Bioetika Devisi Bioetika dan Humaniora Medical Education Unit Fakultas Kedokteran USU 2008

Who Cds Epr 2007 8bah

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BioetikaDevisi Bioetika dan HumanioraMedical Education UnitFakultas Kedokteran USU2008

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Sukma Ayu’s (movie star) case medical futility, similar with Karen Quinlan case

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head-line Warta Kota, 6 Februari 2005

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Care providerDecision MakerCommunicatorCommunity LeaderManager

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Dokter yang memiliki kompetensi etika : Attitude; sikap, perilaku, tindakan Skill; keterampilan manual, keterampilan intelektual Knowledge; pengetahuan, pemikiran, konsep Experience; pengalamam, jam terbang, track record Responsibility; tanggung jawab, disiplin Accountibility; jaminan mutu

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a field of study concerned with the ethics and philosophical implications of certain biological and medical procedures, technologies, and treatments, as organ transplants, genetic engineering, and care of the terminally ill.

Bioethics :

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ETIKA KEDOKTERAN Etika terapan merupakan pedoman dan

rambu-rambu moral bagi perilaku etis dokter dalam hubungan dengan pasien

(kini dikenal sebagai etika klasik)

• Sesudah tahun 1960-an masuk tahap baru dalam perkembangan nilai-nilai etika medis-- era bioetika sebagai akibat revolusi bioteknologi dan biomedis---BIOETIKA / ETIKA BIOMEDIS

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Bioethics History

Nama “Bioethics” untuk pertama kali digunakan oleh peneliti kanker Amerika Van Rensselaer Potter, University of Wisconsin.**bukunya : Bioethics: Bridge to the Future

Ia menekankan tanggung jawab para ahli biologi dalam menjamin kelangsungan kehidupan di bumi ini dan dalam menciptakan syarat-syarat untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan.

Tapi ia belum terjun dalam analisis etika.

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Yang melontarkan bioetika sebagai suatu bidang intelektual dan akademis yang khusus adalah:

(1) Hastings Center (1969) di Hastings-on-the Hudson, NY., kini: Garrison, NY.

(2) Kennedy Institute (1971)Georgetown University, Washington D.C.sponsor: keluarga Kennedy

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Globalisasi Bioetika

**Fenomena Amerika ini meluas ke Eropa Banyak Pusat Bioetika, mis. Barcelona (1975)

**1985: European Association for Centres of Medical Ethics

**1992: International Association for Bioethics (Peter Singer ketua pertama) mengadakan konges setiap dua tahun Jurnal resmi: Bioethics; sejak 2001 juga: Developing World Bioethics

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Dan Brock, Brown University (1999):Bioethics concerns the ethical issues arising in medicine and from advances in biological science.

There are 3 central areas:1. Relations between health care professionals and

patients2. Justice in the allocation of health care3. Issues that arise from dramatic advances in biological

knowledge and technology

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* Bioetika adalah perluasan dari etika kedokteran yang tradisional

• Etika kedokteran memfokuskan hubungan dokter-pasien

Tema-tema tradisional tetap penting tapi sekarang dalam konteks modern:

di satu pihak → demokratisasi dan hak-hak pasien (kritik atas paternalisme)

di lain pihak → pelayanan medis yang teknologis dan anonym (tim medis) + biaya tinggi 

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Tema-tema yang paling penting berasal dari perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi biomedis:

dari definisi baru tentang kematian sekitar 1967 (brain death) sampai dengan penelitian embryonic stem cells dan cloning sekarang ini.

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What is bioethics ? Ethics is the study of morality – careful and

systematic reflection on and analysis of moral decisions and behavior, whether past, present or future.

Morality is the value dimension of human decision-making and behavior. The language of morality includes ”good or bad”, “right and wrong”, etc.

According this definitions, Ethics is primally a matter of knowing whereas morality is a matter of doing.

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Medical ethics is the branch of ethics that deals with moral issues in medical practice.

Bioehics can be defined as the study of ethical issues and decision-making assosiated with the use of living organism.

Medical ethics focuses primarily on issues arising out of the practice of medicine, bioethics is a very broad subject that is concerned with the moral issues raised by developments in the biological sciences more generally.

Bioethics is “genus” and medical ethics is “ species”.

What is bioethics ?

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Why study medical ethics ?

Bioethics ( area 7 ) is the basic of all competencies

The study of ethics prepares medical students to recognize difficult situations and to deal with them in a rational and principled manner.

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What´s special about medicine ?

Many physicians feel that they are no longer as respected as they once were.

To meet the expectation of both patients and students, it is important that physicians know and exemplify the core values of medicine

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What´s special about medical ethics ?

Medical ethics differs from the general ethics applicable to everyone by being publicly professed in oath such as the WMA Declaration of Geneva.

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Who decides what is ethical ? Therefore varies from one society to another

and even within the same society.

I liberal societies, individuals have a great deal of freedom to decide for themselves what is ethical.

In more traditional societies, family and clan elders, religious authorities and political leaders usually have a greater role than individuals in determining what is ethical.

In making decisions, it is helpful to know what other physicians would do in similar situation

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when people bring us their problems, they are often asking not for solutionsbut for understanding

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