Wm. G. Blair Chiropractic Soc. National Conference 2005 Minneapolis, MN October 21-23

Wm. G. Blair Chiropractic Soc. National Conference 2005 Minneapolis, MN October 21-23

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Wm. G. Blair Chiropractic Soc. National Conference


Minneapolis, MN

October 21-23

On the way (6:00AM Friday)

We Started out early with defiance.

7 Students Showed up to take the trip

In the Van

It was tight quarters for the 5 ½ hour drive.

Coffee breaks and rest stops made it a bit longer of a drive.

Everyone was excited, the scenery was spectacular

Crow Plaza HotelA Nice Classy Hotel

The only people allowed on our Floors were Chiropractors and the Green Bay Packers.

(They did loose that Sunday.)

1St Speaker

Michael Lenarz, D.C.

Author, “The Chiropractic Way”.

Spoke on Marketing a Chiropractic Practice.

It Starts with the Doctor.

Must know your Mission with your Vision.

Set Goals…and review them daily

Affirmations-A statement of where you want to be stated in the present tense.

Read Books, Keep learning

2nd Speaker

Dennis Campbell, D.C.Talked about the advances in chiropractic with digital imaging and 3 dimensional x-rays.Dr. Campbell has been working with Microsoft and Dell Technologies to advance the computer programs to allow for 3-D imaging with the digital image.

Although, you still need those glasses.

Break for the Vendors.

Dennis Campbell, DC

American X-Ray

Showed us the latest in Digitization measuring on chiropractic spinographs.

Using modern digital imaging.

Upper Cervical America

Drs. Vauginaux and Drury spoke on the concept of “Franchising” chiropractic.

Having a recognizable national product.

The Palmer College Blair Club

Selling:- Stereo Viewers- Double Arm

Protractors- Lead Ear Plugs

Back to the Speakers

Todd Hubbard, DC, CCSP®

Spoke on the Blair Chiropractic Technique and Chiropractic Colleges.

Currently in the curriculum of 3 Colleges.w3.palmer.edu/hubbard

Blair Instructor, Palmer CollegeOf Chiropractic

Perry Rush, DC

Instructor of the Blair Chiropractic Technique at Sherman College of Chiropractic.Started Teaching the Blair technique in 1985.“likes it as an elective”.

Susan Brown, DC, Ph.D.

Blair Instructor at Life College.

Has taught at Sherman College and has a background in research.


All 25 Cervical AdjustmentsCovered

(16 Atlas,9 LC)

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

E. A. Addington, DC

Currently running the Blair Chiropractic Center in Lubbock, TX.

Dr. Wm .G. Blair

Severe Asthma Sufferer.

Was told he would die at age 23 by the medical community.

Dr. Blair States it was “Chiropractic alone” that allowed him to have an extended life.

Dr. Blair Died at the age of 64.

Chiropractic Saved his lifeVery strong Convictions for Chiropractic.He knew what it could do and what it did for him.How does a body heal?- Optimum function of continuous, uninterrupted nerve flow between the brain and body.

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

Chiropractors should Locate, Analyze and Correct Vertebral Subluxation

To Detect Subluxation…

- NeuroCalograph… 2-3 graphs.

- Need pattern on sequential visits

- Need 1-2 primary Breaks for pattern.

- Used a prone leg check

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

List misalignments on x-ray to categorize them. (1o, 2o, 3o)

1o would be the segment putting the most distortion on the cord, found off the APOM through neural canal measurement.

Only one segment was adjusted at a time.

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

“What ever you are going to do, Pattern it”, Dr. Blair on Chiropractic techniques.

Once the first adjustment is given you loose the information for that specific subluxation.

You can not rely on symptoms.

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

Pattern established with 3 graphs taken on at least 2 separate days no more than 7 days apart.Coined the Tern “Slippage”.

- 1 of 2 things will happen1- Your body will regain control2- You will subluxateIf Dr. Adjusts while patient is in slippage they

can cause a bigger problem than the original Subluxation.

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

What happened when he didn’t adjust?

2 concerns:

1. Your Health

2. My reputation

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

Patient Management:

Patient checked 2 times per week until they held their adjustment for 6 weeks.

Then 1/wk until they held their adjustment for 6 weeks.

Then 1x/2wks. Until they held their adjustment for 8 weeks.If they didn’t comply, they weren’t allowed to be seen. (checked 90 patients per day)

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

If patients missed an appointment:

1. They were called to reschedule

2. They were called to reschedule

3. They were written a letter and released from care.

“Never let it be economical to miss an appointment”

He had sick people to take care of and didn’t have time to mess around. Remember, he was living on borrowed time.

How Dr. Wm. G. Blair Practiced

If you keep seeing pattern, you are missing something.

If legs are short but there is no pattern, the patient is not checkable.

The wrap-up

Dr. Scott Matz spoke on the events of the Blair Society from the past year.

Next years convention will be in Savanna, GA.

Announced New board Members.

3 $1000 scholarships
