Wicked Parrot Book

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By Nulisbuku.com

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The Wicked Parrot

By Iman Gazi

Copyright © 2015 by Iman Gazi


By Nulis buku


[email protected]

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I dedicated this book to my parents Halimah Gazi and Dzengis Gazi. Thank you

mother to introduce me with Indonesian culture and watch this space Father, how about Macedonian culture next time on

the story. Thank you for all your support.

Thank You to anyone who buys and is willing to read this book.


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Once upon a time, there lived a very wicked Parrot; he was the naughtiest and wickedest parrot in the whole wide world! He lived with a nice family, which took care of him, but when it came to things like dinner parties, it’ll be your worst nightmare!

DING DONG! DING DONG! The bell rang. “Asalamalekum! Asalamalekum!” The parrot exclaimed. This is a greeting from the parrot, when he saw Mr Hajj Amir enter the gate. Every time Mr Hajj Amir came


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to the house, the parrot was very well behaved, just like the rest of the family, which is a surprise, because he is usually an annoying little creature.

Mr Hajj happily answered back to parrot: “Wa Allekumsalam Mr Parrot!” “Are you being a good boy Parrot?” Asked Mr Hajj Amir.“Yes, thank you, Mr Hajj.” Replied Parrot very politely, with a bit of sarcasm. Mr Hajj walked inside the house, and the whole family greeted him with respect. Himu and Inaya,


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the son and daughter, kissed his hand, to show their respect. Inaya happily offered him to sit down and run down to the kitchen to make him his favourite tea: 4 teaspoons of sugar, and 1 teabag. No wonder his teeth have already rotted! But he always confidently smiles, just like the model adverts for Oral-B toothpaste on telly.

Since Mr Hajj Amir went back from Mecca, he never leaves the house without his white kippah No one knows if he


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actually has hair or not. Oooohhhhhh! What a lucky escape for Mr Hajj Amir!

Then, the second guest arrived: It was Mr Cheng. As soon as the Parrot saw him, he screamed: “Chinese alert! Chinese alert!”Mr Cheng was slightly unhappy to say hello to Mr Parrot. But he did it anyway. When Mr Cheng walked inside the house, the parrot was able to fit through his cage, and fly on Mr Cheng’s shoulder! He started saying the same old: “Chinese alert! Chinese alert!” Then Mr


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Cheng had steam going out of his ears, feeling so annoyed. He started walking really fast, until he reached Inaya and Himu. They greeted him with the best respect they could give. Then, their mother entered the room.“I don’t want you two to call Mr Cheng Mr Chinese, OK? Is that clear? “Yes mum.” The two kids said together. So they went back to Mr Cheng, and had to say hello to him again.“Hello, Mr Ch.-Ch.-Chi Cheng.” They both said, trying not to giggle, and burst out laughing.


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“Oh, hello! Inaya and Himu have you both been well?” questioned Mr Cheng.“We hope so!” answered the two kids, still giggling, funnily looking at Mr Cheng.

“Why do we have to call Mr Chinese, Mr Cheng? mum and dad always calls him Chinese.” Whispered Himu.“Shhhhhh! If mum and dad finds out, we’ll be in big trouble in no time.” Inaya said worriedly. Mr Cheng sat down on the nearest armchair, and waited for the other few guests


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to arrive. While he was waiting, he took out his very thin mobile phone and called one of his business partners, yes Mr Cheng may look like a very simple guy, but he owned several businesses around the Island of Bali. No wonder he is always the first in line when it comes to the newest gadgets. Mr Cheng had a quick glance at the parrot. It was light green, with rainbow colours all over its neck and feet. Masses of feather covered the creature, and its medium sized beak was strong and sturdy. Mr Cheng


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looked away straight after, but he saw the parrot laughing at the corner of his eye.

Then, the third guest arrived. It was Joe. “What’s up Mr Baldy, what’s up man”?. Screamed Mr Parrot. Mr Joe was his third target. Mr Joe is a middle aged man with almost no hair left in the middle of his head, but he is a very funny guy. “Yo,… yo,… yo…. what’s up to you man, I am good, I am good, Mr Parrot”. Joe’s replied to Mr Parrot with ‘Ali G’ rap style. “Oh well, I was good, not until I


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saw you Mr Baldy”. Said Mr Parrot sarcastically”. As Joe was about to walk into the house, the parrot flew to his face and cried out: “Mr Baldy’s here! Mr Baldy’s here!” Then he quickly flew back to into his cage. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I bet I am still look good without my hair than you without feather, you annoying little creature”. Said Joe to Mr Parrot”. Then he walked into the house. Everyone did the same greeting like the other two guests, and he settled down waiting. But he decided to have a laugh! So


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they did, and trust me, you don’t want to hear the laughter that will bang on to your eardrums and literally break them!“Ahahahahahaha!” laughed everyone. Surprisingly, poor Mr Parrot here had to just sit in his cage doing nothing. Even when he called out people’s names, no one heard it. He felt like he was just forgotten, it was like he didn’t even exist anymore. Could that be the case?

“Mr Parrot would you like to join in?” asked Asia.


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“Oh yes please!” exclaimed Parrot.“My mistake, no more spaces left!” “Ahahahahahaha! Oh gosh, you’re so funny! Cried everyone. Mr Parrot felt left out, not in the centre of attention. He wanted to cry and just kick everyone out the house, so he could just eat and watch some television. But it was impossible right now.“Mr Parrot, the 4th guest will be coming soon, so don’t be naughty.” Instructed Asia.“OK” said Mr Parrot carelessly.


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Asia went over to the kitchen and Mr Parrot followed her, until he came to a stop. “Why do you keep warning me to not call people names, when you do it most of the time? Why? Why? Why?” questioned the Parrot begging for an answer.

“Please Mr Parrot, just be nice to the guests, OK?” Suddenly, one person was heard walking in high heels slamming on to the ground, like lightning hitting the concrete.


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“Oh myyyyy…. Aunty Fat is here!” Yelled Mr Parrot loudly, so everyone could hear. Ali came over and warned the Parrot.“Shhhhhh! Parrot, shut up.” Whispered Ali.“Holy mackerel, what the heck have I done wrong? Why can’t I call people what I want to call them?” Asked Mr Parrot.

“Hello, Lisa! Welcome, come and make yourself at home!” exclaimed Ali and Asia.“Why thank you, where are the kids?” Lisa replied.


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“Oh, oh, could you just come over to the garden?” Said Asia. As Asia and Ali leaded Lisa to the garden, Inaya and Himu ran to her wildly, jumping around crazily.“Hello, Aunty Fat!” They shouted. Lisa was more than happy to hear this, because for her belief, and her culture, to be fat, is a sign of wealth. On top of wearing tons of gold jewellery all over her arms, neck, fingers and ears. Luckily, she doesn’t wear a golden tooth! Otherwise, everyone


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would need to wear sunglasses from the reflection! “Hello! How are you two?”“We’re fine!” Lisa then walked to where all the other guests were, to enjoy the fun, and have a great time. Himu then approached her.“Would you like something to drink aunty Fat?” he asked.“Yes please, I’d like a cola.” Replied Lisa“Coming right up.” Himu poured some Cola into the tall glass, gas appearing, starting to fizz with bubbles popping. He tried not to spill the drink, as


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he walked carefully to the guest he was serving.“Here you go.” Said Himu.“Oh thank you my dear!” She took a sip, as her jewellery smacked her arms rattling the whole world! She then burped loudly, laughing at herself.

“Everyone! Gather round!” Exclaimed Mr Baldy. Everybody wondered what they were going to experience.“Guess what? I completed level 100 on Candy Crush!” Cried Mr Baldy. Everyone started booing, except Inaya and Himu.


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“Wow, Uncle Joe! I could only complete the game up to level 5! Is that why you lost your hair, because you’re so clever?” Himu asked innocently.“It could be.” Said Mr Joe.

Ali and Asia told the guests to move into the dining room, because the buffet was ready on the table. The starter was: gado gado (Indonesian salad)With peanut sauce and spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce. The Main course was: Beef rendang, Indonesian chicken curry, hot and sweet prawns


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and tofu and vegetable stir fry. Last but not least, desert. It was: coconut panacotta and nutty brownies, Himu’s favourite! When everyone gathered around the table, Ali asked Mr Hajj Amir if he could bless the food. He smiled proudly, looking round to all the guests.“My pleasure.” Mr Hajj Amir said. But as he looked round, something was missing…“Where is Mr Parrot?” Mr Hajj Amir asked. Everybody looked at each other, wondering where the Parrot was. Himu


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and Inaya started to run around the house, calling Mr Parrot.“Mr Parrot! Where are you? Dinner is ready!” shouted Inaya.No reply.“Mr Parrot! Come here now!”No reply. Where could he have been? Everyone started searching all around the house, shouting at different times. Then, Ali looked in the front garden, and saw Mr Parrot’s cage was left open! He was so worried, because he could have flew of, or have been stolen! Ali started to panic, his hair was


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standing on end and he had a line of sweat dribbling down his forehead. Then a sudden noise occurred behind him…

He looked behind him, because the shrub started to rustle. But there was no trace of wind, only dawn. Something was in it.“Mr Parrot? Is that you?” he opened a bit of the shrub and saw a little creature, with its head down. Luckily, it was Mr Parrot. Everybody that was inside, were now outside with widened eyes, staring at Mr Parrot. Inaya and Himu couldn’t


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have been happier to see Mr Parrot again, once and for all.“Mr Parrot, what’s the matter?” Questioned Ali.No reply.“Come on Parrot, what’s the matter?” This time it was like he was begging for mercy.“I need to talk to you and Asia privately.” Said the Parrot at last. Ali nodded.“Everyone, we are all glad we have found Mr Parrot, so could you please proceed back to the dining room, while we have a little quite time with Mr Parrot, thank you.”


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Mr Parrot was lead upstairs into Himu’s room, where Mr Parrot sometimes plays with Him.“Parrot, please tell me why you’re so unhappy, I’d really like to know.”“Why do I keep getting told of for calling people names? How come you do it and I always get the blame, life is so unfair sometimes!”“I’m so sorry Parrot, I never knew it would hurt your feelings, you could have just told me from the beginning and this would never have


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happened, I do apologise Parrot, it was my fault”. “Yes, certainly it was, it wasn’t a good example for Himu, Inaya and me Mr Ali. When I lived with my parents in Borneo jungle they taught me how to sing in the morning, not to call people names. Apology accepted” said Mr Parrot sounding wise and managed to crease a small smile on to his green face.

“Please could you apologise to everyone who you’ve called names openly.” Ali and Asia


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both agreed. Ali and Asia smiled back and they all went downstairs. Ali then made an announcement. “Attention please! First of all, thank god we found the Parrot safe and sound. Secondly, from the bottom of my heart, I would like to apologise, if anyone has been offended or upset for being called names by my children and the Parrot.” Ali explained with a very low toned voice. “You know, we are all just humans.” Said Ali.


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“I beg your pardon! I’m not a human, I am the wicked Parrot!” exclaimed Mr Parrot. “Ahahahahahaha!” Laughed everyone. “Come on you two, we’re about to eat.” Said Mr Hajj. “Come on Parrot, sit down.” Instructed Ali whispering.“OK” Everyone ate the fantastic taste of heaven and started of their great afternoon. When they finished, the guests had the last few hours of fun: joking around, dancing and laughing. When it was time for the guests to go home, the whole family


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decided to go to bed, because they were all tired. “Goodnight Parrot” The family whispered.“Goodnight” Everyone fell asleep as soon as their faces touched their soft, comfy pillows. Mr Parrot knew that tomorrow would be another good day that he would enjoy…



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Iman Gazi was born on the 8th

June 2004 in Skopje, Macedonia.

He lived in London from the age

of three months with his Mum

and Dad. He currently studies at

Oak Hill Academy, and will

continue studying in secondary

school at Rivers Academy. In his

spare time, he enjoys playing on

his Xbox 360 with his friends,

and reading books, especially


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science fiction. He loves acting,

as well as storytelling.