WILSON THEORIST, is. TOWNSEND SAYS Senator From Michigan Attacks Administration's Trust Legislation Program. MENTAL HEALERS UNABLE TO CURE SICK BUSINESS 1 tf .f T T* J 3 jjeriurrs many cu Laws x^iiariuu Impeach Intelligence and Independence of Congress. Pep-.'.-r Tatt rjfT.i of "h'srnr r«- o' ib prun. y- Vf.-nrAUS'v ' T :ii KC tV admir:.-!:' «!; ^ 1.i.uis'rt ;< program and 1;: - f -r was the datv <n- ere*?? to nd.; urn and sp> home a: the pfop'f *v?.nt" if to do. j '"Rusn'is V- nV the psycho-| Io.sri s annot cure it." said ?"-ar<''r Tounpepd, \:nd especially will :* r c it is mad-- the «» k of -a a r s Cnmmt-nirc u".-»n t: locislnt.m a'.- ready »:Oi * .! c t::c dc-r.o.-rats amo into pewe--. i?r>- T'-u-TiP -rd said "M a tr»A u:s!ation a'.readv written ipto 'iw and nr-w in tbe process of] fr.a<"fra-Tif is an impea-hment of tiie in- tf IT:.-- an inch p. c.J- n<*e n4' ^onc-cs- for it '\ ~-r w..;d have bpon ena. tod i' the r;)t'.-.?;a u;<!a are bad follow t diktat as of its 'An /.augment as to what was best and ne*ssur-- to- the good the P'op'.e President Without Experience. "I will rot charge ;ar President with being unpatriot insincere. T do assert. however, that h>- is a theorist who. without constructor. h;;.-in»*s.s xperienre of his own, nevertheless ffies into the fare of all «xperi.iu>- and insists in driving his docile congressional adr -rents onto dangerous and untenable srro ;nds. "I realize, of course, that no national legislator will admit that he is a«-tua*--d by a desire to throttle or impede i. ultimate industries, and T do 1:« t believe that any one is primarily so actuated: but I do believe that in their desir« t curry what they h# !> ve to ;«»» popular favor some are -willing to say and dthings which appeal to passion and preju- dice, rather than to reason. "There may i.e. and f think there is, a legitimate ciem.-m «»l s;u,ai."ii :n u.-iness. bur there ought not t<> be speculation 1n legislation. It should be a science. exact and certain Let :t not be understood from what I have said that business should fro unbridled and uncontrolled. It should not he hobbled or hamstrung; but Inasmuch as it can exist only under government, it should be sub- , Ject to government; and inasmuch, also. as a republic is one for th.t just and a!>- solutely equal benefit of all. no business man and no other man should be per- roitted to employ his money, his labor or his genius to the detriment of any other man." Discusses Trust Legislation. Senator Townsend said that the trust- legislation program of the democrats attempted to deal with the business of the United States, complicated as it is by the dual laws of our two forms of government; developed and established under customs and statutes of more than a century', ramifying every section of the country. "This program was conceived by the President." said Senator Townsend "It Is a hydra-headed creature and I am convinced that a Hercules at this time would be a benefactor to the country." Senator Townsend insisted that the pending trade commission bill was unnecessary. He said that the bill would transform the bureau of corporations Into a commission and enormously increase the present expenditures. Army of Attorneys Needed. "If only the offenders against business ethics were to be investigated, one active, capable man and a very few experts could make the investigation and report,-' said Senator Townsend. "But I must admit that with the presumption that all business must be watched and its methods supervised, a large army of attorneys, experts, etc.. will he required." FATAL PLUG "HANGED." Secretary Redfield Officiates Over Miniature Gallows for Object Lesson. On a miniature mahogany gallows In the Department of Commerce yesterday was "hanged' the fusible plug that failed to operate and caused a boiler explosion that killed eleven of the crew of the steamer J- iferson off Cape Henry, Secretary Redfb-id acted as chief exc- cutioner at the hanging ceremonies," which were mt-nd»d t" emphasize the' necessity for "safety fast." New steamboat regulations were adopted as the result of the explosion of the Jefferson. ORDERED FROM VERA CRUZ. Battleship Florida and Gunboat Nashville to Return Home Secretary Daniels has ordered the return to the home yard of the battle* ship Florida and toe gunboat .Nashville now at Vera Cruz. That order is in conformity with the departm« nt's policy of bringing bark for a change of climate eac h of t!>.. vessels of the fle^t now lying m Mexican waters when they ran be spared, taking first those which i.av-- been longest m the tropics The Florida goes to the New York r.avy yard and the Nashville to the Portsmouth. N Ii yard. Gen. Wood Bids President Farewell. Maj. Gen. nurd Wood, the retiring chief of staff of the army, called officially at the Whit*- House today to lad farewell to President Wilson before leaving: for Gov. rr.* rs Island to takcommand of the I> ;»artrr.ent of the Kast. William Te"r>o, The sixteen-year-old son of _W. S. Teho. a. contractor of Suffolk. Va. was drowned yesterday at Virginia Beach W- iie on a Sunda> school excursion from Suffolk. I. r Sunday Star Want Ads Make For You Good Monday Business. All the People Read Sunday Star Want Ads. Send in Your Copy Now. Phone Main 2440. , ^ EARI Y AMERICAN RUINS RIVAL THE OLD WORLD j Keeords Contained in Ancient City of Yucatan Challenge Interest of Students. ! I Antiqunrians Estimate Ag'e of Chichen Itza at From 2,000 to More Than 11.000 Years. I V<T'.yrv,: «f Ti.o nffr I'nited com mu> ! lho National «j pi .. " d»s- sr T h- n Itza. III.- a tt,-n !; '. '!! the| pr'iM:: ?i1;» of Yucatan. «' tr s that. the Aiwri' :m people sho-hi ken to the j f.». r that they lMvf right at P-me arehi- \ ter An> .ra* I ruined Ptr t ?r» s \ :r in:e»v.-T !»ur and » f t that Americans} mtjst cnnio t t m "Within those prions American ruins are g at ! «-> »k. w.ih pages of stone, wit tn hara- t a* r.<< man may yet read.'' lv dc-"Are the! ma steries The hold, the wonderful faets that certainly lie sraied and mute within them, hidden from us. less interesting to Anit-rirans than are t' tales of Egyptian dvn.asTles, the rites f Pruids. f: er.an rr.pings or Saxon raidings? 1 think not. An Early Tennis Court. Mr. Th'-r <* describes what was pi la st tennis or basket hail .rt on h-* -c.h- re and possibh in t; w "The ruined croup of <"i. It/.a ov« a spa. e of fully -e re «. says. "Over all t h: w -ft are mattered carved { and > a.. I spaa s. uintless thousands, while t torn less remains and! o ;t;ir -d \\ f I truetures fallen into ran ar»- n »' ry side. Seven! massive -t: taj.s <>f need stone and adamant;? mortar std! tow, ccj, and almost inhai-liable. '!'! r fa.- .id» s sus-j tain the claim that rhirhen Itza is one J of the world's greatest monuments of!1 ami luity. . J "S. vera! hundred fret t th-> west of the Castle Temple rest two gr.at paral-j ; lei > f solid masonry, each 2T."» f»-et lone, thirty-four feet wide and twenty- ' five feet high. Between thes* moles isM minted sn.i-e was probably the theater lor ih»- ]>erf«»rmance or' ertain riand eanifs or a »-eremonial haracter. 'J'liis bc.it f i.- borne out by the fart that at aj distance of si\ feet from the level upper surface of the mole two pre at rings of st-rie wer»- fixed into 1 he perpendicular! wall surface, directly opposite each other." Thousands of Years Old. Mr. Thompson declares estimates as to rhc ape of the city vary from less than f.o«w» years t«> m«.»r#- than 21 ">«*» years. An idea o? the intricacies of the language ( f the people of the city is given by the following quotation from a document found there; "I.ni u tzolan Katun iukci , Li cab ti yotot h Nonoual," which is trans- * lated to mean. "This is a set i«-s of epochs I that elapsed from tin- time of their de- parture from the house of Nonoual in the i land of Tulapan." r The writer tells a legend concerning \ ' th< this house. These quarter of a century. $40 "P-B" Suits d* Are Reduced to $35 "P-B" Suits Are Reduced to *P $30 "P-B" Suits d> Are Reduced to $25 "P-B" Suits £ Are Reduced to NOTE.Tuxedos, Full Dress 'The One Big S in Town JL licit a wiitti Luatuiucia c*rj to hoar from you. All shir regular stock.all perfect, < have NO seconds. Lot 1. at Thirty-nine (39) dozen ma .new patterns; also WHITE Best $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75*vai Sizes 14 to 17. Lot 2. All of our SI.50 and $2.00 ble cuffs (Manhattans excepte of silk finished soisette. Special Lot 3 .$2 and $2.25 Silk Front Shirts Body of silk soisette, front quality SILK. Sizes 14 to J A Odd ^^LcAtV WjasTj (/->y .THE MACE The* mnre is the symbol of the autl When in the course of turbulent debat in«i refuses to subside, the Speaker of to bring the member to order. This o the seat <>f the offender. Members dr« bearing the mace, and usually come to o 'anel. the impetuous Toiler of Chichen tza. who loved the daughter of the ruler »f a distant province. One day a runner wrought him the news that the batab of ichbor'.ng and far more powerful >rov5iwe had married the maiden. t'anek 11j<i his warriors went to his enemy's city Jtai'-r cover of darkness, whil- all was cvelry there in celebration of the wedling. After venting th» ir fury on the Irunken celebrants they stole the bride >f an hour and disappeared. Never again lid f'hichen Itza know its Lord t'anek mr any of his hand of lighters. Years tft.-rward a hunting band from Chichen tza made a long journey to the south, rii-y finally reached a iake and in its enter an island city. The city was Tayisal and its ruler the now aged Lord 'anek. How Spaniards Escaped. He also tells of the arrival, reception ind subsequent flight by night of Mont«*10. one of the early Spanish conquerors, n 1 The Spaniards, besieged and alnost without provisions, ti* d a dog to the; ope of a bell and placed food just be- ond its reach. His efforts t" get food yarker, Bridget & Co..The J 8 to 5 Daily.Satur . . . "Good-By /J|y forget th llb Iiif* I »uaic. a vacation have mo YOUR opportunity .your summer wai ed at this sale. It is a < mocking on your wari ; two, and only two, sales sales have held the confi Ol OC $20 "P-B"i 0 Are Reduce OC cn $18 "P"B" ; LiJfJU Are Reduce Q1 7C $15 "P-B" f £* 1 / %J Are-Reduce 1 Q7C $12 "P-B" J 1 / O Are Reduce i.Frock-Coats,.PaI® Beach, Linensan ihirt S<i1p C ^ and 4 aiiu 99 i us. we'd m* Panamas t& are from our lean goods; we These-are^em new, clever style 79c that have the to dras and percale P.R Cfro PLAITED shirts. x lues. 4 for ?3.oo. Reduce , , Now*s the tim soft shirts,.dou- , d).finest grades new strow-give ns\s\ dingy hat away. t^J^J afford to. Here's d>» * 1 rv All $2.00 Straws. q1,1 7 All $3.00 Straws. ;s and cuffs of $5 $4.00-Straws. 17. , All $5.00 Straws. The Avenue at Ninth Finds I ERA ^2) 11 f 8 -BEARKR. lority of the House of Representatives ;e some member becomes obstreperous the House orders the serjeant-at-arms rfcer takes the mace an*) proceeds to »ad a visit from the serjeant-at-arms rder before that official is needed. kept the bell ringing and deceived the natives Into believing their captives were still there. When the ruse was discovered the little band of Spanish soldiery was nearly out of the enemy's reach. The writer expresses the belief that the natives, uesiring to dp rid or tneir burdensome guests, shut their eyes and let them escape unmolested. HOUSE PASSES PUCKER BILL. Measure Would Amend Campaign Publicity Laws. The Rticker bill to amend and codify campaign publicity laws yesterday passed the House. It would extend existing requirements to senators who were not elected by popular vote when the original law was passed, and limits amounts of money which national political committees may send into states. The most changeable thing on earth is a woman. The next is another woman. Nationally Known Store days 8 to 6 e, Old Man, don't lat P-B Clearance We saved on my wardrobe and Iff re to spend . .. . _ ^ for saving on rdrobe is unlimcase of opportudrobe door. held each year by dence of men for a to $14.25 Suits d>1 Q QC 5d to y A W.fclU d to $10.75 $9.00 d Mehairs NOT IN this sale * $^3.75 i nt / = line -Ecuadorian Panamas. 9.these are the Panamas iwn^talklng. ws fti d e for. a ^ the old, Oxfords You- can why: Russet & Gun Metal ....$1.29 R dU«dto ...$1.95 dfc'S QC ...$2.35 $3.25 "S Woe I SHOP The Annua.! Summ< _r i or men s ami i oun^ F.\ erv suit from our o\ Plain and Fancy Blues, Gray Stripes, Checks, Plaids.eve: of Plain Black and the Liq'r y "'A d ^ h at ws marked up to $2©.-31 Suits that were marked up to $25.®' Suits that were marked up to $35.®! fv-ocafl 2uor, V m. Never a More Favor, A STRA1 Than Now in Our The sale embraces only c feet stock. All 5-2.0.0 qualities reduce All 53.00 qualities reduce All S4.00 qualities reduc All 55.00 qualities reduc Milans, Sennits, Improve Straws. Main floor, If at. A A'eic Tennis or Walki Oxford for Women. Made by Laird, Schobcr & It is entirely different from the or Tennis Oxford, in that it has the i elkskin leather sole instead of the t The elkskin is light of weight, pe flexible, outwears rubber and do heat the font and cause it to perspir shoe itself is smart and handsome lish last of rich dark tan Russia a In all sizes and widths.$5.00 the f "Trot=Mocs," the Back=i Nature Shoes for the WhoSe Family. An out-of-door shoe that has nev< equaled. Made or* the soft, comfortable leather, with soles of elkskin that are smooth and resilient. There is not a r a hard seam in them anywhere. Very weight, will not harden nor become sti dampness or soaking in water. Women's Trot-Mocs. ir. tan and white. .So Men's Trot-Moes. sizes < to 0 $4 Youths' Trot-Moos, sizes 21o to $3 Boys' Trot-Mo.-s. sizes li to U 52 Misses' and Children's Trot-Moos. and Third floor, Tenth et. Healthy, Playing Children Need Rompers. Prom the time children begin to crawl they need the strong, easy-fitting, comfort-giving romp- ers. 1 nc pertcct garment for the summer, because so cool, loose and comfortable. Dainty styles! of soft crepe and ripplettc, that require no ironing and will not chafe the baby's skin. White, pink and blue crepe, striped rip-; plette and colored chamhray, in sizes from I to 6 years. Both beach and diaper style.-. 5©c to $L2§ ipaaiTo Attractive Sunbonnets, made so they really afford protection from the sun; in white, pink and blue lawn, simply trimmed, 25c each; of pique, with pretty hand-embroidered scallops, each. Third floor, F st. Good and Dependable Summer Toilet Articles. Pure and Dependable Toilet Articles have a value that cannot he estimated during the summer season. A plentiful supply should be placed in every piece of vacation luggage when being packed Holmes Frostllla, a refreshing lotion, 17c bottle. narriet Hubbard Ayer's Moth and Freckle Cream. 50c. Colgate's Talcum Powder, assorted odors, 15c and 25c. Kutoh Talcum rowdor, 20c. Sana Dermal Talcum Powder, 15c. Colgate's Tooth Paste, 20c. Kolynos Tooth Paste, 17c. Sheffield's Tooth Paste. 14c. Sanitol Tooth Powder, 13c. Geisha Tooth Paste, 20c. W. & L.'k Hair Tonic. 25c and 50c. Listerlne, 15c and 00c. Micbelsen'a Bay Runt, 35o, 50c and 02c. lmi»orted Buffers, 15c. Imported Nail Brushes, 10c to $1.00 each. Absorbent Cotton, pound box, lt)c. ( Packing Camphor, 18c pckg.; $2 00 dozen. Wanous' Shampoo Bass, 10c each, 3 for 25c. Bath Sponges. 25c to $.;.»m> each. } lA>ofah Bath Mitts, 25c pair. j Hygiene (lloves, $1.00 pair. ' Hygiene Straps. $1.25 cadi. « Stanley's Peroxide Bath Soap. 10c cake; $1.00 1 dozen. Gibb's Verbena and Violet Bath Tablets, 20c c each; $2.25 dozen. P Gibb's Superfatted Cold Creain Soap, 15c ^ cake; $1.75 dozen. Hungarian Soap, assorted odors. 25c cake. "Woodbury's Facial Soap, 17c cake. 1711 Bath Salt. 25c mid 45c jar. Harriet Hubbard Ayer's Bath Salt, 50c Jar Vantiue's Sandalwood Bath Soap. 10c cake; $1.00 dozen. Vantine's Oriental Soap, assorted odors. 10c ^ cake; $1.00 dozen. Vantiue's Shampoo Soap. 50c. Hind's Honey and Almond Cream. 31c. . \V. &. P 's Benzoin and Almond Cream, 25c. Main floor, G st. )bwatb New York=WAS S~ EARLY TOMORROW.WE er Reduction Sale ; Men's Fine Suits. vn stock actually reduced, s, Tans, Browns, Mixtures, ything with the exception it-weight Summer Weaves. $14.75 J/ $19.75 , $23.75 able Time to Buy W HAT Half Price Sale. >ur own high-grade and per:d to 3£-0 d to $1.50 ed to $2.00 ed to $2.50 d Sennits, Chips and Fancy nq j BOYS' FI1 . /~* L O- Generously IVj dinarv , laturai It is a sale tlhia Hbher- your at riectly ^ es ,not All in the new* e"TJ *ie Xo odds and en< ; h-nsj- . , , , ilfskin. Plete stocks ot th )ajr and fancy patteri Suits. "0= $6.®® and $7.5® Suits, ,r been j 57.5® and «se 3S.5® Suits, flexible, !^htn2f 58.5© to fr $1©.®® Suit: ;oo pair | SI I.®® to sS pal? | 515.9® Suit Second floor, r gt. 50 pair Pretty Styles for Su in Our Misses' ai The Dainty Summer Dresses, cling Suit and the College Sweatsortmcnts for girls of nearly all a Children's Dresses. Many styles are shown In linen drcesca for little folks. In tan. rose, cadet, white, pink and green. For vacation they are especially attractive. Sizes from 6 to 10 years. $3.95 each. Children's Bathing Suits. Our assortment of these garments for misses and girls is complete and offers many suits, of good quality mohair with sailor collars trimmed In red, white or plaid, and sizes from 4 to 10 years. Priced rrom $1.00 to ?5.oo each.; Light-weight Coats for Juniors, Navy Blue Serge Coats, or those of black and white check, in reefer styles, variously trimmed with silk bengaline or self trimmed. Lined and unlined coats, formerly much higher priced, now $5.00 and $9.75 each, Middy Blouses. Unusually complete stocks of these garments are shown; in regulation j and novelty styles. For tramping and summer outing games they are the most desirable, giving comfort and the best appearance possible. Sizes for girls from 0 to 'JO years and obtainable in sizes from 34 to 40 bust for women. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 each. Third floor, G et. Mon Annrenafp Sillr I4nca »»v" "fl" """ Most in Summer. Their sheerness and light weight :annot he equaled in any other; ind tire rich sheen and beauty of rveave and finish lend a distinc;iveness to the correct dresser :hat but few are willing to ignore. White and Black Silk Hose, plain and locked, in self and contrasting effects; tlso all the popular colors that any man ikes to wear. §©c to $2.15® t!he pair. A new two-toned All-silk Hose las just been placed on display; *ood looking and serviceable; a .alue of more than average merit, 50c pair. Main floor. F at. WOODWARD & r & Hot! 5 INGT 0N=P&ris. : WILL CLOSE AT 1 0'( For Dancing am A NEW SUMMEI The Softest and Lightest Mushroom plaited bosonattached, placing no restrict ment. and minus any excess is the most comfortable dre appeal strongly to those wh the hot weather, at home of a very light-weight, soft n TT'Tl * 1 irts pncs Main floor, F at. Plaxi SE SUITS Ch [arked Down. t should have , them < tentnon stream sst Norfolk stvlcs. "oniu, 4 u " have ti is, but our com- ,, hverv ie finest mixtures , is in Pure Woo! du?!',C ana h; and re $5.00 ,ai1 ,h Sail $6.00 Oray-hc j S'.-hoone Hon- $7.75 tva'rrtlil I ." «». f. and $l.n Me ham § $9.75 'li'f 1 'epartti And fitted. 11 j Fourth t mmer and Vacation id Girls' Section. the new Bathing Suit, the Traver are all shown in attractive asges, and at very moderate prices. Mis?e<' W aists. The daintiness of the styles will appeal to all. Made of white embroidered voile, one style with pique collar and cuffs, and a second model with Gladstone collar and trimmed with lave insertion. Sizes 14. 16 and IS years. $2.50 and $2.95 each. Misses' Suits. Spring-weight Suits, in attractive models, of fancy crepes, gabardines and serges, in heliotropes, lavender, navy, black and black and white checks: sizes 14, 16 and IS years; formerly marked at now $12.50 each. Sample Sweaters At exceptional prices. Values similar to these we offer are generally much higher priced at this time of the year, hut because of the special price we obtain, we offer these sam- pie sweaters, in many weaves and vivid colorings, and in the early fall styles, at $3.95 and $5.00 each. College Sweaters Bvery school girl wants a sweater in her school colors, and we have endeavored to supply just the right combinations anrl colors. Our off ings of college sweaters are the best for the school girl.they are three- quarter length, of heavy wool. an<1 especially suitable for the ath'etic ^ni. Many color combinations, at $10.00 each. A SHIRT ATTRACTION. The New Soft Madras Shirts Special, $1.15. FINK -Xr> BEAUTIFI-I. FABRICS AND PATTERN?. The> -ire shirts that were made to so!! ior Si.50; they were better than usual at that price. Most "i them are a special! purchase, nut many of our own $1.50 Shirts are included, among them the tamous Bates Street, make. The price is a real exception. Main floor. F st. lothrop wop :lock d Dress Wear. * DRESS SHIRT. Weight Shirt Yet Offered. i and rr\cr-ibic soft fold cuff- :ion up<>ti freedom of move weigh* to create heat. Tin *>\ rhirt to he had, and will o indulge in darning during >r away for raca'ion. It i^ ainsook. : is 32.©®. at m M II' ' ng With Boats Is One of the ildrcri s Favor/fa Summer Pastimes. d whether they have their fun with >n a real lake or ocean, a countrv (if in ill«1 if in h itlilitK 1 " * 1" c,*'w n%vou will want your children to lie kind that they will he proud f. kind of a model built has beet* ated in our showing;, iuM a< trim indsome a- the real sorts for ti-e, produced with an accuracy of deat leaves out nothing. Boats. in many size? and models. l'V *o aouii: Yachts. .*.«»« and $1 the Slender >und-like Slo<>ps, and ..or; r Sailors, 1<*.- to the Flat-bottom >ats. I'1- to Life Fonts. ;md Pretty ("anoes. !< to $1 "n. Armored is. si:, on ,-.ec i;. M»o*hani«'al Battleships, $10.00; MO'-iianu'dl Torpedo Boats, .""c 0. Met-har.ioal Submarines. ."»«>< and $1 '»«>; cal Fireboats. ?- «»o and $'J 5" whole fleet is on display in our Toy lent. Fourth Floor. F Street, we have Noah's Arks, in many sizes. all r.. to loor. Tenth st. TIrsc New ArjiitegT2L'T! Kodak Ha.- a device whereby you mav « . t* the description of the p tnre Vo,; e taking on the film immedlat. lv aft.-r toe exposure, it is a new and practical 10vontio and «,ne that, there has h. n a need for. but never perfected up.;;] now. Wo will demonstrate it to you in the Camera Section. The Brownie Camera is a wopderf'hlv satisfactory thing, and there are s*-v al models, priced from $!.<* to $»{.«*' Folding Pocket Kodaks, new and proved models from the flat vest p et. size to the larger kind: all comp o built, and operate perfectly. $«Oo and unw a.rd. Fresh Films are always here; sizes to fit any camera, Fourth floor. Tenth Pt. The White Felt Hat For Misses ant: Girls I? just now enjoying uninterrupted popularity for all sorts of outing wear on the street to tha seashore and beach. We are iust in receipt of the newest stvles? the small shapes that can he smartlv arranged to suit the individu of the wearer. At Si.oo and Sj.oo. £ r t.-r ,, * Plam W h-t® VVlt. \j C-» no A stylo with FVrsiarx s " hand that gives a t<> h of color and added beauty. Third floor. F sr. Cool Dressing Sacquer. and: Kimonos. Ideal garments for summer room. porch and lounging wr r arc shown in many styles a d complete assortments Co.-!. comfortable, dainty appearing kimonos and dressing saeque-, desirable as well for seashore and summer resort or touring. Japanese Hand-embroidered Kimnrin t^openhasren. lavender, pink and light blu*-; with sash 75 each Empire Wrappers, of good tpiahrtr crepe voile. :n various- patterns, wh^e with silk strip.- and wild roses in pink, Copenhagen. light hlup and lavenrterj friils of riobon finish each garment. $2 7.*» each l^nc Kimonos, of fine qualitv wtlawn, collar and border of colors. TV'.c. bin*-, lavender, Mark and white. SI.00 each. I.awn Pressing: Sa«*rpies, in vario ifl pretty colorings; blouse front and fittedha- k style with ribbon belt. .W each. Messaline and Taffeta Silk Petticoats, n black, white and ali of the most desired shades regular and extra sizes. An exceptionally tine value at $2 75 each. Third floor, F st. * #


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  • WILSON THEORIST,is. TOWNSEND SAYSSenator From Michigan AttacksAdministration's Trust

    Legislation Program.


    1 tf .f T T* J 3jjeriurrs many cu Laws x^iiariuu

    Impeach Intelligence and Independenceof Congress.

    Pep-.'.-r Tatt rjfT.i of "h'srnr r«- o' ibprun. y- Vf.-nrAUS'v ' T :ii KC tVadmir:.-!:' «!; ^ 1.i.uis'rt ;< programand 1;: - f -r was the datv home a: thepfop'f *v?.nt" if to do. j'"Rusn'is V- nV the psycho-|

    Io.sri s annot cure it."said ?"-ar

    being unpatriot insincere. T do assert.however, that h>- is a theorist who.without constructor. h;;.-in»*s.s xperienreof his own, nevertheless ffies into thefare of all «xperi.iu>- and insists in drivinghis docile congressional adr -rentsonto dangerous and untenable srro ;nds."I realize, of course, that no national

    legislator will admit that he is a«-tua*--dby a desire to throttle or impede i. ultimateindustries, and T do 1:« t believethat any one is primarily so actuated:but I do believe that in their desir« tcurry what they h# !> ve to ;«»» popularfavor some are -willing to say and dthingswhich appeal to passion and preju-dice, rather than to reason."There may i.e. and f think there is, a

    legitimate ciem.-m «»l s;u,ai."ii :n u.-iness.bur there ought not t be speculation1n legislation. It should be a science.exact and certain Let :t not beunderstood from what I have said thatbusiness should fro unbridled and uncontrolled.It should not he hobbled orhamstrung; but Inasmuch as it can existonly under government, it should be sub- ,Ject to government; and inasmuch, also.as a republic is one for th.t just and a!>-solutely equal benefit of all. no businessman and no other man should be per-roitted to employ his money, his laboror his genius to the detriment of anyother man."

    Discusses Trust Legislation.Senator Townsend said that the trust-

    legislation program of the democrats attemptedto deal with the business of theUnited States, complicated as it is bythe dual laws of our two forms of government;developed and established undercustoms and statutes of more thana century', ramifying every section of thecountry."This program was conceived by the

    President." said Senator Townsend "ItIs a hydra-headed creature and I amconvinced that a Hercules at this timewould be a benefactor to the country."Senator Townsend insisted that the

    pending trade commission bill was unnecessary.He said that the bill wouldtransform the bureau of corporationsInto a commission and enormously increasethe present expenditures.

    Army of Attorneys Needed."If only the offenders against business

    ethics were to be investigated, one active,capable man and a very few experts couldmake the investigation and report,-' saidSenator Townsend. "But I must admitthat with the presumption that all businessmust be watched and its methodssupervised, a large army of attorneys,experts, etc.. will he required."


    Secretary Redfield Officiates OverMiniature Gallows for Object Lesson.On a miniature mahogany gallows In

    the Department of Commerce yesterdaywas "hanged' the fusible plug thatfailed to operate and caused a boilerexplosion that killed eleven of the crewof the steamer J- iferson off Cape Henry,Secretary Redfb-id acted as chief exc-

    cutioner at the hanging ceremonies,"which were mt-nd»d t" emphasize the'necessity for "safety fast." New steamboatregulations were adopted as the resultof the explosion of the Jefferson.ORDERED FROM VERA CRUZ.

    Battleship Florida and GunboatNashville to Return Home

    Secretary Daniels has ordered the returnto the home yard of the battle*ship Florida and toe gunboat .Nashvillenow at Vera Cruz. That orderis in conformity with the departm« nt'spolicy of bringing bark for a changeof climate eac h of t!>.. vessels of thefle^t now lying m Mexican waterswhen they ran be spared, taking firstthose which i.av-- been longest m thetropicsThe Florida goes to the New York

    r.avy yard and the Nashville to thePortsmouth. N Ii yard.

    Gen. Wood Bids President Farewell.Maj. Gen. nurd Wood, the retiring

    chief of staff of the army, called officiallyat the Whit*- House today to ladfarewell to President Wilson beforeleaving: for Gov. rr.* rs Island to takcommandof the I> ;»artrr.ent of theKast.

    William Te"r>o, The sixteen-year-old sonof _W. S. Teho. a. contractor of Suffolk.Va. was drowned yesterday at VirginiaBeach W- iie on a Sunda> school excursionfrom Suffolk.

    I. rSunday StarWant Ads

    Make For YouGood Monday

    Business.All the People Read

    Sunday Star Want Ads.Send in Your Copy Now.

    Phone Main 2440., ^


    jKeeords Contained in Ancient City

    of Yucatan Challenge Interestof Students.!

    IAntiqunrians Estimate Ag'e of ChichenItza at From 2,000 to More

    Than 11.000 Years.

    IV ! lho National «jpi.. " d»s- sr T h- n Itza.III.- a tt,-n !; '. '!! the|pr'iM:: ?i1;» of Yucatan. d» «' tr s that. theAiwri' :m people sho-hi ken to the jf.». r that they lMvf right at P-me arehi- \ter A n> .ra* I ruinedPtr t ?r» s \ :r in:e»v.-T !»ur and

    » f t that Americans}mtjst cnnio t t m

    "Within those prions Americanruins are g at ! «-> »k. w.ih pages ofstone, wit tn hara- t a* r.«*» years. Anidea o? the intricacies of the language (f the people of the city is given bythe following quotation from a documentfound there; "I.ni u tzolan Katun iukci ,Li cab ti yotot h Nonoual," which is trans- *lated to mean. "This is a set i«-s of epochs Ithat elapsed from tin- time of their de-parture from the house of Nonoual in the iland of Tulapan." rThe writer tells a legend concerning \

    ' th<this house. Thesequarter of a century.

    $40 "P-B" Suits d*Are Reduced to$35 "P-B" Suits d»Are Reduced to *P$30 "P-B" Suits d>Are Reduced to$25 "P-B" Suits £Are Reduced toNOTE.Tuxedos, Full Dress

    'The One Big Sin Town

    JL licit a wiitti Luatuiucia c*rj

    to hoar from you. All shirregular stock.all perfect, <have NO seconds.

    Lot 1.at

    Thirty-nine (39) dozen ma.new patterns; also WHITEBest $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75*vaiSizes 14 to 17.Lot 2.

    All of our SI.50 and $2.00ble cuffs (Manhattans excepteof silk finished soisette.SpecialLot 3 .$2 and $2.25Silk Front Shirts

    Body of silk soisette, frontquality SILK. Sizes 14 to J


    J§ Odd^^LcAtV



    .THE MACEThe* mnre is the symbol of the autl

    When in the course of turbulent debatin«i refuses to subside, the Speaker ofto bring the member to order. This othe seat f the offender. Members dr«bearing the mace, and usually come to o

    'anel. the impetuous Toiler of Chichentza. who loved the daughter of the ruler»f a distant province. One day a runnerwrought him the news that the batab of

    ichbor'.ng and far more powerful>rov5iwe had married the maiden. t'anek11jf an hour and disappeared. Never againlid f'hichen Itza know its Lord t'anekmr any of his hand of lighters. Yearstft.-rward a hunting band from Chichentza made a long journey to the south,rii-y finally reached a iake and in itsenter an island city. The city was Tayisaland its ruler the now aged Lord'anek.

    How Spaniards Escaped.He also tells of the arrival, reception

    ind subsequent flight by night of Mont«*10.one of the early Spanish conquerors,n 1 The Spaniards, besieged and alnostwithout provisions, ti* d a dog to the;ope of a bell and placed food just be-ond its reach. His efforts t" get food

    yarker, Bridget & Co..The J8 to 5 Daily.Satur

    . . . "Good-By/J|y forget thllb Iiif* I

    »uaic. a

    vacationhave mo

    YOUR opportunity.your summer waied at this sale. It is a <mocking on your wari; two, and only two, salessales have held the confi

    Ol OC $20 "P-B"i0 Are ReduceOC cn $18 "P"B" ;LiJfJU Are ReduceQ1 7C $15 "P-B" f£* 1 / %J Are-Reduce1 Q7C $12 "P-B" J1 0« / O Are Reducei.Frock-Coats,.PaI® Beach, Linensan

    ihirt S» * 1 rv All $2.00 Straws.q1,1 7 All $3.00 Straws.

    ;s and cuffs of $5 $4.00-Straws.17. , All $5.00 Straws.

    The Avenue at Ninth


    11f 8

    -BEARKR.lority of the House of Representatives;e some member becomes obstreperousthe House orders the serjeant-at-armsrfcer takes the mace an*) proceeds to»ad a visit from the serjeant-at-armsrder before that official is needed.

    kept the bell ringing and deceived thenatives Into believing their captives werestill there. When the ruse was discoveredthe little band of Spanish soldierywas nearly out of the enemy's reach.The writer expresses the belief that thenatives, uesiring to dp rid or tneir burdensomeguests, shut their eyes and letthem escape unmolested.


    Measure Would Amend CampaignPublicity Laws.

    The Rticker bill to amend and codifycampaign publicity laws yesterday passedthe House. It would extend existing requirementsto senators who were notelected by popular vote when the originallaw was passed, and limits amounts ofmoney which national political committeesmay send into states.The most changeable thing on earth

    is a woman. The next is anotherwoman.

    Nationally Known Storedays 8 to 6

    e, Old Man, don'tlat P-B ClearanceWe saved on mywardrobe and


    re to spend . .. ._ ^

    for saving onrdrobe is unlimcaseofopportudrobedoor.held each year bydence of men for a

    to $14.25Suits d>1 Q QC5d to y A W.fclU

    d to $10.75S£ $9.00d Mehairs NOT IN this sale

    * $^3.75i nt /=

    line -Ecuadorian Panamas.9.these are the Panamasiwn^talklng.

    ws ftide for. a ^the old, OxfordsYou- canwhy: Russet & Gun Metal....$1.29 R dU«dto...$1.95 dfc'S QC...$2.35





    The Annua.! Summ<_r ior men s ami i oun^

    F.\ erv suit from our o\Plain and Fancy Blues, GrayStripes, Checks, Plaids.eve:of Plain Black and the Liq'r

    y"'A d ^hat wsmarked up to $2©.-31Suits that weremarked up to $25.®'

    Suits that weremarked up to $35.®!

    fv-ocafl 2uor, V m.

    Never a More Favor,A STRA1

    Than Now in OurThe sale embraces only c

    feet stock.All 5-2.0.0 qualities reduceAll 53.00 qualities reduceAll S4.00 qualities reducAll 55.00 qualities reducMilans, Sennits, Improve

    Straws.Main floor, If at.

    A A'eic Tennis or WalkiOxford for Women.

    Made by Laird, Schobcr &It is entirely different from the or

    Tennis Oxford, in that it has the ielkskin leather sole instead of the tThe elkskin is light of weight, peflexible, outwears rubber and doheat the font and cause it to perspirshoe itself is smart and handsomelish last of rich dark tan Russia aIn all sizes and widths.$5.00 the f

    "Trot=Mocs," the Back=iNature Shoes for the

    WhoSe Family.An out-of-door shoe that has nev<

    equaled. Made or* the soft, comfortableleather, with soles of elkskin that aresmooth and resilient. There is not a ra hard seam in them anywhere. Veryweight, will not harden nor become stidampness or soaking in water.Women's Trot-Mocs. ir. tan and white. .SoMen's Trot-Moes. sizes < to 0 $4Youths' Trot-Moos, sizes 21o to $3Boys' Trot-Mo.-s. sizes li to U 52Misses' and Children's Trot-Moos.

    andThird floor, Tenth et.

    Healthy, Playing ChildrenNeed Rompers.

    Prom the time children beginto crawl they need the strong,easy-fitting, comfort-giving romp-ers. 1 nc pertcct garment for thesummer, because so cool, looseand comfortable. Dainty styles!of soft crepe and ripplettc, thatrequire no ironing and will notchafe the baby's skin. White,pink and blue crepe, striped rip-;plette and colored chamhray, insizes from I to 6 years. Bothbeach and diaper style.-.

    5©c to $L2§ ipaaiToAttractive Sunbonnets, made so they

    really afford protection from the sun; inwhite, pink and blue lawn, simply trimmed,25c each; of pique, with prettyhand-embroidered scallops, each.Third floor, F st.

    Good and DependableSummer Toilet Articles.Pure and Dependable Toilet

    Articles have a value that cannothe estimated during the summerseason. A plentiful supply shouldbe placed in every piece of vacationluggage when being packedHolmes Frostllla, a refreshing lotion, 17c

    bottle.narriet Hubbard Ayer's Moth and Freckle

    Cream. 50c.Colgate's Talcum Powder, assorted odors, 15c

    and 25c.Kutoh Talcum rowdor, 20c.Sana Dermal Talcum Powder, 15c.Colgate's Tooth Paste, 20c.Kolynos Tooth Paste, 17c.Sheffield's Tooth Paste. 14c.Sanitol Tooth Powder, 13c.Geisha Tooth Paste, 20c.W. & L.'k Hair Tonic. 25c and 50c.Listerlne, 15c and 00c.Micbelsen'a Bay Runt, 35o, 50c and 02c.lmi»orted Buffers, 15c.Imported Nail Brushes, 10c to $1.00 each.Absorbent Cotton, pound box, lt)c. (Packing Camphor, 18c pckg.; $2 00 dozen.Wanous' Shampoo Bass, 10c each, 3 for 25c.Bath Sponges. 25c to $.;.»m> each. }lA>ofah Bath Mitts, 25c pair. jHygiene (lloves, $1.00 pair. 'Hygiene Straps. $1.25 cadi. «Stanley's Peroxide Bath Soap. 10c cake; $1.00 1

    dozen.Gibb's Verbena and Violet Bath Tablets, 20c c

    each; $2.25 dozen. PGibb's Superfatted Cold Creain Soap, 15c ^

    cake; $1.75 dozen.Hungarian Soap, assorted odors. 25c cake."Woodbury's Facial Soap, 17c cake.1711 Bath Salt. 25c mid 45c jar.Harriet Hubbard Ayer's Bath Salt, 50c JarVantiue's Sandalwood Bath Soap. 10c cake;

    $1.00 dozen.Vantine's Oriental Soap, assorted odors. 10c ^

    cake; $1.00 dozen.Vantiue's Shampoo Soap. 50c.Hind's Honey and Almond Cream. 31c. .\V. &. P 's Benzoin and Almond Cream, 25c.Main floor, G st.

    )bwatbNew York=WAS S~


    er Reduction Sale; Men's Fine Suits.vn stock actually reduced,s, Tans, Browns, Mixtures,ything with the exceptionit-weight Summer Weaves.



    , $23.75

    able Time to BuyW HATHalf Price Sale.

    >ur own high-grade and per:dto 3£-0

    d to $1.50ed to $2.00ed to $2.50d Sennits, Chips and Fancy

    nq jBOYS' FI1

    . /~*L O- Generously IVj


    laturai It is a sale tlhiaHbher- your atriectly ^es ,not All in the new*e"TJ *ie Xo odds and enn a real lake or ocean, a countrv

    (if in ill«1 if in h itlilitK1 " * 1" c,*'w n%vouwill want your children to

    lie kind that they will he proud f.kind of a model built has beet*

    ated in our showing;, iuM a< trimindsome a- the real sorts for ti-e,produced with an accuracy of deatleaves out nothing.Boats. in many size? and models. l'V *oaouii: Yachts. .*.«»« and $1 the Slender>und-like Slops, and ..or;r Sailors, 1ats. I'1- to Life Fonts. ;mdPretty ("anoes. !< to $1 "n. Armoredis. si:, on ,-.ec i;. M»o*hani«'al Battleships,$10.00; MO'-iianu'dl Torpedo Boats, .""c0. Met-har.ioal Submarines. ."»«>< and $1 '»«>;cal Fireboats. ?- «»o and $'J 5"whole fleet is on display in our Toylent. Fourth Floor. F Street,we have Noah's Arks, in many sizes. allr.. toloor. Tenth st.

    TIrsc New ArjiitegT2L'T!Kodak

    Ha.- a device whereby you mav « . t*the description of the p tnre Vo,; etaking on the film immedlat. lv aft.-r toeexposure, it is a new and practical 10vontior.and «,ne that, there has h. na need for. but never perfected up.;;]now.Wo will demonstrate it to you

    in the Camera Section.The Brownie Camera is a wopderf'hlvsatisfactory thing, and there are s*-v almodels, priced from $!.