Who & What is Hypnotizing You? 101 Hidden Secrets to Eliminate Stress, Feel Joy & Lose Unwanted Pounds

Who & What is Hypnotizing You? 101 Hidden Secrets to ... · go off a medicine without first checking with your doctor. I’m amazed how many of my clients, under the guidance of their

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Page 1: Who & What is Hypnotizing You? 101 Hidden Secrets to ... · go off a medicine without first checking with your doctor. I’m amazed how many of my clients, under the guidance of their

Who & What is Hypnotizing You?101 Hidden Secrets to Eliminate Stress, Feel Joy & Lose Unwanted Pounds

Page 2: Who & What is Hypnotizing You? 101 Hidden Secrets to ... · go off a medicine without first checking with your doctor. I’m amazed how many of my clients, under the guidance of their

Who & What is Hypnotizing You?101 Hidden Secrets to Eliminate Stress, Feel Joy & Lose Unwanted Pounds

Did you know that you are being hypnotized all the time?

When I first mention the topic of Who & What is Hypnotizing You? to people, often their minds race to the idea of uncovering conspiracy theories.

While it’s great to have awareness of what’s going on around us and who and what is influencing us both subliminally and overtly, the point of my bringing attention to this idea has been and continues to be to empower.

We are not victims! In this revolutionary e-guide, I am going to help you to discover and gain awareness of the many ways you are being influenced and even controlled, behind your back, to live a life that may not be your best possibility.

Armed with that awareness, I am going to help you discover the inner resources you have to tap into your highest intellect. You’ll learn to awaken your greatest intuition, your deepest connection to all that is True (with a capital T) so that you can begin today, not tomorrow, to turn your life around and take your power back.

The Deeper Truths I will give you will help you to eliminate stress, feel joy and drop un-wanted pounds.

When you’re in a building and there’s a fire, you will most likely be instructed to walk, not run, to the nearest exit. With that same sense of urgency, as you discover the “fire” in the mass hypnosis that’s happening in our culture, I want you to briskly head to the nearest exit.

Exit the chatterbox, small thinking that oc-curs in the space between your ears. Take a break from the repetitive thoughts, words and behaviors that have been holding you back and keeping you small.

Instead, discover a greater, deeper place within your subconscious mind and higher intellect. This is the place

that has the power to set you free.

Who & What is Hypnotizing You? Hidden Secrets to Eliminate Stress, Feel Joy and Lose Unwanted Pounds is going to help you to turn your life around by bringing to your attention the erroneous thinking that has been and continues to be inflicted on you and absorbed by your small mind, like a sponge.

At the same time, Who & What is Hypno-tizing You? 101 Hidden Secrets to Eliminate Stress, Feel Joy and Lose Unwanted Pounds, which is all about empowerment, not conspir-acy theory, will give you antidotes.

You’ll receive dozens of revolutionary methods to counteract the mass hyp-nosis that has put a spell on you, and

help you take your power back!

Page 3: Who & What is Hypnotizing You? 101 Hidden Secrets to ... · go off a medicine without first checking with your doctor. I’m amazed how many of my clients, under the guidance of their

Isn’t it time to live the wonderful, happy, peaceful, loving, balanced,

connected life you were meant to live?

In a moment, we’ll begin to look at all the subtle and overt ways that you and I are be-ing influenced, persuaded, manipulated and controlled by other people’s ideas of what may or may not be best for us.

Imagine Yourself as a Brand New Baby

But first, I want you to go back in time and imagine yourself as a brand new innocent baby. Imagine that you just arrived on this planet, fresh out of your Mother’s womb.

Before your mind drifts to interpretations about whether your childhood was good or bad, supportive or challenging, take a mo-ment and just be with yourself as a newborn infant.

Imagine that you could start over and infil-trate that beautiful baby’s mind and essence with new, positive, hope-filled, loving, nurtur-ing, happy and comforting images.

What if you could, starting in this very moment, with this very breath, which

may be your one-millionth breath, start fresh? What if you could give this beautiful soul—you—a second chance

by starting over?

What would happen if you set your inten-tion to free yourself from the stagnation and/or wrong decisions of the past and give yourself (and everyone in your life) a second chance? Imagine how freeing that would be!

What if you realized right now, in this very moment, that there is a strong possibility that many of the beliefs and conclusions you based your decisions on were possibly nothing more than limited or faulty thinking?

Is it possible that the house of your exis-tence has been built on sand, rather than on something solid, as you had perhaps as-sumed?

Don’t despair – this is great news! Welcome to the human condition! You are not alone. We are all “victims” of this to one degree or another.

The truth is that even when we think we wake up and get it, there are always more lev-els of illusion and veiled thinking to uncover. And we have the rest of this precious life in which to do just that.

What better use of your time could there be? So let’s get started. . . by the way, thank you so much for joining me here!

It’s so much nicer to take this journey side by side with the intention to release the past, let go of small thinking (mistakes), and in-stead embrace and set free the beautiful, sub-lime, mysterious essence that you and I are.

I’ve broken down the discovering Who & What is Hypnotizing You and the 101 Secrets to Eliminate Stress, Feel Joy and Lose Un-wanted Pounds into 4 areas.

The first is the advertising industry. The second is the media. The third is the cul-

ture in general and the fourth area is your own limiting beliefs and the beliefs of the individuals in your life, even your most

well-meaning loved ones.

Page 4: Who & What is Hypnotizing You? 101 Hidden Secrets to ... · go off a medicine without first checking with your doctor. I’m amazed how many of my clients, under the guidance of their

Some of the Mass Hypnosis categories may not apply to you and others you will resonate with strongly. Please keep an open mind as you discover more about yourself and the ways that you are growing and evolving.

Enjoy the journey of taking your power back!

Is the Advertising Industry Hypnotizing You to Be Stressed?

The Pharmaceutical Industry:Mass Hypnosis #1: There’s a little magic pill out there that will solve all your problems and make you well.

Deeper Truth #1: While some medicines are life-saving and very necessary, to a large degree, the advertising and pharmaceutical industries are selling us the promise of health that can’t be delivered.

Mass Hypnosis #2: Your health problems can be solved as easily as taking a pill to make you sleep, one to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, a pill to change your mood and another to take away your back pain.

Deeper Truth #2: Disease and illness are often a direct reflection of your life style, your consciousness and emotional state, your food choices and your past.

That’s good news because although we can’t change the past, we can shift our awareness, change our way of looking at ourselves and life, make better, healthier choices and move closer and closer to health each day.

Mass Hypnosis #3: The benefit of a specific medicine outweighs its side effects.

Deeper Truth #3: Not necessarily. In many cases, medicine that is not necessary to save your life can actually have a great destructive power.

Some of the most anxious people are com-pletely reliant on anti-anxiety medication. Sleep medication can exacerbate insomnia and become habit forming.

Studies show that many suicide victims are taking anti-depressants at the time of the act. Side effects such as weight gain, lethargy, increased depression, hopelessness, insomnia and sexual dysfunction are all possible and likely results of medications that are sold to us under the pretext of making life better and happier.

Mass Hypnosis #4: Taking prescription drugs is “normal.” Everyone does and everyone should do it. It’s a way to make your life better and drugs are here to help you.

Deeper Truth #4: Imagine questioning this premise and coming to the realization that there’s nothing “normal” about taking chem-icals every day to solve many ailments that are being created by the very lifestyle we are living.

What if there were commercials on television depicting people having stress, pain or some kind of dysfunction, and the solution being offered was a hike in the woods, deep breath-ing, meditation, opening the heart, conscious self-assessment and true forgiveness (com-plete release)?

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Imagine if the leaders in society were that honest with us? Keeping society hooked on medicines serves some very big industries and is unlikely to change. But we can wake up to a great alter-native!

Of course, some medicines are absolutely necessary and can save your life or dramati-cally improve the quality of your life, so never go off a medicine without first checking with your doctor.

I’m amazed how many of my clients, under the guidance of their doctors, go off 90% of their medicines after losing weight and mak-ing self-hypnosis a daily part of their routine.

The relaxation and shift in consciousness alone, plus dropping the excess pounds, is all many of us need to stay balanced, healthy and well—mentally, physically and emotionally.

From the Beauty Industry . . .

Mass Hypnosis #5: You need certain “pro-cedures” in order to retain your youth and beauty.

Deeper Truth #5: Your beauty doesn’t depend on botox, fillers or expensive face-lifts and chemical peels. What if your appearance could become more

attractive and more youthful as a result of changing your inner self to be

more beautiful?

When one of my clients, Sara, turned 40, she became aware of horizontal lines above her upper lip. She became increasingly disturbed by them and looked into ways to eliminate them.

Overwhelmed by the choices that seemed costly and complicated and mostly required that they be repeated, Sara decided to get busy with her life, continue her personal growth, and forget about the lines.

What a surprise to realize ten years later that they were gone! What changed? I would have to say that she became happier and less stressed. Could the inner change the outer that dramatically? Absolutely, yes! But how can advertisers and corporations put that in a bottle to sell?

Mass Hypnosis #6: You aren’t good enough and you need certain products to make you better.

Deeper Truth #6: What if you had the idea in your mind that you are exactly as you were created to be, and that’s perfect? Imagine if a flower, tree, animal or any other aspect of nature were fussing around to “improve” itself as much as humans are.

It’s a funny image! Picture a tree putting on lipstick or a giraffe squeezing into high heels, an elephant sucking in its stomach or a rose crying because it’s not as bright as a sunflow-er!

Absurd images, for sure, but why is that more odd than humans wearing clothes that are too tight, putting toxic chemicals on their skin and dousing themselves with fragrances to mask their natural scent?

If trees, flowers and animals can be appreciated just for who and what they are, why can’t we? Who ben-efits from a collective insecurity

epidemic among the masses?

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The automobile industry

Mass Hypnosis #7: You need a certain car to display the status that you require. The adver-tising industry has infiltrated our minds with reasons why we need a “better” and more “prestigious” vehicle.

Commercials on television and ads in maga-zines abound depicting the type of cars that “beautiful” and “successful” people drive, dic-tating to us subliminally, what our preferences should be.

Deeper Truth #7: What if your car was sim-ply your mode of transportation? Imagine selecting a vehicle strictly on the basis of what your actual needs are? Do you need a large car to transport items from one location to another? Do you prefer a gas efficient car be-cause you’ll be traveling long distances? Imag-ine choosing your next car only on the basis of your genuine, real needs.

Mass Hypnosis #8: Your value is determined by your possessions. We are bombarded on a daily basis with messages about what we should have in order to be happy.

Deeper Truth #8: What if we questioned whether the possessions we are accumulat-ing are really what we want and need? Is it possible that we are being mass hypnotized to think that it’s just normal to own a certain amount of clothing or to have a particular type of home, furnished in a specific way?

What if the truth were that too many posses-sions actually bog you down and keep you trapped rather than giving you the freedom and happiness they promise you?

Advertising Campaigns Mass Hypnosis at its Finest

Mass Hypnosis #9: Diamonds are Forever (DeBeers)

Deeper Truth: #9: Diamonds may be forever, but love only lasts a lifetime when it’s nour-ished with love, respect, kindness, generosity, appreciation, forgiveness, compassion and deep caring.

Mass Hypnosis #10: Wheaties Cereal’s fa-mous advertising slogan: “Breakfast of Cham-pions”

Deeper Truth #10: The definition of champi-on is a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else or a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a com-petition, especially in sports.

It’s unlikely that eating a sugar-filled, nutrient-devoid cereal such as

Wheaties would make it easier to be a champion of any sort.

Mass Hypnosis #11: “You Deserve a Break Today” at McDonalds

Deeper Truth #11: Despite warm, fuzzy advertising, depicting McDonalds as a family haven, McDonalds food has been proven to be harmful.

Recent studies have shown that McDonald’s French fries are still as “fresh” as they were the day you bought them, five years later! What kind of a break does eating garbage like that give you? Certainly not a break from the doctor’s office!this chemical and sugar-laden liquid hit?

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Mass Hypnosis #12: The U.S. Army allows you to “Be All That You Can Be.”

Deeper Truth #12: Though the military does offer educational opportunities and serving your country is admirable and brave, the risks joining the army presents are great.

Somehow this isn’t conveyed in the mass hypnosis that lures young people into eagerly signing up for the military.

Mass Hypnosis #13: “Pepsi-Cola Hits the Spot.”

Deeper Truth #13: The important question is: How harmful are the ingredients in Pepsi Cola to the human body-mind system?

Other than carbonated water, Pepsi consists of high fructose corn syrup, caramel color, sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavors (which legally could mean anything). I’m afraid to ask, which spot does this chemical and sugar-laden liquid hit?

Mass Hypnosis #14: Campbell Soup is “Mmm, Mmm Good.”

Deeper Truth #14: According to Dr. Frank Lipman, Campbell soup is mmm, mmm bad. Though Campbell’s dominates the soup business, the company refuses to disclose its ingredients.

Dr. Lipman describes their soups as, “At best bland and mushy. Some contain so much salt that they’re the human equivalent of a salt lick.” For example, Campbell’s Chicken Noo-dle Soup provides a whopping 890 mg of so-dium per serving, and 2,225 grams of sodium for a standard 10.75-ounce can. Be informed!

Mass Hypnosis #15: Wrigley’s Gum’s famous jingle: “Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun”

Deeper Truth #15: Though it may be “plea-surable,” chewing gum absolutely is harmful. According to a recent study published in the journal, Eating Behaviors, gum chewing reduces the intake of healthy food, like fruit, and increases the likelihood of eating junk food such as potato chips and candy.

Additionally, gum chewing triggers TMJ, contributes to irritable bowel syndrome and rots your teeth. There is no evidence that it actually “doubles your pleasure and doubles your fun,” though it may triple your trips to the dentist and doctor!

Mass Hypnosis #16: “Winston Tastes Good Like a Cigarette Should”

Deeper Truth #16: How many years did it take for the Surgeon General to confirm and notify the public that cigarettes cause cancer?

Like so many other toxins, Winston may in-deed taste good, but the campaign stops short of informing us what the cost of that “good taste” is.

How many other toxic products are on the market today that the government

is neglecting to let the public know are carcinogenic?

Mass Hypnosis #17: “Coca-Cola is the Real Thing”

Deeper Truth #17: There is nothing authen-tic or real about Coca Cola. An independent, peer-reviewed study published in the British

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medical journal, The Lancet, demonstrated a strong link between coke consumption and childhood obesity.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, one can of soda per day increases your risk

of diabetes by 85%!

Soda drinkers have higher cancer risk and Coke has been shown to cause DNA damage – due to its levels of sodium benzoate, a com-mon preservative that has the ability to switch off vital parts of your DNA. This could even-tually lead to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson’s. How REAL is that?

Mass Hypnosis #18: The Green Giant of Green Giant Vegetables is going to give you all the nutrition you need.

Deeper Truth #18: Canned vegetables are not only devoid of taste and loaded with sodium, but they are a vital reason why many people think, “I don’t like vegetables.”

How can you compare salty, bland, tasteless canned vegetables to real, whole, fresh, deli-cious edible plants from the garden, rich with vitamins and minerals, chock full of taste and flavor?

Advertising campaigns depicting overcooked, water-logged vegetables as a source of nu-tritious food do a disservice to humanity. The false messages distort the truth of what healthy eating is really all about.

Is the Media Hypnotizing You to be Stressed?

General Media MessagesMass Hypnosis #19: You are not safe. The number one message we get when we turn on the news is that we should be afraid. Wheth-er from the serious, monotonous tone of the television anchor, the intense music in the background or from the startling, shocking, bold headlines, the communication is fear, fear and more fear.

Deeper Truth #19: Imagine if the truth is that we are safe—that even though bad things do happen, ultimately, we are taken care of.

What would happen if the media fo-cused on all the good that people do

for each other on a daily basis? What might happen to their ratings?

Humans thrive on drama and you and I are no exception. Imagine tuning into our power of choice to release the need for the dramatic and sensational and focus on all that is good and soothing.

Imagine how different not only the world would be, but how much calmer

your own central nervous system would be.

Mass Hypnosis #20: You aren’t smart enough to think for yourself. The message we get is that there is an expert for everything and we need to hear from that expert in order to be informed about how things really are.

Deeper Truth #20: What if no one knows ex-actly how things really are. What if the world is a mystery, constantly unfolding? Could it be that the reason experts change their opin-ions often is that new information continually emerges?

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What if we were encouraged to look at the facts and with an open mind al-

low truth to be revealed to our self, in time? Imagine learning to think for yourself and trust yourself.

Mass Hypnosis #21: There’s not enough time. We should always be in a hurry.

Deeper Truth #21: Did you ever watch a mouse on a wheel? What if the fast-paced world we live in is somehow being modeled by that mouse?

How many projects are people scrambling to complete, only to have them discarded before they are ever used? Is the human race rush-ing to nowhere?

Are we all being hypnotized into believing that we are not moving fast enough to accom-plish, what?

What if we stopped to conscious-ly ponder whether all the rushing is

actually productive and beneficial to you and me?

Imagine making a conscious decision about whether this mode of operation is what we want to teach the next generation.

Mass Hypnosis #22: The busier you are, the greater an asset you become to society.

Deeper Truth #22: While it’s wonderful to accomplish great things that can assist society in evolving, the truth is that much of the “do-ing” is not leading to anything positive, and in many cases it’s actually creating negativity.

For example, a lot of activities have the side effect of generating much waste.

Often even in the best-case scenario, frantic and compulsive activity accomplishes nothing beneficial at all. In fact, running around all the time can have a detrimental effect on your health.

What if you took one solitary hour each day for contemplation, self-re-flection, prayer and self-hypnosis/

meditation? Imagine being complete-ly centered and grounded as you move

through your day.

What if you could be guided by your deep, powerful and wise intuition on the activi-ties that will serve you and mankind in the highest way, as a result of taking this time for inner balancing? Wouldn’t that be an inter-esting message for the media to give us?

Weight Loss & Dieting

Mass Hypnosis #23: A person who is success-fully living at their healthy body weight can eat whatever they want, if they just eat it in moderation. No one should be deprived.

Deeper Truth #23: This misleading hypnotic suggestion has led to an epidemic of obesity. The truth is that even though there is a seg-ment of the population that can eat whatever they want, whenever they want and stay slim (not necessarily healthy), many, many peo-ple who struggle with their weight (myself included) need to eliminate certain foods (or cut down drastically) to get the results they want.

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Mass Hypnosis #24: Being overweight is a sign that you have no willpower and some-how are a failure.

Deeper Truth #24: Most people who struggle with the battle of the bulge display incredible willpower in other areas of their life.

The problem isn’t lack of willpower, but rather unproductive eating habits

that have developed over the years, poor body image and pleasurable

associations with the wrong foods.

One of the issues with the prevalence of being overweight and obesity is that we are continu-ally mis-informed by the diet industry.

We are not taught to trust ourselves around food and that food is to be enjoyed and sa-vored.

Very few of us are conditioned to eat healthy, water rich, whole, real, clean food in a balanced way, only when we are physically hungry and not for emotional or social rea-sons.

Being overweight is a result of unproductive eating habits over time and maintaining

an identity of being out of control around food.

Mass Hypnosis #25: Food is love. Food is comfort. Food is friendship. Be thin.

Deeper Truth #25: Talk about a mixed mes-sage! The truth is that food is one of the plea-sures of life but its main purpose is to nourish and sustain us only.

When you get in your car and it needs gas, you go to the gas station and fill it up. You don’t drive a little, hear bad news, and then pull into the next gas station.

It seems preposterous to even think about moving forward one mile, receiving good news, and as a result, pulling into the next gas station. You would never do that!

So, why is the media conditioning us to do that with our own body? We’re supposed to be not only thin—but ultra skinny—and yet, we are encouraged to eat all the time! Does this make sense?

Mass Hypnosis #26: If you are overweight, you are somehow bad and need to punish yourself by eating meager portions of diet food.

Deeper Truth #26: This myth creates the multi-billion dollar diet food industry. Diets don’t work because dieting is a psychological-ly temporary situation. The minute you go on a diet, you are waiting to go off it.

Dieting is deprivation and no one wants to be deprived. The

subconscious mind rebels against dieting by preparing for a predictable binge, which inevitably occurs time

after time.

Diets create pre-programmed failure and only benefit the billion-dollar diet food indus-try.

Mass Hypnosis #27: If you just had enough willpower and were smart or strong enough, you’d be able to stick to a diet, lose weight and have the body you want.

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Deeper Truth #27: No one can stick to a diet over the long run as long as the eating plan is perceived as a “temporary diet.”

The only way to have success and live healthfully at your ideal weight per-manently, is to change the way you think about food subconsciously so

you prefer healthy food and are turned off to harmful foods.

Mass Hypnosis #28: You need someone else—someone who is smarter than you—to tell you what to eat.

Deeper Truth #28: What if looking outside yourself for constant approval about your food choices was detrimental to you?

Imagine if your solution to your confusion about what to eat is simply to learn from trial and error and trust yourself to know what is true for you (based on your own, actual re-sults).

Remember Einstein’s brilliant obser-vation: The definition of insanity is re-peating the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Trust

yourself and your experience! Your body knows!

Mass Hypnosis #29: The only healthy diet is a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Deeper Truth #29: Absolutely the vegan and vegetarian diets are excellent eating plans for people who have the body type to withstand a minimal amount of protein and no animal protein.

Obviously, a diet full of plant-based food is the healthiest way to eat—no

one can argue with that.

But what if you’re a carb/sugar addict (like me) and need animal protein in addition to the plant food, to eliminate cravings for sweet/salty carbs and to stabilize your blood sugar?

Imagine what your life would be like if you determined what your body needs based on your own actual life experience, and not sim-ply because some “qualified” person told you how to eat.

Mass Hypnosis #30: You need to have smoothies and blended drinks to stay healthy.

Deeper Truth #30: The truth is that there is not any one eating plan that works for every-one. One man’s meat is literally another man’s poison.

My actual experience (not one I read that I’m supposed to have) is that I gain weight and get shaky when I consume fruit regularly and drink shakes.

I do much better with lots of veggies (most-ly raw) and meat/chicken/fish with minimal complex carbs (and no processed food at all), just drinking water and Slender Cider (make a link).

Imagine how liberating it could be to break away from the cultural pressure to eat a certain way. Even if it’s the subculture of “healthy” people pressuring and influencing you, wouldn’t it be nice to discover for your-self which foods you need to eat to satisfy your physical hunger and be healthy?

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When I eat sugar, even healthy sugar in the form of fruit, I become hungrier and I gain weight. If you discover something similar is true for you, honor that.

If it’s not true for you, how fortunate you are! Enjoy the delicious, nutrient-filled fruit!

The issue is: Listen to your body and trust it; your body knows.

Mass Hypnosis #31: Processed, sugary, chem-ical filled foods are treats because everyone agrees that they look, smell and taste deli-cious.

Deeper Truth #31: Rich, sugary (or sugar substitute), empty-calorie, white flour, pro-cessed, chemical and additive filled, oily, greasy food is harmful and disgusting.

It’s all how you look at it! That fake, man-made food is poison to the body and causes illness, disease, obesity, low self-esteem, guilt and shame.

The real truth is that this mass hypnosis ben-efits a select group of people and industries. It’s a multi-billion dollar business, and it keeps the rest of us enslaved, until we wake up and realize we don’t have to eat those foods any-more.

Mass Hypnosis #32: If you don’t eat those rich, sweet foods, you’ll feel deprived and denied. You won’t have love and friendship. You’ll be isolated and pathetic!

Deeper Truth #32: There is a growing sub-culture that doesn’t eat processed food. Many are recovering cancer survivors or sur-vivors of other illness, like myself.

Even though some of these sub-cultures sub-stitute other foods that may not be the best for you, you can follow your own path and still have a life full of love, friendship and hap-piness.

The bottom line is people really don’t care about what you eat—they just want you to love and appreciate them.

Mass Hypnosis #33: If you enjoy eating cer-tain foods, even if they’re not best for you—or toxic to your system, you should eat them. It’s a way of loving yourself.

Deeper Truth #33: Loving yourself is not ingesting foods that are poisonous to your system. Respecting yourself is remembering that your body is not a trashcan.

Honoring yourself is reminding your self that nothing tastes as good as thin,

healthy and strong feels. The great news here is that your taste

for food changes.

I never would have thought, if you had asked me years ago, that I could ever prefer a sal-ad over pizza, but that is exactly true for me today. I look forward to my delicious, healthy, nutritious salads, every day.

I prefer foods that nourish me. That trans-formation has occurred as a result of years of self-hypnosis—which means programming into my own mind the idea of how much better I feel when I only eat foods that lift my vibration and make me feel lighter, rather than heavier. At the same time, the foods I genuinely prefer are the ones that always satis-fy my physical hunger.

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I have seen these same types of changes in literally hundreds of my clients. Julie, who lost 150 lbs with my hypnosis program, called me the next day after the hypnosis to tell me that she was craving spinach!

And her Mom, Carrie, who went on to lose 60 lbs, was craving carrots after the hypnosis!

About a week after her first hyp-nosis session with me, Sharon was

astonished when she looked down into her cart at the grocery store!

She saw that it was full of water-rich fruits and vegetables and not the old junk she used to fill her cart with. She didn’t even realize the change had occurred! Sharon went on to lose over 100 lbs and has kept it off!

Change is possible when we take the time to take charge of our own inner


Mass Hypnosis #34: There’s a perfect diet book out there and if you could just get your hands on it, you’d be able to lose that excess weight.

There’s someone out there who knows exactly what you should do. You should be able to stick with that diet perfectly, or you’re a fail-ure.Deeper Truth #34: The only one who can determine what eating plan is best for you is yourself. That’s mostly going to happen by trial and error. That’s why mistakes are OK.

The only one who fails is the one who gives up. Every “mistake” you make brings you one step closer towards

your goal.

This is true in all areas of life. Think of Thomas Edison who discovered 1,000 ways not to invent a light bulb, before succeed-ing. Baseball Hall of Famer, Babe Ruth, had the most home runs, in his time, but also the most strikeouts.

Abraham Lincoln is known for his perse-verance on the road to success, which was dotted with episodes of failure. The same is true in the area of weight loss. Most of us who succeed have surely tasted failure, too.

Your motivation also makes a huge difference. For me, the motivation of health on every lev-el—mentally, physically and emotionally—has been a much stronger motivator than trying to fit into a smaller size outfit.

Mass Hypnosis #35: You should be able to eat one little cookie if you want to.

Deeper Truth #35: Yes, you should and you can. But what the media and advertisers fail to ask us is: If we eat that cookie, do we want the results that we’ll get?

My clients often ask me whether a particular food is good or bad. The deeper truth we need to remember is that the question isn’t whether a food is good or bad.

It’s not about being right or wrong, but rather what is the effect of eating

a particular food on your mind-body? If you can honestly eat just one cookie,

then what’s the harm?

There is only harm if you know full well that the cookie is bound to be a trigger for you and that eating it will likely take you spiraling back down a slippery slope to hopelessness, despair and out of control eating.

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Socrates said, “Know Thyself.” Unfor-tunately, that is not what we are en-

couraged to do by outside forces.

The cookie in itself isn’t good or bad. The key to remember is to know what your triggers are and stay away from them. Not because life is hard and you have to suffer but only be-cause you’re CHOOSING to since you want the results that doing so will bring you.

Mass Hypnosis #36: You need to weigh and measure your food, while meticulously count-ing calories and points. Don’t trust yourself around food!

Deeper Truth #36: You owe it to yourself to have a healthy relationship with food. The only person who you should trust in this important area of your life—the need to eat to live—is ultimately, you!

You deserve to be free! Does weighing, measuring and counting set you free or does it keep you enslaved to an ever expanding diet industry? Is diet food healthy, or is it low-cal-orie, cleverly packaged garbage?

What if you intuitively knew what foods you needed to eat and what

foods you needed to stay away from?

Imagine a commercial encouraging you to contemplate that question and listen to and follow your own inner guidance.

Mass Hypnosis #37: Food is for pleasure and to soothe emotions. Your eating habits can only improve when you only feel good and have no stress.

Deeper Truth #37: You don’t have to eat for any other reason besides PHYSICAL hunger. Your emotions aren’t bad—they just make you human, and they aren’t going to go away, ever.

Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to wait until you are feeling stress-

free to make positive changes in your life, because it’s only by mak-ing positive adjustments that you

will start to see change!

If you’re feeling depressed, overwhelmed, angry, disappointed or tired, don’t eat. Do something else instead like exercise, listen to your hypnotic cd, discuss your feelings with someone you trust, jump up and down, lis-ten to music, take a walk, breathe deeply, lie down, listen to music, work in the garden (shovel the snow).

Rather than try to get rid of your emotions or perpetuate the erroneous belief that there is something wrong with you for having them, try this exercise: write down the thoughts you are having and then write down the opposite thought(s).

Realize that both sets of ideas contain seeds of truth because there is usually some accu-racy in opposing thoughts. This gives you the opportunity to choose the highest thought.

You’ll know which one that is because the highest thought is the one that leaves you feel-ing expanded and the lowest thought leaves you feeling constricted.

Mass Hypnosis #38: To be thin, you need to be hungry and that’s a sign of having willpow-er.

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Deeper Truth #38: Subconsciously, we are always seeking pleasure and wanting to avoid pain. Deprivation and the state of “wanting” will cause you to feel pain and in your de-sire to escape pain, the old impulse will be to reach for food.

To avoid wanting, convince yourself that you ARE doing what you want by NOT EATING that which hurts you.

Success is so much easier when the goal is OPTIMAL HEALTH in mind, body, emotion and spirit, and you think of weight loss as the side benefit. Focusing too much on the result of weight loss puts pressure on yourself that creates desire for rebellion, or self-talk that says things like, “I’m fine the way I am.” “One cookie won’t hurt me,” “This is going to be hard,” etc.

But when you think of food as either lifting your vibration or lowering it, increasing your energy or decreasing it, building your life force or destroying it, perpetuating health or addiction, it’s much easier to make good choices.

Mass Hypnosis #39: You have to avoid all fat or all carbs to lose weight:

Deeper Truth #39: Notice how when you’ve been around long enough, you begin to notice how so much dietary advice, even by the “ex-perts,” is dictated by fads. Even the scientific studies seem to only support whatever trend is current in the moment.

Imagine what it would be like to make your food choices based on the idea of balance. If you “messed up” and had a high carb lunch, what if you were taught to just bring yourself back into balance by having some steamed broccoli or raw celery at your next opportuni-ty, instead of beating yourself up for “blowing the diet?”

What if, instead of freaking out because you’re hungry and assuming that you “shouldn’t” be hungry, you ate a small amount of a healthy treat that isn’t a trigger food for you?

Imagine discovering that when you’re phys-ically hungry it’s OK to enjoy almond butter, cheese, avocado with healthy crackers, or other “treats” that don’t create compulsion for too much food.

Perhaps that’s what ‘everything in moderation’ can mean for you, be-cause you are in control of your life

and your habits.

Mass Hypnosis #40: Eggs or potatoes are bad for you.

Deeper Truth #40: Depending on the decade, eggs have been touted as both a perfect pro-tein and a dangerous source of cholesterol.

Some experts have informed us that potatoes have been linked to balancing brain chemi-cals, while other studies warn us to stay away from the starch.

The only foods that it makes sense to com-pletely avoid are man-made, processed, chemically filled foods.

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Otherwise, when it comes to whole, real, clean food from the earth, such as eggs, or root vegetables such as potatoes, whether or not to indulge is an individual choice.

I’ve found that the decision of whether to eat or avoid eating is best made by following your own, personal experience with those items. Mass Hypnosis #41: There’s something wrong with you if you have cravings. Healthy people don’t have cravings so you must need some kind of appetite suppressant.

Deeper Truth #41: The more balanced and healthy you are, the less you have cravings for sweet, salty and chemical filled items. When you are off kilter, you are going to crave more harmful and processed foods.

It’s a bit of a Catch 22, because the way to get back in to balance is not by taking a pill, but rather by putting an end to eating processed, junk foods that throw your system off.

It’s a known fact that when you stop eating sugar, you no longer even crave

it. That’s freedom!

When you are in a state of balance, it’s much easier to have small amounts of healthy treats without reaching a “tipping point”. The tip-ping point is the place where you are overeat-ing or binge eating.

Each of us needs to discover what causes us to reach the tipping point and what foods we can enjoy fully, without getting to that tipping point where we are having cravings. Your body is an instrument and your task is to learn it and be in harmony with it.

Mass Hypnosis #42: Someone else can do it for you.

Deeper Truth #42: Only you can learn the depth and intricacies of your body-mind. Do-ing so is the gift inherent in this life’s journey.

There are many wise souls on this earth who we can garner much knowl-

edge from.

However, in the end each of us is on our own journey towards living our best life and bring-ing out the best and highest expression of our self and those around us.

Mass Hypnosis #43: We should always seek happiness and pleasure.

Deeper Truth #43: Of course, each of us wants only to be happy. It’s important to know that you are worthy of true happiness.

At the same time, it’s important for each of us to look at where we are finding pleasure.

Frequently, it’s the pleasure seeking we are doing that’s leading us to the most


Before seeking immediate gratification, it’s essential to take a peek down the road at the likely result.

Rather than labeling yourself as “good” or “bad” it’s more beneficial to assess whether your actions will lead to fulfillment or frustra-tion.

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Mass Hypnosis #44: You have no power.

Deeper Truth #44: Though you may feel powerless, and in some aspects of life we are, the power that we do have is the power to choose.

The highest choice we can make, regarding our own energy system, is to honor our emo-tions and learn to communicate our needs in a clear, respectful and effective way.

When we are completely drained by our own and other people’s emotions, or react to them in a scattered and out of control way, we lose our power.

Emotions are like the weather—they come and they go. It’s what we do about them that has the greatest

impact on our future.

The best course of action may be to sit with your feelings, without necessarily doing any-thing about them. When you take the time to observe your feelings, without suppress-ing them with food or anything else, you can learn from them and discover what your needs really are.

Often we realize that we do have the power to get our true needs met.

Mass Hypnosis #45: Drinking alcohol is a great social activity that will bring you friend-ship, comradery and fun.Cool people drink. Having a frosty, cold one in your hand is synonymous with being one of the “lucky” people.

Deeper Truth #45: Did you know that Bud-weiser is the beverage of choice for people glued to the TV during football season?

That’s probably not surprising to you when you realize that the majority of NFL commer-cials are touting this popular beer.

Drinking alcohol is fine for many people because they can do so in moderation. How-ever, for some of us alcohol is just another form of sugary poison. Each of us needs to let personal experience be our guide.

Here’s the great news. You can do everything you always do when you’re drinking, but without the alcohol!

When I first stopped drinking alcohol I thought it would make a difference in my so-cial life. Then I realized that nobody ultimate-ly cares what you’re drinking, even if they act like they do!

You can dance, laugh, talk, listen, travel and go on social outings, all without a drop of alcohol. You may even enjoy these activities more!

Connecting with people isn’t about drink-ing—it’s about opening your heart, listening to them, and sharing your love.

Is the Culture Hypnotizing You to be Un-Happy?

Mass Hypnosis #46: You aren’t supposed to feel bad and if you do, there’s something wrong with you.

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Deeper Truth #46: One aspect of life is ex-periencing the emotional ups and downs that are part of being human. It’s important to learn to contain your own emotions so as not to inflict them on others, and express them in ways that are productive.

However, you weren’t meant to sup-press and deny your feelings and feel

bad about them.

Mass Hypnosis #47: If I’m not happy, I need to fix it immediately, by taking a pill or doing an activity to distract myself.

Deeper Truth #47: While distraction can sometimes be a helpful element, often it’s a form of suppression. By facing your feelings and looking at them objectively, you can learn about yourself. For example, if you are feeling angry and take the time to sit with that anger, you might begin to see a pattern that emerges.

This insight can lead you to take an action in your life that’s helpful to you and that inspires you to move forward in a new direc-tion.

If your culture always insists that you have a smile on your face, you may miss the oppor-tunity to learn about yourself—what’s import-ant to you—and if there are any patterns you want to release.


Mass Hypnosis #48: If your parents had cer-tain religious beliefs, you should, too.

Deeper Truth #48: What if your spiritual connection is highly personal and doesn’t require any particular belief?

Imagine adopting a spiritual practice, such as meditation, connecting to your own hypnotic inner voice, breathing,

and/or movement.

What if this simple practice could open your heart and moves you closer to your own inner Divinity, without requiring that you belong to a certain group, or have any specific set of religious “beliefs”?

What if your religion was experienced through your feeling sense—feeling and expe-riencing a sacred connection—rather than in your head or by performing certain rituals?

Mass Hypnosis #49: Though there are many religions, and they must be tolerated, what-ever religion you were brought up with, is the best one.

Deeper Truth #49: What if the reason that leaders of most religious paths say that all religions lead to the same place and that not any one is better than another is because it’s actually true?

Imagine how the ego would have to surrender when it discovers that it really isn’t superior or inferior to any one else—it’s just one of the many.

Imagine connecting to the deeper truth that you don’t need to be better

or less than others.

Mass Hypnosis #50: Our culture is superior or inferior in one way or another to others.

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Deeper Truth #50: Is it possible that this line of thinking is pro-pelled by the deepest fears of inadequacy passed down from one generation to another?

Imagine celebrating the beauty of your own ethnic and/or religious culture, while at the same time having only curiosity and respect for others.

Imagine the freedom that’s possible when you let go of having to be supe-rior or live up to a higher moral code.

Imagine following the moral code of your ethnic group, religion, or internal guidance, simply because it was important to you to do so, not because you were intimidated.


Mass Hypnosis #51: There’s a perfect soul-mate out there for you and when you find him or her, you’ll live happily ever after.

Deeper Truth #51: Imagine discovering the greater understanding that your closest rela-tionships mirror back to you your own inner state. Some of it may be conscious and a lot may be unconscious.

Imagine coming to the realization that the more you love someone and bring out the best in them and overlook their flaws, while at the same time helping them to heal in ways that they are open to, the more love you get back in your life.

Mass Hypnosis #52: You are with someone so they can make you happy and complete you.

Deeper Truth #52: You are with someone so that you can learn to love.

Relationship is the most challenging aspect of life and yet the most rewarding. What if the very act of loving someone even when they don’t “deserve” to be loved, by your (lim-ited) human assessment (and the assessment of all your friends), helps you to grow into the highest and greatest expression of yourself.

What if you love your partner with all your heart and soul, not just for them, but because it’s the highest act of love that’s possible and, through that love, you heal the wounded parts of yourself that need to heal.

This is different from just putting up with someone, but withdrawing or reacting in a passive-aggressive way.

I’m talking about opening your heart fully and feeling whatever pain is there, that may be triggered or caused by the situation be-tween you and your partner, and loving them fully and completely anyway, expecting noth-ing in return.

What if that was the ultimate healing that society doesn’t inform us about?

Success and Living

Mass Hypnosis #53: If we keep working at it, we can eliminate all our problems. If we still have difficulty, somehow we have failed.

Deeper Truth #53: Imagine the relief it is to discover that life contains challenges not because there is something wrong with us or our family, but because that’s the nature of life.

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What if we came to the realization that it’s by working through the challenges we experience, whether that be finan-cial defeat, loss of a loved one, a failed relationship, disappointment in love and friendship, loss of material pos-sessions, a diminished social status,

aging and loss of physical beauty, that we grow into a better, stronger more

evolved version of our self?

Mass Hypnosis #54: Good people don’t have “bad” thoughts.

Deeper Truth #54: We all have different levels of consciousness that we go in and out of. The chatterbox part of the mind that feeds you thoughts incessantly in the space between your ears has the potential to fill you with fear, anxiety and doubt.

The good news is that this is not who you are and when you stop identifying

with these thoughts, they lose their power over you.

This doesn’t mean that you never again have negative thoughts, because in reality, negativi-ty is the default of the human condition.

However, as we evolve, we begin to become more and more conscious of these negative thoughts and rather than identifying with their content, we can simply notice them, detach from them, and make a choice about whether there is a particular course of action we need to take, or not.

Mass Hypnosis #55: You are your thoughts.

Deeper Truth #55: Your thoughts have a great influence on you and your energy, so it’s best to keep them positive as much as possi-ble. However, forcing yourself to think posi-tive can often yield the same result as trying not to think of a pink elephant – impossible!

The good news is, you are not a victim of your thoughts. Through the power within you that is available to shift your perspective and your consciousness, you can begin to intrinsically see things in a new way.

Situations that were unforgivable can be viewed through the eyes of compassion and understanding.

Rather than focusing on other people’s flaws and mistakes, your new focus

can allow you to see the whole person in a new context.

As you become more aware of your own, hidden or apparent weaknesses, you may find that you have more tolerance for others. And as you embrace your own strengths, you can begin to appreciate the strengths of others, as well.

Mass Hypnosis #56: You have to wear a mask at all times so people don’t know what you’re really like. In fact, it’s best to keep yourself hidden from yourself, too, by keeping super busy.

Deeper Truth #56: You are perfect exactly as you are, warts and all. You are loved, lov-ing and lovable. You are not your thoughts. You are not your judgments. You are not your emotions.

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You are not your physical body. You are not even separate. You are part of the whole. You are your deepest, most loving, free, spirited essential self. You are a light on this earth.

Even if up until this very moment, you have “chosen” or defaulted into playing a very negative role within the wholeness of human-ity, you can, right now, choose again. You have that option with every breath. The past doesn’t equal the future.

Mass Hypnosis #57: You have to work hard, look beautiful, young, and graceful and be successful and perfect to be loved.

Deeper Truth #57: There is no way to earn love. You will experience the most love when you give love and feel love. That’s an irony that we are not taught.

In order to feel more love, we have to first be aware of love and radiate and

project that love outward.

This is the reason we hear so much about meditation (and self-hypnosis). These are tools to help you to fill your heart with a sense of gratitude and love.

It’s by filling up with that love and absorb-ing it like a sponge, that it can fill you and radiate out from you, which becomes a bless-ing to yourself and everyone else around you. You literally become a magnet for love and can’t help but feel love.

Mass Hypnosis #58: Love comes from out-side of you.

Deeper Truth #58: Love is who each of us is, at the depth of our being. Love is

your essence—it is what you are made of. Underneath every thought, feeling and emo-tion (the good, bad, ugly and beautiful) is a field of infinite love.

Most of the time, this love is veiled from us, and yet it’s at our core. Isn’t that crazy?!

The love we are chasing is in the place that we are least likely to search—in our own hearts. Yes, other people reflect it back to us, but only when we radiate it out first.

Remember in the Intro, I asked you to imag-ine yourself as a newborn baby, just freshly arrived onto this planet? Why does everyone love a baby? Because even if an infant is cry-ing and whimpering, his or her essence radi-ates that pure light.

A baby holds no judgment towards anyone—even the most villainous. They only see with the eyes of love.

How would the world be different if our culture encouraged us to connect to our core of love every day and remember that it is the deepest truth and everything else is condi-tioning and/or fear?

Mass Hypnosis #59: You should be happy or there’s something wrong with you.

Deeper Truth #59: The truth is that the de-fault state of the human mind is negativity. It’s sort of like gravity. Unless you are consciously and actively pursuing a more positive, grateful state of mind, you will most likely gravitate to the negative.

This is not because you are “bad” or due to a fault in you, but it’s the way the brain is wired.

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That’s why all the sensational news is so ap-pealing to us. In a sense, we can’t help it.

But, in another way, we can! The hidden truth is that we do indeed have a choice be-cause beyond the default negative thinking is our wise mind—our higher intellect and our beautiful, loving heart.

With desire and motivation, we can allow the deep wisdom of the heart to lead us to that which is beautiful, true, right and sacred. Where we put our attention is what informs and guides us.

Mass Hypnosis #60: Your thinking should be much more positive, without any effort.

Deeper Truth #60: The way the brain is wired, if you received 10 compliments and one insult, you would most likely spend more time brooding over the rude remark than basking in the abundant praise and apprecia-tion that was showered on to you.

For some reason, positive comments and joyful experiences seem to wash over us like water runs off Teflon. We have to consciously decide to absorb positivity, like a sponge, by making a conscious decision to remember the positive and focus on how good experiences make us feel.

By rehearsing and reliving upbeat, warm, loving feelings, we can condi-tion our mind to actually feel more

optimistic and loved.

What we aren’t taught is that this is a con-scious, active process and doesn’t just happen randomly. Over time, this new, constructive and optimistic thought system can become a positive habit.

Are You Hypnotized by Your Own Limiting Beliefs and the Beliefs of

Your Loved Ones?

Mass Hypnosis #61: There’s not enough for me. I’m not enough.

Deeper Truth #61: The limiting belief, “There’s not enough or I am not enough,” is the very thing that is holding you back. You may defend that thought by saying it’s true, but my next question to you is, “Is that thought useful?”

Even if it has some truth to it, the perception of being less-than and not having enough is only based on seeing yourself at a very super-ficial level.

At a deeper level, you have enough, you do enough, you are enough. What if you ap-proached each day, not from a place of being behind the 8 ball, with a lack of time, love, money or beauty, but rather, with a feeling of fullness and anticipation about this day?

Imagine if your belief system said, “I am per-fectly guided today to the right people, plac-es and opportunities to expand, grow, serve and bring out the best in myself and others?” How would that thought, repeated, change the course of your day, and life?

Mass Hypnosis #62: I’m going to ultimately fail.

Deeper Truth #62: Fear is a part of the hu-man condition. When it comes up, we have a choice whether to be swept away in that fear and let it control us, or whether we can move into a healthier relationship with it.

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Having a healthier relationship with fear means not running away from it but not being dominated by it either. We don’t even have to engage with it. We can simply observe it and send our self and the fear-based thinking, compassion.

If we give the fear a voice, it has the ability to convince us that we are crazy for thinking of anything except all there is to be afraid of.

The way to freedom is to put fear in its place and remember that though it apparently exists, it’s only one part of

our experience.

Some spiritual teachings will say that fear isn’t real, but that’s a tough one to buy into when you are in the throws of anxiety—at a time when it feels so real and so strong.

I find that a more helpful perspective is real-izing that fear is only one slice of the pie, not the whole thing.

Just as the waves of the ocean feel and look so strong, while even just a few yards below the surface, the ocean is calm, unperturbed, silent and still, beneath all emotion is a simi-lar field of silence.

No matter how steeped your beliefs and the beliefs of your associates, friends and family are in fear, deeper than that is a sea of still-ness, calmness, serenity and intelligence.

Mass Hypnosis #63: My problems are over-whelming. I’m supposed to solve them and I can’t.

Deeper Truth #63: There are so many won-derful slogans to help each of us get through

difficult times and they are all true:

a. When one door closes another one opens, but if we spend too long looking at the closed door, we won’t see the one that’s opening.b. Take everything one day at a time or even one minute at a time.c. You are not alone. Even if everyone you thought would be there for you abandons you, someone or something will show up to help you . . . but you must have faith.d. You are stronger than you think.e. Inside every problem lies a solution.f. Every bad thing has the potential to open the door to something good.

When I look back over my life, it is evident that even the most difficult and challenging things that have happened to me—my great-est disappointments, hardships and failures—have led to deeper blessings than I could have ever imagined.

No problem is insurmountable and every-thing has the potential to lead us to greater good—but only if we are humble and ask for the support we need from the right sources, make wise decisions and take healthy actions with an eye on a new, better result than we created previously.

Sometimes it’s our biggest problems that lead us to the greatest growth and

our highest evolution.

It’s interesting to learn that diamonds are made from carbon, which is also the main component of coal. If that’s the case, why do coal and diamonds appear so different?

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Diamonds are formed when carbon, in the Earth’s mantle, is exposed to very high tem-peratures and extreme pressure for an extend-ed period of time.

Could it be that the “problems” that you and I experience—the ones that our belief systems want to reject as “bad,”—are really ex-erting on us the pressure we need to become the beautiful, humble, radiant, loving jewels we were meant to be?

Imagine if we were taught on a mass level the value of having patience and faith while performing the right ac-

tions we are guided to take?

Mass Hypnosis #64: I’m not smart/pretty/handsome/rich enough to achieve my goals.

Deeper Truth #64: Like the diamond in the rough, you have the potential and possibility to become and express any aspect of yourself that you choose. There is more to you than meets the eye.

Even if it’s true that you have certain limita-tions and flaws, that’s OK, because we all do. What you focus on grows. The mass media coupled with our own and other people’s beliefs is so good at focusing on and pointing out our flaws.

Instead, take a look at your strengths—the qualities in you that people love and admire. Maybe you are kind, compassionate, funny, generous, smart or full of life and energy.

If you have a goal that feels out of your reach right now, take a closer look at what you want. Break down the components to dis-cover if what you need to achieve it is accessi-ble to you.

Maybe you need to go back to school, learn a language or be trained in a specific skill. Perhaps you only need to refine a talent you already have.

Find someone who has the success that you want in this area of their life, and interview them, or model the positive traits that you see in them.

Mass Hypnosis #65: Other people have it eas-ier than me. They are just luckier because they are thinner, wealthier, funnier or smarter.

Deeper Truth #65: We are so conditioned to compare ourselves with others. But the best yardstick for how you are doing is comparing yourself to your self!

Have you improved over your life-time in areas such as reliability, honesty, trustworthi-ness, generosity, kindness, forgiveness, com-passion, peacefulness?

If not, that’s OK—you can set those goals today. Because if you are feeling bad about yourself and comparing yourself to others, chances are you are simply disappointed with some aspect of yourself.

Instead of berating yourself, create a plan for personal growth that’s doable

and that you can get excited about.

If you can say yes to your own positive devel-opment in these and other areas, then take time to celebrate yourself!

Wouldn’t it be nice if the mass message we heard was that it’s OK to love and respect yourself?

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Rest assured that who ever you are putting on a pedestal has also had to go through the pressures and challenges of life to become a more polished version of them self. None of us escape the process.

The only distinction between each of us is how quickly we learn from our own slip-ups and the mistakes of others.

How soon do we learn to seek from the sub-conscious intelligence in our hearts and souls a second opinion about how we are operating and responding to life?

What sets us apart and paves the way to our own success is, listening to our

inner guidance and forging a new, more productive path and remember-

ing that it’s not a competition.

Mass Hypnosis #66: This is not a safe place. We have to be on guard and defend ourselves.

Deepest Truth #66: It certainly does feel that way at times and yet when we react to that message of fear, we end up digging ourselves deeper and deeper into a painful hole of de-fensiveness, fighting and isolation.

Remember the different levels of awareness I have been referring to? Whenever some-thing comes at us that is hurtful—whether it be from our child, spouse, boss, co-worker, best friend, neighbor or stranger—if we react to that negative energy with the same type of sentiment, we will only keep the ball of fire going.

Though it is not easy to do, the only way to put out fire is with water. Water is love.

Even though it’s the human instinct to do so, when we come at fear/anger/judgment and criticism with more of the same high intensi-ty, by reacting with negativity and defensive-ness instinctively, we will only perpetuate and increase the damage.

The greatest harm that we are inflict-ing is not on the other person but on

our self.

Remember to keep the focus on your goal—what you want to achieve. If your desire is to get out of this mess (hell), no matter who started it or caused it, you must not stay in the same vibration where the negativity exists.

You must gather all your inner strength, mus-ter up your deepest spiritual connection—and respond to the onslaught with a higher level of energy than what is being dumped on you.

If you need to take time and space before you are physically capable of sincerely responding to dark energy with unconditional love, that’s OK.

Sometimes it’s easier to accomplish this task when you secretly remember that you are not giving love for the sake of the other person, but you are doing it for yourself, because you want to exist in a higher vibration of love.

A wise being once said, “When some-one throws you a stone, send them a

date.” I love that—it works!

Intelligence is doing what works to get the results you want. You will see that practicing this technique will free you from the mass consciousness of fear and distrust, and help you to regain a sense of control over your life.

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Mass Hypnosis #67: I’m separate. I’m alone.

Deeper Truth #67: We are all breathing the same air. Take time every day to look around you and contemplate that one simple truth.

Yes, you are separate and at the same time everything and all intelligence is contained in you. What a paradox! What if we were taught that life is a mystery to be enjoyed?

Mass Hypnosis #68: Our goal should be eter-nal youth. Growing old and dying are topics to be ignored and avoided.

Deeper Truth #68: I savor the fact that in an-cient times the group consciousness towards elders was reverence and respect. Nowadays, we are encouraged to stay forever young.

While it’s wonderful to have youthful levels of energy and enthusiasm, there is a grace to getting older and a wisdom that comes with it, that each of us can celebrate.

I love the following expression: from a human perspective, live each day as though you will live forever. From a spiritual perspective, live each day as

though it were your last.

For me, the bottom line in those words of wisdom is, do the right thing, or the best that you can in each moment. If you mess up, own your mistake and start over, to the best of your ability.

If you were going to live forever, from a human perspective, you’d have to pay the consequences of all your actions, for the rest of your life. But if there were a spiritual watchdog, per se, and you died tomorrow, you

wouldn’t have the opportunity to make right your wrongs.

Imagine looking at your life, not from the perspective of needing to cover up your im-perfections and be ashamed of any sign of aging, but rather as an opportunity to grow, experience life and evolve into the greatest expression of yourself.

Mass Hypnosis #69: Life and people are either good or bad. I want to repel the bad people and attract the good people.

Deeper Truth #69: This black or white think-ing is very limiting. In every bad thing, there is a hidden jewel of goodness and in every good fortune, there lies some kind of chal-lenge. It’s the yin and yang of life and the same is true for the people we encounter.

It’s only our expectations that constantly let us down when we expect the “good” people we have selected to never let us down, and don’t give a chance to the ones we have labeled as “bad.”

How freeing it would be to see everyone and everything as part of the whole, including our self. Imagine engaging with others with the understanding that they have beautiful, ele-vated qualities, and a shadow side as well.

The cool thing about having this awareness is that it takes you off the hook, too! You don’t have to be perfect, because you also are part of the whole.

Giving other people the space to ex-press themselves and grow can help

you to do the same for yourself.

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Mass Hypnosis #70: Life shouldn’t be this hard. There must be something wrong with me. My life is harder than most.

Deeper Truth #70: The mass hypnosis here is the belief that life should be any different than it is. If you sit and talk to anyone long enough you’ll discover that there are difficulties and challenges in every life.

What perpetuates the illusion that life should be other than it is, or that it’s better for some than for others, is the fact that we all cycle through life’s experiences and emotions at different rates.

Neither our best times, when life is sailing along smoothly, nor our chal-lenges, are necessarily happening at a rate that is simultaneous with others.

Therefore, we must remember that if we are going through a hard time and it feels like everyone else around us is blessed with only good fortune, this is illusion.

We all get exactly what we are sup-posed to get to grow into who we are


What sets our heroes apart is the fact that they handle their setbacks in a productive and admirable way, taking wise action and using the passage of time to slowly turn their bad luck into gold. That is surely something wor-thy of emulating.

Mass Hypnosis #71: You are either lucky or not.

Deeper Truth #71: It’s the steps we take each and every day that help determine how “lucky” we are. There is certainly some amount of good fortune that determines our destiny and yet much of the outcome we ex-perience in life is of our own doing.

There is an expression: If you give a hand, you’ll get an arm. When you put effort into creating the life you

want, you get back not only what you put in—but so much more.

Even if you are one of the “lucky” ones it takes effort and energy to sustain a life of good fortune.

Rather than thinking of creating and sustain-ing a blessed life as “hard work” or “unattain-able,” you may consider the idea that reaching for your goals can be an exciting challenge, particularly when your dreams benefit others as well as yourself. What better use of your time could there be?

Taking Your Power Back

I think you get the idea of how we are being influenced, subliminally and overtly each and every day by advertising, the media, our cul-ture and by our own limiting beliefs.

It’s scary to realize that even the music and lighting in shops and restaurants are carefully masterminded in order to mold our choices.

The great news is that we can absolutely take our power back by deciding to do so. I would like to share with you 30 more Deeper Truths—secrets to eliminating stress, feel joy and lose unwanted pounds.

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Deeper Truth #72: You have the choice to de-viate from the beliefs and expectations of your tribe. I have clients who are afraid to make changes in their lives because of how their loved ones may react.

Assuming you only have this one life, you owe it to yourself to make it your

best life. Rather than seeing deviating from old expectations that no longer serve you as an act of rebellion, con-

sider it an act of love, courage and leadership.

When I first started eating healthy food, it was in an era where healthy eaters were frowned upon and labeled “health nuts.”

Now a few decades later, eating green is cele-brated. Consider yourself a trend-setter! As long as you do it with love, any criticism is bound to fall away, in time.

Deeper Truth #73: It’s OK if people don’t agree with you. Give them the space to pro-cess their own emotions and reactions. Often that’s all they need to make a shift and “come around.”

Deeper Truth #74: Life is flowing, shifting and evolving and so are you. The only con-stant is that nothing stays the same. Rather than being rigid, soften your stance. Even if things are uncomfortable, realize that, “This, too, shall pass.”

Deeper Truth #75: If you are in a place of discomfort, practice fast-forwarding in time, in your imagination, and picture the whole situation resolved.

How long do you think you will need to wait to experience the outcome you desire? If by going forward in time, in your imagination, it feels as if it will take five years before you can experience a healing in your life situation, bring the feeling of resolution and inner peace in nearer right now.

Imagine the five years going by, in this instant, and the outcome you desire closer to you. Dare to experience that peace here and now.

Deeper Truth #76: Give up the need to know and understand. The conscious mind always thinks it needs to understand why things hap-pen as they do. However, demanding that is a waste of energy. We will never truly under-stand or know why life is as it is.

Deeper Truth #77: Acceptance is the key to happiness. If that’s too difficult, try accepting that you can’t accept what’s happening.

Deeper Truth #78: When you lose someone you love, whether by death, divorce or just physical or emotional distance, remember that the one you love is always in your heart.

Take time to feel their essence and their love with you, even though you

can’t be with them physically.

At first doing so may just increase your sad-ness. However, in time and with practice, you can draw in great strength and comfort from holding near to you the wisdom, love and beauty of your loved one.

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Deeper Truth #79: Instead of needing conditions to be perfect, affirm to yourself, “Even though __________is happening, I love, accept and appreciate myself exact-ly as I am,” or “Even though I am feeling ¬¬¬¬¬¬____________, I love, accept and appreciate myself exactly as I am.

Deeper Truth #80: It’s OK to soften your belly, let your jaw relax, release any tension in your shoulders and feel your feet against the floor or in your shoes. Tell yourself, “I am safe.”

Deeper Truth #81: You are stronger than you think you are.

Deeper Truth #82: Nothing is as it appears to be.

Deeper Truth #83: Nothing means what you think it does. This takes everyone and every-thing off the hook, including you.

Deeper Truth #84: There is no single cause for any particular event. Something occur-ring now may have happened due to another, seemingly unrelated event that happened decades ago.

For example, my friend, Jamie’s, father did something that hurt her deeply. After a peri-od of suffering as a result of the incident, and much soul searching and prayer, she realized that her father may never have done what he did, had it not been for a similar incident that occurred a century ago, involving her great grandmother.

Following this epiphany, she felt at peace. Without the blame and judgment towards her father, Jamie felt like a heavy weight had been lifted.

We can never consciously understand all the interrelationships between our-

selves and other people.

Deeper Truth #85: Happiness is remember-ing and doing your best to live by Mahatma Ghandi’s famous quote: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

You may wish that your Mother or Father had taken it upon themselves to be this change. However, since they didn’t do so to the extent that you may have liked, it’s up to you—the next generation—to make that change—not just for yourself, but for those who will follow you.

Deeper Truth #86: There’s no such thing as a “private” thought. Your thoughts contain energy and this energy is transparent and felt by others.

Your “innocent” thoughts are making an impact whether you are consciously aware of this fact or not. The good news is that you can change your thoughts with intention, mo-tivation and desire.


Deeper Truth #87: You are drawing towards you, with your thoughts, actions and energy (emotion is energy in motion) the next set of circumstances in your life.

If you are not happy with your life situation, or parts of it, realize that by shifting your thoughts, words, energy and actions, you are subtly changing your current and/or future life situation.

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This isn’t always easy—I know—yet, when you muster the strength to do it sincerely, the results are often miraculous!

Your state today is to some degree a reflection of your thoughts, words and actions of yes-terday. No need to spend a great deal of time feeling guilty. Instead, use that information as a motivator to make a shift.

Deeper Truth #88: One way to help you deal with difficult emotions is to think of them as clouds in the sky of your mind and remember that around all the clouds is a vast, beautiful, light-filled sky.

Your mind-body contains your es-sence, which is vast, beautiful and

mysterious, like the sky. Identify with the vastness of your being instead of the small and sometimes dark emo-tions or thoughts that are moving


Deeper Truth #89: Behind the clouds is the sun. Did you ever fly through a stream of clouds on an airplane? When the plane broke through those clouds, wasn’t it a relief to see the sun? Yet when you were going through the mist, everything was just a haze—there was no light.

In the same way, we go through dark periods in our lives. Sometimes they are strong and they may feel like they can overtake us. You may feel alone and lost.

At some point in our lives, each of us goes through this “dark night of the soul.” Try to remember that the sun in you—your soul and essence—is still alive and shining, loving and guiding you—even though its presence is not

felt by you, consciously. This is where faith comes in.

Deeper Truth #90: There’s a great expression: Faith wouldn’t be faith if you had pure, defini-tive evidence. This is so true.

We need faith just because without it, life can be unbearable. The good news is that our faith helps us to reap great


With faith, we are able to get through the dark times more easily. With faith, help arrives more quickly and we get what we’re needing, without having to manipulate and control people, life and situations.

With sustained faith, we begin to be assured that our needs are in fact

being met.

Deeper Truth #91: If you want to increase your faith in a higher power or in the deeper wisdom that resides in the depth of your own heart and soul, try the following experiment.

Sincerely, bow your head to your heart. Just temporarily agree to let your heart center take the lead.

Imagine that all your thoughts could just drop into your heart. If the image of your thoughts being written in your heart works for you, use it.

Often, placing your hand on the center of your chest helps to increase your connection, and helps you to invoke a Higher Power.

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The goal is to awaken a feeling sense of con-nection—not a thought—but a feeling sense of a living presence in your own heart, the space between your breastbone and your spine.

Even if it seems like that living presence is completely made up, that’s OK. Fake it until you make it.

The subconscious part of the mind doesn’t know the difference between

what’s real and what’s imagined.

Stopping the exercise right here and just basking in the lightness, serenity and beauty of your heart center is a wonderful practice in itself.

However, to help you get closer to your goal of increasing your faith, ask this place to help you to find something that you’ve lost.

Remember, intention is everything. If you ask in a cocky, disbelieving way, chances are your results won’t be very satisfying.

However, if, with practice, you can truly hum-ble yourself and ask, while holding a belief that your highest inner power wants to help you, you will begin to get answers.

Deeper Truth #92: After gaining some ex-perience with making contact with your own deeper self by connecting to your heart, use that connection to get guidance on the ques-tions you have about your life.

Demanding answers isn’t going to work. However, humility and surrender are very powerful when they are sincere. Imagine that you could talk to the living presence in your own heart and ask it for help.

The communication with your sacred inner heart is most likely going to be subtle.

However, the more open you are to receiving answers, the more you will recognize them in whatever form they come to you, whether that is pictures, thoughts, ideas or even a voice. Deeper Truth #93: When you are experienc-ing difficulty either with your own emotions or with a troubling situation in your life, ex-panding your awareness can help you to shift your perspective.

Ask yourself, “What else is true?” For exam-ple, you may say to yourself, “Yes, my son is being very rebellious and his actions are very hurtful, but I am becoming aware of more than that fact.”

Asking, “What else is true?” will open up new revelations to you. What comes to your mind may be a reminder that you have two other children who are in a very positive, loving, successful space, at this time.

Or, you may realize that your son is upset, temporarily, because of an increased work load.

You may remember that you experienced this same difficulty years ago, with another child, and the situation completely resolved itself, with the passage of time.

By asking, “What else is true?” you gain an opportunity to see things from

a wider vantage point.

Deeper Truth #94: As I mentioned earlier, sometimes when we have challenges in rela-tionship, our pain is exacerbated by the idea that the other person is trying to hurt us.

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This is especially true when you have repeat-edly asked them to change the behavior.

How differently you may feel if you took the position that the other person couldn’t do it any differently than he or she did or they would have.

How much better would you feel if you re-minded yourself not to take the unwanted behavior personally? What if you told your-self that the other person is behaving exactly as he/she is programmed to act?

That doesn’t mean that you don’t make your requests heard. However, it may be helpful to interpret the fact that you are in relation-ship with someone who acts in this particular way, as a signal to you from your deepest wis-dom, that there’s something for you to learn.

Could this be an opportunity for you to develop much needed qualities such as strength, patience, compassion and


Deeper Truth #95: Often we’re inwardly an-noyed with our life situation and spend much energy trying to get rid of our “problems.”

What if instead of working so hard to change your circumstance, you relaxed with the realization that, “If it wasn’t this, it would be something else.” This works particularly well in relationship.

I had a client who was upset that her husband was so loud (and in her opinion, obnoxious). We talked about what she loved about him.

He was extremely helpful, very smart, he could fix and do many things, he loved her fully and completely and encouraged her

freedom and growth. Additionally, she admit-ted that her husband was generous and suc-cessful. Wow, that was a long list!

Upon re-discovering her husband’s assets, she put his “rude” behavior in perspective. Through the hypnosis work together, she remembered how much she loved him and imagined him in his highest light.

She concentrated on their wedding day and let herself fill with the good feelings. Finally, she reminded herself that if she was with a different man, he may be more subdued and better able to pick up on social cues, but he was unlikely to have all the wonderful attri-butes of her beloved.

She left the sessions with a whole new attitude about her husband and with a renewed feeling of love and respect for him.

She called me months later to tell me how happy she was. She had lost 12 lbs but the best part of her success was the change in her mar-riage. Ironically, her husband was much more fun and respectful in social situations!

Often when we change on the inside, the people around us do, too. It’s one

of the great mysteries of consciousness!

Deeper Truth #96: When dealing with your own and other people’s emotions, instead of focusing on what you can’t tolerate, and what you want to get rid of, think about expanding your container.

The earth provides a wonderful metaphor. This planet contains so much. It holds the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.

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It tolerates scores of weather patterns and varying energies and climates.

Ultimately the earth contains us all. In the same way, part of our human growth requires that we also learn to contain our own and other people’s idiosyncrasies, without rushing to judgment and the need to “fix” them.

Deeper Truth #97: Often we spend a lot of time analyzing why we do what we do. I can’t tell you how many times I’ll hear a client say to me, “I don’t know why I don’t exercise, when I know that I should,” or “I know exact-ly how to lose weight and eat healthy, but I’m just not doing it.”

There is an uncomplicated reason why we do things as we do. Are you ready? It’s so simple! The reason you and I behave the way we do—from the actions we take to the thoughts we think and the words we speak—is because we took the same actions, had the same thoughts and spoke the same words, yesterday.

That’s right; we do things as we do be-cause we are comfortable with

our old habits.

Even if it doesn’t make sense, we want to repeat the past. We are programmed to do so. In a way, that makes life easier but in anoth-er way it can wreak havoc in the life you are trying to create.

The good news is that you can change the program, but you need to install a new pro-gram in order for this shift to occur.

This is the purpose of hypnosis and self-hyp-nosis: to install a new video in the mind, that entices the subconscious to respond to a new message.

Only when we change the mental tape, do we see a different response

in ourselves.

Practice imagining a new outcome and let this new way of being become real for you, in your subconscious, by not just seeing it but feeling it.

Though the subconscious is the seat of pow-er, it’s only by making a conscious decision to feed your subconscious mind new informa-tion that you can begin to see the changes you are longing for.

Pretend that you are an actor or ac-tress and imagine, with all your sens-

es, what it would be like to behave differently.

See yourself responding in a way that brings out the best in you and your life situation changing for the better.

Now you are planting seeds in your subcon-scious for new, more productive behaviors and outcomes.

Deeper Truth #98: The subconscious part of your mind is like a computer. It runs on programming and it doesn’t stop to evaluate if the program makes sense. It just operates automatically.

The subconscious mind part of the mind is what takes over whenever you’re doing any kind of familiar activity, such as driving your car to a routine location or getting dressed in the morning. So it’s not a bad thing—it actu-ally makes your life easy—you don’t have to think about every single step along the way.

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Think of your mind as a garden and you’re the gardener. It’s up to you to

plant the kind of seeds in your garden that you want to see flourish and grow.

The seeds, of course, are your thoughts and it’s the thoughts that you think repetitively that lead to repetitive behavior. It’s those behav-iors that you’ve been repeating over time that make it much more likely that you are going to again repeat the same exact behaviors in the future.

Even though, in any given moment, aren’t there an infinite number of possible choices we can each make?

Isn’t it interesting that despite the variety of options that are available, we tend to repeat the same behaviors—even the same phrases—over and over again?

It’s the thoughts that we’ve been repeating in our heads over time, and our subsequent ac-tions, prompted by those thoughts, that create the stories of our lives.

If we want the story to be different, we have to start with the way we are interpreting our life, the people in our lives, and ourselves.

Ask your inner self—the powerful, vast subconscious—to show you a new

way to see yourself and your life.

To help you do that, get quiet, close your eyes and perhaps commune with some beautiful aspect of nature—a tree, a flower, an animal, a river, infant, sunset or stone.

Then, drop into your heart by placing your hand on your chest. Imagine a golden, radiant

light in the center of your chest.

Imagine this light is a living presence that contains all of life and supersedes all energies. The light is filled with the life force energy that’s breathing you and all of nature, simulta-neously.

Rest in this place. If any images or thoughts come to mind, drop them into this vast light in your heart. Imagine that the white light is purifying these images and thoughts for you and shifting your response to them, by ex-panding your consciousness.

Ask your inner self to free you from suffer-ing and bring you closer to Enlightenment. Suspend disbelief and remember the famous title of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book: “You’ll see it when you believe it!”

Deeper Truth #99: To help you to let go of everything you need to let go of, use the following statements. Remember to say them like you mean them.

It can be helpful to realize that release is the key to happiness and freedom. Though it often seems as though it’s the outer circum-stances and people in our lives who are mak-ing us unhappy, truly it’s what we are holding onto that gives us a feeling of being stuck and constricted.

Try these affirmations to get your freedom and inner power back:

“I release all negativity, all criticism, all judgment and all un-forgiveness to my Divine Mind to be dissolved and

healed completely.”

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I release all negativity—know and unknown, real or imagined, conscious or unconscious, coming from me or towards me, in all direc-tions, past, present and future. I release every-thing to my Higher Mind to be dissolved and healed completely. I go free and I set you free.”

Now take a deep breath and bask in the feel-ing of release and letting go.

Deeper Truth #100: If you are like most people, you hold much more tension in your body than you are aware of moment to mo-ment. This tension perpetuates negative thinking and fear.

Consciously, allow all your muscles to relax. Don’t force—just allow. Imagine your muscles going loose and limp like a rag doll.

Become aware of any tension that you may be holding in your mind-body and just let it go. Tell yourself, “I release the past—I let it go. I release all tension. My body is relaxing.”

Gently scan your body for tension from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes, remembering to include your whole face, es-pecially around the jaw. Let your jaw go loose and limp by parting your teeth slightly.

Let the relaxation drift into your neck and throat, down your arms into your hands, fingers and fingertips. Become aware of the sensations in your fingers and fingertips.

Take a moment to reflect on the fact that these sensations are always there but generally they remain outside of your awareness.

This is a metaphor for how much informa-tion you are blocking out continuously. It can be so helpful to remember this insight the

next time you’re completely fixated on a par-ticular train of thought, especially one that is making you unhappy.

In that moment, when you feel so strongly that you are seeing things as they actually are, the truth is that because of the limitation inherent in your conscious mind, you are only aware of whatever data supports the particu-lar idea you are focused on.

All contradictory data is veiled from your consciousness unless you consciously choose to expand your awareness and seek to be shown deeper, more expansive truths.

Continue scanning and consciously telling your whole body to relax—including your chest, belly, pelvis and hips. Imagine your whole body going loose and limp, opening, softening and letting go.

Relax your legs, feet and toes. Feel your feet in your shoes or on the floor. Imagine the earth supporting you and gravity doing its job. Pic-ture an orange ball of light deep in your belly, behind your belly button.

Visualize a cord of light, of any diameter, connecting this ball of light, down through the earth, to the hot molten core at the center of the earth. Imagine this connection to the earth strengthening and grounding you.

Practice this exercise daily as a way to in-crease your feeling of safety and protection.

Deeper Truth #101: I once heard a wise teacher say, “God is the ocean; the people are the rivers.” Though any particular river may dry up at any given time, the ocean is always full, rich and available.

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The ocean of peace, safety, love and pro-tection is always accessible to you. Though people may let you down, at times, and some will cycle out of your life, the ocean of love and intelligence is continuously connecting you with all of life.

Refresh yourself in this liberating under-standing. In fact, take a moment to contem-plate the actuality that at the deepest level, the ocean of peace and love is who you are. That’s right—you don’t have to chase it because your very essence springs forth from it.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, to take a break from all the messages to the contrary, and just bask in the inner knowing that you are so much more than your conscious mind knows?

Imagine having the faith that all your needs are being met, in time. You don’t have to do more, have more, be more.

Every behavior has a consequence and that’s the reason to freely choose to try out a new behavior, not because some outer authority is forcing you to.

Imagine taking your power back by remembering that you are at choice

and that in each moment you have the potential to select a new option.

You are not bound by the past. If you made a mess, you can clean it up. If it’s too big to clean up quickly, it just may take more time.

In each moment you are at a crossroads. Look beyond the immediate impulse to be-have, think or speak a certain way and look outward to the likely outcome. Is this what you want? If not, choose again. Relax, connect to your heart and remember

your resources—all the divine qualities that are available to you to help you on your jour-ney.

That’s right—drink in compassion, mercy, love, peace, wisdom, joy, ser-

vice, wholeness, adventure and friend-ship—for your journey.

Through all the ups and downs, imagine viewing the journey of your life as giving you the potential to step into your very highest, best, most fulfilling possibility.

Despite all the messages that tell you the opposite, whether from advertisers, the me-dia, your culture or the conditioning of your past beliefs and the beliefs of your loved ones, you are not bound by the mass hypnosis that abounds.

You can choose to go inward to connect to a greater reality and a deeper truth (with a capital T).

Armed with the strength gathered from that inner connection, go forth in the world to create the life you dream of—the life of hap-piness, mental and physical health and fulfill-ment that is your birthright.

Thank you so much for allowing me to take this journey with you. I love to hear from you! Please stay in touch with me by posting a message on my Blog: http://RenaGreenberg.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/rena.greenberg Twitter: https://twitter.com/RenaGreenberg

Let me know how you are breaking free from who and what is hypnotizing you and how you are taking your power back!