Wine Catalogue February

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Wine Catalogue February

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BUYeR’S PReMiUMBuyersshallpaytoWebb’sabuyer’spremiumof15%ofthehammerpriceplusg.s.tonthepremium.


CondiTion of wineGoodsaredescribedasaccuratelyascanbeascertainedbyWebb’satthetime,howeverBuyersofolderwinemustmakeappropriateallowancesfornaturalvariationsofullageandtheconditionofcorksandlabels.Webb’shasmadeeveryefforttodescribeanybottlethatisnotinexcellentcondition.EachLotissoldbytheSellerwithallfaultsanddefects(ifany)andwithallerrorsofdescriptionandshallbeattheBuyer’sriskonthefallofthehammerandneitherWebb’snortheSellershallbeaccountableforanydeficiency,damageorlosswhichmayarisethereafter.



online Bidding


Note: WeacceptVisaandMasterCardforallwinepurchasesinthisauction.AMEXisalsoaccepted,howeveratan increasedbuyerspremiumof16.5% Paymentmustbeclearedpriortocollectionofwineandisdueattheendoftheweekofthesale,atthe


KeYRatings RobertMParkerJr.(RP)andWineSpectator(WS)ratingoutof100,i.e.,95/100is95pointsoutof100.Ullage Thetermthatreferstothegapbetweenthebottomofthecorkandthefilllevelofthewine.Allwineslistedinthis

cataloguehaveUllagelevelof“IntoNeck”orhigher.Ifthelevelisloweritisstatedinthecatalogue. Topshoulder(TS)-Agoodlevelinanywine20yearsorolder. Uppershoulder(US)-Indicatesslightnaturalreductionthrougheasingofthecorkandevaporation throughcorkandcapsule. Mid-shoulder(MS)-Indicatessomeweakeningofthecorkandthereforesomerisk.Thisisnotunusualinwinesover50 yearsoldandestimateswilltakethisintoaccount. Low-midshoulder(LMS)-Indicateshighriskandwillattractlowestimates.




Sale 1087

fine and RaRe wineS20 FBRUARY 2011, TWO SESSIONS, 4:30 & 6:30PMTo be held at Webb’s

Page 3: Wine Catalogue February



1.Thehighestbiddershallbethepurchaser,subjecttotheauctioneerhaving the right to refuse the bid of any person. Should any disputeariseastothebiddingsthelotindisputewillbeimmediatelyputupforsaleagainattheprecedingbidding,ortheauctioneermaydeclarethepurchaser,whichdeclarationshallbeconclusive.



4.Thepurchasershallcompleteabiddingcardbeforethesalegivingnameandaddress. Immediatelyafter thesale thepurchasershallpay10%of thepurchaseprice inpartpaymentandshallpay thebalancewithintendaysofthedateofthesaleunlesspriorcreditarrangementshavebeenmade.

5.ThepurchasershallpaytoPeterWebbGalleriesLimited.(Webb’s)apremiumof15%of thehammerprice togetherwithG.S.Tonsuchpremiumatthecurrentrate.

6.All lots are sold as shownandwith all errors todescription, faultsandimperfectionswhethervisibleornot.NeitherWebb’soritsvendorare responsible for errors of description or for the genuineness orauthenticityofanylotorforanyfaultordefectinitandmakenowarrantywhatever.Buyersproceedupontheirownjudgement.

7.Webb’sactasagents.Theyhavefulldiscretiontoconductallaspectsof the sale and to withdraw any lot from the sale without giving anyreason.

8.Eachlotisattheriskofthepurchaserfromthefallofthehammerandis tobe taken away at thepurchaser’s expense immediately after thesale.IfthisisnotdoneWebb’swillnotberesponsibleifthelotislost,stolen,damagedordestroyed.

9.Nogoodsaretoberemovedwhilesellingisinprogress.Receiptedinvoicesmustbeproducedpriortodeliveryofanylot.Theauctioneersreservetheright torequest identification inthecaseofanypurchasernotknowntoWebb’swhopaysbycheque.

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CREDIT Creditonpurchasesof$7000ormorecaninsomecasesbearranged.PleaseconsultwithourManager.


foR enqUiRieS Simon Ward DDI +6495295600 Fax +6495295604 Mobile 021642277 Email [email protected] Website www.webbs.co.nz

Page 4: Wine Catalogue February



1 (1) 1992 Mission Estate ‘Estella’ Sweet Wine’ $15-25

2 (1) 2003 Forrest Botrytis Riesling (375ml) $15-25

3 (1) 1988 Milton Tete de Cuvee Sauternes $15-25

4 (1) 2004 Georges Michel Autumn Folly (375ml) $15-25

5 (1) 2000 Ngatarawa Alwyn Res Noble Riesling (375ml) $15-25

6 (1) 2003 Olssens Autumn Gold (375ml) $15-25

7 (1) 1989 Corbans Noble Rhine Riesling (375ml) $15-25

8 (1) 1995 Jackson Est Bot Chardonnay (375ml) $15-25

9 (1) 1995 Revington Gewurztraimner $15-25

10 (1) 2004 Coopers Creek LH Riesling (375ml) $15-25

11 (3) 1993 Montana ‘P’ Gewurztraminer $15-25

12 (1) 2000 Ngatarawa Glazebrook Noble (375ml) $15-25

13 (1) 1999 Church Road Res Noble Semillon (375ml) $15-25

14 (1) 2002 Rongapai “Ultimo” Noble late (375ml) $15-25

15 (1) 1993 Rongapai Botrytised Chardonnay (375ml) $15-25

16 (1) 2002 Rongapai Special Late Harvest (375ml) $15-25

17 (1) 2002 Villa Maria Res Noble Riesling (375ml) $15-25

18 (1) 1999 Collards Botrytised Riesling (375ml) $15-25

19 (1) 2001 Sileni Pourriture Noble $15-25

20 (2) 2003 Te Kairanga Pinot Noir $20-40

21 (2) 2009 Urlar Noble Riesling (375ml) $20-40

22 (1) 2002 Ngatarawa ‘Glazebrook’ L H Riesling (375ml)


23 (1) 2009 Alpha Domus Noble Selection (375ml) $20-40

24 (3) 2002 Dry River Sauvignon Blanc $20-40

25 (2) 2005 Dry River Sauvignon Blanc $20-40

26 (3) 2003 Dry River Sauvignon Blanc $20-40

27 (12) 2004 Dry River Sauvignon Blanc $20-40

28 (11) 2006 Dry River Sauvignon Blanc $20-40

29 (1) 2000 Waimarie Testament CS/CF $20-40

30 (1) 2002 Villa Maria Reserve CS/M $20-40

31 (1) 2000 Villa Maria Reserve CS/M $20-40

32 (1) 2000 Te Kairanga Reserve Pinot Noir $20-40

33 (6) 1997 Te Mata Elston Chardonnay $20-40

34 (2) 2001 Te Mata Elston $20-40

35 (4) 2007 Church Road Cuve Malbec $20-40

36 (6) 2000 Esk Valley Reserve M/CS/M $25-45

37 (1) 1999 Redmetal Basket Press Mer/Cab $25-45

38 (12) 1999 Unison Selection $25-45

39 (12) 2000 Unison Selection $25-45

40 (6) 2000 Unison Selection $25-45

41 (6) 1992 Esk Valley Reserve Merlot/M/CF $25-45

42 (6) 2002 Black Ridge Central Otago Pinot Noir $25-45

43 (6) 2003 Michelle Richardson Pinot Noir $25-45

44 (12) 2001 Peregrine Pinot Noir $30-50

45 (12) 2002 Peregrine Pinot Noir $30-50

46 (6) 2001 Peregrine Pinot Noir $30-50

47 (12) 2000 Mt Difficulty Pinot Noir $30-50

48 (12) 2001 Mt Difficulty Pinot Noir $30-50

49 (6) 2001 Mt Difficulty Pinot Noir $30-50

50 (12) 2001 Waitiri Creek Pinot Noir $30-50

SESSION 1 - 4.30PM

Page 5: Wine Catalogue February


52 (3) 2001 Valli “Colleens” Pinot Noir $30-50

53 (1) 2002 Valli Bannockburn Pinot Noir $30-50

54 (3) 2001 Dry River Chardonnay $30-50

55 (3) 2004 Dry River G/W Botrytis ‘Lovat’ $30-50

56 (2) 2005 Dry River Craighall Riesling LH $30-50

57 (1) 2005 Dry River Craighall Riesling LH $30-50

58 (1) 2005 Dry River Pinot Gris $30-50

59 (1) 2000 Esk Valley Res M/CS/M $30-50

60 (3) 2002 Dry River Pinot Gris ‘Amaranth’ $30-50

61 (2) 2003 Dry River Riesling ‘Craighall’ $30-50

62 (4) 2002 Dry River Riesling ‘Craighall’ L.H. $30-50

63 (6) 2002 Dry River Gewurztraminer $30-50

64 (4) 2002 Dry River Riesling ‘Craighall’ $30-50

65 (4) 2002 Dry River Gewurztraminer ‘Arapoff’ $30-50

66 (2) 2004 Dry River Gewurztraminer ‘Lovat’ $30-50

67 (6) 2003 Dry River Riesling ‘Craighall’ $30-50

68 (4) 2003 Dry River Riesling ‘Craighall’ $30-50

69 (2) 2001 Felton Road Riesling $30-50

70 (12) 2001 Fromm La Strada Riesling $30-50

71 (4) 2000 Craggy Range Merlot $30-50

72 (3) 2003 Craggy Range Te Muna Riesling $30-50

73 (4) 2002 Craggy Range ‘7 Poplers’ Chardonnay $30-50

74 (6) 2006 Dry River Riesling ‘Craighall’ $30-50

75 (1) 2002 Stony Batter “Road Works” Merlot (Magnum) $30-50

76 (1) 2000 Mills Reef Elspeth Merlot $30-50

77 (2) 2002 Mills Reef Elspeth ‘One’ $30-50

78 (1) 2010 Babich The Patriarch CS/M/M $30-50

79 (1) 1994 Fenton Estate Waiheke Cab S/M $30-50

80 (6) 1999 Esk Valley Reserve M/M/Cab S $30-50

81 (12) 2009 Gibbston Valley Pinot Noir $30-50

82 (12) 2009 Gibbston Valley Pinot Noir $30-50

83 (6) 2003 Felton Road Riesling $30-50

84 (10) 2002 Carrick Central Otago Pinot Noir $30-50

85 (6) 2007 Black Estate Omihi Pinot Noir $30-50

86 (2) 2000 Te Mata Awatea $40-60

87 (2) 2001 Dry River syrah ‘Arapoff’ $40-60

88 (4) 2001 Felton Road Chardonnay $40-60

89 (4) 2001 Fromm La Strada ‘Clayvin’ Syrah $40-60

90 (1) 1998 Te Mata Awatea $40-60

91 (1) 1996 Te Mata Awatea $40-60

92 (6) 2001 Daniel Schuster Omihi Hills Selection $50-70

93 (6) 2001 Daniel Schuster Omihi Hills Selection $50-70

94 (12) Goldwater (Collection) ‘83, ‘84, ‘85, ‘87,’88, ‘89, ‘90, ‘91, ‘92, ‘93, ‘95, ‘97


95 (1) 1983 Goldwater Cab Sauv (TS) $50-70

96 (1) 1985 Goldwater Cab Sauv $50-70

97 (2) 1993 Goldwater Cab S/Merlot $50-70

98 (2) 1995 Goldwater Cab S/Merlot $50-70

99 (1) 2002 Bilancia ‘La Collina’ Syrah $50-70

100 (1) 2004 Bilancia ‘La Collina’ Syrah $50-70

101 (6) 1994 Te Motu Cab/Mer $60-80

102 (6) 1994 Te Motu Cab/Mer $60-80

51 (8) 2001 Valli “Bald Hills” Pinot Noir $30-50

Page 6: Wine Catalogue February


104 (4) 2000 Fromm La Strada ‘Clayvin’ Pinot N $60-80

105 (2) 2001 Fromm La Strada Clayvin PN $60-80

106 (6) 2001 Ata Rangi Pinot Noir $60-80

107 (3) 2004 Vinoptima Noble Late Harvest GW (375ml)


108 (4) 2002 Gibbston Valley Reserve Pinot Noir $60-80

109 (12) 2004 Vinoptima Noble Late Harvest GW (375ml)


110 (6) 2007 Te Mata Coleraine $60-80

111 (1) 2000 Te Mata Coleraine $70-90

112 (2) 2000 Unison Selection (Magnum) $70-90

113 (12) 2007 Te Mata Coleraine $70-90

114 (12) 2008 Te Mata Coleraine $70-90

115 (6) 2008 Gibbston Valley Reserve Pinot Noir $70-90

116 (6) 2009 Gibbston Valley Reserve Pinot Noir $70-90

117 (4) 2008 Gibbston Valley Reserve Pinot Noir $70-90

118 (10) 2003 The Antipodean $70-90

119 (12) 2007 Te Mata Coleraine $70-90

120 (3) 2007 Craggy Range ‘Sophia’ $70-90

121 (2) 2004 Stonyridge Larose $70-90

122 (2) 2001 Stonyridge Larose $90-110

123 (6) 2009 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

124 (6) 2008 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

125 (6) 2006 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

126 (6) 2004 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

127 (6) 2007 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

128 (4) 1998 Montana ‘Tom’ $90-110

129 (1) 1998 Stonyridge Larose $90-110

130 (2) 1999 Stonyridge Larose $90-110

131 (2) 2000 Stonyridge Larose $90-110

132 (4) 2001 Gibbston Valley Reserve Pinot Noir $80-100

133 (4) 2006 Felton Road Pinot Noir $80-100

134 (1) 2006 Felton Road Pinot Noir $80-100

135 (5) 2005 Felton Road Pinot Noir $80-100

136 (6) 2004 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

137 (3) 2004 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

138 (4) 2001 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

139 (1) 2002 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

140 (6) 2001 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

141 (2) 2000 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

142 (12) 2010 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

143 (12) 2010 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

144 (1) 1997 Stonyridge Larose $100-120

145 (3) 2005 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

146 (4) 2004 Esk Valley ‘The Terraces’ $90-110

147 (4) 2000 Church Road ‘Tom’ $90-110

148 (6) 2007 Dry River Pinot Noir $90-110

149 (6) 1999 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

150 (6) 2000 Stonyridge Larose (OWC) $90-110

151 (1) 2002 Redmetal Basket Pres M/CF (3 litre) $150-200

152 (5) 2002 Dry River Pinot Noir (Magnum) $200-250

153 (4) 2002 Dry River Pinot Noir (Magnum) $200-250

103 (12) 2002 Ata Rangi Pinot Noir $60-80

Page 7: Wine Catalogue February


154 (2) 2001 Dry River Pinot Noir (Magnum) $200-250

155 (2) 2002 Stonyridge Larose (Magnum) $200-250

156 (1) 2002 Trinity Hill Black Label CS/M (12 Litres) $500-600


157 (2) 2003 Mt Pleasant Semillon ‘Elizabeth’ $15-25

158 (1) 1994 St Halllett Clare Valley Cab/Mer $20-30

159 (1) 1987 Joseph Double Pruned Cab. S $20-30

160 (3) 2004 Glaetzer ‘Bishop’ Shiraz $20-30

161 (1) 2002 Buller ‘Calliope’ Shiraz $20-30

162 (6) 2002 Mesh Eden Valley Riesling $20-30

163 (12) 2002 Shotfire Ridge Barossa Quartage $20-30

164 (12) 2002 Kaesler Stonehorse Shiraz $20-30

165 (3) 1999 Tatachilla Clarendon Merlot $25-35

166 (2) 1993 Henschke Eden Riesling $25-35

167 (1) 1994 Charles Melton Hunter Valley Shiraz $25-35

168 (4) 2001 Kilikanoon ‘Covenant’ Shiraz $25-35

169 (6) 2001 Kaesler Old Vine Shiraz $25-35

170 (1) 2001 Kaesler Old Vine Shiraz $25-35

171 (5) 2001 Olivers Taranga Shiraz $25-35

172 (5) 2002 Olivers Taranga Shiraz $25-35

173 (6) 2002 Gibson Barossa Shiraz $25-35

174 (1) 2001 Kilikanoon ‘Covenant’ Shiraz $25-35

175 (2) 2001 Ulithorne ‘Frux Frugis’ Shiraz $25-35

176 (1) 2000 Glenguin ‘Aristea’ Shiraz $30-40

177 (2) 2002 Mr Riggs Shiraz $30-40

178 (6) 2002 Mr Riggs Shiraz $30-40

179 (5) 1998 Ebenezer Shiraz $30-40

180 (6) 1998 Grant Burge ‘The Holy Trinity’ $30-40

181 (6) 1998 Orlando Jacaranda Ridge $30-40

182 (6) 2000 Mitchell Peppertree Cab S $30-40

183 (12) 2001 Henschke Keyneton Estate $35-45

184 (2) 2005 Greenook Creek Cabernet Sauvignon $35-45

185 (2) 2003 Kalleske Greenock Shiraz $35-45

186 (4) 2000 Seppelt St Peters Gt Western $35-45

187 (6) 2005 Seppelt St Peters Grampian $35-45

188 (6) 2006 Seppelt St Peters Grampian $35-45

189 (6) 2000 Wild Duck Creek Springflat Shiraz $40-50

190 (4) 2001 Fox Creek Reserve McLaren Shiraz $40-50

191 (6) 2002 Fox Creek Reserve McLaren Shiraz $40-50

192 (6) 2003 Kalleske Greenock Shiraz $40-50

193 (2) 2002 Fox Creek Reserve McLaren Shiraz $40-50

194 (1) 2002 Shirvington McLaren Vale Shiraz $40-50

195 (10) 2002 Kilikanoon Oracle Shiraz $40-50

196 (3) 2004 Glaetzer Barossa Shiraz $40-50

197 (2) 1996 Hardys Thomas Hardy Cab. S $40-50

198 (3) 1999 Saltram No.1 Shiraz $40-50

199 (2) 2000 Torbreck Desendant $40-50

200 (1) 2002 Glaetzer Amon-Ra McLaren V Shiraz $40-50

201 (1) 2001 Fox Creek Reserve McLaren V Shiraz $40-50

202 (2) 1996 Tim Gramp McLaren Vale Shiraz $40-50

203 (1) 1997 Lindemans Pyrus Coonawarra $40-50

204 (1) 2005 Noon Eclispse $40-50

Page 8: Wine Catalogue February


207 (1) 1998 TarraWarra Yarra Pinot Noir (Magum) $50-70

208 (4) 2002 E & E Black Pepper Shiraz $50-70

209 (2) 1998 E & E Black Pepper Shiraz $50-70

210 (2) 2001 Kilikanoon ‘Oracle’ Shiraz $50-70

211 (6) 1998 E & E Black Pepper Shiraz $50-70

212 (2) 2001 E & E Black Pepper Shiraz $50-70

213 (7) 2002 Wild Duck Creek Spring Flat Shiraz $50-70

214 (6) 1998 Saltram No 1 Shiraz $50-70

215 (6) 1999 Yalumba ‘The Signiture’ $50-70

216 (2) 1998 Taylors St Andrews Shiraz $50-70

217 (4) 1996 Rosemount Balmoral Shiraz $50-70

218 (1) 2004 Paringa Reserve Shiraz $50-70

219 (2) 2002 Kaesler W.O.M.S Shiraz/Cab $50-70

220 (2) 2002 Elderton ‘Ashmead’ Cab Sauv $50-70

221 (3) 1994 Wynns Michael Shiraz $60-80

222 (12) 1996 Yalumba The Reserve $60-80

223 (12) 2001 Yalumba The Reserve $60-80

224 (6) 2001 Yalumba The Reserve $60-80

225 (3) 1999 Rosemont Balmoral Shiraz $60-80

226 (4) 1995 Peter Lehmann Stonewall Shiraz $60-80

227 (1) 1996 Peter Lehmann Stonewall Shiraz $60-80

228 (1) 1998 Rosemount Balmoral Shiraz $60-80

229 (6) 2002 Greenock Creek Apricot Block Shiraz $60-80

230 (6) 2004 Greenock Creek Apricot Block Shiraz $60-80

231 (6) 1998 Hardy Eileen Hardy Shiraz (OWC) $60-90

232 (6) 1996 Penfolds Bin 389 $70-90

233 (6) 1996 Penfolds Bin 389 $70-90

234 (1) 1989 Penfolds Magill Estate $70-90

235 (6) 1999 Henschke Cyril Henschke $70-90

236 (6) 2000 Henschke Cyril Henschke $70-90

237 (6) 1998 Wynns Michael Shiraz $70-90

238 (6) 2001 D’Arenberg Dead Arm Shiraz $70-90

239 (1) 1998 Wynns John Riddoch $70-90

240 (6) 1998 Kays ‘Block 6’ Old Vine Shiraz $70-90

241 (6) 1996ˇGrant BurgeˇMeshach Shiraz $60-90

242 (1) 1999 Jim Barry The Armagh $80-100

243 (1) 1999 Jim Barry The Armagh $80-100

244 (1) 1997 Wynns John Riddoch Cab S $80-100

245 (3) 1996 Wynns Michael $80-100

246 (1) 1995 Henschke Mount Edelstone Shiraz $80-100

247 (6) 1998 Hardy Eileen Hardy Shiraz (OWC) $80-120

248 (12) 2001 Grant Burge Meschach Shiraz $90-110

249 (12) 2001 Cullen Diana Madelaine CS/M $90-110

250 (6) 2001 CullenˇDiana Madeline CS/M $90-110

251 (5) 2001 Kaesler Old Bastard Shiraz $100-120

252 (6) 1998 Penfolds St Henri Shiraz $100-120

253 (2) 1998 Henschke Mt Edelstone $100-120

254 (1) 1999 Penfolds RWT $100-120

255 (5) 2006 Noon Reserve Shiraz $100-120

256 (8) 1999 Mount Mary Quintet $110-130

205 (2) 2004 Mitolo ‘Savitar’ Shiraz $40-50

206 (1) 2003 Yering Station Pinot Noir Reserve $40-50

Page 9: Wine Catalogue February


257 (6) 2001 Mount Mary Quintet $110-130

258 (3) 1998 Penfolds RWT $120-150

259 (12) 2002 Mount Mary ‘Quintet’ $120-150

260 (1) 1999 Jim Barry The Armagh $120-150

261 (3) 2001 Jim Barry The Armagh $120-150

262 (6) 1999ˇPenfolds RWT Shiraz $120-150

263 (6) 2001 Jim Barry The Armagh $120-150

264 (2) 2001 Jim Barry The Armagh $120-150

265 (4) 1998 Penfolds St Henri $130-160

266 (3) 1996 Jim Barry The Armagh $150-180

267 (2) 1998 Jim Barry The Armagh $150-180

268 (1) 2006 Glaetzer Amon-Ra Shiraz (Magnum) $150-180

269 (1) 2002 Torbeck RunRig $180-220

270 (4) 2003 Torbreck Run-Rig $200-240

271 (2) 1990 Penfolds Bin 707 $200-240

272 (6) 1994ˇPenfolds Bin 707ˇ $200-240

273 (2) 1991 Henschke Hill of Grace $300-400

274 (1) 1997 Henschke Hill of Grace $300-400

275 (1) 1995 Penfolds Grange $400-500

276 (4) 1991 Penfolds Grange $400-500

277 (1) 2004 Penfolds Bin 60A Cabs/Shiraz $400-500

278 (6) 1997 Penfolds Grange $400-500

279 (1) 1999ˇPenfolds Bin 707ˇ(Magnum) $400-500

280 (1) 1989 Penfolds Grange $400-500

281 (1) 1992 Penfolds Grange $400-500

282 (5) 1993 Penfolds Grange $400-500

283 (6) 1999 Penfolds Grange $400-500

284 (5) 2001 Penfolds Grange $400-500

285 (1) 1996 Penfolds Grange $400-500

286 (2) 1996 Penfolds Grange $400-500

287 (1) 1996 Penfolds Grange $400-500

288 (4) 1996 Henschke Hill of Grace $400-500

289 (2) 1998 Henschke Hill of Grace $400-500

290 (1) 2001 Henschke Hill of Grace $400-500

291 (6) 1991 Penfolds Grange $400-500

292 (1) 1994 Penfolds Grange $400-500

293 (1) 1998ˇPenfolds Bin 707ˇ(Magnum) $450-550

294 (3) 2002 Penfolds Grange $450-550

295 (1) 2004 Penfolds Bin 60a $500-600

296 (1) 1976 Penfolds Grange $500-600

297 (3) 1990 Penfolds Grange $500-600

298 (6) 1998 Penfolds Grange $500-600

299 (3) 1994 Penfolds Grange (Magnum) $850-950

300 (1) 2001 Penfolds Grange (Magnum) $850-950

301 (1) 2002 Penfolds Grange (Magnum) $1,000-1,200

302 (3) 1996 Penfolds Grange (Magnum) $1,000-1,200

303 (2) 1998 Penfolds Grange (Magnum) $1,000-1,200

Page 10: Wine Catalogue February


310 (3) 2003 Dr Loosen ‘Erdner Trepchen’ Auslese $60-80

311 (2) 2001 Reinhold Haart Riesling Auslese $60-80

312 (3) 1997 Zonin Amarone ‘Maso Laito’ $50-70

313 (6) 2000 Tenuta Sette Ponti ‘Oreno’ $50-70

314 (1) 1997 Frescobaldi/Mondavi ‘Luce’ $80-100

315 (1) 1997 Antinori Guado Al Tasso ‘Belvedere’ $100-120

316 (1) 1994 Vietti Barolo Lazzarito $120-150

317 (1) 2000 Tenuta dell Ornellaia $120-150

318 (3) 1996 Tenuta San Guido, Sassicaia $140-160

319 (4) 1994 Tenuta San Guido ‘Sassicaia’ $140-160

320 (1) 2004 Rivetto Barolo (Magnum) $200-240

321 (12) 1999 Tenuta San Guido ‘Sassicaia’ (OWC) $200-240

322 (1) 1998 Tenuta San Guido ‘Sassicaia’ $200-240

323 (3) 1997 Tenuta San Guido ‘Sassicaia’ $300-350

324 (6) 1998 Tenuta dell Ornellaia ‘Masseto’ (OWC) $500-700


325 (6) 2007 Kaapzicht Pinotage (South Africa) $20-40

326 (1) 2001 Le Sid (Cahors) $20-40

327 (6) 2001 Fagus Garnacha Selection Especial $20-40

328 (6) 2005 Meerlust Pinot Noir (South Africa) $20-40

329 (1) 2000 P+S ‘Chryseia Douro’ $20-40

330 (6) 2005 La Puerta Gran Reserva (Argentina) $40-60

331 (1) 2005 Luddite Shiraz (South Africa) $40-60

332 (6) 2003 RE Salento (Le Corte) $40-60

333 (1) 2002 Vergelegen Red (South Africa) $40-60

334 (3) 2000 Castillo YGAY Reserva Rioja $60-80

335 (1) 1995 Castillo YGAY Gran Reserva Especial $60-80

336 (1) 2007 Ernie Els Signature (South Africa) $60-80

337 (2) 1996 Abadia Cuvee ‘El Campanario’ $60-80

338 (1) 2001 Alion (Vega Sicilia) $150-180


339 (3) 2001 Basciano Vin Santo (375ml) $20-40

340 (2) 2001 Bisol Duca di Dolle Passito (375ml) $20-40

341 (1) NV Morris Liqueur Muscat (375ml) $20-40

342 (6) 1994 Anselmi i Capitelli Bianco Dolce $20-40

343 (1) 2000 Graham’s Vintage Port (SOS) $80-120

344 (1) 1998 Dows Vintage Port $80-120

345 (1) 2000 Sandeman Vintage Port $80-120

346 (12) 2000 Dow’s Vintage Port $80-120

347 (1) 2003 Dow’s Vintage Port $80-120

348 (1) 2003 Delaforce Vintage Port $80-120

349 (4) 1986 Fonseca Guimaraens Vintage Port $100-150

350 (12) 2000 Grahams Vintage Port $100-150

351 (3) 1997 Fonseca Vintage Port $100-150

352 (2) 1985 Warre’s Vintage Port $100-150

308 (6) 2003 Dr Loosen ‘Urziger Wurzgarten’ Spatlese $40-60

309 (6) 2007 JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Spatlese Riesling $40-60


304 (6) 1999 Rheinhessen Ortega Beerenaulese $20-40

305 (3) 2007 St Urbans-Hof Mosel Riesling $20-40

306 (6) NV Rheinhessen Troken-beerenaulese $20-40

307 (1)1995 Karthauserhofberg Riesling Auslese $40-60

SESSION 2 - 6.30PM

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353 (1) 1977 Crofts Vintage Port $100-150

354 (1) 1980 Grahams Vintage Port $120-170

355 (1) 1997 Fonseca Vintage Port $120-170

356 (1) 1985 Grahams Vintage Port $150-200

357 (1) 1944 Romariz Colheita (Gift Box) $200-250

358 (1) 1949 Mazurans Royal Res Port $200-250

359 (1) 1900 Seppelts Para Gift Box $700-1,000


360 (1) NV Laurent Perrier Blanc de B Coteaux Champagne $50-70

361 (1) 1988 Veuve Clicquot ‘La Grande Dame’ Rose $200-250

362 (1) NV Krug Grande Cuvee Brut $200-250

363 (3) NV Krug Rose (Boxed) $250-300

364 (1) NV Krug Rose Brut $250-300

365 (1) NV Krug Rose Brut (Boxed) $250-300

366 (1) 1992 Dom Perignon Cuvee $250-300

367 (1) 1983 Veuve Clicquot ‘La Grande Dame’ $250-300

368 (1) 1993 Louis Roederer ‘Cristal’ $250-300

369 (1) 1994 Perrier Jouet ‘Belle Epoque’ $250-300

370 (1) 1983 Dom Perignon Cuvee $300-350

371 (1) 1990 Perrier Jouet ‘Belle Epoque’ $300-350

372 (3) 1988 Krug Vintage (Boxed) $350-450

373 (1) 1999 Dom Perignon Cuvee (Magnum) $350-450

374 (1) 1999 Dom Perignon Cuvee (Magnum) $350-450

375 (6) 1988 Krug Vintage (Boxed) $350-450

376 (2) 1988 Krug Vintage (Boxed) $350-450

377 (1) 1973 Perrier Jouet ‘Belle Epoque’ $350-450

378 (3) 1990 Krug Vintage (Boxed) $400-500

379 (6) 1990 Krug Vintage (Boxed) $400-500

380 (1) 1996 Dom Perignon Cuvee ‘Oenotheque’ $500-600

381 (1) 1986 Louis Roederer ‘Cristal’ $500-600

382 (2) 1981 Krug Collection Brut (Boxed) $600-700

383 (1) 1995 Krug Clos D’Ambonnay (Boxed) $2,500-3,500


384 (1) 1980 Ch Les Justices, Sauternes $40-60

385 (2) 1999 Castelnau de Suduiraut (375ml) $40-60

386 (6) 2003 La Tour Blanche, Sauternes (375ml) $50-70

387 (6) 2003 La Tour Blanche, Sauternes (375ml) $50-70

388 (1) 1998 Ch Suduiraut Sauternes (375ml) $60-80

389 (1) 1990 Ch Suduiraut, Sauternes (375ml) $80-100

390 (1) 1989 Ch Suduiraut, Sauternes (375ml) $80-100

391 (2) 1981 Ch Coutet, Barsac (CC) $80-100

392 (6) 2003 Ch Raymond Lafon, Sauternes $80-100

393 (1) 1998 Ch Suduiraut, Sauternes (375ml) $100-130

394 (1) 2001 Ch Riessec, Sauternes $230-260

395 (2) 1994 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $300-350

396 (3) 1999 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $350-400

397 (3) 1996 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $350-400

398 (1) 1966 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $400-450

399 (1) 1989 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $500-600

400 (1) 1976 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $600-700

401 (1) 1975 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $600-700

402 (1) 1955 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes (MS) $700-800

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409 (1) 1985 Ch La Croix Fourney, St Emilion $25-35

410 (1) 1995 Ch Haut Peyrillat, Medoc $25-35

411 (6) 1998 Simon Bize Aloxe Corton ‘Suchot’ $25-35

412 (1) 1996 Ch Gaudrelle Vouvray $25-35

413 (1) 1977 Ch Mouton-Cadet Blanc (US) $25-35

414 (12) 1970 Ch du Carillon, Cotes Fronsac $30-50

415 (3) 2000 Reignac Bordeaux Superieur $30-50

416 (2) 1998 Clos Labere Sauternes (375ml) $30-50

417 (6) 2006 Ch Carbonnieux, Graves $30-50

418 (1) 2003 Pascal Jolivet “Les Caillottes” (Magnum) $30-50

419 (1) 1998 Le Benjamin de Beauregard, Pomerol $35-55

420 (1) 1998 Ch Rouget, Pomerol $35-55

421 (12) 2001 Ch Lanessan $35-55

422 (6) 2008 Ch Pontensac, Medoc $35-55

423 (6) 2003 Domaine de Cristia CNDP $40-60

424 (1) 1966 Ch Smith Haut Lafitte (MS) $40-60

425 (5) 1998 V Girardin Santenay 1er Cru ‘Beaurepaire’ $40-60

426 (1) 1998 V Girardin Saint Romain ‘Sous Le Chateau’ $40-60

427 (4) 1997 Prince Poniatowski Aigle Blanc Vouvray Moelleux $40-60

428 (1) 1976 Maison Sichel, Margaux $40-60

429 (7) 2004 Ch Corbin, St Emilion $40-60

430 (4) 2004 Ch Ormes de Pez $40-60

431 (2) 2008 Ch D’Aiguilhe $40-60

432 (1) 1998 Domaine Courbis Cornas ‘Sabarotte’ $50-70

433 (1) 1999 Ch Cantenac Brown $50-70

434 (1) 1962 Ch La Dominique (US) $50-70

435 (1) 1977 Ch Mouton-Cadet $50-70

436 (6) 1970 Clos St Hilaire,Graves $50-70

437 (4) 2000 Ch Bernadotte, Haut Medoc $50-70

438 (4) 1998 Ch Bourgneuf, Pomerol $50-70

439 (3) 2000 Ch Bellisle Mondotte $50-70

440 (3) 2001 Ch Plince, Pomerol $50-70

441 (1) 1998 V Girardin Chassagne-Montrachet ‘Le Cailleret’ $50-70

442 (4) 1998 Ch Beauregard, Pomerol $50-70

443 (1) 1997 Jean-Marc Morey Pommard 1er Cru $50-70

444 (3) 2004 Ch Gloria $50-70

445 (2) 2004 Ch Fleur Cardinale $50-70

446 (6) 2003 Ch Bernadotte, Haut Medoc $50-70

447 (12) 2003 Ch Charmail, Haut Medoc $50-70

448 (1) 1999 Domaine Bertagna Vougeot ‘Les Cras’ $50-70

449 (1) 1999 Domaine Bertagna Vougeout ‘Perriere’ $50-70

450 (2) 2006 Ch Cantemerle, Haut Medoc $50-70

451 (10) 2004 Ch Magdelaine, St Emilion $60-80

452 (2) 1995 Charbonniere CNDP Vieilles Vignes $60-80

453 (1) 1998 Belland Santenay Beauregard $60-80

454 (1) 1995 Chandon Briailles Pernand Vergeleses $60-80

408 (1) 1995 Ch Pontoise Cabarrus $25-35

403 (1) 1955 Ch d’Yquem, Sauternes $900-1,00


404 (3) 1998 Ch Fugue de Nenin $20-30

405 (1) 1998 Ch Fontenil, Fronsac $20-30

406 (1) 1998 Ch Sanctus, St Emillion $25-35

407 (1) 1997 Domaine Charvin Cotes du Rhone $25-35

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455 (1) 1999 Rodet Nuits St Georges Porets $60-80

456 (3) 2001 Tardieu-Laurent Cote-Rotie $60-80

457 (1) 1970 Ch Branaire Ducru $60-80

458 (2) 1966 Ch Smith Haut Lafitte $60-80

459 (1) 1969 Ch L’Angelus (LS) $60-80

460 (8) 2000 Ch Lanessan $60-80

461 (2) 2004 Ch Lafon Rochet $60-80

462 (2) 2006 Ch Haut Bages Liberal $60-80

463 (1) 1974 Ch Lascombes, Margaux $60-80

464 (8) 2004 Ch Nenin, Pomerol $60-80

465 (1) 2000 J M Brocard Chablis ‘Le Clos’ $60-80

466 (1) 1995 Ch Feytit Clinet $60-80

467 (1) 2003 Michel Gros Vosne Romanee ‘Brulees’ $70-90

468 (1) 1995 Ch La Dominique, St Emilion $70-90

469 (1) 1972 Ch Branc Cantenac (US) $70-90

470 (1) 2000 Ch Ballisle Mondote $70-90

471 (3) 2004 Ch Gruaud Larose $70-90

472 (3) 2004 Ch Quinault L’Enclos $70-90

473 (2) 2006 Ch Carbonnieux (Blanc) $70-90

474 (2) 2006 Ch Smith Haut Lafitte $70-90

475 (1) 2006 Ch Grand Puy Lacoste $70-90

476 (2) 2003 Ch Du Tertre, Margaux $70-90

477 (6) 2004 Ch Talbot $70-90

478 (1) 1995 Domaine Pierre Amiot Clos de la Roche GC $80-100

479 (2) 2002 Ch Gruaud Larose $80-100

480 (3) 2004 Ch Climens, Barsac $80-100

481 (4) 2005 Bois de Boursan CNDP Cuvee Felix $80-100

482 (12) 2000 Ch Grand Mayne, St Emilion $80-100

483 (12) 1971 Ch. Troplong Mondot (OWC) $80-100

484 (3) 1971 Ch Troplong Montot (US) $80-100

485 (2) 1969 Ch Pichon Lalande $80-100

486 (5) 1997 Schlumberger Cuvee Anne (500ml) $80-100

487 (6) 2001 La Fleur de Bouard $80-100

488 (2) 1998 Ch Petit Village, Pomerol $80-100

489 (1) 2005 Ch Lafon Rochet $80-100

490 (2) 2006 Ch d’Issan, Margaux $80-100

491 (1) 2006 Ch Beychevelle $80-100

492 (6) 2004 Didier Dagueneau Buisson Renard $80-100

493 (1) 1996 Ch Feytit-Clinet $80-100

494 (1) 2001 Ch Gruaud Larose $90-120

495 (8) 2003 Ch Lagrange, St Julien $90-120

496 (3) 2003 Ch Rausan Segla $90-120

497 (1) 1996 Dom Hubert de Montille Volnay $90-120

498 (3) 2000 Michel Gros Vosne Romanee ‘Clos Des Reas’ $90-120

499 (1) 1994 Ch Trotanoy, Pomerol $90-120

500 (1) 2002 Ch Tertre Roteboeuf $100-130

501 (2) 2002 Ch Pichon Longeville Baron $100-130

502 (3) 2002 Vieux Chateau Certan, Pomerol $100-130

503 (2) 2001 Ch Troplong Mondot $100-130

504 (6) 2001 Ch Calon Segur $100-130

505 (3) 2004 Ch Leoville Barton $100-130

506 (2) 2004 Ch Smith Haut Lafitte $100-130

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513 (3) 1995 Ch Canon $100-130

514 (4) 2003 Ch Montrose $100-130

515 (3) 2001 Vincent Girardin Bonnes Mares $110-140

516 (6) 2004 Ch L’Evangile, Pomerol $110-140

517 (6) 2004 Ch L’Eglise Clinet, Pomerol $110-140

518 (6) 2000 Clos du Marquis $110-140

519 (3) 2004 Ch Troplong Mondot $110-140

520 (12) 2004 Ch Leoville Barton $110-140

521 (9) 2004 Ch Montrose $110-140

522 (1) 2002 Vieux Chateau Certan $120-150

523 (1) 2000 Ch La Gaffeliere, St Emilion $120-150

524 (6) 2003 Ch Gruaud Larose $120-150

525 (5) 1996 Ch Canon, St Emilion $130-160

526 (4) 2004 Ch Pichon Baron Longueville $130-160

527 (2) 2003 Ch Branaire-Ducru, St Julien $130-160

528 (6) 1999 Domaine Vougeraie Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru $140-180

529 (2) 1968 Ch L’Angelus (US) $140-180

530 (1) 2002 Ch Ducru Beaucaillou $140-180

531 (4) 2004 Ch Ducru Beaucaillou $140-180

532 (3) 1998 Ch Certan de May, Pomerol $140-180

533 (1) 2004 Dom de la Mordoree CNDP ‘Reine Bois’ (Magnum) $140-180

534 (12) 2002 Ch La Mission Haut Brion $150-200

535 (6) 2002 Le Dome, St Emilion $150-200

536 (6) 2000 Ch Lynch Bages (OWC) $150-200

537 (1) 1974 Ch Margaux (TS) $150-200

538 (6) 1998 Ch Leoville Las Cases $150-200

539 (4) 2004 Ch L’Evangile $150-200

540 (1) 1996 Ch Grand-Puy-Lacoste $150-200

541 (2) 2001 Ch Lynch Bages $150-200

542 (3) 2005 Ch Duhart Milon $150-200

543 (2) 2005 Ch Beau-Sejour Becot, St Emillion $150-200

544 (5) 2004 Le Petit Cheval $150-200

545 (4) 2004 Ch La Fleur Petrus, Pomerol $150-200

546 (2) 2004 Ch La Mission Haut Brion $180-230

547 (6) 2003 Ch Leoville Barton $180-230

548 (2) 2001 Ch Cos d’Estournel $180-230

549 (1) 1996 Ch Certan de May (Magnum) $180-230

550 (1) 2004 Chapoutier ‘Le Meal’ Ermitage Blanc $180-230

551 (1) 2004 Chapoutier ‘De L’Oree’ Ermitage Blanc $180-230

552 (6) 2000 Ch Pichon Baron Longueville (OWC) $200-250

553 (12) 2000 Ch Leoville Poyferre (OWC) $200-250

554 (2) 2004 Ch Leoville Las Cases $200-250

555 (1) 1977 Ch Pichon Lalande $200-250

556 (1) 1997 Domaine Gros Frere Grands Echezeaux $200-250

557 (2) 2001 Domaine Gros Frere Grands Echezeaux $200-250

558 (1) 1988 Ch La Mission Haut Brion $200-250

511 (6) 2003 Ch Talbot $100-130

512 (12) 2003 Ch Monbousquet, St Emilion $100-130

508 (1) 2006 Ch Lynch Bages $100-130

509 (1) 1998 Jaboulet La Chapelle $100-130

510 (1) 1979 Ch Giscours $100-130

507 (1) 2005 Ch Talbot $100-130

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559 (1) 1996 Domaine Bachelet Charmes Chambertin V.V. $250-300

560 (1) 1997 Domaine Gros Frere Richebourg $250-300

561 (1) 1997 Domaine Gros Frere Clos Vougeot $250-300

562 (1) 2003 Ch La Mission Haut Brion $250-300

563 (1) 2005 Ch Ducru Beaucaillou $250-300

564 (1) 1997 Ch Lafleur, Pomerol $300-350

565 (12) 2003 Ch Pavie, St Emilion $300-350

566 (7) 1990 Ch Gruaud Larose $300-350

567 (1) 2000 Ch Leoville Barton $300-350

568 (1) 1993 Ch Mouton Rothschild $350-400

569 (1) 1976 Ch Latour (TS) $350-400

570 (2) 1985 Ch Cheval Blanc $350-400

571 (1) 1986 Ch Cheval Blanc $350-400

572 (1) 1986 Ch Cheval Blanc (TOL) $350-400

573 (2) 2003 Carruades de Lafite $350-400

574 (3) 2000 Ch La Fleur-Petrus $350-400

575 (6) 2000 Ch Leoville Las Cases (OWC) $450-550

576 (3) 1996 Ch Haut Brion $500-600

577 (1) 2000 Ch Pavie, Saint Emilion $500-600

578 (2) 1995 Ch Haut Brion $500-600

579 (2) 1999 DRC Vosne Romanee Cuvee Duvault-Blochet $600-700

580 (6) 2004 Ch Margaux $600-700

581 (1) 1976 Ch Lafite Rothschild $600-700

582 (1) 1977 Ch Lafite Rothschild $700-900

583 (1) 1978 DRC Grand Echezeaux (MS) (BSL) $700-900

584 (3) 2003 Ch Latour $1,000-1,200

585 (6) 1986 Ch Mouton Rothschild $1,000-1,200

586 (2) 1986 Ch Mouton Rothschild $1,000-1,200

587 (3) 2003 Ch Margaux $1,000-1,200

588 (2) 2000 Ch Margaux $1,000-1,200

589 (3) 2001 Ch Lafite Rothschild $1,100-1,300

590 (2) 1999 Ch Lafite Rothschild $1,100-1,300

591 (1) 1999 Ch Le Pin, Pomerol $1,500-1,700

592 (1) 2008 Ch Latour (Magnum) $1,900-2,100

593 (1) 1961 Ch Mouton Rothschild (MS) $1,900-2,100

594 (1) 2000 Ch Ausone, St Emilion $1,900-2,100

595 (2) 2000 Ch Lafite Rothschild $2,200-2,600


596 (1) Seven Cellars N.Z Brandy ‘30 yr old’ (500ml) $100-200

597 (1) 2006 Midleton Very Rare Irish Whisky $150-200

598 (1) Hennessy ‘Paradis’ Rare Cognac (1970’s bottling) $300-400

599 (1) Duc d’Aquitaine Armagnac $800-1,000

600 (1) 1942 Janneau Armagnac $1,500-2,000

601 (1) 1963 The Glenlivet ‘For the Chairman’ Whisky $1,500-2,000

Page 16: Wine Catalogue February


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