winter 2020 Beyond Seed - WinField® United...land o’ akes®, inc. NuTRITION FaCTS calories 630 fat 27 g cholesterol 135 mg sodium 1780 mg carbohydrate 66 g Protein 33 g dietary

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winter 2020


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we always welcome feedback and we would love to hear from you. Please send comments to:

[email protected] — 701-897-1484 winfieldunited.com croplan.com

Please send address changes, subscription requests and/or requests to be removed from this mailing to:

winfield solutions, llc P.o. Box 64281 st. Paul, mn 55164

copyright © 2020 by winfield united.

A rt i c l e S

land o’lakes® recipe 3

new spring wheat Varieties Join 6 the croPlan® seed Portfolio

2019 Yield report – spring wheat 8 answer Plot® data

north example crop Budget sheet 9

Prosun™ Precise helps achieve 14 uniform sunflower stands

on-farm trials help identify ways 16 to improve wheat Yield, Protein

customer testimonial 19

PrOMiSinG eXPeriMentAL SPrinG wHeAt VArietieS COULD Be in YOUr FieLDS BY 2021


tHree new SPrinG CAnOLA HYBriDS ADDeD tO tHe 2020 CrOPLAn® SeeD LineUP



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Page 3: winter 2020 Beyond Seed - WinField® United...land o’ akes®, inc. NuTRITION FaCTS calories 630 fat 27 g cholesterol 135 mg sodium 1780 mg carbohydrate 66 g Protein 33 g dietary

A rt i c l e S

land o’lakes® recipe 3

new spring wheat Varieties Join 6 the croPlan® seed Portfolio

2019 Yield report – spring wheat 8 answer Plot® data

north example crop Budget sheet 9

Prosun™ Precise helps achieve 14 uniform sunflower stands

on-farm trials help identify ways 16 to improve wheat Yield, Protein

customer testimonial 19



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Preparation time: 20 minutes Total time: 1 hour 20 minutes Serves: 8

INGREDIENTS: (chili)2 tablespoons land o’lakes® Butter1 1/4 pounds lean ground beef 1 medium (1 cup) onion, chopped 1 small (1/2 cup) green bell pepper, chopped 2 (14.5-ounce) cans diced tomatoes, undrained 2 (16-ounce) cans kidney beans, rinsed, drained 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed, drained 1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce 2 teaspoons chili powder 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper


melt 2 tablespoons butter in 6-quart saucepan until sizzling; add ground beef, onions, green pepper, salt and pepper. cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until meat is browned. drain off fat, if necessary.

stir in all remaining chili ingredients. Bring to a full boil; reduce to a simmer. simmer 30-40 minutes or until flavors have combined and mixture has thickened.

Heat waffle iron.

combine 1/4 cup butter and sugar in bowl; beat at medium speed, scraping bowl often, until creamy. add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. stir in sour cream and milk. add all remaining waffle ingredients except cheese. Beat at low speed just until well mixed.

spray waffle iron with no-stick cooking spray. Pour 2/3 cup batter into waffle iron. cook according to waffle iron instructions.

remove waffle from waffle iron; immediately top waffle with 2 slices cheese. cover loosely with aluminum foil while preparing other waffles.

cut each waffle in half; top with 1 cup chili and sour cream, if desired.

RECIPE TIP: sizes of waffle irons vary. follow your waffle iron instructions for right amount of filling.

©2020 land o’lakes®, inc.


calories 630fat 27 gcholesterol 135 mgsodium 1780 mgcarbohydrate 66 gProtein 33 g dietary fiber 14 g

(waffles)1/4 cup land o’lakes® Butter, softened 3 tablespoons sugar 2 large land o’lakes® eggs1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 cup milk 1 cup all-purpose flour 2/3 cup yellow cornmeal 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 8 (3/4-ounce) slices land o’lakes® deli american cheesesour cream, if desired

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like any crop, sunflowers can respond well to variable rate populations, provided you have enough variability in your fields. the trick, of course, is finding the right balance.

Plants run the risk of growing a huge head when populations are too low, which means you’re leaving yield on the table by not having more plants in the ground. Plus, large heads place too much weight on the stalk and tend to have trouble drying down for harvest. if a stand is planted too thick, the plants will respond by growing taller to compete for sunlight. as a result, you’ll have smaller heads and lower yield potential, along with the risk of plants falling over later in the season because of their height.

the strategy for variable rate seeding sunflowers is similar to that of corn. in fact, most farmers use row planters to seed sunflowers. that said, many sunflower producers use an air seeder. either way, if you invested in equipment to plant other crops at variable populations, you probably already have what you need to do the same with sunflowers.


the best way to begin is to consult your local agronomist to help map out your fields and separate them into at least two or three different management zones. they will analyze yield maps and historical satellite/aerial imagery to identify correlations and patterns. in areas of extreme variability, you might also consider mapping your fields

with an electrical conductivity sensor, which measures the electrical current conducted by soil. since smaller soil particles like clay conduct more current than larger silt and sand particles, this technology allows you to gauge soil texture variability within the crop root zone.

Your agronomist will input all of this information into a precision ag application like the r7® tool by winfield® united to generate field performance potential for every acre, enabling them to recommend seeding prescriptions that align with the potential of each zone. typically this will mean increasing populations in the more productive areas of your fields and decreasing them in zones with lower performance, like hilltops.

a difference between variable rate seeding corn and sunflowers is that population swings are not as extreme from zone to zone with sunflowers. in my experiences helping farmers fine-tune their seeding rates in southwestern north dakota, they’ve had the most success when planting a maximum of 26,000 seeds/a in the best-performing areas of their fields. in the lowest-producing zones, getting down to populations around 18,000 seeds/a has provided some great results. whether you have two zones or five, staying within this range maximizes yield potential in each zone without compromising head size and stalk strength. every field is different of course, so you need to put in the work to determine the best rates for your acres, and continue to refine them.

sunflowers have GoodPotential for variablerate seedinGchris Heidrich, WinField United District Sales Manager

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another important piece in variable rating sunflowers is variety selection. for the best results, you’ll want to choose a product that won’t get too tall, and you’ll also want a product that has a good disease package. choosing a product that is “weak in the knees” or prone to infections from diseases like Phomopsis, stalk rot or sclerotinia can make your variable rate seeding experience an unpleasant endeavor.

in addition to optimizing overall yield potential, an added benefit of variable rate seeding is that it has the potential to help you achieve more uniform plant drydown across your fields. as mentioned earlier, if stands in lower-producing areas of a field are over-populated, there’s a good chance that they will have smaller stalks and heads that dry down rapidly. But if the best-performing areas of a field are under populated, it’s likely that the plants will have larger stalks and heads that have much higher moisture levels. having both scenarios in the same field can make harvest quite a challenge, but planting the right populations across a field with variability can help prevent this from occurring.


once you start planting your crop at different seeding rates, you should also take the opportunity to apply

variable rate fertility treatments. fertility should be managed the same as population – apply more nutrients in on the highest-producing zones and less on the lower-producing zones.

as far as timing is concerned, most farmers opt to apply n in spring rather than fall to reduce the potential for leaching or denitrification. care should be taken to avoid over-applying n, as it results in a negligible yield increase and leads to taller stalks and larger heads and leaves, making sunflower plants more prone to late season root lodging.

some farmers might get the added bonus of reducing their input costs by utilizing variable rate practices, while others will find that the costs stay the same because they end up redistributing seed and n to other areas of their field. either way, the main objective of supplying the correct amount of seed and n to the right acres is to help optimize yield potential and overall profit potential.

if you’re planting sunflowers this spring and you’re curious about employing variable rate practices in your operation, call your local winfield united retailer now to get the process started for 2020.

©2020 croPlan®, r7® and winfield® are registered trademarks of winfield united.

Your local agronomist can use the r7® tool by winfield® united to analyze yield maps and historical imagery and separate your fields into different management zones based on yield potential. this will enable them to recommend the right individual seeding rates for each zone.

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new sPrinG wheat varieties Join the CroPlan® seed PortfolioJamie kloster, WinField United Technical Seed Agronomisttwitter: @Jamieklost

we’re always focused on bringing the best spring wheat genetics to market at winfield® united. that means improving upon our existing varieties when possible, which we believe are already some of the best on the market.

thanks to this persistent focus on wheat research, we’re pleased to introduce two new spring wheat varieties to the croPlan® seed lineup for 2020. here’s a glance at the strengths and best positioning of each of these varieties.


croPlan cP3910 is engineered to deliver top-end yield potential on well-performing soils while still providing decent protein content, making this new racehorse variety an excellent selection for your most productive acres. it also boasts a good standability score. Better performance is expected in north dakota’s red river Valley than in the western part of the state.

•Producthastop-endyieldpotentialand acceptable protein

•Bestperformanceonmoderate-tohigher-yielding ground




Test WeightFusarium Head Blight


Not Recommended Excellent

New product has top-end yield and acceptable protein

Best performance on moderate-to higher-yieldingground

Recommend low planting populations

Medium variety with very good standability

5 4 3 2 1


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the versatility of new croPlan cP3915 spring wheat makes it a stable fit for fields from eastern montana all the way into northwestern minnesota. this well-balanced variety delivers good yield potential, average to above average protein content, good standability and strong disease resistance. this product shows exceptional resistance against bacterial leaf streak.

•Best-suitedforEasternMontanathrough the dakotas into northwestern minnesota

•Verygoodtestweight;proteinissimilar to cP3530


•LowResponsetoPopulation(RTP);high response to nitrogen (rtn)

supplies of these new spring wheat varieties will be limited in certain geographies, so reach out to your local winfield united retailer now if you’re interested in placing an order for the 2020 planting season.

©2020 croPlan® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united.


Test WeightFusarium Head Blight


Not Recommended Excellent

5 4 3 2 1

New product best-suited for Eastern Montana through the Dakotas into Northwestern Minnesota

Very good test weight; protein is an improvement over cP3888, similar to cP3616 and cP3530

Medium height with good standability

Low Response to Population; high Response to Nitrogen


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ProdUct FinAl yieldBU/A

%MeAn MoiStUre teSt






CPX35319 70.7 119.1 13.7 52.5 13.6 98.9 93.6 44.3 46.1

CPX35519 68.4 115.2 14.7 53.5 12.6 73.0 90.6 61.3 48.9

CP3915 67.6 113.7 15.2 55.9 14.5 82.7 83.0 55.0 49.5

CP3504 65.2 109.7 14.2 54.0 13.5 76.8 85.3 56.2 42.5

wB9590 62.3 104.8 14.7 54.0 14.4 71.0 85.5 54.8 37.9

CP3910 59.2 99.6 14.8 54.2 14.2 70.1 77.5 58.4 30.9

LCS trigger 58.9 99.1 15.5 55.3 13.2 72.8 77.0 46.9 38.9

CP3530 58.6 98.7 15.5 53.5 14.7 64.3 79.9 50.3 40.1

CP3888 58.2 98.0 14.2 54.3 14.2 61.6 81.5 55.9 34.0

Faller 58.0 97.6 14.6 54.3 13.9 73.4 69.5 50.1 39.0

SY Soren 55.9 94.0 14.5 55.3 14.8 59.6 74.5 58.5 30.9

SY ingmar 55.2 92.9 15.4 55.7 14.6 62.8 72.7 50.3 35.0

CV 4.293 3.443 1.002 1.772 11.933 8.807 13.637 12.677

MeAn 55.1 14.4 53.8 13.9 68.9 78.0 53.6 37.2

LSD (.10) 3.2 0.5 0.6 0.4 6.8 5.7 6.0 2.7

total reps 40 40 40 37 8 8 8 16

2019 yield rePortsPrinG wheat answer Plot® data

* fessenden yields were lower than anticipated. this is not due to lower yield environments, but rather a late-season hailstorm that significantly impacted yield. look to Bismarck data as a true low-yield site.

** Because of factors outside of winfield solutions’ control, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, profits, losses or otherwise, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by winfield solutions, llc.

*** individual results and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. these results may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible.

©2020 croPlan®, answer Plot®, Beyond seed® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united. all other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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* Pricing data based on the average of elevators in the north Central north Dakota region as of 12/18/19.* expenses are estimates only and based on the average costs for the expenses listed in the north Central north Dakota region.contact your local seed agronomy advisor for your own customized version. Because of factors outside of winfield united’s control, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, profits, losses or otherwise, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by winfield solutions.

Data provided is an example only. Actual results may vary. winfield Solutions, LLC shall have no liability in connection with the performance of your operation.winfield solutions, its affiliates and subsidiaries – and its agents and employees – are not authorized to make a representation of profitability, financial or sales performance in this or any related documents. likewise, winfield solutions does not and cannot make or provide any estimates, representations or projections regarding sales, expenses or profits. this information represents estimates and projections based solely on assumptions made for illustration purposes. winfield solutions and its affiliates and subsidiaries – and its agents and employees disclaim any liability and responsibility in connection with those estimates and projections.

©2020 croPlan®, Beyond seed® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united.

north examPle CroP budGet sheet*

many factors go into determining which crops to rotate to and how to manage them, so these decisions shouldn’t be based on gut reactions alone. at winfield® united, we’re focused on giving you the right tools to help you decide what’s best for your acres. for that reason, we like to provide example crop budget sheets in Beyond Seed® magazine.

crop values and input costs are constantly changing and often vary by region. therefore, the figures in these budget sheets are always ballpark estimates. But the analysis of income, estimated expenses, fixed costs and

return on investment (roi) is an accurate guideline when it comes to helping you think through the pros and cons of each crop and its management options.

we encourage you to work with your local agronomist to use their electronic versions of these budget sheets to help you customize the figures for your fields. it’s a great collaborative tool and it puts you and your agronomist on the same page – both literally and figuratively.

inCOMe CrOPLAn® Spring wheat

Public Spring wheat

winter wheat Soybean rr Canola rr Canola LL Sunflower

express SunSunflower Clearfield Corn

Average Yield 66 56 68 38 21.00 20.00 19.50 19.50 140

Price* $4.98 $4.98 $3.85 $8.15 $15.87 $15.87 $19.49 $19.49 $3.25

Income/acre $328.68 $278.88 $261.80 $309.70 $333.27 $317.40 $380.13 $380.13 $455.00



Seed $23.11 $23.09 $18.22 $55.20 $46.25 $50.89 $34.09 $36.33 $94.29

Seed Treat/Inoculant $11.15 $6.15 $0.00 $9.50 in bag in bag in bag in bag in bag

Crop Protection Products

Tech Fee — — — in bag in bag in bag in bag in bag in bag

Chemicals $34.56 $31.51 $31.51 $51.13 $10.42 $16.42 $38.25 $41.63 $25.94


Fertilizer $63.68 $52.37 $65.94 $7.86 $55.86 $52.96 $31.75 $31.75 $88.34

Field Operations

Fuel & Lubrication $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $10.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.50

Repairs $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $19.00

Drying — — — — — — $7.00 $7.00 $12.00

Misc. Variable Costs

Crop Insurance $11.00 $11.00 $11.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $11.00 $11.00 $22.00

Operating Interest $6.88 $6.10 $6.39 $6.57 $6.12 $6.43 $6.06 $6.29 $11.00


Machinery $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $41.00 $39.00 $39.00 $44.00 $44.00 $54.00

Land Investment $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00

Total Costs/acre* $278.88 $258.73 $261.56 $271.75 $258.15 $266.20 $261.67 $267.50 $400.07

Net ROI/acre $49.80 $20.15 $0.24 $37.95 $75.12 $51.20 $118.47 $112.63 $54.93Break-even Yield 56 52 68 33 16.27 16.77 13.42 13.72 123

Break-even Price $4.23 $4.62 $3.85 $7.15 $12.29 $13.31 $13.42 $13.72 $2.86

Plus rotational Value

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three new sPrinG Canola hybrids added to the 2020CroPlan® seed lineuPMark Torno, Diverse Field Crops Product Manager Wheat, Canola, Sunflowertwitter: @marktornoatwork

at winfield® united, we maintain a strong commitment to spring canola by supplying some of the most cutting-edge, broad-based genetics in the industry. thanks to our constant focus on research and development, we’re excited to report the launch of three new croPlan® spring canola hybrids in 2020 – one of which has the long-awaited truflex™ trait from Bayer.

each of these new spring canola hybrids will provide growers with high-end yield potential, the tried and true roundup ready® weed control technology and enhanced resistance to blackleg. let’s take a closer look at the benefits these hybrids will bring to canola fields in 2020.


it’s been a long time coming due to delayed approval from export markets, but fortunately Bayer’s truflex™ trait was finally approved in 2019. this wait provided researchers with extra time to test new germplasm for local adaptation and develop a hybrid with high yield potential, reduced risk of shatter and more blackleg resistance. that describes croPlan cP9978tf truflex™ spring canola with roundup ready® technology to a t.

we have a limited supply of this new hybrid, which exhibits some of the best shatter resistance we’ve seen. it also delivered excellent yield potential in testing – not only in research plots, but also in the field for farmers. in addition to holding its pods and seeds well, cP9978tf spring canola has great standability so it doesn’t tangle up during harvest like some varieties. it also possesses enhanced blackleg resistance.

of course, the biggest benefit of cP9978tf spring canola is the improved weed control, greater flexibility and added crop safety that the truflex™ trait brings.

truflex™ canola gives farmers the option of flexible herbicide rates to help them get a better handle on tough-to-control weeds like dandelions, foxtail barley and wild buckwheat. it controls 51 different weed species compared to the 27 weed species controlled by Genuity® roundup ready® canola. a total of up to 44 oz/a of roundup PowermaX® can be applied in-crop on truflex™ canola with roundup ready® technology, and it has a wider application window than roundup ready® canola by 10 to 14 more days. this helps reduce the potential crop injury from spraying later than the 6 leaf stage on Genuity® roundup ready® canola, which often happens when wet spring conditions delay applications.*

*truflex canola claims supported by Bayer at https://www.genuity.com/specialty/Pages/truflex-canola.aspx and https://traits.bayer.ca/en/canola/truflex-canola-weed-control.

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we’re equally excited about croPlan cP9982rr Genuity® roundup ready® spring canola. although it lacks the extra weed control flexibility that cP9978tf spring canola offers, this new hybrid possesses tremendous yield potential and exceptional disease resistance. it’s an excellent selection for fields that offer a high yield environment for canola.

cP9982rr is an all-around strong performer. in addition to top-end yield potential, it has superb standability and handles lower seeding rates really well. it carries new multigenic resistance to blackleg and multiple resistance genes to clubroot.

since we have a limited supply of both cP9978tf and cP9982rr and they are winter production for 2020, i recommend calling your local winfield united retailer right away to secure your order.


this hybrid brings something to the table that we’ve been seeking for a long time – heat and drought stress tolerance in a spring canola. croPlan cP9919rr has very unique genetics from australia, where heat and drought are a priority in selection. not only is it the earliest hybrid in our lineup, but it’s also one of the earliest hybrids on the market; it’s 2 to 3 days earlier than cP930rr.

cP9919rr is an all-around strong performer, but in a full season or high yield environment, it will not yield with full maturity hybrids. it provides a great tool for resistance management of blackleg, as it carries new multigenic resistance to the disease. this hybrid is quite short, so we see average to higher seeding rates preforming well. we have good supply of this new product.

©2020 croPlan® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united. truflex™ is a trademark of Bayer. Genuity®, roundup ready® and PowermaX® are registered trademarks of monsanto.

answer Plot®, croPlan® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united. fortenza®, helix® and Vibrance® are trademarks of a syngenta Group company.

* lsd is 611.8 lbs/a. Because of factors outside of winfield solutions’ control, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, profits, losses or otherwise, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by winfield solutions, llc. individual results and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. these results may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible.

whichever spring canola hybrids you choose from the croPlan® seed portfolio, it’s really important to protect them from insect feeding during the fragile seedling stage. the margin for error continues to get smaller and smaller for canola producers, especially for those who are able to reduce seeding rates through precision planting technology.

flea beetles in particular tend to be a menace early in the growing season. some farmers opt to delay planting until flea beetle pressure slows down, but this practice often keeps your crop from reaching its full potential. in order to realize top-end yield potential, it’s essential to seed your canola stand early in the season. fortenza® seed treatment makes this a viable option by providing additional suppression of flee beetles on top of helix® Vibrance® seed treatment.

fortenza® also provides excellent control of cutworm, which is becoming increasingly prominent in canola. although it used to be a rare occurrence in the crop, it’s starting to hit field after field and it’s often missed during scouting. if you see an unexplained patch of thin stands when walking your

fields, cutworm is often the culprit.


fortenza® seed treatment is quickly taken up by the roots and moves upward in the plant through the xylem system. the active ingredient is also distributed into the soil around the root zone to form a bulb of protection against below ground insects. insects are controlled mainly by ingestion, but some contact activity can also be observed.

this convenient and flexible solution can deliver exceptional results in a variety of climatic conditions. it is designed to optimize the grower’s pest control experience, offering best-in-class early season insect protection while promoting improved crop establishment.

Pests like flea beetles and cutworms can be controlled with over-the-top insecticides, but applications must be timely to be effective. that means constantly scouting your crop for insect pressure and being ready to spray when the pests reach economic thresholds. that’s easier said than done considering all the other things that need to get done around the farm during the busy spring season, especially since one ill-timed rainfall can throw your entire schedule off.

call your local winfield® united retailer to have your spring canola seed treated for 2020.

fortenza® helPs establish stronG Canola stands

BertHold, nd AnSWer Plot® 2019 dAtA*VArietY & SeeD treAtMent YieLDCP9978tF Helix® Vibrance® + Fortenza® 1971 lbs/A

CP9978tF Helix® Vibrance® 1799 lbs/A

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Ryan Moeller, WinField United Technical Seed Agronomist

PromisinG exPerimental sPrinG wheat varieties Could be in your fields by 2021



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as thrilled as we are about the new croPlan® spring wheat varieties that we’re launching in 2020, we’re just as excited about what’s in store for the future. this year we focused our experimental trials on two european varieties that show incredible promise for farmers in the north central united states – croPlan cPX35319 and cPX35519.

early answer Plot® testing shows that both of these experimental varieties ranked among the top five performers at our answer Plot locations locations in north dakota in 2019. (this included comparisons between croPlan spring wheat varieties, competitive checks and potential future experimental varieties.) cPX35319 and cPX35519 share many of the same qualities, including the following:

•Top-end yield potential: along with the new croPlan cP3915 spring wheat variety that we’re launching next year, both of these experimental varieties yielded 5 to 10 bu/a more than anything else in our lineup. this is pretty substantial data considering how well our other varieties yield.

•large plant size with excellent standability: these varieties have a much larger flag leaf than any other croPlan spring wheat product or competing variety. the plants are also taller, but both varieties exhibit very good stem strength and standability. also, applying higher nitrogen (n) rates doesn’t appear to increase plant height dramatically or reduce straw strength, as can be the case with many spring wheat products.

•Very good disease package: Both of these varieties exhibit very good overall disease tolerance. they’re particularly strong against fusarium head scab and bacterial leaf streak, which can’t be controlled by fungicides. this was an ideal year to observe bacterial leaf streak resistance, as lot of wheat fields were hit hard due to the wet conditions. Both of these experimental varieties stood up to the disease remarkably well.

•later maturity: while cPX35319 and cPX35519 mature 4 to 5 days later than other products in the

the flag leaf of croPlan cPX35519 spring wheat positioned in the bottom is more than twice as wide as that of croPlan 3530 (top).

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croPlan spring wheat lineup, this allows for additional yield potential and can also help farmers better manage the busy fall season by spreading out their harvest workload.

•low Response to Population (RTP): in comparing low populations of 1.2 million seeds/a against high populations of 1.8 million seeds/a, both varieties showed only small increases in yield from an increase in seeding population. this indicates they build a bigger head with more grain under low populations, and won’t need to be planted at high populations in production fields.

•Moderate to higher Response to Nitrogen (RTN): early data has indicated that cPX35319 may need a moderate amount of n to realize its optimal yield potential, while cPX35519 has a higher rtn.


while these experimental varieties have a lot in common, there is one significant difference. cPX35519 has a really unique appearance because it lacks awns, and awnless varieties haven’t been utilized by growers in any major way for the past 10 to 20 years. however, possessing this quality means cPX35519 has great potential as a forage crop in addition to being harvested as wheat.

since there aren’t any awns interfering with feeding, producers can let the head emerge before harvesting a portion of their crop for forage. this will allow for kernel development and therefore more plant biomass to build up before harvesting for feed. then, if they so choose, producers can leave some of their crop standing until it reaches full maturity and harvest for grain.

so when do we plan on bringing these promising experimental spring wheat varieties to the croPlan seed lineup? we have one more season of research ahead. a portion of our existing seed supply will be dedicated to insight trials and on-farm testing, where select customers will run side-by-side yield strips in their fields. the remainder of our inventory will be used to build up seed production so we’re able to meet our targeted goal of a full product launch in 2021.

in the meantime, be sure to attend the wheat knowledge event at your local answer Plot site in 2020 to get an up-close and personal look at these exciting and aggressive spring wheat varieties. we have a feeling you’ll be really impressed by what you see.

croPlan cPX35319 spring wheat looks pretty impressive standing next to cP3888 (above), while cPX35519 looks equally as remarkable towering over soren public spring wheat (below).

the awnless nature of croPlan cPX35519 makes it a potential forage crop in addition to grain.

©2020 croPlan®, answer Plot® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united.



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accurate seed spacing is essential in order to achieve an even, uniform sunflower stand. one of the best ways to ensure correct spacing and population in sunflower crops is to plant a consistent seed size.

of course, sunflower seeds can vary quite a bit in size. in some cases, the size of the seed you receive can require modifying your planter prior to planting. fortunately you can help reduce the chances of having to alter your planter and help improve how the seed flows through it by having your croPlan® sunflower seeds coated with Germains prosun™ precise sunflower seed pellet.

Germains seed technology’s coating systems utilize state of the art process and applications technologies that produce high quality seed coatings that improve your crop’s performance. derived from coating materials successfully applied to tens of millions of acres of sugar beet, prosun™ precise pellet is scientifically formulated for sunflower. this coating provides added weight and a smooth, slick finish that enables sunflower seeds to flow smoothly through precision air planters, helping farmers achieve accurate field populations. note that this product is not recommended for air seeders, finger planters or plate planters, however, as those planters can damage the seed coating.

Prosun™ precise seed coating offers the following benefits, each of which can contribute to optimizing sunflower yield potential:

•adds weight to seed for improved placement in the field: since sunflower seeds are lightweight, it’s easy for them to move off target when dropped from the planter. the added weight from this coating helps reduce any unwanted movement.

•Reduces dust off and maximizes flowability through planters: Prosun™ precise helps prevent dust-off by covering seed treatments with a smooth, slick finish. this helps ensure that each seed retains the amount of insecticide and fungicide products that was intended, and enables seeds to move better through precision air planters.

•uniform seed size provides more uniform stands: Planting the same seed size across your field helps reduce skips and multiples. as shown in the bar chart at right, skips and multiples occurred far less often in ndsu research trials when sunflower seeds were coated with prosun™ precise.1 this improved accuracy can stimulate more balanced plant growth across your stand.

Prosun™ PreCise helPs aChieve uniformsunflower standskyle Okke, WinField United Agronomist

this image from Germains seed technology shows two sunflower stands planted with the same hybrid at equal populations. the difference is that the seeds above the yellow line were coated with prosun™ precise seed pellet, while the seeds below the yellow line were uncoated.

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this has the potential to result in better weed, disease and insect management, as it enables you to apply crop protection products when all plants in your stand are at the same growth stage. it also means the plants in your stand will be more likely to mature at the same time. this can help prevent late-season standability concerns, because you won’t need to delay harvest to give your crop’s late bloomers enough time to catch up.


ndsu research shows that yields improved by an impressive 10.7 percent average2 when comparing sunflower seed coated with Prosun™ precise pellets against raw seed. at the current market average of $18.40/cwt3, this added profit of $31.65/a more than justifies the input cost.*

some farmers have a personal preference when it comes to the size of seed they like to plant, while others are tied to a certain seed size to remain compatible with their planter. Prosun™ precise helps meet those seed size requirements by giving you the ability to select from a variety of consistent seed sizes for most croPlan sunflower varieties. it isn’t available on all varieties however, so be sure to consult your local winfield® united retailer when placing your seed order.

1 data provided by Germains and represents 3 trials combined; ndsu research extension centers in carrington (2017 & 2018) and minot (2018). two varieties tested in each trial, sizes within a variety from same seed field. number of skips and/or multiples per 100 feet of row.

2 data provided by Germains and represents 3 trials combined; ndsu research extension centers in carrington (2017 & 2018) and minot (2018).

3 revenue calculated using an average nusun selling price of $18.40/cwt, enderlin, nd (source: nsa daily market news, 10/16/2019)

©2020 croPlan® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united. Prosun™ is a trademark of Germains seed technology.

*Because of factors outside of winfield solutions’ control, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, profits, losses or otherwise, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by winfield solutions, llc. individual results and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year.











Prosun™ precise consistently reduced the number of skips and multiple seed planting in both ndsu trials. this precision seed placement and singulation significantly improved the final field stand, optimizing yield potential.

data provided by Germains and represents 3 trials combined; ndsu research extension centers (carrington, 2017 & 2018 and minot, 2018). two varieties tested in each trial, sizes within a variety from same seed field. number of skips and/or multiples per 100 feet of row.




raw Prosun™ Precise









sunflower seed coated with Prosun™ precise yielded 10.7 percent better than raw seed of the same varieties in ndsu trials. this would result in an additional profit of $31.99/a at current average market prices.

two varieties tested in each trial, sizes within a variety from same seed field. data provided by Germains and represents 3 trials combined; ndsu research extension centers in carrington (2017 & 2018) and minot (2018). revenue calculated using an average nusun selling price of $18.60/cwt, enderlin, nd (source: nsa daily market news, 12/11/2019)



raw Prosun™ Precise


seed sKiPs & multiPles


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on-farm trials Provide insiGht into wheat yield & Protein Content


this year we bought a John deere 1895 disc drill, which is set to 10” row spacing and used to apply anhydrous ammonia in the same pass. we compared a strip of this against a strip that received an anhydrous application in the fall that was planted to 7.5” rows with our John deere 1890 drill. Both strips had croPlan® cP3530 spring wheat seeded at the same population.

the 7.5” rows with the fall-applied anhydrous yielded 4.5 bu/a better than the 10” one-pass anhydrous application. there were no replications of this trial, so it wasn’t scientific, per se. But, it supports those who prefer to apply anhydrous in the fall when conditions allow for it.

ROw SPaCING: 7.5” VS. 10”

in another croPlan cP3530 plot, we planted strips of the 7.5” rows side-by-side with the 10” rows. Both strips shared the same seeding rates again, but this time they also received the same fertility treatment. so, it was a straight-up comparison to gauge which row spacing yielded better.

we performed seven replications of this trial and there didn’t appear to be a statistical difference. in one replication, a 10” row won by 2 bu/a, but then moving over 80 or 90 feet, the next replication had the 7.5” row winning by 2 or 3 bu/a.

this was surprising, because after our fungicide applicator made his pass through the fields for head scab earlier in the season, he said the 7.5” rows were looking better and he expected them to yield at least 5 bu/a better than the 10” rows. he’s been treating our fields for more than 20 years, so that’s saying something.

i had to eat crow on this one. i’ve always said i didn’t want 10” rows because 7.5” rows would yield better. that wasn’t the case though. the protein content was also the same between the two row-spacings. so, i’m going to repeat the side-by-side trials in 2020 and plant more acres to 10” rows to see how it performs on a larger scale.


after finding interesting results in 2018, i wanted to continue looking at how much a post-anthesis nitrogen (n) application could boost protein content this year. i planted a public low-protein spring wheat variety with a 10 gal/a liquid urea post-anthesis application and compared it against an untreated check. although i didn’t capture the yield data from one mile-long treated strip, i saw a 0.9 percent increase in protein over the untreated check. But in another mile-long treated replication, i picked up 0.1 percent protein and yielded 4 bu/a more than the untreated check.

Ryan Pederson annually plants 40 percent of his acres to spring wheat. In addition to farming, he serves as vice president of the North Dakota Soybean Growers Association Board and treasurer of the National Biodiesel Board. He also sits on the US Canola Association Board.

Research trials performed by seed manufacturers and university extensions give a great baseline when it comes to projecting how different crop varieties and agricultural practices will perform in your fields. But on-farm trials add another layer of valuable information for farmers, especially considering how variability can impact performance in their own fields. That’s why an increasing number of wheat producers are testing different practices on their farm to identify opportunities to boost yield potential and protein levels on all their acres.

In 2018, Rolette, ND-based farmer Ryan Pederson discussed his on-farm spring wheat research with Beyond Seed®. Here are some of the results and observations Pederson recorded from his 2019 findings.

Ryan Pederson, Rolette, ND Spring Wheat Producer

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last year i saw the same thing. university research has indicated that you shouldn’t pick up additional bushels when making a post-anthesis n treatment, but over the past two years i’ve improved protein levels while also increasing yield in a total of six out of seven replications for a combined average of 2.7 bu/a.

it’s always difficult to decide whether to make the additional investment into a post-anthesis application, because protein premiums are always changing. But if i’m gaining at least 2 bushels, that helps cover the cost and makes the decision much easier. i’m going to continue this study next season, and i hope to pull physical samples and check the test weight to see if that’s where i’m picking up the additional yield.


i don’t know of many farmers who enjoyed the challenging harvest we had in 2019. many wheat crops were exposed to harsh weather for an extended period of time before field conditions allowed for them to be harvested. while combining a field planted with croPlan cP3419 seeded at two different populations, i noticed that there appeared to be a lot of heads on the ground in the low-population portion of the field. then when i turned around and went through the high-population area, there were significantly fewer heads on the ground. my 11-year-old daughter was

in the cab helping with the documentation, and she made the same observation without my input.


finally in a side-by-side trial of croPlan cP3530 vs. a public variety, cP3530 had a 1.2 percent higher protein content than the competitor, but lost on yield by 3 bu/a. cP3530 yielded 81 bu/a and the public variety yielded 84 bu/a this year.

ThERE’S alwayS NExT yEaR

obviously the poor field conditions we endured in the dakotas didn’t allow many farmers to make fertilizer applications this fall, so most wheat producers will need to fertilize during or prior to planting come spring. next season i’m hoping to do some split n applications side-by-side with full-rate pre-plant applications to see if there’s a yield benefit to supplying a portion of the n in-season. applying all the fertilizer up front can increase the potential for n loss and even cause some varieties to use that n to grow more straw than grain. so, hopefully next season’s workload and field conditions leave me the opportunity to apply a quarter or a third of the n in-season on test strips so i can see how it turns out.

ryan Pederson’s story is provided as an individual experience with winfield solutions’ products and may not be a representation of actual results than can be guaranteed. Because of factors outside of winfield solutions’ control such as weather, soil, planting and product application; individual results to be obtained, including but not limited to: financial performance, profits, losses and yields cannot be predicted or guaranteed by winfield solutions. Pederson was not given financial compensation for performing his research, but he was provided with the croPlan seed he used in his trials free of charge.

©2020 croPlan®, winPak® and winfield® are trademarks of winfield united.



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CROPLAN® alfalfa seed offers a broad portfolio. Every single variety is backed by data and insights. That way, you can uncover new opportunities for your operation.

Talk to your retailer today or visit croplan.com to find which CROPLAN alfalfa seed will work for you.

© 2019 WinField United. CROPLAN® and WinField® are trademarks of WinField United. Apex is a trademark of Seed Enhancements, LLC. HarvXtra® is a trademark of Forage Genetics International, LLC. Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC, used under license by Forage Genetics International, LLC. HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology are subject to planting and use restrictions.

Visit www.ForageGenetics.com/legal for the full legal, stewardship and trademark statements for these products.

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Customer testimonial

tHAD SCHinDLer & nePHew K YLe SCHinDLer , reL iAnCe, SD

thad & kyle schindler’s story is provided as an individual’s experience with WinField United products and may not be a representation of actual results than can be guaranteed. Because of factors outside of winfield united’s control such as weather, soil, planting and product application; individual results to be obtained, including but not limited to: financial performance, profits, losses and yields cannot be predicted or guaranteed by winfield united.

©2020 croPlan® is a trademark of winfield united. expresssun® is a registered trademark of duPont and clearfield® is a registered trademark of Basf.

how many acres do you seed to CROPlaN® sunflowers, and what other crops do you grow on your farm?

we work a total of about 30,000 acres on our family’s farm, and we usually grow 3,000 to 4,000 acres of croPlan cP549cl sunflower in any given season. sometimes it can be more or less, depending on the rotation. we don’t have any high oleic processors nearby, so we sell to the birdseed market because it provides the best profit margin in our area. we also produce sorghum, corn, soybeans and wheat, as well as forage crops for our cow/calf operation.

when did you start using CROPlaN sunflower seed and how has it performed for you compared to other varieties?

we first planted croPlan sunflowers about 5 years ago when our local agronomist told us about the benefits and encouraged us to switch. we started with a couple quarter sections at first, but the following year we were all in. croPlan hybrids have outperformed every other sunflower product we’ve tried in the past, and yields have been tremendous.

early on, we did a side-by-side comparison of clearfield® sunflowers vs. expresssun® sunflowers. clearfield® had better standability, so we’ve continued to use that weed control system ever since and we’ve been really pleased with it.

what populations do you plant at?

we typically plant seed size 3 at 22,000 seeds/a in 30-inch rows, but we do some variable rate seeding depending on soil type. we jump up to 24,000 seeds/a in our best soils and drop down to 20,000 seeds/a in the ones that don’t perform quite as well.

has your fertility program changed at all in recent years?

our yield goals have increased quite a bit since switching to croPlan sunflowers, so we’ve had to adjust our fertility program to keep up. five years ago our yield goal was only 2,000 lbs/a, but now we’re producing 3,000 to 3,500 lbs/a. we used to make solid rate applications, but now everything is variable based on soil samples. we apply anywhere from 200 to 400 lbs of nitrogen

(n) per acre, so there’s a lot of variability, especially with differences in crop credits. we’ve also done some in-season tissue sampling.

what role will CROPlaN sunflowers play in the future of your farm?

they’re an important part of our rotation. we want to keep progressing and planting the best sunflower seeds we can, so whenever croPlan releases new sunflower hybrids that fit our fields, we’ll continue to upgrade.

Do you have any advice for farmers who have been hesitant to grow sunflowers?

unless you’re afraid of making money, sunflowers can be a great cash crop. so don’t be afraid to think outside your box. if you’re in the box, you’re going backwards. it’s a whole different world than our fathers grew up in. as farmers, we’re operating with slimmer margins than ever before. But sunflowers offer better profit potential than a lot of other crops, and they can do well in dry conditions. Being open to making changes that are outside your comfort zone is the only way to take advantage of new opportunities.

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winfield solutions, llcP.o. Box 64281st. Paul, mn 55164



Give your droplets a

fiGhtinG chanceYour spray application is an investment. And droplets need all the advantages available.

You want to reduce drift to keep more crop protection product on intended targets, and support depth of coverage throughout the crop canopy to ensure adequate spray coverage. InterLock® adjuvant delivers these attributes to your droplets.

But don’t forget the industry-leading water conditioners: Class Act® brand adjuvants with CornSorb® technology. CornSorb technology elevates adjuvant function for more consistent, superior performance.

Please see your local retailer for more information.

© 2020 WinField United. Important: Before use always read and follow label instructions. Actual crop performance is dependent on many factors beyond the control of WinField United, including without limitation, the type of soil, agronomic practices, pest pressures, and ultimately weather conditions. Growers are encouraged to consider how such conditions could impact grower’s individual fields. class Act, cornSorb, InterLock, and WinField are trademarks of WinField United.