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  • 8/2/2019 Whole Chapter





    1.1 Research Background

    Writing is an activity that is always done in all aspects of human life. Many

    centuries ago, writing was a sksill that is just owned by a group of people as priest,

    judge, etc, for special purpose such as trade, law, especially for religious

    institutions. Almost all aspects of everyday life for common peoples activities were

    carried out orally. Due to the fact that writing is an effective way to communicate

    besides speaking, it is going to be learnt by all people around the world. Therefore,

    the ability of writing is easily found everywhere, in the school, office, hospital, even

    in the markets. Besides, there are various purposes that serve as a basis for writing

    such as to share knowledge, give information, and even entertain the readers.

    Based on the function of writing itself, teaching writing skill, which is

    included in English skills, becomes important at schools, particularly at secondary

    schools in Indonesia. Hence, the government involves writing skill as a skill that

    should be taught at junior high schools throughout Indonesia. As stated in 2006

    Curriculum named Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pembelajaran (KTSP) or School

    Based Curriculum, English is oral and written communication tool. Teaching

    English means to develop the communication ability that involves the ability in

    comprehended and producing oral or written text which is applied in four language

    skills, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, teaching English is

    aimed to elaborate four skills in order to make students able to communicate and

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    express idea in English.

    Furthermore, In KTSP, high school students are taught to develop the four

    language skills through types of texts or genres that have been included in syllabus.

    The scopes of KTSP involve the students ability to comprehend and produce any

    kind of short functional texts. Moreover, the main competencies of teaching writing

    for the first graders of junior high school are to express meaning in short functional

    written text on the context of daily life and to express meaning in simple and short

    functional written form in descriptive and procedure text on the context of daily


    Nowadays, teaching writing has been started from junior up to senior high

    schools. However, writing is considered as a complicated skill by both the students

    and the teachers. Chastain (1971, p.221) stated, writing and speaking are difficult

    skills to acquire because the students must have a more complete control of the

    elements of language, such as vocabulary, sentences, or grammar. It means

    students have to combine some elements of writing including content, organization,

    vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic when they want to write.

    In addition, Mochtar (2005, p.230) stated specifically that there are three

    problems that cause writing is considered as an awkward activity. The first reason is

    students have to demonstrate not only their competence in grammar, but also

    knowledge in the acceptable context. The problem becomes more difficult when the

    students lack of vocabulary. After that, the students have less motivation and were

    not interested since the writing activity was monotonous and boring. The last

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    obstacle is that appropriate techniques which help students get ideas are not applied

    by teacher while teaching writing in the class.

    In fact, each student has different competency in achieving and absorbing

    the teachers explanation. As a consequence, it is crucial for English teachers to

    adopt new strategy in teaching writing. The teachers must realize that they need to

    use appropriate teaching strategy. Since writing reinforces students to grasp ideas,

    one strategy that can be used in writing is using some teaching media. There are

    many kinds of instructional media that can be used, and one of them is picture.

    Huck & Barbara (2004, p.170) argued that illustrations (pictures) can support

    important concepts and clarify idea. Pictures help to tell the story and show the

    action and expressions of characters, the changing settings, and development of the

    plot. Therefore, the use of pictures can make the teacher easier to teach writing and

    help the students elaborate and compose their writing.

    Based on explanation above, the writer is motivated to conduct the research

    that is using a picture to teach procedure text by using picture series. As stated in

    School Based Curriculum (KTSP), one scope of teaching English in senior high

    school is the competence in comprehended and producing many kind of short

    functional texts and monolog that consist of twelve type of text that are procedure,

    descriptive, narrative, recount, news item, analytical exposition, hortatory

    exposition report, spoof, explanation, discussion, and review. Procedure text is one

    of twelve texts that are taught in school nowadays. The writer assumes that using

    picture can help students to convey their idea in writing procedure text because

    procedure text is a text that contains a sequence of actions or changes to bring about

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    a result. To obtain the hypothesis, the writer is interested to conduct a research

    entitled Applying Picture Series to Improve Students Writing on Procedure Text.

    1.2 Problem Formulation

    Writing is considered as an awkward activity for the students since they

    have to control the elements of language, such as vocabulary and grammar, even

    they have to know how to express ideas clearly. Moreover, it more serious if the

    teachers do not know or apply appropriate techniques in teaching writing.

    Therefore, low motivation and uninterested are common situation in writing class


    Based on the fact, teacher need to fully understand and have many

    approaches and strategies in teaching writing. There are many approaches or

    strategy can be applied to encourage students spirit and improve their writing

    ability one of them is by using instructional media. Series picture as one of

    instructional media are very useful for teaching writing, especially for the writing

    which explains sequence of action such as procedure text. Mochtar (2005, p.239)

    reported his successful in teaching his students on writing narrative paragraph by

    using picture series. He said that the strategy of using picture series in teaching

    narrative paragraph is acceptable since it may help the students to solve their

    problems in writing paragraphs, encourage them to be more active and motivate

    them in joining the writing class.

    1.3 Research Objective

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    The objective of this study is to identify whether the picture series are used

    in teaching writing text procedure can improve the students ability in writing or


    1.4 Research Significance

    It is expected that by doing this research, the writer obtains the use of

    picture series as one of appropriate techniques to encourage students spirit to write,

    so she will apply it later. Then the students can increase their ability in writing a

    good procedure text. In addition, this study can influence the English department

    students, who will teach someday, and the teacher to find out and apply new

    strategy, such as using picture series, in teaching writing.

    1.5 Research Scope

    The scope of this study is limited to teaching writing procedure text by

    using picture series for first grade students in junior high school.

    1.6 Operational Definition

    To avoid misinterpret in meaning, the writer explains the word as follows:

    a. Picture series

    Picture is a description that gives you an idea in your mind of what

    something is like. According to Heinich (1996, p.113) pictures are

    photographic (or photograph-like) representations of people, places, and

    this. Picture series is several or sequence events, actions, or steps that

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    come in photographic representations of people, places, and things and

    happen one after the other.

    b. Writing

    Writing is an activity to produce and express our thoughts in written form

    by using some sentences that have one topic, so that people can read,

    perform, or use it. Then writing is a process of expressing ideas, wants,

    hopes, thoughts usually from someone passed on to other people.

    Byrne (1998) stated writing involves encoding of messages of some kind,

    which is we translate our thoughts into language. It means we convey our

    thoughts trough sequence of sentences arranged in a particular order and


    c. Procedure Text

    Procedure text is one of genre of text that shows a sequence of actions or

    changes that bring about a result. Based on Hartono (2005, p.6) procedure

    text describes how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions

    or steps.

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    1.7 Hypothesis

    Based on the background of the study, the writer would like to set a

    hypothesis as follow:

    Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference between the

    students writing ability in writing procedure

    text using picture series than those not.

    Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between the

    students writing ability in writing procedure text

    using picture series than those not.

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    2.1 Introduction to Writing

    Language consists of four skills- listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These

    language skills are divided into passive or receptive skills (i.e. listening and

    reading), and active or productive skills (i.e. speaking and writing) (Fachrurrazy,

    2002, p.8). Listening and reading belong to receptive skills since involve receiving

    messages, while speaking and writing belong to productive skills, since involve

    production messages. From another point of view, the four language skills can also

    be grouped into spoken skills (i.e. listening and speaking), and written skills (i.e.

    reading and writing). (Fakhrurrazy, 2002, p.8)

    Writing as one of language skills has very important role in human activity. It

    is very often used as a way of communication besides speaking. Troyka (1996, p.3)

    claims that writing is a way of communicating a message to the readers. In another

    word, writing is very needed in communication. Besides that, Hornby (2003,

    p.1561), states writing is a process of expressing ideas, wants hopes, and thoughts

    usually from someone passed on other person. According to Byrne (1998) as cited

    in Mochtar (2005, p.229) writing is an activity to convey the messages, where we

    utter our thoughts or message by translating it into language. Writing is related to

    using grammatical rules and combinations of the letter as in speaking. We produce

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    a sequence of sentences arranged in a particular order and link together in certain

    way. It means writing is an activity which is very essential to utter our thoughts

    besides speaking, but it is done throughout written form.

    In additional, Oshima (1997, p.2) states that writing is a progressive activity. It

    means that when everyone starts to write, she/he has already been thinking about

    what she/he is going to say it and how she/he is going to say it. Then after everyone

    finished writing, she/he read over what have written and make changes and

    corrections. Therefore, writing is never one-step action; it is a process that has

    several steps.

    Dietsch (2003, p.4) adds writing is an activity that its purpose refers to the

    subjects motive, or reason for what he/she write. There are two purposes of writing

    that are general and specific. General purposes of writing is to inform, to persuade,

    to express, and to entertain, usually these general purposes are combined in various

    way. Then the specific purposes of writing are expressing and conveying the

    messages to the reader, so the ideas should be seen as the important aspect of

    writing. To be clear, Tompkins (1990, p.185) gives an illustration as follow:

    Children vary the way they write according to purpose, audience, and form.When they write to entertain, for example, children write differently from when

    they write to inform or persuade. Audience is the second important consideration; a

    letter written to the parent or grandparent is more informal than the one written to

    local business or to the president. And writing forms vary, too: scripts and poems

    look different form the stories and report. As students learn about the writing

    domains, they learn how the forms vary.

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    2.2. Elements of Writing

    The writing skill is complex and sometimes difficult to teach, because the

    writers have to demonstrate not only their competence in grammar, but also their

    knowledge in acceptable English rhetoric. Brown (2004, p.135) explains there are at

    least five general elements or main areas which are used to measured a writing, that

    are organization, logical development of idea (content), grammar, vocabulary, and

    mechanics. Here the explanation of each elements of writing:

    2.2.1. Organization

    Organization means the way in which the different parts of something arranged in a

    neat, careful, and logical way. The organization of piece of writing is involved a

    beginning, a middle, and an end. Effective organization helps the writer to arrange

    idea, and the reader to follow and catch the message of writing.

    A paragraph is a basic part of a piece of writing in which a group of

    related sentences develops one idea. The organization of a paragraph consists of

    three major structural parts. The first major structural part is topic sentence which

    states main idea of the paragraph. It not only become the name of the paragraph

    topic, but it also limits the area will be discussed in the paragraph. Second, a

    paragraph has the supporting sentences which develop the topic sentence. They give

    some reasons, statistics, and quotations to explain the topic sentence. Finally, the

    concluding sentence signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with

    important message to remember. In brief, a good organization of a paragraph should

    have topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

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    Furthermore, an essay is piece of writing that has more than one

    paragraph. It is written based on one topic, but it is too difficult to discuss just in

    one paragraph. Therefore, a topic should be divided into some paragraphs which

    have a major point to discuss. The principles of organization are the same for the

    paragraph and essay. First of all, an essay has introductory paragraph which sparks

    interest and acquaints the reader about what the essay will discuss. Oshima (1997,

    p.101) states introductory paragraph consists of two parts: a few general

    statements about your subject to attract your readers attention and a thesis

    statement to state the specific subdivisions of your topic and/or the plan of your

    paper. After that, a body paragraph explains what the writer means in his writing.

    Reinking (2005, p.9) explains the body delivers the main message and exhibits a

    clear connection between ideas, so that the reader can follow your thoughts. The

    body consists of one or more paragraph-as many as paragraph necessary- to support

    the controlling idea of thesis statement. The last, an essay has a concluding

    paragraph or conclusion. The conclusion on an essay, like the concluding sentence

    in paragraph, is summary or review of the main points discussed in the body, so the

    reader fells satisfied rather than the writing is suddenly cut off. Overall, the

    organization of an essay consists of the introductory paragraph, the body paragraph,

    and the concluding paragraph.

    2.2.2. Content

    An essay should have logical development of ideas or usually named good content.

    A good content is signaled by the discussion of assigned topic in an essay, the

    development of ideas concretely and thoroughly, no extraneous material, and

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    thoughtful idea. As stated by Heaton (1988, p.148) an excellent content is

    knowledgeable and substantive. It means the content of essay should have and

    give information, and information should deal with real, important or serious


    Therefore, to create logical development of ideas or content is need two

    elements of writing that are unity and coherence. Unity means that the essay discuss

    only one main idea or topic sentence which is pointed with all supporting sentences

    illustrate, explain or develop that idea. It means the discussion must be focus in one

    main point. Carrol and Wilson (2001, p.37) explain to ensure unity, think about

    whether each sentence s your write connects clearly and logically to the paragraphs

    topic sentence as you draft. When you revise, strengthen the unity of each

    paragraph by deleting those details or sentences that do not contribute to the

    support, development, or explanation of the main idea.

    Moreover, the other essential element of writing is coherence. Coherence

    means that the essay is easy to read and understand because the ideas area arranged

    in logical order and the idea clearly connected by the use of appropriate transition

    signals. A paragraph is coherence if the sentences are arranged in right, so the

    reader can follow smoothly and rapidly the writer means in writing.

    Following is the common transition signals which are adopted from

    Academic Writing Course (Jordan, 1997), introduction to Academic Writing

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    (Oshima, 1997) and Writing with a Purpose (Trimmer, 1995), and that used to

    reach the coherence in a paragraph:

    Table 2.2.2 Common Transition Signals

    No Function Common Transitions

    1 To show chronological


    First, second, third, next, then, finally, before,

    afterward, simultaneously, soon, later, recently,


    2 To show spatial orderAlongside, above, beneath, in front of, behind,

    on the right, on the left, in the north east, in the

    west, on top of, inside, outside, etc.

    3 To show additionFirst, second, in addition to, besides, further,

    furthermore, then, in fact, indeed, additionally,

    other, moreover, and, next, finally, as well as,


    4 To indicate comparison

    and contrast

    Similarly, comparably, like ways,

    correspondently, compared with, in comparison

    with, in spite of along with, although,nevertheless, on the other hand, in contrast, etc.

    5 To indicate


    Especially, for instance, frequently, in

    particular, to illustrate, in fact, such as, for


    in general, in this way, as a matter of fact, etc.

    6 To show resultAll in all, after all, as a sequence, as follows,

    finally, because, since, for, in this respect, as a

    result, because of this, etc.

    7 To show summary or


    In conclusion, in brief, finally, on the whole, in

    short, to sum up, to summarize, to conclude, at

    last, at the end, etc.

    In summary, a well written essay contains unity and coherence. Both of

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    the aspects accommodate the readers to follow the essay, so the aims of writing

    essay-to inform, to persuade, to express idea, or to entertain, successfully achieved.

    2.2.3. Grammar

    Grammar is the system of a language. Thornbury (2003, p.1) states Grammar is

    partly the study of what forms (or structures) are possible in a language. It means

    in learning a foreign language, we need to study grammar. Grammar can help a

    person to learn a language more quickly and more efficiently, because he/she knows

    how to arrange good sentences when he/she utters his idea clearly. Grammar

    teaches the laws of language and the right method of using it in speaking and


    Grammar is one of language part which is very important. Good

    grammar will help the learner easier in language acquisition. Teaching grammar can

    not be separated from teaching language. Ur (1995, p.77) explains teaching and

    learning grammar is helpful for language learning, provided it is taught consistently

    as a means to improving mastery of the language, not as an end in itself. It means

    the development of grammar mastery is intended to the development of four

    languages skills-listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    Furthermore, writing is strongly related to grammar. Grammar as the rule

    of language threats the combination of words to a sentence, some sentences to a

    paragraph, and some paragraphs to an essay. Ur (1995, p.75) states the purpose of

    writing is as the way words are put together to make correct sentences. It can be

    concluded, a good writing is a combination of arranged paragraphs which is started

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    from grammatical sentences.

    2.2.4 Vocabulary

    Vocabulary is all the word known and used for listening, speaking, reading, and

    writing. Without having sufficient vocabulary it is impossible to communicate

    effectively. Therefore, owning much vocabulary plays important role in language

    acquisition. Langan (1977, p.451) stated a good vocabulary is a vital part of

    effective communication. A common of word will make you a better speaker,

    listener, reader, and writer. It can be inferred as much as word a person has will

    support him to improve skills in language. It would be impossible for one who does

    not have enough vocabulary to transfer his thought as clear as he would like either

    in oral or written.

    As stated above, vocabulary will influence the development of four

    language skills. Wassman (1993, p.22) stated there are several kinds of

    vocabularies, one each for speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Vocabulary in

    writing is larger than speaking because it should be thought and selected in detail.

    Although there is longer time to think words to be used, owning much vocabulary

    remembered is still the important one. As a result, it will be helpful in writing


    To be functional, students need a number of words that they know well

    and can be used productively in speech and writing. Snow (1996, p.203) mentions

    1000-2000 words are adequate number of word for people to express themselves in

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    English, but they need or have large vocabularies to improve their receptive skill-

    listening and reading. For instance, there are some words that people know its

    meaning though they do not used it productively in writing and reading.

    Furthermore, the appropriate words for certain context must be

    understood well by the user. Ur (1995, p.61) stated it is very useful if the leaner

    know a certain word which is very common, or relatively rare, or taboo in polite

    conversation. For a certain level, learner should know for deciding which

    vocabulary they need for receptive use and which for productive use. On the other

    word, there are words suitable for formal than informal discourse, or some words

    tend to be used in writing not in speech.

    2.2.5 Mechanics

    The last important element of writing is mechanics. It is rules that standardize

    certain things in writing. Cowan (1983, p.311) stated mechanics function as signals

    to the reader, but, in most cases, mechanics are simply conventions that standardize

    things like capitalization, punctuation, the use of number, and abbreviations.

    However, capitalization and punctuation are the most common mechanics are used.

    In short, mechanics is very helpful in writing process.

    2.3. Text Type

    Based on the 2006 curriculum (KTSP), the competency standard of English subject

    for SMP/MTS is communicating orally and written using appropriate language

    style fluently and accurately, and the ability to comprehended and produce short

    functional text and monolog in form ofprocedure, descriptive, recount, narrative,

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    and report. It means that there are five text types that have to be learnt by students

    in SMP/MTS.

    The text types that must be learnt by students of grade one as mentioned in

    the curriculum are descriptive and procedure. In grade two, descriptive, recount,

    and narrative are taught. Meanwhile, the third grader must learnt procedure, report,

    and narrative. Following is the characteristics of each text as described in

    Curriculum 2006:

    1. Narrative

    Social Function : to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious

    experience in different ways; it deals with problematic

    events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some

    kinds, which in turn finds a resolution.

    Generic Structure : 1. Orientation: sets the scene and introduce the


    2. Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight.

    3. Complication: a crisis arises.

    4. Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for


    5. Re-orientation: optional.

    Language of Features : - focus on specific and usually individualized

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    - Use of material processes.

    - Use of relational process

    and mental process.

    - Use temporal conjunction

    and temporal


    - Use past tense

    2. Recount

    Social Function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or


    Generic Structure: - Orientation: provides the setting and introduces the


    - Events: tell what happened, in what sequence.

    - Re-orientation: optional-closure of events.

    Language Features: - Focus on specific participants.

    - Use of material processes

    - Circumstances of time and place

    - Use past tense

    - Focus on temporal sequences.

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    2. Procedure

    Social function : To describe how something is accomplished through a

    sequence of actions or steps.

    Generic steps : - Goal

    - Materials (not required for all Procedural texts)

    - Steps 1-n (i.e., Goal followed by a series of steps

    oriented to achieving the Goal).

    Language Features : - Focus on generalized human agents.

    - Use of present simple tense, often imperative.

    - Use mainly of temporal conjunctions (or numbering

    to indicate sequence)

    - Use mainly Material Process.

    3. Description

    Social Function : - to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

    Generic Structure : - Identification: identifies phenomenon to be


    - Description: describe parts, qualities, characteristics.

    Language Features: - Focus on specific participants.

    - Use of attributive and identifying process.

    - Frequent se of epithets and Classifiers in nominal

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    - Use of simple present tense

    4. Report

    Social Function : to describe the way things are, with reference to a range

    of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our


    Generic Structure : - General classification: tells what the phenomenon under

    discussions is.

    - Description tells what the phenomenon is like in

    terms of (1) parts, (2) qualities, (3) habits, (3) behaviors,

    if living; uses, if non-natural.

    Language Features : - Focus on Generic Participants.

    - Use of relational Processes to state what is and that

    which it is.

    - Use of simple present tense (unless extinct).

    - No temporal sequence.

    2.3.1 Procedure Text

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    Our daily life is filled with activities that involve process. It is the method that

    explains how to do something or that shows how something works. Scarry (1996,

    p.289) mentioned there are two kinds of process writing: directional and

    informational. Directional is a process that shows, step by step, how to do

    something and the readers might try them. For example, the text that explain how to

    make an omelet. On the other hand, informational explain how something was done

    or how something works with no expectation that the readers will actually try the

    process. For example, how the bomb is made.

    Furthermore, procedure text is an explanation or description of sequential

    actions, operations, or changes that occur for a purpose. A paper of procedure text

    may explain how to do something, how a condition develops, how an organism

    grows, or how a phenomenon evolves. The organization of the text is started from

    goal which states the final purpose of doing the instructions. Then materials-

    ingredients, utensils, equipments, are needed to do instructions. The last is the steps

    that are a set of instructions to achieve the final purpose.

    The language features of procedure text are focusing in generalized

    human agents, use simple presents, especially imperative, and use mainly temporal

    conjunctions. Focusing in generalized human agents means the writing just

    discussed everything connected to people problem. The next language features of

    procedure text is using imperative sentence. Imperative sentences are verbs used to

    give orders, commands, warning or instructions, and (if you use "please") to make a

    request. The last aspect is temporal conjunction or connectives. The accuracy of

    process can be created by using a certain number of connectives or may be named

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    transition. Connectives are necessary for the process to read smoothly and

    coherently. In the beginning, to start with, to begin with, first of all, and first are

    conjunctions which are used when the procedure text is started to be written. It can

    be followed by some additional connectives such as next, the, after that, the second

    step, etc. Finally, the final step, at last, and the last step are the signal that the

    process in the text will finish.

    2.4 The Use of Picture Series in Learning Writing

    Students participation in learning process is one of indications shows how

    far they are focus and interested in studying. In this case, teachers play important

    role to help then fully participate in the learning process. one of roles that can be

    hold is being creative. a teacher should be more creative to find out the appropriate

    techniques in teaching writing. Furthermore, being creative is very important o be

    applied in teaching writing. One of good techniques of teaching writing is using

    instructional media. Ryan (1995, p.34) stated that to be creative, the teacher must

    have both theoretical knowledge about learning and knowledge about the subject

    matter to be taught.

    One of good techniques of teaching is using instructional media. It is

    explained by Heinich (1996, p.100) that instructional media (pictures, charts,

    graphs, posters and cartoon, including those that are produced by the students

    themselves) can provide powerful visual support to abstract ideas. Then it can make

    the teacher instruction more realistic and engaging, objects and models bring the

    real thing into the classroom.

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    Referring to the above statements, media such as picture plays important

    role in teaching and learning process especially in writing. It can help teacher to

    avoid monotonous conditions and make students easier to compose writing. Such

    idea has been discussed by Huck (2004, p.170), a picture had provided for the

    development of these students visual, mental and verbal imagination. Then the

    picture helps to tell story, showing the sequence of actions, showing the process,

    changing the setting, and development of the plot.

    Furthermore, Sulaiman (1985, p.125) stated that picture, as a visual tool, is

    an easy way to clarify many things which are not clear yet, without going to the real

    object or place needed. Picture can make anyone getting clearer ideas or

    information than language term.

    Mochtar (2005, p.245) reported his successful to teach narrative by using

    picture. He concluded that his students felt happy and enthusiastic to follow the

    lesson because the picture presented entertained. Furthermore, picture series make

    the students able to construct their paragraphs. He also suggested another person to

    adopt his successful in teaching writing descriptive and procedure text.



    3.1 Research Method

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    In this study, the writer conducted experimental research to prove the hypothesis.

    Best (1993, p.133) explains that experimentation provides a method of hypothesis

    testing. The method involves the comparison of effects of particular treatment to

    two groups of research, an experimental and control group. The experimental group

    was given treatment, in this case was the use of picture series in teaching procedure

    text, but the control group was not. The observations were made to determine what

    differences appear in the experimental as contrasted with the control group.

    3.2 Research Design

    3.2.1Research Subject

    The subject of this research is the first year students on second semester of SMPN 2

    Banda Aceh. The writer chose two classes which is one as experimental group and

    the other is control group. The sample was taken by using simple random sampling.

    According to Best (1993, p.139): the individual observations or individuals are

    chosen in such a way that each has an equal chance of being selected, and each

    choice is independent of any other choice. The writer was chose sample by doing

    lottery to all samples, which consist of six classes. Two classes were chosen, VII2

    was treated as experimental and VII3as control class.

    3.2.2 Technique of Data Collection

    The writer applied experimental research as the method in conducting this research.

    It should be two groups of research, experimental and control group. Both of classes

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    were taught by the writer for some meetings. The treatment was given to

    experimental class, which is applying picture series in learning how to make a good

    procedure text. On the other hand, control group was taught without giving picture


    The pretest was given to the students at the first meeting, 1st May 2010, to

    find out the students ability in writing procedure text before the treatment was

    given. In this test the sample was given some scrambled pictures that explained how

    to make a cup of tea (adopted from English on Sky: for Junior High School

    Students Year VII) and asked to make a procedure text based on the picture that had

    been ordered.

    The teaching process or treatment was done for four meetings or 8 hour

    for both of group. At the first meeting, the students are introduced to the procedure

    text about the part of procedure text, which are known as generic of structure, and

    language features used on the text especially form of action verb. The next

    meeting, connectives are introduced to the students. Besides that, they also taught

    the imperative sentence which they are asked to fill the blank of imperative

    sentences using action verb based on the picture series. On the third meeting, the

    students are asked to write some imperative sentences based on the picture given

    which are related to cooking activity. Then, they are also given some pictures about

    how to make a cup of coffee and asked to write a procedure text. On the final

    meeting, to improve their ability on writing procedure text the students are asked to

    write a procedure text based on the picture given again. It related to how to cook

    rice in rice cooker.

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    Finally, both of classes were given posttest in the final meeting,

    conducted on 17th and 18th May 2010. In this test, the sample was also given some

    scrambled pictures but in the different topic that is how to make a plate of fried rice

    and asked to make a good procedure text based on the ordered picture. The purpose

    of the test is to know how far both of the groups development in writing procedure

    text by using different strategy.

    After conducting the test, the test result was assessed. It was assessed by

    using analytical scale for rating composition which is suggested by Heaton. The

    scoring involved some aspects of writing, which are organization, vocabulary,

    language use, and mechanics. The organization of text procedure involves goal of

    the text (title) and the proper steps, and it was scored 7-20. Then content which is

    signed by use of connectives was scored 13-30. Vocabulary especially the use of

    action word has score from 7-20. Grammar especially imperative was scored from 5

    to 25. The last mechanics scored is about 2 to 5. Therefore, 100 is the maximum

    point for the task and the lowest point is 34.

    The following table is the analytical scale for rating composition based

    on Heaton (1988, p.146).

    Table 3.2.2. Scale of Writing Assessment


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    30-27 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: knowledgeable-substantive-etc.

    26-22 GOOD TO AVERAGE: some knowledge of subject adequate range etc.

    21-17 FAIR TO POOR: limited knowledge of subject little substance etc.

    16-13 VERY POOR: does not show knowledge of subject non substantive, etc.


    20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: fluent expression ideas clearly stated etc.

    17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: somewhat choppy loosely organized but main ideas

    stand out etc.

    13-10 FAIR TO POOR: non-fluent ideas confused or disconnected etc.

    9-7 VERY POOR: does not communicate no organization etc.


    20-18 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: sophisticated range effective word/idiom

    choice and usage etc.

    17-14 GOOD TO AVERAGE: adequate range occasional errors of word/idiom form,

    choice, usage but meaning not obscured.

    13-10 FAIR TO POOR: limited range frequent errors of word/idiom form, choice,

    usage etc.

    9-7 VERY POOR: essentially translation little knowledge of English vocabulary.

    Language use

    25-22 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: effective complex constructions etc.

    21-19 GOOD TO AVERAGE: effective but simple constructions etc.

    17-11 FAIR TO POOR: major problem in simple/complex constructions etc.

    10-5 VERY POOR: virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules etc.

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    5 EXCELLENT TO VERY GOOD: demonstrate mastery of conventions etc.

    4 GOOD TO AVERAGE: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation etc.

    3 FAIR TO POOR: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization etc.

    2 VERY POOR: no mastery of conventions dominated by errors ofspelling,punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing etc.

    3.2.3 Research Instrument: Validity and Reliability

    To measure the students ability in this research, the test is applied. Test is an

    instrument to measure a persons ability, knowledge, or performance. Achievement

    test is used in this research which measures students ability after the treatment is

    applied ( Arikunto, 2006, p.151).

    In this study, written test in is used. The students of both of class are

    asked to write a procedure text with the same topic. There are two tests: pre test and

    post test. Picture series which are used as instrument is categorized valid, since it is

    adopted from text book which are used in junior high school. The picture series

    used in pre test are adopted fromEnglish on Sky: for Junior High School Students

    Year VII, while for post test are adopted from Stepping Stone (English for Junior

    High School Grade VII).

    A reliable instrument can avoid misleading, so the data gotten is categorized

    reliable. To test reliability of instrument, it is used two ways. First, experts

    judgment is used to suggest which one of instruments are suitable for the test. After

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    that, the instrument is tested to the other students on the same grade from the other

    population. The result shows about 85% of tested sample understand the instrument

    and can do the test well. Therefore, the instrument is considered reliable to be used.

    3.2.4 Technique of Data Analysis

    After giving the test, the writer will score the students paper. It will be

    analyzed by using SPSS 12.0. It is a computer system which is used to process data

    quickly and accurately. Independent sample t- test, one of formula in SPSS system,

    will be used. It intended to explain whether there is a significant difference between

    the mean of two population of research, in this case is the mean of the class which

    used picture series in the learning writing procedure text and those not.



    This chapter consists of two major points. The first major point is the result of the

    research. This subtitle contains the table of data finding and data analysis. The next

    major point is the discussion. Here, the result or data finding is explained.

    4.1 Result

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    To achieve the purpose of this research that is to find out the difference between the

    mean of students ability in writing procedure text using picture series and the ability

    of students who do not use picture series, the tests had been conducted. After

    conducting the test and scoring the data, the result was found.

    4.1.1 Aspect of Writing Analysis

    To ease the process of data analysis, it is effective to show the students

    development on some aspects of writing- content, organization, vocabulary,

    grammar, and mechanics, based on their pre-test and post-tests score of both of

    group. Both of results will be presented on one chart for each aspect. Axis x

    represent the aspect of writing, while axisy is the number of students is reached of

    each level.

    Chart The development of experimental and control groups students score

    on content aspect in pre-test and post test

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    From the chart above, it can be described the students development on the

    content aspect. On the pre test result, it could be inferred that fourteen out of

    twenty-two students (63, 64%) are very poor on developing content aspect. After

    that, 22, 7% of them (5 students) are in fair to poor level. Only two out of twenty

    two students (9%) reach good to average classification. The last, on the excellent

    level there are only 4, 5% of students. However, after the treatments were applied

    there are significant changes on their ability. The number of students who are in the

    very poor level decrease to 9%, it means only two out of twenty-two students who

    were still in this level. 31, 8% of students are in the fair to poor. Thus, the number

    of students on good to average level increased to 45, 4%. Finally, the percentage of

    students on excellent grade increased to 13, 6%.

    Meanwhile, the chart also shows the development of control group on

    content aspect. Almost all of students still had the same score on pre test and post

    test. Six out of twenty- two students (27, 3%) in poor level decrease to five students

    (22, 7%). There is no change on fair to poor level. . There are nine out of twenty-

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    two students on good level on the post test result, even there was not student on the

    excellent classification. It means there is not significant development on their

    achievement during the class activity.

    Chart The development of experimental and control groups students score

    on organization aspect.









    very poor fair to poor good to


    excellent to

    very good

    pre test EG

    post test EG

    pre test CG

    post test CG

    There is a great development on the students ability on organization aspect.

    The number of students on very poor classification decreases slightly from 50% to

    0%; it means there is no student on this level after the using picture series in writing

    applied. Furthermore, there is only 9, 1% of students who are still on fair to poor

    level. While, the chart shows 59, 1% or 13 students improve their ability after the

    treatment. Finally, the chart show how there is a significant students development

    which are 7 seven students (31, 8%) on excellent level.

    The CGs result is quietly different from EGs result .It showed only an

    increase of 5, 1% on the very poor classification. Then the number of students on

    the fair to poor level is like both for the pre test and post test (five out of twenty-

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    students or 22, 7%). Although the percentage of the number of students on good

    level decreases from the 40, 9% to 31, 8%, it increase on excellent level from 9, 1%

    to 27, 3% or from 2 to 6 students.

    Chart The development of experimental and control groups students score

    on vocabulary aspect.

    There is improvement on the students vocabulary acquisition. There are

    9 (40, 91%) very poor students on vocabulary before there were taught by using

    picture series, but it decreases to 1 (4, 54%) person. On fair to poor level, it

    decreases from ten out of twenty-two students (45, 45%) to nine out of twenty two

    students (40, 91). Moreover, the chart shows the great improvement on good to

    average and excellent to very good level. 45, 45% students have good mastery on

    vocabulary after treatment rather than before (9, 09%). While, in the excellent

    classification there is only 4, 54% improvement (4, 55% to 9.09%).

    From the chart it can be inferred that there are some changes. Some

    students improved their vocabulary comprehension that showed by the number of

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    decreased on very poor level (from 31, 8% decrease to 9, 1%), increase on fair to

    poor level (from six out of twenty-two students to ten out of twenty-two students or

    from 27, 3% to 45, 5%), and also on average level (27, 3% - 40, 9%). But it was

    difference on excellent level, where there was decline as 9, 1% (from 13, 6% to 4,


    Chart development of experimental and control groups students score

    on grammar aspect.

    The chart shows the development of students ability on grammar aspect.

    There are thirteen out of twenty-two students (59, 4%) on the very poor level

    decrease to 0% on post test. Next, although the number of them increased on the

    fair to poor group (six students to seven or from 27, 3% to 31,8%), on the good to

    average classification increased significantly from 2 students (9, 1%) to seven

    students (31, 4%) . The significant change is on the excellent to very good group,

    there are 8 students (36, 4%) who can occupy this position. Where before the

    treatment applied there is only 1 student (4, 55%).

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    Although not too significant it could be seen on the very poor and excellent level,

    where there were two students moved from very poor level and two of them moved

    to excellent level. Then the students on the poor and average level are the same both

    for pre test and post test.

    4.1.2 Data Analysis

    From the SPSS analysis through independent samples t- test, it can be

    described some findings. First, the data in Group Statistic Table (see attachment: 1)

    will be observed. The mean of the post-test is 77.41 for experimental group (EG)

    and control group (CG) is 68.18, so the mean of the post-test of EG is higher than

    the CG. Then, the standard deviation of post test is 10.622 for EG and 16.188 for

    CG. It means that the data (students score) of experimental group are more

    homogeneous than the control groups data. Sudijono (2003, p.157) says if the

    standard deviation of data is large, it means there is a larger variability or smaller

    homogeneity of the data. On the other hand, if the standard deviation is smaller, the

    analyzed data is closely homogeneous. It can be concluded that the control group

    had larger standard error than Experimental groups data.

    Furthermore, from the independent samples test too can be inferred

    some findings. It would be decided which columns, equal variances assumed or

    equal variances not assumed, used. First, if the sig > 0.5 causes the variances for the

    two groups are equal, so the equal variances row will be used. In contrary, the sig

    < .05 causes the two groups are assumed not equal. Since, with an F 2.775 found

    the probability 0.103 which larger than 0, 05 (table probability), it shows that those

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    variances of two groups are equal. Therefore, the data would be analyzed is from

    the equal variances assumed row.

    Moreover, to determine the significance of the students ability between

    the two groups,it can be inferred the t- score (2.235) is larger than the t-table (2.07)

    with the probability in the Sig.(2-tailed) is less than .05 (.032

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    calculated statistically. The students of experimental group successfully develop

    their ability in development of writing aspects. It can be inferred from the increment

    of percentage of each aspects, there is 45, 45% on content, 72, 73% on organization,

    40, 91% on vocabulary, 54, 54% on grammar, and 31, 82% on mechanics. On the

    other hand, control group students score did not show the changes, even it tended

    to decrease. On each aspect, students had average capability both on pre test and

    post test. Although they left the lowest position on post test, they also went down

    from the highest level. As a result, there were not generally changes on the

    percentage of students capability.

    Moreover, based on the result of the test, it is found that the mean score of

    writing test for EG is 77.41 with a standard deviation 10.622, while the mean score

    for CG is 68.18 with a standard deviation 16.88. The difference shows that the

    students who taught writing procure text by using picture series better than those

    not. Then when the t score used to test the degree of difference between the two

    means, it is found that the value of t score is 2.235 and significant 0.032. The t

    score is higher than t table with significant 0.05 (2.235 > 2.07). Consequently, the

    alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. In addition,

    the significant of t score 0.032 is lower than the significant 0.05 (significant used

    on SPSS), so the null hypothesis has not been verified. The result indicates that the

    there is a significant difference between the students writing ability in writing

    procedure text using picture series than those not.


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    5.1 Conclusions

    After conducting the research and getting the result from analysis of statistical data,

    it is necessary to create some conclusions. Writing is one important skill should be

    had to achieve the completeness of English mastery, so everybody not only enable

    to communicate orally but also written. Although it is considered more complicated

    than other skills, it is possible to be learned and taught interestingly.

    It is need teachers and students awareness to find out another way in

    learning writing, so it will enable the learners to write in any kinds of text. In fact,

    there are thirteen genre of texts are taught nowadays based on the school

    curriculum, one of them is procedure text. Therefore, it is very necessary to apply

    different methods, techniques, or strategies in teaching each text. One of the good

    strategies is applying picture series in teaching procedure text. Picture series

    accommodate students in improvement of writings aspects. They can make

    understandable paragraph, since the idea is conveyed clearly and related to the

    topic, the sentences are organized well, and they can minimize their mistakes on

    word choice. Besides that, the use of picture series can make the students more

    active and motivated, since it becomes curiosity and discovery activity when they

    call out ideas related to pictures and topic.

    The hypothesis of this research was statistically supported by the data

    obtained from the experiment. Teaching writing the procedure text by using picture

    series is believed successfully improves. It can be inferred from the experiment

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    groups score are higher score than the control groups students. On the other word

    they successfully improve their ability. The data showed the result, tscore is higher

    than ttable.

    It proves there is significance different between the experimental group

    students ability and the control group students ability. In brief, applying picture

    series to improve the students ability on writing procedure text is appropriate and

    better for junior school students, especially at SMPN 2 Banda Aceh.

    5.2 Suggestion

    In relation to implementation of the strategy, it could be propose some suggestions.

    It is suggested to the teacher to use picture series in teaching procedure text to make

    their students easier to construct the writing. They also should improve their

    knowledge of English and recent technology, and apply it in their class activity. In

    addition, students are suggested to practice their writing skill using picture series.

    Whenever they find series picture related to procedure text, train themselves is

    better to improve their writing mastery.

    For future researchers, it proposed that they can conduct the same research

    to another kinds of text such as narrative and descriptive. Moreover, they can

    change the instructional media, printed picture series, to be more interesting such as

    series picture in the form of film.

    Attachment 1


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