Who’s Minding the Store - The Current State of Food Safety and How It Can Be Improved Devon Zagory, Ph.D. Senior Vice President Food Safety & Quality Programs NSF Davis Fresh University of Seattle School of Law April 11-12, 2008

Who’s Minding the Store - The Current State of Food Safety and How It Can Be Improved

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Who’s Minding the Store - The Current State of Food Safety and How It Can Be Improved. Devon Zagory, Ph.D. Senior Vice President Food Safety & Quality Programs NSF Davis Fresh University of Seattle School of Law April 11-12, 2008. What Is The Problem With Produce?. More outbreaks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Whos Minding the Store - The Current State of Food Safety and How It Can Be Improved

    Devon Zagory, Ph.D.Senior Vice PresidentFood Safety & Quality ProgramsNSF Davis Fresh

    University of Seattle School of LawApril 11-12, 2008

  • What Is The Problem With Produce?

    More outbreaksBigger outbreaksMore media attentionLess confidence on the part of buyers and consumers

  • Why the increase?Increased consumptionMore raw, less cookedLarger scale production, widespread distributionIncreasing size of outbreaks and ability to detect themIncrease in public and scientific awarenessMore severe illnessGreatly improved methodologyMore aggressive investigation

  • 1998 2006 Produce OutbreaksTop 5 produce items make up 76% of outbreaks

  • Produce Outbreaks 1973-97 (190)54% pathogens identifiedFrom presentation to produce associations, January 2004, Lynch and Tauxe, CDC

  • Percentage of outbreaks due to fruits and vegetables: 1990-1998, by origin of product

  • Routes of ContaminationBeuchat, 1996

  • Washing Doesnt Eliminate PathogensAt best 1-3 log (1 to 1000-fold) reductions can be expected under commercial conditions regardless of antimicrobial used

    IssuesComplexityStem scar area Hydrophobic nichesInternalization of pathogens

  • Tomatoes Washed with Chlorinated WaterS. montevideoLog CFU/cm2012345060110210320Chlorine (ppm)Zhuang et al, 1995

  • Good Agricultural Practices

    FDA, 1998 guidance documentGuide to Minimize Microbial Food Safety Hazards for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

    Not a regulation - guidelines onlyFocus on prevention of contamination and redundant reductionsCommodity-specific guidance increasingly availableLettuce and Leafy Greens Marketing AgreementProvides metrics for key factors

  • Commodity Specific GuidelinesMelonsSproutsLettuce and Leafy GreensTomatoesStrawberriesFresh-cut Food Safety Guidelines

  • California Leafy Greens Marketing AgreementInitiated by Western Growers Assoc.Signatories are handlers, not growersNearly 100% of CA handlers have voluntarily signedOnce signed, terms are obligatoryMust buy only from suppliers meeting the termsMetrics were developed by a committee of expertsSuppliers and handlers are audited by the CA Dept. of Food and Agriculture

  • Lots of Audits!Internal self-auditsCustomer auditsThird party auditsRegulatory auditsUSDA AMSCA Dept. Food and Ag.Organic auditsSustainability audits

  • Micro TestingTesting of irrigation water for generic E. coli required by CA LGMAEnvironmental testing in facilities validates cleaning and sanitationProduct testing required by many buyersRaw product testing Finished product testing

  • Is Testing Product Effective?Negative Tests Dont Prove AbsenceWhat will you test for?Coliforms (Inaccurate Indicators)Viruses PathogensNo Government StandardsQuality Assurance & SanitationValidate HACCP System

  • Is testing product effective?


  • Probability Of Microbial Detection

    Percent Contaminated


    Number of Samples Analyzed

    5 10 15 20 30 6041 65 79 88 96 >9933 40 54 64 79 95 10 18 26 33 45 70 5 10 14 18 26 45 1 1 2 2 3 6

  • Lawyers and Risk AversionLarge buyers are driving food safety requirements and programsJudgments can be very large in food borne illness casesDamage to brand identity can be even greaterProminent retailers and food service companies are very risk averse about food safetyIn the absence of scientific data about risks, buyers are asking their suppliers to eliminate anything that COULD present a riskThis sometimes leads to wasted resources, and environmental costs

  • Where is the FDA?Historically FDA has been little involved with fresh produceFDA is reluctant to issue regulationsProduce is extremely diverseThere is a lack of knowledge and dataWhat should the regulations be?What steps would insure safety?There are lots of unknownsThere is a lack of resources

  • How Can We Fix It?More and better dataLevel the playing field - RegulationMake the producer/handler responsible for the process, not just the resultBase actions on analysis of hazardsImprove knowledge of food safety throughout the systemReduce regulatory ambiguity

  • QUESTIONS?Devon Zagory, Ph.D.Senior Vice PresidentFood Safety & Quality ProgramsNSF Davis [email protected]