Winter Break Holiday Home Work (2017-18) Class IX Hindi Worksheet 1 1. चऱते-ऩ रजे ऱोग धमम के नाम ऩर या करते ह ? 2. चाऱाक ऱोग साधारण आदमी की ककस अवथा का ऱाभ उठाते ह ? 3. धमम और ईमान के नाम ऩर कए जाने वाऱे भीषण याऩार को कै से रोका जा सकता है ? 4. महामा गाधी के धमम सबधी ववचारो ऩर काश डालऱये। 5. सबके कयाण हेत अऩने आचरण को स धारना य आवयक है ?

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Winter Break Holiday Home Work (2017-18)

Class IX


Worksheet 1

1. चऱते-ऩरुजे ऱोग धमम के नाम ऩर क्या करत ेहैं?

2. चाऱाक ऱोग साधारण आदमी की ककस अवस्था का ऱाभ उठाते हैं?

3. धमम और ईमान के नाम ऩर ककए जान ेवाऱे भीषण व्याऩार को कैसे रोका जा सकता है?

4. महात्मा गाांधी के धमम सम्बन्धी ववचारो ऩर प्रकाश डालऱये।

5. सबके कल्याण हेत ुअऩने आचरण को सधुारना क्यों आवश्यक है?

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Winter Break Holiday Home Work (2017-18)

Class IX


Worksheet 2

निम्िलऱखित प्रश्िों के उत्तर कम से कम 80 शब्दों में लऱखिए

1. ‘अग्निपथ’ कविता का मऱूभाि क्या है? स्पष्ट कीग्िए।

2. 'िुशब ूरचिेिाऱे हाथ' कैसी पररग्स्थनतयों में तथा कहाॉ-कहाॉ रहते हैं?

3. ‘िए इऱाके में’ कविता में कवि िे शहरों को ककस विडॊबिा की ओर सॊकेत ककया है?

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Winter Break Holiday Home Work (2017-18)

Class IX


Worksheet 3

1. निम्िलऱखित उपसर्गों का प्रयोर्ग करके दो-दो शब्द बिाइए −

ऱा, बे, बद, िा, िुश, हर, र्गैर, अ, नि, अि, दरु,् वि, कु, सु, अधि

2. निम्िलऱखित शब्दों में 'इक' प्रत्यय ऱर्गाकर शब्दों को पिुः लऱखिए –

सप्ताह, साहहत्य, व्यक्तित, रानितनत, अ्थ, मास, िर्थ, विशरे्, भरू्गोऱ, उपनििेश

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Read the passage below, and answer the questions that follow. Paste the worksheet in your

HW copy.

While conducting a workshop in a school, I was shocked to see that children were punished if

they drew mountains without a scale. Each hill had to be of the same size and if any student

looked out of the window and drew the landscape as it appeared before his eyes, he was

given a ‘zero’ by the drawing master. In India, once art and life flowed in one graceful

balanced line, but now there is a total neglect of art in education.

According to Indian classical tradition, a person was considered properly educated and

cultured only if he was fully knowledgeable about all the sixty-four arts listed in the scriptures.

Today there is an urgent need to reintroduce art education in school curriculum. All children

have a vivid imagination which makes them natural artists. Unless this skill is allowed to grow

it will never reach its potential. Most children become conscious of their artistic skills after the

age of eight. Till then they draw and paint with immense enthusiasm and are confident about

their art. Like seedlings they need to be protected and sheltered at this stage. An insensitive

remark kills this budding talent and the child will never be interested in art again.

Creativity is a misunderstood word. Creativity in education is even more ambiguous. The aim

of art activities is not to make the child an artist. In fact, most children will not be interested in

professional careers as painters and will choose more conventional professions, but a good

art education will help the child to grow into a more sensitive adult. It will enable him to acquire

knowledge on a different plane, develop communication skills and express ideas through non-

verbal means, since visual art is a highly effective tool to communicate in an abstract and

multi-dimensional way. It will help the child to look at his world with new eyes and develop

keen powers of observation.

Art activities need not always be isolated. There are many meaningful ways of integrating

visual art experiences with the study of other disciplines. Language, science, mathematics

and even basic hygiene can be taught through creative art workshops. Original thinking,

diversity of creative expression and freedom of expression will enhance the learning process

and allow the child to experience art at its best and most rewarding form. It is the responsibility

of teachers, artists and parents to ensure that even the most simple art activity is carried out

with care to enable our children to grow into good human beings.

a) The problem with Indian art education, nowadays, is that ……………………….

b) Indian tradition would consider a person educated only ……………………………………..

c) All children are natural artists because ……………………..

d) The child loses interest in art when ……………………..

e) A good art education helps a child ………………………….

f) A child can express ideas through non-verbal means because …………………….

g) The learning process can be enhanced by …………………………...

h) A word in the passage that means callous ………………………

i) A word in the passage that can be replaced with puzzling ……………………

j) What is the antonym of the word enhance? …………………………..

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(1) In a circle with centre O, chords AB and CD are of lengths 4 cm each and

subtend angles x ⁰ and y⁰ at the centre of the circle respectively. What is the

relation between x⁰ and y⁰? Give reason for your answer.

(2) PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral .If QRS=75˚, then find SPQ.

(3) In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. Find the value of x.

(4) Two concentric circles with centre O have A, B, C and D as points of intersection

with a line ℓ as shown in the figure. If AD = 12 cm, and BC = 8 cm, find the length

of AB.

(5) O is the centre of the circle and ∠AOC = 100⁰. Find ∠ADC and ∠ABC

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(6) In the given figure, chord ED is parallel to diameter AC. If ∠CBE = 65⁰, find


(7) In the given figure, AB and CD are two chords of a circle with centre O at

distances of 6 cm and 8 cm respectively from O. If the radius of the circle is 10

cm, find the lengths of the chords.

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1. State the difference between

i) Electromagnetic and mechanical waves

ii) Transverse and longitudinal wave

Give one example each of the above

2. Define the following terms for a sound wave:

i) amplitude ii) wavelength iii) time period iv) frequency

Give the S.I. unit of each of them

3. With the help of a diagram differentiate between

i) Soft and loud sound

ii) High pitch and low pitch sound

4. The time period of a vibrating object is 0.005 s. Find the frequency of waves

emitted by it.

5. Flash and thunder are produced simultaneously. But thunder is heard a few

seconds after the flash is seen. Why?

6. Define Power. Give its SI unit.

7. Calculate the energy possessed by a stone of mass 20g kept at a height of

5m.Take g =10m/s2

8. What will be the kinetic energy of a body when its mass is made four times and

its velocity is doubled.

9. Write the energy transformation in thermal power plant.

10. State the law of conservation of energy.

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1. State law of definite proportion.

2. Write chemical formulae of the following:-

a) Calcium carbonate

b) Aluminium chloride

c) Sodium hydroxide

d) Magnesium Oxide

3. Write limitation of Rutherford’s model of atom?

4. Convert into mole:-

a) 22g of carbon dioxide

b) 12g of oxygen gas

5. Write one difference between sodium atom & sodium ion.

6. What are canal rays?

7. If Z=3, what would be the valency of the element? Also, name the element.

8. Calculate the number of particles in each of the following:-

a) 46g of Na atoms

b) 0.1 mole of carbon atoms

9. What is Thomson’s model of atom?

10. If both K and L-shells of an atom are full, what is the total number of electrons

contained in them?

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1. Name the following:

a) Two biologically important compounds that contain both nitrogen and


b) Green house gases

c) Nitrogen fixing bacteria

d) Micronutrients

2. Differentiate between:

a) Manures and fertilizers

b) Chemical and biological fixing of nitrogen

3. Answer the following:

a) How is ozone produced in atmosphere?

b) Why should preventive and biological methods be preferred for protecting


c) Reena’s father bought few fruits from market and asked everybody to

wash it properly before eating. Her sister was in hurry and hence she ate

an apple before washing it.

i) Why did Reena’s father ask her to wash the fruits before eating?

ii) Write any two values shown by Reena’s father.

d) List some important traits in improved crops.

e) Why is excess use of fertilizers detrimental for environment?

f) Explain the term bio fertilizers.

g) What is biological pest control?

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Q1. Define the term Flora and Fauna.

Q2. How does Relief affect the Natural vegetation of an area?

Q3. Why are the western slopes of the Western Ghats covered with thick forests and

not the eastern slopes?

Q4. How does forest play an important role in preserving the Ecosystem?

Q5. Define an Ecosystem? How do the Human beings influence the Ecology of a


Q6. Distinguish between Tropical Evergreen and Tropical Deciduous forest.

Q7. What is a Biosphere Reserve? Give examples.

Q8. What are the important steps taken by the government to protect flora and fauna

of the country?

Q9. On an outline Map of India, Locate and label the following:

A. Corbett National Park

B. Kaziranga National Park

C. Gir National Park

D. Ranthambhor wildlife Sanctuary

Q10. On an outline Map of India Locate the following with appropriate sings and


A. Areas of Evergreen forests

B. Areas of Tropical Deciduous forests

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Q1 What is meant by „deforestation‟?

Q2 Name the first inspector general of forests in India.

Q3 Why were the forests considered unproductive by the British?

Q4 What are the various uses of forests in our day to day lives? Give three points.

Q5 What were the main causes of deforestation in India during British rule? Give five


Q6 How were the forests classified on the basis of the forest act of 1878?

Q7 What is shifting cultivation? Why did the Europeans decided to ban it?

Q8 What do you know about the scientific forestry?

Q9 “The forest act meant severe hardship for the villagers across the country”.

Justify in three points.

Q10 In what ways did the British regulate forest trade?