Wild Cat Energy Drinks Brochure

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Wild Cat Energy Drinks Brochure.

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as a distributor

product detail






global expansion

the syrup


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We take this opportunity to join you all in extending a warm welcome to our valueddistributors, business partners and individuals who have shown interest in our brandand its global expansion. Since our introduction in 2010 being a relatively new brand,Wild Cat has continued to innovate the ever expanding energy drinks sector and isproudly available in over 600 stockists within 7 countries worldwide.

We are driven by a desire to ensure customers purchase our product in preference toother energy drinks on the market, primarily focusing on keeping our customers andconsumers satisfied at all times. With a mission to deliver an outstanding product andservice with an everlasting sense of improvement.

We commit to work fairly with our customers and business partners enhancing acooperation which will help both parties to grow and establish a market share inyears to come.

In order to create brand awareness we are continuously learning, improving ourmarketing strategy and expanding our distribution network through intensifying ourresearch and developing our regional portfolio. While our roots are fairly fertile wehave already changed our style of working by aligning Wild Cat to the leading brandsin the energy drinks industry.

As promised, we have continued to enhance Wild Cat and this year we havecompleted the process of launching our ingredient as Suitable for Vegetarians.With this addition we are proud and confident to say that no energy drinks productcomes close in terms of functionality, quality and branding. Our prime motivation is toproduce a drink that enhances performance through improved concentration and self confidence.

Keeping all in mind we look forward to your support and cooperation, and wish theindustry a great and prosperous future.

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In the past 2 years alone we havemet and even exceeded our ownexpectations! We have developed aninnovative foundational framework uponwhich most of our logistics are based.

We have a highly creative teamincluding professional techniciansand designers with the experience topromote Wild Cat internationally.

Based upon our powerful and functionalteam our brand support includesnecessary features such as:

Responsive design support, creatingadverts according to individual regions.Customised website, activation, designand handover.

Social media support, design, activationFacebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Health / Commerce / ISO approvals.All worldwide deliveries via leadingshipping lines... and much much more!

our head offices arelocated in leicester, theheart of england.

We work in the nations leadingenvironmental city within sights ofbeautiful forestry and fields.

From here our innovation and technicalexpertise bond to produce leadingdistributional channels, and it is herewhere we provide the highly-effectivetechnical support and exceptionalcustomer satisfaction our clients havegrown accustomed to.


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Wild Cat continuously seeks to providea positive distributional experience. Tothat extent, we have decided this yearnot to charge for shipping costs.

In every country we supply weprovide regional website and socialmedia campaigns that we initiateand handover to help ensure positivemarketing impression and awareness.We even go a step further and providemerchandise to give away, what we callQuickStart penetration package. Withthese, you can truly get an immediatekickstart to brand awareness withinyour region.

As a member of the Wild Cat family ofcustomers, you can be sure that ourteam will treat any support desk callsquickly and effectively. We place greatimportance on the technical side of ourbusiness, but we are not just back-room techies!

we are proud to be a first - rate client service organisation!

As a distributor, you’re entitled to ourfirst-rate customer support eitherthrough our email support forum or thehelp-desk.

All Wild Cat Distributors are keptinformed on the latest events, trendsand announcements relating to Wild CatInnovations, through our ongoing twittersites, news feeds and press releases,published on the website.

If you haven’t yet taken up distributionof our brand experience, don’t delay! Weare ready for you and your region too!

as a distributor

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the highest qualitycomposition ofingredients has beenformulated to deliver a powerful energy boostand increased levels of concentration.

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• Improved memory and psychophysical capacity• Better concentration• Easier metabolism• Reduced tiredness• Sound state of mind

product details

• Carbonated water• Ammonia caramel• Inositol• Caffeine• Taurine (chemically synthesised)• Niacin

• Aroma, citric acid, sodium citrate (acidity regulators)• Riboflavin (colouring)• B6, B12 (vitamins)• Pantothenic acid• Sugar


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Our refreshing smooth taste, eloquentlydesigned can and growing demandfor Wild Cat is spear-heading ourbrand recognition in the market place,positioning Wild Cat as the energy drinkof the next decade.Most energy drink brands have beendesigned with colours such as red/blue/silver aiming towards the malepopulation making the brand identitiesvery masculine.


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The use of Red, Black and Silver allowsthe opportunity for differentiation:

the red side of thespectrum is an obviouschoice for “active” or“dangerous” metaphors.

Black focuses on the sleekness andmodesty levels of human nature.Whereas, the Silver side brings loyaltyand sparkle to ones mind.

Be it at college, at work, during leisureor in sports, at a certain age we tend tooperate at a fast paced lifestyle, henceliving in the kingdom of the “concretejungle”.

Our aim of combining such a uniquecolour scheme including enhancedbranding, it’s superior taste andstunning looks, brings a sense ofdominance and pride to ones lifestyle.Whether placed on a shelf or held inyour hands, creating a must have feelingregardless of the gender, age or race.

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logisticsOur efficient distribution system andadvanced logistics solutions hasenabled us to gain customers trust,network & partnership. By workingalongside renowned product & logisticalcompany’s, collectively with ourdistributors has transformed an everincreasing establishment to our brand.

Our packaging service during containerloading consists of a technical handballing team placing each and everycase one by one. This vacuum packingsystem prevents any damages orbreakage during shipping / transit time.

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events / partners

In the beginning of 2011, we began a media and marketing campaign to enable us to build the brand awareness and established a stepping stone to brand loyalty.

Providing over 10,000 cans for events and marketing, Wild Cat was the perfect mix!


SK Impex Digital - Marketing Gujarat, IndiaP.H.U Nord Warsaw, Poland - European Operations

Kings of Past Toronto, Canada -American Dominance


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marketingOur marketing department isresponsible for steering thevalue growth of our brand, whichultimately drives our product anddistributors value.

Being unique in the marketplacecalls for brand passion, commercialacumen, strategic thinking and theability to build powerful relationshipswith our customers, internaldistributors and agency partners.

Our Marketing Team offers greatopportunities, from customerexpertise in the energy drinks sector,building key partnerships to brandmanagement where we developour strategies and administrate theexecution of our marketing plans.

This team is always at the heartof the brand marketing operation,understanding the changing needsof our shoppers, customers and

consumers. Working closely itdevelops our category strategieswhich influence everything frombrand management to sales.

Pricing and promotions are a keylever of our marketing strategies.Our aim is to support the Brandand Customer Management teamsto develop and implement pricingstrategies that deliver value andgrowth. We also provide theexpertise when setting base pricesfor new and existing customers andwork closely on insight analysiswhen planning promotions.

Our aim is all about ensuring WildCat is not only able to perform inthe market now, but also succeed inthe future. Innovation comprises ofthree main objectives from conceptthrough to launch:

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A) Our Product Management Teaminvestigates emergent technologiesin packaging, ingredients andprocessing in order to shape thecustomers demand.

B) The Product CommunicationsTeam brings together the nutrition,sensory and regulatory expertisewithin the business.

C) Our Brands Management Teamaims to drive brand strategy,ensuring maximum brand equityto consumers and value to our distributors.

Working closely with our marketingcolleagues, our brand distributorsand agency partners ... the teammanages the process with ourexternal marketing agencies tocreate compelling solutions /material, deliver high quality eventsand communication tools that inspire

our consumers and shoppers tobuy our brand more often. Assuringthe best possible return on ourmarketing investment.

To evaluate our Marketing is allabout bringing the Wild Cat brandto life through the right campaign,experiences and activities thatconnect with the right distributionchannels at the right time and in theright place which generates goodvalue for both our brand equity andconsumer rate of sales.

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2010 2011

Brand LaunchCompleted Trademark

process within theEuropean Union.

Brand distributionPoland

United KingdomAfghanistan

Completed Trademarkprocess in supplying


Consumption -400,000 cans

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2012 2013

Brand distributionSrilanka

MozambiqueSouth Sudan


Completed Trademarkprocess in supplying


Consumption - 1.1m cans

Projected branddistribution

Gujarat India, KenyaTanzania, Greece

United States, NigeriaZambia, Australia

Bangladesh, UgandaLibya, Botswana

Projected Consumption -3.3m cans



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energy drinks remain the most dynamic segment within the soft drinks industry, consumption surging by 14% in 2011 to 4.8 billion litres, increasing the consumption levels over 1.5 billion litres since 2007.

The average growth over the past fiveyears has been recorded 10% peryear increase according to the latestreports from leading food and drinksconsultancy firms.

Although the global consumption ofenergy drinks has been on a steadyrise, the category performance hasvaried between regions in Latin Americaand Australia. As of 2011, the top tencountries that consume energy drinksare the United States of America,Vietnam, China, the United Kingdom,Thailand, Mexico, Australia, Germany,Poland and Saudi Arabia.

Wild cat Energy Drink has performeda growth rate of 300% year on year,expanding its operations globally bypenetrating into new markets. Asthe network begins we are proud toannounce that WildCat is activelypresent in 2 of the top 10 Countriesthat consume energy drinks worldwide.

global expansion

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wildcat is one of the first branded energy drinks to introduce the syrup form

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This year Wild Cat has not only createdthe formula which is suitable forVegetarians but also launches its ownSyrup form at the IFE. The perfect blendcaptures the classic Colour, Taste andFragrance comparing us to leadingbrands on the market.

We have found that continuousinnovations and taste sampling hasmaintained customers preference to theWild Cat flavour and brand loyalty.

We guarantee the advantage overglobal competition, continuous growthand gains in volume as the bombshotbusiness continues to shift fromtraditional Jaeger bombs to Vodkabombs and more!

Our syrup has been carefully blendedto pair with a huge variety of flavoredvodkas, rums, and liquors- eitherindividually or in combination.

Our blend is the most beneficial for boththe distributor and retailer. Less space,less weight, less storage and handlingfor both, means maximising profits whilestaying ahead of the competition.

Without the need for large warehousingor heavy trucks, it makes the perfectaddition for bars and nightclub relatedservice providers.

Not forgetting Wild Cat is one of thefirst branded energy drinks to introducethe syrup form, whilst complementingthe 250ml cans without sacrificing ourquality procedures.


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We understand Social media channelsare a good way of increasing ourcompany’s awareness and goodwill.

Lead generation is also another avenuefor marketing, it serves a very importantpart of our company’s success - usingsuch campaigns helps the results of ourbrand’s performance.

Social media channels also make iteasier and more flexible for us to engagewith our consumers. This is Wild Cat’stop priority since consumer engagementis a crucial part of our branding and ofcourse increases recognition.

Social media channels are alsoresponsible for generating increasingvolumes of traffic to our website, makingit easier for us to obtain relevant andquality data that is always needed.

We launched the Wild Cat brand intothe world of social media with the aimof bringing alive the fact that Wild CatEnergy Drink has the perfect mix onthe global market. We use social mediachannels such as Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, Instagram, WebBlog in all theregions that we deliver to and work withagency partners to expose the Wild Catmessage to millions worldwide.

social media

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26 High View Close, Vantage Park, Leicester, Leicestershire

LE4 9LG, United Kingdom

Phone +44 (0) 116 276 5167

Email [email protected] www.wildcatenergydrinks.com