff nn.l fftinlly oiijoycd ti liirkoy d in n e r a t A. *' S. Mi)iiio-« Sunday.

Mien Kulh Ilrotsn, wiio in ntlcndin;: Tw in Kniia iilKh acbonl. apcn t Sundny wilh honui fnika. ’•

I ln rry Slovcna la w o rk in s fo r 12. H . ' Snyder OKnin thin yoar. *•

The Morui) KrauKo ia n liic iiuccosh, •* Il'linH CO invinhoKi niroudy. I t w ill f n i .d ovury ciibor Tiiindiiy uv-cnlnK u t V Ihe ncliooi botiac. ^

(lOorco Ituoor liaa ronlvd tho Uinkc- >' Ico p io c p 'fu r thla year. .H o oxpcctii bla win, GoQrttc. boint- from C a lirom la Mooii lo hulp-kim w uh ibo farm w ork. *'

.Mra. Jnck H urd ontortulnod S a u ir- " :dny vvcnintr w iib n idnoohio p iiriy .1. -Air. and Mrs. \Vill-«'onc4iy un.l fnin- < Illy Imvo nmv...l to Ori'kl.-y wb.-ro iio 'I oxpi-ctii 10 il.’' u Kuiior briinii nmn.

Tho Mnrnu wiinirirH clnb wlii mc.-l ' ' I willl M r i . 'i , . i;. Ilr.iw'n on Tiiun.dny Infli'rnnon. .Mni. J. .M. T ucko r wlll nil- “ I id«i b.'r, . . .I ,Mr. Jiiniorb.m'a iili*lrr nn.I fniiilly n f n jSiiiiUi t.'iirulinn omn.' S iitiinluy for <i

,Mr, Ilonjaniln nm l'fainlly lm vo n»ov- “ I'd 111 lb.--.jld I jin .lrllti iilnr.i and will " M.irk fo r II, r . ItiiniHi'j. r Ibla luiin- ^

Tl'ii- rnniii-i;i lire a ll l.ili’y In tbo fli'idi. n.itt. ^

Tbe Tiin.'ti In tiiioiinalod for ncwp In Southern Idnho.

llond Tlltioii W anl Adn.


' ' ' I

F R E D F O S S» a H f n o t O iiinr. »ei...............$ 1.00.sbw « S.ilfd, ] .iiir ........... ......... #IJH)

W urkm.inahlp. I’romi.incn.t andI’r lre Ciinrnnieoil j



f- r a oS 'jiE yj V(x>a HOW?\ FCOf'/CO AAJO MX) AWl

Ij AU, wy aoESTioMS ( • C E A D iiy - v J H ir


" i l . .! , I 'J ■ ■ .S I,



. . . A T t h b : : . ' T H E A T R E S


I',: AVaiinco IJo’ery nnd W llllnm Collier ' J r .. bavL* cbnllouKod cach o the r to a

finlah riKlit w ilh Imre flata nnd houi iiiwla.- T hu hailit* la now takiUK placc

' ' ' In T w in Folia voch aficm oan and ovonltiR. The placo la tbo Idaho the- niro. ami ihoru la no wuy of cancci* line iht> battle o the r tiian by cbanRlni: thu p lay dotoH o t Vicior FIcminR'a

D uvira CarKO," In w blch thu heitii;- o rcn t pa ir nre fcoliircii wllii Paulino

:8 S l a i l ^ and f(l^lr<] Adania In (ho ivad-

Collier ia luiroly five feet icn and ] . wulRha HO pounda; 'Ueory la alx footI oni) ond wolKha 235. U eci^ In Ibo for , 'jv o rllo In auch woRora aa a ro ' bulnK

I mndo rcRardiiiR lho ontcoinn.Ouc ndvlcu in to aavo your ffionoy,

a w lliu piclurn nnd onjoy y.ouraclf.II ‘T b o Dovli'a CnrKo" la a love nielo* k draniu, ndnpivd from Cbarlca W iill-

takcr'a a inry. "T he Itivc r Uoot."


y (TllncB Crllic.)Tho pcrfornianco loat evenlnR a t

[. lho Orphouni ihcotro en titled. "UrinR- iUR Up F a th e r In Ire land '' la a pro- duction <>r unuauai.niorit nnd fim. Tho

ll cborua Rlrla uro ohovu tlii> nveraRC in i ^ k a . a tn tu rc ntid nnmc nf ihoir. posca wcro for aiiiivrior to * iho avoroRO

,. iroiipe of tbia kind. Tho elcc lrica i ,1 cffecin w ore an added fea ture whlcii K in«dv lho coatumlnR o t Ihe Iroutto [. a ira d o u t in bold relief and ihe propa .. were now a n d 'u p to dole.

Whllu tho alnchiR wna no t abovo . 111.! nviirnRe Ihc nunKa wurd’cnlchy'and

Ib o ' clioriiii dl.l ko(hI w urk. 'G carRo ,MoMnuiia' clini'iictor, JIkkii. wna rc*

I onncicd iiy W nller Vernon in unuauol atyio. I/Oulae Vernon aa ".MoRRle”

. look.I.i and nclcd tbo purl njilondldiy und Iho o ihera W orked Inlo tb.< caat

f iilooly., The InrKC a n d k n ro i:oi (]iiilo n

Ihrlll Olil .of ilic Kcnile viilced tcliow , who anid tbo iioniiii nnd lbe candy I tbr.niKh tlio iiui|l»ni-c far n niek.'i on.I . n dime. Somo of bis punii w ere very


' All Ibo news o il Ibu llmo In Tho Tlmca.

t ----------------- . . . VIl.'Od TlinoH W nnt Ada.

I _ “

N o W a s t e — !

O n c e T r i e d — .


BAKMNC iNo Kitchen Com



OW'E'ilOQK. \ 1A w sujE s. ^■OS' r-"^ ' • ^ B U O O M C U .




n u n u l.iubu. M arch I.—Tiie anuih cunlriii Idaho Iniurachnlaatic lioak.iibull lonrnoinent will open ..up Thuradiiy, .Mnrcfh n. nnd will .«ud

„ n M arch 7. Twin P a lls la to mcot Cnrey in tho firnt Rnmo and Jerum n

i._ nnd U urloy ,nro lo cinah in tho boc- „ g' nnd conieat in tho forennon o t Ihn louL ’doy.'»Ui» lbe n flom oon Hsilay

oRulnat F ile r and Ooodlni^ nipilosi nn,] lluin<rt.- T h e . evonlnR sam ua are lo he . bo. m oicbea’ botwoon winno)« o t tho cci. forenoon nnd nftornoon. «jUihl drow ‘ Ihr iho bye for lho daylixhl Rnmo vn iR-a Thuradny b u t wlU m ake ila appear- i rho a n r,o ~ ln ~ th e —evenini? round.' - . liC ' A. O rny of iho Axtec H renktunt <Ino Pood company w ho le ft-horo roeont- -

ly ou on eoateni tr ip tn ihu in ier- , cata o t -hla compony wiia atrlckcii ;

by -nppondlcllia n t D avenport. Ja,. ®‘’‘ whore he underw ent nn operollon { ,‘®*. occordlnfc to word recetveii hero on

Bnturdoy by Mra. G ray, HIb coiidi- tion --w ua, reported to- bo fuvornblo '

', 7 ' lind It woa uxpccted th n t he wonld Yn ab le lo lunvo Ilie hoHpltiil i>y ih e I III,' lual o t l.iila weok.

Miaa Juno Brown spont Ihe w eek. I cn.l w ith M aiino P o rk e r n l T » in t

, I'nlln.)^V F lynn H inckloy . o t Dlncliam Con- '

yon. Utoh, ia vlaitlnK relativea one J frienda a t Buhi a tlo r w jiirh he wii: ' coniinuo on. lo tho c oast iioforo re- .

'«■ lyrninK io hia- bomo.‘TTrtb, Buaineaa . nnd ■ Prorosiiona!

*,'® Womtm’s club hold i t s . r c s u la r bus- > Ineaa moetinR a t th e Uoniv o t Mrs , U J . Johnaon] M onday avoninR. Mrs ’

f j i S ludebaker ond Miaa K endrick w ere g 1°, boateaaoa for tho oveolnn. ' yInn T ho Community ‘W eltare cluh bold

Its roRuIa^Sneeiing In th e cjtnmbei g ^ df conimorR) T u c m I^ .A fT ^ o o n . A I IVO Toport o t Ihe conteaaBi^tlon -of the n,j Twenitflib Conturx.- club wo* glroh f

by aevcm l of tb e m c m b era ' who e ip . nlten.ied. Mra. A. 1). R ichards Rave - ml n book reviow nnd m ualcal •oioctioni Ic” wore Rlvun by Doroihy und rrnncoa liy Qrnw. A plAylultn w a a Rlveo by lat Ihu Fnlrvlcw ciuli. 'L ook O u l - fo r

H crekinb.'’ Hoaleaaea for Ihe aft- n crnoon w ere Mra. C harlea Iloynolda,

jw Mrii. L. I*. Ilunyon nnd Mra. J. M. dy Glbba. . •n.i :»lra. II, N'. T illery en terta ined h e r ry brldKe rlu li Siiiur.lny o t a one

o'clock liinohoon, Mra. y\. J . F inke r.-rolvod tnvor. fo r IiIkIi acnrn ond

1»« Mra, T . A, Frltciior recolved conao- lallnn. '—

Mra. 0 . V. Oitnofln cn irrtn lned the Snlunlny Night Hrl.lgc club S a lu r-

- N o F a i l u r e s

— A l w a y s U s e d - ■

m e rS G B E A T E S T

P o w D c n

mplete Without It>E OF A N T OTHBR B IU N D

U n i t e d S t a

^ g i i... \ A crry— ) g | i

, c m £ ' )c o O K f r v t / T j j


r O F B Y G O ^

day ercninR . F avor fo r hlRh acoro w ont io M rs. B rahn la nnd consola- liu to Mrs. B anbury., 2t(ra; n en trlce Crown was (ha

<1, . iRUoal o t a doiightfui Rurprise p a r­ti,. ty III he r homo S a turday evening In

honor ot, h e r tolrlliday, Tho «vo* nluR wua spen t In Rames and music o tte r wblch a deioctoblo tw o course luncheon w aa 'aorvod by M rs. Brown. Tiioao' enioy ing tho ovonins were

>,„ Miaaoa V era Choiino, T helm a . nd oy Kvelyn F n ire li, MorRorot Whilii, . . . Dornlce n ip iey , R uth a n d Florence to Schooiur, O ero ld lne . Sherfey, U lly 1,0 Ilobihaon, M orion. I lalph nnd BerUin i„. Brown. ,;n Mr. ond* Mra. C harles AlcCauIey r* snd son und Mr. nnd M rs. .Bitrt Cor* — e o rn n -o f—T w in—PnJis—w ere -d Jn n o r

iiu6ata n t th e home of Mr. nnd Mrs.,1. A. J . Klnkt). Sundny oyoninff. r - ------------L-ll .---------------------------------------------------------

R O G E R S O N I 1

li- F. i;. McConnoU of Shoahone Baaln Io waa. in-tow n T ueaday on bunineaa. J Id U p P ru it t wna In IrfwTj Tueaday on * te buainoiia. .

D r. C. n . Scoll o r T w in Fnlla waa k. in KoEorAon. .Monday on profcaaionai . in buaineaa.

.Mr. and Mra. C. J . S h e rry retu rned “ bome T ueaday from O lcnna Fe rry . «

, whore they viailod w ith rela tives and ,• .'rienda. . . ' -I

Mra. C. C. Minnorilr m otored to 3oodinR. T ucsda)’. on buslneiw.

J . A. V ondenbark of T w in F a lls was ‘ In Rogerson W edneaday looking a fte r ' ' l)usincaa'lnteroala a n d 'ca llln i; on rel** .stive* and friends.» Mra. laaac Powoli apen t tho w ee J i/* end In T w in F a lla w iih J ie r d qu ttS t^ ,^ Mri*. T . F. W lllm s a nd> m 11y .d D. H. Chrlst«na#n w#k hero /rom

Salt U k e C ity W ednesday lAoklng af- A le r tho a ffa ln i o f h is ra ilroad cam p, e M rs. II. F. Waako oDlertained lho b followlnR lad ies / i t bridRc Tuoaday0 cvenlnR: M rs. J . 'P . K liinli, Mra. e ' ‘ ■” a

j D O N ’T SO W1 G R A INr U n ti l Y o u E n o w A b o u t

? S e m e s a n® TTie G re a t Seed Dis­

in fe c tan t fo r 3 ceds, G rains, B eans, P 6 ta- t'oes, e tc .

E f fo o tu a l f o r

S m u t in G r a in s ; D is e a s e s i n B e a n s ; D is e a s e s in P o t a to e s ; D is e a s e s in O n io n s ; D i s e a s e s in B e e ts .

F o r , n n y n m l n il k in t l s o f a c tiJ s ; iiicri'iisi'H {^ onninu tion , * ' a tim ii ln lo a ' p tn j i l ic row th , ii): criniNi'H y ie ld s .

S o lil T l iro n g h th e T rn tle

Darrow Bros. Seed & Supply Company

. D ia t r i b n to r t


i t a t e s H a s T w o ' C a p i ta l s !

1C s r - a r r e s . ' y ' L u M f re o ST5

111 i f e "


V ^


,N h a r e

ro H enry Irw in ; .Mrs. C rA . Iibaa. .Mr«. C., la- C. .Mlnneriy, Mra. i; i:. Puw ell and

,Mra. II.-A . Itobiiott. ho Jfra, Ja inea S/lcnco w ent (o Twin :r- F a lls T huradny lo hove iioine denial In w ork done.0* R. J . N eely o f Drown Bench wan in ic tow n T huraday on buaineaa.>0 , iBoae E . Pow ell m olor<:d.to Twin n- P a lla T huraday on biialneaK.’ 1 .Mrs. 8 . U M oltb y re iu rn ed home on *“ T huraday from T w in Falla, w heru aiio ,

h a s been ill and in. a doetoi^a coro for •« somo Ume.* ' Mias F e rn SpaldlnR, teacher In lho .

RoRcrsan.HcboolH, wu» o T w in KaUn vhiilor Thuraday.

>7 : Joo Wuoch wan in iow n .Monday on r* bUBiness.>r — Mra.-I*—B.—J«»allnr*whoHn~iilrat-^hc- *■ a. County Cennroi hoapltal, won roport*‘ od .Mondny to bo linprovinK.

l y 1075.FiraV Brondw ayilo: T h d t ac to r la >

in aotl.Second nroadwaylit>; Ifow com et *!

n F i rs t Brondw nyiio: H e hna ono o t ^ thoso inhoritancu rnlen in Able'a

„ Irlah . Roao, bequenlhtnl from tiiihur ’ tu aon In perpetu ity .—U te .

*. f io o B n ;< ‘K WAS BAH' TOKIO.—M oino KuHonokl, 17 yenr

J oJd studen t/ hns heen sen tenced -to. t« f , d

; A N cA f t e r v e ry

! ■ ■ h a v e d 'e d c■ I P Y ' f o r t h is s t

J l N O M ^ SA Lin s e a s o n o r o u t o f seas

. m e a n j u s t \ ^ a t w e sa; e n t i r e s to c k h a s b e e n

j a t p r ic e s lo c o n fo i^ ts - p a l ic y . Y o u w i l l b u j h e r e a t t h e l o w e s t p r i .y e a r ’r o u n d .

T h i n k I t O v e i

t e j c o , c i0n■*OUR GOODS MUS-


Automobilen n n ' l h n y a n e w U glit «.-i‘ti tli in Olio— O v e rla n niocl.v " liro U o n i n ” j lik apcc-t. T h e i)rii-c is r i Kinnll c n r in trn<lc. Pli

ii ^• cctmE — f 1

I " ( ) .'B'- u J '

&J j g m

____J .

WEDNISD'AY, iFATlCn '4, 1925;

R P lN fi

"cT. " .■■■.' . .. M | | | | | | | | | | M

■In .lal


lie ,


ie- — ----1-

•• HARRISON--la ------------ -^ ^ --------------.• a term in priaon hocauso b» had

tlie Rood luck to find 400 yen. Ho went on aueb a rlntoua ipreo with thn uiuiiey that bo. wns arrested.

KKKPIXa A SKCKF.T. .Pcr: I'm engnRod. Don’t tell.»r srory: XJnrvoloua. 'Who-«h«n'l“ t - “

10. tell fiiiitT—Comoll Widow. , ■

l e w P o l i c y(Read Oarolnlly) .

51-y c a r e f u l t h o u g h t w e ic id e d o n a n e v p o l ic y

s to r e ; W e w i l l hav ie

VIORE ^^LES . . ;

e a s o n . -W e , s a y . ■ O u r:n m a r k e d iw 'iB - t o t h i s / « 'ju y g o o d s / '1p r ic e s t h e 1

i fe r


X IS IP A . ___________

Ie Bargainjlit onr until you have rland Kod Hti^. jiiHl like new in rver * rc-

( riRlit nnd will take Phone WSW.


- '

Page 3: wm m m M IS V MIPLY T S V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ i i p Mm ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In

W E D N fe s b A V i >rARC:iT 4 , 102?

W i i u i. iMtil

I t i C y L L inoli.C W E i p i

F innish Am erican Club r ~ T urns O yer P r p g r ^ to | Knights;itf.-,Columl>us:and F inn\.,^ ]||^ j^M l.JiitoI^ o r ^

' J o i e ' ' - ia^^’fiAif^'di^n r,,',’,' Squarejgp; Ma,rc g l7 th . >«««

U Y .TIB N R ^'jL PAI^iKi.I*. ‘” “ - NI3W yO{UCi'M areli'-i;?I'iMiV...Niir. ,

ntl. w ho h'ka>Vei)ui, rapuF<lJe<|lDlly for ^ avniaiDir, cgtnp^tllon oRdtnH - W lillo >*'" n iio la nml Jolk-fiay/W «A jeu,»„K > i- I**'! VJJIJP, wJJi.;oiwn(«jo tJjrolllff’WJd Ittrrt Iiuv ftll c o m c ra 'ln ^ .'e ig .m c e t iai.UaaJBi>ii m - t Squaro aftrdB ittlB rch .lT. Unr

T ho P ln n P ^ w ^ $ n ir :A il i rn t la i : ) t in !i»r which w a s ;A lM s u ’ flliomi,Iil6nn l In »>lil n rfn l c ffo re io a a iii final a^p u a ra n a; (Inii

. o f lho iM 6oM M llon , hnni tittiicdrovvi'

^mcni^or Blar t o , ^ a u nK^iliiT• nnyona wliD'wnnin lo toii^hlin In tw o V

raced. Niirrtil-wnnln to. riiu li.OOO im - ^ tom nsn lnn t nilDla, whlcli U iinlil tobo n ilo la ’8 pet diBlatiuu nml ho uIho C wnnj* to ran a m llo aealnHi J o in litiy,J-loyri I lnhn and U o U rr Jv if , Ilulin , o f i

' It w in 1)0 rvcaUcd rcc«;iiil>- liroke N m - orn.inl'H Indoor record for lho mlti-. • Yi

Tho KlnnlHh-Aiuork-jin jV C. ntUK'nl timrft inccl unrlici' In lhi> i«'n!<nn when in<>rN urm i niailo hln di'hni nml iho offlc- himIntii o f the eliih hnil plnnni-d lo iiiii on r<'iii>ano ther m £ci In thu nnlurc uC ii fuiix* of <

-------- w rit-ror-fluc^cftBon:------------- u.rySo rnuch'*mtlcl«m wtin h m n l. ho» -

over Ihn t j t wnn ilcclUoil no l only to fg„. m rn over the il4tirTi-iiorvi«l in Mml-Jdon Saim ra Oanlfla (0^5110 if«i(Kh« of ^Columbus hu l a lso to m irrcndor ihc I > proRoim U iat”haU been nrmuEcd.

H lH er' com plalnta 1/ail hocn madon b o u f comincrclalliim of >Junnl w hen 1ll w aa announced (h a i Nnrmi w ould ' <lo h la “ rea l runninii'VIn hla inul riUmoot o t lho acanon for tho Flnnlnh- TlA morJcan .A. C. . I t wan c im rscd ih a t -ihclt |ie oU iclala of Uio club w ere iryRiK drfclo t n ^ e a blK cleanup on Nurmi and hcoitb a t'U |ey t.w «»o /|nduclnp -h lm to ru n of 1

wouW .bo tbo-biR event of lho fli-aHou. the


BUHLQUMET« “ hinU H I.. -Ma^h 4—Outploylni; Ih tlr

.- opponeniA Jn every iJt>parlmrnt o t the- pamo he re Innt n ish t. the Diihl Klrln ■ defeated th e B urley baakothall team

** ' ‘by tho -iiec lftivo acorc o f’72 to 3, ix - . . f o h » s ^ o o d sU ed crowd of onthunlaa-

tie tana. Dtrrloy made a lone field so a t Rnd r froa ahot. TKe vlnliora p u r up a'.do^p^-ralo flRhl; b u l wero no m atch for.(fOach.Oarr}''a baa^eiball ninchinc., '

T ho . i<forlne'>ilartr<1 from the (Iral llp'OtA ^ h lc ti NQv&,I1aym iha -Dulil c i 'n ie r an'd c ap ta in .'(o o k w lih «‘oal.Tbo n s iB o ff a t Uio ra d of ibc f irat ha lf j r a j 4S to l . vCfii:. .

B y S ^ l P I ? tpniRht-B Ramo >bc Bubt

T O D A Y ■ o m e J d a t 6 SI.T

VaiidByijle Road Show' FIVE BIO ACTS .

Threo Wiltons BeantirnJ ‘Lodlfn In a Daaclns


J o rd «od Hewitt ■FwHCT .st, tho Xorth 1‘ole

O f t^ .-u id Costello •»cnim aa4 Monte

N at fioyall Jam rttoif y o w tty

& pU n-M d Schaffer-- Artialic ACfohrtfc F f la re a

FCAT^TRE FtCTtTBE.—': '•H K L B N ‘8 B A B IE S "

8hcM -<A Glaai Oaat / - l» e ie* l* » -B ah y C a i p

I 'x W U A IE OP jL -ra O W V V - ^ 8n«

B e g i ^ i t i ^ T U l e . P f W a iT 'XKhtt .A iafu 40e u 4 We .

CliMrwi 80c aa< I tc ■

. O ar O n t--T O M O E E O W - - *

M A Y M A O A V O T to- ? * " T A W m ’^. I f c Sera ■ Da a iy


025. • ^ .

OF THE SRlrlH will cntor tho d la trlcl tourna- | \ i iiH^nt hero AKnlniil WcinliJI on Satui-- K l llay nlKhi lo play for lho district illlv. v | di'feali'd tho.Gnnnvt ninld- cnnr^ iA m plona of thu lln llcy nuh- i ilbiirlct n t aoodluR troHoKf »!>'ui «»> I Tumdoy I'viiultin by tlu- bl-ihv o t CO 10 2a. and will ri’prmoui ihc iioilh iildo In thu toiirnnnii-nt.

Tlw eaiiw UfiUL’i'a W m d f ll atul ■ Uubl nhould iHt; a finod nu<>. nn tiolli iKllioolM tiavc tt|ii-t'dy. ;icciiruiL’ lla •k«.■I nboDtlnuU’ainit.

Ouhl Knd WoTidi'll hnvu iurI I'vln- ihiH Hcn»ou. <-»t;h wlnnlnu onu cnniv. ' ,, KO the coiuparnllvu dopt* nu Iliv iwn . ivanin plncL-n ilicm uboiit i<]uul in v J ln n e ib . t,---------- ---------------- --------- - )■

j ,’Fig.hts an d Fighters )

NKW YOUK,—Jim my Mnl.iney oflliitnnii. himyj'wclKhiJ. «'mi ,ti 11U- mrerninid dodnlon ^fruiii Dim Hri.tM, in 1WnKlnnd. Thu Hluirl dintnnc.c nl tht- kcIi'on iust navcd ltrlj;lil frnui i> knocV- n mml. ..rr

--------- , • tl,.f.NKW YOIU<.—I'aul ' lli rh iil.iid i. f '’>«

Nnu- .Y ork, IlglU-lii-iivywriKhl. i.nd " f ' IhiiillnB Slkl, funuur uhiiiuiiinu. huve. lieiiji m n trhn l Ki lu aiJ-rnuiid lioiil In .MniliHou .S'ltiur.' in rdon , Miircli 111. l-Tiiuklo iiil'ia.lj, Jurrnlii. nnd I.iirry )'iilrldj;r. ii?Kin iilddlewol«ht, will lucdl Jii iliu uunil-

. _ _ _ _ _ _ ■ ..„ J

J a k e - S c h a f f e r - W i i i s : -------

W i l l i e H o p p e ’s C r o w n Im t !______. , . I llir.

CII10.\G 0. Mi.r.-b 4-~Th» niinn> of !|[ !<mrc nuirit tlw lh : j. I

»f tho world'* KrciilcNl. hlllji.rd ' pluy- |,"' j

• Y.iiinK JAhc. HOU of Ihv -.'ri'ul f..r-M.ir rlmmplnii. und l;lin«oif- 11 for- "xuiK>r lioldxr or tli.<- wnrlil'H Imlk llil.i n‘, •'illlliird, climiiploinihlp, ln«l dJrIji ili - ni,,,i'liic.l W lllli 'J lom x-. lIicT •Vliiiuiplnu rctiiiif <hiiin|dnun.’ 4II0 lo 17;!. Tho vie- f.„.ory l.'d hln rcciWiI In llili. ;inuiii)l wimniirnum.fnt. xvlMinnl-. tliu .v lan i «r do- ild rcm .und crowniid hhn Hinmplnu. ' Imu.

Fwin F a lls GirU f l 'W in from K im berly b u t Boys Lose Gam e

The Rlrl*' linHkclluitl tonm rloncd 'lrb e ir HcaMon horo lanl 0 vrnInK by IholofcntlnK lho Kfnthcrly Kirin l.y tho oriiicoro of 12 lo «. Tbo loo«l« led mom theIf Ihc way and the firs t bnlf doHrd lov

C “> ' • "nJ•Tlio Klmtx-rfy boyn' (<nm wou hy M ho Keoro o t 17 10 !i. Tnin Kurno wok thn ,uM of p<-p nna wan rc fc rc i l hy Dny. roKii T ho Rlrl#; Romo was riforow l h r Ipm

w t t n . u

Joe-K Says:A biR locrtnno.Jn Ihu ryo iicri'iiRo'

altliouR h. Mhni folks a re unln): ryo fi llODCd.

-----—NOW SHOVThe Paramount supcr-spcdal. ’ A

•lawlcsancss in early .goM-rusb. Ca


— ■-----^-A D D ED A T T IU

“C hange the Needli P«atorto|r Arthor '

. - o - L t t a l News Wed^ * i

:B<M»^^ZASZ QBKT'S.V!^r;- _


S P O R T h ^


SMul.fhmi in >v.iii by “ Vnntu: l.iun - ' ((hI," Ih-ll.-r Ituiinn Iloro nt> -SiiiJlJiy.*’ In Jho FniirlJi lloim.l. U hon Khl Cuuuinuhiini W.'iit l>u»n (nr Ciiitnlt 111 I 'ron .l >VI1ui!>hch .MuWu

.SVni.Iuj' fJco «■«« mr fiiH<di f w Uny I'tip.uIi'ivKiT of II11I1I 111 lho mnln <'v<Mt Illlll n lchl ni tlio iJiVi-iIni: ili<- a tro . <!(•<• wool down for thi- »'niuv. . In III.- firni i.iund of n twi.lvo loiinil , Holi<'iluli-d KO wllll “tlio llaitllui: llnr- caino" nf lh .' w.'Ht .m l. dci' HlurI.'d |'J orr HtroHi.' and lod iho l.attlo, l.iil hl« ■' d,-foni>o wall wido op.-o mi.l Jui.l bo- «' f i'i .' lho a.Hii; Homidrd for ibo Hn.io <if lho firnl lau ln ‘'Cnpo" Inndrd n l’‘ hli.n l hiir.l Jnll lo.d.'c'ii moiiuioli wliloh or K.'iil b in 1*1 Hio mal an.l liotor.-o D.u- Vi uioi- nf IJuh( rm ini.'d lilni on(. 'nm u .•hd.rl Ihr> ri,v,.,.|. ..f Siniil..y (’...o nn- w l..»r ho K.'lK a Hlirfor iityio o t ilc- w tvmie. ■ "<

A liiri: oriiwil wllnosiicd lli<- Imxlns wlluutch himI ............................ . ohimK- in(111 hn»iil« ovi'j- Ibl- iimio I'vont. Tho hi

(nr n (luhl nnrl Uiih m hfH rw iir j„ p.ThaiiH lio firranK''d In lho W'ur fu- ni llir.', .\r l Klrl o r 'T l io I'hloiiao Kid" ,,i of llurh 'y Illlll hiiil Koino linr.l miiK'buii nnd olnliiiH lo hnvo piil "Cope" down i,, fo r tho oonnl uhoiil foor youru nKO |,„ III Duhl. . r,.. In lho Hviiil-flniil" w hlrh w«» hy far

1I10 h.'^I mnl.'li o t tbo ovoolnu-, "Suilihy," Icnnwn In »|»nlinK oirol.'ri , nn ‘•Yoiin« U'Oniinl." raiipi:d Kl.l I'nn- iiliifjfiam nil :iwftil ivflllop In lb .' , r.iiii’lh whir'll put Iho w.jut-ondrT down ‘ f.ir th .' roiint. Tho (ll«l Iw.i pnm dii. ' Wllll a pv.'iiy •jiiHMl fluhl. hill lir thol Ihlnl Cunnlniiliniii l.oKnn 10 <-ov.-r and litm,i onto the ropi'M. Youuk I.oonnnl Ih II clover fiRhtor nnd will mnko Home ' « of Ib.? f««i OUM nil up nnd tako no- "<• tlivj If be coniinii'iji to ilovolop. R*'

Rjilpb Kohl«'r-nnd. Ulll Pnllornon of hatlU-il four fnm roundn In Hi.? pro- l« llm lnnry lo .n drnw. .TbiH nm trh wnii IV n Kood fnm ko nnd holh liidn sliowed Icr nJrHlty for foMirc }«»«!». . . l>r

In Ihn bnltio royal which opoucd t„ Iho proKinm T ed Mlutcb Von tho hoi-- 01-11 by rnnphiK ibo ln»l Mirvlvor of the m lxup n t flvo Inds when lho Ini- lov wn* looUlnB ovor hl» vIcUuib who bnif nlrcndy'Knno to Ihe mtit. •

MnnnKor T . W; Flynn, who sfaKod Ihn hoiilH. wan wull plonso.l wlih llio romillH nnd lho Inrsc orowil which a l- iPiidu.l Uio hoxlUK. ,

Ur. J. « . Vculo.r of U u h l ic fcrou .!

ifio ln Snulli Dakoln h-nnuouncod ..0 for -In ihi'Su dny# lu not nien-

[owmo-------A Bcotliintr talo of lovo and California ttaya of 1840. See—


Say!—If there’s a drop of red blood in yon. tMf pictBTO lyfll s o n d i t leaping:' through ydnr veins. ,

riUCTioxft-— d ie ”— For-«-L«fi^ That Foaay 0 ^ .

r«Bd apodal Mnsie by ' piinkley*s Doo-Dadt


1 ;i*o .a * J aoeI. Z m l a r --------- ibe aa< 4Sey 'm a t t - m s ^ - 9 •

f H ^ q r a Z B I R O .

■ H M H i i i i i K s '



WORLD %will

llio mnU-bcn (o lho DailsriiKilou df all p ro son l.'

AiuoiiK Ihu .pijiny nlln'i- npoot.’iioiv , «t IwUiy <-f l",I lu h l. who ivpm otud n bli; hnui lo-

r.Kk!S-S!su:--“” -

B lIH l® AU, aJ ® i w i E s s =

FOR T01lli.W--------- f M

(Spccial tn Tho T!ni..-*.> ‘ .Mn.U i;ilU l.hibo, Miiroh 4 .-H K nrj.'^K'i

Iho hiiMkothiill L'iiiuii whli'li Iiro I1. Anr; ou ter tbo d lm rld tnuniaiiiunl hen- on TlmrBilny nuirnlna nn- oxinr;<d 'nn:i III iirrHv horo .n \V.-rhii»i!;t.v I'Vr- Mnhiu fnr n prcilniluiiry \vorl>nnt ht who tho Jinhl itym. ,wh1.h ilio linT.r'M ' ‘bi'i hlKh nuhiiot onurt lu ihln |r:m . 'f tlm >''■Ntiitn, . . I’"'".

All nrmnuouH'niK 1niv<- hi'on .<'iriu- p lrti'd tor Ull- ..rp .lilni; .'vi-ni. •-'i- onnllnK to M. M. Vnn I'uiic.u, in.iii- liKor of Iho umrniimi.|i1, 'l l ir ln>n liJK um l iiK'iil Jm/i Siwnrkod onl. Olii'-r .lolull'i. If :ni.., ib '' will ho prnvl.l.nl fnr al ii iin-i'ilii;-. I^ui' of ooaclies unrf ' m'ln.nl .jffli lal'r I', whloli ha» lu'on' < ;illr.rl fur Thiipnlay u" '1 invrnluB nl y o'.l.H'k In -U ic u>•' hiKh .Hchool hulhllui:.

.A r<-lloWMlil|i liiiii'lioon hntl .(rr'i'ii 17?nvh1^~riirnn i~ iT W ii’r - rn tp r t’i;—i i r r j - j 'f llui tournam unl. nil r.<i‘u<.u.':i ami olbi-r. ni'hi|ol otllr li.l'* r.f ilio .ll >- ~ irlo l .IculrliiK .10 iill.'inl. Thla will i . bo Rlvun In lho M..|li'>ilhi ..Itnvr.h |p iirbirs ,011 Thnri<d;ry ..vnlnK . ___ ;r,. n t 0 oVIirok. All allilollo iu..nn will In- Korvi-d ni llio .llri'.ilo ii n ' .. u t'onimlli.^o ropri'-'i.iilluk Un' llulil KlrlH- haiikoilKill loiini. TIiIh liin.li- .'IIII Ih lii'InK Klv..|i fur tlu- iniri’o^r'

|i . f *.11.1(01: 1(10 viflUni: L.amu uud r ll».'honl nflloliilH tr> liL'inni.r 11-....... u .- ^|t|u iiln lud \YlUi oiii'li nllicr i iirly In [

tlio-m .ioi. -.A silver InvliiK oup will bo nw ar.l- ' —

od 10 llic toimi wlnuliiK ilio • Kainiii- l''< fwJH, - ond « Hlmlliir awiint «JII lio >'<'Ui Rlvon tho ohamplMishlp Klrli*’ toiuii ‘ of tbu dlslrlj;!. 'riiuiio. nwnrilH nn- iMsluK fu rn lsh cl hy th e . IV ntral IVmrninoy nnd by ilio Klooirlc Sorv-Ice eompnny of Ilnbl. Thoy will lio ;___)>rMoniod ou ibo b in niRlit -of iluj t-( toomiimi-nt. •- nitin

In n.tilltlon lo ' the l.ivlnfi: oupn Sain (o be nw ardod-'thu .llsirlol cUani- nn>'>

l l k i . ]' . This'Offer is Ii

quickly. W h e ^ $1 prevails. S

th e wor autom atic s tr now -like keec shave. Clip tb 67 f a t any s ta

A t w yS c h r a i^ * J o h n s o n D r

H a rd w a r e C : C i ty y jb & in a cy .

y F u h e ^ ^ r a g C o .R o g e rso n H o te l P h a n

E liso n l ^ s C o ., B uh l

• \____

pliiii-i. I. Illlv.T li;i:ikclhall lioj.l'.y Will bo i;lvi.a uiioli nu-uilior uf an 01 oll-iouniiinieiii leum of Imy-.. aiul In oaoli nicinbor nt nn all<i<iiirna- ' iiii'iil lo;«iH „t x ir li . Tb.-s.- j.luyoi, will h.- Huhiolerl fniui iill Inniilii oil- '.TUr torod In tho (ouriiiiinoni. . Tln-no TihIi iiwiU'dii will Iio iiiuilri t.ir HpnriHiiiun- lord sblp. kiinwi,..|«o .of tl.o rul.'H and iipli'tl o t thu Kuiiii- nil Inlonnc-lo'd h i. nolli’M npnn i|n- <.<jiiri, un.l i-x.ol> lon.o In 111.' •noim)ii«Uuil.in nf fnn- ilujn.ulal liur-kolhall. -

lii-ialhk for .'h'lK'iln;: iln- iill-l.iur* nuniont pki,vi.rn liiivi- n.ii hi'eii worlt.!...I 011: by .Mr. Vuu .I'aU on. hnl w lli; liri'lMlily hi) hv a vnln nf ■'0.i< h<'ii! un.l ^oiKioi orrioiuis r.di.iwioK c i c i i ' IIUIIII'. .'riioHo vol.-:i will tlK'll h r i :ii..-..:iilili'rl ami UKcn.Kalr.l. ani! , w ill' tlU'ii ijirvii u;i a h:i»li. fur .boloo, 1

j P E R S O N A L S j

Mill, Vi-in.' .\y i.i i nn.i iwii i.oim,,Mri.. i:.'« .i-o .\yr.vi un.l .Mix. i:. ,t. .-<irpl,.'ii h a \ . ' ..liin..'.l on a tr ip li> l.<>Anr;. f..:.. wjir f .. (hi'}' K (» </«l(, |

.1. II.. SliM'i:.'»n Was .lown ri'Din .Mlli -| l;iii:-.li,y.'sii-trlav. • i

Mif. Sophlii i:il.'l;.ari, „ r Oal.lov,' who Inn hi'. u \Mi1iil; lh<. W. II. .I<'h- ' . Ulii'i la.uUly hii-> I'.'lnvili'.l 1<> h r r lionn-,

K i:. U.vil o t Uji. .-VJIi.j, 0/1 jiaiiy ';i In S.iK • UiU" T liy , • i

M l’.. Maiv Ituvl liaii K iiiin .'il frn-n•M.'-'i-w-, wl.... . „h.. hiur i .r .n iiii..nd-In- lh.- iinu,i!Miy. I>n no.-.uiiii of ill-.

Siaii l,<.VMiii.r l la r rv | | , Klimov of lh.. .\|. \V. A, .in uu ..iflolal l l ip i.i U iipi'i'. I’alil'v. ll iiud <"hr r.'polnlii. ,

II, l„ I 'lu ii-r, u lm huii Poon mnn- u ;i I or Iln- l-c-.ii.t.-'ii ici.novul 1 Kir.- ftl llu ii:i'li f'll- lli|. patil nlll.- nionllili. hiiH i., iu n i.r l «(Mi hirt wife- h . IlilH Vlly.

Cilwuicl i/iilir- .ifiir<.'.f .nc.ilan.I tnrUmiLiHiLXii'!'.. I lil:‘ luoriilni,, Hl;i wlf.. ___:mrl m il.- huy will follriw n.ioii. \

i' ANNOUNCEMENTS j jTh.' I'atti MalKiiri olnli in..ri:i wllh

Mill, i:, J . |.‘lnr h l.-|lilny ov.-ulni;,.

C M f D A D V fRT M T S^^Rttr(T<d l»Q U lt ( . r CUMinr.lhii

|.'<)it S.M.I-;.. T..niu bcirsoH, i; tind 7 k'<.ai?< old. :ir,oo Hih. 2 iiiII.-h riiirihu.Mt Jt Twin KnIlH. fNiono r,7KUI. j

\V.\.ST|.:i»--.-^omo .luu it> plow 2,'i' ‘ itoroii I? Inoth's .l.'.rp, fi nillon iiouth orj ^oulb P a fk Ki'o.-ory. W, » . ItiD.ikii. - j

KOK H A l.K -Som o .'x irn koo.I fiir*) iiltiir.- will ll.- i.iild on sale Kroiindrt Siitnr.lay. 71h. New burr.r.v uuil hur-1

r r y ^3 lim ited T h e allotm erit is gc Tien sold o u t th e regu lar Jjrio

Sp a c t quickly. G e t acquaii 7orid'a finest sh av e— l e ^ 1 stropping restores' th e blade aenness. B very shave a pe r the coupon nOw—p resen t i t v

jtore U s t^ below.

wukxm *ir of t h ^ sD rug Stores Co.j C o.

J .■irroacy. ihl. Idaho.

■ .n . •— ■- ' • '

iio l ih s i : i . l , 'r i i l t ^ i :u n |t)Kl.AlU),\IA ( T ry , OMa.. .M.urli |! l i t

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— l l s ;i U ';

Favor--■ A Naw Walk


Ladies,’ Spring 1l l i s ;i ( i i s t i i i u u i s l u M l in t i n l

:u i< l a l t n i c l i v t ; u s i l c a i i I 'c —

rn in r r iT iT saTrriTKVir'nxr . lay, s ( . 't! ii - liu :i) , li}.\'la w c id il

S l io w i i I n i l u ' iM i iu t la r c u i

B h i c i i K i l l , K i i l a i i ( . 'a i r .

■ — I ’K IC'K-

' . ,$8.5C.MalnW.'l.ini Shoo

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; Foot Weart i i i l i i - t ', ju s t l u i l , a.s n e a t

T x r u n i r T i T l d i i i s , no ;h l wi-lL. Ciil)an Iieol— «

c i i l i ' i 's l l f 'U ll ' season ,

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Page 4: wm m m M IS V MIPLY T S V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ i i p Mm ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In

TOVR'' _________________

TW IN F A L L S IPublU bed E ro iT £vcnlnR I3xcept :

^ Conipouy, Tw in

EDier»d &t tb« T w in Valla Poslurt D a llr PubllcalloB .


Several m onths ago the■ P e rce In d ian reservation in

^ w ere headed fo r poverty becca n d disdain fo r work. A sim U m atilla reservation an Oregt In d ians need more w ork nnd situaUon is n o t confincd to th< desirous o f following th e pal

. s tin c t will perm it, has attaciic ' very easily acquired.

T he reservation situatior m ost of the Ind ians have cith in al Allotment, hencc th ey ha' f o r wages, and th a t cu ts dee H cgardless o f factors, the In<

: in th e , same fix, ahd the sam . th rift .and industry and perha;

I m m i g r a t i o n ^ l a b o r Z

• The constitution wiis dra o f the people. .

■ I t is l?a^ed on the |)rincii a n d equals all political pow er

1 T h a t govem m ent is instill b e n e fit

A nd in its w isdom,.the CO stones of our sta te^ovem incn l

None of tliem can be set■ proyal o f the people.> , .Our stat« constitution disi era by c reating the legislative,

,partm en ts as the three m ain bi I t would be preposterous i

to a tten ip t to abolisn an y of tl of.'.abc

nor, attorney general o r secre I t would never dare to lay

• branch, by attem pting to abol the suprem e c o u rt

Nor w ould i t i)ass an act ehnial sessions of the legislnti

B ut has n o t the leg islati I w h at i t feared to do directly?

A rticle 8 of the constilut departm ent o f im m igration an

“There shall be crea ted ,” t id e , “a bureau o f Immigration

. shall be u nder the charge of a tiori, lab6r an d statistics, who governor, by and with the coi

T h a t provision is a s mand constitution creating the legis c ial departments.

“T he comm issioner shall years, and until his successor qualified, unless sooner remove

It'w ill be noticed th a t th( t id e is d irect ahd com m andlr left as to its in te n t

. Y et a legislature two yoai of the constitution.

It could not ab((Ii.sh the c m igration, labor and st;itistics. by refusing to m ake an appro]

Yet ever>' member of tha oatil of office, sw earing 'to up constitution.

A nd fo r two yeai^ Idaho h ^ o f this legislative anniihnent, v

tion o f the oath o f office taken If the legislature can do Ui

stitu tional office, w hat is lo j o thers by refusing to m ake api nial .support?

The ElghtecntiW daho k-g annullm ent o f the constitution office taken when ils members

It should d irect thero be in a tion bill an am ount Sufficient e r o f im m igration, labor and s Uoin as d ea rly sot forth in the i

. “The commissioner shall c< sub ject o f labor, Ils relation lo a n d the earnings o f laboring j m eans o f prom oting th eir malei an d m oral w elfare.”

If Idaho ever needed the >• im m igration and labor to -fu n d

W ill the Eighteenth Idahc oa th o f office?

W ill the Eighteenth Idaho constitiitlpn o f the state o f Idah

y - D O I t s S W O R N n U T Y ? -

' I- - ■ = = = ^ =

D A IL Y T IM E S[)t SuDdAT b r U)0 Tlin«i PublU htng vln Falls , Idalio.

tufflco a s Socood C lass M sttar s j • lOB. A pril 11. 1918.


le superintendcrjt of the Nez. n Id ah o "cfcclared his charges jcause of too reckless spending im ilar message comes from the jgon. T h e 'ag en t there said .h ls nd less debts. A pparently the the white man, and tko jQ dlan , laleface ^ closely as triw tl in- :lied to him self a cliai’acteristfc

ion is som ew hat d ifferent, for ither sold or rented their orig- liave no recourse save to work leej) into the red m an’s, pride, [ndian and the white m an are ime tonic will go fo r both— haps a b it of self-denial.


rafted to safeguard tlie rights %

ciple all men a re created free e r is inherent in the peoj)le. .ituted fo r their protection and

conslilution placed tlie corner ? n t •set aside Avitliout Die full ajj*

listributed governm ental pow- ii e, executive and judicial de- branches. _ ■

:s fop a legislature of this s tate ' these de])artments. ,boli^hi;t\g.,the offic.e.of gover- :retary o f state, ay its hands U|>on th c ^ d ic ia l jolish the .office of jusCict of

ct th at would abollsli t l ^ ^ i - iture.' 'Aituro sought to do Indirecllv ? ■ ■ utlon specifically creates the . and labor, v v •3,” .says section 1 of this ar- on, labor and atallsllcs, which ■ a commissioner of immigra- 10 shall be appointed by the consent of the senate.” • ndalorj* as the articles of the jislative, executive and judj-

ill hold his (office, for two 5or has been aj)pointed anti oved,” sta tes the constitution, the language used in this ar* ~ ling. No roonl for doubt Is

•ars ago abridged tliis article

! constitutional office of ini- :*s. Uut il did lh al indirectly ropriation for th a t office, hat .legislature had taken an uphold the provisions of tlie

> luu> suffered tlie dire effecl-s , which in It^glf was a viola- en.th a t wlih regard to one con-

I p revent it from annullin.u ipproprifillons for their i)ien-

L-glslalure should a ‘cllfy- this >n and live uji to the oath of rs w ere sworn in. incorporated in an appi'oprl-

nt to perm it ilje comiiiisslon- 1 statistics to properly fun'c- 0 constitu tion: collect inform ation upon the

to capital, the hours of labor ; nic-n, and women, and .the terial. social and intellectual

e office of commissioner of iclion, it needs il now. . ho legislature-live up to its

ho legislature ab ide l>y the laho, a n d ;'? — Capital Xews.

■ j

\ Published by strsn g sm a n t m and W atters


M alone, a vouttg ronrfon vruii “ p n p tr T tp o r tT , r t j te t td Uy the pii— . *« (ap«i beeautp he ha t fio grce

. 'drrdi to hi* credit, gore in e tarr o / edvep ture, / tn appeal to h it ed lor, ile A rd le , 'for, a danperout oj tignm en t, re tuU t in h it b fin g / ie i lo in tr rv ifw P fo /e iio r Challenve

Q7. B -$elen llil, wAo Ada r te cn l ly n CS turned fro m a to lilery ezpeditio

lo Sou th A m erira ioith an amasin1 •* •lo ry o f adventure iohieh no on h e believet. A np tred , ChalUnger ha i jg a w e re/M ied lo talk. B y a ru t

' M alont eb ta in i an audience toil n c kint, bu l i t unceremom outhj e itele 11, u/A#n Challenper d iteovort he it p . reporter. O ut becauie M alone r t ,. /utCK to p r e t i a eharpe o ffa in it h in •1C . Challenper u tufPeienlJy nollifir:

to ord^r him into, the houte apair A /te r extraclinp .a prom ite tha noth inp he telU him will be repeal ed, ChalUnper brinpi fo r th a tal

X tered tk e le h book, ivhich, he to y i Ae fo u n d amonp the p o tte ttio n t o

e . an Ainprtean a r l i t l o*id explorer ['C Maple irAtVe. whom he had eonti ^ upon durjnp h i t expedition, deai

from ■exhauttion and tla r fa tio n Mnlone e ra m in ft tom e o / th e d raw in p t w ithoui findinp any lh ln ff un uauo t

— — ------- C H A PTEFriV =C onirfrued-----I WAS Vtlll unable to s^nipnihlxn

t s u waa a fuII-pitKO akotch o t s land ^ • acaiw rmiRhly (Intcd In color—Ui<

kind o( palntlne which nn opon-ali srtlBt tskoa as a siildo tn a hilu rt moro olahoroto etTorL T,))oro wi»

d a pnUi-srnon fontcroiind o( tcatli o r ; , vc(;oiallon, which ulopvd ii{v warA and undod la a line o t clltTn

i r dark rod lo color, and curtou»l> rlhbad llko unme baaaltlc torain' tlnn i which I have noen. Thoy

I* londod In no untirokun w all riKlil acroiB tbo backcround. At <iiio polat was an Isololud prn im ldal rock. cr6wncd.«bjr a. crcBi trcp,

, wblcli appuarud to ba separated by a c lett from tho main e ra s . Uo- bind It all. a hluo tropical akjr. A thin «reon Ilno o t vcfteuitroa

C trlDKud tbu sutnm lt o t thu ruddy dirt. • ,

"WoU?” be aakod.> . " It la .no doubt a curloun torma-

Uob," snid I. “hut I nm not Rooltv ClBl tinuuRb tu nay (hat It Is won-

,1 dnrliil.",* "WontlHrfull" ho n-in'.iiud, "It

latinlquu. U'In Inrr<‘dlhti}. No on<i on earth hns uv.t dr.-nmcil ot nut-h

• a poDNllilllty. Now dm noxt.**1 turni-d It over, and Ravo an ex-

c lamatlim i>l fitirii'rli*i-. Thi-r« wan a tuU-paico plclur>> o t ilu> moal ix-

y traofdlnVry crcatura tlial I had o re r eunii, wna Lho wild dryitm of . an opiutti smnkur, a vUlon of

S . delirium. Tho haud waa liku thnt of a tuwl. tho body tha t o t a b loat­ed tUurd. (ho irnllInK ta ll wa» fur-

' QlihcHl w ith itpwurd-turofd jiplki-n,> and the curvfNl h.\ck wn* t'dRod

wK h'a blRh le rra ied trlnRn, which .looked llk n .s rtori’ tl cocka' wattlcB

2 placed behind each othur. In tron t o t this creature wan an absurd m annikin, o r dwarf. In hum an form.

— » h o atood s la r in s a t IL . .-W ell, w bal do you think of

tba tr* crMd the Protennnr. nib- b ins hla hand»- with 'an a ir o t tri-

) umph.j ' " It la monairous—Kroteaqun."

"Dut w bat made blm draw such s n a n lm a i r

_ “T rado Kin. I abould (blnJR-~0b. th a t’s thn b e lt ozpUna(l6n

5 you can nl»e. Is U T"W fll. a ir. w hat ts youraT"

• 'T b o obvloua ono (hat (bn crra- ' turn cslata. ' T hat Is actually

ske ttbed trora tho ll'<*.“t abould h a re lauRhcd only tha t

1 had a Tlalno o t our doloR A uotber Catharlno-w hrel dowa ihn p a n u se .

".Vo doubt." aald I. “n e doubt.” a i non bum ori ao Imbccllft. "I

I rnnfcun. how nrnr." I addrd . " th a t thla (Iny hum an QRure pa iiten me., If ll worn a s Indian we cotilrl iw( It down aa nTldPnee o t some piitmy

I race In America, but It appeara tn he a Rurot>ean'1n a auo hnL"

Thft Prntronnr iinerled llkn an ansry butlaln. "Yon rra lly (ouch the lim it." aald bn. "Ynu enlar*B my »kw o t thn poulhln. C errbral

; parenltl M ental Inertia! Won- dnrfol!"

Iln waa loo absurd (o makn mo angry. lnd*N-d. It was a woato of onrrcy . for If you wem (o lac to bn ancry w ith tbU m aa you would be ansry all Ihn Uow. I contontnd m>a.*lf wUb a(nllln* w rarlly . - I t •truck m# th a t tbe man waa amall.~ aald I.

“I.ook he re !" he cried, leanlnit forward and dahblnc a Kreat hairy ■au*aKe of a flnsnr on lo th e pic- •ture. "Too tha t p lant Iwhlnd ^be anim al: I Kopr®*** you tbouebt iT* w at a dandelion or a -R ro ix e lt• pm ut—w hat? Well. I( U a »ese- tabU Irory plaat, and they run to about fifty o r ' »lxir f" rt. IHin’l

'y o u I rr ib a t thn man It put In fnr a purpo«n. He coujiln't rea lty ba rn •tood In front f t th a t 'b m tn ao.J llTi-i] (o draw tL He Rketrbed him. untf In tn Klre a urale o t hnlf(ht«.

wi«. n e win lay . oTef flT» feet

»hl*h l« whai on^ wnuH f ir" '"? .” heaTenn!” i rrl-il. “T hra

Ihlnk the b^»«t Ncat-



t With F irs t N stlo n a rp ie tu ra s , Inc., ^ erson B. Bolhaeksr. '• t / i

Cbartng Cross stsU on woold fasrd* ly m ake ft koaosl ta r sucb ft

eu>«. b rut«I“I pirl "A part from •xacgaratJo&. Is trea t c s ru la ly a w o l l ^ w n spoclm en,' orrA said tb e rrofessor,.oom Blac«nlly. e«/i- “B ut." t crlod, **suroly tbo whole

I <M- ozpurlODcs o t, tb s hum an r a n Is fien t not to bo so t aslds on acoount ot i(rer, a sIbkIo skaUb**—1 bad tn fnsd• r e . ovor tbe Isaros ‘ftDd sscortalnsd ition th a t tlioro w m aotblng iztore In ising tho book—^ a sln ilo akOteb a

one w aodorlag A morlcan a rtis t who Aoa rosy ha ro dono I f under baahlsb,

ru te or in tbo do llr lnn of tevor. a r slm- m 'th ply In ordor to gm tlty a traakJsh ' x ted Imafflnatlon. 'Vou «an 't. os-^ft man ta a o t scloiico, detood sucb a position

t re- an IhaL" . 'Aim. F o r answor tbe ProtnsBor took ft i/i 'd hook down from a sbelt. -ra<>i. “T b ls la an ozcolloat roonoKrapb < (Aa( by my gittod trlead , n*r'L ankes> wof- te r l " said be. 'T b e ro Is »n Ulus- ta l- tratlon here wbleb.woold Interest ■ ays, you. Ab, yos; bere I t III T he In* a o / Bcrlptlon boaoatb It n l n l ^ 'Prob- trer , able appearance- In lito of the Ju- ome rnssle D inosaur StOROMDrus. Tbe lead hind leg alooo Is twlco as tnll os a

full-grown man.’ W ell, w hat do you m ake o t t b a t r

I'n* Ho bandod pio the open book. I startud a s . l looked a t tho pletnro.In th is reconstrqcted animal 'o t a

------- ttoad—world“tUoro' w a i rc o n a ln l rT i" —, rn ry * g rea t rbaomblancn. to tbe

sketch of tho unknown srtlst. and- "T h ai Is cortalnly retnarkablo,"•tlio sold L,.Qlr "Dut you won'L adm it tb a t It Is I llnal?"

"Suroly I t ' m lgbt. he n colncl- *'*" ilnncn. o r (hla AraoHcan may ha»o ath- aeen a picture of ibe kind and csr- iip- ri<'d IC In hin memory. Il would

ll(T„ ho llkoly to rucur to a man In a do*,„ly llrlum ." •am- "Vory roo«1;“ HUild Ihu Profosaor.

IndulKflnlly; "wo loave II n l th a t s lit .1 will, now aak you to look a t thin

bonn.'' He handed, over tho bono l[l^l wblch bo had nlniady described as cp, pa rt o( the dead m sn's possosslona.

liy ll w as about, six inohes loog, sod Do. (blckor than mx. thumb, wlih somo

A Indications o t dried csrtllago a t . fon ono ond-of iLildy "'To w bat kno»n> rroature does

tha i bone be lo tig r-n skod lho Pro- tuaaoi'.

I examined It wilh care ifnd tried o l^ to rucall Romu halt-torgotlen knowl*. j , ■on- '■'I't"- -M

"It mlKh( bo A »ury thick buman IC " ll collar-hnnn." I-na ld ,' <1

mil companion n a re d hla- band otio rnn(um p(uous deprecation.

“Tlio human collsr-bnne la gg. currud . T h i; Is stralghL Tboro Is J van li KrooTc upon It^ ^ r t a c o ih^ywlng j,, (.j. that a Kroat tnndun'^layod acroaa g, lad It' wblch could nut bo tho caao |„

wlih n c larlclu ." pio t "Thon I munt coofeas (bat 1 In

hm don’t know w hnt ll Is." tn>at- - ’*Vou need nn l bn ashamed to 'ez- a< rur- Ignorance, for I don’t P';,.n auppoan tt^u w hoir South Kunalng- •0(1 (na nlnft could rIvb a name to lu" •IpIi lie (ook a Ilttle hone.tbu s ite o t a Ipa bean o u t of a pill box. "Ro far as-1 „nt am a judRO (hla human bone Is; (he _

analoRiie o t the one whleh y o u . rni, hold In your hand. T h a i will give

you anmo Idea ot (he s ite of the of crea(nrr<. Yon will obaerre from

the rarc llagn 'Iha t th is la nn fo irll . tr | . BtMtclmon'. but recoat. W h n do

you any lo .th s l?""Surely In an elnphant—" fl,

icb Ho winced sa If In psln. Oi^fO on'l! D on'l talk o t elepbsntn , th

In 'S ouih America.^ B ren in tboae F« -daya .of Board schM ls—" ~ Id

“Well.” I In terrupted, "any large da Sooth American anim al—a tapir, for nxampln.“- ^ “

lly "You may tako It, yoeng man. ' (hat t am reraed In tbo elemeois

,a i of my hualnen’a.* Thla Is not a con- _ ,o r cnlrabTs-booe e l t tn r -o t a ta p ir or M

of nny other c reature known to toology. I t belonR* (o a *ery Iare^

.•I a vnry a(ronR. and. by a ll analoRy,,n l a re ry Oereo nnlfliat which exiaia

3pon th e tacn of thn narth . bnl has „ jt not y e l como undnr th e nodco ot ny ic lence. You are s till uncon. i r i Tlncod?" |.;i

“ I ao^ s t least deeply Inter* of eated." T*

hg “Then yonr ca»n la no t hopelma. Ke n j I tenl tha t (hare !• reason lurking 1)1 ral In ynu aomewlfern. ao we will pa- ,n. tinntly gmpo round for It. *•’ '

"We will now lesTe tbn dead American and proceed w ltb my

of narratU n. You can ImsRlne tb st j,„ I eould hardly come aw ay from the

Amaxon wtthogt rrob lag d w p er np ^ Into tb e m atter. T’he re were Indl- dn -l( ra tions a s (o tbe dlroctlon from 11_- wblcb tbe dead tra re le r had c o an . a ll

Indian leeend i wooJd alonn h a re T« t>nen tny RUlde. for t found tb a t I

r j rumor* of a strange land were I ' Ic, coihmua among all tb s rt»er1ne nd trlbna. Tou h a re beard, no doubt.},{ o'f Curaporl?"■ll “ N eT e r- . . o ,

“^ 'upipurt !s thn sp irit o f the tl* wooda. aoneih lng terrib le , some- , of

,■( thtOR m alero len t, inm cthlng le be (Itlnr aroided. None ran deierlbe Ita fenrp ibapn or na tare . t a t It la a word the„ j of te rro r along Ihn Amazon. Now mu

at] tribe* aRT«« a t to Ihn dlrertlon *** , . In which Cnm purl llir»t. It waa<>I tbe n o se direction frena which tba ^ j ... American b a d 'co m e . Somelhtog• lnrrlf>le l a v tb a t way.* t l w at my .Q b tiilae ti rn And oot w hat ll waa.*J . <To b# conlloued) . —

. ____ Is I

■ILY T I M E S '.-

Daily I(OgaiMIrl Ity Caltal Ftm>

TBUCSOAY. HABCU 6 ] S u n d a y 's B w l^Fsatnrcs"""

, (E u tcm SUDdud H o .)


S!iSs :00 gratnJit:

.’S f ' S S w T S r '

. n - o o .7 . ? ' i 'U 4 J S ; s s i ' / " ^ * « : .wn, rniid«»K LrtnA^^«ji

Sion j;. M,—aiuoin JSefftm jWK*>>).■*” 10:00 )■-

w m i. Ai.Too.yA—m ji SiJS ?; S Z & ^ r ‘^ i« .e r Il..h

'lo an f ' S ^ S 'w S w ’GSrSJSi. wcAR. riTTHnt'Knii rHKtut—4Si.a

i i s s s s S S S KS:nn I-. M —Ai^ttnMtritl Aniiu.. . ( m J i i i a s f r a s s r ^ -

}•' S '—Ti !» Vl'iIllnTfhr'niln'.■ !:SH !•;

lt:nn I-. M.—I'nil fliirtln rrofrim.- « w ar, waniiisnTos-iHaa.a

; s f s 3 s S . S 5 £ ; . .IO:JS !■■'

Tm> p. M.—jH-nU'a tlnnll

11:»0 I*. M.- lmwlwn. nniMl«».. |WHK. lll'FrAtX)—I ts

n.nn I'. M,—Jl.lli.r/.l OilirtMln. •S;00 I'. eilMllu I’fWiio {WKAFI.

NOTICE OF 8A I.E , • X( N njlre Jn Krroby Riven, T hat Iho tin*

dcrslgnert: wlU, on the J l t lu 'd s y <of '< .March. 1U2G. a t No. 331* M*l» Avenue ICast. T w in Falls , tdnlio , aad a t (i|ii (lrt> o'c lock A. .M.. M ountain Time of „„ oald day, so ll 'a t public auction, to (he hlRhest bidder to r cash, Iho followliig di-acrlbed property : One Ford tourlnR q., car., bearing Idaho M cense num ber ,,,■ r>U.8r.3, Said sa le Is ma^e pur*auant (o S«c. C113, Idaho- Compiled S tatu tes and for (ho purpoao o t pay- . . . Ing the undcrnlRned to r r e r ta ln re- . p airs made on the salil aulomoblle, , Includlni: |ia rts nnd labor. amountlnR ... tn the sum of «29.t>3; an well nn »}2.00 additional to r thu storaise of said ^ property, besides the costs o t sa le and additional storaRC. Said property bo- ' longlHK to Kdw-ard Dnmntnn.

' Dated thin, the 21lh doy of Fcbru- ar>'. J 9 ^ . * ,

0 . n . CAGMJ.

i ? l u x i n i l T l 7 T 7 o r * M 2 Ce_____ pri

In (lie Ulairlcl (tourt of the United S ia tra . fo r tho D lw rlcl o t Idaho.Soulhern Division. ‘“ J

In lbe M atter of Soloiiiun- Hansen. “Bankrupt. '<>:You a re lie r.by -no jlflw l. tha t thn \

tlrs l meednR of oredKors of said 'n aukrup( wlll bo held a t 'th c nftjre ot j

. thn undcrslKncd Hctvrev In Tw in J Falla. County of Tw in Foils. S tate of

- Idaho, a t 2:00 o c ln rk P. -M. on .Mou- ■ Jd sy. the uth da>- o f March. A. D. IMS; }sn rh meellnK Mill he held tor the a l- jlownuei- Ilf elali'na. apiioliilineui of |(runlrc, anil vxam luaddn of Bankrupt. 1

GUY -t.. KIN.SKY, ’ ' K efrrcu In U ankruptcy.

notiVk of siikiufj’ m i .k bp “UKAI, KST.Vri: l'M»K|{ K.VKl'l'* , TIO.V.

U A. W orner. P lalnillf.

O. I ..'l)e I.flne. Defrnilanl. Uir'lly v irtue nf on Uxccutlun Issued ~

out of (he DIntrlrl C ourt o f (he R i Klevenih Judic ia l D latrlct of theS ta lo of Idaho. In nnd for th e Counly ot Twin l-'alls. da(c-<l (ho SUth day of s February. 19M. w hm -ln I - A. W arner. llta ln fir t riTOveri'd a Judcmcni aRSlntt a U De I.00R. Defendant .on the 2l(h day o t .March, fu r Ihe _ " sum of )lK i,I0, tOEi'ther w ith ln(efcs( (hereon a( Ihe r a le of s7ven per cent per annum from the 2<(b day of .March. l'J2l. I have levied upon oil the rleh l. title . In terest and claim of said Defendant, of. tn and lo the following de>crll>ed rea l estate, irv-wlt:

1.01 Flfieen <l&) In lllock T hirly- s ix 'O S I .o t (he orig inal TownaKo ol Twin Falla. 'W aho. whi

Public nodce Is hereby Riven: Th«( ach I will on 'Ih e 2S(h day o t M arch. 192S. Inc a t (he hour o t 2:00 o 'clock P. .M. wll (M ountain T im e) o t sa id day. a t- th c At Eaat Fron t door o t Ihe Court House — ■ of Ihe County o f Tw in Fnlla, S tate of Idaho, aell a t public auction, to the ' hiRhett bidder to r cash . law ful money of Jt^e United S u te s . <11 the right, lltle . In ie r fs t and- claim of the De- rendan(, atMvi' nam ed, of, lo aad to tbe above de*crltx<d r ra l m ta te , o r so much thereof s s insy be necesasry to satU fy P la ln t ltrs iudgm ent w ith a ll eoats Ih s t bav r ,aecm ed or m ay ac-'

Dated Ibis 2nd dsy o t M srch. 19*S.M, K FINCH. Sberltf. '

• UY E. F. PRATER,________ ______________ P»puty.

A Bewgpeper n t to e ater y o tr bOB*Is a fItUng place ton r e a r adrertlM - ment. I ___ ■

' - ’ '\V

Radio Pr.S.S E:

_ •» S '« L 5 S S '’SS!fef“ . .»;00 y . M^AIwalfr-Kanl ArtUlt. S:0<

SISS f : 5 1 ^ 5 ! , o;s(10:00 p. K.-4rtma ftidwl.

^ , 1 1 ^ = : ; : =

. IS I

iOM p. riocram <WKAri. t |;4 t' ' ' ' ' SiM P. '6;AA

. : :.'a ,!iSS f: „ „

> S 3 f

(Central SUndard T ine) tCNKW, w tjm treo—(oe „

, ! s s ! i - . = a H s j : s r . . . .L __ 8JK !K i« a3 r« « L rr si!l.

**“ Bi'So K; tw**r>. 7:*oe ; s s P . V M 5 J ! ? ‘= I S i*

s i i-•S;8§'

, s il iP:l» p. M.—Smtrli l-mfram. jj;qo

............. WW, rntCAOO—*4TJI 10;00.7:A0 P. ><.—WUIIMU' OreMtr^ '. ’!s v -.s= k ;w . ;« ;:!J

. . ! S!i?! R

wnx. cnirAOo—s i e j tti

;• iisii is a S S 'k S w s i r ' i s10-00 p. M.—Dnn OntitvUa. .

. -“ a S S t t S ! — IsSXOTIUB or ' HALE TO 8AT18FV ^ ' I.IEK FOK 8EKVICK8 . OX., A>'D ^

' ( ‘AhlSW F t f l fP B O P K R l 'r . ; I

Vollcp Is hereby glvcu lh a l on Wo<l- noi nesday, tho IRlh dny of .March, 1925, K q a t the hou r of 2:00 o 'clock P . .M.. on in said doi', on the preinlnca known, a s tlii lho Gcorgo Trueblood ranch , two mllos eas t and ^ tnllo sou th of Klm> bcrly. Twin Falla County,- Idaho, the undtnlR ia-d will aoll a t public auc>Ilon (be followlni: personal p roperly ■ (0 'sallsty tbo lieu thereon to r tiio sum of S37I.00. held hy (he undorslRn* cd on the said property fo r services in'carlUR to r and feeding Iho livestock he re lnsnor described, and for service by labor employed for ihc> protcctlov and safe keeping o t Ihe o th e r prop* er(y litre lnn flcr described, togeibor with Iho. cost o t sa id sa le, Iho said . services being tendered lo tho Dana of Klmboriy, o corporation , nnt Ccorce Trueblood, the ow ners of said proporty, from .November 20th, 1923. moro lhan sixty days bavinR elapsed s in c t said services w ere rendered , and ' thn said bill being uiipald.

Said proporty Is described aa fol­lows:

2 Rrey mares.1 hay tn a ra1 coll. '6 head'cow a.2 heifer calves.

. 1 binder.1 drill.'1 cream separator.1 mower.1 hay derrick.

. 1 pet worJf harness.J . Jl. KI.M«ArjI„


“D ream s of®th«'AVesr,~ drscrlpUTa — w a l^ idyl, a t Ix>gan*s Music store,

Tbo beat way to m m d y o o r ow n boa- mesa Is to tcU o lh e rr abo u t i t— | Ihrough tho ir newapaper. I

R esident H as A 'wful inR

Experience, ' I was twice confined In hogtdtala, (>es lu (lie ln t( one notblog b u t g ruelw ater w.ia Injected Inlo m e to u r p]«illmea n day, aa m y stom ach would (orno( re(#ln any Iood. I su ffe red lo r- wherlhly; was reduced lo a skeleton, trerMy folks saw an ad o t Mayr*s W on- pro 'dertul Remedy and It haa aurely edysaved my Ilf*. I weigh 180 pounds ault now." I t Is a . almple, harm leaa a pretMratlon (bsl rem oves Ibe ca - g ist(arrhal m uc^s trom th e InlesUnal Jnsitrac t and allaya the- In n am n a tlo s oadwhlcb eanses. p rac tically a ll t i r tn - tie rach. liver aad Intestinal a lln en la . i ta i Including appendicitis. One- dose awin convince o r money retuaded. E asAt a ll drog stores. ______________^

I f l t ’s E I e c t r

K Y L E M .B t B C T & I

lUiliod— Fix tare i- Rppair W ork -Cftllfrd for

Pbone S3.

WEDNMDAT, j r iE C J l;4,-1025....


. s i '

(0:00 Ffoeraaii.

.3 . r.’XiiaSS'SSS'Kia...

l!oo '■j s s T s i S m s : V „

r ;:« .n ta l .i S iuN lud T tw .) ' . '

,i|'. ,(Padfle Coaat SUndaH TlMa) ,

' tj

OM r.*K%^«misw sieeUelrtacrash

i a T 's S s i r i l lS r 'XOW, POKttAXn—UI.S ,

TTioKSDAm iutaMr grAneM ' ' ' . '

XOTSi SIt'un 'aUn^mmii, g ^ ^ a t u r aM** Sfwaoi* u . Um»., ,

NO- MOBU , FBARS..—.* b « r® k t t not be afraid for the terror hy^alfbt: nor for the arrow that fllttb bjr day:Nor for the pesUlence tbat-w aU tth In dirkncss; nor for tba 4«traetl«B Ui'at was(elh a t noond^.>‘P s . .n :^ * .

Times Wanl Ada Oela ReaiiUa. '

M m o t t tielUM M !•U n i ty e U m la a t le e .

, T o l>e a t r c g o la r pm e l « o l c w « r k t • a « l i

lan't-Stop Jiiint-Easa'You can't alop peo'pla from buy­

ing Jolnt-liBse for aora throat aiMl cold In chest," writes pee- of oar druggist trtenda- T h ey a«r U’a th« best ever.” .

We knnw that,- ot conrsa.-but ' please, remember that Jolnt-Baaa la (or Stitt, awollen. paJntnl Jotola, whether rheamsilc or not, and ita tremendous sale for lhal pnrpoaa provea tbat It ts the b tat'iM ai r r a - edy that geta the most salU trlns re- suits.

A tube eosU <0 cents, a t all dnic« glsta .and drnggtsu - aranrwhere.Jnst mb It on -and ‘la a -taw aec> oada- 11 .disappears -completely nn> tier the skiff, and. relief follows In- ' siantly. .

Always ■ rememSer, when .Jolat*Ease «eU In Jolnl mlsa'rr g«ls out -^nlck._______ __________________

\ t r i c a l C a I I

W A I T Ei I 0 I A H

ire*------ ilo ton ifo r cn<) p e lire r rd

330 aw^Bd Av«. X.

Page 5: wm m m M IS V MIPLY T S V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ i i p Mm ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In

'•5ri!15!n35DlT. JTAlJCn, 3,1023. a===aa^===: -■ —

••" V-W: '.• . I ForB n s in e u D i r e c t ^ . —

'■'■ ■ I sb a d t

A ttom . y . _____ f f r JPO nTBR—W ITHAM/ L aw rarfc: O re r . C ld . Book a w i . . - .

0 . 0 . H iU J> -O Ter C lo t Jo b k , 8 tor«. ‘

. J u n M R. S o ( h w « li '^ O rr Cbapfflaa tu rn wl BO TH W SlX CHAPMAN* Uiumon

W ood! B M t-J lo o n * 6. 8. 7 r < , .9 . 10

BWaBLBT^ * 8W BBLBY-Alt«n>«7S Clarlc.. . n n t NttUDii*! Bank B nlldtng ■

------------------------ - — -T—,--------------------- FOR' S h o e R e g M r i n g , ; . .

. ROYAL : 6 H0 S . R B PA lB IN a; T-M yari, .'P rop. .1 8 0 , 2nd S L B aat. p o R Wo. alao o r r y aew ih o c i,' northcaj

• T n u u f e r ' t ii' '•*-• Sljadi'

BIldW N lB'B TRANSgER. P it. latfS. on<!' plc

CnO ZIBR T R A N E im COMPANT—Phone US. 8 to rt«» and c w U a f. Jrlco™ I

McNlCHOLfl T R A K S P B R '* STOR- ^AOB 0 0 . - 0 a r b a e Im ttled ;. dolly Phono 200., • •■■, —

WARBBRO I 'R A N aF SR .A ,STORAQB flra t yet C0 .—8 ta r« to oad ,i8peol«l .carload M *»u»Ji a h lpnnB U 4o C«llfDmlft.?Ptioa« l«a .

B lach m ith in g

B la d P B ilU B f I T o ^ ' ' beol. p)iK tM ceI.IU cU iift:G o; ' Stroud.

K o n e l « e . _ MQ.880 S o c n J S an ta .

■ C hixopncxonDR. a 0 .'W T A T T tv rn

C hiropractor - w l To161 8rd A to . Ko. O ttlco Phono 4C7 eu

DR. BU LA 'C . 8AW TBR p ld r fo c 'Oataopaabla Phyalclaa »•“

ButU 1 aifil 2, Otn- B a n ld ln r ?hono.l5<0-W ■ Bca. 1640-J^

■ A ucU onw r.COL. MUNYON • « A. nJ

■PHor: ■ .T w ln F W la ■ £ ^ _ £ G \Phono «S ' ' • . Phon# 9S2 p o R {

. • , • ...t ■ dont roo\ P a S n b a i R o o f i n g “ p o iT i

-FA1BTBB8 SOlrflilBS 1'» o r . . . 8»Io-T P«iat^ -Oll*. MoroMtfc , '

g in o m iM • c t r i v o i i

B T E SPBCKAtfST—O r. w o. D. R ey . , I • n o l d i , ' , a ^ ^ o r ' t o Davla O ptical sh l Co. 209 &(alQ E a a t N u t door to Q oldan Rulo. . I X i r T u

POR B IL U A R D S -T ry Macnuloy's.

rw X N FALLS JU N R -B 0 B8S - U « t - W rlto o r*10. Robbor. H ldw ..PeltB y td P o r t , ahonc. I<i

ARMOUR CRBAM STA T10N ~S34 FO R IIM ain South. Tw in Phoaea for

, 2618 and 1074. Soo ua before aoll- Kirln » croam . poultry o r o fca . Yea. j f o u rw o cotne oo t ‘a fte r y o u r pou ltry , boartl. cl

T S iT lPiMio T uning ■

a O. HULL r - p o R H. 20 yearn*. ExporlOBCO. .ro n u e w

Phoao ;817J . . P . 0 . B o t 802.

For SalefM^cell^eous mraiTOR S A lJ> ^ | l ! ^ w ^ y .n l . t f - b t

•econd h a n d J v g K a M h U f K At Tory .r e u o n a £ l o a m | i w , l | i y . , 'U s L _________S tn ce r S 4 m i ^ a » 'F O R .R

6lh * T e a j

TO R S & ^ R ^ “ S o n0 . M ariu2¥ B I |£ E t a l i 2 ' ^ a M rtm aaare n n e w e o t t r > ^ y 2 8 e w . y V j y Sth

m o H » A l;rn iS a B ’’OHo W « > w i d i j .......

Block to r low M t p'rieea.^. S i ^ n e a be iM kM t w aa to ^ -^GatAloMa-da r reo ..Jam berly rocmit e lNuraeriea.- Klmbeyly. Idaho._________ v eok e r

LOOSE HAY . pO R S A tS - B a ie d hay w aatod. Houae for ren t. 6-ical- £ { (h t i loa honey cana for aale. * Phone 4Se. p o tta r . R•& 0. r m A lt. ._______________^ ”. P1r«t a a a a Lawn M anure to r aalo. i Horeea* B om e B a m . Pbone 48tM. '

~ FOR ^X L I> -A few oarly a»«d po- FOR a tatoea. 0 ^ A. Sm ith. H m ile eaat aouth. U of rock, cm aher.______________________ poeaeaatoi

$ X l e s m a n $ a m ---------

r SalfrMiscell'aneoi^TIIIXK O.V T iieS K TIll.NIiS ade ircM , ahm ba. roeca, vtnqnand la (0 bcaullfy yoitr home*. Frull I, am all fru it, p lanln lo nav(> you uy. Sold dlrcct n i lowcBt prlcQx . hlRhcat qunllly. CaialoKUu truo. burly Nurfierlv»..KIml)«rly. lilnho.

A SAM-:—Uulk knlnomlni-. Ru- wIiBt you linvc k-ft. Bruiili frvc.

nonil H ardw are Co.

in SALB—Ilny and barley. D. F . 'Ic. I 'l i . '3Cm 3. I

}R’ SALK—Groci-ry bUKlnoHii, In II location, ol a linrKOln If token • I

a l 3U .Main S o u tli/T w in Folia. I10 171.__________________________ I

»R SA L R-160 tona liuy. G> mllea B iicoiit o f Holllater. I ra Urndloy. B

T IIIK K OX THK.SB THI.HGS ^a<]i> iTven, abrubs. raiw r, vinca p lan ts to beautify, your lionio. treca^ umall fru ll, p lan ia to aave nmotioy. Sold. dtc«ct a t lowvM ‘« for b lcbeai qunllly. ColnloKUO

Kimberly NumcrlcK, Klmb6rly, p . '

R-SA LE>-D lck1ovr need wbenl. /y e ar frotn cerliflod aeed. Ylcltletl t uaticla .pe r ncro. Alao naed b ar- ' H ^ CboB. Klowerdow, 8 r. Pbono (

R'SALEf—Flvo and Ono mliilnK : a t 7% c tP la tt.abaro. Pbouo 20a. 3

R-SA LE-D oubloJdlac-ploeL -and. -------p lanw r. Wi. 604 W lor. H . E . j

i(L________ _________T A T O E S-Sonto fancy early s ix i a aeed po ta toea . a t Amalcrd<tm , Amatcrdam ,. Ida lio ..

R 8A^.Q~-Trcbl barl.cy. 12.60 Team y ouns horaeii. wciKbt 3C00, c u ltlr a to r team . 6 j in d C yenm

feed .barley . W. B. H oae, Kim- road. ■■

For Rent___________R RENT— 120 acres , c rop re n t: ■' ■. alfa lfa. All fenced hOK lilsb . 7-1^35W or.223. D. B. .Moorman. i? O r

ft SALB OR FOR RKNT—Real- ” fO r "roo'm lns houae. 222 Cth oaat. oiose Ih

[ T r e n t — s room rumiHhcd 461 3rd avenuo wcat; Call

r .R K N T — l furniabcd room. ^----------------------5,?um”

tl RBNT—Fum ialiod.'room 'wlUi a n d dU I, cloae in. 120 Oth aveouo No. v a rd CcB 202. . •_____________________ ______ —

[I RI:NT—Two hlRhly im proved . In bigh aioio o f cu ltlva llon , i,„” , ^ a h o n o , one conalatlni; o f 200 . jJ o o o ,

vho hundred acre* o r a lfa lfa nitnno cra in land. A nolhcr of 200 acrca L . , . . __about 120 acrca o f a lfa lfa, b a '- ' g rain land. W ill re n t on .ahorea um U h aeed sra in if nccesanry. o r phono Ilo rlon D. Holfli. 8I10- P‘. Idaho. —--------

I I lE N T -8 0 acren. P re fe r to , '^ C 1 ^ for caah. .J . A. SIcoliimltU. I'b .K im berly. ___________ •

I RENT—A room, a lao U blo poUi . cloae lOy 316 2nd no rtb. cerllflt RENT—FMmlabed h ^ a e itc c p .

[lartm ents and g a ra se . 619 See- m cCov v enue no rth , o r phone 662J.

I R B N T -O ura*# . C all 429 4th ----------. »________ _ Lives

' — I FOR £iralahed houaekeeplnit a p a r t- 646JILta . Oaala Homo, 403 M ato Ava. —--------L , P h » . . n . . J o n ,

Lehm an.t RENT—Sleeping rooraa. 222 p o R fi -eaae e a a t , of rock 1

- Hanaen.; RJBJNT — g room to ra lahed —la a t, ‘Tsaaoaable. Btmgalow FO R 8 g th a tre a t and Seooad a ra n se l m . aou..... .. ............ " .F O R S. RSN T—H ooakeeptag apaz tr purebred a en p la ta ly ta m la h ed to r lig h t aa. 700 .“3S2"i?W„*?;«rs„ !». «.«* O. ^

>t room houae to r r e n t - - C B. . FO R t

n a l gua■ Sale-Real Estate -JSTEi---------------------------------------------- e ra . 1 bl

SALE— 10 acrea tw o m llea p . p a c ta U w eat o t H anaen. Im m ediate

aion. W alter H anlon. B98R5. FO R 8

Nap’s Si

In.; r b ' n . ' t" >M,

_______________ ’ . __________________

' T W I N f :


j im B N E W M I U U N E f t F J« O M X C I T Y .rT R iM M E D T H E S H O W>w / n' 6 o w a t b j r d j e c e o v

^ H A T S H O ^ T o C tA Y

3r Sal^R eal Estate L i y i

3R SALB OR T itA D S—A rea l ^ O F

U.^good w ater, on ccm ent road, ^ h a -

5 lt BALE—T w e m t to u a a a d acrea, r mllea no rthw eat o t B illings. tana, n e a r ' B roadview . F u m b g d u protpecU a’g In T lc tn lty iV B d. FOG

fl Cor le t t. Jo lie t, IIL . 40 acr

311 SALB OR TRADE fo r KooU i land o r atoctc roncb. a sood poy* hufllncMi. P roperty wltl Icoxn for •.00 o r moro p e r m onth. Box 423 or v n ] le 62. F iler, Idaho. - L Z l

Miscellaneous . ^L* pny canh for bu tte r . PRiyi ami ^Iry. S la r .Market nnd O rocery. ~h j,

ICINB I lO aiE ilY AORNT. Phono '

. MOIprong

’o ta to O row era—H ave fo r aale phon* llf led E aa le m Idaho grown aaet itnd R ura l aeed. Samplea Finch & Roberta- offlcc. J . D. W f l Coy. C all 663. ^-------- ' ‘ ------- ■» WAI

'estock and PoultryIR SALE—Brood aowa. Pbone IL ■ WAiIR SALE—10 bead sood t t u l « ~ 3 *4 yeara old, two boraea. II. W. nan. Buhl. S o x 31. Ph . 28DJ.

R SA U ->-3 teama. 7 mllea aoulh «k cruahcr. 2 A mllo eaat. L . 'A.

price*.R SALE—4 do*en R. I. Red hena. Mo* » a o u th e u t 00 au g ar fac tory road,R SALE—H atching ccca from •■*“ * J- )‘red W hlto Ix*Khoma and A ncon- fcnoo '' roo Jeffew on s t Ph. 1014M.

R S A U ^ M o m m o ih bronxe tu ^ ply to from p r ife w inning atock. Mra. McMatM alty. Rogeraon. Id ah o .______

R s a l e :—A c a t o( good farm farm 1« . P riva te a a le a t Joh n io n 'a old K. H ai Friday and Saturday. E very an i- - r T j rguaran teed . _________

■ eome et SALB->Boga. aoma good teed- W rite : I block e aa t o t rock c m ah e r. B . - = 7 7ucJM t______________________R 8 A L E -8 e tU » g h e n .. P h . 348. Oa. H

Sister Has a Responsible

' 'm i L t ^

FAEcs dailvi nrsTEg'’


=3 Y.ITS A B o iy f^ v j a r V T /m e u ss iR L « ®

G O T A c h a n c e ) f t t - ^ ^ Y \ T O UOOK g ; V T H O S P

r a ® M

' f I Si 1 1w ■ ■ i v \OWES I V '

iyestock and Poultry ForrOR S A L B -R o g la te rrt U uroo aow. FOR to p u t ou t on abarea..Phone CT3W. «owl m>fU Y M HI-ORADB HATCHERY—by chlcka, Cualom JiatchlnB. Sol 5 ^ . J l 'It and A merlenn Brooder*. A hoteh -"**5h week. Send for c ircu lor • and p o n ilcea ...P ij..230 .. I w ln P a lla ...... ol. Pho« )R SALBi-^O ifcte'flidry ta n i r and p n n i a c re o rcha rd U ad . Phone 617R3.

............ glaaa. :. Money to Loan

MORTOAQE LOA.NS. Swim & Co. -. — I . I I — I'OR

iH 'P B R CENT M O r m POK FARM loiirine.ANS—Can g e t yuu th e 'teoaey In ----- --—1 days trom date of appUeatloQ^.-C. . .B o b lnaoa .'_________’ • v , .

Jlx P e r cont—If you>nave a good ‘“ T m T s m and wont lo borrow on- It. w rlto ^. Box 62. T w tn FalU . m A o.UONBY TO 1X>AN—Fnrma. c ity ™‘>o, Sp jporty. a E). Po tter . R eal EaU te. ooe 374. t ii a D

-----------• year Bn

Vanted-MisceHaneous i:ro.v.■ ■ c o r 'n n d

VANTKD — Remodellnc. m a k ln t. I” Tour nm lnc hata for-aprlng. 320 7ih coin, loona. i V’ANTKD — RcmodellnK. makltijf TRAD: nm lns hata fo r aprlng. 320 7lh ea»i. yenr ba l

VANTBD—Men and women to ioln lommerclal law c laaa.'Special eve- g courae a larla M arch 12. a t O re ss "

r i , . . . . . ______ ___

VANTED—S lock to paalure. Have ~ id cneloaed paatu re o f 10,000 aerM.Dty of w a te r and teed. S prc lal 742W. » a . Slock can bo taken a t once. ' c 162. Buhl, Wa.______________ ___ JOOD ■ FAR.MBRS W A N T E D -T o t U ncoln • counly . tarm a. Oood ^ A N T oola, w ater, low er laxea and maln< ‘ ^ed o r ; u c e than In a n r o ther hich pro- **7 Uve land In Southern Idaho. Ap- ^to Oeo. C. Rold, D ietrich o r A. L

HahoB. Shoahone. .

I'AOTED—To h e a r from ow ner of B fo r aalc fo r ap rlng delivery. 0 fHawley. Baldw in. Wla. Bt. Lattia

.^ANTBD-Oood rellab le p a rty w ith * * L g O le capltaL M ust be good aaleaman.[te Bog 423 o r phone 62. F iler. Id a . { J J ^ S T s rANTSD—At o se a to r eaah. osed .L. d c a r b P boM 147W. J . B . W U U U yoa

m Main E .___________________ Paper ga

(le Position


i C illCJ area d>- of irncli«*l “ f lc

MOLD 6 i a " co rn ''-O. N E W T S H E S /;A (arew^ ^

■S7»Mtey “ “ lI'vo*’ t r-M k lom a , MC. 3 .4 -xV J ' 2Sc; dui --------------------------------------- 46c.

. CUceno

r Sale-Automobiles o siah*

3R SALE—1023 Fo rd to u r in s In I m echanical condition. Phone.OO. cow a’ am

JR SALE—Buick, { cyl. roadaier.I general condlllon. ,|1CB. 7-13 W f p o " avenue went. Hog*----------------- --------------------------------- 2604UC 1>R SALi:—Ford lourluK. '22 mod- © l l lO : , Phone 616R2. __________ __ Slieop

5R S A L B -A u to wttdaW elda. dooraea. headlight glona and window sT -’s a n 'a. aioon-a P a in t Shop.

.r T e p " aee “S tep .- tbe O itn d e rder. 147, Second avoaue north . CJIIOA

I colpw, 1 )R 8 A IJ> -A .J ’23 model S ta r 25©a6cIng. $400. A. F. Sm yth. Route 3. aale i, I■* --------- ------------------------------- - medium

T o T r a d e S S " ' , , ,— i ■— S1240 0 L)R SALE OR T»lADI->-A » room cbolce^ J ( ap arim eiit lioiiae wllb doiibto ttnom it KC and 0 6 room c o ita sa In Colo- fouali »

c . n,<Hllumiver. K t . , City. ' C nulo- lADE In your ol.fu rea .orv /O ood-

Balloons. Lind Autoilfcblle Co. lR i-900”... - ateera, 1

?O.NOMY, — 8 n v o ‘ youraelf, your .12.60; ginnd your pocketbook 'by irndlng I8O10.3Sour old Urea fo r Goodyear. Bnl- xood nne'. U n d A utomobile Co. mon chol

CADK In you r oM .tlrea on Oood- 1"'*,,®!!,®'' balloona. U nd A ^om oblle Co.

S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d

\.NTED—Cooking to do for a re- W a n 1 lable widower. J ., carc-Tlm ea. t t l l l

tN T E D -W o rk by the hour. Call

H e l p W a n t ^

;NTED—BrlRht energollc middle w h itc T ^o r young woman. One who can formationand opem ie hem atltcblng ma- Addlaon 1I. A pply A rt Specialty Shop, 123 .avenuo eaat. STRAY

:N WANTED for l x i« t l* e '’ J ^ WOtTeach rlence unneceaaary. W rite J . liS i thoo r^ fo trn e r Oovt. Delecllve, *28.

blfc^^W rtU CJlSS"'MIT CalaDdar Pftctory. Waob> -----a. f t . ________________________ L O S T -

yoa w ant a progt»aaJv« new*. r g a t The Tlmea. ___________ pearla. J

: ■ \ i - ' . • . '

DAILY M A R main Declined T oday “ I,*", on Chicago M arket ”S';v,i

nCAQO, Murt'li flrn lti tm - dii.-lined Hlinri>ly.tm Un- liourd

riulu tcxliiy. \Voiii<n>'m ilevi-l<i]i. (if le r mid-day. Oi>cnliiK priceH I lower. .riiiii Irn .Hhonied Kreni wcakne^n on ■Ill counlry offcrinnH. Oumuir “ ' Z' . . <ct« offm -il KHiln fiir nulu Jutc. v."IH wi'akciii'd wltli o ther ijriilnH: IT’te dl|{ It. lirovlHlor.n wm. In r .- s r 'to Ir.wur c ru lns un.l

■lumniKl. - n i i r '" ' '

Opf'li. IHkIi. '1» w. Cl'niii','fiSn'.'....... inR ins-'s, iflii.i ' •.....I T i 'i IT.'l'.; liiS

....... I ts IM \» I W 'i LVl'illt .N - '

....... I:i4% n . '.u n i n i l ! . ”. ......•.-Licvi i:i '!> i:i;i i:i ;i 'i VI............pr .V i i:tc,\is y s i ' i i r i i ' i

......r,<ii r.:i«A r.^i; *■....... fi.i% f.l! r-i r.r.'i

■,il • '*'• n,„"....... lf.'i 1fir.i;i lf.7 2 liiiril.

...... U IV i 'lA t'H ViT’!; .lU'J Ou»H—:JIU — ■<

....... ifi.n iRTo i-;r.r.n s - i- 'o ''" -

....... 1T.S7 1700 • 17-ir. 1T37 ,

NKW V«KK PHOm-TK. L07: NoIW VOlllC. .Mnre 4 ._ K lo iir -

but duft» r k - Q u lf i ; monH H n. ra -^ lcH .ly ; iiiltlwcal apot |IC.7.^ No i w

Kur—Ilow, eany; iipot 88 leal *’ored. duly niilil. 84.71; relloed.- ~rfco-ltlo!., .N'o. 7 on «pot, 22c: {>. No, 4. :« !4 ® !7 t .Ilow— Dull. aiM'clnl lo cx trn , S '»

y -W e n k : No. I, »1."5» l :io;3, J1©1.10. • . ' A «oHHBd poultry—Slendy; turto'yn CcJ chlckena. 20»46c; fowln. la : ducka, 20O>20c; Long laU jnA IK

2702PC. itiiiiiliLifHfe p o u l i r y - n r m : geene. 2 0 0 ducka, J6O 30c: turkeya, . 40«f. d,

!0«6—F irm ; s lu te , wUolo m ilk,.ou to apecli'il 21Q2Cc. S d (

■ OMAHA LIVESTOCK. iM lera ’**AHA. .S'ob., M arch 4.—C attlo— wagonloi:ptH,.7K00; m nrkot a tendy; your- bulk ru, 87.60011: a ieera, )0.76O H .10; m orning, and helfera. ‘2.2600.26; atock- vlinnged.md feedera. 1608 .76 ; calvoa, f4 vukimi10;- b u lti and alaga, $3.;&06. uauol tiPI — itecolpla. 17,000; m arket y . g . j .Uc h igher; bulk of aolua, <12.6b (75 pur10;. top, 813.10. ton.!up — Reeolpta, 11.000 ;m arket Crecle’y ; yearUnga. «13© M ; vj«tUor4, m orket i910.26; luinba,'$1C .26017‘ ewcx Krowera;®9-7S. ■ ,.,1. »1.

LIVESTOCK. l,^v^icollOAOO. M orrli 4.—Horh — H e. diverted;I, 16,000; m arket (oirly . ncllvv. cora onte up ; top. $13.26; bu lk of demand 1, $12.800 13,20; h e o w -wolRht k«l aboim c l io lc e . ' |l3 0 1 3 7 s : m od lu^ a a le a .d eIt. modlum cbolcu 112.904/ radu an(

Ilghl weight, common choice, parity g1013.10; ligh t llgh ta. common rural* Uf. $11.600 12.76; packing Uoga. San F:.\\. »l2.S0Ol2.G0; pack ing hoga rived; 1I. $11.91)012.30;. a lnugh tcr p!sa corn onim cliolee. *10.76012. demnndllo—Steer*. (1100 pounda Up), barely> nnd prim e $10.86O12.<0; good CnllforoliO ltS O ; medlufn $8J6O 10;iS :’ $2.2602.6I, cbolce pnd prim e. $11,600 a s low <

g o o d ,' $10.36011.40; m odlum . aela bea9 .36;. common $ 6 0 8 ; helfera, 82.1002.1and cholcc. $8.36010.03; com- Waahlngt

choice. $6X 0O SJ6: cowa, goo<l beat fl.7 holco. $6.8607.76; commoa and,m 14 06 .86 ; cannera nnd cut- •!

82.7G04: caivea, cull choice.1.60; m edlam cholee $4.60010; h . common choice. $6.7608.3&

mted-Miscellaneous si,„, „' Sugar. b«

tm SD —P ou ltry o t a ll k lada. T op c r e a a e t I. n . & H unter. Phone 903W. o e le iy -

Lost and Found ^ o w ° ^ tCarrota. 1

r r —Dog. R a t T e rrier , female. B e^a , w . b lack apotted. Rew ard for In- T oralpa . . tion o r re tu rn to L. C . Pl^ea. Rsdlshes, » avenue eaat. tPeppera.tAYBD AWAY—1 p a ir yovng -, d a rk complexloned, weight.«ch . One m ule branded DT «m t o •»« boulder. Pleaae notiOr ua. We •cm. Detweiler Coal Co.. 752W. at

IT—B ay p o sy w ilh a lm oat new R o ta d ati 1. A lbert lU rU ey, R t 2. Re- Lam b cho

_____________. B ens —IT—C old p in betw aen 243 3rtl id B aptlat chnreh. Sunday. 'O o - ,i{!5. m a l l diam ond, circled w ith b h b ^ " . Reward. Call 43*.

^ W heat ■-

BY SW AN____________« . Cow* _

J ■ (1 . ■ i,?..

&i i i M

____________________r F r m i

T REPORTS -i-ep — Ijm b fl, modlum (84 Jb*.I), $i:>4ri8.ir.;. cull commua. a lt lita, $13016: cannera nnd cullai OIU.2S; cwoi. common. 10 cholco

feeding lunib*. r a u g u ^ ^ ^ ^

ClUr.UJO I’HODL'CK.:?Aao. .Marrh 4.—U utler —• Re« *" lit C7:<9; rrenm cry 4r.t-; ^ n i id *

4 -l^c ; flrsiK, 3SH041CJ aee-i.ru^iriCe.:k u - lt<'v»liu<i 10.:;tc : ordlnnriea,

fM U , 270 27H c; vxuaa

i.-«Mi— Twinli. 22o; Amerlcns,

'Ullry — llpnilptH. 4 p n n : fo w ls,.-___j!i’""u, H e: MprlUM.'3(ic: V . .•

•■y». roo:ii«rB, m e. '

r»T A T «E S .IK’AnO, .March 4,—Rerelp;*. 241 ; WlHi'unHlii round wlilien H O ; .SVu-iJi Uukoin ruaHvU, ♦l.C'i?10 niHNeiN $2.2602.40: Mlnnll-

rouud whli«H, $101.05; Jted T Olilo.i, $1.6(101.66. 4

('1IICA(»M'AHH (JKAIV. lIC.’AGO, Mnrch 4.—W heat—No. n l. $1.91'.4.»H-No. 3 while 6 4 0 6 5 U t; No. hlle. 63«631i.-: nHindurdt.. 47%

rn -N o , 2 yellow, $1.31; K o . '3 iw. J1.23H «1.30; No. 4 y»llow,101.21: .So,, 6 yellow .. $1.05Vi© .

No. C y..|tow, |l,02O 1.08W ; No. ixi-l. $I.20>4«1»6; ,\q . 4 mixod.0 1 ,1 0 ^ : No. 6 mixed, $1,040

C mlxwl, $1.02H O l,06; No. llie. <1.::hV.,; No. 3 w hile |1 .2 il« :4 w h ite ,'* 1 .1 7 y 0 1 .1 7 i4 : N o.-C e. $1.0601.16; No. u while, $1.03 'U.:rley-TflScO*l.02:— ------ :------------------ r■rley—$6,2606 ,26.rt>— So. 2. $LCI, ovor-$240.12.60.

IDAHO POTATO UARKET. rket News Scrvice, V. 8 . Dept. A griculture, Bureau of A grlcul-

ral I->;oDomlca.)

AHO F A IJA ldnl.0 , March 3.— luKH llRlii; light w ire Inaulry;Dill dumnnd und trad ing a low ; .Ih demand aboul m oderate; m ar-

dvll. pricea uncbnnged; car*) t. o. V. caah track ; U. S . ' I cd Californio pack ru aaeu moat- a round $1.40; U. S. 1 aacked >ra pack rural* a round H : m londa caah to grow era; U. K .1I

runaoia $M 0O 1.16; Tueadgy ning: W agonldad m arket , un- god. •;k lm o. W aab .:' Carioada t . 0. b.I to rm a; aacked ‘netted gema.. 1. $31033: comhlaailon grade * ' * p e r cen t No. la)-, 927029 Rer ' <,

ecley. )?do .: Demand m o d e n ts ; let a leady; w agonloada caab 't o •era; .aacked rura la partly grafl-

ri< .>yorih; Colorado 14, Idabo iHconaln 9 cara, a rr ived ; 9 ca?a -led; 6 broken nnd 12 unbroken

tjn tr a c k ; auppllea m oderate: nd and trad ing m odernU ; m ar­ab out ateady; broker* carlo t .de irve red . F o r t’ W orth; , Colo-, anckod mixpd w hite varietlea

y graded $L96; Idaho aacked * U. S 1, $2.0602.18.1 Franclaco: Idaho 4 cara a r -

17 broken and 9 unbroken on track . Supplies m odera te :

nd and trad ing alow;* m arke t y a leady; aalea to jobbers: ornia aacked long whltea beat 02.60, fow -fancy | t 8 6 . poorer iw aa-$1.76; Idaho aacked ro a- 'beat 4202.05. repacked tancy ,

0 2 .16; r tirals f l . w e i . < 6 ; ilngton sacked netted gems,11.7601.90. ' .


r. cano --------------r. b e e t , ........... ■■ ■ ■ t f " * • ;

^ C a llfo n > l» \-. • ■ ■«abbag< I b . ___________ ■■•-*■ .'hes. s boocibes. , , IBb .'>erB.-lb. ___ ____________ i S S o[ _____ •«—

----- t.nsy —" s: Ja staak —«

1 a—. elload ____ - • - aa .

— - ' ■: ' " ; > <£« I‘ ------ ■ §

Page 6: wm m m M IS V MIPLY T S V0Ll!JU3 7. NUSIBKR ^ i i p Mm ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...lion A Illtle before noon the Kaveli re* of presiding offlcors In

' BDB 1 "


' . ' , --------- ,MG re a t W o rk o f -O rg a n iz a tio n '■

• T o ld t o B uflinesa M en

L u n c h c o n b y M a jo r W b lto o f

S a l t .L a k c C i ty ; S te p s W iU Be

T a k e n to B a lao A b o u t $1200 |j

f o r S o c ie ty . • ' ■ i-

' A campalKii for tin- raimiii: of fniiii liooo JO ils o ii 10 .li'fray tin- n.r.M -i.iy ••IpfUnuii J m j lif Slilviilldii Al'iny will bo pm oil lirV w lii rn lln fill ll r.'Biilll ' o r n lim clitW (.'lvon l>y .Major w . n . i " Whlti*, o t S iilt Ijiko Cliy. at 'I'omVi eale u l aoon loilay u ii^ iiikjhIimI Ny n niim bcr of Inininciifl nioti uf thin rjiy, sl> o( wliiiiii a ri' liDlilnit the |>liiii. ,, Tliero Imn hc-vn no ninv<-i»rni nf » i" | kind InvolvlMK cnllrRiirmN' licri' for to- '' cal posi ot lho Arm y for the inini 1« nioiilhH, ll In Htnii'il iiinr<(Int ri'Biilt in tUtro In a dcflcIt o t tn n i for Krwcr- Im. fuel and n u t from n tli ftcii In KnlarlcH of «aio. wlilch Ih not ton- nIdcri'U an ordinary diifk-lt. .

O rcan lu itlon for d ie work woii rf< ,, fiKU-d by tliu-vlvctluii of t l . II. (JrniiT ‘ ‘ wt Kcnenil chnlrnian und irea«iir'i-r.Tliu c ity wan dlvld.-d Inlo. four nu * (lonit w ith a caiitnin in irhurKi- iit <nii:li [. —«Bch caplolii to iuli-t.1 unHliiiiinu.. ,

---------- LJL-XayIoiLUkcii-Uu>-juirt_»LU*t:.tlO'. i rwont o f .Main itvtiiuu and' Slnmlinnr nlri-vt; A. D urnian Johnnon Uml |i»ri nortli o t lliu (hnrouKhfiiri'ii nnim d: ; A. J . PfAVi'y Ihu t-RHti-ru illvlHlon, uml Kcnnuth lli'iich Ihu .noiiihi-rD. -Mr. (Jruni will pernunally lukc iiji ilu> „„

« niAUer of QHHlnlliiK In donalloiiii Wiili Ihc vartoiiH orpanUailJlnH. I 'h lr nnd rra liirnnl. In m t'C liy . „„

• K*i.lBtn» <'i.n.llll.in».In tlin lalk followlni: ih<' Iniicliron ,

M ajor Wliliu cx|>hilni’d Ilm hIiiki(Ioii. . Thft 'lolBl cnili-ctlonii dnrliii: Ili<f y m . . . •132< In tho c lly wero IJ2IiK.fi::.- Unna-1 V ifon* from outnhlo o t lou-n i-oiinlHiiri| o f U O l.K . Iho colliTllon* oiiiiil.lo <.i Twin t-'nillo wnru fn37.U:i; ili<- tmnu- ,i ' nurvtce. In ihlit c ity , nmonntod i<i 1830.00 and ilie oalo* o t old c im lir. " " am ountod lo 1123.23.' Several uf ihuni- i iloAa woro cxplalnotl by .Major Wlilto. ' T lie u IoB n f old c lo ih in aru made to f.,, balance- coat of collodion. Ii In ln> tended oji fa r aa poimllilu in put u aom lnol p rice on ai-ilclea o t cloihInK m . a o 'tb a l Uio p o n o n .w h o bnyn them In .y . ro a llr ttiaMnir a purchane Inntcad of

' recelvlnir a donallon and tliln uddn to the dlinilty o f ilio irnnKnctlon a n d , (. proaervw iwJf.wnpoct. T ho |82WiO waa^lliu roault o t Um lni>i drlvo in il» ''i ]n c ity fo r tho Arm y . tn oxiu niMn tho , larisctii item In Umt n t m il . jr.iil, Alnior. W hllo anld l«t >io|M d lo nrrniiKo to r n am all homo tliat.tlii y would nu n i and w hich would he tii'rmnnoiu nml .. co»l U-nn to r puyiiK'ntn tliuii Ui.'\< nt- '■ alx. L ltthl nnd fu<'l witn. {luli.r.::\dl- *!'

' vlRlonal fund, |2()C.W; iikOc IjciiVli “ ‘ fund, 152: Ivli'phimtii. «iiiilnn.'ry. riV . I10U.C2: trAv.,||iiK. paid lo t>i-<v otflriTH. JiiC'i.ru; hni fektlval and M.'If-d-'iiliil ■•ftc.ri, j:;!; .-!* " '' t.H,.,. Hiipport Sundny ni'lioril ttorl,., $20K,0!l; ri'llcf w nik. ?r::n.;n; mm-, ‘ ilrlm . w a lrr . rrpalrii. f iirn liu i-.

islrtn' rcf-f ilo lioilir, nr,n. Tlik. ' ' r li-ftvm.1310 (Iiln on-Kirlii- Miliirlr..-, Out 'Of Ihn JC60 iTCi'lv.'d-liy th'- i«<' >;l:l;i'.'< o fflcrm thf}. munt pn ,\j« 'n rd . tl->tln n.l :it and a ll rx|iMiin-it i-x c in Un-lr -1 I’r tern. -MnJnr W hile lol<l nl'oui i Im. I iiIi: Krcat in irrm n o t tlio Snndiiy filmol j .itn w ork: Si» jnijdln atlcndInK <vi.ry Sim-, ilil day on Ihn uvcrnur. .T lir ulrl i>ffli->-<-.I hpi-nd IK tinnin lai-li vinllint; Uir i>»iii i I

Vh j w l

S w < n l F u -^ IW S«Ua

M o r e f o r t i x e l

i b u E v e r B o i

'n irponu larityp fthcn rirccK x! rM M ocllhaakim nlU irUlItelm v rer'* t»»k. for tu th m arkril puS- qlie (t tu r r (ndlcatiim of ,tlc f io lle tu ix rioH lin ilwn>t>cl>- {t r d(mon>ir<(rvl. ^Some o f thcM fuprrio riiirtvo ti fiw lU *r«a(aclance(he tir tlllm c ■TO^-lMdc Bt ■ Dcw C(HhJ Max- \• • I I . Yoo-n no te , o f c o u r.e . r.U u | InBOcxltookf.fineappolnr. ^ tncni* aiul rtK>my comfort thenew KOosI M ax»rll pive. more ^

' ■ th ^ y o u * e r « c v e r # l . lc to b u v " b*fote a t th# price.You*Q In rn .a l to .h o n 'ih c n e n cl

Maxwell il tn a jp and - lr , built. almt'M to che •malleic e:

d e u a l- a l l ^ the creat M uw rll f .

H O LM Q U IST W319 naIn U rs t ,

M A X ^

I of Ui>? ( Ill- and lirlii;:lnK iiunxliliio Into 'il.iik iiluri-*, Thl' trave l InrliirtM ta re '

to onll>li>K to«ii;.. 1.11 (in tliln nid,- „ f Innd incliidtiii; liup.T l hvlni; Ui.- Twin < KhIIk dl.-.lrin, . I

I \Mr... Tij.'liiT III-.V)-;i. S. O. T iiilio r 1

; I-........ III ill Im i hom.' In lhl» .'lly. f

.Sl.itfo In .InrlihlL’i'—A line iii ''Jriil.UI>,i. Ii;i:i l/r.-n i.iurlcd l.y C. K, ' -Mliinfi I)-. |.-iivlni: rc^uliirly 'v c iy

J ........ . W..dtiif>liiy uml l-'il.liiy,

r » IIiiIm- mi UukIu('.>s- J iic| iii- I-;. 'A.i*'

“ " " ’J

• '..iiiVrs Wltli i;Nt..|i*I..ii - I-;-l |.:,r-) n .d . w .,d inn i.c 'ti.r. .-..iifrir..d yoKi.T- I;

lliii' In.Holm- w llh 111'- .'xirii»lon .k - II'lii-iiiK’n ' in ii'Kiii'd 111 ini'iliodH U “w o .i ..la.lli-ulloM and rrci-lvi.d’ n num- ^b i'i 'Y t f<iu:iT(->tU<m!<. »

l)<-mimil fo r 'to n t^n-uli-r—WiUiUi- loj.iiiilii; of i^ l'ihu di-miuid fo r w..|-k.

ii»'n I,. lnn..iiKln>: nl Uic <.|'uni1>n- of a .-(iimiii ic... Uimii^h ilii-r.. In htlll ii H imirilim of workriH oV.t JoI.r. "

............. ....... .......... uli.'fc r llr.nni Mocllm;—.M«...ilnK of >>

III.- lll.nii->- iKiard whlcli wnn to linv.- n I li' i'ii In Id trxlav liiix lircn ain^Uponr't I"

um il 111.- Iiinl o t Uii. ,w<.i-k lo -au-ail '>1 lliu ri-im ii » r rn iiik I.. .'«ii-ii1iiin. u ui iiK'inlit'i-'or tlir li'iiird, from Uk- Ii-^Ih-

___ _ ________________ <(ii-U IJdM.l l'i.sIH»ll~..IiinirH llaivc.v .

o t Illlll r liy , who KiuiUmii-n Uilii mnln;: tiom lho .'I .'t'iiloul i-iiKlnr-vrlnn »rlinul o f I'o lonido nuivornliy, liiin liom n<" liT ird AH nn r o t.iilx i:niduulo» Ilii’i'-c In ..iilor Uio Roi vli'.. n t Uir WV.hIIiik-

<lioiti«. I’oriioruihm Uili> ta ll. :il l'lii»- r< ^ iira li . II.- lHu Kiiiduiini of ilio Twin i,)

. .MiirkK o i i r W ^ | . ; n u ' i m . ' r i:, .V , Inllr ru III iiiui-klUKauil U>o mnrlni jiark ,»and tioliTilui.' n ltc :>^or iru iu today, ih Thl' <'(inimlilorii fo /H lo rk in.lllni: luivo ,;iHcil icf Hll In-fii >1111. Illlll Ihr U]inl Inumouni (If m nnry Imu iini h rrn nnli- nnlliicl.-liiil tin- uilrrrflH of llii- movr- nc mrnl_ In ronHldrrrd <-rrliilli. ,„i

l-'iiiirnil on TIiiirNiliiy—T lir f|m i.nil on n t .Mrn, Mlim I), K ylr. wlfi- o t W. H, K ylf 1,1 J.-romi.'. will I... |.oudiicli-d nt.

:i:;ii) lomorrow .ifiormimi ut thc.linmi.- 'n t her iiiinnlii,-.M r, mid Mrn. W. a . _ r iilld irlix . n nillo nml n i|iiiirtor oatii ccj o t WiinliliiKtou' i<(-lii<nl. hy Krv. O. I). llu rr 'ii . .

.'Inny A it.....I rn n o n tl—AIkiiii 200 m.oiiondrd Uk- funorni of Mrn. A iisu ita inCtourlm k nt Iliu U liw cliaiufi h r ro yv/i- oxlordny ntioriiiKm hofuru the body wan nntorwardci} to C allfnm ln for hitcrnieiit. r rI 'lo rn l. dui'orollonii w ero e laborate. A. d r W ilton :*i-ck BanK two uoloK, to w hlthiicRonipnnlmi-ni w.in playod by inn hrwitl-. I'nII lira rcm wi-ro J . D. Alkun. raC. t). .MrlKH. C. V . HinlUi. David diiI lm w n, >1. O. Mllli.r nnd Kolicrt U. Hillnldor. T h r n ru ’lri-n u-«-r<* condncii-d nlil>y lli'V. A. (S. l’riii;j'on « t Uir I'rrHTiK nil Irr lan rtm rrh .

l!nl>o Kiinilly lliT i'—.Mr. nnd Mrn. mK. 1-3. ()llh>-rl and bahy n t }!<iIh<- tr 'nlM'Ut iMo w.-rk rnd III Tw in ^'al|n fnwiffi .Mr, liml Mrn. U iirry V m K ravc piwlici IH ninniiKrr o t ili<>-nillcr llriinh iir<-(>iiii.!.iiy for ililM trrrlK iry . Mr. fliC llb rri in »i:iic niuiiUKor fo r Uic nK;ilU-r brut^li. ro

f i l l iN jh-r >Vnrk>.--('. If. I’e rk rs . rbm n ii i io - r^ o f ibo Si;hrumm-Jolin,.on "i^riri!i; rnniiiiiny. U tiikliic bln h(iI{i hdvlUi Ih r r.ihrr laliorc.rn who an- rc- * ' li^ilriii,; nnd rc niiicb'Uui; Un- biR Kioro nt Mil- ( oriKT (if .Mnln nnd Slio-ilione,I’l'ik..;! nnyn tliui lu- w nrkrd one ’‘I’iil.;lii iliU wr.-l( Mxiron lum ri nnd "".itiowK liib l'-r i (111 l|b> liniida to prove i.l■............._______ :___ • 11

liuniifr 1. Iliinird-Tlir sarui;.' of '''' ^ . •.................... ll'

............. Ju

e n r i c e T b o no a ^ B e f i n e

pUora. You’n app trcU te hnw tiiu th tliat tncan* in sreaicr q iM llly^liabilltvaaJcconom v- I'uc nH iher » e no r any i;ooJ |M axM cnownefcanBlvc you an t>dn]uate Idea o f how much finer Ihlj ear il (n r o u i i i i lu a ■fty fouryouha\-c ever know n.You m u ir n re tic n c e ihcM Im u lla for younclf. (W hen youhaw ilriven the new iCMKl.M«xwellS8iiilie«anhour. Iru<heUfrom ? t o 2S mile* In 8 ^•econtliandm loyed iia rem ark­able ea*e o f rUinu, you willh(»Bln to un iie rnanJ how a u ^ r io r

-'lnva|ue«thUcarreaIlTi».\Vcar« IesRer 10 prove llie*c Maxwell «u> perioriiica la a Jc m o tu m U o n . '

Cl-A W m .• /. *. »w l i r t t ^ UJk»r^pw,i*w»«/r.w . ‘

M OTO R CO.i-hnnr :!:!nv

G o o d


Id (i. Q. K rily nn A ddlnon.avrnno. In rc which im-al wnn b(-lnK Hiuokod, cAiiftht nf firr loday un'd wun iiitrrly ilrnirdyrd, III ruuntns ii Innu o t I'lovrnil hiindri'd dol-

lain and no luNiirum.'o.

I .Miiny SIbh In .SocJi'tj—.Sfvniiy-twn huve HiKncd u]> In llio Tw in h'ulln Italrymrn'H anfioclailnii w ithin tlio pnvt fl'W duyn, ubout C<) per ci-nt ot

i-d by i:. .S. Wood, wlin raiui. ovor tiom Klmborly Co a ttend a dln^clurn' mrol-

iT Inn. A.-;Kiiiufn'«' n -i'.lv rd loduy In- y. foim ril Uir board Umt Ihc Frbrunry

[M'lrr lur Ih r hiKlirAl i:rud.. iTi-um wan i„ I'ovi^ii <-rntn aiidvo Ihut of Juni^-iry, or

H cniin . ,M/. Wood'i hufd.

i;n(<-rlaln nl lliiiiiiiirl—Tbo i-'llcr KiwanlH rln h «-nt(-rialiici| at a ban-

\ |<|U('I yrnli-rduy In Imuur of ilir i:lrlu' J and boyh’ buiikrlliiill. liaimi. A. W.

.McCuMimi of Uiilil was f|i<-akt-r.

l.i-avr-i tu r i.ns Alik-oli-s — plilllip Klx, irlhn- of Ih.- Twlu I-'iiIIh Uallk ai Trunt Imn r.'flKii-'d lil» |n.i.lllon lo

,f uri'.'Ill a poKllloii wlUi tlu- 'i'rufit SaviiiKH bnnk llf 1.0 1 AiiKofun and finn Hiartod ovrrhin.l lo^talcu th r plai'C.

.. Sh.'i-p .»i-rl ut i- 'llrr—Socrvinry D.jiial.l .MrU'un o t llio WonlKrowi'riri

,r unrnclutl-m nnd I'.iuniy A srn i It, i;. „ Ili-oM-ar.l an- uninUK tho Tw in I-'iill'.l

m m u l llic n lirrp ino.-ilnc In KlU'i | Ur. ninJ i;, J-'. JH))o-•

f hurt a n ' ouinlil.. Kii.-ahriH. l)l». r. r., I- can-, murkollni; und iihlpnu'nln uro all

bi'lni; roniild.'i'od. .Mr, .Mcl,(.an In .>no , I.t Um- .(prakotn. Tliol'o » lll b.' n ,( m r i i i iu ut Iluiin.'n lomorrow.

Com m erce C ham ber E ndorses S urrey of

1 M ine R e s o u r c e sKndnriti'monl ot-lh«’ iinrv.y fo r Iho

- ronlon huiw.-on Coninrt and JurhldKv- I by i:ovvrnm(-nl cnKlnrcrn lo nii(?orialn- lliF^•u^^imnnIn^•rn1-flppnBt^n-^ea>rTl'■•-

on liiiit i-V(-nlni; n i the wijckty iii<-ai-. Ini: of tho .CbanibiT of fonimorci-1 »vor which It. C. l.ri!<ob p n a ld id In. Ih .'uhnnnco of I'ronl.lonl Sliud I., llo.l-- i;ln, W ujn and mi-nnn lo hrjni: nr-w I InduKii-U-H w/T<t ciiititlili'ritl

I t wan proium.i.l flint it Kiurlni c.nldi- • pobI 1.0 orrol.'tl In Uir'lliilini* lourlnt

pai'k and Ibln wan tu riird nvor -to Chulnnuii K. Mnd of lh .' coiiiuilll.’o

I on I'oudn.

■ i'iti;H ii)i:N 'i‘ A im iu :.s s• Q .onllnnod trow , ;>ai;o 1) ___

.-.imblntd Kovoriimuiiln In llkowliic al- iiiont beyond definition.

"Not only iliudo wbo aro, now mak- InK tbolr inx rotnrnii. h n i thono who

> m cft llic cnhancod ron i n t cxintvnco . )n th t'lr m nnlbly blllu. know by bard

oapc'riflflco H'hat thin i:rvai hurih'u J» and w bat It dova. Nn m a tte r w bat olli* r ra m ay w ant, ihi-nu people w ani u drnntlc ccononiy.

•■J fovop tbo policy of.ceonom y, nol ' bocannc I wImIi to navo mnucy. bn t bo- . rauiHi I wluh lo iiavo p .ople . Kvrry I dollor Ibnt wo prudently ivivo tncaMii . th a t th e ir life w ill bn no tnucli more I abunduni. Koonomy In Idrullnm In Itn

niosl praoUoal form ,”Tbo pi'ruldoni i-ald Ibo ilomf'fiUc

iiltiiatlon n t |.roti(int wan m arkrd by . tbo mont fttvnr.iblu condlilonn. indun-■ tr ia l rrlatlonii. iio nald. w rn- ••pciic.'-I fill nnd proiiporouM": omployment |■ pl«.n«lfu(. n iiu r i Komi.itnil ^HK.--i-3rji-

.'rn conti-ntcd. " tind .T Shn lii'lptnl In- fliionrc o t ronirlrUvo Iniinlsratlon aii<l n pinirrilv-o In rlff ;" tbo rallrondn rr-i-oM-rliii:: nnd tha.t i.urlciiltnr.-. iliouch •'nlow In n'VlvlUK." lin.l In Ui.- r r c n l ,

, rl«(- In lb .' prico of c i'rruU indlrnir.l • 'lhal Uio day of itn ib 'llvrranco w.m al

t'ooll'deo S p r r rh Wi ll , Tlinnitlit »n l.T h.' i.rcnbhnt'n ndilr.-nn uliowcd

ovidi-nco of tb.- lom: hoiim li«* Imd I , nprnt in ouiHnlni; u lia t h.- wlxbcd io |

nay nnd Uirn In r.'dui-lni; whnl ho i>aid| 10 Uio bri'vlly li.- ao iiiili'li u.biilrr^.l Till- lyp lra l r.H illdcr niylc Vra.'bi'd In, 1(1.1 n<I(lr<-.<« iitility non i>tK iammatic vU nr and |■rrrl^lou, |

.\n n liuldln;; prlui'lpb; In lnl.-rn.i-. llonal rrlntlnnn ho »ald. " I t w r ..xprci : oUi.TK lo loly on .mi- fm rn cM -an .l. JUhUr.' wc innni nlinw that w.. ir ly ; .111 Ihclr falrnoMt .ind JukIIc-."

T axailnii above that nbroliiirly rr- (inlrcd lo run th e itov.'rninciii be lorinrd ■•lrRnll».-.l Inrcony,'-

And lll-rnlU-lUhUni br d rrl.,,.-.l " il. rr! Hian.l.t OIU- couiiiry. an .'xanipli' ofii-an(iullliy nl li.nn.'. a patrua ..f nui.-1 .lulllly aUrond. Sb .' .b .'rh .h .'i ii.i p in - ’ IKit..- nav.' to HI.'r il llir favor of Al-I mUliiy Oo>l.” 1

l u Ihr i-oltnir or Ii).<•pri-Kblrnt niiUliie.l bln vl.'Wn on iiio»1 ' o t tbe Imporiaiit (iu cmI.jiib now I...fore-,, i lM- counlry._____________ |

T il- new .‘<1

f o r Tu-iii

w ill 1„- h ll.

Economy SiiniJiiY roM

l.'H-.-lt.'.i ill l h ........ (I I '

s h .- j ., -.MT M nin K .is:,

< ':ii-rvii,;: ;i ..„ „ ii.!r t.

W u n irt t-- . V !„ h I T ,. ,r . 1


MEN’S and $3.00, $4.00,

N o t i n g




' “ ,,.r T.dnin Arp .ScnTTn h u t D ifferent] b asi- Sy'IeinH of Jteporilni; L t u m In -ip

ru rrec t lni]irensions Unijr Hi Cam h \v. of Anlim Cri-dlled In- Couniy n

U'hltc T n in FullH (iut l i i i Car- u loud«i K m ir in Ktr?*- ' n

lip - - ll ^ T hat ibu fiRur.'n for Twin- F u lls ti 10 connty kIvcji by J . U AniM, naalm- u

nnl trnftli; manaKcr of tbu OroRon IHH Sliort I.Utv, H'cro rulKh'nilliig lu thu l ^

Iho conliinlH' won-' not uniform aily m-KroKnlcd. nppoarx trnm the rec-

.,.y nrdn o t Uio Twin I-'uIIh frelBbl do- poi, Tbo total nunibol- of cara fur m

i;. tlio. townn nnd clilcn In correc t, nnd ji i; . . |th e tlKiiruu woro a ll lakcn from llie a: l ,i I bnokn, bul. in nuHilh-r lownii the h )i.-Mii'nin urn m ore f-illy noKrefiulod und n.

riMi roHitlt In thu l certain Itc'mo nut tti ill ou t by UiGiniielVDH from nmnll Jow nn ti no and rcprixliicod, Hopnratoly; clvo tbe

u linprc.snloii ibn l Uicuo ocntilltiitcd 11: tlio nolo ;iblpm eni n t iliioh product In In or on l mt tho cano muy be. -F o r V' hiKiunco, In tho MinnllL-r lowiin, nu- ll' ton uru not uu t nepartitcly whllo In f '' Twiii Kalln and iirobnbly nomo oth- I» ora they ufA cbinnod In thu mlncul- laneoun column. T h r ronult In th a t „

® Uiu Amnn ropurl kiiv.- orodit fo r r«- colpl of. only 22 ( -i i^ of aulo*. 12K I"

lie wore nhlppod lo T ivft I-'ulln niono. ti- KC Sinillnrly whllo ili.' io\nl num ber of in oarn o t okkh to r Iho couniy nre y •RlTcn~ln“^ h n —Amnn—rcp n tt '-n n —38.- —- ll- Twin Falln ulono nblppud oul :19 ~ cu eurlnadn. il la Htiiie.n AKcnl I). K. ' In Hulllvan nnyn th a t In- will RCt up •I* n Inblo ni-Kreenlliii: tlio iihlpnionlH : •*' moro fully bu i hun nol hnd tlmo

to do «ti. i;n f» Ik- ha i ch i'fkm l m i ' 'V hi- wnnld nn l piriHlvi-ly v e rify ' flit-

iircii bul tbo nbovo kIvoii a rc oor-

" ■ V n ta r o f Kxporlx. . 'fl",'■ aflcrelury (Thurlon K. IJw lrb t’ n'fIbu c h a n ib e r 'o t ' ( nmmrrco bun cnm- piled Iho fnllowliiR tabb> of - Um-

_ vuluo o t i(hlpin..nlii frnm Tw in ;|. Kulln l<lnlluii ulmio durliiK tbu . your „f

1S24, exoludlnx i*hlpmi>niti of ncedii, i* k- which llicmnelv.-n nctlvd o neal 10 num. IllCO I’rwluci—- Vnluo,rd .l la y ...............: ................... t 4j800,0(i q ,l» lliirloy .... ........................... UOD.flO .ll- Uoans ......................... 2.00t»,oaoiO()U Hunar .................................. 1,000,000,00 „. W bent ............ .......160.000,00

nl PotalnCH ...... .................. .100.000.00 .,1.llcetn .......................... .......... 4l.0CG.00MolannoB ......................... 2,7r.0t00

^for(-baniii«(.''"!y,.’'..'.'' '. '.’... I’.OOn',000,00 , -Frull:i .................... ; ........... S.'.,000,00

, W onl. .................................... in7.800:0nMIU muff ......................... i.flun.ono.oo

'> Onion .................................., 170,0011.011l.iv.-»iork ...................... , .'isa.isu-.on

IJlj Crnnd lolal .................. *7.r,'j:.2.1f;.00

n ilA m .O f’K IS I.A.ST > (Conlluned front pnuo I)

■*' WUH marked by bulf n dozo.i Impor- " '( lu n l flllhilMtern.'■ Opponcnin of Ull' rm lnrw ool

Mnscio SboalK b ill killed ll off wltb- , (;iii .|om.)iii;trailnK Ui"lr t.in<iii;lh ! Jusl when 11 had reeelvnl every

,‘ l ililuK bill tbe fInltibInK touch of lb r Monat.-.

,,i i I 'a rln . bloc membem wore imnh!.- V| i M reach aiirm m oiit on a farm bill - l, i ‘ lin.l tbo flllbunlor of «oaatorii How. ,1. 1( 11, Kruzler, CoodliiK and o lh c rn 'lu

I behalf , ^ t Iho McNary-liauKcn l.lll - .. 'iilind III In Iho final momoniii. Tbo ciiTn.rm hill wan dofi-atod 'by thu Ron- 1,1 In jc I.n !i rl.lcr Into ym tunlay by n - lyl li.K- of r.9 10 17.

I Kven Ihc lllllo w et isroilp tn lh(- r-l«<n«le pu.-ineded In flllbuMcrInn <o le lden lb tbe Crnmtoil alcohol bill wbicli

Will. dolR ncil to tlftbtvn prohlldiloii re! .'nfiireomrnl. Thin loft the rerord ot »fjUii- (lo iln n abort H.-inilon nmiulnlti;!

m ajnr bill n iiuldo of Ibo l.-n 1- : rrKiiIiT upproprlatioti hllU for i;nv- l-j -I'limont rxpeiiac. .T h in Imporlatil

1 meai>nre b .rom lnR n Inw wa< ^br »’! [Kiilrtf trah rlm In rr ra ic l/lll whifli -" 'ra ls-.d .poitaKe ralo’K Mimo 5f,:i.<.00,. ■f.uoJ to muBt-Jjicroaned »a lir ics lo J l.niitul workrni._____________________

.‘<Uoc ^<lor,'

iviii l.'alls

k ii.iu ri :is llir

Shoe Store•in:. Maii.ivcr.

I 'i i . i ic T .<lio(> 15.-iuir

!rf,.' l .n c o f ..M -.ir ,,

, 1.0,.I ll;,r ,.Ti.,-(l ..........

1 WOMEN’S I, $5.00 Shoesg H igher '

J -

DAILY .TIMES ^\\B o th Sides M ay ,'j;y A sk U ncolii P a rk 1"

Rem oval from Site “jThe movement tu chanRo Ibo nile ”

o f tbe L incoln field otblollc Rroumla to Honie o ther apot In like- p| ly to comu betore ibo cliy cinnmlk- slon In aome dednlte .abnpe a t tbo ,,

% nuxt inouiluK. Mondoy ulicbl, ibl** w hole qnenthm was Inld over un til

W n e x t Monday n lsb t, on tho sugRon. - , I l t lo n o t .Mayor Shad L. ModKin. wbo , ' iH u I d ho had buun Informed Iiy tbo

Bcbflol board th a i cortaln ccntcm- Ip laiod BUrvoyn had nu l been fhi-

"t]liibed. Tbo inu tlcr baa boen po»l- t ' ponod aovernl ilnlea.. I l In under- "I f atood thn t thoRe protcntlUR aijnlifst f ' ly Iho exlendlng ' of tbe field by tbe < ■ I** uliandcnmaHi of Sevenlb alrvol ' norUi u l Ib a t point, wiili toko the

Inlllutlvu and nak Iho couneil to >'J la tuko action looklnK tow ard Its aban- I- donm cnt. 'n __________ —'I SKrilK TA rfV n c r.’HKN fUVKS :V,’ y UI* OKKK’K .iT XOOX

'• WASHINGTON. March 4—Sccrc tary I'll r o t s ta in .Charloa Kvaha lluebeR ro- « Ilnqiilnhed hla office a t noon today f,''' V and thu nation 'a fore lsn affaira will <■< e havu no ono -a t tho helm unill !i:30 d n. lu.^tomorrow wben tbe new uecre- i tu ry . F rank D. K ellosx. o t MlnncHlci, w, n taken Ibe oath n f oftlce. vaI! liuR bon.uiionded tbu cercm onkn ai (,|

Iho capllol and Ibon dropped back I inlo p rivate life, ilo will >leavP Nrw r Vork Saturday for an oxtotidGd vnrn- . llon at Uio Uenniiida la landnX flii hlii ,, re tu rn hi; will rjajw ie private law . p rac ltru In .Vew V Dm

[ KALAMAZOO. Mfch,—YounR Kirih-. IlnR, OuorRla llRbtjlieavywidiibi, nut- ''Ij polnled Don O'DoL-d, Uanioii, .In .1. li-ij-rinmd boi'il. / ,

\ lllA ilO MAY in ; ItOMiKI).- - — —(Conilnuod-Xroiu-l*a«o-J.)--------- -H i': . . . — . . . . . . . . ... . nb

npproprhillon which muy bu nisroed by' npnn b ia I t Ih iindurntood be ro- tb<

fnni-M to call nn ex tra Notidon lu 00' maku up uny iteinn not cured for

' by Ihln' m-iinlun,TJ....... .. uu educational ap ­

p ropriation inoUidon Jili.OOO inorft _ fo r tlio nnlvenilty for rodent con- (,al tro l nnd oxtciinlnii w ork und $3n.tC0 Hbi

, fo r tbu boanl “(0 oilucailon, Thu ibi Lowlnicn Hlnlc, Normal Ih to neenroL ol

' ;20|.093 for miihitununcu; *117,1C4 bh ‘ fo r innlnionuncc o t lho Albion Nor- -coi ' m ui; J317.979 for Ihu inalntcnancc ■ ' nf thu Idaho Tcchnliial luHtltuie: doi• 1201,303 for th'o inalutenancn o t tho Gr ' InduHlrlal iralnlnK school n l St. An* Th

tliony nnd »ll7,i;i0 for m alntononco heiof. Ihe den t and blind acbool n t l>il

I Ooodlns. «l"Jl* S fv rn Xt-tr Bill* ItilroilucfiT. . "1’ I t became evident Tueadny a fte r- J'!*' ' noon th itt conclusion o t the ' elRb- I tecn th aeniilon of thu loRlalnturc

blDRcd only on prcien tu llon nt the; la s t bllla by tho upproplrlatlons >■ commliteo. tlu j Thu boiiHo wpul on n now ncboil- nv.

11 .I • . •.


■ Exceptioi a c t e r i s t i c

' s i n c e t h e

w a s m a r l1 -I . N o t o n c eI - a n d e n h a

f o r m a n c e

T h e r c t o c o n tm u e c t h e id e a ls

I n s t e a d c' . s e r i e s o f 1

c o n c e n t r t

, c h a s s i s .

D o d g e E e m b o d im i w i l l e n d u :

M agiP h o n o tH


*> A

J - .

. w ;T 'S !',uie. diclnted liy lia sloerlnR com- p r mlttou. which was authorized tn tbo dn mnrnliiR ncHslon and bofnn 16 func- vo tlon ua aoon na . appolnlod In tbo op

> uttom oon. The conimliloo Is com*' posed of U oyd A. Fenn of Idaho an

county, chairm an; Sanbern o t Oood* wc ' In*. .Frank L. Stephan o t Tw in . ° Fn lls. Wlluon of Caribou and Su- ‘ pjee of ruyotlo.! Twonty-ono bllln woro on tho m,

tblrd roadlni? calendar Tuenday oft* nit I oniocn nnd 18 woro dlnpoaca of, ull

bu t ono by iui»su«u- Then (be housu , tidjournetl, mid a brand nuw cnluu.- •

du r was nwnliInK Itn a ttcnilon W ud- nei noadu); mornltiR. u

Ton o t tho 17 bllla panned In quick ' , miccenslon Tuesday nfiurnoon wuro ln> , npproprlntions. .Mcasuri's uf tha t

Jtltid n re to be kupl u l tbo top of vci , thu calendar from now to tho clo'hu. ahi [ U ut o ther muanures Uooiuod of im- of

portnnce will niao be aiftcd out for " » proinpl uction. On moUon of KlKcr of 'K ootenai, who woa rnK}ionnlhlo fo r tbo nppoinliuciil n t Ibo coinmll* too, tho houae’ ulno ordered, an-noon ” na nppolnUnuina w ore niinoniici.'d’ th a t ull bills be. ia llod ou t of the commllieca und Klven lo tbu alft- liiK commiUcu. KSvon auch bllla ua f,,, nro nowly Iniroduced will »o dU " " r ee l 10' tbo alflora, wbono Utacro- !, tlon will KUlde thum to ^puanagc;

IllRlii uuw ineHSiirea w ere Ihtro- ot diiced Tuenduy ufiernoon. Sovuu *1 w ero nppm prlfttlon bllla. cnrrylim n il varloun dcllclency nnd '.‘adillil:>nnl" v o clb,lniii) 'Oto dn tter )uu lude aueb udc ftalary IncreaauH und othor ll’ema Iflc no t cnrrlod by tho oxocutlvq builKOl I>*'t w hich lliu npproprlallonii' ciunmit* I'O' ti-o li/in nfen tit to approve, fo r ox- nmplo, S3H0' moro fur Iho IndUH- tr ia l uccfdciit bourd. J8C20 tn r Uie ' m ate liinurunco fund. S2)i00 for vo- nofual dIauasH control, J&OOO tOr re-, ;|J® palrii u t Ihc ntaiu imiaue uuylum, uml $10,000 to buy more Innd n l " tho InduHirlnl tralnlOR ncbool. Onu ,, b ill carrion >2H.<:3.10 for dodclency cbilma n t I<owl»ion Normal, proaiim- nlily ■■porin)r~lbiJr''horflIR<FTJ'RtlB(<lJ " " by IrroRUlarltlcH In lho ucrouiila o t tbo liurnnr a l tbnl Inntllutloii dia- eoverod lunt ^ull. • ,iic

I 'oOI.IIHiK I.S iUllli m l(Contin ued' from paRO 1)

outh o t otflco nnd 'uono n t them hnvo l^ri Hbowii ulm pllcliy'nm l dt-illcntlnn m ore J Uiim (Tnlvln CoolldKO wbo took tho of nolomn oaib In tlur kow- of 2.'i,0"0 of Intc blH fell.iw cItlJionn'toduy. Hu’a an nio cood n» nny of bin prodocrnnorrt;- S

■•Tbo crowd beru loday In b r lli 'r o r- rnn dorod nnd moro u iilei thui^ whon jinli G runt o r JIarrlHou wero Innucnrated, tbu T hn t la probnbly becanae they can dun henr w hut la Rolnir on—the rtullo oin- Rro pnriora m ake a ll tho . ditforcncc in rou the w orld. In tho old daya y,ou could uio only rue—and nol much of th a t either, aoij w llh th e fellow In fxonl ot, you bnb* b lng nround, nnd Bteppini; on yonr toca." . I)

Tukea Onlh Ovef R ift Hllili-. , na^ Mr. i:oolldRo‘n bihio Riven him n l Koa

the- nno o f C yoara by bla iirandinolhor. tliu nvor which be took tbe onlh 'of offcu tho

--------------------------0 ------------•' ■

-N Y E A R S -D E P E N D i

t i o n a l d e p e n d a b i l i t y h a s b e e n a c h

Itic o f D o d g e B r o t h e r s M o t o r ( J i e d a y t h e f i r s t o f t h e s e s t u r d y c

a r k e t e d . ;

i c e i n a d e c a d e h a s i t f a i l e d t o l i p h i h a n c e i t s r e p t i t a t i o n f n r f a i t h f t i l p

i c e .

j a s o f i f o r i t s c o n s i s t e n t g o o d n e s s t J e d b e t t e r a i e n t p o i n t s d i r e c t l y b u c k

:a ls o f t h e f o u n d e r s !

i o f f l u c t u a t i n g b e t w e e n a n e n d l a f a n p u a l m o d e l s , t h e y d e t e r m i n e d

i t r a t e o n t h e p e r f e c t i o n o f a s ^ i

*• ' . *

B r o t h e r s M o t o r C a r t o d a y i s ' i m e n t o f t h a t i d e a l — a n id e a l tJ d u r e a s l o n g o s t h e i n s t i t u t i o n i t s

tgel Autom obile C om panyI G40— M l . Twin F a l l i , Id a]

'f ' ' ■ ' ! ' WBDNTSDAY, MARCn 4, JSj5.

' ‘- prohouncoti by Chlet J u l t l e o ' t o - 'I day. waa opened a t ihe prM ldont's fa-- vorlto cbapter. the Urst of Jobn. I t 'I opens a s f o l lo w s :- - : -,‘ :• “ 1—In the boRlnnin* w fti-the word ) and (he wonl waa wlib Qod and (ho- w ord waa Ood.> *‘2-^Tho tam e waa in tbo besionlDS ' w llh Ood. . ' I

“3 4 A il (biDRB were mado by Him :> and w ithout Him was no t BDTiblag- mado ib a t waa mado.‘ ^‘Tn Him waa life; and ihe life traa ' th e IlKht o t man.

- 5 -A n d the IlRht sblnoih In dark- ’ neaa; and tbn dflrkncsa com prebendnl

l l not." . ^T he chopler,cloaca with ihcJ^lW w ?

> hiK vorae:1 ''A hd Ilo a a tth -u o to him,' verily,

v c r l ly . 'l aay unto you., he reafter yo - sha ll nco boaven open and (be aneelB of God nacendlae and doicendlnR upon Ihu Sun of M an.'V

* liAlVKS TAKR8 OATH (Conllnued from Pane 1.) -

ahon ld -be obaen’cil. (be fact romalna (b a t tinrfcr fbe preaen t' rule* thcf rlKlitn of Iho nation and of th e Ameri­can peoplo bavo boeo ovrriookod and th is nolwlihalandlDK (hat (beir fu ll recoRnltlon o t (bo rlgbla of tbe nation nro in no wise inconslatcht w llb th e 1 roeoiniltlon o t every essential r ig h t., of cvcry.lndlvlduat sonaior."

Tben Dnwcs pointed to apeclflc n ilea and Inaulred w hat aenalor -would bavo Ibo "audaclly" to propono udoptloiwof certain onea without mod­ification. H e prodded Ibo senate for . p o rm iltlne a ( lllbn iler to kill off Im- jiortunl lORlnlallon In the aesslon Juat cloned.

I.efr{iira({Tti I ta r r lc n JM af.'.........-"T lie conHiKullon o t (be Unlteit

S u te a Riven the senate and lho bouau tho r ls b t lo adopt tbolr own-rtile* for tho conduct of husiaesi but tbla 'doea no t exciiio cualonu and .rules wblch. un der certain condltlon'N, iD lshl pn t lho pow or o t thu icnato IlMlf In Ihu liandH of Indivldiiala to be Uaod In Iok* ia ln tlv j-bB rtcr." be aald. whllo the oa* • nenihlaso app laudw . i

“ Propor ruloa will protect thO risb tn of mlnurllloa wllhout au rnndarlnR Uic rlRhia of a majority lo iexialaio."

Dowca declared tba t It tho preaent ru les were unchBnaed, the cffecllvo- Mt-nn, prentfRU ond diRnify of (he non- • nio would bu l««fiuned.Itrikikhnrt ToIr h Oath Under Dawea.

iinw oa rond* lho onili tfo iii-V lirln l- of the Unltod faiuies wan u>--sdmln*Inter the -oo th lo lho Incomlb'g een- aiorH.

Boiinior D rookhart. Iowa, republl- rnn . who (>omai)dbd during tbo can;- , jmljsn tbn l Duwoa bo remdved tro m ” , thu rnpubllcun ticket a l vice proal- dunthil nom|ueo, was l a . (ho flrat ,Rroup 10 tako the oalb. A Rreat rou r wonl up from tbe Rsllerlea aa lho two men apptoacbed. each other aoi) stM ped JiaodJ.

Dnwoa .w ad the oalh from a crint* ed card In hia band.

Upon completion of the eeremoo7i Dawcn lausblngljr ordered th e B«r- Keanl*at-arma of tbe a to a u to c lear lliu sa llo rlea fo r the iQ augunl on lho e iist capitol atepa.


I c h a r -

i r C a r y c a r s

i p h o l dj l p e r - /

ss a n d u c k t o ■

in d le s s n e d to s ip g l o

i s t h e 1 t h a t

i t s e l f .


f f '

.1■ ■ OI1.B,

' ’ V\