Wind Turbine Design Codes: A Comparison of the Structural Response February 2000 NREL/CP-500-27470 M.L. Buhl Jr., A.D. Wright, and K.G. Pierce Presented at the 19 th American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Wind Energy Symposium Reno, Nevada January 10-13, 2000 National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 NREL is a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Operated by Midwest Research Institute Battelle Bechtel Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337

Wind Turbine Design Codes: A Comparison of the … · Wind Turbine Design Codes: A Comparison of the Structural Response February 2000 • NREL/CP-500-27470 M.L. Buhl Jr., A.D. Wright,

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Wind Turbine Design Codes:A Comparison of the StructuralResponse

February 2000 • NREL/CP-500-27470

M.L. Buhl Jr., A.D. Wright, and K.G. Pierce

Presented at the 19th American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME) Wind Energy SymposiumReno, NevadaJanuary 10-13, 2000

National Renewable Energy Laboratory1617 Cole BoulevardGolden, Colorado 80401-3393NREL is a U.S. Department of Energy LaboratoryOperated by Midwest Research Institute •••• Battelle •••• Bechtel

Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337

Page 2: Wind Turbine Design Codes: A Comparison of the … · Wind Turbine Design Codes: A Comparison of the Structural Response February 2000 • NREL/CP-500-27470 M.L. Buhl Jr., A.D. Wright,

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Page 3: Wind Turbine Design Codes: A Comparison of the … · Wind Turbine Design Codes: A Comparison of the Structural Response February 2000 • NREL/CP-500-27470 M.L. Buhl Jr., A.D. Wright,

AIAA 2000-0022



Marshall L. Buhl, Jr. ,* Alan D. Wright,† Kirk G. Pierce‡

National Renewable Energy LaboratoryGolden, Colorado


The National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) ofthe National Renewable Energy Laboratory is continu-ing a comparison of several computer codes used in thedesign and analysis of wind turbines. The second partof this comparison determined how well the programspredict the structural response of wind turbines. In thispaper, we compare the structural response for four pro-grams: ADAMS, BLADED, FAST_AD, and YawDyn.ADAMS is a commercial, multibody-dynamics codefrom Mechanical Dynamics, Inc. BLADED is a com-mercial, performance and structural-response code fromGarrad Hassan and Partners Limited. FAST_AD is astructural-response code developed by Oregon StateUniversity and the University of Utah for the NWTC.YawDyn is a structural-response code developed by theUniversity of Utah for the NWTC. ADAMS,FAST_AD, and YawDyn use the University of Utah’sAeroDyn subroutine package for calculating aero-dynamic forces. Although errors were found in all thecodes during this study, once they were fixed, the codesagreed surprisingly well for most of the cases andconfigurations we evaluated. One unresolved discrep-ancy between BLADED and the AeroDyn-based codeswas when there was blade and/or teeter motion in addi-tion to a large yaw error.


Because of the difficulty and expense of doing fieldtests to certify wind-turbine structures, the U.S.Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Program has de-veloped several wind-turbine design codes. Manufac-turers can use these codes to predict both the extreme

* Senior Engineer I, National Wind Technology Center† Senior Engineer II, National Wind Technology Center‡ Engineer II, National Wind Technology Center§ Copyright © 2000 by the American Institute of Aeronautics andAstronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United States underTitle 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has a royalty-free licenseto exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein forGovernmental Purposes. All other rights are reserved by thecopyright owner.

loads and the fatigue life of their turbines. Before thepredictions from these codes will be accepted by certi-fying agencies, the codes must be rigorously tested.Germanischer Lloyd, a certifying agency in Germany,has accepted BLADED as a suitable program for use inthe calculation of wind turbine loads for design andcertification.

One of the first steps in ensuring the quality of thesepredictive codes is to compare them to hand calcula-tions and to programs that have gained general accep-tance. The focus of this paper is on comparisons be-tween codes.

A previous paper by Buhl et al1 made a preliminarycomparison of the aerodynamic calculations of thecodes. Since then, some of the aerodynamic algorithmshave been modified, and we have repeated thatcomparison. The predictions of the codes are now closeenough to allow comparisons of the structural loadspredictions. We will not show results of the aero-dynamic comparisons in this paper but will concentrateon the structural response.

In this paper, we compare the predictions of fourprograms: ADAMS, BLADED,2 FAST_AD,3 andYawDyn.4 ADAMS is a commercial, multibody-dy-namics code from Mechanical Dynamics, Inc.BLADED is a commercial, performance and structural-response code from Garrad Hassan and PartnersLimited. FAST_AD is a structural-response code de-veloped by Oregon State University and the Universityof Utah for the National Wind Technology Center(NWTC). YawDyn is a structural-response code devel-oped by the University of Utah for the NWTC.ADAMS, FAST_AD, and YawDyn use the Universityof Utah’s AeroDyn4 subroutine package for calculatingaerodynamic forces.

We modeled an approximation of the AWT-27 P4turbine with the four simulators. The AWT-27 is a two-bladed, teetering, free-yaw, downwind turbine with 7°of precone. We carefully used similar properties for allsimulators. Because we are not comparing predictionsto test data for this study, it is far more important to usethe same properties for all simulators than it is to accu-rately model the real turbine. Although the properties

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used are not quite the same as those of the P4, they areclose enough to be representative of a realistic, utility-scale wind turbine. For this study, we call the turbinewe modeled the AWT-27CR (code runoff).

Before adding structural degrees of freedom(DOFs), we examined the aerodynamic loads predictedby the programs using their common aerodynamic fea-tures. Although not exactly the same, the predictionswere close enough to enable us to proceed with an ex-amination of the structural response.

Next, we operated a rigid version of the turbine in avacuum to see if our mass properties were consistentamong the programs. We then added the teeter DOF tosee if the dynamic responses agreed.

After ensuring ourselves that we were using similar,rigid-body properties, we started exciting the modelswith various types of wind inflow. For our studies, theinflow consisted of steady winds of 6, 12, and 18 m/s,transient winds, and stochastic, full-field turbulentwinds. For transient winds, we used four of the stan-dard International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)61400-15 extreme wind conditions. These were variouskinds of extreme gusts and direction changes. We usedSNLWIND-3D6 to generate the full-field wind files.We modified it and AeroDyn to create and use filescompatible with BLADED’s full-field wind files. Thismade it possible for all simulators to use the exact sameinflow.

For each of the inflow cases, we used the simulatorsto predict the structural response. We started with arigid turbine, then added new DOFs in steps until wewere using fully flexible rotors with free teeter.

In this paper, we will list the aerodynamic featuresused in all the programs. We will also explain how thevarious programs model the turbine structure and de-scribe the DOFs used for this study.

To compare the responses, we used NWTC-devel-oped postprocessing programs called GPP7 and Crunch8

to compute power spectral densities (PSDs), probabilitydensities (PDs), rainflow cycle counts, and azimuthaverages. We will show some of the results in thispaper.


The various simulators use somewhat different tech-niques to model the aerodynamics and the turbinestructure. They do not all model the same aerodynamicfeatures and have different structural DOFs. For thiscomparison, we tried to use features that were commonto all simulators. A list of programs and the versionswe used appears in Table 1.

The AeroDyn aerodynamics subroutine package,developed for the NWTC by the University of Utah, is

used in three of our simulators: ADAMS, FAST_AD,and YawDyn. It was written in a modular form thatallows it to be readily interfaced to structural-dynamicscodes. It can read hub-height wind files with windshear and gusts. It can also read full-field turbulencefiles created by SNLWIND-3D. It uses blade-elementmomentum theory, a Pitt and Peters’ dynamic inflowmodel, and a Leishman-Beddoes dynamic stall model.

ADAMS is a multibody-dynamics code that welinked with AeroDyn. It is a sophisticated program thatcan model virtually any type of turbine. It is not actu-ally a wind turbine code and is often used to analyzecars, robots, and spacecraft. It is a well-tested program,and we believe the rigid-body predictions of this fullynonlinear code are very accurate. ADAMS uses lumpedmasses connected by flexible fields similar to multidi-mensional spring dampers to model flexible bodies likeblades and towers. This technique uses some approxi-mations and is not as exact as the rigid-body portion ofthe simulator. Using a finite-element method wouldprobably be more accurate. For our AWT_27CR, weused 11 lumped masses for each blade separated by 10flexible field statements.

Unlike ADAMS, BLADED is a wind-turbine specificcode. It is actually a suite of programs that are all initi-ated through an easy-to-use graphical interface.BLADED has undergone extensive testing and is ac-cepted by the German certifying agency, GermanischerLloyd, as “a suitable program for the calculation ofwind turbine loads for design and certification.” Be-cause it is a wind turbine specific code, it has limitedDOFs but can model many common turbine configura-tions. Because it lacks the ability to put the teeter pinanywhere except at the point where the blades intersectthe hub, we modeled the AWT-27CR this way in allsimulators.

BLADED models flexible elements using modal rep-resentation. The reliability of this representation de-pends on the generation of accurate mode shapes andfrequencies. The blade model uses properties such asstiffness and mass per unit length to specify the flexi-bility characteristics. Before a response simulation canbe done, users execute a modal analysis calculation togenerate the mode shapes and frequencies for the rotat-ing blades. Although the mode shapes do not changewith rotational speed, their frequencies vary to accountfor centrifugal stiffening. For our AWT_27CR model,we specified blade properties at 27 locations along theblade.

Like AeroDyn, BLADED also uses blade-elementmomentum theory to model the airflow. It can also usea dynamic inflow model based upon the method of Pittand Peters, and has a dynamic stall model based uponthe work of Leishman and Beddoes. The implementa-

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tions of these algorithms are probably not the same asthose in AeroDyn, so we did not use either dynamicinflow or dynamic stall in this study. We found somedifferences in the equilibrium-inflow algorithms, and wemodified AeroDyn to use algorithms more similar toBLADED’s.

FAST_AD has modeling features similar toBLADED. It has similar DOFs and also uses modal rep-resentation to model flexible structures. FAST_AD hasits own utility program to generate mode shapes, but weused the ones generated by BLADED to give us the bestchance of fair comparisons. One shortcoming of thecurrent version of FAST_AD is that the modal dampingfor higher-order modes must be the same as that for thefirst mode.

YawDyn is the simplest of the structural-responsecodes. For teetering turbines, it has only two DOFs,teeter and yaw. It models the rotor as a single rigidbody, so there is no flexibility in the blades. In the datawe present, we may say that the results are for flexibleblades, but in the case of YawDyn, they are rigid. LikeADAMS and FAST_AD, YawDyn uses the AeroDynroutines for aerodynamics.

Because it is easier to convert from mass/length dis-tributions to lumped masses, we derived the ADAMSproperties from the distributions we used for BLADEDand FAST_AD. For this, we used an Excel spreadsheetto calculate the mass and centers of mass (CMs) for thelumped-mass parts. Once the ADAMS model had beenbuilt we used the ADAMS/View aggregate-mass infor-mation feature to find the mass properties we needed forYawDyn. These values agreed extremely well with themass totals reported by BLADED.

This process of getting mass properties to agree tookmuch longer than expected. Part of this was caused bythe lack of a thorough understanding of all the codes.We discovered many unexpected limitations during thisprocess.

Two features in BLADED required us to modify ourrotor models. One was that BLADED requires that theteeter axis be located at the point where the blade sparsintersect the shaft. This is often not the case for teeter-ing turbines, so we had to modify all models to agreewith what we could model with BLADED. The otherfeature was that none of the hub mass teeters inBLADED. This forced us to include the hub mass in theblades. We do not have any stiffness data for theAWT-27 hub, so we gave that part of the rotor a stiff-ness that is approximately ten times higher than that forthe blade root section. We modeled the rotor inFAST_AD the same as we did for BLADED.

A side benefit of including the hub as part of theflexible blades was that we could get bending loads atthe center of rotation for BLADED and FAST_AD.

This did not matter for ADAMS, as we could put virtualstrain gages anywhere on the turbine. We had earliereliminated YawDyn from this study because it couldonly report blade loads at the center of rotation. Thesemodifications allowed us to reintroduce YawDyn to thecomparison.

Table 1. Simulators Used in This Study.

Program Version

ADAMS 9.1 (Patch 91-33), AeroDyn 11.21cr-e


FAST_AD 2.1, AeroDyn 11. 21cr-e

YawDyn 11. 21cr-e, AeroDyn 11. 21cr-e


Because the thrust of this phase of our study was tocompare the structural responses of the simulators, weattempted to use the same aerodynamic features fromeach of the codes. Without similar aerodynamic input,comparisons of structural responses are impossible.Although the codes can model aerodynamic effects suchas dynamic wake, dynamic stall, and tower shadow, wedid not use them in this phase of the study. The aerody-namic features we used were: axial induction, tangentialinduction, equilibrium inflow, Prandtl tip loss (no hubloss), and wind shear.

In our first paper,1 we mentioned a difference inhow the codes used the tip-loss correction factor in theinduction-factor calculation. This difference caused asignificant disagreement in the aerodynamic loads in theoutboard portion of the blade. We conferred withRobert Wilson of Oregon State University and MichaelSelig of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.They both agreed that BLADED uses the correctmethod. We modified AeroDyn to use the correctalgorithm, and now the codes agree quite well in theoutboard portion of the blade.

There still seemed to be a significant difference inthe inboard portions of the blades. When looking at thetangential induction factor, we noticed that the codespredicted very different values for stations where theangle of attack increased enough to produce large dragcoefficients. We examined the documentation forBLADED and found that it includes the drag term inboth the axial and tangential induction-factor calcula-tions. AeroDyn does not use the drag terms. We modi-fied AeroDyn to include the drag terms and got a muchbetter agreement. There are still some differences atlow wind speeds, but at 18 m/s the predictions are virtu-ally identical. We made this modification only for this

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study, and it is not included in the released version ofAeroDyn.

Although there has been some debate over the yearsas to whether or not these drag terms are appropriate,AeroDyn included them at one time. However, RobertWilson’s view is that because drag is not an action-at-a-distance force as the lift is, drag has only a localizedeffect on the induced velocities and should not be usedin the calculations.9


As we mentioned in the section describing the capa-bilities of the simulators, we modeled blade flexibilityin ADAMS as a series of lumped masses separated byflexible fields similar to spring dampers. BLADED andFAST_AD use the method of modal representation.YawDyn cannot model blade flexibility for teeteringrotors.

The only other DOF we enabled for this phase ofour study was the teetering DOF. We do not, however,model teeter dampers with a typical deadband or withteeter stops. We put a light spring (1 kN m) on the tee-ter that engages immediately and has enough damping(40 kN m s) to get the models to behave in a vacuum.

We tried enabling the yaw DOF in all the codes, butthe responses were very dissimilar. It seemed mean-ingless to compare the loads from the simulators whenthe models yawed in different, and sometimes opposite,directions. Lacking time to determine and fix thecauses of the differences, we decided to eliminate thatDOF from this phase of our study. We also did nothave time to enable tower or drive-train flexibility.


We used several different types of inflow to exciteour structural models. The first case was no inflow.Operating the turbine models in a vacuum helped usfind errors in our models and in the codes. After we gotgood agreement for the zero air-density case, we usedsteady, non-sheared winds for the inflow. We then pro-ceeded to sheared flow. For both sheared and non-sheared flow, we used wind speeds of 6, 12, and 18 m/s,which provided a reasonable range of speeds for thepurposes of this study.

Once we enabled teeter and blade flexibility, andensured that we had the best comparisons, we used thefour IEC extreme-wind conditions listed in Table 2.

Next, we used full-field turbulent wind data fromSNLWIND-3D to excite the structure. We ran three 10-minute simulations at mean u-component wind speedsof 6, 12, and 18 m/s.

Table 2. IEC Extreme Wind Conditions.

EDC_r Extreme direction change at rated wind speed (17 m/s)EDC_o Extreme direction change at cut-out wind speed (22.5 m/s)ECG Extreme Coherent GustECD Extreme Coherent Gust with Direction Change


For our comparisons, we analyzed four parameters:teeter angle, blade out-of-plane (OoP) bending momentat the center of rotation, in-plane (IP) bending momentat the center of rotation, and yaw moment.

Although we started to compare blade-tip deflec-tions, we dropped them from the analysis. BecauseYawDyn does not have flexible blades, and BLADEDleaves out the effects of gravity in their blade deflec-tions, there seemed little reason to compare them. Wealso did not compare shaft torque or power, because weassumed they were essentially driven by the IP blademoments.

For all simulations, we eliminated the first 10 sec-onds of the output to be sure the turbine had reached asteady state. For the steady wind cases, we used Crunchv1.74 to generate azimuth averages of the signals. Forthe IEC extreme wind conditions, we compared the timeseries. For the full-field turbulence cases, we usedCrunch to generate PDs and RCCs, and GPP v6.00 togenerate PSDs.

We agonized about the choice of scales for theplots. To zoom in on the curves to magnify the differ-ences in the predictions, might tell a misleadinglypessimistic story. Instead, we chose to find theminimum and maximum of each of the signals for alltest cases and use them to set our scales. We believethis tells a more meaningful story.


Non-Teetering Turbine with Rigid Blades

The first step in our structural comparisons was toset the air density to zero and disable all flexibility andteetering. This enabled us to ensure we had the samedimensional, mass, and inertial properties. We alsocalculated the blade loads for the horizontal and verticalconfigurations in a spreadsheet. At first, the codes didnot agree, so we tried setting the gravity to zero tocompare only the centrifugal loads. These steps helpedus find errors in our models and in the simulators.

After getting excellent agreement for the models op-erating in a vacuum, we set about getting the blade-ele-ment, aerodynamic properties to agree. To do this, wemade several modifications to AeroDyn to give us

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reasonably good agreement with BLADED. Modifica-tions included adding the drag terms to the inductionequations, using a different equation for the thrust coef-ficient, and disabling the skewed-wake corrections. Wealso set the air density to sea-level density and excitedthe rigid-turbine models with steady winds. We did thisfor both sheared and non-sheared flow at 0º yaw error.The blade loads from each simulator were very close forboth sheared and non-sheared winds. The yaw mo-ments for the sheared-flow cases were exactly the sameat moderate and high wind speeds, but merely close at6 m/s. In non-sheared flow, there is no yaw moment forthe non-yawed condition, so all codes predicted no yawmoment.

We also ran the same cases with 15º and 30º yaw er-rors. All the codes agreed perfectly for both shearedand non-sheared flow. See Figures 1 and 2 for exam-ples of these loads for sheared, 12 m/s steady winds,and a yaw error of 30º.

Teetering Turbine With Rigid Blades

We next turned on the teetering DOF and set the airdensity to zero. Plots of azimuth averages showed thatthe predictions of all parameters were virtually identicalfor all four codes, which gave us the confidence weneeded to move forward.

For both sheared and non-sheared winds, we got ex-cellent agreement for the blade loads. For teeter angle,BLADED predicted about twice the deflection as theAeroDyn-based codes at 6 m/s. Granted, these deflec-tions were only a fraction of a degree. At higher windspeeds, BLADED’s teeter deflections were closer tothose of the AeroDyn-based codes, which had differ-ences amongst themselves. These differences in teeterdeflections seem to have affected the yaw-moment pre-dictions. For the cases with yaw errors, BLADED pre-dicted much larger teeter angles than the AeroDyn-based codes, which exhibited virtually the same re-sponse. Again, this also showed up in the yaw re-sponse. For blade loads, the codes gave excellentagreement at 6 and 12 m/s, but we found a problem inour modified version of AeroDyn at 18 m/s. The codesseemed to have a hard time converging. Because theproblem does not appear in the normal version ofAeroDyn, we decided it was not worth the effort to findthe problem. This problem did not occur at lower windspeeds, as you can see in Figure 3, which plots the 12m/s data.

Because the differences seem to appear only whenthere is blade motion, we suspect that the differences wefound for configurations with free teeter were caused bya difference in how the aerodynamic routines accountfor the motion of the blades. The problem seems

exacerbated by high yaw errors. As of this writing, wedo not know which of the two is more accurate.

Non-Teetering Turbine with Flexible Blades

We added flexibility to the blades for ADAMS,BLADED, and FAST_AD. YawDyn does not allow anyblade flexibility for teetering turbines. The lack ofblade flexibility for YawDyn is evident from the plotsof blade bending moments, as shown in Figure 4. Be-cause the YawDyn blades do not bend, the rotor pre-cone is not affected the way it is for the other codes.The other cases we ran for this condition provided nonew insight.

All the models with flexible blades gave goodagreement for the first fundamental modes. The firstflap mode was almost 2.5 Hz for all codes, but therewas a 2% variation in the first edge mode, which wasaround 7 Hz.

Teetering Turbine with Flexible Blades

The teetering turbine with flexible blades representsthe most complex configuration we used for this phaseof the study. In addition to the cases we did for thesimpler configurations, we ran four IEC extreme-loadconditions and three 10-minute, full-field turbulencesimulations.

For the conditions when the turbine operated in avacuum or in steady winds, the results were similar tothose for the teetering turbine with rigid blades. Be-cause of the lack of blade flexibility, YawDyn differedin OoP bending moment. See Figure 5 for a plot of theblade loads when operating the turbine in a vacuum.

For the IEC extreme-load cases, BLADED differedfrom the others in ways similar to those reported earlier.For the extreme-coherent-gust event, all codes gavevirtually the same answers. For teeter deflection,BLADED differed in the three cases that included awind-direction change for this fixed-yaw turbine.YawDyn was closer to ADAMS and FAST_AD, whichgave essentially identical results.

For the OoP loads, the codes gave good agreementfor the EDC_r case. For the higher wind-speed cases(EDC_o and ECD), ADAMS and FAST_AD agreedperfectly, but the other codes differed by quite a bit.See Figure 6 for plots for the ECD case.

Although BLADED has an extra peak that theAeroDyn-based codes do not have, all the codes are ingood agreement for the IP loads. See Figure 7 for a plotof ECD case.

For yaw moments, BLADED differed the most, asseen in Figure 8. For the three cases with yawed flow,BLADED’s peak-to-peak magnitudes were greater thanthose of the other codes. Again, ADAMS andFAST_AD gave virtually identical results.

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We next ran 10-minute simulations with full-fieldturbulent winds. The simulations used meanu-component wind speeds of 6, 12 and 18 m/s. We ana-lyzed the data by computing PDs, PSDs, and RCCs. Ingeneral, the agreement between ADAMS andFAST_AD was nearly perfect.

An examination of the PSDs provided few insights.For the teeter deflection, we found that BLADED seemsto have more power up to about 3P (thrice per revolu-tion) than the other codes at 6 m/s. Differences athigher mean wind speeds were small. This seems toagree with the fact that BLADED generally had largerteeter excursions—especially at lower wind speedswhere the blade motion has a greater impact.

Examining the PDs for the teeter deflection showedthe AeroDyn-based codes agreed extremely well, whilethe BLADED results differed from the other codes in away that depended on wind speed. Although BLADEDhad a wider and shorter distribution, it was closer to theother codes at the higher wind speeds. See Figure 9 forthe 12 m/s case.

The OoP results showed that YawDyn differed fromthe other codes by a fair amount because of the rigidblades. BLADED differed by a lesser amount, but thedifference increased with wind speed. Again, ADAMSand FAST_AD were quite close. For IP loads, all codesagreed quite well. For yaw moment, the AeroDyn-based codes were closest, although YawDyn differed bya modest amount at 6 m/s. At 6 m/s, the AeroDyn-based codes had a bimodal distribution, which indicatedthat the data were fairly sinusoidal. BLADED had amuch weaker left hump. At the other wind speeds, allcodes gave good agreement. See Figure 10 for plot ofthe 12 m/s case.

Comparing the RCCs showed results similar to theother ways of analyzing the data. Once again, ADAMSand FAST_AD were most alike. Lack of flexibility inYawDyn’s blades was quite apparent in the OoP data—especially at the high wind speeds where flexibility hasthe greatest impact. See Figure 11 for the 18 m/s case.Differences with BLADED’s teeter deflections (notshown) and yaw moments (Figure 12) showed quitewell in these plots.


Although we still see differences between the codes,we are getting much better agreement now than whenwe started this study. The many errors that were fixedcertainly helped this. Careful use of only those featurescommon to all codes and the elimination of modelingerrors also improved matters. Making temporarymodifications to AeroDyn to gain better agreement withBLADED had a major impact on the comparisons.

We are quite happy with the comparisons of theblade loads. Although the predictions varied somewhat,we believe these differences are not significant whencompared to the difficulty of obtaining the accuratestructural and aerodynamic properties required to buildthe models.

We are not as comfortable with the differences inthe aerodynamics, teeter motion, and yaw moments. Wesuspect that most of the differences in the predictions ofthe codes are caused by differences in the aerodynamiccalculations. Therefore, in a way, this is a two-waycomparison between BLADED and AeroDyn.

We need to come to a consensus on the correct in-duction-factor equations. The differences in predictionsbetween BLADED and the AeroDyn-based codes wouldbe much greater if we had used the regular version ofAeroDyn. We hope that an upcoming wind-tunnel testof a 10m turbine will provide that consensus.

We do not know why BLADED has a more activeteeter response than the AeroDyn-based codes. Thebalance between the teeter deflection and the OoP mo-ments seems different than for the other codes. Wesuspect it is because there is not as much aerodynamicdamping resulting from blade and/or teeter motion.

We eliminated the yaw DOF from this study becauseof the large differences in responses between all thecodes. After abandoning free yaw, we found errors inFAST_AD and YawDyn and also made significant,albeit temporary, changes to AeroDyn, to obtain betteragreement.

One benefit of the code runoff is that it provided afairly thorough verification of our newest code,FAST_AD. Once the errors were fixed by R. Wilson,the agreement between FAST_AD and ADAMS wassurprisingly good. The predictions from these twocodes came closest in this study. Because FAST_AD isfast, easy to use, and free, we think designers shouldconsider adding it to their design-code tool belt. Be-cause YawDyn is much faster and even easier to usethan FAST_AD, it is still useful for preliminary analy-ses when a simpler model is sufficient.


For this phase of the study, we used only those mod-eling features that were common to most of the codes.We did not use the yaw DOF, tower flexibility, teeterstops, tower shadow, or dynamic inflow. If time andbudget permit, we would like to test these features,eliminate the restriction of using common features, andcreate the best models we can with each of the codes.We think it would be appropriate to do a loads analysisthat is typical of turbine designers attempting certifica-tion. We would like to know how differently the codes

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predict the lifetime and extreme loads for some turbinecomponents.

We would also like to convert our models to simu-late a three-bladed, upwind turbine with propertiessimilar to the AWT-27CR. We would reduce the bladechord to keep the solidity the same. This would, inturn, necessitate modification of the mass and stiffnessdistributions.


We would like to thank everyone who helped uswith this study: Ervin Bossanyi, David Quarton, andRobert Rawlinson-Smith of Garrad Hassan, who helpedus use their program and taught us some of the finerdetails of modeling wind turbines; Craig Hansen, DaveLaino, and Akihiro Suzuki of Windward Engineering,who created YawDyn and AeroDyn, for fixing theproblems we found, and helping us interface AeroDynwith the original FAST code from Oregon State Univer-sity; Bob Wilson from Oregon State, who createdFAST, for fixing its problems in a timely fashion andteaching us about blade-element momentum theory; andJim Tangler of NREL for helping us with aerodynamictheory.

We would also like to thank all the managers atDOE and NREL who waited patiently over the years forus to do this study the right way. Without the extratime, we would not have been able to examine the codeswith the meticulous detail needed to uncover all theerrors we found. And a special thanks to RobertThresher, Sue Hock, Mike Robinson, and SandyButterfield, without whom these codes would not be asgood as they are today.

This work was done at the National RenewableEnergy Laboratory in support of the U.S. Department ofEnergy under contract number DC-AC36-98-GO10337.


1 Buhl, M.L., Jr.; Wright, A.D.; Tangler, J.L. WindTurbine Design Codes: A Preliminary Comparisonof the Aerodynamics. NREL/CP-500-23975.Golden, Colorado: National Renewable EnergyLaboratory, December 1997.

2 Bossanyi, E.A. BLADED for Windows TheoryManual. Bristol, England: Garrad Hassan andPartners Limited, September 1997.

3 Wilson, R.E.; Walker, S.N.; Heh, P. Technical andUser’s Manual for the FAST_AD AdvancedDynamics Code. OSU/NREL Report 99-01.Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University, May1999.

4 Hansen, A.C. User’s Guide to the Wind TurbineDynamics Computer Programs YawDyn andAeroDyn for ADAMS®, Version 11.0. Salt LakeCity, Utah: University of Utah, August 1998. Pre-pared for the National Renewable Energy Labora-tory under Subcontract No. XAF-4-14076-02.

5 International Electrotechnical Commission (TC88).Wind Turbine Generator Systems – Part 1: SafetyRequirements. Second Edition. IEC 61400-1.Geneva: International Electrotechnical Commis-sion, February 1999.

6 Kelley, N.D. Full Vector (3-D) Inflow Simulationin Natural and Wind Farm Environments Using anExpanded Version of the SNLWIND (Veers’) Tur-bulence Code. NREL/TP-442-5225. Golden,Colorado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory,1992.

7 Buhl, M.L., Jr.; Weaver, N.L. GPP Version 6User’s Guide. NREL/TP-500-25815. Golden,Colorado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory,July 1999.

8 Buhl, M.L., Jr. NWTC Design Codes (Crunch),1999. http://wind2.nrel.gov/designcodes/crunch.Last modified June 11, 1999; accessed June 18,1999.

9 Wilson, R.E.; Patton, E.M. Design Analysis ofPerformance and Aerodynamic Loading of Non-Flexible Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines.OSU/DOE Report RLO/2227-78-2. Corvallis,Oregon: Oregon State University, August 1978;p. 68.

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Figure 1. A comparison of blade loads for a rigid, non-teetering turbine operating with a yaw errorof 30° in 12 m/s, sheared, steady winds.

Figure 2. A comparison of yaw moments for a rigid, non-teetering turbine operating with a yawerror of 30° in 12 m/s, sheared, steady winds.

Figure 3. A comparison of blade bending moments for a teetering turbine with rigid bladesoperating with a yaw error of 30° in 12 m/s, non-sheared, steady winds.






0 90 180 270 360Blade Azimuth, degrees




, kN









0 90 180 270 360Blade Azimuth, degrees


de B


ng M













0 90 180 270 360Blade Azimuth, degrees


de B


ng M







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Figure 4. A comparison of blade bending moments for a non-teetering turbine with flexible bladesoperating with a yaw error of 30° in 12 m/s, non-sheared, steady winds.

Figure 5. A comparison of blade bending moments for a teetering turbine with flexible bladesoperating in a vacuum.

Figure 6. A comparison of blade OoP bending moments for a teetering turbine with flexible bladesoperating during an extreme coherent gust with direction change.







10 12 14 16 18 20Time, seconds








ts, k



Start of Event







0 90 180 270 360Blade Azimuth, degrees


de B


ng M













0 90 180 270 360Blade Azimuth, degrees


de B


ng M






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Figure 7. A comparison of blade IP bending moments for a teetering turbine with flexible bladesoperating during an extreme coherent gust with direction change.

Figure 8. A comparison of yaw moments for a teetering turbine with flexible blades operatingduring an extreme coherent gust with direction change.

Figure 9. A comparison of PDs of teeter deflections for a 12 m/s turbulent wind.







10 12 14 16 18 20Time, seconds







, kN



Start of Event





-10 -5 0 5 10Teeter Deflection, degrees

PD o

f Tee

ter D










10 12 14 16 18 20Time, seconds




, kN



Start of Event

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Figure 10. A comparison of PDs of yaw moments for a 12 m/s turbulent wind.

Figure 11. A comparison of Normalized RCCs of OoP bending moments for a 18 m/s turbulentwind.

Figure 12. A comparison of Normalized RCCs of yaw moments for a 12 m/s turbulent wind.




-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20Yaw Moment, kN·m

PD o

f Yaw


., 1/









0 10 20 30 40Peak-to-Peak Yaw Moment, kN·m



w C



e, H







0 20 40 60 80 100Peak-to-Peak OoP Bending Moment, kN·m



w C



e, H