Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

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Page 1: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,
Page 2: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Why a Lubrication Program?Mechanical wear and corrosion (chemical degradation) make up approximately 70 percent of industrial machine failures, costing companies millions of dollars each year. Unfortunately, many companies don’t realize their mechanical problems can be traced back to poor lubrication practices, even though lubrication represents one of the easiest cost categories to streamline and control. Both wear and corrosion can be mitigated or prevented by proper lubrication practices.

Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication, but few recognize the serious potential of comprehen-sive analysis, training and implementation of excellent lubrication practices – particularly those that are proactive.

Noria can give your organization an individualized lubrication system, personnel training on best practices and continued access to a network of industry experts – all in one comprehensive program.

... we believe the cost savings from the avoidance of lost

production and gear failures could be up to

$1 million a year– Tim Newman, Maintenance Manager,

Simmons Feed Ingredients

Page 3: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Lubrication Program Development (LPD)Achieving lubrication excellence translates into major benefits for your company, but it can be an overwhelming endeavor for busy plants that need effective, sus-tainable solutions you can use immediately. With Noria’s Lubrication Program De-velopment (LPD), we deliver just that. We will guide you through the entire program to create the individualized, high-performing system you need.

Program Results:

Significant Cost Savings: Operational costs decrease, fewer necessary repairs, less downtime, more profit

Greater Efficiency: Achieve ROI ahead of schedule, increase life and function-ality of plant machinery

More Knowledgeable Staff: More skilled maintenance staff, more organized lubrication tasks, personnel able to handle lubrication issues in-house, major cul-tural shift to better performance

Right Lubricant Right viscosity, additives, type, grade,

thickener, for every machine

Right PlaceEvery lube point – don’t miss any

Right AmountPrecise calculated volume for greases

and oils

Right TimePrecise calculated interval and condi-


Right ToolsInspection, sampling, contamination

control, procedures, etc.

Right PeopleBackground, skills, training,


The “Rights of Lubrication”

Page 4: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,














5M H










S2P S3P R1P R2P R3










































LPD Sample Chart

















1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Launch PhaseGetting your lubrication program off to the right start has never been easier. The launch phase of Noria’s Lubrication Program Development will help you achieve best practice while avoiding pitfalls and wasted resources. You’ll receive a customized roadmap in line with your priorities and budget which is designed to rapidly deliver value and “quick wins” with each phase. The launch phase includes:

A 540-point Onsite Assessment This onsite assessment is an important step in evaluating the health of your lubrication program. A Noria expert spends a full day assessing your current lubrication practices.

SWOT Analysis - Once the cur-rent lubrication program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are identified, an accurate map for the future is created. You will gain an understanding of what you are doing well, where you can and should imme-diately improve, and where there might be low-hanging fruit that you can take advantage of immediately.

Analysis of 40 Program Elements - There are 40 critical elements to lubrication

Management Levels Program Stages Elements

Page 5: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Launch Phase Cont.

program success. A score is assigned to each of these elements, comparing your program’s current state to best practice.

25 Priority Next Steps - The 40 critical elements are weighted and prioritized to determine which actions should be performed first to maximize your investments and make the biggest reliability and ROI impacts.

Financial Cost Justification - It is inevitable that improving your lubrication practices will require a financial investment. To help maintenance and plant manage-ment understand the financial benefits, the costs of the plant’s current lubrication practices will be evaluated. Comparing the opportunity costs versus the investment provides the payback. The internal rate of return (IRR) is 5-year net present value.

Audit and Review Recommendations - To keep a lubrication excellence program operating at a high level, Noria supplies the information you need to per-form periodic audits and review each of these elements so your program will remain on track.

Metrics and KPI Recommendations - Measuring progress and compliance with your program goals will be critical to program success, as what gets measured gets done. Dozens of KPI recommendations will be provided for everything from lubricant storage and handling to contamination control.

Lubrication Program Manager - Planning and tracking progress is key to a success-ful lubrication program transformation. The online lubrication program manager will support you throughout your journey, providing plant and corporate-level planning boards, and priority next steps.

Lubrication Awareness Training - The process of transforming a lubrication program to best practice requires a high level of communication. This half-day training ensures those involved in the program are aware of their roles and responsibilities as well as management’s expectations for deployment. In addition, it focuses on the importance of lubrication excellence and contamination control to help get your team on the same page.

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1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Engineering PhaseDuring the Engineering Phase, a team of Noria experts will survey all your lubricated assets to collect informa-tion needed to engineer an optimized lubrication program. From this data, we strategically engineer every pro-cedure from a proactive maintenance mindset, seeking to eliminate the root causes of machine failure that stem from poor practices. Each procedure includes a job plan and complete description for each task.

Why Procedures?

Work Scope - Procedures clearly specify the work an individual is ex-pected to perform.

Consistency - Documented proce-dures bring uniformity to the lubrica-tion task while keeping everyone on the same page.

Best Practices - A procedure creates the framework for standard-izing best practice and disseminating expertise among employees.

Training - Procedures form the basis for training lubrication person-nel, serving as a natural curriculum for task-based training and evaluation.

Page 7: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Engineering Deliverables

• Lubricated machine master list in functional hierarchies (location, area, machine, component, lubrication point)

• The lubrication worksheets include links to the full, documented, best-practice procedure that outlines: completion time, operating state, frequency, location, materials and tools, purpose, scope, summary (with volume and optimum lubricant) and detailed steps.

• Oil analysis test slates and sampling frequencies for all critical oil- lubricated assets

• Lubrication routes with calculated lubricant volumes and frequencies (time-based skilled lubrication tasks and inspections)

• Manpower assessments

• On-condition tasks (top-ups, filtration, oil changes, etc.)

• Machine hardware modification recommendations

• Lubricant consolidation

Engineering Phase Cont.

Page 8: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

ImplementationImplementation involves taking the procedures, guidelines and practices de-veloped in the Launch and Engineering Phases and integrating them into your plant’s lubrication program. Noria supports you with integrating procedures and pertinent data into your plant’s CMMS or scheduling software, scoping and installing lubrication hardware and accessories, safely changing lubricants where needed, building lubrication routes, managing an oil analysis program, coaching and developing your team, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for sustainable program success.

Customer Support and Partnership

Noria has procurement specialists dedicated solely to managing the ordering, logistics and delivery of your implementation. Ongoing email, telephone and web-conference support by our technical team can also be provided.

Vendor Neutrality

Noria’s vendor neutrality ensures an impartial, unbiased presentation of the require-ments necessary for hardware implementation. Noria does not recommend one supplier’s products over another’s, maintaining the strictest vendor-neutral integrity.

HELP Training

Noria’s Hands-on Excellence in Lubrication Program (HELP) is a training program that facilitates consistent and accurate implementation of the lubrication program. HELP primarily focuses on demonstrating the hands-on skills necessary to run a successful program.

Knowledge & Skill - Using task lists, work procedures and job descriptions, we define and map your organization’s knowledge and skill requirements to perform all tasks.

Knowledge Check Assessment - Provides an overall summary of your team’s current understanding of key lubrication knowledge.

Qualification - Skill competency for each element is assessed and measured.

Just-in-Time Training - We coordinate the trainings to occur when your new equipment arrives or is available, supporting the program implementation.

1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Page 9: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

(HELP) Training Courses


Max #

Attendees Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Lubrication 101 (Classroom) 25 1 day

Hands-on Hardware Modifications 10 2.5 days 0.5 days

Hands-on Lube Room, Lubricant Handling 10 2 days

Hands-on Lubricant Validation and Change Out 10 0.5 days

Hands-on Oil Sampling 10 0.5 days

Hands-on Routine and On-Condition Tasks 10 1.5 days

Hands-on Machine Inspections 10

Oil Analysis, Test Slates and Data Interpretation 10 1 day

Management Training 10 1 day

Machinery Lubrication Level I and Certification 25 3.5 days

SustainMaintaining lubrication excellence beyond Noria’s Lubrication Program Development means personnel must seek continuous improvement. Noria addresses this need by providing ac-cess to its technical team for as-needed consulting, failure investigation, training, job skills assessments and diagnostic support.

Monitoring Program Success

Noria’s extensive knowledge of oil analysis means clients have access to world-class monitoring practices. Noria can support ongoing best practices by implementing testing and training to interpret data within the context of individual plants and goals.

Page 10: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

For More Case Studies Visitnoria.com/serv/customers/

Lubrication Program Enables Simmons Feedto Cut Downtime by 50 PercentThe Simmons Feed Ingredients plant in Southwest City, Missouri, brought in Noria consultants to develop a roadmap for lubrication excellence. After implement-ing Noria’s Lubrication Program Development and training, the facility was able to achieve cleaner oil, prevent machine failures, avoid lost production and save up to $1 million a year.

Improved Lubrication Practices Stop Machine Failures at TEPAs part of its Lubrication Program Development (LPD), Noria’s team of consultants devised a plan of attack to put the Tucson Electric Power (TEP) generating station in Springerville, Arizona, on the path to lubri-cation excellence. The plant now sees far fewer equipment problems due to insufficient or improper lubrication, and its lubrication-related machine failures have been reduced dramatically.

For the Sinclair Wyoming Refinery, machinery lubrication was a trouble spot until Noria helped put it in the spotlight.Noria’s onsite training and Lubrica-tion Program Development helped transform the Sinclair Wyoming Refinery into an industry leader for machinery lubrication. With guidance from Noria, the refinery was able to shift to a proactive maintenance approach and adopt best practices, significantly impacting its operations and bottom line.

Case Studies from Customers

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About NoriaSince 1997, Noria has been delivering world-class lubrica-tion programs for a wide variety of customers and industries, including power generation, food and beverage, heavy man-ufacturing, mining, etc. Major lubricant manufacturers turn to Noria to train their teams, design world-class lubrication programs and solve lubrication problems.

As a trusted advisor to the world’s leading organizations, Noria has a staff of technical specialists dedicated to con-sulting, training and publishing in the core competencies of tri-bology, lubrication, oil analysis, contamination control and ma-chine reliability. Our services are disseminated through top-qual-ity training courses, consulting services, publications, webi-nars, videos and books.

Our mission is to inspire change through education by providing tools, resources and expertise so the industrial world can realize the tremendous potential that lubrication excel-lence has to offer.

Noria Workforce Solutions Some customers tell us, "Not only do I not have the manpow-er to build the lubrication program, I don't have the manpow-er to run it. Can you put a Noria lube tech at our site?" The answer is yes. Our technicians are embedded full-time at your site so the engineering design can be executed effectively. This provides laser focus to critical tasks and the unceasing perseverance needed to prevent costly machine repairs and downtime. When you have Noria Workforce Solutions (NWS),

you get Noria lubrication technicians, a Noria lubrication pro-gram and Noria expert support.

Short-term Services – Need help upgrading your lube room or installing new hardware during a shutdown? We can do it all.

Full-time Services – Whether you are starting from the ground up or need highly skilled technicians, Noria Workforce Solutions can help. NWS can staff your entire lubrication de-partment, including management, engineers and technicians.

Visit noria.com/serv/workforce-solutions

1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com

Page 12: Why a Lubrication Program? - Noriamedia.noria.com/downloads/noria/LPD_brochure.pdf · Why a Lubrication Program? ... Most organizations conduct maintenance that includes lubrication,

Customer List Many of Noria’s customers view our services as a competitive advantage, so we can’t provide a complete list of everyone with whom we have worked. Here’s a small sample of the companies we have helped:


1328 East 43rd Court | Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 | Phone: 800.597.5460 | noria.com