Which Bible is THE word of God? John E. Davis

Which Bible is THE

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Which Bible is

THE word of God?

John E. Davis

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For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe. 1 Thes 2v13

The most amazing book in the world is theKing James Bible.

There are many contentions in churches today over all kinds of subjects and doctrines, but one particular subject that causes many a disagreement and debate is that of Bible versions. Which Bible is the word of God?

Many Christians have fallen out over this subject (Prov 18v19, 1 Cor 1v11) yet truth is truth, and we need to know where God’s word is today.

If you haven’t come across this subject before, then this booklet will certainly be an eye-opener to you.

Let me briefly share my own story with you… In 1990 a Christian gave me a booklet about verses that were missing in the New International Version (NIV). It was this booklet that started my journey into finding out which Bible is God’s word? I went straight to my pastor and asked him what Bible he used and why? He explained to me that there were many Bible versions, but the ‘best one’ is the King James Bible as it was the most accurate. Since that day, and many hours of study and research, I have finally come to the conclusion that the King James Bible isn’t just the best Bible translation, it’s perfect.

This booklet will explain why I believe this. I have had the privilege to lead many Christians and churches out of the errors of modern Bible translations and into the pure words of God found in the King James Bible (Ps 12v6+7).

If you want all the words that God intended you to have in one perfect book, then you need to get yourself a King James Bible (KJV). If you have any other

‘bible’ such as the NKJV, ESV, NIV, NASB, RSV, GNB, Darby’s version, HCSB, NEB, ‘Living’ or ‘Message’ versions, TNIV, NWT or any of the other 150+ versions available today, then you have a book that has errors in it, and it did NOT come from God. Either the Bible is perfect, or it isn’t. If it isn’t, then you have no final authority in which to turn to. Jesus said “It is written…” (Mat 4v4) so having a perfect written authority is what we need, especially in today’s world. If your Bible has errors in it, how do you know that John 3v16 is correct? How do you know you are even saved if you can’t trust the word of God which tells you how to get saved?

John Wesley said… ‘If there be any mistakes in the Bible (KJV), there may as well be a thousand. If there be one falsehood in that book, it did not come from the God of truth.’

Dr Edward Hills said… ‘If God has not preserved these King James Scriptures down through the ages by His special providence, why would He have infallibly inspired them in the first place? God has promised to preserve His Word!’

So, first of all let’s do a brief comparison that will certainly shock you, especially if you are not reading a King James Bible (KJV). Look up the following references and compare your ‘bible’ to the KJV… Ps 10v4+5, Ecc 8v10, Col 2v18, Isa 9v1+3, Prov 26v22, Hos 11v12, Prov 25v23, Ps 55v18, Mat 5v22, Jam 5v16, 1 Cor 6v9, Mark 10v24. Did you notice some direct ‘opposites’ in your ‘bible’ compared to what the King James Bible said? How can this be if both claim to be ‘THE word of God?’ When I first found this out, I just couldn’t believe that ‘the Bible’ would say opposite things to each other in different versions, which one was right?

The New King James version (NKJV) is as corrupt as the rest; compare these verses… Gen 22v8, Acts 12v4, Isa 9v3, 2 Tim 2v15, 2 Cor 2v17, 1 Tim 6v10+20, 1 Thes 5v22, Ezek 23v6, Jam 5v16, Rom 1v18, Col 3v1-3, Ecc 12v11, Ecc 5v8, Zech 13v6 (look up this verse in any other version!) The NKJV misses out the following words… Lord x66, God x51, heaven x50, repent x44, blood x23 and hell x22. Quite shocking don’t you think considering it was only supposed to change the ‘thee’s’ and ‘thou’s’ we were told. The NKJV is an extremely dangerous counterfeit of the KJV and one to be avoided like the plague. The most dangerous lie is one closet to the truth, remember that.

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Do you want some more proof about corrupt Bible versions? Try comparing the New International Version (NIV) with the KJV regarding these verses… Col 1v14 (what’s missing in this verse? You can only get redemption through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ); Mat 17v21, 18v11, 23v14, Mark 7v16, 9v44+46, 11v26, 15v28, Luke 17v36, 23v17, John 5v4, Acts 8v37, 15v34, 28v29, Rom 16v24. All these verses are missing in the NIV.

Now look at some errors in the NIV… Luke 2v33, Micah 5v2, 1 John 4v3, Luke 9v56, 11v2-4, Isa 9v3 (Num 11v25), Gal 2v20, Mark 1v1+2 (Mal 3v1), Dan 3v25, Eph 3v14, Jam 1v10, Mark 10v24, Acts 17v29. Who killed Goliath? – 2 Sam 21v19, 1 Sam 17v51, 1 Chron 20v5. Who is the ‘morning star?’ 2 Pet 1v19 cf. Isa 14v12. The NIV has 64,098 less words than the KJV…! (Luke 4v4). Something is drastically wrong isn’t it? If you’ve never seen this before I’m sure it has shocked you as it did me, all those years ago. Some Christians have been reading modern Bible versions for years and haven’t a clue as to how corrupt they are. I have also found that pride stops many Christians from looking into this subject further, they are just too stubborn to change. If you are like me, you want the truth no matter what the cost. (Ps 119v89+105+140+160, John 17v17).

Now don’t tell me that all ‘bibles’ are the same, they are certainly not. When I found out about the version issue I was very troubled to say the least. I wanted a Bible that was perfect, one I could absolutely trust as all the rest were corrupted and laced with errors. That Bible is the King James Bible (KJV).

A God who can’t preserve His words after inspiring them, isn’t worth serving or worshipping. My God can, and did. All Christians believe in inspiration of the Scriptures and would admit that they were perfect in the originals, although they’ve never seen them, that’s what we call ‘blind faith’. Yet, there are no original manuscripts in existence today, all we have are copies of copies. So, is God powerful enough to preserve all His words and give us a perfect Bible for today? My God is, and that book is called the King James Bible.

Follow me through for a succinct Bible study…

Read Heb 4v12, Mat 4v1-11 and note verse 4.

What does the Bible say about itself? – Prov 30v5+6, 1 Pet 1v23, Ps 119v89.

Who wrote the Bible? – 2 Pet 1v21, 2 Tim 3v16+17.

What has God promised to do with His words? – Ps 12v6+7, 1 Pet 1v25, Isa 40v8, Mat 5v18, Ps 119v160, Isa 30v8, Ps 119v152, Mat 24v35.

Now answer the following questions…

Is there a miracle too hard for God?Was the creation too hard for God?

Was the worldwide flood too hard for God?Was the parting of the Red Sea too hard for God?

Was the 40 years of manna too hard for God?Was the virgin birth of Christ too hard for God?

Was the collection of 66 Books of the Bible, written over a period of 1,700 years too hard for God?

Was overcoming the human nature of the sinful writers too hard for God?Is preserving those words too hard for God?

Is giving us a perfect Bible for today too hard for God?

Inspiration is far harder to believe in than preservation, yet the majority of Christians today do not believe that the word of God is perfectly preserved i.e. without error. I wonder who taught them that?

Can God lie? – Titus 1v2, Num 23v19.

What has God promised to magnify His word above? – Ps 138v2.

What has Satan been trying to do with the word of God? – 2 Cor 2v17, 2 Cor 4v2, Gen 2v16+17, Gen 3v1-4, Jer 36v21+32.

Satan is against God and against Christians in every possible way, especially when it comes to deceiving the church into believing that all ‘bibles’ are the same… they are not.

There is one true God yet there are many ‘gods’ today.There is one true Christ yet many ‘christs’ today.

There is one true Gospel yet many ‘gospels’ today.There is one true ‘religion’, (Christianity), yet many false religions

and cults today.

There is one true Bible yet many ‘bibles’ today.

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What does God say about His word? – Deut 4v2, Prov 30v5+6, Rev 22v18+19, Ecc 3v14.

What should we do with the word of God? – Phil 2v16, Luke 4v4.

Who are you trying to please? – Gal 1v10, Acts 5v29, Acts 4v18-20, Rom 3v4, Mat 23v2-7, Heb 11v25-27.

How about these two very interesting verses regarding the word of God – Job 23v12, Deut 30v10-14.

Questions for Bible ‘correctors and rejectors’…

Since you’re smart enough to find so-called ‘mistakes’ in the KJV, why don’t you correct them all and give us a perfect Bible?(By the way, if you do think there are ‘errors’ in the KJV Bible, I would suggest purchasing ‘The “Errors” in the King James Bible’ - Peter S. Ruckman, available from shop.timefortruth.co.uk - Product Code RK-96)

To you, where is the perfect preserved word of God today? (Remember, the ‘originals’ don’t exist).

If God could overshadow sinful men to produce the perfect inspired originals, why couldn’t He do it for the perfect preserved copies? Where does it say He can’t?

1) Do you believe in the special providential preservation of the Holy Scriptures?

2) If not, how can you believe in infallible inspiration?3) Would God give ‘verbal inspiration’ if He did not intend to

preserve His words?4) If you do believe in preservation — how? In popish monasteries

or through the usage of believers?5) If preserved by believers, did preservation end with the invention

of printing? 6) Did God preserve the Scriptures at certain times and not others?7) If preservation did not cease with printing, was the Textus

Receptus providentially guided and preserved?8) If not, which New Testament text was providentially preserved?

Now, when your pastor or favourite Bible teacher says, “Well in THE Greek…” know this, he is either self-deluded or lying, as there is no such thing as ‘THE Greek’. There are over 100 Greek texts. Next time he says such a thing, ask him ‘which one’, and how does he know that the one he is referring to is the right one? (He won’t be happy I can tell you!)

The KJV was translated during the Philadelphia church period (Rev 3v7-13). The modern versions begin to appear rather late on the scene as the lukewarm Laodicean period gets underway (Rev 3v14-22), but the KJV was produced way back in 1611, just in time for the many great revivals

(1700-1900). The Philadelphia church was the only church that did not receive a rebuke from the Lord Jesus Christ, and it was the only church that ‘kept’ God’s word (Rev 3v8).

The KJV is supported by far more evidence. Of over 5,300 pieces of manuscript evidence, 95% supports the King James Bible. The changes in the new versions are based on the remaining 5% of manuscripts, most of which are from Alexandria, Egypt.

The Answer Book - Question seven by Sam Gipp

Question – If there is a perfect Bible in English, doesn’t there also have to be a perfect Bible in French, German, and Japanese etc?Answer – No. God has always given His word to one people in one language to do one job; convert the world. The supposition that there must be a perfect translation in every language is erroneous and inconsistent with God’s proven practice.Explanation – This explanation comes in three parts: the OT, the NT and the entire Bible.

One – The OT – It is an accepted fact that, with the exception of some portions of Ezra and Daniel, the OT was written in Hebrew. It is also accepted that it was divinely given to the Jews. Thus God initiates His pattern of operation. He gave His words to one people in only one language. God apparently un-intimidated by modern scholarship did not feel obligated to supply His words in Egyptian, Chaldian, Syrian, Ethiopian, or any other of the languages in use on the earth at

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the time the OT was written. The OT was given exclusively to the Jews. Anyone desiring the word of God would have to convert to Judaism. Ample provision was made for such occurrences.

Two – The NT – It is also an accepted fact that the NT was written in Greek. Koine Greek to be exact. Again, the Lord apparently saw no reason to inspire a perfect original in all the languages of the world extant at that time. Only this time, instead of giving His Book to a nation, such as Israel, He simply gave it to Christians who were told to go out and convert the world - Mat 28v19. His choice of Greek as the language of the NT was obvious in that it was the predominant language of the world at that time.

Three – The entire Bible – It is obvious that God now needed to get both His OT and His NT welded together in a language that was common to the world. Only English can be considered such a language. The English language had been developing for many centuries until the late sixteenth century. About that time it finally reached a state of excellence that no language on earth has ever attained. It would seem that God did the rest. He chose this perfect language for the consummation of His perfect Book. First England and later on the USA swept the globe as the most powerful nations on earth, establishing English in all the corners of the globe as either a primary or secondary language. Today nations who do not speak English must still teach English to many of their citizens. Even nations antagonistic to the West such as Russia and China must teach English to their business and military personnel. Thus in choosing English in which to combine His two Testaments, God chose the only language which the world would know. Just as He has shown in His choosing only one language for the OT and only one language for the NT, He continued that practice by combining those two testaments in only one language.

Here are some other interesting Scriptures and information for your consideration…

Common sayings used today that are found in the King James Bible…

Genesis 4v2-5 - can’t get blood from a turnip

Genesis 7 - don’t miss the boat

Genesis 11v7-9 - babbling Ecclesiastes 10v1 - fly in the ointmentMatthew 15v14 - blind leading the blind

Exodus 19v16-18 - holy smoke

Exodus 28v42 - britches Exodus 32v8 - holy cowJob 19v20 - skin of your teeth Matthew 12v25 - a house divided

against itselfLeviticus 14v5-6 - running water Leviticus 16v8 - scapegoatLeviticus 25v10 - Liberty Bell Numbers 21v5 - light breadNumbers 35v2-5 - suburb Deuteronomy 2v14 - wasted himDeuteronomy 24v5 - cheer up Deuteronomy 32v10 - apple of his eyeJudges 5v20 - star wars Judges 7v5-12 - under dogJudges 8v16 - teach a lesson Isaiah 40v15 - a drop in the bucket1 Samuel 14v12 - I’ll show you a thing or two

1 Samuel 20v40 - artillery

1 Samuel 25v37 - petrified 2 Samuel 19v18 - ferry boat1 Kings 3v7 - don’t know if he’s coming or going

Matthew 7v6 - casting your pearls before swine

1 Kings 14v6 - that’s heavy 1 Kings 21v19-23 - she’s gone to the dogs

2 Chronicles 9v6 - you haven’t heard half of it

2 Chronicles 30v6 - postman

Nehemiah 13v11 - set them in their place

Esther 7v9 - he hung himself

Job 11v16 - It’s water under the bridge Job 20v6 - he has his head in the cloudsPsalm 4v8 - lay me down to sleep Psalm 19v3-4 - he gave me a linePsalm 37v13 - his day is coming Psalm 58v8 - pass away (dying)Psalm 64v3-4 - shoot off your mouth Psalm 78v25 - angel’s food cakePsalm 141v10 - give him enough rope and he’ll hang himself

Proverbs 7v22 - dumb as an ox

Proverbs 13v24 - spare the rod, spoil the child

Proverbs 18v6 - he is asking for it

Proverbs 24v16 - can’t keep a good man down

Proverbs 25v14 - full of hot air

Proverbs 30v30 - king of beasts Ecclesiastes 10v19 - money talksEcclesiastes 10v20 - a little bird told me Song of Solomon 2v5 - lovesickIsaiah 52v8 - see eye to eye Jeremiah 23v25 - I had a dreamEzekiel 26v9 - engines Ezekiel 38v9 - desert storm or storm


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Deuteronomy 33v17 - end of the earth Daniel 8v25 - foreign policyDaniel 11v38 - the force be with you (Star Wars)

Hosea 7v8 - half-baked

Jonah 4v10-11 - can’t tell left from right

Zephaniah 3v8-9 - United Nations Assembly

Matthew 25v1-10 - burning the midnight oil

Matthew 25v33 - right or left side of an issue

Matthew 27v46 - for crying out loud Mark 5v13 - hog wildLuke 11v46 - won’t lift a finger to help Luke 15v17 - he came to himselfRomans 2v23 - breaking the law Philippians 3v2 - beware of dogColossians 2v14 - they nailed him 1 John 5v11-13 - get a lifeRevelation 6v8 - hell on earth Revelation 16v13 - a frog in my throatRevelation 20v15 - go jump in the lake Psalm 107v27 - wits’ end

If we are to believe what we hear from the critics, then we must accept the notion that the italicized words in the King James Bible do not belong there. We are told that the words were added by the translators and are not the words of God. If this is true, then please explain why Luke, Paul, John, Peter, and even the Lord Jesus QUOTE them. The column on the right shows how New Testament writers and speakers QUOTE the King James italics of the Old Testament…

OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE NEW TESTAMENT QUOTEI have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. (Ps 16v8)

For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: (Acts 2v25)

Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. (Deut 25v4)

For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? (1 Cor 9v9. Also see 1 Tim 5v18)

And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. (Deut 8v3)

But he answered and said, It is writ-ten, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that pro-ceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Mat 4v4)

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. (Ps 82v6)

Jesus answered them, Is it not writ-ten in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (John 10v34)

Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cor-ner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. (Isa 28v16)

Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. (1 Pet 2v6)

Did you notice that the New Testament writers QUOTE the words that were in italics? This means they were actually ‘in the originals’. When Jesus said, ‘It is written...’ (Mat 4v4 cf. Deut 8v3), he was saying that the word ‘word’ was also ‘written’ - even if the King James translators didn’t have it in the Hebrew Old Testament. Like it or not, the Holy Spirit led them to use the word anyhow. If He didn’t, then why did Jesus quote it?

Rejecting the word of God – Isa 5v24, Num 15v31, 2 Chron 36v16, Amos 2v4, 1 Sam 15v23, 2 Kings 17v15, Jer 6v19, 2 Kings 22v8+11+13 (2 Kings 23v1-3), (Ps 12v6+7), Ps 107v11, Jer 13v10, 16v12.

777 and ‘The Book of the Lord’ – perfection three times.

Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read… Isa 34v16

‘The Book of the Lord’ occurs only once in Scripture. In Isaiah 34 (3+4=7) verse 16 (1+6=7) and the words ‘Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read’ has 34 letters (3+4=7), which makes the third seven i.e. ‘777’.

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There isn’t another book on planet earth like the King James Bible. It is God’s preserved word for today and the only Bible you can trust 100%. If your Bible is anything other than a King James, you’re wasting your time. Satan has been trying to corrupt the word of God from day one (2 Cor 2v17, Jer 23v36, 2 Cor 4v2, 2 Pet 3v16) and he’s in the business of confusing Christians in every way possible through his lies (John 8v44).

I have written this booklet to help all those who are sincere in seeking the truth of God’s word and where it is today. I hope it has been of help to you.

For those of you who are interested in Biblical numerics, here is an interesting study to finish with…

The number SEVEN ‘7’

SEVEN occurs in 395 verses.SEVEN is the number of PERFECTION or COMPLETION.

In Ps 19v7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. (Note verse SEVEN. What is the SEVENTH word? PERFECT!)Someone has written ‘The whole word of God is founded upon the number seven. It stands for the seventh day of the creation week and speaks of the millennium rest day. It denotes completeness or perfection’.Lev 23v15+16. The number seven and the Sabbath, which was the seventh day (Gen 2v1-3), is connected with the word ‘complete’.The word ‘finished’ is also connected with the number seven. In Rev 10v7 we read… ‘But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.’‘It is done’ is another expression found in connection with the number seven – Rev 16v17 ‘And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.’1) Regarding the Creation in the first 2 chapters of Genesis the word ‘created’

occurs seven times. 2) God appointed seven days for the week (Exo 20v11).3) There are seven notes in the musical scale (C,D,E,F,G,A,B then it goes back

to C). Man named the notes but God fixed the sounds.4) There are seven colours (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) –

white is not a colour, it is ‘colourless’.

5) Light broken down (i.e. through a prism) makes up seven colours, (i.e. a rainbow); also seven colours (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). This is called refraction.

6) There are seven continents – Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica.

7) According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, there are seven seas – North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea.

8) The word ‘good’ appears seven times in Gen 1 (Gen 1v4,10,12,18,21,25+31).9) A lunar month, the time it takes for the moon to circle around the earth,

is 28 days (4x7); the distance the moon is from the earth is 238,000 miles (34,000x7). The diameter of the moon is 2,100 miles (300x7).

10) The verb ‘made’ is also found seven times in regards to God’s specific creative acts – Gen 1v7+16+25+26+31 + Gen 2v2+3.

11) ‘Heaven’ is mentioned seven times in Gen 1v1+8+9+14+15+17+20.12) In Gen 1v1 the number of Hebrew words is seven.13) In the Book of the Revelation the words ‘this book’ occurs seven times.14) Revelation has seven seals, seven trumpets, seven vials etc.15) Noah took the clean beasts into the ark by sevens (Gen 7v2). Seven days

after Noah went into the ark the flood came (Gen 7v9+10).16) Before Aaron and his sons entered their priestly work they were consecrated

seven days (Lev 8v31-36).17) On the day of atonement the high priest sprinkled the blood upon the mercy

seat and before the mercy seat seven times (Lev 16v14). This is a picture of the completeness of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

18) There are seven dispensations (Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Promise or Patriarchal, Law, Grace, Kingdom).

19) The Book of Life is mentioned seven times in the Bible.20) The seventh time Noah’s name occurs (Gen 6v9) is where it is said… ‘…Noah

was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.’21) Revelation mentions ‘the Lamb’ (Jesus Christ) 28 times - 4x7.22) In John, Jesus says ‘I am’ and ‘I will’ seven times each. In chapter 4 Jesus

says seven things to the Samaritan woman and the seventh saying contains seven words ‘I that speak unto thee am he’ (John 4v26).

23) Jesus uttered seven sayings from the cross… Luke 23v34+43, John 19v26+27, Mat 27v46, Mark 15v34, John 19v28+30, Luke 23v46.

24) The title Pilate wrote and put on the cross of Jesus had eight words… JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS (John 19v19). When the Jews asked him to change it, he replied… “What I have written I have written.” (John 19v22) – seven words (note 19v22 = 1+9+2+2=14 - 2x7).

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25) Ps 12v6+7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

I find numbers in Scripture fascinating, for instance the number ‘NINE’ (9) is connected with fruitfulness. It’s interesting to note that there are NINE ‘fruits’ of the Spirit (Gal 5v22+23 – Galatians is the NINTH book in the New Testament and v22+23 add up to NINE); incidentally, Galatians has NINE letters. ‘HOLY BIBLE’ has NINE letters along with KING JAMES. AV (Authorized Version) 1611 – add up these numbers and you get the sum of NINE. Divide 1611 by NINE and you get 179… ONE SEVEN NINE… ONE PERFECT BOOK THAT BEARS FRUIT! That Book is the King James Bible aka the Authorized Version Bible.

I conclude with a quote from a sermon published in 1880 by Thomas DeWitt Talmage… ‘Now let us divide off… Let those people who do not believe the Bible & who are critical of this & that part of it, go clear over to the other side. Let them stand behind the devil’s guns… Give us the out & out opposition of infidelity rather than the work of these hybrid theologians, these mongrel ecclesiastics, these half-evoluted people who BELIEVE the Bible & do NOT believe it. I TAKE UP THE KING JAMES TRANSLATION; I CONSIDER IT TO BE A PERFECT BIBLE’. Amen & Amen!

There’s something very special about the King James Bible, if you haven’t got one, I highly recommend you purchase one.

The best study Bible in my opinion, is the Ruckman Reference Bible(available at shop.timefortruth.co.uk)

If you would like to contact me, my name is John Davis and my email address is [email protected]

Time for Truth!PO BOX 1146


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John Davis is a Bible Believing Christian living in Kidderminster, Worcestershire. He was saved in 1989 and has been following the Lord Jesus Christ ever since. He has written a number of tracts along with the ‘Christian Soldier’s Battle Notes’. He works within a great team running the Time for Truth! ministry, a local church and a commercial business. John’s desire in life is to reach lost souls with the Gospel while standing upon the King James Bible as his final authority on all matters of faith and practice. He very much appreciates all those around him who are such a great help and encouragement in furthering the Lord’s work.

King James Bible

Where the word of a king is, there is power...Ecclesiastes 8v4