1 © Greentours Limited. Visit www.greentours.co.uk for further details. Telephone 01298 83563 Lake Van Eastern Turkey A Greentours Tour Report 23 rd May – 5 th June 2011 Leaders: Chris Gardner & Başak Gardner Day 1 23 rd May UK to Istanbul We all arrived from various starting points and took a late-ish dinner and a stroll around the Blue Mosque at night. Day 2 24 th May Istanbul to Van It was an early start with a pre dawn breakfast overlooking the Blue Mosque as the somewhat ghostly uplit Yellow-legged Gulls cruised around the minarets. A smooth flight to Van followed, some of us seeing the stunning azure waters of Nemrut Dag crater as we flew across Van Lake to the airport. Our drivers were waiting and after we’d got essentials from the bags we were off, stopping to pick up supplies at a supermarket and then driving out across the steppe, leaving the town behind. First up was a water meadow full of both loose-flowered Orchis pseudolaxiflora and the dense heads of magenta Dactylorhiza umbrosa along with lots of Pedicularis comosum and Triglochin maritimum. Black-headed Yellow Wagtail, Lapwing and Redshank were all seen in the marsh as was a Small Heath (somewhat out of habitat!). Another smaller wet flush a few miles on had more Dactylorhiza umbrosa and lots of Primula auriculata, more fine tall Pedicularis comosum and pretty pinkish-lilac Polygala papilionacea. However, the main attraction here lay up on the nearby sloping steppe although crossing the field to get there produced many flowers with the weird spires of Bellevalia longipes (mainly in seed), inflated seedpods of Leontice leontopetalum, pink Vicia villosa ssp villosa and several Astragalus species. On the slope were a good number of lovely Iris barnumae with their silky purple petals dotted across the steppe and many Muscari caucasica, clumps of Salvia multicaulis with pronounced purple bracts and blue flowers among which grew spikes of the broomrape Orobanche anatolica. While we were looking at all of this Tessa had found a pair of mating Common Blues. We drove on seeing several Rollers and then turned away from the lake heading north into an area of lava fields arriving at the thundering Muradiye waterfalls. While we waited for lunch there was time to walk to a nearby area of steppe where we found quite a few intensely scarlet Phelypaea tournefourtii that were parasitizing Artemesia, the dense white heads of Silene capitellata and Black-headed Bunting were calling from the rocky mounds. Lunch took a while to arrive!

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Page 1: Wildlife tours Lake Van trip report 2011 - Greentours Ltd

1 © Greentours Limited. Visit www.greentours.co.uk for further details. Telephone 01298 83563

Lake Van

Eastern Turkey

A Greentours Tour Report

23rd May – 5th June 2011

Leaders: Chris Gardner & Başak Gardner

Day 1 23rd May UK to Istanbul

We all arrived from various starting points and took a late-ish dinner and a stroll around the

Blue Mosque at night.

Day 2 24th May Istanbul to Van

It was an early start with a pre dawn breakfast overlooking the Blue Mosque as the somewhat

ghostly uplit Yellow-legged Gulls cruised around the minarets. A smooth flight to Van followed,

some of us seeing the stunning azure waters of Nemrut Dag crater as we flew across Van Lake

to the airport. Our drivers were waiting and after we’d got essentials from the bags we were off,

stopping to pick up supplies at a supermarket and then driving out across the steppe, leaving the

town behind. First up was a water meadow full of both loose-flowered Orchis pseudolaxiflora

and the dense heads of magenta Dactylorhiza umbrosa along with lots of Pedicularis comosum

and Triglochin maritimum. Black-headed Yellow Wagtail, Lapwing and Redshank were all seen

in the marsh as was a Small Heath (somewhat out of habitat!).

Another smaller wet flush a few miles on had more Dactylorhiza umbrosa and lots of Primula

auriculata, more fine tall Pedicularis comosum and pretty pinkish-lilac Polygala papilionacea.

However, the main attraction here lay up on the nearby sloping steppe although crossing the

field to get there produced many flowers with the weird spires of Bellevalia longipes (mainly in

seed), inflated seedpods of Leontice leontopetalum, pink Vicia villosa ssp villosa and several

Astragalus species. On the slope were a good number of lovely Iris barnumae with their silky

purple petals dotted across the steppe and many Muscari caucasica, clumps of Salvia

multicaulis with pronounced purple bracts and blue flowers among which grew spikes of the

broomrape Orobanche anatolica. While we were looking at all of this Tessa had found a pair of

mating Common Blues.

We drove on seeing several Rollers and then turned away from the lake heading north into an

area of lava fields arriving at the thundering Muradiye waterfalls. While we waited for lunch

there was time to walk to a nearby area of steppe where we found quite a few intensely scarlet

Phelypaea tournefourtii that were parasitizing Artemesia, the dense white heads of Silene

capitellata and Black-headed Bunting were calling from the rocky mounds. Lunch took a while

to arrive!

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2 © Greentours Limited. Visit www.greentours.co.uk for further details. Telephone 01298 83563

From the falls we could see the striking white and dark brown flowers of Iris iberica ssp

elegantissima and that was our first target after lunch, although the usual spot was a bit behind

this year with most in bud, but a bit of searching located a couple of decent and different forms.

Continuing towards the bulk of Tendurek Dag we came across an area of flooded fields and

these were teeming with waders with many Ruffs, Little Ringed Plovers, a few Wood

Sandpipers, handsome summer plumage Little Stints and star of the show a least five Broad-

billed Sandpipers. Slick plumaged White-winged Tern came by too before we left passing blue

(muscari) stained fields and then driving onto Tendurek, the slopes speckled with red tulips and

then our first views of the immense bulk of Agri Dag (Mount Ararat) and its imaginatively

named little brother Kucuk Agri Dag (Little Mount Ararat) all snow capped and splendid and

then onto our hotel placed in tree filled ground at the foot of the mountain.

Day 3 25th May Tendurek Dag

Our early birding session produced a decent variety with Olivaceous Warblers, Rosefinches,

Bee-eaters, Isabelline Wheatear, a Golden Oriole and Syrian Woodpecker, followed by

breakfast with a clear view of the magnificent Agri Dag. It was a pleasant sunny start to the

main part of the day too as we drove out to an area of steppe where there were many superb Iris

iberica ssp elegantissima (although the atypical yellow morph was finished), the attractive

creamy-white stemless cornflower Centaurea vanensis, the delicate blue of Linum austriacum,

wispy plumes of Stachys lavandulifolia, several calling male Black-headed Buntings and a

Tawny Pipit. We continued through areas of arable lands and steppe hemmed in by rocky hills.

A stop among this habitat found slopes with many more big clumps of Stachys lavandulifolia,

fine patches of yellow skullcap Scutellaria orientalis, Scorzonera mollis, Isabelline Wheatear

and a small flock of Rock Sparrows. The latter were also evident around the small village we’d

parked next to together with a Little Owl that seemed to be nesting in a half completed building.

An area of fallow fields was pink with swathes of Geranium tuberosum (and stepporum) with

the moody peak of Tendurek Dag in the background. It proved to be rich in larks with

Bimaculated, Short-toed and Skylark all seen. Now we drove up onto the volcano and reached

an area with green slopes at the top of which were patches of hundreds of pale blue Puschkinia

scilloides. Before we reached these we had to pass many fine clumps of yellow flowered Adonis

wolgensis that dominated some of the lower areas. Once on the slopes we reached the

Puschkinia and found among them a few pink Merendera trigyna and nearby both Ranunculus

kochii and a fair scattering of Fritillaria pinardii some with really quite red flowers. Above this

in the rocky areas were the nodding bells of purple Pulsatilla albana, crevices filled with white

Arabis caucasica and the lovely soft-yellow juno Iris caucasica. There were Shore Larks flying

about as we moved across the ridge eventually finding some good cushions of Draba bruniifolia

before descending just ahead of the impending rain.

Despite the rain we carried on up to and over the pass dropping down a bit into dry conditions

(for the time being at least) where a dry cinder slope had many red Tulipa julia, a few Corydalis

oppositifolia and plenty of perfect Fritillaria crassifolia ssp kurdica most with yellow tipped

deep brown bells although one had a complete rim of gold. On the opposite slope were more Iris

caucasica and on the rocks superb golden cushions of Draba rosularis. It was a bit too cold and

grim up here so we beat a retreat and drove back towards the hotel stopping for close Long-

legged Buzzard and then a pit-stop at the hotel - it hadn’t rained here at all! From here we

headed for the Iranian border seeing a Rose-colored Starling on the way and then arriving at the

world’s second largest meteor impact crater. The steep-sided crater was now home to a large

Jackdaw colony (and Kestrel and Hoopoe) and on the surrounding steppe was a very tolerant

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juvenile Long-legged Buzzard that sat on a rock for photos. There were some good plants in the

steppe too with blue Moltkia caerulea, tall woad Isatis tinctoria, Bungea trifida and Nepeta

transcaucasica. The rain duly caught us up as we enjoyed an afternoon cuppa, but by now it was

time to go back anyway.

Checklist was distracted by a swirl of Bee-eaters coming in to roost in one of the trees.

Day 4 26th May Ishak Paşa Palace & Çili Dag

Early birding at a nearby area of lava fields and then a large wetland was good with first of all

two Garganeys including a splendid male, followed by Finsch’s Wheatear, Western Rock

Nuthatch and two Long-legged Buzzards perched on the rocks. There were hundreds of Ruddy

Shelducks scattered across the wetland along with Avocets, Black-tailed Godwits, Ruff and a

male Shoveler. A female Marsh Harrier flew by and there was a very good view of Western

Rock Nuthatch close to us on the rocks and as we left a very obliging Hoopoe.

After breakfast we drove up to the Ishak Pasa Palace, perched above the grubby town of

Dogubeyazit. Bus 2 saw Little Owl and Linnet on the way up too. The restored palace with its

mix of beautiful architecture, superb carvings, old paintings inside the mosque and fabulous

views across the landscape was well worth a wander around. Opposite the palace was the broad

domed mosque above which rose impressive ragged toothed ridges and scree slopes. We spent

the rest of the morning exploring this elevated area wandering up the track at first and seeing

Ortolan Bunting, Caucasian Agama, the big hard hummocks of the ‘vegetable sheep’

Gypsophila pulvinata, slender Silene dianthoides, then a rock with cushions of Draba rosularis

as both Ortolan and Grey-necked Bunting sang. A lovely male Blue Rock Thrush appeared in a

rocky gully and Choughs were criss-crossing the high cliffs, getting decidedly more agitated

when a Golden Eagle sailed across. Walking a bit higher we reached the scree where there was a

good number of Tulipa julia including the odd orange variant. The handsome reddish-brown

flowered stock Matthiola odoratissima was also among the loose stones and there was white

Aethionema trinervium and as we walked up a bit more many good Androsace villosa with some

pinkish forms and several sprouting from among the dense domes of Gypsophila pulvinata.

Rumbles of thunder had us off the mountain quickly but the rain never really arrived.

In the afternoon we drove out across the flat plain below and then drove up again onto the

northern flank of Agri Dag stopping with a view of the large wetland below for a well

positioned White Stork nest (with three chicks) in a small village. Our arrival brought the local

children and their pet rabbit resulting in lots of picture being taken – they were eager for some

payment for this, but after I’d let them look through the ‘scope at the storks and then asked for

their rabbit as payment for this their demands eased! Continuing on we found a field thick with

huge plants of Hyoscyamus niger. Not far beyond was our main location, an area of old lava

hills where there were dozens of perfect Iris iberica ssp elegantissima in excellent afternoon

light. There were many other flowers too with deep purple Gladiolus atroviolaceus,

Vincetoxicum fuscata and after crossing an ocean of dainty white Scandix iberica there were

slopes with hundreds of pretty Polygala anatolica in a variety of colours from pink to purple

and also Cerinthe major ssp auriculata, the blue bells of Campanula stevenii and below near

some irises David had found a pristine deep red-brown Orchis coriophora. More startling was

the male Little Bittern that flew over us obviously moving between ponds! There were some

more good birds to round things off with first a pair of Crimson-winged Finches and then as we

tried to get a better look at these a Mongolian Trumpeter Finch appeared beside the path (its not

the first time I’ve encountered these two species feeding close to each other).

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Day 5 27th May To Tatvan via northern Van Golu

Early birding was colourful with the highlight being a flock of superbly lit Rose-coloured

Starlings in a tree with a solitary Bee-eater. There was Red-backed Shrike, Hoopoe, Garden

Warbler, Spotted Flycatchers and then to finish off a male Syrian Woodpecker.

The day proper began with a short trip back towards Iran where we stopped for a lovely display

of Ixiolirion tartaricum with the magnificent backdrop of Agri Dag. Some schoolchildren came

to see what we were doing and behaved immaculately and posed for pictures. Next up was a

stand of the impressive lamiate Eremostachys laciniata again with a volcano background.

Around about were also Euphorbia armena (akin to myrsinites) and slender Euphorbia

macroclada. Finsch’s Wheatear made an appearance along with a pair of mating Darevskia

sapphirina lizards.

There was a long way to go so most of our stops were short with first one for the big display of

Alkanna orientalis, then another for fine plants of white Salvia limbata before we once again

crossed the pass. Our next stop was a longer one exploring the lava fields for Fritillaria

caucasica, masses of Bellevalia pycnantha, Ranunculus grandiflorus and Puschkinia scillioides.

A displaying Crimson-winged Finch caught our attention and there was Rock Thrush and Black


Flat marshy areas on either side of the road were brushed with the pink of many thousands of

Primula algida with Banded Frogs peeping out from the shallow water and then there was a

longer stop at the flooded fields we’d passed three days ago and the birding was just as good,

with many waders such as Greenshank, Little Ringed Plover, Wood Sandpiper, Ruff and Little

Stint joined by Whiskered and White-winged Terns, Pintail, Shoveler and a female Montagu’s

Harrier. We pushed on to our picnic spot overlooking a river flowing into the lake where there

were many Armenian Gulls, calling Cetti’s and Great Reed Warblers and a couple of Night

Herons. While we ate our picnic a Little Bittern flew along too. The floral highlight was a

superb plant of Hyoscyamus reticulatus by the ladies loo!

Birds were on the agenda at the first stop after lunch by the placid waters of Arin Golu where

countless thousands of Sand Martins swirled in the air like insects, almost as numerous as the

children that descended upon us soon enough. However before their boisterous behaviour got

too much we’d found half a dozen male White-headed Ducks chasing each other around, many

Red-crested Pochard and Pochard, Gadwall and both Shelduck and Ruddy Shelduck. Escaping

the over-excited hoards (pushed to bursting after Peter stepped in the marsh for a muddy bootful)

we drove back though the fields seeing many Calandra Larks and then arrived at a hidden orchid

meadow close to a village with well-behaved children! There was a wonderful mix of colours of

Dactylorhiza umbrosa from white and pale pink to deep purplish. Olivaceous Warblers sang all

around and John and Peter saw Marsh Warbler. There was time for tea and then we completed

our journey stopping only for an Egyptian Vulture as the golden light spread across the splendid

hills surrounding the lake.

Day 6 28th May Nemrut Dag and Ahlat

The looming crater of Nemrut Dag rises up behind Tatvan and we set off on a fine day driving

up towards the crater rim. Our first stop was for orchids and tortoises and both were quickly

found with a couple of fine spikes of Orchis pinetorum and a couple of fine Spur-thighed

Tortoises. There were good stands of tall yellow-green Euphorbia macrocarpa and the

wonderful Euphorbia denticulata with pinkish heads of flowers with delicate fimbriate glands.

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A pair of mating Ophiosus elegans was found as we walked back. Continuing on up to the crater

rim there were magnificent views down into the crater and the blue lake and also back towards

Tatvan with the turquoise Lake Van. We drove down into the crater stopping to explore an area

of lava fields and birch scrub. Shore Larks were plentiful and we had great views of these and

then Rock Thrush, followed by one of our targets for the day White-throated Robin which sat

atop a rock singing for a good while and we all got to see this handsome bird. The flowers were

great too with the emerging woolly heads of Rindera lanata and then many tan-brown bells of

Fritillaria minuta (bright green leaves) mixed in with a few dark brown Fritillaria pinardii

(glaucous leaves) and then our third species tall and slender Fritillaria assyriaca. There were

clearly intermediates about and hybridisation had occurred with some interesting results. Mixed

in with all of these were some good Corydalis oppositifolia

It had been sunny but some quick light showers changed the mood as we descended further

towards the lake, although these really came to nothing and it was dry during lunch. While we

waited for it to be prepared there was time to look at the many Iris caucasica in the grassy turf,

good stands of Solenanthus stamineus and perfect spikes of Dactylorhiza flavescens among the

dwarf aspens. Lunch was eaten with great views of the calm lake with the sheer cliffs of the

crater behind and Armenian Gulls lazily drifting across. Shortly after we departed the rain

returned but we braved it for a patch of Pulsatilla albana, but in truth we needn’t have bothered

as further on was a bank with hundreds mingled with a form of Draba bruniifolia and a good

patch of Merendera trigyna and just before this we’d stopped for a superb stand of Solenanthus

stamineus and Ortolan Bunting.

We exited the crater and descended to the coast road turning towards Ahlat and driving to an

area of steppe-covered hills where we found many interesting new plants including the greenish

brown Hesperis rupestris, delicate lacy Gypsophila bitlisensis, Silene spergulifolia, Silene

conoidea, Orchis collina, the pretty annual Aethionema arabica and best of all a gorgeous plant

of Verbascum suworovianus with large peach coloured flowers. There was just time to stop for a

few minutes at the large Seljuk graveyard with many tall intricately carved stones covered in

orange and grey lichens.

Day 7 29th May Bitlis Circuit

It was a slightly later start to look at all the closed shops (I’d forgotten it was Sunday today!)

before we drove east and into a broad green valley with water meadows running through and

areas of orchids, buttercups and primulas. One area had Dactylorhiza umbrosa, Primula

auriculata and vast swathes of Ranunculus polyanthemos/sericeus and constantinopolitanus

mixed together. Whinchat and lots of Black-headed Yellow Wagtails buzzed about the marshes.

Another stop by some waterfalls gave good views of Marsh Warbler in the dwarf willows and

allowed the driver and Başak to test their donkey riding skills.

The water meadows ended abruptly at a rocky gorge through which the lazy river took a more

turbulent turn, ideal for Dipper which was seen almost straight away flying down stream. The

bird was seen much better a bit later, along with that other stalwart of freshwater rivers the Grey

Wagtail. On the rock slopes above were Rock Bunting and these chased each other above two

perfect flowers of Iris sari. Along the roadside and in the oak scrub were many new flowers

with the yellow umbellifer Malabiala lasiocarpa, pretty pink Lamium garganicum in the rocks,

Cicer anatolica, superb examples of Gundelia tournefortii and the bicoloured white and lilac

Salvia aethiops. Flying through all of this were Glanville Fritillary, Eastern Wood White, the

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handsome Eastern Steppe Festoon, Painted Lady, Sooty Copper, Brown Argus, Green

Underside Blue and tiny Orange-tips.

Along the valley were several fallow fields completely smothered in Trifolium resupinatum the

upside down clover. A sweet honey scent emanated from the field we stopped at as Nightingale

sang from the nearby scrub and then Bill spotted a pale morph Booted Eagle overhead. The last

stop before lunch was in an interesting area of terraced fields with hedgerows, walnuts and

poplars. In the latter Golden Orioles sang and two were seen well as we walked up to the fields

where there were big clumps of Aristolochia bottae in the shadier parts (mainly) and lovely

Salvia trichoclada on the sunny banks as well as Ornithogalum shelkovnikovii and Lathyrus

setifolius. Big Caucasian Agamas were on the rocks.

Lunch was taken in an area of fields lined with big billowing Ferula orientalis, but the big

billowing grey clouds that loomed were of some concern and indeed unleashed a couple of short

showers as we ate sending us scurrying back and forth to the bus. In the end it stopped messing

about and we were able to photograph the very fine twin spiked Ophrys reinholdii ssp strausii

that John had found along with the many architectural Smyrnium cordifolium that were scattered


Orchids were very much central to our next stop, with some towering specimens of Orchis

pseudolaxiflora (though surely tending to palustris proper) and abundant Orchis coriophora

(Bug Orchid) including a white form. However, the star turn was provided by the bee orchids

with first of all the rare (and previously never recorded at this location) Ophrys cilicica

accompanied by a plant of Ophrys fuciflora (holoserica) and then one of Ophrys scolopax

phrygia (Woodcock Orchid). Broad-bodied Chasers were also seen and photographed.

Our final location quickly produced the goods with great prolonged views of singing Cinereous

Bunting a highly localised species and then on the rocky slopes plants of Campanula

involucrata and Aethionema grandiflora.

Day 8 30th May To Van

Our journey along the south shore of the lake was with fine weather all day albeit hazy with the

first port of call to look for Paeonia mascula in an area of oak woods. Unfortunately the heavy

rain from last night had rather roughed up the flowers, but there were still many huge Pinewood

Orchids Orchis pinetorum on show and in the semi-leafless scrub Nightingales were seen well

along with Redstart, Long-tailed Tit and Blue Tit.

A slope alongside the lake was very productive with one excellent specimen of Compera

comperiana, a fair scattering of Bellevalia fominii, an Ophrys sphegodes transcaucasica as well

as many Toothed Orchid Orchis tridentata, Aethionema speciosum, Rock Bunting, Glanville

Fritillary and many Painted Ladies. The latter were super-abundant at our next location where

the ground was alive with them feeding on the many Gundelia tournefortii. On the high rocks

were big cushions of Rosularia sempervivum/radiciflora. Eastern Steppe Festoons were busy

close to their foodplant Aristolochia bottae and down in the poplars Peter found a towering

Cephalanthera kotschyana quite the largest I’ve ever seen on this tour. Amanda’s Blues were in

the meadows with mating Lesser Fiery Copper and Brown Argus.

Afterwards we passed worrying tracts of road widening but fortunately our next site was spared

as a tunnel was being built just two hundred yards before to bypass this section of road! Here

there was a superb mix of showy Astragalus with the big golden ‘shuttlecocks’ of angustiflorus,

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sweetly scented creamy white fragrans and a frustratingly unnameable reddish pink one. There

were Eastern Steppe Festoons here too. A bit further up and an area of scree had big clumps of

golden-tubed Onosma nemoricolum, Silene ampullaria, Coronilla orientalis, Astragalus

caraganae and a big snake was photographed.

Our last stop was in an elm plantation with gorgeous meadows of Rhinanthus angustifolius that

were too perfect to walk through so we went round and down to where there many lovely

Lathyrus rotundifolius and good Orchis coriophora. However, the latter were abundant further

over along with good colonies of both Ophrys sphegodes transhyrcana and excellent specimens

of Ophrys fuciflora in a variety of lovely colour forms.

Day 9 31st May Guzeldere

A heavy haze lay across the lake and surroundings although we could still see the pair of Black-

necked Grebes that were fishing on the perfectly still waters as we ate breakfast. We drove out

across the steppe seeing the fluttering white standards of Iris paradoxa as we went. These were

seen close up at our first stop at a large graveyard which also had dozens of golden-yellow

Eremurus spectabilis, the handsome pink Tragopogon porrifolius, black-eyed scarlet Adonis

aestivalis and some huge examples of Allium akaka. Although many of these flowers had been

transplanted to the graves it was nonetheless all indigenous to the surrounding area and

interesting too see such as colourful mixture that wouldn’t necessarily occur together in the wild.

Small Heaths were common and there were one or two red-sided Ophiosus elegans lizards, huge

stands of deep blue Anchusa azurea and spurge eating caterpillars before we left.

Our next stop was for an area of sloping steppe near Zernek Reservoir and here there was the

pale blue flowered shrub Cassinia macrantha, the creamy-bracted Hymenocrater bituminosa

and some strange Acrocephalus warblers were buzzing about but we couldn’t really work these

out. The group divided into a bird bus and a flower bus with the bird bus heading off to a special

wadi (despite a wrong turn by me) where we quickly found both Mongolian Trumpeter Finch

and Trumpeter Finch enjoying excellent views of both on, as it turned out, the many occasions

we saw them today walking up the wadi. There was a brief appearance of two Pale Rock

Sparrows but the stars of the show were the two finches, with some superb close views.

Moving on to Hoşap we stopped to photograph the castle and then drove up to the 2790 metre

Guzeldere Pass. After checking in with the army we drove a short way and then parked up.

Right next to the vans were half a dozen Bellevalia rixii in perfect condition and as we walked

down the track we soon found Tulipa humilis and a couple of yellow Tulipa koyuncii. This tulip

has only recently been split from the widespread Tulipa biflora, and though clearly of that group,

it certainly seems to warrant full species status. It is named after Mehmet Koyuncu, formerly

Proffessor of Botany and vice-chancellor of Van University and who has on a couple of

occasions accompanied our groups to this very spot. A gully with both wet flushes and dry

patches held a superb mix of flowers with both Primula auriculata and algida, deepest blue

Gentiana verna, tall white Anemone narcissiflora, yellow Trollius ranunculinus and then in the

serpentine scree a wonderful colony of Fritillaria crassifolia ssp crassifolia with red and green

striped bells. A Griffon Vulture cruised over as we ate lunch in rather blustery conditions.

We drove a short distance to small valley with marshy areas choc-a-bloc with Primula

auriculata and quite a few gentians. But some of us were after something else with blue and it

duly turned up when we were treated to stunning close views of a male Bluethroat. A Tree Pipit

was also about, display-flighting and then parachuting down to earth – and sadly Lesley could

have used the same anti-gravity aid.

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Day 10 1st June Çatak Road

A pre-breakfast visit to Van Marsh saw the early risers walking through the dew-laden grass to

find Great Reed Warbler, many Sedge Warblers and Black-headed Wagtails, then a series of

pools with Black-winged Stilts, Kentish and Little Ringed Plovers and a solitary male Red-

necked Phalarope. As we started to walk back there was a singing male Reed Bunting and then

great views of a male Citrine Wagtail.

After breakfast we headed out into the steppe areas stopping for a pair of well-positioned

Rollers then carrying on to an area of rocky slopes where we saw Grey-necked Bunting well

along with a Willow Warbler and Black-eared Wheatears. On a different slope nearby, we all

trekked up across the limestone among which grew pretty Astragalus nanus and a few decent

Bellevalia longistyla. Annoyingly Iris sari was still in bud but as we descended there were one

of two Tulipa sintenisii, Shore Larks, Bimaculated Larks and Tawny Pipits plus the local colour

of many village women coming down from the hills to milk the sheep and goats.

Not far away and another location did produce several fine irises with some good colour forms

as well as impressive stands of Muscari caucasica, the purple-blue Nepeta transcaucasica and

great swathes of the buttercup Ranunculus sericeus that were also home to a pair of Redshanks.

Lunch was in an area of low cliffs and screes where Golden Eagle flew across and in the cliffs

and screes were Centaurea karduchorum, Astragalus lagurus, fine stands of Hesperis persica,

Roemeria refracta and big domes of Minuartia juniperina. Post-lunch we stopped for much

better examples of Centaurea karduchorum and just up the gully many huge Muscari longipes.

Crimson-winged Finch flew alongside the van briefly as we drove onto a wonderful area of

steppe with dozens of Iris paradoxa, a group of big-flowered Linaria grandiflora, cut-leaved

Salvia ceratophylla, billowing clumps of yellow Astragalus caraganae and a fine plant of lovely

pink Weidemanniana laciniata.

A last stop was for stands of tall Allium hirtifolium growing near Van.

Day 11 2nd June Karabel Pass

A wonderful day in the mountains began with a stop for an area of cliffs initially for a plant but

as soon as we arrived a special bird appeared with a pair of Kurdish Wheatears seen by all. The

plant was also special, the fine white flowered Potentilla lignosa with flowering plants nestled

in rock crevices. On the adjacent slopes was magenta to lilac-pink flowered Hesperis persica.

The male wheatear reappeared just before we left, singing on a high rock perch. Low

conglomerate cliffs lined the road as we drove up, stopping to photograph a classic rural scene

with a group of colourful local women milking goats, the men for the most part herding the

animals and lining them up for their turn.

Around the first snow patches we stopped for the huge pink goblets of Merendera kurdica with

pale blue Puschkinia ‘Karabel’ (an unnamed new species) scattered about and higher on the

slopes the lovely pure yellow bells of Fritillaria minima, good specimens of Corydalis

oppositifolia and Tulipa humilis. Radde’s Accentor was seen well in various places, by the road,

on the rocks and creeping about in the emergent fennels and there were also Black Redstart and

Northern Wheatear.

We drove on (at which point I chose to leave the scope behind – never to be seen again!) and

drove up and over the pass with dramatic snow-filled cirques and valleys and then down the

steep section towards the village of Bahcesaray stopping at a superb viewpoint with the village

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nestled at the bottom among walnut groves. Unbelievably when we arrived there was another

male Kurdish Wheatear perched on a rock only ten metres away. His mate wasn’t far away

either and she came and wrestled with a length of twine on the ground no doubt as potential

nesting material. The slopes were full of Euphorbia macrocarpa and many excellent Fritillaria

crassifolia ssp crassifolia and Tulipa humilis. There was also the odd flowering plant of

handsome Rindera albida too and alpine Choughs wheeled across every so often.

We drove back up to the pass stopping for view photos and a Radde’s Accentor and then

dropped down and down to a small village where we drove a short way up a track to an area of

slopes and wet flushes full of big Dactylorhiza umbrosa. There were Muscari aucheri,

Bellevalia fominii and a few Allium sp, but the real reason for being here was to try and see the

fabulous intensely red Phelypaea tournefortii again. Peter eventually spotted one, but then

higher up Neville and Mary found a thriving colony with hundreds of buds as well as a splendid

group of four perfect flowers and several other singles and pairs. A fine way to round off the

day and from here we drove back (after village children photos) direct to the hotel having

dodged all of the promised rain!

Day 12 3rd June Akdamar Island

A fine calm morning that was perfect for sailing. We crossed the glassy waters of the lake to

craggy Akdamar Island with its well restored Armenian church. Before we landed the boat

circumnavigated the island passing by the extensive Armenian Gull colonies which made the

whole thing feel like an oceanic bird island. There were many Rock Doves (the real thing) and

hiding in the trees Night Herons. Once we landed there were masses of brilliant red Roemeria

refracta, stands of white Ornithogalum shelkovnikovii and big architectural Smyrnium

cordifolium. Olivaceous Warblers chattered from the almond trees and above on the higher parts

of the island was a constant swirl of birds with Choughs, both Lesser Kestrel and Kestrel, many

Night Herons flying to and fro and Bill and Peter alerted me to a rather special raptor - a Lanner

Falcon - that was being harried by Lesser Kestrels as it soared above the island. Elsewhere

Neville and John had found a superb Giant Peacock Moth and most of us had enjoyed a drink in

the shade on a warm day. Returning back to the ‘mainland’ we had a very tasty lunch of guvec,

bulgur wheat, yogurt and water melon. Afterwards the group split into shoppers and steppers

with the former going into Van to look around and the latter coming with me to revisit areas

along the atak road. Our first port of call was the warm rocky gully where we’d stopped the

other day for superb Muscari longipes. They were still there and looking just as good, but there

was plenty more especially butterflies with Lesser Fiery Copper, Brown Argus, Green-underside

Blue, Gruner’s Orange-tip and best of all Pfieffer’s Green Hairstreak with at one point a mating

pair being pestered by a third interloper. Birds were evident too with the constant buzz of Grey-

necked Buntings, a pair of Rock Thrush with beaks full of food, White-throated Robin and

Crimson-winged Finch. The latter was seen very well back by the roadside with its

characteristic ‘punky’ black Mohican and pink flashed wings. Plants along the gully and

adjacent slopes included Fibbigia suffruticosa, Convolvulus cantabricus, Coronilla orientalis,

Astragalus macrocephalus, Allium akaka and more Centaurea karduchorum.

We decided to revisit the easier of the two Iris sari populations afterwards and we were well

rewarded with many more lovely flowers in a variety of colour forms and a couple of Iris sari x

paradoxa hybrids exhibiting differing degrees of parentage, but both with obvious blue

standards. Calling Quails, colourful Black-headed Wagtails and fine stands of Pedicularis

comosa completed the experience.

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On the way back there was time to stop for handsome Astragalus oocephalus with large globose

yellow flowerheads and an even nicer yellow Citrine Wagtail.

Day 13 4th June Ercek Golu

Our last day in the field and a very good one too, starting with a visit to another of Van’s

wetlands early morning where we saw Spur-winged Plovers, Red-crested Pochards, many

White-headed Ducks, Great Crested Grebes, Greater Flamingo and Great Reed Warbler all in

the wonderful, peaceful watery setting with dramatic snow-streaked mountains behind. For the

main part of the day we also began with a wetland, a small pond next to the much larger Ercek

Golu (a less alkaline version of Van – but alkaline enough to colour the wings of the Coots with

a pale crust). White-headed Ducks were also here as were Reed, Sedge and Moustached

Warblers, Pochard and Black-necked Grebes (on the main lake).

Moving on a short distance we stopped for a field full of colourful arable flowers with Papaver

macrostomum (similar to rhoeas the Corn Poppy), pink Silene conica and stands of yellowish

Euphorbia heterodenta. Lesser Short-toed Larks were seen well and were actually quite

common all day in the fields. Beyond a large village we arrived at a real botanical feast with

water meadows absolutely choc-a-bloc with deep pink Orchis pseudolaxiflora quite literally in

their hundreds of thousands with a pink haze stretch away to the low hills far beyond. Among

them were louseworts and in the ditches some good Flowering Rush Butomus umbellatus.

Silver-studded Blue was seen by Bill.

The local authorities had built two tall viewing towers for birdwatching, which were locked but

a wobbly railing meant we could squeeze in a climb up to see thousands of very distant Greater

Flamingos (sadly just a pinkish line), many Ruddy Shelduck, a few Whiskered Terns and Black-

winged Stilts. We continued around the lake passing through steppe full of yellow Astragalus

caraganae and then stopped by a slope covered in tall Eremostachys laciniata. Our picnic was

had here close to the lakeshore. The season was a bit later than normal this year and this meant

we stood a good chance of seeing the lovely purple Iris barnumae again. At first glance the

location seemed bereft of irises, but walking up a bit and then exploring the surrounding steppe

patches we found many fine flowers and good Gladiolus atroviolaceous groups too. Rose-

coloured Starlings were feeding among the rocks near the vans.

From here we drove back past flowery steppe with slopes peppered with Ornithogalum

shelkovnikovii, Anchusa azurea and a variety of other species, arriving in good time to get ready

for lists, dinner and packing duties.

Day 14 5th June Departure

Check-in and departure went without a hitch and I’m guessing we all got to where we had to get

too! Basak and I returned to Antalya and surprised or rather shocked our little son Merlin with

our return. I was off to China tomorrow so he got extra tickles from me.

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Systematic List Number 1 Plants The majority of the taxonomic order and nomenclature has been taken from the Turkish Flora (edited by

P H Davis) although the more recent treatment of the orchids in Die Orchideen der Turkei (C. A. J.

Kreutz) has been preferred for that group. Grateful thanks in particular to Rodney Burton, Peter Sheasby

and Adil Guner for much of the original identifications and to Mervyn Southam for providing us with so

much useful information on the umbellifers. Non-woody dicot and monocot species are in flower unless

otherwise stated.

This is a composite list based on sightings from 2000 to 2011.


Ceterach officinarum Limestone cliffs on Akdamar Island 2011

Cheilanthes persica in the crater of Nemrut. Along the Çatak Road 2011

Cystopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder Fern. Scattered throughout 2011

Equisetum arvense

? south face of Tendürek Pass; Between Hosap and Guzeldere


Equisetum palustris meadows between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009 2011

Equisetum ramossisimum Between Van and Dogubeyazit 2011


Juniperus oxycedrus Ridge above Ishak Paşa

Juniperus communis in the crater of Nemrut.2009 2011

Juniperus excelsa

Mountainsides to the south of Kucuksu; between Tatvan and

Hizan; On the road to Çatak. 2009 2011


Ephedra nebrodense (major)

Crags above Sim-er Hotel; Pamuk Dagi (W slopes of Agri Dagi)

near Cilli Pass. 2011


Adonis aestivalis

Between Van and Muradiye; On the road to Çatak. Fields around

Dogubeyazit 2011

Adonis eriocalycina

Slopes by campsite near Akdamar Ferry and also near Ayamis

Castle; On the road to Çatak. Ercek Golu area. 2011

Adonis flammea

Widespread. A local farmer told us he used it to make an infusion

‘to keep cancer at bay' 2011



Noted on the ridge above the Ishak Paºa and also as common on

the lower north-facing slopes of the Tendurek Pass near Somkaya

village 2011

Anemone (Pulsatilla) albana On the crater rim of Nemrut Dagi and at Tendürek Pass. 2011

Anemone narcissiflora

Subspecies willdenowii A little to the north of Tendurek Pass. Güzeldere Pass 2011

Ceratocepahlus testiculatus Less common than following species – e.g. Arin Golu 2011


falcatus Common especially in north

Clematis orientalis Noted 3km east of Tuzluca. 2005 leaves only – Çatak Road



Quite common in fallow or disturbed ground in the Aras Valley.

Also near Edremit and at Van Kalesi

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Nigella segetalis ? 2006 - Fields near Gevas]



Scattered throughout in fields and waysides 2011



subsp. incisilobatus

Kuskuniran Pass – just on the east side as well as Tendürek Pass.

In the crater of Nemrut; between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Ranunculus bulbilliferus

Has bulbils in the axils of the stem leaves. Tripartite or trisect

leaves, sepals spreading. Described as recently as 1992 as being

new to Turkey – from Van area. Top of the Kizkunkiran Pass


constantinopolitanus Wet meadows along the Van circular south side. 2011

Ranunculus crateris 2005. Noted between Van and Bendimahi – very distinctive leaves 2011

Ranunculus cuneatus

First noted around the Sim-er and as quite common in dry areas

north of Lake Van 2011

Ranunculus dissectus

Subsp. Huetii On the road to Karabet Pass and between Van and Bendimahi 2011

Ranunculus diversifolius

The tall large-leaved buttercup in the woodlands south of Lake

Van 2009 2011

Ranunculus fenzlii

Another tall large-leaved buttercup in the woodlands south of

Lake Van! 2011

Ranunculus grandiflorus Both sides of Tendurek Pass in saturated ground 2009 2011

Ranunculus illyricus The Cilli Pass west of Ararat; in the crater of Nemrut. 2011

Ranunculus isthmicus north of Van, fruits like a clown's hat 2009 2011

Ranunculus kochii By snowmelt at many localities – like a squat celandine! 2009 2011

Ranunculus kotschyi

Wet meadows east of Agri and Nemrut Dagi Crater – locally

common 2009

Ranunculus myosuroides 2005 just coming into flower on the Karabet Pass

Ranunculus poluninii 2005. Karabet Pass – just coming into flower

Ranunculus polyanthemos

between Tatvan and Hizan; between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass

2009 2011

Ranunculus polyrhizos

On the ridgetop south of the Guzeldere Pass. Near top of

Tendurek Pass 2011

Ranunculus repens

Noted near Igdir and near Bolukyazi. Scattered in wet areas

around Van.

Ranunculus sceleratus

Wetlands at base of Mount Ararat in several localities and also

seen in wet meadows near Adilcevaz 2009

Ranunculus sericeus

Wet meadows near Bendimahi and along south shore of Lake Van

2009 2011

Ranunculus sphaerospermus A water crowfoot. Roadside ditches just outside Dogubeyazit 2009 2011

Ranunculus vanensis South of Van circular – top of Kizkinkiran Pass

Thalictrum flavum Riversides and wet areas south of Lake Van 2009

Thalictrum isopyroides

Scattered in mountains south of Lake Van. Flowering at 2750m at

this season 2009 2011

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Thalictrum minus

shaley slopes between Ercek & Ozalp, above Ishak Paºa Palace &

many other places 2009 2011

Trollius ranunculinus

A few plants on the Guzeldere Pass east of Hosap. 2005 only

leaves seen. A few in flower 2009 2011


Acanthus dioscoridis

In leaf and early bud along the south side of Lake Van.Summer

2004 found in good flower at several localities


Paeonia mascula

Flowering in Aspen Woodland and scrub above the village of

Tugkoyu 2009 2011


Bongardia chrysogonum 2005. Roadsides between Van and Bendimahi

Leontice leontopetalum

Subspecies not known. In seed by Muradiye Waterfall. Should

check next time as it might be armeniacum which hasn't been

recorded in Turkey before? 2009 2011


Glaucium corniculatum Aras Valley. Zernek 2009 2011

Glaucium grandiflorum Zernek 2011

Hypecoum pendulum Scattered localities around Van 2009 2011

Papaver arenarium? Muradiye Waterfall – side valley 2011

Papaver commutatum

2004 Noted east of the Sim-er, Dogubeyazit – orchards in the next

village 2011

Papaver dubium Subspecies laevigatum

Papaver macrostomum Ercek Lake 2011

Papaver persicum

This taxon includes previously separate Papavers fugax tauricola

and acrochaetum all of which were seen – the and acrochaetum all

to the south and east of Van 2009 hairs. Noted in a variety of

localities most at about lake level of which were seen – theand

acrochaetum all of which were seen – the and acrochaetum all of

which were seen – the 2011

Papaver pseud-orientale

Muradiye Waterfall – side valley – in bud; above Ishak Paºa

Palace, Dogubayazit. 2005 only in leaf 2011

Papaver rhoeas Weeds on fields. 2009 2011

Roemeria hybrida

Purple. Few in flower by the Van-Agri-Dogubeyazit road

junction; between Ercek Lake and Ozalp. Çatak Road 2009

Roemeria refracta Bright red. Widespread around Van 2009 2011


Corydalis nariniana Guzeldere Pass. Spur almost straight.

Corydalis oppositifolia

Subspecies kurdica

Nemrut Dagi crater and also on the east side of Kuskunkiran Pass

and on the south face of Tendürek 2011

Fumaria asepala Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Fumaria microcarpa In the Aras Valley 15km west of Tuzluca

Fumaria officinalis Cilli Pass west of Ararat 2011

Fumaria parviflora South of Van circular 2009

Fumaria vaillantii 2004 Near Dogubeyazit 2011


Aethionema seen but not yet identified 2009

Aethionema arabicum Scattered throughout 2009 2011

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Aethionema armenum Either side of Muradiye Waterfall

Aethionema grandiflorum but flowers smaller and darker and plant more woody 2009 2011

Aethionema grandiflorum Widespread in the Van region. At least one more

Aethionema membranaceum Between Van-Muradiye-Dogubayezit 2011

Aethionema speciosum ? Hillsides west of Resadiye on the Van circular. Like 2011

Aethionema trinervium ? Ridge above the Ishak Paºa and Guzeldere Pass 2009 2011

Akdamar ferry 2009

Alliaria petiolata Scattered 2009 2011

Alyssum condensatum ? Nominate. Lip of Nemrut Dagi's crater

Alyssum contemptum ? 2km below Kurubas Pass – south of Van

Alyssum dasycarpum ? Tendurek and Caldiran areas 2011

Alyssum desetorum 2005 Ishak Paºa

Alyssum lepidotum ? 2km below Kurubas Pass – south of Van

Alyssum linifolium Crags behind Sim-er Hotel and also shales east of Ercek Golu

Alyssum longistylum ? High ridge south of Guzeldere Pass

Alyssum minus 2km below Kurubas Pass – south of Van 2009 2011

Alyssum stapfii 2005 Ishak Paºa

Alyssum xanthocarpum ? 2km below Kurubas Pass – south of Van

Anchonium elichrysifolium Scattered – smells of pudding! 2011

annual Draba near Kucuksu that is not in the flora

Arabidopsis thaliana Between Dogruyol and Bolukyazi, near Bitlis 2009

Arabis (Turritis ) glabra Cilli Gecidi on Ararat

Arabis caucasica Nominate. Widespread 2009 2011

Arabis montbretiana ? Hillsides west of Resadiye on the Van circular

Arabis nova Cilli Gecidi on Ararat; above Ishak Paºa Palace. 2011

Barbarea minor ? Aras Valley near Calpala; On the road to Karabet Pass.

Bornmuellera cappadocica Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. 2009 2011

Capsella bursa-pastoris Widespread. 2009 2011

Cardamine impatiens 2005 Muradiye and Nemrut Dagi

Cardamine uliginosa Scattered 2009 2011

Cardaria draba Widespread on road verges etc 2009 2011

Coluteocarpus vesicaria

Subspecies boissieri. Lip of Nemrut Dagi crater

Coluteocarpus vesicaria

Subspecies vesicaria Above Ishak Paºa Palaca, Dogubayazit and at Tendürek Pass.

Conringia orientalis Roadsides – e.g. in the Agri area; south of the harbour for 2011

Crambe orientalis Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Descurainia sophia Widespread in the Aras Valley and Dogubeyazit areas 2009 2011

Draba bruniifolia Subspecies indeterminate. A variety of forms were noted 2011

Draba cappadocica High ridge south of Guzeldere Pass. Rodney also spotted an

Draba polytricha Above the Ishak Paºa and on the Tendürek Pass.

Draba rosularis Tendürek Pass; Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.2009 2011

Draba siliquosa Tendürek Pass.

Drabopsis verna Tendürek Pass; in the crater of Nemrut.

Erophila verna Scattered

Erysimum alpestre Tendurek Pass 2011

Erysimum leptophyllum ? Scattered throughout the area north of Lake Van

Erysimum sintenisianum

Synonymous with Erysimum alpestre ? East side of the

Kuskunkiran Pass south Van circular

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Euclidium syriacum Scattered

Fibigia macrocarpa Ravine on road to Bolukyazi near Bitlis 2011

Fibigia suffruticosa South of Kurubas Pass – south of Van,west of Ercek 2009

from most rocky areas 2009

Hesperis bicuspidata 2005 Zernek 2009

Hesperis persica On the road to Karabet Pass. Guzeldere 2009 2011

Hesperis rupestris Steppe between Ahlat and Tatvan 2011

Isatis cappadocica

Subspecies steveniana Scattered in the Van area 2009 2011

Isatis glauca Steppe 10km west of Dogubeyazit. In bud 2011

Isatis tinctoria Subspecies

tomentella ? Ravine with road to Bulakyazi,2009 2011

Lepidium campestre Meadows just east of Kucuksu on the Van circular

Lepidium cartilagineum

Subspecies crassifolium Near Ayamis Castle

Lepidium latifolium Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Lepidium pefoliatum Locally common in the Dogubeyazit area as well as near 2011

Lepidium vesicarium This highly distinctive plant with very swollen stem nodes 2011

Malcolmia africana Scattered 2009 2011

Matthiola anchoniifolia (farinosa )2005 Zernek

Matthiola odorantissima Nominate. Ridge above Ishak Paºa. 2011

Matthiola longipetala

Subspecies bicornis Guzeldere Pass and ravine at junction of road to Çatak 2009

Neslia apiculata Noted west of Ercek; On the road to Çatak.

Rorippa nasturtium-

officinale between Tatvan and Hizan. Adilcevaz meadows 2009

Rorippa sylvestris Aras Valley near Calpala

Schimperia arabica

? On shales to the east of Ercek Golu. New to Turkey! Similar to

Neslia but with ong straight style; petals whitish and a few simple


Sisymbrium loeselii Scattered around Dogubeyazit and in the Aras Valley 2009

Sterigmostemum incanum 2km below Kurubas Pass – south of Van

Thlaspi arvense ? Meadows by Tugkoyu

Thlaspi kurdicum ? High ridge south of Guzeldere Pass. ?Cilli Pass

Thlaspi perfoliatum in the crater of Nemrut; Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass

Torularia spp Crags south of Sim-er Hotel. Not in flora


Reseda lutea Scattered on steppe and disturbed habitats. 2009 2011


Helianthemum ledifolium Between Van and Bendimahi 2011

Helianthemum salicifolium

North slope of Nemrut Dagi and 2km below Kurubas Pass south

of Van 2009


Viola arvensis Cilli Pass west of Ararat 2011

Viola kitaibeliana in the crater of Nemrut. Tendurek Pass. Cilli Pass. 2009 2011

Viola modesta Scattered in rocky areas in the north

Viola occulta Roadsides near Taslicay east of Agri. Cilli Pass

Viola sieheana between Dogubayezit and Ahlat. Tendurek Pass. 2011

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Polygala alpestris 2005 well out of range but clearly this species on the Cilli Pass.

Polygala anatolica

11km south of Kucuksu, south of Tatvan; between Van-Muradiye-

Dogubayazit; between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009

Polygala hohenbekeriana Tendurek Pass 2009


Arenaria cucubaloides 11km south of Kucuksu, south of Tatvan

Arenaria gypsophiloides The Aras Valley 16km beyond Tuzluca 2009

Arenaria holostea Subspecies

macrantha Crags and rocky slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit 2011

Arenaria holostea Subspecies

macrantha Crags and rocky slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit

Cerastium armeniacum ? Various spots around Muradiye Waterfall

Cerastium dahuricum

? on south slopes of Tendürek Pass. Oak woodlands south side of

Van Lake.

Cerastium dahuricum

? on south slopes of Tendürek Pass. Oak woodlands south side of

Van Lake.

Cerastium longipetala Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Cerastium purpurascens Guzeldere Pass, Tendürek Pass 2009

Cucubalus baccifer Oak woodlands near Resadiye on the south Van circular

Gypsophila bitlisensis ? Shales east of Earcek Golu 2011

Gypsophila elegans

Walls of Aras Valley 16km beyond Tuzluca and 2km below

Kurubas Pass south of Van

Gypsophila patrinii

Crags south of Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit and same crags above

Ishak Paºa

Gypsophila patrinii

Crags south of Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit and same crags above

Ishak Paºa

Gypsophila pulvinaris

The Vegetable Sheep (purported to be Gypsophila aretoides

Hotel, Dogubeyazit and also noted on the same crags above the

Ishak Paºa 2009 2011

Gypsophila ruscifolia Ahlat area

Herniaria agaea 2004. Tendurek. Sepals ciliate, leaves glabrous

Herniaria glabra Scattered 2009

Herniaria incana Scattered

Holosteum umbellatum Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Lepyrodiclis holostioides Picnic site near Igdir

Lepyrodiclis tenera

? ‘Kate's Gully' near the Ishak Paºa, Dogubeyazit. Petals pink.New

to Turkey if correct!

Minuartia acuminata

? Just below Guzeldere Pass on the east side. New to Turkey if


Minuartia hamata Crags south of Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit

Minuartia hybrida Subspecies turcica. Between Dogruyol and Bolukyazi near Bitlis

Minuartia juniperina On the road to Çatak. 2009 2011

Minuartia lineata 2km below Asaginarlica at foot of Karabet Pass, Zernek 2011

Minuartia sclerantha ? Near Ayamis Castle and elsewhere 2009 2011

Moenchia mantica Nominate. Noted in grasslands around Ahlat and Tatvan

Paronychia kurdica South Van Circular and Akdamar Island 2009

Paronychia turcica ? Akdamar Island

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Saponaria sp

sp Aras Valley near Calpala – apparently not in flora? Same or

another species seen on the Bitlis circuit! 2009

Scleranthus uncinatus West Lake Van area; between Ercek Lake and Ozalp.

Silene alba Subspecies

eriocalycina . Bendimahi, Cilli Pass; South of Van circular. 2011

Silene ampullata

on south slopes of Tendürek Pass; between Tatvan and Hizan;

south of the harbour for Akdamar ferry. 2009 2011

Silene araratica

? Caespitose white flowered campion in crevices on Van Castle

may have been this species? In flower now though

Silene capitellata Oak woodlands around Tatvan where common 2009 2011

Silene cappadocica [2006 - Cilli Pass]

Silene chlorifolia

2km south of Kurubas Pass, south of Van. Noted east of Ercek.

The plants at Zernek fit well other than their habit of being single

flowered! 2011

Silene conica Adilcevaz area. Bitlis Circuit

Silene conoidea Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Silene dianthoides

? Near Muradiye Waterfall – possibly this species. Also Tendurek

Pass 2011

Silene pungens ? High ridge south of Guzeldere Pass

Silene spergulifolia

Crags and rocky slopes south of Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit and

above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit; in the crater of Nemrut; On

the road to Çatak. 2009 2011

Silene vulgaris subspecies

commutata Wdespread, mainly in bud in 2009 2011

Stellaria persica Near Bolukyazi 2011

Vaccaria hispanica Fields in the Aras Valley near Calpala.


Rheum ribes

East end of Zernek Baraji and also shales east of ercek Golu. This

was also the ‘rhubarb'-like thing being sold in local markets! 2009 2011

Polygonum alpinum on north slopes of Tendürek Pass.

Polygonum cognatum Between Dogruyol and Bolukyazi, near Bitlis 2009

Polygonum aviculare Between Ercis and Ahlat

Polygonum polycnemoides Tatvan area

Polygonum amphibium 2005 Zernek

Rumex acetosa [2006 - Bitlis Circuit]

Rumex acetosella Widespread on disturbed habitats.

Rumex scutatus

Ravine near Bolukyazi, Bitlis & at Muradiye Waterfall; South of

Van circular. 2011

Rumex angustifolius 11km south of Kucuksu

Rumex crispus Meadows 1km east of Kucuksu 2009

Atraphaxis sp. 2005 Zernek


Beta corolliflora ? Muradiye Waterfall

Chenopodium vulvaria ? Shales east of Ercek Golu

Bassia (Kochia)) prostrata Scattered around Van

Salsola ruthenica Near Tuzluca's salt mine


Myricaria germanica Seen along the river east of Agri and near Hosap 2009

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Hypericum lydium 11km south of Kucuksu, Tatvan; On the road to Çatak. 2009

Hypericum helianthemoides ? East end of Zernek Baraji, near Hosap

Hypericum scabrum Widespread 2009 2011

Hypericum perforatum Widespread 2009


Malva neglecta

Scattered in steppe. Between Tuzluca and Igdir; between Ercek

Lake and Ozalp. Akdamar Island. 2009


Linim hirsutum 2005 large blue flowers. Ishak Paºa 2009

Linum austriacum Common in Dogubeyazit area 2009 2011

Linum densiflorum [The large white flowered species along the Çatak road]

Linum flavum Ahlat 2011

Linum meletonis Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass; On the road to Çatak

Linum mucronatum

Subspecies armenum

Oak woodlands near Resadiye on the Van circular and 2km below

the Kurubas Pass south of Van; in the crater of Nemrut. 2009 2011

Linum nervosum ? Cilli Pass on Ararat and 11km east of Kucuksu, near Tatvan

Linum pycnophyllum ?

Subspecies kurdicum ? Kurubas Pass south of Van and west of Dogubeyazit

Linum trinervium Nemrut 2011


Biebersteinia multifida

This is the strange foetid-leaved plant found by Rodney found

with the Iris sari on the Çatak Road south of Van. Tuberous foetid

herb with narrow bipinnatifid leaves and 5 pale yellow laciniate

petals. Little known in Turkey 2009

Erodium absinthoides

? Cilli Pass, Ararat and also Aras Valley walls 16km past Tuzluca,

north-facing slope of Tendurek Pass

Erodium cicutarium Roadsides 1km east of Kucuksu, Van circular 2009 2011

Geranium collinum North-facing slopes of Tendurek Pass

Geranium molle between Tatvan and Hizan. Akdamar. 2009

Geranium pratensis

subspecies kurdicum 2005. Along South side of Lake Van

Geranium pyreniacum South side of Lake Van 2009 2011

Geranium rotundifolium Akdamar Island; South of Van circular. Bitlis Circuit 2009

Geranium stepporum Widespread on steppes 2009 2011

Geranium tuberosum Widespread in the north 2009 2011


tuberosum/stepporum Cilli Pass, Ararat. Intermediate between two species? 2011


Peganum harmala

Widespead on steppe, Van Kalesi; Between Hosap and Guzeldere

Pass. 2009 2011

Tribulis terrestris Steppe near Hosap 2011

Zygophyllum fabago Hosap and Van Kalesi 2009



schelkovnikovii ? Near Ayamis Castle; west of Van Lake, on slopes of Nemrut.

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Acer hyrcanum subsp.

tauricolum. South of Van circular. 2009 2011

Acer monspessulanum

subsp. cinarescens. South of Van circular. Çatak Road. Akdamar Island 2009

Acer negundo [2006 - between Van & Dogubeyazit] 2011

Acer platanoides 2006 - Nemrut Dagi]


Rhamnus pallasii

in the crater of Nemrut; between Tatvan and Hizan; On the road

to Çatak. Meteor 2011


Astragalus alyssoides

North-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass and east side of the

Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale. Small, scapose

Astragalus angustiflorus

subsp. Angustiflorus

2B, 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along

minor road. Acaulous, yellow; between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009 2011

Astragalus armeniacus ? Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit

Astragalus bicolor

? 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van. Subscapose,


Astragalus camopylosema

Subspecies nigripilis

Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road.

Between Ercek Lake and Ozalp. Scapose 2011

Astragalus caraganae

Roadsides near the hotel at Ahlat, Bendimahi Marshes at NE

corner of Lake Van, and Muradiye Waterfall area.Caulescent,

peduncles short, yellow 2009 2011

Astragalus chaldiranicus on hills near Caldiran.

Astragalus cinereus

? Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit.

Scapose, yellow 2011

Astragalus clavatus ? Between Ercek Lake and Ozalp.

Astragalus cylindriacus ? Scattered. Scapose, yellow

Astragalus densifolius

? Ravine at junction of road to Çatak en route back from Karabet

Pass. Scapose, purple

Astragalus fragrans

North-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass.Definitely seen west of

Kuzgunkiran Pass 2009 2011

Astragalus guttatus ? East shores of Ercek Golu. An annual

Astragalus halicacabus

? Muradiye Waterfall area - at entry side of valley. Muradiye


Astragalus hirticalyx Between Ercek Lake and Ozalp.

Astragalus hyalolepis

? Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit.

Scapose, purple

Astragalus lagopoides

South side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van and again 2km or o

south of the Kurubas Pass. Spiny, racemes held above leaves.

Calyx reddish; between Ercek Lake and Ozalp.

Astragalus latifolius

Scattered throughout. Acaulous. Yellow, leaflets very few and

broad. Common in the Zernek area.2009 2011

Astragalus lagurus Catak, Pale pink, hairy long flower heads 2011

Astragalus lineatus ssp.

longipes Güzeldere Pass

Astragalus macrocephalus

Subsp. Finitimus .etween Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. 2009

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Astragalus macrourus

Oak woodlands west of Resadiye on the south Van circular.

Scapose, yellow

Astragalus microcephalus Bitlis circuit

Astragalus nanus Catak, purple-pink globose flower heads, very hairy leaves 2011

Astragalus onobrychis

Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road.

Caulescent, purple

Astragalus ornithopoioides

? 10km west of Dogubeyazit on Agri road, Muradiye Waterfall

area. Caulescent, purple 2011

Astragalus pinetorum ? Meadows 1km northeast of Caldiran. Acaulous, yellow

Astragalus rechingeri

? The eastern approach to the Karabet Pass – actually at the crag

above the picnic site. Spiny. White flowers with a pink flush

Astragalus stevenianus

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road. Caulescent, purple

Astragalus subrobustus

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular. Scapose, violet

Astragalus viridissisimus

above Ishak Pasa, Prostrate, scapose, reddish-purple flower and

calyx, hairless 2011

Cicer anatolicum

Muradiye Waterfall area, Muradiye Waterfall area; between

Tatvan and Hizan. 2009 2011

Chesneya rytidosperma Meteor 2011

Colutea cilicica Oak woodlands near Resadiye on the south Van circular 2011

Glycyrrhiza glabra

Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca. Çatak Road and south side of Van


Hedysarum cappadocicum ? Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road

Lathyrus aphaca Cilli Pass west of Ararat 2009

Lathyrus cicera

Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the area;

between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009 2011

Lathyrus inconspicuus

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, also Akdamar


Lathyrus nissolia

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular 2009

Lathyrus pratensis

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road and near Bolukyazi en route to Bitlis. In leaf in 2005

Lathyrus roseus

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular. Scapose, violet

Lathyrus rotundifolius Noted on the south Van circular. Bitlis Circuit 2009 2011

Lathyrus setifolius [2006 - Bitlis Circuit] 2009 2011

Lathyrus tubersosus Oak woodlands near Bolukyazi en route to Bitlis 2009

Lotus corniculatus Widespread 2009

Lotus pedunculatus [2006 - near Dogubeyazit]

Medicago lupulina 2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri; Above Ishak Paºa

Medicago medicaginoides Also known as Trigonella arcuata. Salt mine at Tuzluca

Medicago minima

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular. Van Kalesi?

Medicago monantha

Nominate. Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the

Hosap road, and environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and

roadsides in the area

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Medicago orthoceras

? Around Sim-er Hotel near Dogubeyazit, Meadows 14km east of


Medicago polymorpha 1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular

Medicago radiata Ahlat 2011

Medicago rigidula Ahlat 2011

Medicago sativa Nominate. Scattered

Medicago x varia Tendurek 2011

Melilotus altissima 2005 ?probably this species along roadsides etc.

Onobrychis atropatana 2005. East of Ercek. Also another unidentified

Onobrychis cornuta

Widespread. Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel,

Dogubeyazit and on the south side of Kurubas Pass, south of v 2011

Onobrychis galegifolia

? Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the


Onobrychis radiata

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road and 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van;

between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. Very pretty!

Onobrychis spp

2005. East of Ercek. Also another unidentified species seen in the


Onobrychis sulphureus

vanensis 2005. Another stunning species. Zernek

Pisum sativum Subspecies

elatius East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat 2009

Robinia pseudacacia 2005 Scattered as a planted tree 2009 2011

Securigera (Coronilla )


11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, in the ravine on

the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road, and 2km or so south of the Kurubas

Pass south of Van. Adilcevaz – by the road! 2009 2011

Sophora alopecuroides Roadsides in the Aras Valley. Edremit area near Van. 2009

Trifolium arvense south of the harbour for Akdamar ferry. Zernek.2009 2011

Trifolium campestre Near Sarikum between Ahlat and Tatvan 2009 2011

Trifolium hybridum Scattered throughout

Trifolium nigrescens

Subspecies petrisavii . Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis

Trifolium pauciflorum

ID as Trifolium pilulare on the tour. Terraces at west edge of

Dogruyol village near Bitlis 2009

Trifolium phleoides

ID asTrifolium arvense on the tour. Near Sarikum between Ahlat

and Tatvan, and in terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near


Trifolium physodes

Hill above Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan; south of the

harbour for Akdamar ferry. Bitlis Circuit. 2009 2011

Trifolium pratense Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Trifolium repens between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009 2011

Trifolium resupinatum

Near Sarikum between Ahlat and Tatvan and in oak scrub slopes

a little west of Resadiye on the south Van circular. Bitlis

Circuit.2009 2011

Trifolium speciosum Purple-flowered species. Oak woodlands near Kucuksu

Trifolium tomentosum between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009

Trigonella caerulescens

Meadows 14km east of Adilcevaz, Roadsides near the hotel at

Ahlat. Also near Hosap. The blue fenugreek 2011

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Trigonella velutina

2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van and campsite

near the ferry to Akdamar Island, Gevas. Cilli Pass.

Vicia anatolica Near the Sim-er Motel

Vicia balansae ? Akdamar Island. South side of Van Lake

Vicia canescens Subspecies


East side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale. Also

north of Van. Like an astragalus. 2009 2011

Vicia cappadocica Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the area

Vicia cracca between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009

Vicia dalmatica Akdamar Island

Vicia ervilia Roadsides near the hotel at Ahlat, Akdamar Island 2009

Vicia grandiflora East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat

Vicia michauxii Near Resadiye, South Van Circular. Near Bendimahi, Van

Vicia peregrina Balaban forest 2009 2011

Vicia raflige

[2006 - this pretty species was on marls around Zernek and along

the Çatak road]

Vicia tetrasperma Akdamar Island

Vicia trunculata

Seen in Oak woodlands near Yassaca near Resadiye on South Van

circular. Cilli Pass 2009 2011

Vicia sativa 2011

Vicia villosa subsp. villosa 2011


Agrimonia eupatoria Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis

Alchamilla erithoperta scattered 2009

Amygdalus orientalis North of Van 2011

Amygdalus trichamygdalis [2006 - Cilli Pass]

Cotoneaster integerrimus Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit 2011

Cotoneaster nummularia in the crater of Nemrut.; South of Van circular 2009 2011

Crataegus aronia 2005 Cilli Pass

Crataegus curvisepala 2005 Bitlis Circuit 2009

Crataegus meyeri Near Bolukyazi 2009 2011

Crataegus monogyna South of Van circular. 2009 2011

Crataegus orientalis Hill above Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan. Leaves only

Filipendula ulmaria 2005 Oak Woodlands south side of Lake Van 2009

Filipendula vulgaris 2005 Oak Woodlands south side of Lake Van

Geum urbanum

Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis


Malus sylvestris Subsp.

orientalis v. orientalis . South of Van circular. 2009

Potentilla bifurca Muradiye Waterfall area. Zernek. Ercek. 2009

Potentilla lignosa On the road to Karabet Pass. Çatak Road

Potentilla orientalis 2005 Çatak Road

Potentilla reptans? Tendurek 2011

Potentilla supina

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road and 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van;

between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. Very pretty!

Prunus (Cerasus) prostrata South of Van circular. Karabet. 2009 2011

Prunus brachypetala

(Cerasus) Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south

Van circular, and a little east of Asaginarlica below the Karabet


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Prunus divaricata

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular; in the crater of


Prunus incana Var.


(Cerasus angustifolia ) Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel,

Dogubeyazit; on Pamuk Dagi between Dogubayezit and Igdir.

Strange looking plant that only vaguely resembles a cherry!

Pyrus amygdaliformis [2006 - Bitlis Circuit] 2009

Pyrus syriaca Subsp.


Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular. Leaves only. 2009 2011

Rosa canina 2005 Oak Woodlands south side of Lake Van 2009 2011

Rosa foetida [2006 - scattered]

Rosa haemisphaerica [2006 ?probably this species - Cilli Pass]

Rosa heckeliana Var.

heckeliana. 2005 Small shrubs above Ishak Paºa and Cilli Pass 2011

Rubus sanctus between Tatvan and Hizan.

Sanguisorba minor

Picnic site near Calpala in the Aras Valley; widespread in

meadows. 2009 2011

Sorbus persica 2004 South Circular Woods

Sorbus torminalis Hill above Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan. 2009 2011

Sorbus umbellata Var.


. Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular. Leaves only. Var cretica. Near Bolukyazi near Bitlis 2009 2011


Rosularia aizoon south of the harbour for Akdamar ferry. Nemrut Dagi

Rosularia elymaitiica [2006 - near Adilcevaz]

Rosularia sempervivum

Subspecies persica

Van Castle, Akdamar Island. Subspecies kurdica (given at the

time as Rosularia radiciflora) Nemrut Crater 2009 2011

Sedum aetnense

Muradiye Waterfall area. Sedum tetramerum is now included in

this species

Sedum hispanicum Var.

semiglabrum Muradiye Waterfall area and on Akdamar Island


cf. armenum on south slopes of Tendürek Pass – may be an

incorrect identification?v 2011

Sempervivum davisii Rocky outcrops on the Tendurek Pass 2009

Umbilicus erectus

Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis and

in oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular 2009

Umbilicus tropaeolifolius Akdamar Island


Saxifraga kotschyi

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit though

the bright orange petals seem a little odd! The eastern approach to

the Karabet Pass and on the pass itself some superb specimens


Saxifraga sibirica Ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road; in the crater of

Nemrut. Tendurek Pass

Saxifraga hederacea By stream through oak woodland near Bolukyazi near Bitlis

Saxifraga cymbalaria 2005 spring half way along the South Van Circular 2009


Anthriscus cerefolium Muradiye Waterfall area and near Bolukyazi

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Anthriscus nemorosa

Hill above Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan. Damp meadows

near Ahlat 2009 2011

Apium nodiflorum [2006 - near Adilcevaz]

Astrodaucus orientalis Scattered throughout

Bunium brachyactis Noted near Dogubeyazit

Bunium cylindricum South-facing lower slopes of Nemrut Dagi Volcano

Bunium ferulaceum On the road to Çatak.

Bunium microcarpum Scattered throughout

Bunium paucifolium

Noted around Dogubeyazit, the south side of Kurubas Pass, south

of Van, and the environs of campsite 1km towards Gevas from

Akdamar ferry

Bunium verruculosum Van Castle

Bupleurum falcatum

Subspecies polyphyllum 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular

Carum carvi

2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri, and 1km east of Kucuksu on

the south Van circular

Caucalis platycarpos

East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, and 10km east of Ercek Golu

and then shales 6km south along minor road

Chaerophyllum crinitum Near Ahlat. Muradiye

Chaerophyllum hakkiaricum The eastern approaches to the Karabet Pass


macropodum West side of Lake Van



Damp meadows near Ahlat, 11km east of Kucuksu on the south

Van circular and in oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on

the south Van circular Resadiye on the south Van circular

Cymbocarpum anaethoydes Near Otanca in the Özalp direction from Van.

Cymbocarpum anethoides ? Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca. Or Turgenopsis foeniculacea

Falcaria vulgaris

East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat. Leaves only; South of Van


Ferula amanicola Noted in the Bitlis/Tatvan area – leaves only

Ferula cf. elaeochrytis Muradiye Waterfall – leaves only

Ferula haussknechtii Upstream from Muradiye Waterfall

Ferula longipedunculata

Souther shores of Van Lake – leaves only; On the road to Çatak.


Ferula orientalis West side of Lake Van. Bitlis Circuit 2011

Ferula rigidula

Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road.

Leaves only

Ferula spp

????? Two as yet unidentified or even unknown species of Ferula

collected, one from Ayamis Castle and another from Muradiye

Waterfall – we await Mervyn's news on them

Ferulago angulata Ravine at Çatak-Karabet-Van road junction

Ferulago bernardii (stellata) Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit

Grammosciadium cornutum Ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road

Grammosciadium daucoides

? 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, the hill above

Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan, and 10km east of Ercek

Golu and then shales 6km south along minor road



Called Grammosciadium confertum on the tour. Muradiye

Waterfall area and near Ulu Kumbet at Ahlat

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pterocarpum Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater

Heptaptera anisoptera Not sure where Mervyn's specimen came from?

Heracleum persicum Along the south Van circular. Leaves only at this 2011

Laserpitium carduchorum Çatak

Lecokia cretica Muradiye Waterfall area. Leaves only 2009

Malabaila dasyantha Noted in the Ahlat area

Malabaila lasiocarpa

Ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road, Akdamar Island; On the

road to Çatak 2009 2011

Malabaila secacul

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular, also on Akdamar Island

Myrrhoides nodosa Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis

Oenanthe sophiae

2005 in wet meadows a little south of the Van Circular en route to


Opopanax persicum

Muradiye Waterfall area – by the river; between Tatvan and


Pimpinella affinis ? 1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular

Pimpinella anthriscoides Eastern approaches to the Karabet Pass

Pimpinella kotschyana West side of Van Golu

Pimpinella peregrina Dogubeyazit area

Pimpinella peucedanifolia ? Muradiye Waterfall area

Pimpinella tragium

Subspecies lithophila

. Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit

Subsp.?. On the road to Çatak.

Prangos cf. corymbosa

Prangos acaulis Dogubeyazit area

Prangos ferulacea

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road, and also at the Muradiye Waterfall area; Between Hosap

and Guzeldere Pass.2009

Prangos pabularia 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular

Prangos peucedanifolia Where? Dogubeyazit area

Prangos platychlaena West side of Lake Van

Prangos uechtriztii

Either on the eastern approaches to the Karabet Pass or en route to


Prangos uloptera Dogubeyazit area

Scandix aucheri Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit

Scandix iberica

East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, 11km east of Kucuksu on the

south Van circular, oak woodland and grazed valley west of

Dogruyol near Bitlis, and at Bendimahi Marshes at NE 2011

Scandix pecten-veneris 2005 Bitlis Circuit 2009

Scandix stellata Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. Çatak Road

Seseli libanotis

Two forms of this variable species seen – neither greatly

resembling the Western European forms!

Seseli peucedanoides ? Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road

Smyrniopsis aucheri Muradiye Waterfall area 2009

Smyrnium cordifolium

Ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road and on Akdamar Island;

between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009 2011

Torilis leptophylla Akdamar Island. Muradiye.

Trinia scabra Dogubeyazit

Turgenia latifolia Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the area;

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On the road to Çatak. Seeds from last year mostly!

Zosima absinthifoliua

Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass; south of the harbour for

kdamar ferry.2009 2011


Centranthus longiflorus On the road to Çatak.

Cephalaria syriaca

? Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the


Pterocephalus kurdicus

East side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale.

Akdamar Island.

Scabiosa rotata

2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van. Çatak Road.


Valeriana alpestris Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass

Valeriana dioscoridis Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. 2011

Valeriana leucophaea

Slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale. Karabet Pass 2009

Valeriana officinalis

Rugged hills above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubeyazit. Oak

Woodlands south side of Lake Van 2009

Valeriana sisymbriifolia

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit, also

Muradiye Waterfall; On the road to Çatak. 2009

Valerianella carinata Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis

Valerianella coronata

Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis, the

ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road, and in oak scrub slopes a

little west of Resadiye on the south Van circular 2009

Valerianella cymbicarpa

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road, in the Muradiye Waterfall area, and in the environs of

Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the area

Valerianella oxyrhyncha

Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road,

and also 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south

along minor road

Valerianella plagiostephana Scattered, common in the north

Valerianella vesicaria Bitlis circuit 2011


Lonicera caucasicum

Nominate. Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south

Van circular. 2009

Rhus coriaria in the crater of Nemrut.


Achillea arabica

(biebersteinii) southwest shore of Ercek Golu. Dogubeyazit area

2009 2011

Achillea vermicularis

Environs of campsite 1km towards Gevas from Akdamar ferry;

On the road to Çatak. Also east of Küçüksu 2009

Amberboa moschata

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars


Anthemis cretica on slopes of Nemrut Dagi. Cilli Pass. 2009 2011

Anthemis wiedemanniana Bendimahi.

Artemisia splendens

? The eastern approach to the Karabet Pass – on a rock ledge

above Fritillaria minuta. In bud.

Bellis perennis widespread in meadows 2009 2011

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Carduus pycnocephalus between Tatvan and Hizan. Ishak Paºa? 2011

Carthamus lanatus 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Centaurea albonitens

Dry hills between Ercek Lake and Ozalp; between Hosap and

Guzeldere Pass 2009 2011

Centaurea aucheri ? 10km west of Dogubeyazit on the Agri road. Zernek

Centaurea depressa

Fields in Aras Valley near Calpala west of Igdir, also the

southwest shore of Ercek Golu, and in Bendimahi Marshes at NE

corner of Lake Van 2009 2011

Centaurea glastifolia [2006 - in leaf only]

Centaurea handelii 2005 cliffs in the first gorge along the Çatak Road 2009

Centaurea iberica widespread, weedy.

Centaurea karduchorum

Steppe and fields 16km south of road 975 on the Çatak road – cliff

above south-heading road 2009 2011

Centaurea pseudoscabiosa

? Nominate? Van Castle, Akdamar Island, and the environs of

Ayamis Castle

Centaurea pterocaula ? East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat

Centaurea pulchella Van Castle. In bud – stems strikingly pale. Çatak Road 2009

Centaurea rhizantha

Ravine at Çatak-Karabet-Van road junction, and 2km or so south

of the

Centaurea triumfettii

Common. Meadows 1km northeast of Caldiran, inside Nemrut

Dagi Volcano crater, and in steppe and fields 16km south of road

975 on the Çatak road 2009 2011

Centaurea urvillei Subsp. armata

Centaurea vanensis

Slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale, and 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south

along minor road; above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit. 2009 -

best ones were at Ozalp road 2011

Cephalorrhynchus tuberosus

? Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular. Or Cephalorrhynchus rechingeranus?

Chardinia orientalis Dry hills between Ercek Lake and Ozalp; On the road to Çatak.

Cichorium intybus Scattered throughout

Cirsium arvense Subspecies vestitum. Scattered 2009

Cnicus benedictus

Fields in Aras Valley near Calpala west of Igdir, and roadsides

near the hotel at Ahlat. Also between Van- Muradiye-

Dogubayezit. 2009 2011

Cousinia eriocephala Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Cousinia nabelekii ? 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Cousinia vanensis near Kurubas Pass.

Crepis pulchra

Nominate. Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol

near Bitlis, Akdamar Island

Crepis sancta East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, Muradiye Waterfall area

Crupina crupinastrum south of the harbour for Akdamar ferry. 2009

Crupina vulgaris Balaban Forest 2009 2011

Echinops orientalis Ercek Lake 2009

Filago arvensis Scattered

Gundelia tournefortii

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, and on oak scrub

slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van circular. Between

Van and Bendimahi 2009 2011

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Helichrysum arenarium

Subspecies aucheri Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. 2011

Helichrysum arenarium

Subspecies rubicundum Environs of Ayamis Castle north of

Helichrysum graveolens ? South side of the Kurusbas Pass south of Van

Helichrysum plicatum

Nominate. 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, and

also at Van Castle 2011

Inula helenium South of Van circular.

Inula macrophyllum

2005 in leaf only – meadows north of Dogruyol on the Bitlis


Inula peacockiana

Bendimahi Marshes at NE corner of Lake Van, and 2km or so

south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van; south of the harbour for

Akdamar ferry. 2009 2011

Koelpinia linearis

Salt mine at Tuzluca, Around Sim-er Hotel near Dogubeyazit

Fruit seen in 2005. 2011

Onopordum acanthium Scattered 2009

Onopordum karduchorum Bitlis circuit 2011

Rhagadiolus angulosus Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the area

Scorzonera cana

Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit, and

around Sim-er Hotel near Dogubeyazit; On the road to Çatak. 2011

Scorzonera mollis

Subspecies szowitsii

East side of the Çilli Pass, Ararat, inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano

crater, and 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south

along minor road. Çilli Pass population had otherwise identical

plants with yellow or violet flowers side by side! 2011

Scorzonera parviflora ? East shore of Ercek Golu

Scorzonera phaeopappa Nominate. 10km west of Dogubeyazit on Agri road 2009 2011

Senecio eriospermus

Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater, in the ravine on the Bitlis to

Bolukyazi road, and on slopes above and south of the Guzeldere

Pass between Hosap and Baskale. In bud at the middle site

otherwise leaves only

Senecio taraxacifolius above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit.

Senecio vernalis

Widespread; weedy. East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, and on the

southwest shore of Ercek Golu – dominant in areas of the former

2009 2011

Serratula serratuloides ? 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Sonchus asper [2006 - scattered.]

Tanacetum chiliophyllum 10km west of Dogubeyazit on Agri road – in bud

Tanacetum partheniifolium

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road – on a cliff. On Pamuk Dagi between Igdir and Dogubayezit.

Tanacetum uniflorum above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit.

Tanacetum zahlbruckneri

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, and in oak

woodland and the grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis

Taraxacum officinale [2006 - scattered]

Tragopogon buphthalmoides ? 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Tragopogon coloratus

2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van. Flowers

purple, pappus purplish 2009

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Tragopogon dubius The Selcuk Cemetery at Ahlat, southwest shore of Ercek Golu

Tripleurospermum decipiens ? 1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular 2011

Tripleurospermum oreades

? North-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass, and the ravine at

Çatak-Karabet-Van road junction


parviflorum ? Aras Valley near Calpala west of Igdir

Tussilago farfara Widespread in leaf, Van and roadsides in the area – in bud 2009

Xanthium strummarium Bitlis Circuit 2011

Xeranthemum annuum [2006]


longipapposum Scattered throughout around Lake Van


Campanula coriacea Scattered throughout. Leaves only

Campanula crispa

2005 in leaf. Rocks on the Tendurek and Cilli Passes Campanula


Campanula flaccidula 2005 another tiny species along the Çatak Road

Campanula glomerata By campsite near Akdamar Ferry, Gevas 2009

Campanula involucrata 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular 2009 2011

Campanula karakuschensis

2005 tiny species noted along the Çatak Road and along south

side of Lake Van

Campanula ledebouriana [2006 - Çatak Road]

Campanula reuterana 2005 beautiful deep violet flowered species near Çatak

Campanula stevenii

Crags and slopes south of Sim-Er Hotel, Dogubeyazit, also 11 km

east of Kucuksu on the south Van circula, and on oak scrub slopes 2011

Legousia pentagonia Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis 2009

Legousia speculum-veneris between Tatvan and Hizan. 2009 2011


Androsace albana 2005 on the Tendurek Pass

Androsace armeniaca Short stemmed species with pink flowers Tendurek Pass 2009

Androsace maxima

East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat and on the Kuskunkiran Pass on

the south Van circular, also above the Ishak Paºa Palace,

Dogubeyazit 2009 2011

Androsace villosa

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit and the

slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale 2009 2011

Glaux maritima

East shore of Arin Golu near Adilcevaz and the meadows 14km

east of Adilcevaz 2011

Primula algida Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass 2009 2011

Primula auriculata

Soguksu meadows south of Tendurek Pass, the east side of the

Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale, and a little east of

Asaginarlica below the Karabet Pass 2009 2011


Fraxinus angustifolia between Tatvan and Hizan; On the road to Çatak. 2009 2011


Gentiana cruciata 2005 in leaf meadows along the south side of Lake Van

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Gentiana olivieri

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road. Also Kizkunkiran Pass

Gentiana verna Subspecies pontica 2011

Swertia longifolia In leaf by the stream on the east side of the Guzeldere Pass


Convolvulus altheoides Graveyard along Hakkari Road

Convolvulus arvensis Scattered 2009

Convolvulus calvertii 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Convolvulus cantabrica Between Tatvan and Hizan; between Ercek Lake and Ozalp.

Convolvulus lineatus Catak Road 2011


Alkanna froedinii

Environs of campsite 1km towards Gevas from Akdamar ferry.

Further west too!

Alkanna orientalis

Scattered throughout. Called various things on the tour including

a Moltkia and Anchusa! 2009 2011

Anchusa arvensis

Subspecies orientalis.

1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular. Looks like an odd

Lappula. 2009

Anchusa aucheri

? Roadsides near the hotel at Ahlat and near Ayamis Castle and

near Dogubeyazit 2009 2011

Anchusa azurea

Throughout. Most was of the odd-looking pale azure flowered

form 2009 2011

Anchusa leptophylla below Tendurek 2011

Anchusa strigosa Bitlis Circuit 2009 2011

Arnebia decumbens Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit 2011

Asperugo procumbens

Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit, the east

side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, and the terraces at west edge of

Dogruyol village near Bitlis 2009 2011

Buglossoides arvensis

(Syn. Lithospermum arvensis) Crags and slopes south of the Sim-

er Hotel, Dogubeyazit; Tendürek Pass. 2009 2011

Caccinia macranthera var.

crassifolia. 2011

Cerinthe minor Subspecies

auriculata. Scattered throughout. Nominate. Cilli Pass west of Ararat 2009 2011

Cynoglossum officinale Muradiye Waterfall. Bitlis Circuit 2011

Cynoglossum vanense In flora as montanum

Heterocaryum szovitsianum

? 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road. Zernek.

Lappula barbata Widespread 2009 2011

Moltkia caerulea South side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van. Zernek. 2009 2011


spp 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along

minor road. Annual with fruiting pedicel curving round axis

Myosotis alpestris

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit, and the

north-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass, and the 2011

Myosotis diminuta Soguksu meadows south of Tendurek Pass 2009

Myosotis heteropoda ? East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat 2011

Myosotis minutiflora Muradiye Waterfall area 2009 2011

Myosotis ramosissimum between Tatvan and Hizan.2009 2011

Myosotis stricta

? East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, and 1km east of Kucuksu on

the south Van circular

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Myosotis sylvatica Tatvan, Tugkoyu Village 2011

Neostemma apulum Sim-Er 2011

Nonea anchusoides

2005 east side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale


Nonea caspica

Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca, and east side of the Guzeldere Pass

between Hosap and Baskale 2009 2011

Nonea melanocarpa between Tatvan and Hizan. Ishak Paºa 2009

Nonea melanthera 2005 along the Çatak Road 2011

Nonea pulla Subspecies

scabrisquamata . 10km west of Dogubeyazit on

Nonea pulla Subspecies? Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.2009

Nonea stenosiphon 2006 - Nemrut Dage and another place on the Bitlis circuit. ]

Onosma albo-roseum Var

sanguineolentum 2005 Zernek 2009 2011

Onosma araraticum ? (araraticum 2011

Onosma isauricum Ercek Lake 2009

Onosma nemoricolum Meteor, widespread along south shore of Van 2011

Onosma procera (procerum) 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular

Onosma sericea

(sericeum) Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the

Hosap 2011

Paracaryum cristatum

Subspecies carduchorum

Ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road, and 10km east of Ercek

Golu and then shales 6km south along minor road 2009

Paracaryum racemosum

South side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van, and 2km or so south of

the Kurubas Pass as well

Paracaryum strictum

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road. On Pamuk Dagi between Dogubayezit and Igdir.

Rindera albida

South side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van, and east side of the

Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale 2009

Rindera caespitosa

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road. Zernek

Rindera lanata var. canescens 2011

Rochelia disperma

2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri, the crags and slopes south of

the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit and the east side of the Cilli Pass,

Ararat. Bitlis Circuit.

Solenanthis stamineus

Muradiye Waterfall area, inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater, and

east side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale 2009 2011

Solenanthus circinnatus Muradiye Waterfall area, oak scrub slopes a little west of 2011

Symphytum kurdicum Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis


Hyoscyamus niger

Ishak Paºa Palace above Dogubeyazit and Muradiye Waterfall; in

the crater of Nemrut; between Ercek Lake and Ozalp. 2009 2011

Hyoscyamus pusillus

West side of lava plain north of Dogubeyazit, and the salt mine at


Hyoscyamus reticulatus

Muradiye Waterfall area, the roadsides near the hotel at Ahlat,

and Bendimahi Marshes at NE corner of Lake Van 2009 2011

Lycium ruthenicum Van Castle

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Bungea trifida

Scattered on steppe. Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel,

Dogubeyazit, and 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km

south along minor road. Zernek. Meteor 2011

Dodartia orientalis Fallow fields near Igdir in the Aras Valley

Euphrasia juzepczukii 2005 Cilli Pass

Euphrasia pectinata Scattered

Lagotis stolonifera

2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri, and the rugged hills above the

Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit; On the road to Çatak. 2009 2011

Linaria armeniaca

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road. Zernek.

Linaria chalepensis

Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis;

Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. Cilli Pass, Ararat. Muradiye.

2009 2011

Linaria genistifolia 2005

Linaria genistifolia

Subspecies confertifolia at Zernek. 2005

Linaria genistifolia

Subspecies prealti east of Ercek Golu

Linaria grandiflora Catak Road 2011

Linaria simplex East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat

Parentucellia latifolia

Subspecies flaviflora

. Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis.

Cilli Pass, Ararat. As the subspecies name suggest it is yellow

flowered! 2011

Pedicularis caucasica Meadows in the Kucuksu area. Tendurek Pass 2011

Pedicularis comosa

Widespread and common – both wet meadow and dry rocky

slope forms 2009 2011

Pedicularis condensata Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass

Rhinanthus angustifolius

Subspecies grandiflorus

. 2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri, and 11km east of Kucuksu on

the south Van circular. Zernek. 2009 2011

Scrophularia ilwensis Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Scrophularia libanotica Van Castle



Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit – on

screes. An intermediate between this and the following species

was found on rocks here too; Tendürek Pass.

Scrophularia orientalis 2005 Tendurek Pass

Scrophularia rimanum By Ayamis Castle north of Van

Scrophularia umbrosa

Environs of campsite 1km towards Gevas from Akdamar ferry

and at the wetland justside Ahlat. In leaf in 2005

Verbascum phoeniceum

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road. Cilli Pass

Verbascum suworowianum

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road. In range of allied Verbascum nudicaule? 2011

Verbascum vanense ? Muradiye Waterfall area

Veronica anagallis-aquatica

? Aras Valley near Calpala west of Igdir; On the road to Çatak.

Adilcevaz 2009

Veronica anagalloides Bitlis Circuit 2011

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Veronica biloba

East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, the Ishak Paºa Palace above

Dogubeyazit, and the Kuskunkiran Pass on the south Van circular

Veronica bornmuelleri ? 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Veronica bozakmanii

1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, and roadsides

near the hotel at Ahlat as well as the Muradiye Waterfall area

Veronica gentianoides North-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass 2009 2011

Veronica intercedens Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis

Veronica orientalis Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Veronica polita 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular


Orobanche anatolica Fairly widespread. On Salvia 2011

Orobanche bungeana 2005 Zernek

Orobanche caryophyllacea 2005 abundant in rough fields at the north end of the Çatak Road.

Orobanche cernua ? Purple one seen in steppe south of Kurubas Pass, south of Van

Orobanche cilicica [2006 Muradiye Waterfall]

Orobanche crenata [2006 Cilli Pass.]

Orobanche lutea 2005. East of Ercek Golu

Orobanche purpurea Fairly widespread. On Achillea 2011

Orobanche ramosa Akdamar Island. Zernek. 2009

Orobanche schultzii ? 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Phelypaea tournefortii

Muradiye Waterfall area; above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit.



Globularia orientalis in the crater of Nemrut; between Tatvan and Hizan

Globularia trichosantha

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, and oak scrub

slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van circular 2009 2011


Acinos arvensis 2005 East of Ercek Golu 2009

Acinos rotundifolius

Widespread in steppe. The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of

Tuzluca on the Kars road, and the south-facing lower slopes of

Nemrut Dagi Volcano 2011

Ajuga chamaepitys

Subspecies ?chia.

Widespread. South-facing lower slopes of Nemrut Dagi Volcano.

Tendurek Pass 2009 2011

Eremostachys laciniatus

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road, the ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road, and the Muradiye

Waterfall area 2009 2011

Eremostachys moluccelloides

Marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road

2009 2011

Hymenocrater bituminosus

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road, and the marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the

Hosap road. A small shrub with blue flowers within lime

coloured bracts. 2011

Lallemantia canescens Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. East of Ercek

Lallemantia iberica

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road as well as between Van-Muradiye-Dogubayezit.

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Lallemantia peltata Quite common north of Lake Van 2009 2011

Lamium album Scattered – often in disturbed habitats 2009 2011

Lamium amplexicaule

Near Tuzluca and oak woodland and grazed valley west of

Dogruyol near Bitlis; on south slopes of Tendürek Pass; between

Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. 2009 2011

Lamium garganicum

Ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road, and the Muradiye

Waterfall area; On the road to Çatak. 2009 2011

Lamium rotundifolium above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit – in leaf

Molucella laevis Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass

Nepeta congesta

? The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road, the marly slopes at east end of Zernek Reservoir on the

Hosap road, and the environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and

roadsides in the area

Nepeta fissa

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road, and 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van

Nepeta heliotropifolia

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road. Bteween Van and Bendimahi. Zernek.

Nepeta meyeri

Crags and slopes south of Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit; south

slopes of Tendürek Pass

Nepeta transcaucasica

Southwest shore of Ercek Golu, and 10km east of Ercek Golu and

then shales 6km south along minor road; On the road to Çatak.

2009 2011

Phlomis armeniaca

2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van and near

Ayamis Castle north of Van. Zernek.2009

Salvia aethiopis Widespread especially in the north 2009 2011

Salvia atropatana

? 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van. Leaves linear,

flowers later

Salvia brachyantha

South side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van. Calyx violet. Corolla

only 12mm; between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Salvia ceratophylla

Between Ercek Lake and Ozalp; between Hosap and Guzeldere

Pass. 2011

Salvia frigida Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Salvia kronenburgii

2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van. Calyx wide

open, glabrous and whitish green; dry hills near Hosap. Çatak


Salvia limbata

Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the area

(EP). Corolla white with pale yellow lower lip. 25mm. 2011

Salvia microstegia

East side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale by

the road and Muradiye Waterfall area. Corolla white

Salvia multicaulis

Muradiye Waterfall area, and oak scrub slopes a little west of

Resadiye on the south Van circular. Calyx wide open, purplish

violet, corolla 18mm 2009 2011

Salvia nemorosa

Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca. Corolla purple, 10-12mm. Bracts

purple 5-10mm. Çatak Road 2009

Salvia poculata 2005 noted at Muradiye and at Zernek

Salvia stamineum [2006 - Sim-er Motel, Dogubeyazit]

Salvia trichoclada

Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis. 2003 on the

road to Çatak. 2009 2011

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Salvia verticillata Subspecies

amaniensis ? Muradiye Waterfall area. South of Lake Van. 2009

Scutellaria orientalis

Subspecies pinnatifida In ravine near Bolukyazi near Bitlis. Tendurek Pass 2009

Scutellaria orientalis

Subspecies sosnowskyi.

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road, and the south side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van.

Scutellaria orientalis

Subspecies virens. 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular. 2011

Sideritis montana Nominate. Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca 2011

Squamulate; Between Hosap

and Guzeldere Pass. 2009

Stachys annua between Tatvan and Hizan

Stachys annua var.

lycaonica is on Çatak road 2009

Stachys iberica Subspecies stenostachya. Muradiye Waterfall area 2009

Stachys lavandulifolia Widespread in steppe 2009 2011

Stachys macrantha on north slopes of Tendürek Pass

Teucrium chaemedrys ssp.

sinuatum Zernek 2009

Teucrium polium Akdamar Island

Thymus kotschyanus

? Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit;

Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. Ercek area.

Thymus sipyleus 2004 above the Ishak Paºa Palace 2009 2011

Ziziphora capitata On the road to Çatak. 2009 2011

Ziziphora persica

? Fields in Aras Valley near Calpala west of Igdir, and 10km east

of Ercek Golu and shales 6km south along minor road.


Plantago atrata North-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass 2011

Plantago lanceolata

Widespread on meadows and disturbed habitats. Guzeldere Pass

2009 2011

Plantago major 2005! Somewhere! 2009


Daphne oleoides

Subspecies kurdica. In flower at Oak scrub slopes a little west of

Resadiye on the south Van circular. 2009

Daphne mucronata

In leaf only. Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the

south Van circular 2009 2011


Thesium billardieri ? Muradiye Waterfall area; above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit.

Thesium impressum Aras Valley north of Tuzluca. Muradiye.


Elaeagnus angustifolius between Tatvan and Hizan. South Van Circular. 2009 2011


Aristolochia bottae

Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis. Also east of

Ercek Golu. 2009 2011


Euphorbia armena Ishak Pasa 2011

Euphorbia arvensis? Between Igdir and Tuzluca – check!

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Euphorbia cheiradenia West side of lava plain north of Dogubeyazit 2009

Euphorbia denticulata

South-facing lower slopes of Nemrut Dagi Volcano, Inside

Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater, Ravine at Çatak-Karabet-Van road

junction 2009 2011

Euphorbia heteradena Scattered throughout

Euphorbia kotschyi 2006 - Degirmanli near Ercek]

Euphorbia macrocarpa Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater 2009 2011

Euphorbia macroclada

West side of lava plain north of Dogubeyazit, South-facing lower

slopes of Nemrut Dagi Volcano 2009 2011

Euphorbia petrophylla Bitlis circuit 2009

Euphorbia seguieriana Nominate – southwest shore of Ercek Golu. 2011

Euphorbia seguieriana

Subspecies niciciana – Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca

Euphorbia stricta? Dogubayazit 2009

Euphorbia virgata Muradiye Waterfall area


Parietaria judaica

On the road to Çatak; On the road to Karabet Pass. East of Ercek

Golu 2009 2011

Urtica dioica

A narrow-leaved stingless form at Meadows 14km east of

Adilcevaz was shown to us by a local who gathered it to use as a

vegetable and as an ‘anti-cancer' herb – this form approached

what we call Urtica galeopsifolia in the UK 2009 2011


Celtis glabrata [2006 - probably tis species - Bitlis Circuit] 2009 2011

Celtis tournefortii

Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis; in the crater

of Nemrut. 2011

Ulmus minor

subspecies minor. in the crater of Nemrut. Between Van and

Muradiye 2009 2011


Juglans regia

Cultivated in valleys around Dogruyol near Bitlis and in Çatak

valley 2009 2011


Quercus libani

Var pinnata. Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol

near Bitlis; On the road to Çatak. 2009

Quercus petraea

Subspecies pinnatiloba. 11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van

circular, Terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis 2009 2011

Quercus pubescens Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater


Alnus cordata ? 2005 streamsides south of Lake Van

Betula pendula Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater. Also Cilli Pass. 2009 2011

Populus tremula

Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater, and the hill above Tugkoyu

Village southeast of Tatvan 2009 2011

Salix caprea 2005 Bitlis Circuit 2009 2011

Salix fragilis ? Muradiye Waterfall area

Salix triandra 2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri


Asperula arvensis Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit 2009

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Asperula glomerata Subspecies ?eriantha

Asperula orientalis

Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit, also on

terraces at west edge of Dogruyol village near Bitlis 2011

Asperula setosa

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular, and also on the Kuskunkiran Pass on the south Van

circular. East of Ercek Golu

Asperula xylorrhiza Ravine on the Bitlis to Bolukyazi road

Callipeltis cucullaria

Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca and the marly slopes at east end of

Zernek Reservoir on the Hosap road 2011

Cruciata taurica

Common throughout – Cruciata laevipes almost certainly present

too? 2009Menyanthaceae 2011

Galium aparine Scattered near habitation especially 2009 2011

Galium czerepanovii Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit

Galium incanum

Subspecies elatius. Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on

the south Van circular 2009 2011

Galium spurium

Nominate. 2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri, and in fields in Aras

Valley near Calpala west of Igdir

Galium verticillatum Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Menyanthes trifoliata Adilcevaz 2009


Acantholimon bracteatum

Subspecies capitulum . 2005 East of Ercek Golu 2011

Limniopsis davisii 2005 Çatak Road


Ficus carica Subspecies rupestris. 2005 Çatak Road 2009


Pinguicula balcanica [2006 - Guzeldere Pass]


Vincetoxicum fuxcatum Cili Pass

Vincetoxicum tmoleum Ahlat steppe


Groenlandia densa Pools in water meadows on Bitlis Circuit 2011


Lemna minor Ercek Lake



Butomus umbellatus East shore of Ercek Golu and also at Bendimahi. By Van Kalesi


Alisma lanceolatum

East shore of Ercek Golu; between Tatvan and Hizan. 2005 in leaf

only 2009

Alisma plantago-aquatica 2005 on the Bitlis Circuit 2011

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Triglochin maritima

Soguksu meadows south of Tendurek Pass, the meadows 14km

east of Adilcevaz and 1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van

circular; Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass. Ercek Golu 2009 2011

Triglochin palustris

Meadows 14km east of Adilcevaz and 1km east of Kucuksu on the

south Van Circular. Ercek Golu 2009


Arum detruncatum


Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular, also 10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south

along minor road and in the ravine at Çatak- Karabet-Van road

junction. 2005 sadly didn't check the plants at Muradiye? 2009


Allium akaka

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit, also the

south side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van and 2km or so south of

the Kurubas Pass south of Van and at Ayamis Castle. 2009 2011

Allium atroviolaceum Near Adilcevaz

Allium dictyoprasum Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.

Allium hirtifolium Van Castle and a variety of south Van locations 2009 2011



? Muradiye Waterfall area. Note the perianth segments are

smooth and obtuse – may be another species?

Allium scabriscapum

Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass; Kurubas Pass; south of the

harbour for Akdamar ferry.

Allium scorodoprasum Subspecies waldsteinii. Akdamar Island 2009 2011

Asparagus officinalis Noted on the first visit to Muradiye Waterfall. Cilli Pass 2011

Asparagus palaestinum 2005 Zerne

Asparagus persicus Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit.

Bellevalia fominii

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road and the eastern approach to the Karabet Pass. Also Çatak

Road and oak woodlands 2011

Bellevalia longipes North of Van 2009 2011

Bellevalia longistyla

Generally quite common in the Van area – e.g. Kuskunkiran Pass

on the south Van circular and the eastern approach to the Karabet

Pass 2009 2011

Bellevalia paradoxa

(including Bellevalia pycnantha) North-facing slopes near

snowline on the Tendurek Pass, the east side of the Guzeldere

Pass between Hosap and Baskale, and the eastern approach to the

Karabet Pass 2011

Bellevalia rixii

Slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale 2009 2011

Colchicum kotschyana On the road to Çatak. (in leaf – autumn-flowering)

Colchicum szovitsii

Slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale; Kurubas Pass. Tendurek Pass

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Eremurus spectabilis Scattered at lower levels to the south and east of Lake Van 2009 2011

Fritillaria alburyana

On north facing slopes of ravine northwest of Muradiye Waterfall

– a single dried-up flower found! 2003 only found in seed. 2004

dried up plants on Tendurek may have been this species

Fritillaria assyriaca Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater, Tendurek 2009 2011

Fritillaria caucasica Tendürek Pass. 2009 2011

Fritillaria crassifolia

kurdica x pinardii, Several on the Tendurek Pass appeared to be

intergrades between these two species 2011

Fritillaria crassifolia

East side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale, and

the eastern approach to the Karabet Pass. 2011

Fritillaria crassifolia

Subspecies ‘kurdica'

and possibly ‘crassifolia ' involved though practical delimination

of these subspecies seems impossible in this area. The form seen

on the Tendurek Pass which superfically looks like Fritillaria

michailovskyi is subspecies kurdica probably of the form

grossheimiana described from Iran some years ago. 2009 2011

Fritillaria minima

The eastern approach to the Karabet Pass. Several thousand in

flower this year – a very rare fritillary known from only three or

four sites 2009 2011

Fritillaria minuta

Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater, also on the east side of the

Kiskunkiran Pass south van circular, and above Yukarinarlica on

the Karabet Pass 2009 2011

Fritillaria minuta x


Nemrut Dagi. Very common hybrid and very easy to ‘pick' with

bright glossy green leaves and narrow slightly waisted flowers

2009 2011

Fritillaria pinardii

North-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass. The status of plants in

Nemrut Dagi Volcano is unclear though possibly this species is

not present there 2009 2011

Fritillaria straussii

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular – in fruit

Gagea bohemica Nemrut Dagi crater lip and Karabet Pass

Gagea bulbifera

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit, by the

Hosap Fortress, and on the eastern approach to the Karabet Pass;

in the crater of Nemrut.

Gagea confusa

Lip of Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater. Karabet Pass. Also by lava

fields at Tendurek Pass

Gagea fistulosa Widespread and common near snowmelt everywhere 2009

Gagea gageoides

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit, the

Kuskunkiran Pass on the south Van circular, hills above Ercek and

the eastern approach to the Karabet Pass. First gorge along the

Çatak Road

Gagea glacialis

The eastern approach to the Karabet Pass; in the crater of Nemrut.

Also on Tendurek 2009 2011

Gagea helenae

The eastern approach to the Karabet Pass; Between Hosap and

Guzeldere Pass.

Gagea luteoides in the crater of Nemrut; South of Van circular. Karabet Pass 2009

Gagea stylosa Tendürek Pass.

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Gagea taurica

in the crater of Nemrut and on Tendurek Pass. Above Ishak Paºa.

Also on the Karabet Pass 2009 2011

Gagea tenera 2005 Nemrut Dagi and Karabet Pass

Gagea uliginosa Nemrut Dagi crater and Karabet Pass 2009

Gagea villosa Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit 2009

Hyacinthella longipes Kurubas Pass.

Hyacinthella siirtensis Above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayazit.

Merendera kurdica The eastern approach to the Karabet Pass 2009 2011

Merendera trigyna

North-facing slopes near snowline on the Tendurek Pass, and the

slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale. The plants from the Tendurek Pass fit the form

‘raddeana' with wide perianth segments and broad leaves.2009 2011

Muradiye Waterfall area

Muscari armeniacum Locally common throughout 2009 2011

Muscari aucheri

2km west of Taslicay, east of Agri, and the eastern approach to the

Karabet Pass. Also Nemrut Dagi and Guzeldere 2011

Muscari caucasicum Widespread – much commoner than previous species 2009 2011

Muscari coeleste

In very damp meadows just north of Dogubeyazit and near Ishak

Paºa Palace – one of the ‘open-flowered' Bellevalia

Muscari comosum Scattered 2009

Muscari longipes Kurubas Pass; On the road to Karabet Pass. Çatak Road 2009 2011

Muscari neglectum Above Ishak Paºa Palace, Dogubayezit. East of Ercek Golu. 2011

Ornithogalum arcuatum 2005 along the south shore of Lake Van in fields

Ornithogalum montanum

? Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit.

Probably not montanum but certainly looked like it!

Ornithogalum narbonense Akdamar and Çatak Road 2011

Ornithogalum oligophyllum Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Ornithogalum orthophyllum

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor


Ornithogalum platyphyllum 2km or so south of the Kurubas Pass south of Van. Bitlis Circuit


shelkovnikovii Widespread 2009 2011

Ornithogalum wiedemannii Or oligophyllum 2011


‘nemrut dagi' A doubtfully distinct ‘Puschkinia' rather uncommon

in the crater floor 2009 2011


‘karabet' Grows with ‘scilloides' but much the commoner of the

two – pyramidal inflorescence, different filament structure etc.

2009 2011

Puschkinia scilloides

North-facing slopes on the Tendurek Pass, the east side of the

Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale, and the eastern

approach to the Karabet Pass – locally very abundant at all these

sites 2009 2011

Scilla sibirica Above the Ishak Paºa Palace

Tulipa armena Subsp. Lycia 2011

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Tulipa koyuncii

Slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale. Both white with yellow centre and fully yellow forms.

This was formerly included under Tulipa biflora but is very

different from that species and now carries the name of an

eminent botanist from Van University 2011

Tulipa humilis

East side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale, the

slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale, and the eastern approach to the Karabet Pass. 2009 2011

Tulipa julia

Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit and on

the rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit. 2009 2011

Tulipa sintenisii

Recently finished plants were seen south of Bolukyazi. A large

colony in good flower by the end of the first gorge on the road to

Çatak, very good colony seen at Çatak 2009 2011

Tulipa sylvestris Between Hosap and Guzeldere Pass.


Ixiolirion tataricum

Subspecies montanum Widespread in steppe 2009 2011


Crocus cancellatus

Brian Matthew confirmed that the single bulb collected from the

hillside where Iris sari was prolific along the Çatak Road was this

autumn-flowering species

Gladiolus atroviolaceus

East side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, and 2km or so south of the

Kurubas Pass south of Van; between Ercek Lake and Ozalp. Also

east of Hosap. 2009 2011

Gladiolus kotschyanus

Muradiye Waterfall area and around Ayamis Castle. Also several

places south and east of Lake Van 2009 2011

Iris barnumae

10km east of Ercek Golu and then shales 6km south along minor

road. On the road to Ercis on dry hillsides, c. 30 km from Van,

1730 m altitude. East of Ozalp, particularly in the military area.

2009 2011

Iris barnumae urumiensis

2006 - this stunning sulphur form was common in the steppe near

Albayrak 2009

Iris caucasica

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit;

Tendürek Pass and inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater; On the

road to Karabet Pass. 2009 2011

Iris iberica

Subspecies elegantissima. 10km west of Dogubeyazit on Agri

road. Also below the crags and on the slopes south of the Sim-er

Hotel, Dogubeyazit, as well as around the hotel itself. Also on the

east side of the Cilli Pass, Ararat, and in the Muradiye Waterfall

area. 2009 2011

Iris paradoxa

Forma choschab. South side of Kurubas Pass, south of Van, the

approach to the Guzeldere Pass, and the road between Zernek

and Lake Van. Also noted along the roadsides along the Zernek

Reservoir. Also on the road to Çatak 2009 2011

Iris persica Plants in seed noted on the Bitlis circuit

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Iris pseudocaucasica

Just a few plants in flower on a ridge above our picnic site on the

slopes above and south of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and

Baskale, and a few on the eastern approaches to the Karabet Pass;

dry hills east of Ozalp (in seed there). In seed in 2009

Iris sari

Steppe and fields 16km south of road 975 on the Çatak road and

fields around the village of Kay(r?)abogaz a little south of there;

south of the harbour for Akdamar ferry. A large colony of mixed

colours on the Çatak Road had several plants intermediate

(hybrids?) between this species and Iris paradoxa? A single plant

also seen in flower north of Dogruyol in the Bitlis area. 2009 2011

Iris spuria Subspecies


Bendimahi Marshes at NE corner of Lake Van; between Ercek

Golu and Ozalp – not yet in flower 2009


Anacamptis pyramidalis

Oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van

circular – mostly in bud. Several at the little roadside wood west

of Gevaº 2011

Cephalanthera kotschyana

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, the hill above

Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan, and on oak scrub slopes a

little west of Resadiye on the south Van circular 2009 2011

Cephalantherea longifolia In scrub above the South Van Circular near Resadiye

Coeloglossum viride

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular. 2006 on the

Guzeldere Pass

Comperia comperiana

Several found in oak scrub slopes a little west of Resadiye on the

south Van circular. Mostly in bud though two west of Resadiye in

good flower on the last day. In bud 2011

Dactylorhiza flavescens

Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater. Oak woods on South Van

Circular 2009 2011

Dactylorhiza iberica

2005 very many in bud in marshy fields on the west wide of the

Kizkunkiran Pass.

Dactylorhiza incarnata between Ercis and Ahlat.

Dactylorhiza osmanica A large population south of Bendimahi was a surprise!

Dactylorhiza umbrosa

Widespread in wet meadows. The very tall plants with densely

leafy stems and elongate bracts from the wet meadows near

Adilcevaz fit the form ‘longibracteata'. Strangely this highly

distinctive form appears nowhere in Kreutz's work! The

‘chuhuensis' form with purple-marked leaves and bracts was

seen north of Lake Van. 2009 2011

Epipactis helleborine

In leaf at Adilcevaz and above Tugkoyu Village southeast of


Epipactis persica In leaf above Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan

Ophrys holoserica Bitlis Circuit near village Icgecit 2009 2011

Ophrys phrygia North of Kuslu (north of Bolukyazi) 2011

Ophrys straussii Noted in a little roadside wood west of Gevaº 2011

Ophrys transhyrcana

Nominate. Akdamar Island. One or two in good flower in oak

scrub on the south Van circular. Several at the little roadside

wood west of Gevaº 2009 2011

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Orchis coriophora

The walls of the Aras Valley 16km west of Tuzluca on the Kars

road, oak.woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near

Bitlis, and in the Selcuk Cemetery at Ahlat. Road to Çatak. Quite

common in some marhsy fields south of Lake Van. 2009 2011

Orchis palustris East shore of Ercek Golu; ?between Ercis and Ahlat. 2009

Orchis pinetorum

Inside Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater, and 11km east of Kucuksu on

the south Van circular 2009 2011

Orchis pseudolaxiflora 2011

Orchis tridentata

11km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, and on oak scrub

slopes a little west of Resadiye on the south Van circular 2009 2011

Platanthera chlorantha Hill above Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan


Typha angustifolia 2004. Adilcevaz 2008

Typha latifolia 2004. Ahlat area

Typha minima Hillsides 3km east of Tuzluca


Eleocharis uniglumis Meadows 14km east of Adilcevaz 2009

Juncus effusus East shore of Ercek Golu etc 2009

Juncus gerardi

East shore of Arin Golu near Adilcevaz and meadows 14km east

of Adilcevaz


Blysmus compressus East shore of Arin Golu near Adilcevaz Carex divulsa

Blysmus compressus Subspecies leersii

Bolboschoenus maritimus East shore of Ercek Golu 2009

Carex acutiformis Meadows at Adilcevaz

Carex diluta ? Junction of the Van-Agri-Dogubeyazit roads

Carex distans 1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular 2009

Carex divisa Widespread

Carex flacca Subspecies

serratula . 1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular

Carex orbicularis

Subspecies ?kotschyana . 2km or so south of the Kurubas

Carex panicea

1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular, and a little east of

Asaginarlica below the Karabet Pass

Carex tomentosa 1km east of Kucuksu on the south Van circular

Carex kurdica Pass south of Van

Scirpiodes holoschoenus Scattered


Aegilops cylindrica Scattered throughout 2009 2011

Aegilops triuncialis Roadsides near the hotel at Ahlat etc 2011

Agropyron cristatum Subspecies pectinatum

Alopecurus arundinaceus

? Aras Valley near Calpala west of Igdir and meadows 14km east

of Adilcevaz

Alopecurus aucheri Lip of Nemrut Dagi Volcano crater

Alopecurus laguroides Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit 2009 2011

Alopecurus myosuroides Near Ulu Kumbet at Ahlat

Bromus lanceolatus ? Roadsides near the hotel at Ahlat, Van Castle

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Bromus tectorum Scattered

Bromus tomentellus Scattered

Catabrosa capusii ? Muradiye Waterfall area

Catabrosella parviflora Subspecies calvertii

Dactylis glomerata Near Edremit 2009 2011

Eremopoa songarica Scattered

Eremopyrum distans

? Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the


Festuca callieri

Nominate. Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel,


Festuca sclerophylla East side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale 2011

Hordeum geniculatum Bendimahi Marshes at NE corner of Lake Van 2011

Hordeum murinum Subspecies ?glaucum 2011

Hordeum violaceum Bendimahi Marshes at NE corner of Lake Van 2009 2011

Melica persica Subspecies cf. inaequiglumis

Milium vernale Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol. New to

Phleum alpinum On Tendürek Pass

Poa bulbosa

Widespread – the commonest grass. Fertile specimens at Inside

Nemrut crater

Psathyrostachys fragilis Crags and slopes south of the Sim-er Hotel, Dogubeyazit

Puccinellia distans Subspecies sevangensis

Sclerochloa dura Van Castle

Sesleria phleoides

Rugged hills above the Ishak Paºa Palace by Dogubeyazit and east

side of the Guzeldere Pass between Hosap and Baskale

Stipa arabica ? Muradiye Waterfall area 2011

Stipa holosericea Environs of Ayamis Castle north of Van and roadsides in the area

Taeniatherum caput-

medusae Subspecies crinitum

Triticum baeoticum Subspecies ?thaoudar

Ventenata subenervis

Hill above Tugkoyu Village southeast of Tatvan. New to East


Vulpia ciliata Nominate. Roadsides near the hotel at Ahlat

Zingeria pisidica Oak woodland and grazed valley west of Dogruyol near Bitlis

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Systematic List Number 2 Birds

Total of 170 taxa were recorded during the tour, frequency of records are shown as fractions

based on the 12 days spent in the field e.g. 3/12 = seen on three days.

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Freshwater wetlands, scattered

Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Occasional e.g. Van wetland

Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis About twenty at Ercek, two seen from Tusba Hotel

most mornings

Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo On arrival in Istanbul

Little Bittern One flew over us on the Cili pass (!) and another

near Ercis

Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Many at Akdamar, also near Ercis

Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides One near flooded fields outside Caldiran

Little Egret Egretta garzetta Occasional e.g. Arin Golu

Cattle Egret Egretta alba Scattered, e.g. Akdamar

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Scattered, Van marsh and Ercek

White Stork Ciconia ciconia Widespread, but not overly common, various nest


Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber Large number at Ercek but distant, a bit closer at Van


Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea Widespread in wetlands

Shelduck Tanorna tadorna Scattered e.g. Ercek, Arin

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Scattered - uncommon

Pintail Anas acuta Half a dozen near Caldiran

garganey Anas Near Dogubeyazit and Caldiran, seen well

Shoveler Anas clypeata A few at most wetlands

Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina Widespread e.g. Arin, Van marsh

Pochard Aythya ferina Commonest duck seen

Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca Probably two at Van wetland

White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala Seen very well at Arin, Ercek and Van wetland

Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus Adults near Adilcevaz and on Catak Road

Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus One from Guzeldere

Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus Widespread in wetlands

Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus A female near Caldiran

Common Buzzard Buteo buteo Occasional in more wooded areas

Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus Widespread and common

Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus One near Adilcevaz

Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Two near Dogabeyazit, one near Karabel pass

Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus Pale morph bird in Bitlis area

Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni Akdamar Island and near Dogubeyazit

Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Widespread

Hobby Falco subbuteo Scattered

Lanner Falco biarmicus Good prolonged view of a soaring bird above


Chukar Alectoris chukar Near Van

Quail Coturnix coturnix Heard in dense vegetation a few times

Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Freshwater wetlands

Coot Fulica atra Common and widespread

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Common Crane Grus grus Two near Caldiran

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Common and widespread

Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta Widespread

Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius Widespread

Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus Near Caldiran

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Widespread

Little Stint Calidris minuta A few near Caldiran



Limicola falcinellus Five near Caldiran – a highlight

Ruff Philomachus pugnax Widespread

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Agri Dag marsh

Common Redshank Tringa totanus Common and widespread

Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus Near Caldiran

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola Scattered

Greenshank Tringa nebularia Near Caldiran

Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus A male at Van marsh

Lesser Black-backed


Larus fuscus A few at Ercek

Yellow-legged Herring


Larus a. cachinnans Istanbul on arrival

Armenian Gull Larus a. armenicus Abundant around Van

Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus Ercek, Caldiran

White-winged Black


Chlidonias leucopterus Commonest tern, stunner seen well near Caldiran,

Arin, Ercek, etc

Rock Dove Columba livia Feral birds everwhere but real wild ones too at


Woodpigeon Columba palumbus Dogabeyazit, Van area

Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Scattered - near villages

Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis Widespread but scarce in towns

Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Quite common around Dogubeyazit

Little Owl Athene noctua Quite few this year, widespread especially near


Common Swift Apus apus Widespread

Alpine Swift Apus melba Widespread but local e.g. Akdamar

European Bee-eater Merops apiaster Very common

Roller Coracias garrulus Common

Hoopoe Upupa epops Common

Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus Sim-er hotel, etc

Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra Near Arin Golu

Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata Widespread e.g. Tendurek, Ercek

Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla Zernek reservoir only

Lesser Short-toed Lark Calandrella rufescens Common around Ercek, seen well song-flighting

Crested Lark Galerida cristata Widespread

Woodlark Lullula arborea Nemrut Dag crater

Skylark Alauda arvensis Scattered and widespread

Shore Lark Eremophila alpestris Common in high areas

Sand Martin Riparia riparia Widespread, spectacular numbers at Arin

Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris Common in rugged areas

Swallow Hirundo rustica Widespread

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Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris Tendurek, Nemrut Dag, Cili Pass

Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis Seen at Guzeldere

Black-headed Wagtail Motacilla (flava) feldegg Common and widespread in marshy meadows, etc

Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola A beauty at Van Marsh

Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea Scattered by freshwater streams

White Wagtail Motacilla alba Widespread, but not overly common

Dipper Cinclus cinclus Freshwater streams and rivers

Radde's Accentor Prunella ocularis Common at higher altitudes on Karabel passes

Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos Seen well at peony site near Tatvan

Bluethroat Luscinia svecica A pair seen superbly well on Guzeldere

White-throated Robin Irania gutturalis Nemrut Dag crater and rocky gullies along Catak


Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros Scattered in rocky uplands

Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus One in Bitlis area

Whinchat Saxicola rubetra Bitlis circuit

stonechat Saxicola torquata Nemrut and Catak

Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina Common and widespread

Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Common especially higher montane areas

Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica Widespread

Finsch's Wheatear Oenanthe finschii Below Agri Dag

Kurdish Wheatear Oenanthe xanthoprymna Lovely species seen for the first time on this tour at

two locations either side of the Karabel Pass

Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis Rocky areas, good views

Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius Occasional in rocky areas e.g. Catak road

Blackbird Turdus merula Bitlis area

Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti Heard often

Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia Heard en route to Tatvan (near Adilcevaz)

Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon Ercek – conveniently seen with the next species for

instant comparison

Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Ercek, Van marsh (large gatherings in the reeds)

Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris Freshwater marshes south of Tatvan and Adilcevaz

Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus Reedbeds

Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus Common and vocal in reedbeds

Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pallida Plentiful at Sim-er, widespread

Booted Warbler Probably not this species (first recorded in 2009) after

all, appear to be ‘brown’ olivaceous individuals at

Sim-Er – key features not seen well enough

Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca Zernek

Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis Scattered

Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Scarce – could have been Mountain Chiffchaff at


Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Sim-er, etc

Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Common at Sim-er on one day

Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus Near Tatvan

Blue Tit Parus caeruleus Near Tatvan

Western Rock


Sitta neumayer Widespread

Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus Good views on Bitlis circuit

Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio Common and widespread

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Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor Common and widespread

Jay Garrulus glandarius Tatvan oakwoods only

Magpie Pica pica Abundant

Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus Karabel pass

Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Widespread but scattered e.g. Akdamar

Jackdaw Corvus monedula Very common

Rook Corvus frugilegus Very common

Hooded Crow Corvus (corone) cornix Abundant

Raven Corvus corax Seen a couple of times

Starling Sturnus vulgaris Abundant

Rose-coloured Starling Sturnus roseus Seen beautifully at Sim-Er, scattered elsewhere

House Sparrow Passer domesticus Ubiquitous around towns

Tree Sparrow Passer montanus One near Ercis

Pale Rock Sparrow Petronia brachydactyla Two at Zernek

Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia Common and widespread

Snow Finch Montifringilla nivalis Frequent in high areas

Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Bitlis circuit

Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Scattered and uncommon

Linnet Carduelis cannabina Widespread

Crimson-winged Finch Rhodopechys sanguinea Seen several times, well on Catak Road and Cili pass

Mongolian Trumpeter


Bucanetes mongolicus Cili Pass and seen superbly at Zernek

Trumpeter Finch Seen very well at Zernek

Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus Common around Sim-er

Rock Bunting Emberiza cia Between Bitlis circuit, between Tatvan and Van

Cinereous Bunting Emberiza cineracea Males watched at length south of Bitlis

Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana Common and widespread e.g. Nemrut, Ishak Pasa

Grey-necked Bunting Emberiza buchanani Common below Karabel, also Catak, Zernek 3/12

Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus A singing male at Van marsh

Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala Common and widespread

Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra Common and widespread

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Systematic List Number 3 Other Vertebrates

Rabbit Akdamar Island

Red Fox One near Adilcevaz

Suslik Open areas

Mole Mole-hills seen

Vole Many burrows in high areas and one animal seen

Hedgehog Roadkill near Van

Green Toad Bufo viridis Above Ishak Pasa

Banded Frog Rana camerani Water meadows

Marsh Frog Rana ridibunda Wetlands

Balkan Green Lizard Lacerta trilineata Scattered

Dice Snake Natrix tessellatus Ercek

Akdamar Dwarf Snake ? Akdamar

Snake sp ?

Steppe Runner Eremias strauchii Tendurek

Lizard Ophiosus elegans Common and widespread stripey species with

reddish flanks

Lizard Darevskia sapphirina A mating pair near Agri Dag

Stripe-necked Terrapin Wetlands esp Van marsh

Spur-thighed Tortoise Widespread, very common on Nemrut

Caucasian Agama Laudakia caucasica Common in dry rocky area, quite large, chunky

lizard with armoured appearance