LYCEUM COURSE ARRANGED. The First Attraction in October. GEN. JOHnIT GOKDON. A List of the Other Mem¬ bers. When and Whero Tickets Can bo He- cured and Seats Rc- served. Tho Laurons Lyceum Association has secured tho following attractions for the coming season: Gen. John B. Gordon in October. Charles Dencison Kellogg, about November, 21st. Montauk Ladies O'tsrtet, December, 11th. Prof. Charles Lano, January, 5th. Hou. G. A. Gearhart, March, 10th. This is tho strongest courso that has over boen oll'orod to a Laurons audi¬ ence The association is indeed fortunate in being ablo to secure Gen. Gordon. He has never addreesod a Laurens au dienco, and tho3o who have never heard him will, in all probability, have their only chance of over listening to tho groat Confederate chieftain; for this is his last season on the platform. Suroly every survivor qf the Lost Cause nlty to htar Gen. Gordon. Double season tickets to tho tive at- tract'ons will cost only $3.00. We have already secured tho required numbor of subscribers and can receive only a few more. 1 f you desiro to become a mcmbor send in your name before Oc¬ tober 1st. All membors are hereby notified that tickots will be on salo at the Ben- Dolla hotel on October 1st from 3 to 7 o'clock P. M. Tho other attractions arc all excel¬ lent, any ono of which is more than Worth the price of a ticket. A brief description of those attractions will be given later on. For further information call on B. L. Jenes. Something New Each Week.Bargains We will run for a week at a time only tho following bargains, beginning September 15th: Fiist woek: box pa¬ per; second week, combs and brushes; third week, pocket books and card cases; fourth week, fancy toilet 6ets and novelties; s'xth week, pipes: sev- onth week, books, Remember the weeks you want a bargain. First week don't forget.50 cents box paper for 25 cents; 30 cents box paper for cents; 25 cents box paper for 10 cents: 25 1 pound package 10 cts.; envelopes 3 cents. Don't forget next week combs and brushes. Childron going to colleges now is the to get them. For a bilious attack take Chamber¬ lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For salo by Laurens Drug Co. opportu- Fickcd Up. Palmetto Drug Co. MERCHANTS NEWS. Mr. John Eiohelborgcr has opöneü a fruit, poultry and ogg market at tho corner of Laurens and Otrollno streets. Our new line of fanoy rattan rockers are the best values ever shown In the c'.ty, they are all new uptodate and the prices will interest you. 8. M. & E. H. Wilkes. No us£sending to New York for your dress goods. We have the newest. O. B. Simmons Co. Ladies cannot atf^rd to visit Lau¬ rens and not call to see tho mammoth steck of Davis, Roper & Co Remember we carry the host lino of table knives .md forks and spcons to bo found in the city, and our prices aro the lowest, call and look through our line before you buy. S. M. &' E. H Wllkep. Great in varloty, high in style, but low la price is the way you find them at O. B. Simmons Co. Now lire of couches just In uphol¬ stered in leather and velours in now and pretty pa'terns, its by odds the best line ever shown in the city, eeo the double head adjustable divans, thoy are beauties and very cheap. S. M. & E. DT. Wilkos. Yon can find all the now things men¬ tioned in the niaga/.inos at O. D. Sim¬ mons Co. 1,500 yards of 0 oa all wool filling Jeans. Regular retail prico 83k cents; our prico 25 cents. Davis, Roper & Co. The groatost line of values In black dress goods over brought to this mark¬ et. Trices from 10 cents to $2.00. Davis, Roper & Co Teachers Association. The Laurens County Teachers Arso- ciation will meet in the Graded School Building, first Saturday in October, at 11 o'clock. After organization, plans for offering the schools will be disouesed All teachers of tho county are expected to bo present. CHARLES P. BROOKS, County Supt. of Education. Cool Weather Clothing. There is forceful logic in tho argu¬ ment by Davis, Roper & Co., in his advertisement in this issue that, it is wise to buy Fall Clothes in September because the buyer gets longer wear for his money, and a largea assortment to solect from. This firm handles Hand Tailored Clothing of Leading Manu¬ facturers of tho United Statos. Stylish dressers ought to take a look at thoir new arrivals. CITY OPERA HOUSE! J. K. Vance, Manager. Wednesday Night Sept. 30, .the famous. BOSTON IDEAL OPERA COMPANY, Will present the celebrated Comic Opera, GIRAFLE-GIRAFLE. Reserved seats, $1.00; Genend Admission, 75Cts.; Balcony, 5octs. Reserved seats now on sale at Copeland's. W. C. IRBY, Jr., Attorney at Law. Will practice in all Stato Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. W. Y. BOYD, Attorney at Law. Will practice in all State Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. v* " J.' UL^ ^ft'' fl.'' M.' ^M.' ^M.'' U ' ~-1.' * U v t,' ^1^1' VM' ^ J.' 'A' *Jt''J " I; ~- M.' 'JL''&." VH'\g'VÜ ' v-3.' "-A' ^JL^ \*/ sg/' «J. E. Minter St Bro., Laurens' Leading Clothing and Shoe Store, announce to the public that their Fall Stock is now ready for inspection. With a Larger Stock! Bigger Values! Better Goods and Lower Prices! We ask for your fall business, because we honestly believe we can make it to your interest to trade with us. We have made great preparations for this fall; have bought heavily in all our lines, and before the recent advance in cotton goods. 1 .^ \ l'A'3 by H.llh Sole agents for the Famous Dorothy Dodd Shoe for Ladies. Do you wish to dress well, and at the same time econom¬ ically? If so, buy one of our HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX Hand-Tailored Suits. Style, Individuality, Fit and Quality characterize every one of these suits, and the best dressed men in every part of the United States arc wearing them. In selecting your wearables here you know that you can select any garment in our stock with perfect confidence. You know that Style, Fit and Wear are assured.that you get 100 cents worth for every dollar spent. Men's Fine Sltits, . #15.00 $18.00 $20.00 Men's Nobby Suits, . 10.00 12.50 Men's Wool Sltits, . 5.00 7.50 8.50 We have not overlooked the boys and youths, for we have a complete line of dependable clothing for boys; so the mothers need not worry, for we have good strong suits to stand the rough wear they are subjected to. Youths' Suits, . $3.00 to $10.00 Boys' Suits. .,.s.. 1.co " 5.00 &Sr Big line of ODD PANTS for Men and Boys, all at the LOWEST PRICE consistent with the Quality. Shoes! Sole agents for the Florsheim Shoe for Men. The largest stock of .Shoes in Laurens is yours to choose from. Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes in all styles and sizes. Every kind of Shoe for every kind of man, and at LOWEST PRICES. We would call particular attention to our line of SCHOOL SHOES, which wc believe will stand more wear than any Shoe at the price. We sell Leather Shoes for men and women. They last because they arc leather and not paper. Men's Shoes, - - $1.00 to $5.00 Women's Shoes, - 1.00 to 3.50 Children's Shoes 50 cents and up. WE WANT YOUR SHOE TRADE! We give you an HONEST SHOE everytiine you buy of us; and if it goes Wrong we make it RIGHT. Handsome Headgear for Fall You will want a new hat soon. WTe all like to look our best, and there's nothing like a nobby new hat to set off one's attire. Our stock of Furnishings, such as .Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Gloves and Hosiery is f very complete. There is nothing in this line you cannot find here at the LOWEST PRICES. Wc have 7 5 not overlooked the ladies, and arc showing a complete line of domestics of all kind.Staple Dry Goods, New £ S Waistings, Basket-Weave Oxfords, Table Linen, Towels, Blankets, etc. Come in and look around and try on 5 £ some of the new suits, etc. You will always find polite and courteous salesmen here, who will take pleasure ¦ . in showing you the new things. \\ JT. B. CDINTER St BRO. | Nfy^rN^wTs^rw^?^s^R^C^?^rN^sfy^rN/^?T\^rN^rN^rT^P^rN^rN^rN^\^s^rN^s^rs^K^E^rN^K7W> 'w^rw\7^..is,t.¦ "'. ws?fT hp ii i Ii ai \\ FÄLL OPENING! WE ANNOUNCE OUR OPENING DISPLAY OF FASHIONABLE MILLINERY -FOR¬ TH ursday, October First, 1903. We will also display the largest, best selected and most up-to-date line of Dress Goods and Trimmings we have ever shown. All the newest weaves and colorings adapted for stylish suits,.Broadcloths, Zibelines, Coverts, etc. A complete line of Black Dress Goods, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks and Wraps. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. THE HUB. Dial Corner. NEW DRESS GOODS! The Latest Styles as Seen on the Counters at W.Q. Wilson & Co. CRAPESCULA, this cloth resembles the Melrosc but of a smoother finished surface where dust will not penetrate nor the brush roughen. MAJESTIC SUBLIME, this is an even and exceedingly line twill and exquisite shade destined to keep pace with the quickest sellers of the season. IN THE HEAVIER WEIGHTS IS SHOWN: Granit Suiting, Prunella, Sharkskin, Cheviots, Storm Serges, Venetian and Broadcloths. FRENCH HERI ETTAS, these goods while they cannot}be classed among the newest weaves are always sought after.pure dye and high finish, exposure to the elements fails to change the color. Sterling value is offered in three numbers 36 inch Black Taffeta silk. The prices are $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 the yard. Table Linen, Hosiery and Underwear. Each department represents its special values. Inspection cordially solicited. Respectfully, W. G. WILSON & CO. DAVIS, L, AU R E DAVIS, ROPER & CO.* Outfitters to Particular People, Laurens, 5. C. WISE Is the Man Designers AND Makers ^ Fine jGlothing, who buys his COOL WEATHER CLOTHING in SEPTEMBER. lie has a larger assortment to select from, and he gets longer wear for the same price, with the added satisfaction of being the first to appear in up-to -date apparel. It's the old story of the "early bird's" feast. How much wiser then, is the man who confines his September se¬ lection to j OUR HAND TAILORED CLOTHES Our Hand Made Suits are a perfect expression of the tailoring art. The design, the materials, the honest workmanship, the general effect be¬ ing chosen with the specific view of adaptability to the use it is to be put .dress, clerical or business. J8@» The picture is intended to show one of the VERY LATEST favorites in FALL ATTIRE. Of course we have them in all the latest cuts.in all the Newest Fabrics.Round Cuts, Longs, Fats, Stouts, Extia Sizes. Special High Class Tailoring at $15-00 A Merchant Tailor would charge you more and give you no better fit or quality, and not as much style, and keep you waiting a week or ten days, beside. * School Knee Suits, This is the time that all the boys want School Suits. We have them in very best Patterns and Fabrics that can be found. Then the Price is right. Three of our Specials in this line $2.50 and $3.00. Beauties, every one.all will give good wear. We have other styles for other men, at other prices. Before you buy your FALL SUITS drop in and let us talk it over. ! IDA VIS. ROPER St CO. NS, S. O. 8 Millinery Display M, 1305. Display of all the latest Noveltses in Street and Pattern Hats, and all the Novelties in Dress Goods, Silks and Notions .All the ladies in La 11 re ns and County cordially invited to attend. Very respectfully, DAVIS. ROPER St CO.

WISE Millinery Display · 2017-12-18 · Ournewlineoffanoy rattan rockers arethe bestvalues ever shown In the c'.ty, theyare all newuptodate and the prices will interestyou. 8. M

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Page 1: WISE Millinery Display · 2017-12-18 · Ournewlineoffanoy rattan rockers arethe bestvalues ever shown In the c'.ty, theyare all newuptodate and the prices will interestyou. 8. M


The First Attraction inOctober.

GEN. JOHnIT GOKDON.A List of the Other Mem¬

bers.When and Whero Tickets Can bo He-

cured and Seats Rc-served.

Tho Laurons Lyceum Associationhas secured tho following attractionsfor the coming season:Gen. John B. Gordon in October.Charles Dencison Kellogg, about

November, 21st.Montauk Ladies O'tsrtet, December,

11th.Prof. Charles Lano, January, 5th.Hou. G. A. Gearhart, March, 10th.This is tho strongest courso that has

over boen oll'orod to a Laurons audi¬enceThe association is indeed fortunate

in being ablo to secure Gen. Gordon.He has never addreesod a Laurens audienco, and tho3o who have neverheard him will, in all probability, havetheir only chance of over listening totho groat Confederate chieftain; forthis is his last season on the platform.Suroly every survivor qf the Lost Cause

nlty to htar Gen. Gordon.Double season tickets to tho tive at-

tract'ons will cost only $3.00. We havealready secured tho required numborof subscribers and can receive only afew more. 1 f you desiro to become amcmbor send in your name before Oc¬tober 1st.

All membors are hereby notifiedthat tickots will be on salo at the Ben-Dolla hotel on October 1st from 3 to 7o'clock P. M.Tho other attractions arc all excel¬

lent, any ono of which is more thanWorth the price of a ticket. A briefdescription of those attractions will begiven later on.For further information call on B. L.


Something New Each Week.Bargains

We will run for a week at a timeonly tho following bargains, beginningSeptember 15th: Fiist woek: box pa¬per; second week, combs and brushes;third week, pocket books and cardcases; fourth week, fancy toilet 6etsand novelties; s'xth week, pipes: sev-onth week, books, Remember theweeks you want a bargain.

First week don't forget.50 centsbox paper for 25 cents; 30 cents boxpaper for lß cents; 25 cents box paperfor 10 cents: 25 1 pound package 10 cts.;envelopes 3 cents.

Don't forget next week combs andbrushes. Childron going to collegesnow is the to get them.

For a bilious attack take Chamber¬lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets anda quick cure is certain. For salo byLaurens Drug Co.


Fickcd Up.

Palmetto Drug Co.

MERCHANTS NEWS.Mr. John Eiohelborgcr has opöneü

a fruit, poultry and ogg market at thocorner of Laurens and Otrollno streets.Our new line of fanoy rattan rockers

are the best values ever shown In thec'.ty, they are all new uptodate and theprices will interest you.

8. M. & E. H. Wilkes.No us£sending to New York for yourdress goods. We have the newest.

O. B. Simmons Co.Ladies cannot atf^rd to visit Lau¬

rens and not call to see tho mammothsteck of

Davis, Roper & CoRemember we carry the host lino of

table knives .md forks and spcons to bofound in the city, and our prices arothe lowest, call and look through ourline before you buy.

S. M. &' E. H Wllkep.Great in varloty, high in style, but

low la price is the way you find themat O. B. Simmons Co.Now lire of couches just In uphol¬stered in leather and velours in now

and pretty pa'terns, its by odds thebest line ever shown in the city, eeothe double head adjustable divans, thoyare beauties and very cheap.

S. M. & E. DT. Wilkos.Yon can find all the now things men¬

tioned in the niaga/.inos at O. D. Sim¬mons Co.

1,500 yards of 0 oa all wool fillingJeans. Regular retail prico 83k cents;our prico 25 cents.

Davis, Roper & Co.The groatost line of values In black

dress goods over brought to this mark¬et. Trices from 10 cents to $2.00.

Davis, Roper & CoTeachers Association.

The Laurens County Teachers Arso-ciation will meet in the Graded SchoolBuilding, first Saturday in October, at11 o'clock. After organization, plansfor offering the schools will be disouesedAll teachers of tho county are expectedto bo present.

CHARLES P. BROOKS,County Supt. of Education.Cool Weather Clothing.

There is forceful logic in tho argu¬ment by Davis, Roper & Co., in hisadvertisement in this issue that, it iswise to buy Fall Clothes in Septemberbecause the buyer gets longer wear forhis money, and a largea assortment tosolect from. This firm handles HandTailored Clothing of Leading Manu¬facturers of tho United Statos. Stylishdressers ought to take a look at thoirnew arrivals.

CITY OPERA HOUSE!J. K. Vance, Manager.

Wednesday Night Sept. 30,.the famous.


Will present the celebratedComic Opera,

GIRAFLE-GIRAFLE.Reserved seats, $1.00; Genend

Admission, 75Cts.; Balcony, 5octs.Reserved seats now on sale atCopeland's.W. C. IRBY, Jr.,Attorney at Law.

Will practice in all Stato Courts.Prompt attention given to all business.

W. Y. BOYD,Attorney at Law.

Will practice in all State Courts.Prompt attention given to all business.

v* " J.' UL^ ^ft'' fl.'' M.' ^M.' ^M.'' U ' ~-1.' * U v t,' ^1^1' VM' ^ J.' 'A' *Jt''J " I; ~- M.' 'JL''&." VH'\g'VÜ ' v-3.' "-A' ^JL^ \*/ sg/'

«J. E. Minter St Bro.,Laurens' Leading Clothing and Shoe Store, announce to the publicthat their Fall Stock is now ready for inspection.With a Larger Stock! Bigger Values! Better Goods and Lower Prices!

We ask for your fall business, because we honestly believe we can make it to your interest to tradewith us. We have made great preparations for this fall; have bought heavily in allour lines, and before the recent advance in cotton goods.

1 .^ \ l'A'3 by H.llh

Sole agents for theFamous

Dorothy Dodd Shoefor Ladies.

Do you wish to dress well, and at the same time econom¬ically? If so, buy one of our HART, SCHAFFNER &MARX Hand-Tailored Suits. Style, Individuality, Fitand Quality characterize every one of these suits, and thebest dressed men in every part of the United States arcwearing them. In selecting your wearables here youknow that you can select any garment in our stock withperfect confidence. You know that Style, Fit and Wearare assured.that you get 100 cents worth for every dollarspent.

Men's Fine Sltits, . #15.00 $18.00 $20.00Men's Nobby Suits,. 10.00 12.50Men's Wool Sltits, . 5.00 7.50 8.50We have not overlooked the boys and youths, for we

have a complete line of dependable clothing for boys; sothe mothers need not worry, for we have good strong suitsto stand the rough wear they are subjected to.

Youths' Suits, . $3.00 to $10.00Boys' Suits. .,.s.. 1.co " 5.00

&Sr Big line of ODD PANTS for Men and Boys, all atthe LOWEST PRICE consistent with the Quality.

Shoes! Sole agents for theFlorsheim Shoe

for Men.

The largest stock of .Shoes in Laurens is yours to choose from. Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes in allstyles and sizes. Every kind of Shoe for every kind of man, and at LOWEST PRICES. We wouldcall particular attention to our line of SCHOOL SHOES, which wc believe will stand morewear than any Shoe at the price. We sell Leather Shoes for men and women.They last because they arc leather and not paper.Men's Shoes, - - $1.00 to $5.00Women's Shoes, - 1.00 to 3.50Children's Shoes 50 cents and up.

WE WANT YOUR SHOE TRADE! We give you an HONEST SHOE everytiine you buy of us; andif it goes Wrong we make it RIGHT.

Handsome Headgear for FallYou will want a new hat soon. WTe all like to look our best, and there's nothing like a nobby new hatto set off one's attire. Our stock of Furnishings, such as .Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Gloves and Hosiery is

f very complete. There is nothing in this line you cannot find here at the LOWEST PRICES. Wc have7 5 not overlooked the ladies, and arc showing a complete line of domestics of all kind.Staple Dry Goods, New£ S Waistings, Basket-Weave Oxfords, Table Linen, Towels, Blankets, etc. Come in and look around and try on5 £ some of the new suits, etc. You will always find polite and courteous salesmen here, who will take pleasure¦ . in showing you the new things.\\ JT. B. CDINTER St BRO. |Nfy^rN^wTs^rw^?^s^R^C^?^rN^sfy^rN/^?T\^rN^rN^rT^P^rN^rN^rN^\^s^rN^s^rs^K^E^rN^K7W> 'w^rw\7^..is,t.¦ "'. ws?fT



THursday, October First, 1903.

We will also display the largest, best selected and most

up-to-date line of

Dress Goods and Trimmingswe have ever shown. All the newest weaves and colorings

adapted for stylish suits,.Broadcloths, Zibelines,Coverts, etc. A complete line of Black

Dress Goods, Ladies', Misses' andChildren's Cloaks and


THE HUB.Dial Corner.


The Latest Styles asSeen on the Counters at


this cloth resembles the Melrosc but of asmoother finished surface where dust willnot penetrate nor the brush roughen.

MAJESTIC SUBLIME,this is an even and exceedingly line twilland exquisite shade destined to keep pacewith the quickest sellers of the season.

IN THE HEAVIER WEIGHTS IS SHOWN:Granit Suiting, Prunella, Sharkskin, Cheviots,Storm Serges, Venetian and Broadcloths.FRENCH HERIETTAS,these goods while they cannot}be classed

among the newest weaves are alwayssought after.pure dye and high finish,exposure to the elements fails to changethe color.

Sterling value is offered in three numbers 36 inch BlackTaffeta silk. The prices are $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 the yard.Table Linen, Hosiery and Underwear. Each departmentrepresents its special values. Inspection cordially solicited.Respectfully,



DAVIS, ROPER & CO.*Outfitters to Particular People,

Laurens, 5. C.

WISE Is the Man




who buys his COOL WEATHER CLOTHING in SEPTEMBER. liehas a larger assortment to select from, and he gets longer wear for the sameprice, with the added satisfaction of being the first to appear in up-to -dateapparel. It's the old story of the "early bird's" feast.

How much wiser then, is the man who confines his September se¬lection to j

OUR HAND TAILORED CLOTHESOur Hand Made Suits are a perfect expression of the tailoring art.The design, the materials, the honest workmanship, the general effect be¬

ing chosen with the specific view of adaptability to the use it is to be put.dress, clerical or business.

J8@» The picture is intended to show one of the VERY LATEST favorites in FALL ATTIRE. Of course wehave them in all the latest cuts.in all the Newest Fabrics.Round Cuts, Longs, Fats, Stouts, Extia Sizes.Special High Class Tailoring at

$15-00A Merchant Tailor would charge you more and give you no better fit or quality,and not as much style, and keep you waiting a week or ten days, beside.

* School Knee Suits,This is the time that all the boys want School Suits. We have them in very bestPatterns and Fabrics that can be found. Then the Price is right.Three of our Specials in this line $2.50 and $3.00. Beauties, everyone.all will give good wear.We have other styles for other men, at other prices. Before you

buy your FALL SUITS drop in and let us talk it over.! IDAVIS. ROPER St CO.

NS, S. O. 8

Millinery DisplayM, 1305.

Display of all the latest Noveltses in Street and Pattern Hats,and all the Novelties in Dress Goods, Silks and Notions .All the ladiesin La11 rens and County cordially invited to attend.

Very respectfully,DAVIS. ROPER St CO.