Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry Parish Magazine May 2012 40p May 2012

Wickford and Runwell Team Ministrywickfordandrunwellparish.org.uk/uploads/3/4/4/7/... · had special services, some of them sad and solemn, some of them full of joy ... Elijah Charles

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Page 1: Wickford and Runwell Team Ministrywickfordandrunwellparish.org.uk/uploads/3/4/4/7/... · had special services, some of them sad and solemn, some of them full of joy ... Elijah Charles

Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry

Parish Magazine May 2012


May 2012

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May 2012

Tuesday 1 7:30 pm Mass at St Mary’s Church

Wednesday 2 Mass at each Church (see back page for times)

Baptism Preparation at St Catherine's Hall

Thursday 3 We pray for those called to teach

Friday 4 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre

Saturday 5 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre

Coffee Morning in St Catherine's Hall


Monday 7 Let us pray for our schools and all those involved in education

Tuesday 8 7:30 pm Mass at St Mary’s Church

Wednesday 9 Mass at each Church (see back page for times)

Thursday 10 Coffee and Light Lunch at St Mary's Hall

Friday 11 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre

Saturday 12 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre


Baptism Reunion Party @ St Catherine's Church and Hall 4pm

Monday 14 We pray for those who are homeless

Tuesday 15 7:30 pm Mass at St Mary’s Church

Enquirers' Course begins 8 pm St Andrew's Church

Wednesday 16 Mass at each Church (see back page for times)

Mothers Union at St Catherine's Hall - 7:30 pm

Thursday 17 Ascension Day - PCC at St Mary’s Church and Hall - 7:30 pm

Friday 18 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre

Saturday 19 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre


Monday 21 We give thanks for the gift of our families and friends

Tuesday 22 7:30 pm Mass at St Mary’s Church

Enquirers' Course 8 pm St Andrew's Church

Wednesday 23 Mass at each Church (see back page for times)

The Archdeacon's Visitation - we pray for our Church Wardens

Thursday 24 House Group 2:30 pm at 2 Adams Court

The God Squad meets for prayer and discussion 8 pm St Mary's House

Friday 25 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre

Saturday 26 Tea, Coffee and Cakes at St Andrew’s Centre


6:30 pm Ecumenical Service at Wickford Christian Centre

Monday 28 We pray for Bishop John as he visits our Deanery

Tuesday 29 7:30 pm Mass at St Mary’s Church

Enquirers' Course begins 8 pm St Andrew's Church

Wednesday 30 Mass at each Church (see back page for times)

Thursday 31 The Visitation of the BVM to Elizabeth - 7pm St Mary's Church

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Unless you’ve been in hiding, with no access to radio, TV, papers, (or even the parish magazine), for the last month or so, you can’t have failed to notice that April 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. I haven’t been following the coverage in great detail, but I’ve caught the odd programme on the radio or TV, and of course I read last month’s article about the connexion with St Mary’s.

What has struck me as I’ve listened, watched, and read, is how much of the commemoration has come to focus not so much on splendour and extravagance of the ship, but on the ‘ordinary people’ who were caught up in the Titanic story. I’ve heard about the waiters, many if not most of them from one extended Italian family: about the impact of the tragedy for particular communities in Southampton and Belfast where so many staff and crew were recruited; about particular individuals, like Runwell’s Ed Ryerson.

Ordinary people in an extraordinary story.

As we told the resurrection stories at Easter and in the Sundays following, we spoke of ordinary people in an extraordinary story; the ordinary people who followed Jesus, his friends, his family, his disciples. And, of course, this extraordinary Easter story is one which goes on being remembered not for a one-off centenary special, but daily and weekly in prayers, our worship, our eucharists, and in our lives.

We have just experienced an extra-ordinary time in the church’s year: we’ve had special services, some of them sad and solemn, some of them full of joy and alleluias.

Our challenge is to take all of that into the ordinariness of our lives, to be ordinary people who know and are shaped by the extraordinary story of God’s amazing love and generosity in the life, death and resurrection of Christ; to make living ‘the risen life’, the life in which light conquers darkness, good conquers evil, love conquers hate, a matter of the everyday,

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of the bus queue and the housework, the school and the hospital, the shop and the bank, the family meal and the evening out with friends.

To make that extraordinary way of living ordinary is to be part of the coming of God’s kingdom.



A new venture at St Andrew’s – the chance to bring along knitting, sewing, crafts of any kind and spend a couple of hours in good company. No particular skills required, you are welcome whether you have nimble fingers or butterfingers. And if you don’t have a project of your own to bring, there are always blanket squares to be sewn up, or the chance just to sit and chat. Open to anyone from our three churches, and from our local community, so if you know anyone who might enjoy a relaxed hour or two and the chance to make new friends, do spread the word. Meetings are on the 2nd Thursday and 4th Wednesday of each month in St Andrew’s Centre, 2 – 4 pm: no charge, and refreshments provided.

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Just before Easter, we were delighted to receive the gift of a splendid piano, which is helping to encourage us to sing enthusiastically and tunefully! Our grateful thanks to the generous (and anonymous) donor.

On the same day as the piano arrived, the sanctuary floor was sanded and polished, restoring it to its pristine state. And, full of the joy and energy of the festival, a working party was formed in Easter week to remove the sheds from the back of the church and clear the garden: a big ‘thank you’ to everyone for their hard work.

Easter Flowers

Our thanks to Co-operative Funeral Care for a generous donation towards

flowers in our three churches for Easter.


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St. Andrew’s Coffee Mornings

"A place to meet friends and relax"

Every Friday and Saturday from 9am until 12noon you can enjoy homemade cakes with a hot drink in St. Andrew’s Centre. You will find a warm and happy atmosphere. Please come along and see.

Pauline Warne


The Winner of the Quiz about Fairtrade is :- Surprise, surprise; DRUM ROLE

Canon Jane scoring 13 correct answers! Congratulations and well done.

There were only four others brave enough to hand in their answers, so well done and they each will receive a packet of Fairtrade biscuits.


Parish Magazine – a note from the Editor.

If you would like to receive a copy of this magazine every month; please complete the slip below and put it in an envelope with your payment and I will arrange for you to receive a copy. Many thanks, Angela Wagstaff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name __________________________ Tel. Number ______________

Address __________________________________________________

Enclose payment of £4.80 for 1 year = 12 monthly magazines.

Mark envelope ‘Magazine ’ & hand it in at one of the Churches. Thanks.

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Taken from the Parish Registers

St Mary’s Baptisms March 11th Katie Fountain March 25th Chloe Speight Luke Boules Renewal of Vows March 31st Sonia and John Moran St Catherine’s Baptisms March 11th Thomas David Matthews Elijah Charles Goldby Funeral March 2nd Denis Jones March 8th Jason Tweddle

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News from St. Catherine’s

It was lovely that Lilian and Bill Irving included the congregation of St. Catherine’s as part of their Diamond Wedding Celebration: We were all invited to drink their health and enjoy a piece of cake after the 11.00 a.m. service on Sunday 26th March. Best wishes and congratulations to you both. ____________________ Let’s hope everyone at the 11.00 a.m. service will be in good voice for the next few weeks as the organ undergoes a major refit. It will make us all realise what an important part the organ and music makes to our worship. We are lucky to have a pipe organ and Barry to play it. ____________________ To celebrate Her Majesty The Queen’s 60 Year Reign, we are holding a ‘Diamond Jubilee Dinner Party’ at St. Catherine’s Hall on Friday 15th June at 6.00pm for 6.30pm, There will be three courses with wine and a welcome drink on arrival. Tickets £12.50 Menu and tickets available shortly. ______________________

St Catherine’s 100 Club

March 1st C. Fenn

2nd l. Moor

3rd T. Gardiner

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For pre-school children and their parents/carers

We meet on Wednesdays weekly in St. Catherine’s Church at 1.30pm

where we ring the church bells, sing, listen to and act out stories. Then we

go across to the Hall for crafts, refreshments and fun.

Hope to see you there.

Cliff's image of St George at prayer - a fitting reflection looking back to last month's Saint's Day of our Patron

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Wickford & Runwell Mothers’ Union

Meetings are as follows:-


st Thursday of each month at St. Andrew’s Hall

12.30pm Shared Lunch – 1.30pm – Meeting

3rd Wednesday of each month at St. Catherine’s Hall at 7.30pm.

Next Meetings are:- Thursday 3rd

May ‘I Can Recommend’


Wednesday 16th May at 7.30pm

Chinese Auction

ALL WELCOME! Why not come and join us? Joan Jenkins Branch Leader For more details contact Joan on 01268 779870

Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry

Supporting Basildon Women’s Refuge

Items needed in May are; -- - Basic Food Items – Biscuits, rice, pasta, etc.

Due to lack of space; Please only take items to St. Andrew’s Church on the last FRIDAY (or as near as possible) of each month; then they can be taken to the refuge. If you are unable to take your offering to St. Andrew’s then please do pass it to one of your Church Wardens or your Priest.


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Sponsored Church Walk

On Wednesday 28th March, children from the Wickford C of E

School had a sponsored walk around St Catherine’s church. A timer

was set for 30 minutes and off they went for as many laps as they

could around the church! They even dressed up as friends of Jesus


Turquoise Class children managed 21 laps but the winners with 24

laps were Emerald Class!

They were all very tired after their walk and sat in the Church

grounds with their picnic lunch before heading back to school.

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The children were raising money for the ‘School Enterprise’

initiative where they learn about starting up a business and

investing money. The children have decided that half of the money

they raise will go to different charities.

Thursford Spectacular 2012

The Parish outing to the above in November has been cancelled due to insufficient interest.

Martin Jenkins

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Across 1 Infant (Luke 2:12) (4) 3 Luis must (anag.) (8)

8 What Jesus called the devil (John 8:44) (4) 9 ‘My God, my God, why have you — me?’ (Matthew 27:46) (8) 11 Anglican form of church government (10) 14 ‘Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like — ’ (Isaiah 40:31) (6) 15 Ministers of religion (6) 17 Make stronger (1 Thessalonians 3:13) (10) 20 Devoutness (1 Timothy 2:2) (8) 21 The father of Jesse (Ruth 4:22) (4) 22 Pool where Jesus healed a man who had been an invalid for 38 years (John 5:2) (8) 23 ‘[Jesus] said to them, “ — here and keep watch”’ (Mark 14:34) (4) Down 1 Follower of Christ (Acts 16:1) (8)

2 One of the punishments endured by Paul (2 Corinthians 6:5) (8) 4 Soldiers (Exodus 14:9) (6) 5 Scholarly study of melody, harmony and rhythm (10) 6 ‘I am God, and there is none — me’ (Isaiah 46:9) (4) 7 ‘And how can they preach unless they are — ?’ (Romans 10:15) (4) 10 Favourable reception (1 Timothy 1:15) (10) 12 Hip orbit (anag.) (8) 13 End of life (Isaiah 22:14) (5,3) 16 ‘About midnight the sailors — they were approaching land’ (Acts 27:27) (6) 18 He married Jezebel (1 Kings 16:30–31) (4) 19 ‘According to your great compassion — out my transgressions’ (Psalm 51:1) (4)

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At our recent meeting of the God Squad this text was presented. The discussion it brought was wide ranging and challenging. Brother Roger founder of the Taizé Community wrote:

Together with the whole people of God, with people from all over the world, you are invited to live a life exceeding all your hopes. On your own how could you ever experience the radiance of God’s presence?

God is too dazzling to be looked upon. He is a God who blinds our sight. It is Christ who channels this consuming fire, and allows God to shine through without dazzling us.

Christ is present, close to each one of us, whether we knew him or not. He is so bound up with us that he lives within us, whether we know him or not. He is so bound up with us that he lives within us, even when we are unaware of him. He is there in secret, a fire burning in the heart, a light in the darkness.

But Christ is also someone other than yourself. He is alive; he stands beyond, ahead of you.

Here is his secret: he loved you first.

That is the meaning of your life: to be loved for ever, loved to all eternity, so that you, in turn, will dare to give your life. Without love, what is the point of living?

From now on, in prayer or in struggle, only one thing is disastrous, the loss of love. Without love, what is the good of believing, or even of giving your body to the flames?

Do you see? Contemplation and struggle arise from the very same source, Christ who is love.

If you pray, it is out of love. If you struggle to restore dignity to the exploited, that too is for love

Will you agree to set out on this road? At the risk of losing your life for love, will you live Christ for others?

"The God Squad" meets again 24th May 8pm at St Mary's House

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Our group was a rather small gathering, just five of us meeting at Val Harris’ home; our host for all five weeks, she kept us topped up with tea, coffee and cakes. Our personalities were quite varied and contrasting, yet from the first ten minutes of kick-off, we were away tackling all the big issues of life. And quite frankly we managed to resolve and put right all the major political problems that we came upon – why the House of Commons takes so long – ‘I fail to understand.’ Nevertheless I feel very much that our faith and desire to see our churches grow were very much encouraged through our meeting together. The content of the course was too much really to digest and analyse adequately – causing our intellect (BRAINS) to go into a state of indigestion. The course CD was listened to by us intensely; and was fairly well presented over all. But it requires at least 52 weeks to process. Overall we felt our coming together and learning from each other was a real blessing and encouragement – a positive ‘YES’ Praise the Lord, we overcome many issues in the end. We all agreed our time of LENT was a worthwhile experience. Amen

Arthur Larkin, St. Andrew’s

(Our group: Marina Bayley, Christine & Tony Luxford and Val Harris)

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‘Easter Experiences’

Easter at St. Andrew’s

This year we have spent Holy Week walking the Stations of the

Cross Monday – Wednesday, Maundy Thursday members of St.

Mary’s joined us for washing of feet and Eucharist, we then

stripped the church and held a vigil, Good Friday in the morning

we joined nearly two hundred fellow Christians in a procession of

witness, in the afternoon again with members of St. Mary’s we

listened to the Passion Gospel and went home in a contemplative

state of mind.

Saturday the Church was scrubbed and polished to the nth degree,

flowers were spectacularly arranged and tables laid for breakfast.

Sunday saw us at the Vigil Service 5.30am where we renewed our

Baptism Vows and listened to familiar scripture readings. Our

9.30 service was, as usual, full of joy and enhanced by the

magnificent singing of ‘I Know that my Redeemer Liveth’ from

David whose baritone voice rang through the Church bringing

many of us to tears. This has been a special time for us all

especially being able to welcome members from St. Mary’s and

our grateful thanks go to Canon Jane for her leadership.

Pat Hughes

Answers to crossword. ACROSS: 1, Baby. 3, Stimulus. 8, Liar. 9, Forsaken. 11, Episcopacy. 14, Eagles. 15, Clergy. 17, Strengthen. 20, Holiness. 21, Obed. 22, Bethesda. 23, Stay. DOWN: 1, Believer. 2, Beatings. 4, Troops. 5, Musicology. 6, Like. 7, Sent. 10, Acceptance. 12, Prohibit. 13, Dying day. 16, Sensed. 18, Ahab. 19, Blot.

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My Easter Experience in Cape Town was quite different to those I have

experienced in Wickford, and if I were to type up all the notes I made about

Easter; I would need a whole magazine for myself. Consequently I am

shortening it; as follows:-

Palm Sunday When Tony (yes! Tony came to church) myself, Richie and Ivan arrived at

the Catholic Church; Our lady of Fatima, we were each given a Palm cross –

these were moist, soft and very green, because they had been cut the day

before and made by the Parishioners (Later Ivan showed us how quickly he

could make Palm crosses because he often made them when he was a young

man) The church seemed full; however, we were escorted to those seats at the

very front; you know, the ones that nobody really wants to sit in.

At 8.00 am the service began; the incumbent; Fr Bogdan Buksa; a Polish man

meant we had to listen very carefully to him because his accent was quite

strong. By 8.05am we were all singing ‘Ride on Ride on in Majesty’; when

Fr. Bogden indicated to Tony to move out from the pew, Tony looked at me

for guidance, but very quickly Richie told Tony to lead on. So with his hymn

sheet and Palm cross Tony was up the front following Fr. Bogdan and bless

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Tony, he coped extremely well once he had overcome the feeling of ‘not

knowing what to do’ .

The service continued very much as I expected it to; then at the Lord’s prayer

Richie took my hand and I realised everyone was holding hands, even across

the aisle to the opposite pews. The Lord’s Prayer was recited; still we held

hands until Fr. Bogdan introduced the Peace, at this moment the hands were

raised up above our heads as the congregation gave their response. I found

this a very moving experience, standing in church amongst those who had

been through apartheid, it said so much to me about ‘togetherness and love’.

When it was time for the Eucharist; Tony decided to stay in the pew, and I

went forward for a blessing which was very different for me and I will

explain this later on.

On Maundy Thursday I found myself reflecting back on the times I have

been to Chelmsford Cathedral; then my thoughts moved to our friends and

family in England. Once again all four of us went to church at 7.30pm, the

service was partly in Latin and some in Corsa. The elders of the church had

their feet washed and then renewed their commitment to the Catholic Church

as Elders (they administer the bread at Communion and give Blessings) Later

at Communion I went up for a blessing; this was given to me by one of the

elders; which is what I found different; it just didn’t seem to mean so much to

me as receiving a blessing from a priest or the Bishop. What also struck me

was that during each of the services for Easter, the only people to receive

wine were the priests and the elders; the congregation only ever received the

bread. Therefore although I did really miss my Communion, had I been able

to receive, I would have been left feeling ‘hunger’ for the wine, so it was

probably for the best that I couldn’t receive at all.

The Singing was so remarkably moving; I experienced such a strong sense of

‘unity’ between all the different cultures and backgrounds of the people. It

seemed that there, in that church, at that moment we were all equal; how it

should be, yet in my mind I knew that there were such noticeable class

differences due to colour of the skin.

Because we had experienced difficulties getting a seat; we arrived at church

for the Good Friday service at 2.20pm, the service was due to start at 3pm.

The church was full (800 people) so we were invited to go into the hall where

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there was a screen set up so that everyone could still be part of the service,

another(200 people). We joined in traditional hymns and I was moved to tears

just as I am at home; feeling overwhelmed to be with Richie and Ivan as they

both struggle to deal with Richie having Cancer. At this service once holding

hands, we sang the Lord’s prayer; again a very moving experience, especially

holding tightly to Richie’s hand as she was just so sick, yet so determined to

be there in that place at that time. We then were invited to the Cross; and we

had also been asked if we wanted to, we could write a prayer to leave at the

cross and these were to be burnt Easter Sunday. I had spent a few hours

throughout Holy week writing my prayer; I took my prayer to the cross,

kissed Jesus’ feet, then gently dropped my prayer at the foot of the cross. The

cross was wiped after each person had kissed Jesus’ feet. We left the Church

quietly, yet slowly because there were so many people. We ate Hot Cross

Buns; and Richie and Ivan always have cheese in their buns, so Tony enjoyed

cheese too.

Holy Saturday, we were going to attend the Easter Vigil at 7.30pm but sadly

Richie was just too sick to go, so we didn’t get to experience the Easter

candle being lit, or the prayers being burnt, or to sing ‘The Light of Christ has

Come into the World’ and I did really miss this. On Sunday we attended the

8.00am service; arriving at 7.15am there were still some seats in the Church

and we felt privileged to be inside this beautiful building. Even on this Easter

Day, at the Eucharistic Feast, the only people to receive the wine were the

Priest, the Deacon and the Elders. I was very surprised by this!


Ivan, baby Blake, his mummy Andrea, Angela and Richie.

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– 19th

MAY, 2012.

Every year in May, thousands of volunteers across Great Britain go out collecting door-to-door for Christian Aid. Last year, house-to-house collections raised over two thirds of the Christian Aid Week total of £12.5 million. As always, the Churches here in Wickford and Runwell played their part, and those who went out collecting reported a good response. Unfortunately, although the harvest is plentiful, the labourers are far too few to collect it in properly; many streets in our area never see a Christian Aid collector! This year’s campaign slogan is: “Let’s give the tools to help people in poverty out of poverty” Can YOU help Christian Aid to buy the tools? Could you please give a little of your time to collect during Christian Aid Week? Perhaps you could go out collecting with a friend. If a whole street is too much, perhaps you could collect from friends and neighbours? Whatever you are able to do, please remember Christian Aid and its collectors in your prayers, especially during Christian Aid Week!

Richard Feldwick


Thank you to everyone who supported St. Andrew's Quiz Night on Saturday

25h February, what a great time we enjoyed, sorry about the crowding

especially to the ladies from Grange School who spent the evening almost in

the kitchen, but they took it all in good part and we enjoyed a good quiz from

Chris and Vicky. The questions were quite challenging and some of them

humorous so all in all a great evening. Next time we will set up at the back of

the Church and everyone will have a table. Many thanks to you all.

Pat Hughes.

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Run the Race

14th April - Chelmsford

21st April - Colchester 9.30am - 4.00pm

Getting into gear for something bigger than the Olympics, on a special day offered to enhance your mission and prepare for the London games. A choice of two days for all concerned to engage with their communities.

Speakers include: Duncan Green, Charlie Kosla and the Bishop of Bradwell (14th only)

Workshops include...

Knowing and engaging with your community

Prayer, evangelism and the Olympics

How to tell your God story

Book your place now for Chelmsford or Colchester

For further information go to Run the Race Also check out these websites... www.morethangold.org.uk - The UK churches main site. www.olympics.churchofengland.org - The Church of England. www.runtherace.biz - The Diocese of Chelmsford Olympic site.

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Together at Trinity

Our next joint service for all three churches will be hosted by St Mary's, 10.30 am on Trinity Sunday, 3 June, followed by lunch. The parish has a long tradition of coming together to mark the Feast of the Holy Trinity: what better time to experience being one parish and three churches? This will be the only service in the parish on the Sunday morning: do come, and encourage others to come, from whichever church and congregation, so that we can share in worship and companionship. If there is anyone for whom attendance is impossible, either through illness or caring commitments, do let one of the clergy know and we will make sure that you receive communion at home. My weather-forecasting skills are limited, but I'm prepared to promise that there won't be snow this time ..........


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Hello from Maldon!

Well, It’s been six months now since we left our friends at St. Andrews and I thought I’d let you all know how we’ve been getting on.

We had a bit of a rocky start when we moved in, back on 26th October. Our first disappointment was how small the rooms were! It had been a while since we last viewed the property and we had forgotten the sizes. Then we discovered that the heating and hot water only worked when it felt like it, and unfortunately that wasn’t for the first couple of days. With only one radiator downstairs and that being in the hall it wasn’t the warmest of houses, luckily we had a mild November so it wasn’t so bad. After having two more rads installed and changing the gas fires to electric (after three gas leaks!) and replacing the three port valve on the heating system, we now have a nice cosy home.

We have had the loft boarded and insulated and decorated Grace’s bedroom and the dining room (after a flood, that’s another story in itself). We are pretty much straight inside. We are about to have the outside soffits and fascias replaced and new rendering, as the current pebbledash is falling off in chunks giving the house a lovely leprosy look about it. Once this is done then we are fairly finished with just a few small jobs left to be done. The house is starting to feel like home now, but it really has taken a while before it felt like it.

Grace took the move really well, the only change in her was where she had slept through the night, pretty much from birth, she has decided that in Maldon you need to wake several times a night. I don’t want to tempt fate but her sleeping is starting to improve with even the occasional full nights sleep.

She had her first birthday in March and is growing well, it’s not surprising really that she is in size 2-3 year clothes when her Mummy is 5’7 and Daddy is 6’2! I think I’m going to have a six foot stunner on my hands in a few years.

We’ve started going to St. Mary’s church in Maldon, which is the very pretty one on the quay that you see in all the photos of Maldon. Father Louis and

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the congregation have all been very welcoming which has really made me feel at home. I was quite excited to go to the sunrise service on Easter day this year as it was held on the quay. I was really looking forward to watching the sun come up over the boat masts along what is already an incredibly beautiful scene. Unfortunately though it was very overcast and it just got lighter and lighter grey! It was still a lovely open air service though, despite calls from neighbours to be quiet when we started singing! Oops.

Lee’s company which was based in Chelmsford have now moved to Hemel Hempstead, so for the next six months Lee will have a long commute. At the end of September (when his redundancy takes effect) he will look for (hopefully) a local job. Grace absolutely adores her Daddy so it would be horrible for both of them if Lee was leaving and coming home when Grace was in bed. So Lee will start going for interviews in the near future, your prayers would be appreciated.

I miss all my friends at St. Andrews but manage to keep up on all the news as I still thankfully receive a parish magazine (Thanks go to Mrs Ellis for passing it on to me). If anyone is popping over to Maldon for the day, do give me a ring (Cannon Jane will I’m sure pass my number on) and pop in for a coffee. You are all very welcome (not all at once though please!)

Love and prayers Louise, Lee and Grace xxxxxx

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Angela’s Dinner Party – to raise money to repair St. Andrew’s Church

If you need transport that is not a problem, please tick here ___

I am holding a dinner party at my home on Saturday 26th May. There will be a

choice of menu and you may choose a lunchtime or evening meal. Cost £15.00 per person. Includes wine or a soft drink. If you would like to come, please complete the menu sheet and return it to Angela at St. Andrew’s. Thank-you.



12.00 noon for 12.30 or 6.00pm for 6.30 pm To start (please select one item from this section)


PATE WITH TOAST toast white or brown


MAIN MEAL (please select one item from this section)

ROAST CHICKEN DINNER (boneless, skinless breast portion)

with traditional vegetables and trimmings








DESSERTS (please select one item from this section)








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St. Mary’s Coffee & Light Lunch

Next Lunch is Thursday 10th 2012 at 1pm – 3pm

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Help Needed

Do you work with figures? Have you skill with accounts? Our Parish is seeking help with formulating its accounts. Being a Team Ministry means we have three distinct Church Committees (DCCs) which each manage their own finances and a central committee (PCC) that draws them together. There are also two Church Hall accounts managed alongside. We are blessed with four exceptionally generous and capable people who act as treasurers. In the three Churches our DCC treasurers enable the DCCs to make informed decisions and present a carefully drawn end of year account. At the PCC our treasurer ensures all the money keeps moving to the right places and keeps the PCC members up to date with what we have (or haven't) got. However - every year we have to fit all of this together! A complicated task , which eventually produces the document we send to the auditors.. We are looking for someone with the time, patience and skill to help formulate this document. Ideally we would like to find someone who has proven skills in accounting even though there is much help available from the Diocese. Could that be you? Or someone you know?

Then please talk to one of the clergy or our treasurer (numbers at the back of the magazine!)

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A Choir for all Seasons

A Choir for all Seasons are returning to St. Andrew's on Saturday 22nd September 2012 at 7.30pm, so please make a note in your diaries, their last concert was very good and this time the theme is 'Take Five' which is music from the five continents taking part in the Olympics, I am told no 'sporty' music! Make sure you book early to avoid disappointment!!!!


Want to ask those nagging questions about Christianity that the Sunday sermon never answers? Feel that confirmation classes were a long time ago – and perhaps there are still things to learn? Thinking about adult baptism or confirmation? Want a ‘refresher course’? Know someone who might be interested? In May we shall be offering a six-session course as a way of exploring the Christian story; sessions will be on Tuesday evenings, 15, 22, and 29 May, and 12, 19, and 26 June, 8 pm at St Andrew’s Church. If you would like to know more, speak to one of the clergy, or just turn up!

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Would you like to have your advertisement here?

Cost = £26.00 For 12months.

Please contact the Editor for more details

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PIANO TEACHER has a few vacancies for pupils

BEGINNERS TO ADVANCED Adult beginners very welcome

Please telephone:


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Canon Jane Freeman St. Andrew’s Church 734077 Rev’d Norbert Mutuku St. Catherine’s Church 733147 Fr Jo Delfgou St. Mary’s Church 732068 John Knowles 735837 P.C.C. Vice-chairman

Secretary Marina Bayley 730571 Treasurer Yvonne Branson 458778 Electoral Roll Officer Pam Petts 734183 St Andrew's Churchwarden Pat Hughes 734522 Churchwarden Alister Bayley 730571 D.C.C. Secretary Pat Hughes 734522 D.C.C. Treasurer Mike Gibson 734293 Hall Lettings Reg Warne 766749 St Catherine’s Churchwarden Eileen Cox 768387 Churchwarden Elsie Salmon 732606 D.C.C. Secretary Joan Pocock D.C.C. Treasurer Margery Clark 462261 Hall Lettings Jim Salmon 732606 St Mary’s Churchwarden Lisa Griffiths 562067 Churchwarden Angela Woodward D.C.C. Secretary Yvonne Branson 458778

D.C.C. Treasurer John Skinner 456892 Hall Bookings Alan Jones 765360 Linda Payne 732033 Mothers’ Union Enrolling Member Joan Jenkins 779870 Parish Magazine Editor Angela Wagstaff 766464


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St Andrew's 9.30am Sung Eucharist 6.30pm Healing Eucharist (on 3rd Sunday)

St Catherine’s 8.00am Holy Communion 9.30am Family Worship 11.00am Sung Eucharist 6.30pm Evening Prayer (Sung Evensong 4th Sunday)

St Mary’s 9.30am Sung Eucharist 6.30pm ‘Sacred Space’ (2nd Sunday)


St Andrew's Wednesday 10.30am Eucharist

St Catherine’s Wednesday 9.30am Eucharist Wednesday 1.30pm Edward Bear Club

St Mary’s Tuesday 7.30pm Eucharist Wednesday 11.30amEucharist


St Andrew's Saturdays 11.00 - 11.30am in the Church

St Catherine’s Mondays 7.00 - 8.00pm in the Church St Mary’s Mondays 7.00 - 7.30pm in St Mary’s Hall

Please send articles for the June 2012 Magazine to the Editor by: - 10th May 2012 Thank you

Email articles direct ‘[email protected]’ PLEASE NOTE NEW email ADDRESS !!

And our website: http://wickfordandrunwellparish.org.uk/index.php