Recently, while surfing on the internet, I came across the article where the author claims the Egyptians deity ‘Amun’ as Lord Krishna. According to the author, during his journey across the ancient sacred sites of Egypt, he attended the light and sound show at temple complex in karnak. In this show, he heard a dialogue echoing from the loudspeakers “I am Amon-Ra...The waters of the Nile sprout from my sandals.” Sound and light show at karnak He symbolically decoded this statement with the depiction of Hindu deity lord Vishnu in which you find the sacred river ganga emerging from the toes of lord Vishnu. Note that lord Krishna is believed to be an incarnation of lord vishnu. In this article, I will be discussing his research on Egyptians god 'Amun' as lord Krishna by validating his research with my own additional points. Before we proceed further, we must have the better understanding of Egyptians chief deity ‘Amun’ Who is ‘Amun?’ Starting from 2 nd millennium BC , A mun was worshipped as the creator god of the universe and one of the national gods of Egypt. Being a primeval god, He was title as A mun-re-Kamutef. In hermopolis, a city in southern Egypt, he along with goddess This article is downloaded from www.mallstuffs.com

Who is ‘Amun?’ ndmallstuffs.com/blogs/pdf...Lord Vishnu on eagle headed deity Garuda Scriptural Similarities between Amun and Krishna/Vishnu The Boulaq Papyrus (dated 1552-1295

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Page 1: Who is ‘Amun?’ ndmallstuffs.com/blogs/pdf...Lord Vishnu on eagle headed deity Garuda Scriptural Similarities between Amun and Krishna/Vishnu The Boulaq Papyrus (dated 1552-1295

Recently, while surfing on the internet, I came across the article where the author claimsthe Egyptians deity ‘Amun’ as Lord Krishna. According to the author, during his journeyacross the ancient sacred sites of Egypt, he attended the light and sound show attemple complex in karnak. In this show, he heard a dialogue echoing from theloudspeakers “I am Amon-Ra...The waters of the Nile sprout from my sandals.”

Sound and light show at karnak He symbolically decoded this statement with the depiction of Hindu deity lord Vishnuin which you find the sacred river ganga emerging from the toes of lord Vishnu. Notethat lord Krishna is believed to be an incarnation of lord vishnu.In this article, I will be discussing his research on Egyptians god 'Amun' as lord Krishnaby validating his research with my own additional points. Before we proceed further, wemust have the better understanding of Egyptians chief deity ‘Amun’

Who is ‘Amun?’Starting from 2nd millennium BC , A mun was worshipped as thec reator god of the universe and one of the national gods ofEgypt. Being a primeval god, He was title as A mun-re-Kamutef.In hermopolis , a c ity in southern Egypt, he along with goddess

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amaunet was cons idered as c reator deities , with power over airand wind. He is either depic ted in anthropoid form, with a longbeautiful c rown, or in the shape of man with a two tall plumescontaining os trich feathers surmounted on his head, a longbeautiful necklace and c lose fitting garment. A mun (meaning anInvis ible O ne) has a scepter in one hand symbolizing power andin the other; he has an ankh, the symbol of life. He is oftenshown s itting on the throne of a kingdom like a pharaoh. He along with his wife mut and son khonsu formed the sac redtriad of thebes .

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Traid of Amun, mut and khonsu Later, as he became the chief deity, he was merged with Sun god ‘Ra’ to become a newdeity called Amun -Ra. Amun-Ra was depicted with the head of a hawk surmounting abright golden disk(Symbolizing sun), encircled by a serpent. In 1700s B.C when Hyksosconquered northern Egypt, Amun was worshipped only in southern Egypt but after theEgyptians defeated hykos in 1500s B.C, his influence spread across whole of Egypt andneighboring countries. Even today, two of the largest temple in Egypt, located at Luxorand Karnak, is dedicated to Amun.

Similarities between Amun and Krishna/Vishnu A mun is depic ted in a blue color with two feather surmounted onhis head c rown. Now if you ask any Indian “Who is the bluecolored god with feathers on his head”, then the answer would belord Krishna, the deity with beautiful peacock feathers around hishead adding his beauty and excellence.

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Egyptians dei ty Amun (Left) and Indian Dei ty Krishna(Right) One point worth to note here i s that Lord Krishna died in3102 BC and Amun became the dei ty of Egypt in 2000 BC. So,there i s a very high probabi l i ty that legend of lord Krishnareached Egypt a mi l lennium after the demise of lord

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Krishna. In Egypt, loca l tradi tions , customs and bel ief wereadded to form a new dei ty Amun symbol izing lord Krishna.(Temples dedicated to dei ty Amun at Luxor and Amun hasbeen dated to 2055-1650 BC). I f one tries to decode etymology of word A mun, one can findassoc iation with Krishna. In Egypt, A mun is written as Ymn,which is spelled as “Yamun” or “Yamanu”. O ne can eas ily relatesac red river Yamuna to word “Yamanu” or “Yamun”. To those whodon’t know, Yamuna is the river s ituated on the banks of Gokul(V rindavan), the place where lord Krishna spent his childhood. I tis quite poss ible that the word “Ymn” may have been subsequentlydecoded as “A mun” in Egypt, but this is not enough s ince theother two names ‘Mut’ and ‘Khonsu’ cannot be etymologicallyreferred with subhadra/ lakshmi and balarma/sheshnag. In Egyptian texts , you will find number of hymns in which A munis assoc iated with falcon-headed god Horus . Now the sameconcept can be found in H indu mythology where Lord V ishnu isassoc iated with eagle headed deity Garuda, who ac ts as hisvehic le.

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Lord V ishnu on eagle headed deity Garuda Sc riptural Similarities between A mun and Krishna/V ishnuThe Boulaq P apyrus (dated 1552-1295 BC ) desc ribes A mun asthe “Lord of the universe who is in all things , who is greates t inHeaven. He is the supreme c reator and everything happensbecause of him. He is the savior of the poor and protec tor of thedevotees .” Now if you have read bhagavad gita, then you will eas ily findmany verses with the meaning exac tly s imilar to the aboveinsc riptions found in papyrus .

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Actual Sanskrit verse PARITRANAYA SADHOONAAM VINASHAYACHA DUSHKRITAAM DHARMA SAMSTHAPANARTHAYA SAMBHAVAAMI YUGE YUGE Translation: For the protection of the righteous , for the des truction of wicked,and for the es tablishment of Dharma, I am born in every age. I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds . Everythingemanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in mydevotional service and worship me with all their hearts ."(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.8)

should be understood that all species of life, o son of Kunti, are made possible bybirth in this material nature, and that I am the seed giving father” (Lord Krishna,Bhagavad-Gita 14.4) “I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire”(LordKrishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.17) “The whole cosmic order is under me. By my will it is manifested again and again, andby my will it is annihilated at the end” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.8) “Furthermore, O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being,moving or unmoving, that can exist without me” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.39)

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Lord krishna guiding arjuna “I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds . Everythingemanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in Mydevotional service and worship Me with all their hearts ”(LordKrishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.8) “Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, knowfor certain that I am both the origin and the dissolution” (LordKrishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.6)

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“I give heat, and I withhold and send forth the rain” (Lord Krishna,Bhagavad-Gita 9.19) “With a s ingle fragment of myself I pervade and support this entireuniverse”(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.42) “This material nature, which is one of my energies is working undermy direction”(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.10) “There is no truth beyond Me. Everything res ts upon Me, as pearlsare s trung on a thread”(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.7) “I am the supersoul, O Arjuna, seated in the hearts of all livingentities ; I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all beings”(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.20)

Opet Festival (Rath yatra) in Egypt Further, there is a mention of annual opet festival celebration inKarnak, where the idols of Amun, his wife Mut and son Khonsuwere placed on sacred boats, which was pulled by devotees in ajoyous, splendid procession to the venue of Sphinx, about 2miles away from temples of Luxor and Karnak.

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Pulling of sacred boats in ancient opet festival

On reaching Luxor temple, sacred rituals were conducted to coronate kings, which weremeant to transfer the power of Amun to the pharaoh. This annual opet festival isdepicted beautifully on walls of Luxor temple. Idols of Amun, mut and khonsu werewashed with local religious rituals and then beautifully dressed with colorful garments,dress and precious jewelry. These dressed idols were then placed on boats. The pharaohwould offer his obeisance on the boats and would order the beginning of pulling up ofboat by priests and locals. Musicians would play pleasant music to entertain the crowdand local crowds would clap, sing and dance to the enchanting music of the trumpets,horns, flutes etc.

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Locals dancing to the tunes of music in opet festival Chariots with magnificently decorated horses would be a part of the procession. Localswould offer their prayers to the triad idols by burning incense sticks and offering foods,fruits etc. On reaching Luxor temple, sacred rituals were conducted to coronate kings,which were meant to transfer the power of Amun to the pharaoh. After thesecoronation rites, idols would stay at Luxor for a brief period of time after which anotherprocession begins to bring back the idol to Karnak, along the route of river Nile. ThisOpet festival was initially celebrated for 11 days which later go extended to 25 to 27days. Similarities of O pet Fes tival with Rath yatra

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I f you narrate this detailed desc ription of opet fes tival to anyIndian then he would complain “A re you fooling me by calling anIndian fes tival an Egyptian fes tival?” Yes an exac tly s imilar fes tival is celebrated every year after thebeginning of monsoon season in the eas tern coas tal c ity of P uri,s ituated in s tate of O rissa. In India, this fes tival is called asRathayatra fes tival. Rath means ‘C hariot’ and Yatra ‘Journey’. So,Rathyatra combiningly means sac red journey of the chariot.Idols of lord Krishna (or Jagannath), s is ter Subhadra and brotherBalaram are placed in three beautifully decorated huge chariots .Ins tead of horses , lakhs of devotees pulls these chariots alongthe 2 kilometer road (Note the dis tance) connec ting the coas talJagannath Temple to Gundicha Temple.Similar to opet fes tival,this fes tival is celebrated splendidly with mus ic , hymns, song,dance, prayers etc . T raditionally, king of P uri would offer theirobeisance to the triad idols . However in modern times , localleaders would offer their obeisance to the sac red idols . Theseleaders would not only offer their obeisance but would also c leanthe path of the chariots or would pull the sac red chariotthemselves .

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Top BJP leaders LK A dvani and Ravi Shankar P rasad at annualrath yatra A s per the belief, P erson pulling the chariot or seeing the faceof Jagannath (Krishna) gets absolved of all his pas t s ins . A fterreaching Gundicha Temple, idols s tays for seven days afterwhich another process ion known as U lta rath (Reverse C hariot)begins to bring back the idol to Jagannath temple. This wholefes tival goes on for 25-26 days , matching with the number ofdays of O pet fes tival. Krishna brother Balaram is regarded as an incarnation of“A nanta-Sesha” - the primeval serpent on which lord V ishnures ts in the middle of the M ilky cosmic O cean. O n walls ofKarnak, Son of A mun, khonsu is depic ted as the “Great Snakewho fertilizes the C osmic Egg in the c reation of the world”(Wikipedia). Now with no doubt, we can say khonsu is “A nanta-Sesha” , the great serpent on which lord V isnnu res ts in the

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middle of cosmic ocean.

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Lord V ishnu res ting on A nanta shesha Mut (wife of A mun) is called as a manifes tation of the suprememother goddess whereas in hindu mythology, Subhadra orGoddess Lakshmi, both are regarded as the manifes tations of

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supreme universal mother goddess ‘Durga’. C heck below link formore Is Goddess Durga the supreme universal mother<http://www.malls tuffs .com/Blogs/BlogDetails .aspx?BlogId=182&BlogType=Spiritual&Topic=Is%20Goddess%20Durga%20the%20supreme%20universal%20mother

H is tory of Rath yatra in India Scholars have dated rath yatra to the V edic times , much olderthan the Egyptians opet fes tival. Though the current Jagannathtemple dates to 1200 A D, it is said that fes tival of rathyatra hasbeen celebrated s ince thousands of years . Before thecons truc tion of current Jagannath temple, there exis ted a smallV ishnu temple from where the Rath yatra process ion is said tobegin. A ll the deities of Jagannath are made of wood of neem tree.Heights of the idols are between 2 .5 to 3 meters . Layers ofbeautiful garments made of pure s ilk are wrapped on the woodenidols of deities .

Idols of Krishna (Right), subhadra(M iddle) and Balarama(Left) Before demise of lord Krishna, the three idols of Jagannath

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temple were lord V ishnu, his consort goddess Lakshmi andSheshnag (The divine serpent on which lord V ishnu res t). Inmany anc ient Indian sc riptures , you will find goddess Lakshmihailing sheshnag as his son. C ompare this with the Egyptianvers ion (A mun, his consort mut and son khonsu). A fter the demise of lord Krishna, these idols were given the newforms of lord Krishna, s is ter Subhadra and brother Balrama. Notethat lord Krishna is an incarnation of lord V ishnu whereas fairskinned Balrama is an incarnation of sheshnag. Even in modern Egypt, the O pet fes tival has taken a new form.In present day Egypt, O pet fes tival is celebrated with aprocess ion of a Mus lim saint in a sac red boat. Rath yatra in anc ient sc riptures The Skanda Purana dec lares the firs t Jagannath templecons truc ted in P uri in Krita Yuga, Which as per the H inducalendar began at 10 ,900 BC . In Mahabharata, I t is saidP andavas travelled to P uri to worship Jagannath (V ishnu). P uriis one of the four most sac red places (C har-Dham) of H induism. The Skanda Purana(composed in 1500BC ) glorifies the sanc tityof the Rath Jatra in the following words- Sanskrit Gundicha mandapam namam jatrahamajanam pura A shwamedhasahasrasya mahabedi tadadvabat. Translation: Those who are fortunate to see the deities of the Srimandira inthe Gundicha Temple, the final des tination of the process ion ofthe chariots , derive the benefits of a thousand horse sac rifices ,an immensely pious deed. In other Indian anc ient sc riptures like P adma Purana , NaradaPurana and the Ramayana, benefits , virtues and glories ofworshipping Jagannath has been extolled. Since Jagannath

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refers to V ishnu i.e., he was worshipped in kaliyuga as Krishna.The fes tival is , therefore, indubitably V edic in origin. I t is said that the process ion of rath yatra with idols of lordKrishna, brother balarama, and s is ter Subhadra began after thedemise of lord Krishna.

O cean of c rowds (Es timated 10 lakhs) dying to pull the threechariots of Jagananth, Balarama and subhadra This may be because of lord Krishna following verse in thebhagavad gita. “A tmaanam rathinam viddhi shareeram rathamevatu Buddhim tusaarathim viddhi manah pragrahameva cha”T rans lation: The body is the C hariot and the soul is the deity ins talled in thechariot. The wisdom ac ts as the charioteer to control the mindand thoughts . V edic A rchitec ture in Egyptians templesSome his torian’s c laims to find the inc redible footprints of V edic

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temple architec ture in the grand temple complexes set up atluxor and karnak. Many his torians c laim of incorporation of vedic knowledge intemples of luxor and karnak. Egyptologis t R.A .Schwaller deLubicz s tudied Luxor temple for 15 years and conc luded “thevarious sec tions of the human body had been incorporated intothe proportions of the temple. He found that spec ific locationswithin the temple correspond to the seven H indu C hakras(energy centers ) in the human body. These locations ac tuallys timulate experiences and feelings that dowsers and meditators

are able to perceive consc ious ly”.

I will be discuss ing more research related to this topic in mynext artic le

How rath yatra reached Egypt? I t is a well known fac t that Indians traded extens ively withA rabs through the s ilk route. A long with commodities likecotton, ivory, iron, gold, spices etc , cultures and spiritualknowledge was exchanged with Egyptians scholars . I f onecompares the Egyptians culture with Indian culture, you will findlots of s imilarities . T rade exchanges through Silk-route, culturaland sc ientific exchanges between scholars , mythological andcultural s imilarities with India are enough evidence to confirmthe idea of O pet Fes tival to be derived from Indian Ratha-yatra.

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Land and water silk routes

Mahabharata desc ribes the Bharat (India) empire extended up tothe mlechha country. M lechha meaning unc ivilized was referredas race beyond the Indian subcontinent (i.e Beyond P ers ia).Those day, Indian subcontinent inc luded present day P akis tan,A fghanis tan, I raq, I ran and up to Myanmar, Thailand andIndones ia in the south, thus roughly covering an area of 1 .2million sq. km. I wrote many artic les on river saraswati where I said pos t thedisappearance of river saraswati , people res iding on the banksof river saraswati migrated to other c ities located near the banksof large river. I f you haven’t read these artic les , then please go through the

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below links India most sac red river saraswati found<http://www.malls tuffs .com/Blogs/BlogDetails .aspx?BlogId=186&BlogType=Spiritual&Topic=India%20most%20sacred%20river%20saraswati%20foundFall and Rise of river saraswati-India most sac red river<http://www.malls tuffs .com/Blogs/BlogDetails .aspx?BlogId=190&BlogType=Spiritual&Topic=Fall%20and%20Rise%20of%20river%20saraswati-India%20most%20sacred%20river>How Saraswati- india most sac red river disappeared<http://www.malls tuffs .com/Blogs/BlogDetails .aspx?BlogId=199&BlogType=Spiritual&Topic=How%20Saraswati-%20 india%20most%20sacred%20river%20disappeared>

After losing their habitat to natural calamities, some of the Vedic Indians migratedwestwards in search of a huge river and finally settled on the banks of river Nile. In mynext article, I will be sharing the details and evidences on migration of Vedic Aryans fromIndia to Egypt and other African countries.

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V edic A ryans migration routes

I would like to end with the following message By writing the link between Egyptians and Indians , I am nottrying to say that the H induism is the oldes t and most supremereligion but my intention is to highlight the fac t that the anc ientworld were very open minded to other cultures and incorporatedcross cultural belief in their cus toms, traditions and rituals . Thisunders tanding is very important in modern times s ince most ofthe des truc tion in this world happens because of the narrow and

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c lose minded thinking of modern religious fundamentalis ts whoinc ites violence by calling the followers of other religions asidolaters , pagans , kafirs , traitors etc . Hope All of you spread the message of love and peace as s tated inbhagavad gita and other ancient Indian scriptures .

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