WeatherForecast Censratty'fatr tonight and Thun* day; Umpsratura about a«ma. HlQti yeiterday 87; low 40. Low till! morning SB. VOIa XVIII. NO. nil—T) CUNT3. TODAY’S NEWS • TODAY ;mUcr nf Miillt Illir OFFICIAL. COUNTY NEWSI'AI'ER EMLLENICROP HOPESFOmi ON LOCAL T W I Outstanding Prospects OUccr Ranchers, Wido Survey Bovcals Hero • WHEAT BEST IN YEARS Leadora Optimistic As Ftdl Water Flow Speeds WOriti Beets Look Good An oiiUtandlpp crop Is In pros- pcct Iicre, nccordlnK to a nurvcy ninilff totlny by Uio 13voiilnff i*n nmoiip oulliorlllM on poiniti auBftr becta. bcana, htty, am , ai;cU. fruit nnil Bralos. On tlio Twin Palta troct a J per cvnt flow of water is uci run untl farm nellvlty Is ai bolgtit. practically all crops Iiavl ' been planted. This applies to <po> latoea, as well oa bcana, whJeh are In Ui«. early atagcs, tinil al>. though It ia coDfllilcred too mrh to predict the outcomc of tho late- planted crops, leaden In tho in* duntry aro partlculorly optlmJatlc over thia aooaon's outlook. Wheat Excellent Wheat on this tract U Uio beat lo 'yeani, it la atAteU, wlUi • Uio acrense normal and quality above average. Fruit 'hna cacaped acri* domaRo and gives promlao of . yielJa.’lt ia deelared. Straw* bcrrlea will •reach tho pealc tho lutter part of the week, nod In the canyon the first of tlio'carly cburrlea aro contlofc oo. Sugar beets In tbo entire ter- ritory which Includea Twin Fftlia. Jerome; Burley, Rupert and Paul, so far are freu from aerloua rav- affen-of-leafhopper.-'lt-la-leBmed from the bureau of entomology, and Amalgamated Sugar company orriciala declare tho beelji have good color, ■ and ora ' btlnp well cuttlvated. ' . Thinning Completed Tlilnniag of 'this crop bon been completed and ti start baa been maOiTbn the firat hoeinjc. accord- - Ing to R.'H. Tallman. Xdabo dis- trict manager today, ‘After a 360- mite Jnaputlbd .trip ho Bays tho crop looks exceptional, and nt this stage he reports ha "can't « e ar- .■.(COatinued on Pago 3, CX))uina Death Ordered for Qoocb as First Abdoctpr to Bo ---------- ------Excctttftd... ------ MUStCOQEE, Okla.. Juno 11> mnp—Arthur Good), who WJaap- od two Texas poller offiecra and brought them into OklnLoma, will ...................... ha fedonU Jail ^ r « s passed on Goocl), convicicu unuer the IJndbcrgh ' law, by Judge Robert L.. Wil- liams In federal-court .tod^. Tbe V. S. marshal for tho eaalcm dis- ' trict' o f Oiclolioma will spring the trap. ■" Gooch wlll_bo tho first person execdled'ln tiio United States for : kidnaping. Ho was convicted Inst week ct -Durant. . •'I don’t believe • I ehould be hange^l wbtn &o otlics ever has r-- - Answers Protei.. . Judge Williams ‘ replied Gooch'a protest “ Because some Juries' were 'splnelemi Is’ iio reoaon for not ns> seaslng. tho death aeotenco when one is passed,’’ tho Judgo aold. ■ '‘7* Is not cosy for*me, nor pleosonL "Out'kidnapers should not be permitted to roam around llko nvd —dOK» witboPt—]— ■-* ----- ---------- I for _________ _______ ______ i ap- pcol for clemency would-be tno only chance-to. save Gooch. Gooch's mother, ua uncje, _ brother and hls son were In the , courtroom. Pair, Waitingr Hop, Will Carry PoiBori NEW t:ORK. Juno 19 <UE) George and Alfred :iIonteTerd« Portuguese -brothe«-BwnlUBg.:fft- -vorable weathen for a fUght from FioVd.Bennett airport to Rome, to- ,day diacjosed ------- ~ " ”*•'000 drop on our tongue? and We're George., recaU- idg that 13 persons have died In an . effort to traverse tho .samij route. AdmU;al,Rebuke4. ' .WASHINGTON. June 10 (UD— ; Secretary of Use Nai^ Claude A , . Swanson today.Issued a mllo ret primand to Rear Admiral -Ifates Stirling, commandant of the-Brook- • Jya navy yardf for recent Tiffwij ; .paper artldes-mltton ^-atlrllng .. S itlcW nr sosriet Russia.^ -Swanson-said this did not'con- t .'aUtute on.effort to “inusflb7 ' -onieersi but war Intended, to lh- ; .form them that the ^ ! neot considers: these : ahould Dotlwrit* articles When Police, Strikers Tangled in Oregon Strike The baUle \v»», short, but the Injuries heavj*. when Oregon stale police tangled avUJ i ntrlUliig lum- ber mill workers near Forent Grove, Ore. Sivinging hmvv night sticlw. tlio troouor* dUperscd a croivd of pickets, and in Ibis picture, are seen dragging out.oiio of tiie battle vlcihiM. gr A nd jury meets to hear INSIDE STOR Y OF KIDNAPING Black Widow Spiders Bringing , Death and Misery to Oldahoma OKLAHOMA CITY, June 10 (UPi—The blM^^red 'hour Rinas" .which.Identifies. the.hlacl^.\iUdow— spider became a syrnbol of mis-.' ery and death in Oklahoma to- day. Authorities atUibuted tba death Of one man and the aerl- ' oua. lllneaa of neveral other per- sons to black widow spider bites and warned the public to avoid encounters wltij the poisonous insects. . • • . Heretofore a comparatively raro apecles; Uie-black widow* spldor is appearing tn increasing sumberq here ondrla.oPiDr Olcla- Ixoma towns....................-. ' Turn* BIoelr.'ClM Te«tefdayatDavl9.'0)«la.. W. R. Meadows rushed Into his house and complained that an insect hdd stung' him on tha ear. Mrs.. Meadows appUod a home -bee stinff remedy. Aa'sho worlc*. .ed.' Meadows'; face and body turned black. In 'lB minutes be was .dead. ■Nerghboni believed M was bitten by a spider. Mm. Siidlo 'Potts and her daughter Lillian' were seriously ill here from spldei; bites but ----- --------f^over. Tboy ex|>«ted t' brother, found two blocic widow spiders' in hla home and two ,other, residents.-of tho-aame. neighborhood found the Insects clinging to tho bottom of fruit Jars in n bam.. A t Clinton. Oklft., a, man found and killed a blade widow spider in his.home. A girl at Holdenvillc waa 111for more tlian a week after & spider bit hor.. Health officers there ItuilnieteU. Uie public, how to IdenUfy the black widow by the red -hour glass'’ marking on its belly. Urge* M^lcaJ Aid •Dr. H. b.. Mbor? dlrMtor rt medical research' at the Univer- sity of Oklahpma medleol school.. wacn'ed p e r s o n s bitten by Swelling, Intense pain, high fever, headache and syinptams .similar to those br neuritis re< suit from-ft' bkick widow;splder bite, physicians aaid. In. California, Dr. Moor said, physicians, found that intraven- ous .injections Of calcium gluel- Federal Men Present Evidence Against Waleys, Mahan TACOMA, Waab,, June 10 (UI>> —A federal gxaad Jui^ assembled today to-hear-chargen-that Har- ----- and Margaret Waley. nrlaon- .. . and. William Mahan. AUds Grant, a fugitive, Iddoaped George Weyerhaeuser.'.flon 'o f a Tacoma millionaire, for 1200,000 ransom. The story of the. first majoi kldnoplng In the rncific north- wcjt will bo unfolded before tbt Jury •by. the department of Juii' tice agentn:who within'one. week of Ujc boy's release ran down two of his abduelors and .narrow* iy mlss(d catching, the, thlnL- Ironic Fate Cheats Pair OE .JPortunes NEW YORK. June lO-ttll!)— Ironic fate- made Walter Ellis, GO,- a multimillionaire ■even while it waa depriving him of his eyesight, it Mcone knowii today a fortnight, after the Colarado mining man died at a ' liotel here: £lll8. It waa disclosed, went west In 1030. his health fall- ing. From a Donvcr hotel room he directed the sinking o f a shaft on a.plot of land hU fa- ther-had im him. A' gold'vein was. struck tmd an oro mill buUt near Alma swelled bls' because, of bis rapidly falling eyesight, Ellis camo cast to consult physicians and it — - died. _ FINDS OIL: DIES ' FORT-■WORTH, TCX, JunO' 30 (IU!1 - - Just before hb.was strickea with a heart atUelc which caused hla death, W. H. Roeser, who won and lost three fortunes as* a: “ wildcat'’ oper- ator, learned his last'wildcat ' welt-had struck pay- sand. i • Ho :«nia elated over the news ■.which .vindicated . his. JuUg- ment that oil existed In Ander* ODD ’ county-Jlocaor ',had sought Vancpuver .Guard#)-;; fAgainst'New-'Riots VANCO0VER;; B. Cl-‘June-18 (tU9—ProTlnclal polico'-sti^Qiar td.their CTftrd :?n; the.'Vancoinrer waterfront today to prevent new attacks by^. s t H k ^ Jongahoremen on tha workers who took thelz' Jobs Tho jwllcft typMled th? laitial.at- aek yesterday, wlts.seores ____, ........... ................... recelv- Ins'tnlnor injuries and ZS men b tngjPlaced under-arrat. '-".Vera poUcoofficct*., wiles'ai^ haa,spitad:to all.ublon PARLEYS Ari^gca. Scparato Oonfvcnco With PniBce,- Italy and Soviet-Bussia By FREDERICK KUH. ' (Copyrlaht, 1939, United Press) LONDON. June 10 <UJ!)~CreaL Jrltain has -arranged for naval confcreacea* with _____ Italy.and. Russia, It was Icami'd today. ■France has aEeepted o s invita' a delegation of ex.* tion to Mnd i ) to foUow.la • yond liCa^e .•of-- Nations ;’affolw, .fCivaOa-ParltfWdajMn-tline to . lunch .with. Premier Picrr* Laval. Jt s learned that, tho primary of'his vli&t'wlll hot be to ______ the British-Germannaval agreement, which-led to those In prospect... Seeks-Air t.esoue Though Eden will try. to vlnee Prance of. the necessity for the agreement giving Germany. '* 33 to 100 haviu raUo with Bril aln, he ^vIll principally try to ad vance tho conduston ot 'an aerial defense -leagiie ■,embracing- Brit- ain, Prance, lU ly,- Belgium and Oermany.. . I 'British ah4,Germnn‘naval dele- building,.! a [and igranu, ''dat< types and s -Joactilm . voa • Rlbbentrop _____ of the Germanii, (Conferred with Sir Robert'VanSittart, under secretary oC-the forcin office. .' ■'There wjll^'be*'further'naval ---------- the conference Is Iexpected vto end JYiday.'i>hllo Edaa,l*;la;Pari«.;•,‘ ; t i z o a o^Lui^dib: J ST. iiODis.:-iun«.iD-floa-^a* stltuUonailty of r(e4e^‘:^V- prooasslnffttax^wwT-**^-’- ^ suit fU«d la;u.'B,rd' ;t««^y suit______ ____________ _ -the .-Hell ^Paakintr 'oomjany-.- :,The tak, one'df thft prlnclpaT'.featUrla iUSERECElS iltOING PLANS Doficionoy. Mousuro Ontlincs - Public Works, National •- -Dorcnso Projects WASHINGTON, June 10 (U.ni— ___ _________ ___ _ ~.-™ . A'public-works constructlott pro- ;--wij| ■^veai.'^jitsiif g]M^^^ing%^ri73'5oa,ooo^ vjm from Use Chlca^:offrra"who.dl- details of the case not yet known to newspapers and -likely to ,r^ mala a secrtt until the' trial.' ..Thdflo-. revelations .w ill i&clude testimony, that the'abductors apr parcnUy prepared for their cap- tive a-plt aimilAr lo tho ono in which sbc-year-old June R<^lu was he)d .«n the Arizona desert last year. DUcovety of auch a pit la northwestern Idaho waa dia- dosed by Edgar. Hoover, chief of ----------------------------- tiOQ. la Wakhiagton, but the ex- act locaUon waa not divulged. Myaterlous "John; D«^' -The .-Jury also may learn the Identity ot a '‘John Doe” who was named In tho warrants cliarging vlolaUoa of the Lindbcrgli law and conspiracy to use tho mails to defratuL-.Aa additional charge ot ..-I— ujg extortion With every effort to (Continued on Page 2, Ojlumn 3) O m ^ a Arbitrators Call ih Governor OMAtlA.- June ,10, tOiy—Prog- as'^n negotlationa between repro- sentatives of labor and the Omaha * Council Bluffs Railway compaav waa reported today whea the arbl tratlon■board recessed’‘at-n r—' Traction .workers- have 'beca strike six weeks; . Tho arbltralort, however, called Gov. Roy L .. Cochroo into . the ------ „,„rini- f to establish clearly t tha controversy.- ' Throb of War Drums Echoes hi Abyssinia Ity ». A. .SAI'KOItl) (Copyright. 1035. UnltrJ I’rou) ADDIS ABABA, Abyssinlo, Juno 10 (LU!i—Throbbing drums in rain-soaked‘Jungles nmi drill- ing tlioaiands in Addin AbiibA and many vlllnj;i‘8 arc prcparliiff Abynnlnla for war with Italy in . Augunt or September. ' Tba entire country li con- vinei'd w.ir l/i Inevitable. Nn one IwH l ' vci the ItAly-AbysjInliin conimlsalon moetlnj: next week ut Thu Hngue will sntlle din- Iiulcn and the only hope here U chat Great Brilnln and- Francd m.-»y influence Italy ngnlnst lLi indle.atcd pliin.-i, Hrlnk reenilllng In Addlfl Ababa and Harrar In the l.iat four monthn hiivu incrc.vicil tlw Aby.vilnlnn nr/iiy from .1.000 men to approximately 15.00U. tirimly DetcnnliieU Tho entire populace, front tribi-ji of Ihu'Interlor to official clrclc;i of the cnplinl, l.i wildly exelloil and grimly determlnea to repeat the triumph of IBOO Whea 'im AUyiialiilmi ntwy anni- hilated nn lUIIan cxpcdiilon ot i 12.000 men. ' Streewi of AddLi Ababii. cus- tomarily lined with Idling loung- era, ring continually -now to 'Commands ahoiited at llttio groups of men drilling on every co'mer. Under ordeni of tho em- peror, all government employes aro devoting much of their spare timo-to'drill. .Tho height of excitement Is in provinces bordering on It,-illan Somaliland, where Italy has mas-ied a.huge force. IE MitchcU's Intentions in Citinus ‘ Corruption’ Dcnoitnccd by Committeemen PROCEDURE UNDER FIRE, Hunger-Stricken Prison Revolters Abandon Mutiny Dense Cloiids of Smoke Force Final Surrender Solon, nefend Former leader Kansas ConviclSi Barricaded in Prison Coal Of-Ship Board; Dusted Official Firm .Souse Appropriations - committee T>^"pU^Uc coastruciion provid- ed for In the «224',473,S61 second ■■licncy-bitl, reported oufby ' ___ mlttee, Incluaed a program ... 433--buIldings, one .la probably each .conj^resalonal district, ond for new national defense projects, mainly In.-ttae-Hawaiian Islands. -. Philippine Plsd Banned Cut-out of tho bUI by tbe com- mlttee'ia’an unexpected move waa an •admlnlstrauon' renaested ap- propriation'of •M3.802,750 to re- By nONAUD G. VAN TINE WASHINGTON, Juno 10 il'.l’i- ^follvL•.•^ ot iSwlng V. Mitchell In bringing chnrgc.i Of corruptloi against the departmpnt of com merce and the iililpping Iwnrd wer luualled today when Mitchell brought bill iiccuiiatlonH boCore the aunate commerce commlltoe, Mcmher.i of tlie committee de- nounced the procedure of the ount- cd oflRlfltaiit neeretary of - com merce. One iienator aceiiiied him ot '•blacUenlng tho reputations of lionorable meil." Admiral Defended Admiral H. I. Cone, former chairman of tbe U. S. shipping board, and one of tbe men ac- cused by Mitchell ot IrregularltlcB la the conduct ot govcntment bus- iness, was defended by Senn. Dun- can U. Fletcher, D„ Fla., and Wnllaco White, It.. Me. When Mitchell referred to .Cone . j a ••messenger boy for the In- ternational Mercantile - Marine,'' Fletcher, iiecond oldest member of the uenatu. voiced diniient. 'Mr. Mitchell," Fletcher nold. "you'are a lawyer and you know that If a ‘Witnea.T before a court were to ropaat honrwiy-tho court would any to him •ailck to the facts.' No Right to Slander "No witness has the right to blacken-tho namu-i of honorably men without ony facts.' I know Admiral Cone and have known for many years. I know . . many of the .men who blacken his name aro unworthy to unlace bis ahoea." MlUhcll said he .pr«>Kii(cJ''23 charges'agalost Cone to the com* merco-<!Qpartnunt. peraoaaet com- mittee. Secretary- Roper submit- ted them to the Wlilte House, he testified, bufoo-actlon waa talcea. "Every ono was out of st but.Mitchell," Chairman Royal .............. ....... ' Mine, Wreck Passageways L.VN.SINO, K'iiii,, .Tu!iu ID '(riM — Miiiiny nf :tlT ciaiiKcr- mis, lotiij-tLTiti ccmvii'is "20 fi-ri I k-!ch\- ilif r/irlli’n siirfnce fiiili’d toiljiy in nl>ji'i'l .siirn’ iuii-r. l'lt;isti-i)cil jidi] wcjikciii'il hy liiitinor, Ihu «i)tivii'lH wtTe l;i!a-n <iiit of K;iiis,-is pciiili'iitinry con! tiiiiii; uikI lorlu-d in tii.si'iplitiary ci-lls. ' IJi-foru' llioy w cff ninri'lK'd iml of ilii- 7l!0-fool lovel wlicrs llioy barrientii-ii llinnsclvcH l!l liinir.s wiili liio iniiu- su|)eriii- ti'inlful and 1! mianls an llo^l;lt;^■s. tin- i-tmvioU )ind itU but lii'Miolislifd };iillt'rios. They rip- IH-d limidrvds ol feel .<' ’•Look at.lt ony way you want,’ . > former official replied. "You’ll probably recall that Cone resign' ed. ment'-for. tho - cffeet of gotU de- valuation OB currency reserves of the Islands. Tho bill,, lost appropriation .measure of tho"aesslon, will be brought up la- the house tomor- row. It carries funds for deficien- cies in' government dcpartmeols for tho .present .fiscal- year and supplemental -appropriations for the next flscal-^ar. - ' Federal Dulldlngs The public .construction, pro- gram for federal buildings postofficca amounts to $38,00<].. . which ' will be allocated by the treooury and- po-itofflce rfepart- menta for 433 projects out of 1,103 project# being studied. • tn addition-*20,000.000 Is car- ricd for a, veterans’ hospital con- strucUon program designed to provide ll.-lOO new beds at 33 dif- ferent hospitals. . >r - BREAK OPENS Blft Appears is Walkout As Plants in Throo.Oitios SeopoQ Doors , I K .o h t'i^ .6 ’6 v7 .a iiiM i Thatrs .'sreat Mvra- Abbut;'tbO^ tm-'Qouth thaV:iVW'vbecnC;flg&tiiiir*-^;iw- •of-• pca?#.rDblther.• side ;• h u ,Vi'. tolco'ahy'Df'the land' uiat'thsy; ; werff? flghtlBgv'Over; -.BoUvH;’-; thought for, awhlio -there :aha _ •'waa golng to'bavfl'to take, it. R goes bactc'to-the lndlass.' -'i. Hurrah for Judge Lasdls,- - the old judge'taada a mighty- . wise decision, especially, tn-not- '^owing^them to';«xplolt-this . ■a:!U- mllUonVfloOar.-trtinfcrfino . on' -U>«.Standard. OU .company.. •' YOurs,'--'- SEATTLE, June IB (UE)—Tbe Faclfio' northwest .lumber strike for . higher wagea and shorter hours broke rapldlv today on sev- eral western 'Waahln^a fronts. > .^Xn.' Belllflgbazfl,' Tttcoma or Olympld stzikers lD ,maJor lum- ber.'aad .plywood plant* wer^ "■ turolntf.'to work — ..........' - Idlenesa. •: lement. 6t.-thrf._: t after .weeks of MTEACCEPiS SOCIAL P R O G IIil Upper Chamber Passes F. D. R. Security Measure; Qocs Back to Houso WA.SIIINGTON', June 10 lU'.l —I'rntldent ItuonevrU's aoclul Hecurlty program, dr<ilgiied to help Anierlcuii>i "mcrt some of tho nuijiir economic haurds of life." \VM npproti^ by tho Scn- nto today. I t now gocA huclc to the iiou.«e ti'hero It probalily will be sent lo conference to wttio dlffer- cncm vvUh thn netmte. Promliea Proof •Before I get through I'll con- vince even you that this ro— should be cleaned.out.*^ Before thi^ aenatora tume'd WASHINGTON, Juno 10 iU.i;i— The aenate today accepted over strenuous objections of adminis- tration leadera the Clark amend- ment to tbo social security bill which would permit efoployea to retain their, own .-syHtwa ot old age penalons whci opprovcd by the meat. The vote was SI to 33. The Chirk amendment . _ _. final important issue raised pri- -■? to final passage of the mcas- re scheduled for later In.the day Just before tht vote. Sen. Hob ert M. LaFolIette, Jr.. P., Wls-. read a letter-from William Green which declared that the American Federation of Labor was ’•unal' terably opposed to the' amend- ment.^' ..Itchell -mentioned again his complaint against the arrange- ment under which the government permitted tho U. S. Lines to lay up the giant -liner Leviathan. He safd tills' arrangement permitted (Continued on Page 2,‘ Column 7) ORftlCliJTY BILILIGHIENED hammering for quick passage of President lloowsvclt’s "must" leg- islation -program, administration leaders today obtained house ap- proval of a rule limiting' debate on the Wagner-Connery labor dis- putes bill to three houra. The rule was -accepted by tbe houjfe after an hour’s debate. It does-hotTestrict the-offeringrf of amendments. Leaders were driv- ing to pass tho mcoaure by night- fall. Both Republicans and Demo- crats challenged conatltutlonallty of^tho Wagner bill during the do- HouBo Group'.Offers Oontrol Instead of Abolition for - Holding Oompanics' WAs'ki NGTO.N, June 10 tUJll— Provisions for compulsory aboli- tion of-holding companies were struck out of thtf WhceJer-IUy- bum public utilities bill today by a houso interstate commerce sub- :committee. Instead of tho rigid sought.,J>y_EtealUcat_a\aoitty.elt and adopted by -tho senate, the houso group- substituted a plan which would give the. securities and exchange commlsaion discre- tionary power to control bolding companies. President Roosevelt at'his press conference again went on record a»-hcartily in favor -of tho abo- UUon. section of tho blU as.-poss- ed by the senate. By diagram isethod, he illustrated that ope> ating companies'<Uvideods are dUWbuted *0 -wldOly ^ the hold' NATIONAL LKAQUB . By United Press St. Louis at PhUadelphU; post- poncd, rain. •-.tSettlement. 6 t . thrf..BeniogbSua strike by-A .nlne to.ooe ybto of 2,000 ,aien,^-who : approved a mln- Imum wa^'ot-BO.centa an hour, M d .a guaraateed'UO-hour.work week, was conaldered a victory by T»olh- irt<ld|./-.'.V=r^>.. '-'Nine Tacooia Itnnber,' door and withi lncn»aseB la pay., averaging lo per mt-',:- - 'T / . -- ' -i, ..Werkera PfotsctW '-— .State M ^U aea protected’.r«- tumlne -^rk(;ra ' ln tbs Olympia area;l&<Uy.:'Mi^kers, ot |three ■■ .............■M '-'^Torle." - I'i’ ,w..^«.^^wvr.-.Bntttt;and'AaB- cottcrrainii tenialned W18.. Se- atQe':talUs; w e n closed u .were tbe Ug-'-Irtns.-Bells '1 «ad.-'.Weyerhaet»; - mlllj.al'.Lon«vte?f, with »11 em- ' pald'.ott -,]]!.' ^ luld. oqly ^ d s Deadlock kndlng a foiir-montb deadl(kk, . .. 1-----...... -teported. the _ __ __ tevUed measure to the full InUr- state commcrce committee with a vlew 'of obtaining early house ac- tlbn.~.'' ;■ *• ■•: V- ■ ' Under tho altered blli, the com- mission would bo. empowered to force''* holding company to .con- fine its scope to a alngls -vlnte- gratisd ..public ‘ uUlity "Bystem" -cx- .cept. iB. cases- whea this:-would . ------ to*“ the. tubIUi,;lnteft r'tbe- houM'blU'^'-hDld' ' mars re^ai^ to res> r^Mtw.-that u n ^ t ^ - ^ > l d h i g companies-’are.; forbidden'.: usage of the-coalls ..or'anj-nieonirof’la- tcntKle-cooimerce .to aelV'trabs^ mlt, transport or dUtriWite gas - elec^-«crgy.‘- . : ; , . . ' i l liiii1iiTit]>; and hol it on fire, ■;iiisiiiK datiiuKr iiinoimtin(( to . Iiiiusnuiis of didlurK. - Till’ spi’clnnilar imiliny, ncw- ">t ill a IdiiK Kvrics of prisoa :'i-lii-lli(>iis'iiiid rsL-appH lit Kan- ins pciiili'tilinr.v. t-tiiicd u'illioiit a pcraOn being Injured. Dense bil- lows (If clioUIng smoke from the Incendiary fires were sucked out by the vonUlatlng- tana. Prison - otflcliila merely reversed tho fans, piling tho nmoke back into the mlnu and all but overturning the mutlneeni. ' ; AMlied Doctor Fired Tho convlcLl had demhmled dis- mia.ial ot Dr.’ Davld F. Parlter, ac-'. runing him of Incompetcncc: het- . er preparation of prison food’, and_„i waiver ot punl.nhment for tlio mut- Iny. Nono of these demands were granted and no conccnslons were raadc. Ever>* preparation for a pitched Dattle in the dimly lighted tunhels hundreds of feet below the surface liad been made before tho fans were reversed. State highway patrolmen augmented the entlra force of guards assembled ai, the nhaft head.-Shotguns, pistols, gaa- masks, and'tear gas'>vere. Issued and surplus .storta ataclced. The convicts were Icnown.to hav^ ' } Xire. arms, but Wardtn -t^ejr'. Simpeon feared they might at- tempt a d&sperate battle with thtir miners’ piclu. utiartts Enter Bllne One hour after the fans were re- - crsed, tho guards, protected by • JUS maslcs, were lowered into tha amoke-fllled mine and advanced along the 720-foot. level gallery. Half way they met. tho gasping, choking convicts. Tbe convicts' - held two of their hostages In frqnt ot them, feariog tlie guanls would flee. Commanded to advance .with convicts were' told to help clear de- bris from tho shaft cage and tha-- others wero brought to. tbe sur> ' face under heavy guard, 10 at a - time. ■ The rout of tho mutineers ended , a "strike" which sUrted when tba convicts went to work in the ralna . yesterday niomlng. Today’s Games A t Boston— R H E Chicago-----000001000— 1 ~oston------ 100 10000*=- 2 •. Batteries: .Wameko and O’Deo. SECOND OABIE A t Boston— R H E Chicago ___ 000 100002— 3 10 1 Boston__ :_000000 000>^ 0 B O Batteries: tee and Hartnett; Betts and Hogan. ~ . It At New fork- Pittsburgh- - New York AHEBIOAN LEAQUB Philadelphia at Chicago, post- poned, rain. PmSTGAMB At St Louis— oston’ ---- ............- t St Louis . Batteries: W.Ferreil knd R. Fer- rell;- WUkup;. Cottman, Van' Atta ______GAME A t Detroit^- • • -R H B New-rork '.:«00081501#—18 I S ' Detroit __001101~000— a ' 9 . .Battdles: Goinez and Dickey; Crowder, Hatter and Haywortfl. - , , SXOOND.OAMB-'- A t Detroltr-^ - Batteries: T a m ^ . 'a n ^ 'i d ^ : Bridtfea tnd.Cochronav-' ^•.At-Ctareland^-'« WashlMtoB'-OOO.M-^^ .;Baltfcttes:~ Hadlwr-WttU ■ Holbrook:'rl*ST^TllIl|irn« Br^^.aadl^ftoUl^^;'.}^^ Briofs W ill 'Assist Bowninff ^ la Dec^on 6a-Idaho's V:- '.v •Oontrol’taw ' jO catello. juna’ 16 aiB.—vl; With briefs oa the cas«. to . submitted by both sides, the <iutis*^;V tion of the constitutionality. c2.tb»d Idaho liquor control act was' fore DUMct Judge Jay .Dowolac^ today:' - ■The Judge :ia eapected In t a decision 'wlthhi three weeks Ben W. Davis, Pocatello's ncy,'elaBed-the defena when ■he answer^ Ariel. Crowley, Idaho s tomey general;'It-.w_ ___ then that uch elds , should. I mlt lU case ia-briefa.-' • ' Too Many^Powew . . Crowley, attickiaK-tlie'^'i.. tuUonaUty of the act,: tiad that it allowed .the atattf 'l ialaUvo-powers. , Tn answer, >Davls »ald: „ '•Who haa the rtehfto < uor, and'Tsho ahould hava^ the reguUtiobt .m e -s' t right .t( .jlnoBi: U ...... ...... atate t}aS;a::.giwU6 r: trol'llmoc' £ao.-‘ut modity/*■ IniuhinM- tiiuSMuStffivSii BertJOUar.alad:

When Police, Strikers Tangled in Oregon Strike IE Hunger-Stricken …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls... · 2014. 12. 12. · sumberq here ondrla.oPiDr Olcla-

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  • Weather ForecastCensratty'fatr tonight and Thun*

    day; Umpsratura about a«ma. HlQti yeiterday 87; low 40. Low till! morning SB.

    VOIa XVIII. NO. nil—T) CUNT3.


    TO D A Y

    ;mUcr nf Miillt Illir OFFICIAL. COUNTY NE W SI'A I'E R


    ON LOCAL T W IOutstanding Prospects OUccr

    ■ Ranchers, Wido Survey Bovcals Hero •


    Leadora Optimistic As Ftdl Water Flow Speeds WOriti

    Beets Look Good

    An oiiUtandlpp crop Is In pros- pcct Iicre, nccordlnK to a nurvcy ninilff totlny by Uio 13voiilnff i*n nmoiip oulliorlllM on poiniti auBftr becta. bcana, htty, am

    , ai;cU. fruit nnil Bralos.On tlio Twin Palta troct a J

    per cvnt flow of water is uci run untl farm nellvlty Is ai bolgtit. practically all crops Iiavl

    ' been planted. This applies to latoea, as well oa bcana, whJeh are In Ui«. early atagcs, tinil al>. though It ia coDfllilcred too mrh to predict the outcomc of tho late- planted crops, leaden In tho in* duntry aro partlculorly optlmJatlc over thia aooaon's outlook.

    Wheat Excellent Wheat on this tract U Uio beat

    lo 'yeani, it la atAteU, wlUi • Uio ■ acrense normal and quality above

    average. Fruit 'hna cacaped acri* domaRo and gives promlao of

    . yielJa.’ lt ia deelared. Straw* bcrrlea will • reach tho pealc tho lutter part of the week, nod In the canyon the first of tlio'carly cburrlea aro contlofc oo.

    Sugar beets In tbo entire territory which Includea Twin Fftlia. Jerome; Burley, Rupert and Paul, so far are freu from aerloua rav-

    — affen-of-leafhopper.-'lt-la-leBmedfrom the bureau of entomology, and Amalgamated Sugar company orriciala declare tho beelji have good color, ■ and ora ' btlnp well cuttlvated.

    ' . Thinning Completed Tlilnniag of 'this crop bon been

    completed and ti start baa been maOiTbn the firat hoeinjc. accord-

    - Ing to R.'H. Tallman. Xdabo district manager today, ‘After a 360- mite Jnaputlbd .trip ho Bays tho crop looks exceptional, and nt this stage he reports ha "can't « e ar-

    .■.(COatinued on Pago 3, CX))uina

    Death Ordered for Qoocb as First Abdoctpr to Bo

    ---------- ------Excctttftd... ------

    MUStCOQEE, Okla.. Juno 11> mnp—Arthur Good), who WJaap- od two Texas poller offiecra and brought them into OklnLoma, will ...................... ha fedonU Jail ^ r «

    s passed on Goocl), convicicu unuer the IJndbcrgh

    ' law, by Judge Robert L.. Williams In federal-court .tod^. Tbe V. S. marshal for tho eaalcm dis-

    ' trict' o f Oiclolioma will spring the trap. ■"

    Gooch wlll_bo tho first person execdled'ln tiio United States for

    : kidnaping. Ho was convicted Inst week ct -Durant. .

    •'I don’t believe • I ehould be hange^l wbtn &o otlics ever has r - - -

    Answers Protei... Judge Williams ‘ replied

    Gooch'a protest “ Because some Juries' were

    'splnelemi Is’ iio reoaon for not ns> seaslng. tho death aeotenco when one is passed,’’ tho Judgo aold. ■'‘7* Is not cosy for*me, nor pleosonL

    "Out'kidnapers should not be permitted to roam around llko nvd

    —dOK» witboPt—]— ■-*----- ----------I for

    _________ _____________ i ap-pcol for clemency would-be tno only chance-to. save Gooch.

    Gooch's mother, ua uncje, _ brother and hls son were In the

    , courtroom.

    Pair, Waitingr Hop, Will Carry PoiBori

    NEW t:ORK. Juno 19 «ted t'

    brother, found two blocic widow spiders' in hla home and two

    ,other, residents.-of tho-aame. neighborhood found the Insects clinging to tho bottom of fruit Jars in n bam..

    A t Clinton. Oklft., a, man found and killed a blade widow spider in his.home. A girl at Holdenvillc waa 111 for more tlian a week after & spider bit hor.. Health officers there ItuilnieteU. Uie public, how to IdenUfy the black widow by the red -hour glass'’ marking on its belly.

    Urge* M^lcaJ Aid •Dr. H. b.. Mbor? dlrMtor rt

    medical research' a t the University of Oklahpma medleol school.. wacn'ed p e rs o n s bitten by

    Swelling, Intense pain, high fever, headache and syinptams .similar to those br neuritis re< suit from-ft' bkick widow;splder bite, physicians aaid.

    In. California, Dr. Moor said, physicians, found that intravenous .injections Of calcium gluel-

    Federal Men Present Evidence Against Waleys, Mahan

    TACOMA, Waab,, June 10 (UI>> —A federal gxaad Jui^ assembled today to-hear-chargen-that Har------ and Margaret Waley. nrlaon-.. . and. William Mahan. AUds Grant, a fugitive, Iddoaped George Weyerhaeuser.'.flon 'o f a Tacoma millionaire, for 1200,000 ransom.

    The story of the. first majoi kldnoplng In the rncific north- wcjt will bo unfolded before tbt Jury • by. the department of Juii' tice agentn:who within'one. week of Ujc boy's release ran down two of his abduelors and .narrow* iy mlss(d catching, the, thlnL-

    I r o n i c F a t e C h e a t s P a i r

    O E .J P o r t u n e sNEW YORK. June lO-ttll!)—

    Ironic fate- made Walter Ellis, GO,- a multimillionaire ■ even while it waa depriving him of his eyesight, it Mcone knowii today a fortnight, after the Colarado mining man died at a

    ' liotel here:£lll8. It waa disclosed, went

    west In 1030. his health falling. From a Donvcr hotel room he directed the sinking o f a shaft on a.plot of land hU father-had im him. A' gold'vein was. struck tmd an oro mill buUt near Alma swelled bls'

    because, of bis rapidly falling eyesight, Ellis camo cast to consult physicians and it — -

    died. _


    30 (IU!1 - - Just before hb.was strickea with a heart atUelc which caused hla death, W. H. Roeser, who won and lost three fortunes as* a: “ wildcat'’ operator, learned his last'wildcat

    ' welt-had struck pay- sand. i • Ho :«nia elated over the news

    ■.which .vindicated . his. JuUg- ment that oil existed In Ander* ODD ’ county-Jlocaor ',had sought

    Vancpuver .Guard#)-;; f A g a i n s t 'N e w - 'R i o t s

    VANCO0VER;; B. C l-‘June-18 (tU9—ProTlnclal polico'-sti^Qiar td.their CTftrd :?n; the.'Vancoinrer waterfront today to prevent new attacks bŷ . s tH k ^ Jongahoremen on tha workers who took thelz' Jobs

    Tho jwllcft typMled th? laitial.at- aek yesterday, wlts.seores____, ........... ................... recelv-

    Ins'tnlnor injuries and ZS men b tngjPlaced under-arrat.

    '-".Vera poUcoofficct*.,

    w iles 'a i^ haa,spitad:to all.ublon

    PARLEYSAri^gca. Scparato Oonfvcnco

    With PniBce,- Italy and Soviet-Bussia

    By FREDERICK KUH. ' (Copyrlaht, 1939, United Press) LONDON. June 10 hllo E daa,l*;la ;Pari«.;•, ‘ ;

    t iz o a o ^ L u i ^ d i b : JST. iiOD is.:-iun«.iD -floa-^a*

    stltuUonailty of r (e 4 e ^ ‘:^V- prooasslnffttax^wwT-**^-’- ^ suit fU«d la;u.'B,rd' ; t « « ^ ysuit______ ____________ _-the .-Hell ^Paakintr 'oomjany-.- :,The tak, one'df thft prlnclpaT'.featUrla

    iU S E R E C E lS i l tO IN G PLANS

    Doficionoy. Mousuro Ontlincs - Public Works, National

    •- -Dorcnso Projects

    WASHINGTON, June 10 (U.ni—____________ „ ___ _ ~.-™ . A'public-works constructlott pro-;--wij| ■^veai.'^jitsiif g]M^^^ing%^ri73'5oa,ooo^ vjm

    from Use Chlca^:offrra"who.dl-

    details of the case not yet known to newspapers and -likely to ,r^ mala a secrtt until the' trial.'..Thdflo-. revelations .will i&clude

    testimony, that the'abductors apr parcnUy prepared for their captive a-plt aimilAr lo tho ono in which sbc-year-old June RKii(cJ''23 charges'agalost Cone to the com* merco-

    "Every ono was out of st but.Mitchell," Chairman Royal

    .............. .......

    ' Mine, Wreck Passageways

    L.VN.SINO, K'iiii,, .Tu!iu ID '(r iM — Miiiiny nf :tlT ciaiiKcr- mis, lotiij-tLTiti ccmvii'is "20 fi-ri Ik-!ch\- ilif r/irlli’n siirfnce fiiili’d toiljiy in nl>ji'i'l .siirn’ iuii-r. l'lt;isti-i)cil jidi] wcjikciii'il hy liiitinor, Ihu «i)tivii'lH wtTe l;i!a-n former official replied. "You’ll probably recall that Cone resign'ed.

    ment'-for. tho - cf feet of gotU devaluation OB currency reserves of the Islands.

    Tho bill,, lost appropriation .measure of tho"aesslon, will be brought up la- the house tomorrow. It carries funds for deficiencies in' government dcpartmeols for tho .present .fiscal- year and supplemental -appropriations for the next flscal-^ar. -

    ' Federal DulldlngsThe public .construction, pro

    gram for federal buildings postofficca amounts to $38,00 .^Xn.' Belllflgbazfl,' Tttcoma or Olympld stzikers lD ,maJor lumber.'aad .plywood plant* wer^ "■turolntf.'to work — ..........' -Idlenesa. •:

    lement. 6t.-thrf._:

    t after .weeks of


    Upper Chamber Passes F. D. R. Security Measure; Qocs

    Back to Houso

    WA.SIIINGTON', June 10 lU'.l —I'rntldent ItuonevrU's aoclul Hecurlty program, dri "mcrt some of tho nuijiir economic haurds of life." \VM npproti^ by tho Scn- nto today.

    It now gocA huclc to the iiou.«e ti'hero It probalily will be sent lo conference to wttio dlffer- cncm vvUh thn netmte.

    Promliea Proof•Before I get through I'll con

    vince even you that this ro— should be cleaned.out.*^

    Before thî aenatora tume'd

    WASHINGTON, Juno 10 iU.i;i— The aenate today accepted over strenuous objections of administration leadera the Clark amendment to tbo social security bill which would permit efoployea to retain their, own .-syHtwa ot old age penalons whci opprovcd by the meat.

    The vote was SI to 33.The Chirk amendment . _ _.

    final important issue raised pri- -■? to final passage of the mcas-

    re scheduled for later In.the day Just before tht vote. Sen. Hob

    ert M. LaFolIette, Jr.. P., Wls-. read a letter-from William Green which declared that the American Federation of Labor was ’•unal' terably opposed to the' amend- ment. '̂

    ..Itchell -mentioned again his complaint against the arrangement under which the government permitted tho U. S. Lines to lay up the giant -liner Leviathan. He safd tills' arrangement permitted (Continued on Page 2,‘ Column 7)

    O R f t l C l i J T Y BILILIGHIENED

    hammering for quick passage of President lloowsvclt’s "must" legislation -program, administration leaders today obtained house approval of a rule limiting' debate on the Wagner-Connery labor disputes bill to three houra.

    The rule was -accepted by tbe houjfe after an hour’s debate. It does-hotTestrict the-offeringrf of amendments. Leaders were driving to pass tho mcoaure by nightfall.

    Both Republicans and Democrats challenged conatltutlonallty of^tho Wagner bill during the do-

    HouBo Group'.Offers Oontrol Instead of Abolition for - Holding Oompanics'

    WAs'k iNGTO.N, June 10 tUJll— Provisions for compulsory abolition of-holding companies were struck out of thtf WhceJer-IUy- bum public utilities bill today by a houso interstate commerce sub- : committee.

    Instead of tho rigid sought., J>y_EtealUcat_a\aoitty.elt and adopted by - tho senate, the houso group- substituted a plan which would give the. securities and exchange commlsaion discretionary power to control bolding companies.

    President Roosevelt at'his press conference again went on record a»-hcartily in favor -of tho abo- UUon. section of tho blU as.-poss- ed by the senate. By diagram isethod, he illustrated that ope> ating companies'.. •'-'Nine Tacooia Itnnber,' door and

    withi lncn»aseB la pay., averaging lo per m t- ', :- - ' T / . -- ' -i, ..Werkera PfotsctW '-— .State M ^ U aea protected’.r«-

    tumlne -^rk(;ra ' ln tbs Olympia area;l&iis'iiiid rsL-appH lit Kanins pciiili'tilinr.v. t-tiiicd u'illioiit a pcraOn being Injured. Dense billows (If clioUIng smoke from the Incendiary fires were sucked out by the vonUlatlng- tana. Prison - otflcliila merely reversed tho fans, piling tho nmoke back into the mlnu and all but overturning the mutlneeni. ' ;

    AMlied Doctor Fired Tho convlcLl had demhmled dis-

    mia.ial ot Dr.’ Davld F. Parlter, ac-'. runing him of Incompetcncc: het- . er preparation of prison food’, and_„i

    waiver ot punl.nhment for tlio mut- Iny. Nono of these demands were granted and no conccnslons were raadc. ■ •

    Ever>* preparation for a pitched Dattle in the dimly lighted tunhels hundreds of feet below the surface liad been made before tho fans were reversed. State highway patrolmen augmented the entlra force of guards assembled ai, the nhaft head.-Shotguns, pistols, gaa- masks, and'tear gas'>vere. Issued and surplus .storta ataclced. •

    The convicts were Icnown.to hav^ '} Xire. arms, but Wardtn -t^ e jr '.

    Simpeon feared they might at- tempt a d&sperate battle with thtir miners’ piclu.

    utiartts Enter Bllne One hour after the fans were re- -

    crsed, tho guards, protected by • JUS maslcs, were lowered into tha amoke-fllled mine and advanced along the 720-foot. level gallery. Half way they met. tho gasping, choking convicts. Tbe convicts' - held two of their hostages In frqnt ot them, feariog tlie guanls would flee. Commanded to advance .with

    convicts were' told to help clear debris from tho shaft cage and tha-- others wero brought to. tbe sur> ' face under heavy guard, 10 at a - time. ■

    The rout of tho mutineers ended , a "strike" which sUrted when tba convicts went to work in the ralna . yesterday niomlng.

    Today’s Games

    A t Boston— R H EChicago-----000001000— 1~oston------100 10000*=- 2 •.

    Batteries: .Wameko and O’Deo.

    ■ SECOND OABIE A t Boston— • R H E

    Chicago ___ 000 100002— 3 10 1Boston__ :_000000 000> ̂0 B O

    Batteries: tee and Hartnett; Betts and Hogan.

    ~ . ItA t New f o r k - Pittsburgh- - • New York

    AHEBIOAN LEAQUB Philadelphia at Chicago, post

    poned, rain.PmSTGAMB

    A t S t Louis—oston’ ---- ............- t

    St Louis .Batteries: W.Ferreil knd R. Fer

    rell;- WUkup;. Cottman, Van' Atta

    ______GAMEA t Detroit^- • • -R H B

    New-rork '.:«00081501#—18 IS ' Detroit __001101~000— a ' 9 .

    .Battdles: Goinez and Dickey; Crowder, Hatter and Haywortfl. - , , SXOOND.OAMB-'- A t Detroltr-^

    - Batteries: T a m ^ . 'a n ^ 'id ^ : Bridtfea tnd.Cochronav-'

    ^•.At-Ctareland^-'«W a s h l M t o B ' - O O O . M - ^ ^

    . ;Baltfcttes:~ Hadlwr-WttU ■ Holbrook:'rl*ST^TllIl|irn« Br^^.aadl^ftoU l^^;'.}^^

    Briofs W ill 'Assist Bowninff ^l a D ec^ on 6a-Idaho's V:- '.v

    •Oontrol’t a w '

    j O c a t e l l o . juna ’ 16 a iB .— vl;With briefs oa the cas«. to . submitted by both sides, the

  • Pftfje Two ‘ IDAHO -EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO • iWc(bief«i«y,T,Tiuifl:3a,'aMr>



    \ lY WINS News in BriefDRUGGIST HONOR‘

    llra ilcri o( t>i* U vinltic Tlmta

    r V K '

    lliTO frohi llcrkMryC. M. Smith. Horkrlry.Named Sccond Vico President

    By State Group; Rupert Man President

    ------- liJcnm Court SlnlpJ

    c r . , . c. K , p m r r . . . . ret Klngsbury'n '“ « ^ May Plead Guiltyn coDnUIcml potialble Umt

    held at 0

    « f the convention, C. D, Smith, Bolt Uike City, clcclnred Uio NRA declalon waa a dcnlh-hlow to the amall (IruRglat nnd other retail ncrchanta.

    I/xlf;!- Com to JrrotiMi A -M ookc lodRc' tlelppntion ».-lll

    Ko lo Jrromc tlila cvcolni; to nttcnd n mcctlnj: of the Jerome orpniilia' lion U) luuiiat In the inlUatlun of « clftM of candidntea.

    Jfrw Mivnagrr NnmM New nmnftK'''’ Superior

    Market on Second otrcet vant In Jack Grecnalftte. who Juui been cm- pJoyrd Jn the procfrj’ bual̂ Jcaii iiere

    number of ycara.

    BURLEY RESIDENlTuemJay at 11:30 p. m. nt the Cot- taRO hospital of double pneumonia follawlni; A maatold operation. Mr.

    . • Calldna recently relumed from Baemmento, Calif., where ho na- listed with the conatrucUon o f the AmalRamated euRnr factory. He had been an employe of the local factory for acvcral yeara. '■ Ha la nurvlvcd by hla wife and the fnllowlnf? children: GenenI, Wlnonn. Valeria, Kny and Elma,

    . all oCDuriey.Funeral acrvlcea will be held

    ■ Batunloy nt 2 p. m. ul the L. D. S. tabernacle In Biirley wllh Dlahop J. D. HoRpan offlelaUnp. Interment will l » In the Burley cemetery In chargo of fhe Payno mortuary.

    Itnme from VnruUon •I’ntrolmnn nnd Mr«. Jnck Empty

    nnd children have returned from a vncatlon trip apent with rclallvca at nivrralde, Calif., and at the World'8 fair at Snn Diego.

    n iM Name Certirlrnt49 Certl/lcalc of trade name han

    been filed at the office of the coun- eorter by Laum Sullivan, al-

    ____ ig to, her ownership of theWhlto Houne roomn, 231 Ninth (ivenue aoulh. Buhl.

    ____. , innd, head of thbaUte InJipecUon bureau, tallied to membera of the Holnry club thin noon 'On. "Federal Innpection an-; Imprlaonment or a leaocr term.I Although Inwyero dlfferetl on Urn; termlnolopy of the Lindbergh Jaw, It waa believed Bcnerally Umt Uio! defendonU arc not llnblo to it death Bcntencc aa Gcorne wan returned apparenUy unhitmicd. Ttho*o who hold a illffcrent view argue that the psj’chologlcnl effect of eight days' Imnruonmmt and coDfinement la a-Hmali closet might be tnterjireted aa harm. Under that Interprtlallon a death ncnteuce would be pooalblt.

    New Mahan Clue V eearcli for Maftan w

    atarted In Soulb Tscomn when opemlor onJd rwho rtprcsentK......... nownjiaper' rcVorter in the Weyerhaeuser

    caae" trie

  • . Wo(Irit*s

    o c L e t c y

    3n iRT iroAY ’8 IIONOHF.D IfV DAN RJeCOOK CIUCLK - Mrs. SonUi-UoDo1c, Mrn. JtMle

    YQChcm. Mrs. Wa Mead, Mm. Bcr- tlui Warner, lira. Ida Sweet, Mrs

    . Mary PotllJoJin. .Mnr. Flora BffTta nnd Mm. Wnnl were gucaU of lionor' ycslcrtlny momlnf; nt a

    ' blrllidny brealtrtiat j;lvcn for them nt tlio tiomc o( Mra. J. L. Grceno. UlrUtUay CArdn. handlccrchlcra tuid coraagcs of ronea were prcacnlctl tho honorccs. Itoaea In low bowla ccnlcrcU tho brcakfoaC table.

    Later in Uic momlns n reccptlon woA licIJ for membcni of Uic circle unii friend)). A nclcction, "Sumc* botly’.i Blrlliilny," waa budr: by Mrn, Jamcn L. Tayc and dauglitera. Muriel onU ICIranor, and a touat given.

    Ueinhera of the lioalcsa commit-■ lee In addllion to Mra. Orcene were . Mrn. Bcrtim Clyde. Mra. Tiiyc aoilMrs. a. E. Leighton.

    POT-LUCK mNNEK( b v k e u e ic a iis

    Mcmbern o f , the Prlmrone Re* .bcitah lojjio attended a pol-luclc dinner In.nt ovcnlnp at the OclJ FcU lown hall. During tlic dinner Iho program was presented by Ml.ia l7Jt Drlneoll, proffmtrt chairman.

    • lUily Hcrb.1t and Hlima Sweet danced a tunfjo: Allcc Jean Gian. ,n nt Salt I-ikel _____•City, Lfhi. and oilier Utah citleii.j Shu will nlflo visit, wjth relative.i with, her mollier, .Mrs. Mattie in Nevuiio. .. .

    mil Mrs,

    By United Preis SENATE

    Continues debate on social / irlty bin.Coinnirree - cnmmittcft hears'ni',Vj. Borvl'ceV

    ........■ .MIm Phyllia Warren, Glen War-ren and Ilert-Jvle JiJi Sunday for •nWTiiilh’s vl.ilt in'Cahfornia,

    .Mr.'.and .Mra. Henry Felt and four children; Bliiclcfoot, wcro week-end gueata of Mr. and Mri. C. S. Wood.

    ........— - ..... -. _. Bright leftTuemlay for their home in Twin rails after vliiltlng two weekn at the homo ot their daughter, Mrs, June Peck.

    Mrn, Vern Otter left Momlay tor her homo In Holiie. after vl.'illiiig two weekn with her jiarentJi. ilr . ftn.l Mi-ji. George :h . Scholer,. Mrii. Roy Buck, who has been receiving medical treatment nt the Cottage ha-ipltul, was removed to liar homo Saturday.

    Mr. nnd Mrs. Ceorgo Pattersc liavo returneil form an extemkvl trip through Oregon, where they vialted with frlenda. Tlielr d.iugh- ter. Louise, who has been nttenil- ing Willamette university at Sa. Icm, nccompanleU them to Burley for tho summer.

    Mina Virginia jrcDonald, Unl- venilty of Idaho student, has returned to Burley for the Biminier.• Dr. Frank Cutler, who has been

    vliiiting In Btirloy with hl/i father. Dr. F; n. Cutler. left this week for Bnltlmorc Md„ where he will take.up Ills work ns an Interac In Mercy lioapltal.

    Mrs. C. W. Roosma and daughter, Pocatello, spent tho week-end

    Gooding Instructor' Weds Burley Mail

    Daugherlv.Mrs. I\. P. Slu.i.ier eniortnlned

    at ft desnert-hfldge fur the menl>ors of ihe .Miller Bridge club on ..Monilny. High cut prlr.u went to (SpeCl.H) —Mr.. A. D. Steelsmlth. Muirhead. Instructor at

    Mrs. Simon Kinney, Mrs. C. L. '■'•"I-''''’ . «> “ '■ «»• C'OO'linjtmirrliiy, Miss Mary Barclay, ^rrs,f}?3: nnd !;,rnci.t Palmer, Smlth-ir. A. Grohonky and'Mr.'i. ''■•“ cher at Bur- ,Ite.ltield, ileli'gates to the Kajitern'i-iy »''> " ‘"co tho fall ofStar couvciillon nt Nartipa i„..,i l»3.1, were united in marriugo oa

    their official reportn at;^'“ “ '''''‘>'- Gooding.— — fjfm er pastor.... I'^ergrlvn' chapler' ineetlng'«\“ >* CAchn......-....... , _

    Monday evening. The chapter nd.|'‘f I ’re.'ibyterlun church, offt- joutned meetlngii for thlr. and Mra. H. Wlabey, of Stockton, the cercmony toklng placo on

    ----rrtdpy evepiagi-June-^r-fct-thfrbomo.of the bride's partnts.

    ■ '- Tho ceremony waa pertormcd ori tho tawn iinder -a bower ot rosea, wiui Rev. Arthur Anderaoa officiating. Tho bride, waa attired In n long gown of white crcpo.do

    ' bhlne, and the bMdeamald. MIm . ^Jtyrlam HorUey, wore a frock of

    'dainty pink allk trimmed In blue. JTranlf .Hartley woa attendant to

    •• tho groom.Following the cercmony a wed*

    jding reception and dooce woa held Qt tha home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.

    > Allan with over 100 guosU prea- ' ont. Largo baakets of gladlotas

    oad pink and white carnatlosj completed Uio. decoration,-nsoUf. Gifts of tho young coupic wcro on

    • dbiplay. Mr. and Mrs. Wlabey « making their home-la Stockton.

    Group at, Northview.• Organizes’4-H Club

    , :.NORTHVIEW, JunoiO ISpeetalJ —To organize .a 4-IT Bewlnff’ club

    < « group ot g lrl» met at the bome of. Marjorie Roublaek Thursday: Miss Roublnek was naihed presf-

    - dent; Mary Conrad, vice president: . Edith , MtNelly, 'scdwtaiy: Mar-

    lorio SklRDtf. treasurer; Wilma■ aklmicr, reRprUr; UUy May Wea- . Tor. yeir leader; Pauline StokCH . :-ber/y. song leader.-Ulrlam.Hart.is '' .{ho leadet: Tbo next neetlaff will

    bo i t the homo of Helen. Marjo-"*■ -and Wilma Skinner.June

    Mra. .Wolfe will Join them .........bilnlnesa tranriactionn in Burley

    ...J completed. Lcland Frasier, Jr., plans to enter Unlvernlty of Soutli- cm California nt Los Angeles for tho fall term. Mr. nnd Mru..Wolfe will make their home In Lba An. goles. . •


    — Mrs. Laura Peck, prlmory president, announces tho prlmilry festival wni bo held Friday o\-c- ning nt the L. D. S. church here. The program, Includlnpr poema, rcadliiga and alnglng, will be pro* scntcd - by. the children. Thero Is no clinrgo.nnd the public Is Invited, U is stated.


    THE FORD Y - 8 ;


    STEWART-WARNER Refrigerator Test :


    Enter the Contest Now"You Have An Equal Opportunity

    to Receive the

    Valuable Award. A Model 455 Stewarl-Wariwr

    RefrigeratorAwarded to the: one snbmittihf ̂tlic closcHt cslimato

    :oE tho clcofricnl power consumed by tlio Stcwart- •■\Vanicr rcEriRcrntor diirhifl the aC-dn’y tCHt — 10 : V. IL M AY 17IU to 10 P; nr, JUNE 22nd.- ' SIMPLE BULES TO ESTIMATE


    . Teat Concluded SBturda7 ,.Jimo 22nd,10 P. M. • : Stevmrt-Warner Ecfriegrator Awarded 11:30 P. M.'

    at Eadloland

    MOON’S Paint & Furniture Store, Or Associated Stewart-Wamer Dealers . :



    You can drive it 50 miles an̂ hour the day you buy it‘m e F o rd V -8 b rcad f f o r normal driving when.jrou

    I>uf it. There ti n o tedious period o f lircaklng4a fo r

    500 o r 1000 Billes. Y oa can d rive it up to 50 miles an

    hour the firsl.dsf. And a fter the first hundred milea*

    jou 'cnn d rive It 08 os you duSre.

    • 1 ^ 1 m 'c i^ greater m otoring eajoyincnt fo r every

    m otoris t' I t is M pcdoU f Important to motorists who'

    th inking about o ninr car fo r a Tacatlou tr ip —>to

    phyBiclans,''Bal«m m and a ll thoM who use a car' fo r

    bcalnesa. ’lostend o f dragging along a t B low -sp e^ fo r

    ' days, ;^ a can nuke good Ume fro m iHe start '■

    ■ T b i reason fo r lists la iu 'Im portant as the resu lt The F o rd V -8 needs n o breaklng>in because'oC

    unusual accuracy in-tha manufacture o f m oving parta -

    ' and ihe amoothnesa o t bearing sur&ices. Qearancea

    correct when you buy the'car. I t Is not necessary to

    depend on a lon g w e a r in g ^ period to elim inate tight> -

    ness and insure smooth running.-‘ Longer Ufe^ greater , -

    . economy and better performance are ^ u t id . lo result '

    from siich precision methods. They are fnrthCT prooO >

    o f the care and quality that go into the Ford V « 8 . . ' * :cr

    .Fonnerly only^ibe most expn islve cat*_eoitld b e \ - .

    driven at n om w j apeede from bfginntng» T ^ t ’itiU '

    ~hoUs true today except In the du e .o f ^ Ford

    ' I t ^ res .yb n 'lin ocw constriictIen.,'nlw ii{ with

    . performance, com fprti safety sn d .b rn ty .' ' -

    UNIONF O R D F ' 8 :

    MOTOR COMPANY'Yoiir FORD Dealer' ■

  • TI5LKPI10NK 39

    All notleea reaxlr' - 10 bo rulillnIicO V l«t>«r tiurauanl to 3 Hen»lup I^wa g£jiliili

    comp«tant ]ur1t(!>i:llon 'liiiriKlay linus " f Ihin

    tti«r«lo fcy cn»pt«r

    ii:i'n iwi:sTATivi'‘jj :Mir-N /4 CO.. INC ti Blreel, Dnn FrnncUct

    ______________________ j a t i dBrM.WMcEKoll- © i m NEA S«w-M, Inc

    mcuiR iinniD to d at KATIIAlUNn • ■TllTICIIURST,

    ktsBIICa). SO. U la tava wtik MICIIAUL lIUATIIUItOn ««. Mtal aa4. nk«B ka trl«a ta wrle- (la ool, ll«kUaa k(V katS. Kalht* Haa kean MIekifl la «• marrr ■ all7 aad la kiakra.krartrd.

    •ka a«*rktara tw« ^rtrctlTra ■klas ler MIekatl-a

    tklaktac kiM I («r. nakaa HUhail Mia • «

    xllk k«r la Kalkarlaa'a ear. Ua t«lla krr ka lavra krr aafl rafvaaa

    •pjlB «trl fUrcd back at MlehMl lleallieroo. tier puptia dliottog

    c«iaiy. -Yon wlo,- #ho Bold qaloJlT.•'KftUinrloo . . HI# wna were

    around her bow. Wb breath 'won on iier cUeck. “You moon—jou’Il »©• tnnllj’ Dttny tnal"

    BlJo looUod Btrntclit ftliend, hw liandti RrlppInR ttio wbecL .

    ••I’ll do thnt.“Tlio dio wnii enst Slio couldn’t

    turn back now. Sim knew In her soul It Blie (iinicd MlcliaeV orer to

    BIG CROP YE AR Autliorities state the crop prospccts in this region

    petliaps Ave're .never better. .Despite a backward spring tliere has been.little

    real damage to plant growth and ideal weather now is only further increasing the hope for bumper yields of many crops. .

    Ou/tstanding is tlie fact tlmt on this and on most neighbqring tracts there is a highly favorable water supply Tor irrigation. After all, this is one of the chief essentials to ])rospcrity in such sections as this — dependent not upon rainfall during the crop season, but upon, snowfall in the mounUiins during the winter time.

    Firet crops of the season are those of fniit, straw-. . , bemcs-and cherries being'among the earliest. L o - ' w o u l d b« tor- onl bc-rios arc d,c.ac- tu-een tho stAbllization fund “prl* morllx hartnfT to do (tXIi Intcr- iintlonnl txchian^” and tho allver policy, which ho Implied i “dnmcstio matter.” Tlila ia vonuij of tho theory on-trhlch ihs sliver policy hna Iwen hoaed.

    CONCUJSrON ----- ,These Jtlnl;i aro only aubiftnntla*

    tlon of other cunvlncinK but un< menllonablo evldcnco tlmt the trctuiury Li looking; at allvcr with o

    rcaliaUo eye: The rcceiit ptc- , nent about tlio world price

    nfema to have caused the clmiif;e.Thla doca not mean that tho

    policy will be materially alowed own; nt leaat not until after the

    icxt ctccUoh. It doca mean the renaury will bo Icna ofrKrcjislvo lereaftcr In plnylnfr Ipto tho ha'ndi f allver apeculatora.

    (To Bo Continued)

    H I S T O R Y of Twin Falls City & County

    15 YEABB AOO POCATELLO.'— Having been

    apprlaed o f the fact that Idaho poBscs prlze.wlnnlng hlc'h bred sheep ^f 'the wrld, the Japanese

    "• ntport some o f the cholcc . . . for the purpoae of encour-

    Injr that branch of the laduatiy In

    la the BtAtcment o f lasa Tbblmum, D.' C. L., cocamlfr sloner ot llveatock for tho Japa- neso government lie baa purchu* ed for his govemmeot n number of ” bred animals from tho vaI-

    il*known ehecp man, and In company with Ur. Knollli) will visit a stato form in tbo upper Snake river valley. Tho commissioner Btatea that Japan boa less than 8.000 ihecp, and tbnt much InUrest Is felt ^ bis m in .developing the stock lodu

    27 '7EABS AGO District court will adjourn the

    end of thla week after making rapid work and ecttllnK many • portaat casea. One 6t the mosi .. . portant waa tho Oty of Twin T^lla vs. Stubbs, et al. In which cult

    brought to settle amount- ot -e 'to the property holders

    „ nock 'creek by iraaon of aewage from the eity. .

    Independent company‘organlzed- by local atockholders of tho city which, waa granted a fnmchiao for a telephone aystem met loat week and elected ottlccra.- A l « McPherson waa named prcaldent; W. W. Humphrey, vice president and P. S. Hayward, aecretary. and treasurer. . . •

    ' F. F.-A. JUDGING BEGINS . MURTAUGH, June 10 (Special)

    —Wn-LongcnbaiiBh, who won Instructor of tho F. F. A. In Mur-

    last year, and ̂inatructor thla

    taught last year, and who la Tn-in F>1U Instructor thla year, boa gone tfl.Twin.Falla with William

    You May Not Know That—A niimlicr of local plniits,

    IncluAing and bcnndea le rs , hhvo teletjTM., equipment BimUnr in -cLar- aotcr to thflt which Lrhiga tho new^dinpft'tchcs to tho Evening Timcfl' officc. The privnto firms mnke,i)£C of tho e>|iiipmcut>to traiiKmit intcr-'coinpany oominunicnr lions, ontl it ia utilized also- to 'oarry - on tolcgrophic^ eouverfiolion ■with other fim.B BO equipped.

    “ b t J H irMissionary society of the Baptlat

    church net tbla week with Mra. jM k Kambrlch. The prograni,

    Bciger each apoke «a the subject— ip will m eet--------- “

    is July.

    tbla week for Duluth. Minn., where aho will vialt relatives. In'July ahe win go to UlnnetpoUa wh wlll'begin nurso'a training.

    Mrs. George Studebaker baa arrived borne fioin Long Beach. Cal., wher« abe visited her daughter Mrs. lUaaer. She alao vlalted rela. Uvea In Hollywood and Suaanvllle.

    Mis. E. L. Berry' aad family spent the poat week at Warm SprlnKS gctUng tbtlc cabin ready for tbo summer.

    Mrs. 'William Stamt.and daugh- r aro visiting here with Mra.

    Starrct'a parents, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Wright' Mra. Mabel Lcland and daugh-

    T.-Lulu, and'granddaughter,Blejt* . jr, left the flrat of the week for IHM /9tn ojBtiM -MO ‘Ja^m'pooH ivlalt frieada and relaUvea.

    . nata caua/;d an eatlmated an- ntial property damage of 30,000,- 000 In Chicago' alone.



    For persona wno believe that' human destiny Is guided by the planeU, the daUj horotMpe I* outlined tty a qoted astroloQer.

    - In addition to Information of oeneral Inferoit, It outlines In- formation of special Interest to persons bom on the designated

    JONE 22 Most favored ones today ‘are

    thoso bom'from Feb. 39 through March 20. , ...General Indications of the Oay

    - for Everybody - • Morning—FalK - Afternoon—Doubtful. Evening—Good,

    One (ihould ariae In the early hours of tho morning to recclvo

    ‘ -at from the ' ■ ' ' Teday'a.I


    thetic peraon, but you m a y____energy to carry through your am- bltiona.

    Kovc:____ _ ,deal with Bmal^............... .........vanU. I t la also .wise to try-to improve y6ur . health at thla favorable time. • • -

    Bo careful to avoid accident with sharp inatrumenta, and do sot be raah in your -speech ot action from Oct 2S through SI, 1035,

    Socially favorable X>ec. through 10.

    Readers desiring additional inforrhation . regarding thsTr horoaeopea ara-lnvlte*^ cbm- munlcata with Octavine'In car* of thla newspaper. Enclosa. a S-cent stamped lelf.addressed envelope.

    Club Gives Pin to Former Buhl Mah

    BUHL, June 10 (Speclal)~a.- neat Marquardaen, Oakland, Calif., formerly o f Buhl, waa complimented for bla acrvicea as' prealdest of the Albany Rotary club by tho 'presentation of a diamond atuddcil paat prealdent'a wheel )ihi ot a rc- cent banquet of the club. Jdr. Mnr- quanlaen, who la manager of the American Truat compony'a AI- liany branch bank, la the aon of Mr. and Mr&« F, C. Marquardaen

    . P A U L M A L L O N ’ S •

    N E W S B E H IN D T H E .V,. N E W S '

    An Exeiualve Evening Timea Daily Report on tho Fast-moving Events In tho NaUon'a Capital By on Expert Interpreter and Commentator.

    ■ (Copyright, 1035, By Paul Mallon)

    idcnco of their unfamlllarlty with ' ’ ■ich conditions.

    Vou con get the Idea If you aider wiiat happened to tho army wittr tho air mall. It trained ita men at aoutliem cnmpa, grounded them when fog appeared. ' When tho nir moll test came, they wc not prepared for it In equipment experience.

    TESIPEST ■Good church people nro nhiv*

    erlng tho, timbers of tho navy

    Paclflo heavysurf-haS'been-rolling In from them, protesting ngalnat thla "wflr-liko gcffture.” Tho admlr- ala have. bottened down their hatches, fled below deck.

    Obviously, tho peace lovera do not imdcratand tho inaldo purposes ^hlnd the maneuvers. The

    time ccnsorahlp that.lta.Bllenco haa added to the SLao against I t

    Tho truth la the war gamea wero piirtly defenalve. No imlt of-tho t;.- S. fleet eyer came ■within 2,00(r mllea ot Japan, Tba naval veosela wore never as cloao to Japan oa they would havo been to Great Britain if maneuvering off Cape Code. Tho main' action waa around Midway la- iond. which la 3,000 mllea from Japan.

    nsSTSThe main secfet reaaon why the

    Nortli Pacific waa aelected wan to cat weather iSondlUona there. The lavy had” always been plaaround tho Caribbean and tho.̂ ___

    Canal, where the weather la.....A end Ideal. Shlpa and plancamew-nothtag-of-thoTTOUgn-Tuid foggy RDing of the North rndfic-ln ftctual.prflcuce. ,

    In tho Caribbean, you can fly fcry day, biit up off Alaalca, only

    ..ice In four to fivo daya. Tho loss of fllera in.theae maneuvers la cvl*

    VNDEBSTANDING The best baU nnderstnndlng of

    the altuatloa haa bei-n offered by none ether than the Jopaneeo am- hnssador. This unusually eapnble diplomat, In talking for a r -

    fle«t woidd aooa bold Ita mnncuvera ncmby, and addedi

    'NavlM .wiU be navies.’*

    cited by hlo OBOoclatcn oa e of Industrial hoarding In

    BLAME n isn’t the Now Deal that la

    holding ua bade; It'o induatryl At east thla ia tho remorliablo vicrw exprmeU by Governor Ecclca 'of federal reaen’e .In an ovcrlookcil radio tallc recently, Ecclca blamea------K recovery upon corponvUons...... hjivo not paascd on tho fi 'they nro receiving. They aro Ids, bui not spending.. An Increase of S3,COO,000,000 In

    member bank drpoaita In 1&34 1033 Is cited ' evidence bnslifl.

    Thla Is a good pnicllcnl ment; but It nlay not bo a-valld economic one. It la true of oomc few Industries. Certainly not auto, mubllcii. All Induatrlea nro proceeding cautiously aa regards ex- pendlturcH, but largely becaunc their coota or« uncertain, their In-

    , deficient and uncertain. They would spend If they could acc their way clear.

    ,Mr. Ecclea nppcara to have found . factor; but he la pulling It by tho tall Instad of by the head.

    FINANCINO “Do not take the nccnt ballyhoo

    from tho aecuriUea and axchongi) comwbmlon too opUmUUcally. Tbo bulk of financing Utely approved

    - but refunding.ia not nInduatrlea aro taking ad\-antage of lower \nt«t««t tale*. Aa far aa Vi dlcfttlng buaincM cxpoinalon'or 6c nomio aetlvlty, it doM not ineen thing.


    Mr. and Mra. Duane Bingham _nd Mr. and Mrs. Elwo< * ham left Soturday for. _ through Yellowatone park. Beverly, lltOe-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood • Bingham,-will alay at the home of her gi^parcnta during their absence.

    Cyrus Vearmxin and O. D. Hor- ria of tho atalto high councU were---- kera'at Sunday evening serv-

    Thelr subject wna .''Character,"

    Mrs. Leona Henrie, Provo, turaed to her homo Saturday, ... companled by Mr. and Mra Leo Sheeham.

    A group of 12 Scoula with Paul Cmno and Roy Banner, leadem, left nt daybreak Monday for a hike and camping trip to the mountains.

    Mrs. Leo Sanner, who haa' been nerloualy ill f or the past woelt, ia■COIlV‘AlMdi«K.— -̂---- -- • •—Itr.-nna’ -Mra.-’ Thorah* ’^Clcgg and Mr. and Mrs.' Dnreld Clegg and tlireo children. Vallejo. Calif,, who have been dialling friends and relntivea here, have returned to Callfomln,


    ___ opera, •The Silent Womant* *Ilichard Strauaa (above], foremoat Genium compooer, l» e»- • peeled to bo removed na pre^l- dent of tbo Tlilrd Belch's munic chamber. ’ . . ]


    Ocrtificatcs Given to 'Wendell Group fo r Oomplction ol

    Training Oourao

    With the npproval o f tho Snako ,niver area council. Boy Scouts o i Amcricn, certlficatea wero awarded til Bcvcn men completing the i itmlnlng coumo In the elements of Scoutma/itumhlp, part 1, In Wendell under tho direction of Frank K. Thomas, Gooding; chairman of , •-aderslilp training.

    Thoao receiving the award oa well na the rank'of eecond class Scout were Jamca Eaton, LeRoy, Shouwellcr. Gova Hookln*. Coe M, price, A.--L. Lowry, Nelson R/- King and Carl M. Davidson. Tho course conalated of training In ropo work, flmt aid, troop committee . Work,. Scoutmasler work, troop' record iceeplng. Scout prlnclpk-a. and - ideals, aonga and gamro, American flag work, camping and outdoor activity and advancement system. '

    Jerome Awarda Scout headquartcra also.iapprov-

    ed ,lho nworUa..to. .bo., presented..' at tho Jeromo court of bonor for June. awarda wlU b« mndo to-Delbert Burkhalter, troop 40; ond Uorold Canada, troop 41. Mcr- - It badgea will go to Jack Welteroth for reading, woodworking, ewlm- mlng; Jamea Trounaon, flremon- shlp; Delbert Burkhalter, publio health, handicraft safety; Colo need,, flremannhlp, photogmpUy, flrat aid to animals, all of troop 40; Raymond ComwoU, flrat aid; Wirt Falrman, bird study; Harold Canado, first aid, athletics, nil ot troop 41.,llnl Walllngton la chairman of

    tho Jeromo board of review. ,•

    _I}UnLEY . LICENSE . ISSUED-.BURLEY, Jfi’rie 10 (Special)— '

    A marriage llcenae waa Issued iicro Frldoy to Thax E. Lund. 20. Rupert, and Utahaa P. Shaw; 30, Rupert.

  • WcHnesJny, Jnne 19, 3938 IDAHO e v e n in g ' TIMES. TWIN FALT^. IDAHO Ptfio r iv «


    IN CLOSE F IS HJudges Ddiberato Ton Minutes

    Before Verdict ; Euskics Sweep Frclima

    Oy 8TUART CAMERON UnltMi Prcu Sports Editor

    POUGHKEEPSIE, K. T., Jiina10 (OID-TCallfomin'ii budainff rtInp dynasty wan firmly Moted ■ft Bllttcriog throno today aXter the third coaaecuUvo victory of the Golden JHan In the lntcrcollcglnt« .rowing regntta here on tb# Hud-

    Grcnt ofl woa the Irlua Ebrlebl'a UIawi In the 37t

    . kccpslo regatta, '■ ----

    b o tK yPougb>«(lll2CodRe topt>c ■hut out the opposition on the Hudson lanes. . .

    Navy, Penn tJig Neither Navy nor Penn, which

    earned a apllt-second.victory Oio Middles dtirinv tho spring.... son, ahowed anything io the varsity, leaving to Comeir the bur-

    ' deo ’ of Bbackllng tho. .rampant westerners. Pennsylvania . was

    • better than fifth, and fln-____ in sixth place. T '^ a fle { geles, dcclsloned -WinU Ttoaihar, f aao" Los Angelea. (4 ).. ' -®’ - !


    By GEGRCe KIRK8EY NEW YORK, Juno 10 (UPJ —

    BoMbali Attention today was focused on Nftvln field, Detroit, whoro the New York Yankees hopo to beat back tho challenge of tho Tigera in tb; American leagijo pennant roce.

    They play four ga:days, with n tloubleb.. ... ____Tbo Yanks hold a four and one- half fcamo lend over tho White Sox, Tigera and Indians, virtually tied for second place. The White Box bav6 a ,005 per cent odvan- tago because of tbo diffcrenco In tho number o f Komcs played.

    Going Strong Tho Yonks have won six of scv- \ games on their western trip,

    taking flvo of six from tho St. Louis ISrowno and wlnnlntr one gamo from tho Whito Sox. When they went west the Yonko hnu only one ;3 «) hlUcr. Kow they havo threcr Ben Chapman, L>ou Gehrig nad Bill Dickey.

    Detroit hoa been coaiicg foiit In tho ioiit, month, and in rcKardc:! aa tho team to beat in tbo Amt-r- lean Icngue. Schoolboy Rowe 1ms bolslcrtil Uic pltching'fltaff hy winning hla lant two gnnico, all only nine hlta In bentlng the Rrc Sox, 4-1. nnd tho AthlvUcs. la-.l. 'Tommy Bridgen, only major leaiju- er with 10 vlctorlen, has won nJn Init

    eight gnmen—thufii the record ■»">■ Wiley Dmg. KI(;ht < run in tho neventh. reaeb.'cl tho fomU. .oun.l, II.- cle- }>y played-* major

    - Mlsiiionu, tailoniiurn of the f'-atccl O. It. » . Mi-rcUlth of K n i ; - ; I " f*"'" outcome.^'lapter of the pennant ehnipe. land. y-O. 4-U. 0-3. - „

    the new deal with a 0-51 John Van Ityn. K'>voo

    The Xlsht will be held tomomw } nighL

    Hans Schacht WinsNEW YORIC. Juno 10 Haas

    Schacht. Germany, threw -Dave Levin, New York; WhUey Wahl- • ff. Sweden, threw Gcno Bruce,'

    «klyn';-Max'.MlirUh,-Columliua, threw John 'Bogner, Hungary;

    Wilhelm Wagner, Germany, decl- stoned Zlmba Parker. Africa; Leo Walliek. Germany, threw Bobby


    CLOVER ^^TNS, 10-18 CLOVER, June 10 (Special) ~ I

    Sunday's bail gamo between Clover I aad CasUeford was a tight and |

    ectacular battle throughout, with over finally whmlag by 16 to IB.

    Children grow more npldly during April, -May and Juno than any other period of tho year, oe> cording to results ' o f « survey conducted in Europe.

    STUDEBAKER£cw ckj&4^e^p/uce4 ̂ are the talk

    of the town !

    ‘Tbo-.low ratoL^ t our 1 favorite hotel enable ua.

    t W T C V m - Lak^ Q ty .

    ' oiftca.''


    i t w ill.p iy you to bny now 'whilB -we have -your bIm Id


    Have year. PM' c le a a ^ - i id lixbrioat^ ftt 1h!s i p e ^ W - :

    Br(wming’S; Garage

    ' mm ■ ' m \

    Reserve Vs a Room at

    K i W H O J U t S i

    . SU ile d 'H ote and • ia D iaisg B o o n - S ^; V E*CcUait Cftfetaia : ; ,

    - DcHdoofl.Food-^at-Moderate Pritses; !

    ^ T R ^ lT l lO B in N a teSAKPASX BEEVED n r XOOK' - BOOH Tn x n O U T E X T M -C O S T -'

    Yo u aloiidy can't find &a good a "b tiy " in any car—no matter how low its advcr* tbed pricc—iai jw u ll get in thia StudebalcCT ̂Chnm^nqg. I t ’s easily tbe best value in tow n ..

    But we urge you to prove this. That’s some- . tUngyoueanqinddydohymolongcooqiarisom.

    You .can get this Studebaker, completely ..e^u ipp^ and-.d^Tcred to your dow^ fcfl̂ . 'aln^aslittleaa.thelow ettpri'

  • 3lTurt. 60 Too. .SSShorl-talltil- CtThouRlii.

    animal.' CSTo rub out.3

  • T7c(V»c«Jny. •Twoc 19,1935 , IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Pago Bovcs

    CLASSIFIED SECTIONRATES ,I'ER LINE PER DAY Six 'a, per lls« per day__4o Tbreo dayt, per lino per ■ quejt

    In ftcccptlng copy for claul- tlcli] advertliicjsesu (or publlca- Uou In Uio Idaho Evenlaj; nmeo.'. Ttmca PublUhlog Company agreca to avoid errora rji for as poMlble, but wbes a typogntpblcol error, doei occur In on advertlaemont tbe re- spooAtblUty of tbo Ttmea Pub- lljibing Company ceatea after nnt pubUcaUoo. If the adver> User does not c&U Its attention to the error.

    All Oasalfled Ada an ro> ■tricted to their proper elOMl* (Icatlon and tha Idaho Evening TUaefl reservca tho right to chftogo tho wording of an ▼ertJMmeat If by doing so clearer moonlag will result.*

    Claasiried Ada whleli carry _ Ipttar and bco;. Dumber instead of tbo name of tbe advertiser buBt bo answered t>y letter, flnoso do not aak for the name ot tho advertiser whloh is abso* lutely confidential In such coses.

    TO PUACH YOUn CLASai- riHO AD. CAIX. 88 AND ASK turcs. Priced low. Krengel's llard> ware.

    FOU RENT, Wo Hunting, No Trespasslog slgiui for sale. Idaho Evunlpg Times.

    Heavy Timbers, Bridge Plank. 1 dimcnfllonn, ro u g h lumber.

    Woodland Lumber Yard, Oppoalle Swift & Co.

    BeouUful » , 0&0.00 B t e ln w a y Grand piano reduced for quick sole, — : only

    FOR SALE — Kiengel Colomdo wheel comigators. Guaranteed to carrugato any alfalfa or sod. Low prices. ICrengel's Shop. '

    AUTOMOBILEB—Two used school

    buflcn. Phono‘240. Wnrbcrg Broa.

    F U L L PR IC E 'No Finance Charge

    '27 Chevrolet Sport Coupe- cxtm clean, 1st class motor,

    '36 Uecnso — *125,00.O ’CO NNO R

    WANTED TO BU»-1000 cors to wreclL Farmem' Auto Supply Used Parts Dept. Phon* 22S-W.

    S PO T CA SH For Your Car

    Wc Buy, Sell and Tnido •

    OMO. B. W H IT g. “ Tho U«td Car Mim'*'."'

    144 Sccond Nortli


    Beautiful Grand Plano, only MOC.OO, and on eoay terms. Samp- aoa Mufllo Co., Twin Falls.

    TTPEWIUTEltS RENTED. RE- PAIPXD-^All Idaho lypo-wrlUr. Excbaago. Oppoalto Post Offlco. Phons 00.

    CARBURErrORS. Carburetor parU and servlcc.,F. G. IL Motor Service.- 230 Shoshone St. W..


    Make Sampson Music Co. electrical appliance headiiuorten), Moytng WaaherB, - Crosley Shelva- doro refrigerators. Crosley and R. C. A. Victor nidlo^ pianos and musical supnllcs.-Sampson Music Co., Twin Falb. ■

    MATTRESSES renovated, and recovered. Clean wool card^I, 20c lb. Washed and carded 30c. Furniture upholstering. T w la Falls Mottress Factory. Phone 01-W.

    FURNITURE FOR BALB-New and. used furniture of all kinds. Coal ranges, e lec ts ninges, wal stoves, circulators and other >ous^ bold fumlshlng& Moon's, Phono f. Store Na l;.Pho-'o 810, StO'« Na

    wlnd-AUTO D O O R _______ --hlelds and window glass. ___charge for setting gloss. Bring In your saSh or'drive mur car In:

    ■ FURNITURE— UpholnterlnR iind Repajjlng

    For Homes nnd Stores WOGAMAN'S

    TOP and BODV CO.2M Shoshone E . P h . 470

    FOR SALE—A carload of Uu> -Ko In bullu Buy what you need, bring back what you havo lefL We toon you a brush to put it on free. UcMiurty- House Paint, f-Uout Enamel, Floor and Linoleum Varnish drys (a two. hours. We also havo a larso alock o f WaU Paper and Unjleura . Ruga. Why poy — prices. PhocB tt. Moons.

    Dlttcr. 'Phono O205-R3.

    ■ Buy Your A U T O M O T IV E

    NEEDS - . . , ox . . ,

    ' F IR ESTO N E ’Sr-New-Budget- Purchase. Plan

    • .Make Your Own




    FuBy Furnished A p t at Justa- mere Inq and>Oasls Home. Ph. 4M and ,071 respectlv^ely. ■

    .FOR RENT—Three r »m modem furnished Apts. Bungalow .Apts. 2nd Ave. E.


    ___ HOUSES POE BERT .S-roon

    "T«atlo^220'Sho^OTo Eos tl W. E. Sanger. ■


    •WANTED TO RENT— * - room house; steady .renter. Phone 1778 or 342, Jack Grcenslato. '

    SPECIAL OIL permiment 2̂.00. Natural S2.00. ^ 6th. Ave. " Pbcn4 loco. Mrs. -

    S m i A T l O ^ W A in Z D

    HELP W A KTE D -U A IEWANTED: Wojcehouse msni^llh

    • sortie cxporleaco and some jooncy, God opportunity. -Address J. H. Evans, Gooding Idaho'., Fhoos l78:


    Good usn) plano-8t & big rtiMO- tlon.'terms to -wsponslUe nsrUes. Sampsoir'Music Co., . Twin >018.

    FOR SALE—Rumley' bean, hul- Icr.' grain thresher- and '.Rwoiey tra«toi‘.' .Wotrld -consider somd t ^ t , Sorl Munny,;F^,'Zdsl>o.

    F O R S A L E

    - . 35 Uficd Icc Boxes— . •

    • $2.0fl to $20.00

    •10 Used Elcctric Rflngcia - Trado in.your-conl range, licatin^ utovo or ; oircu- Ifltor.

    You can save on yoiTf paint bill n t. . .

    ' ' M ^ O O N ’ S

    130 SACKS. GEM seed potatoes, year from Aston certified seed, will let out on sharen. A, W.

    DoVlsser, ^ mllo E. 1% souUL-ofFiler. '________________________


    . f a r m JMyiiEWFiNTS

    F O R S A L E -A 'VVoods Bros. Groin and

    Dean Thresher priced for Quictc' sale — $100.00, com*plete with all belta.

    1 Also Have—'. ..4 Used BlnUers with new canvosaco.

    Wanted— Bailor and Self 4-row Bean Cuttem an well as hinder.

    u v e s t o o k a n b p o t o t e y

    LOST—Small block doR Boulder City, Nev., Ucense, Reward, 4ia 2nd Ave. E.


    ,"Bob" at the Idaho Loan Office, 12S Shoshone S t Ph. 164t Money to loan OR .Diamonds, watches, Guaa, Radios, Tools of all kinds and on aynthlng of value. Cash paid for your old gold. , I f you money •'“* " • 'FRUITS A N D -VEQETABLEfl

    FOR SAliE—Strawberries. Bring contalnenC ■ H. a . DeWltt, a* m l No. Five Points.-

    . FOR SALE-^trawbcrries. 1 mt N.'and 1 .rol. E. of-.Washington

    Twenty-five cents a gallon^ ^ P l c k . . -

    TWIN F A IL S ’ Mammoth slraw- errles are now ready for conning.

    are also coming Isr^blle-Market.

    B en y Supplies.;' A L L K IN D S Cnp9-M !?«it«»^BoxM

    H. B . L O N G .404 SbosboDQ West

    . Pli55o*Ti5^:


    .. H A Y E STrades for Ajiytblng You Have od NEW or USED

    FURNITURE.400 Main Bo. Phono 78


    PAINTING, Paperhonglng. Kal- somlnlng. Country work a specialty.

    i e for monthly payment plan.


    Guaranteed Service

    ■ W O G A M A N ’STOP and BODY CO.

    214 Shoahono E. Ph. 478


    PAC?TOny Refrigeration Service .-1 all makes Commercial and Household Refrlgemtoro. -Factory Service Co. Nothing lo sell but scrvlcc. Phone 2C4. 128-2nd N.

    Marble A Omfilto UonumentM FRED.BEER

    340 Uftin Ave. South Phone 1080M Twin J^Us


    STANIXY a PHILLIPS Twin Falls Mortuary' -

    Phone 31 Twin Falls, Idsho


    MONEY TO LOAN on Twin Falls d w e l l in g s . NEW C O N S T RUCTION; - REPAIRING and REMODEL- INO. Low'est rates— long terms—Immediate service.

    SANGER-JONES Real Estate-toatia123 iSala Ease Phone iS7

    —WANTEl!H:Ml8w>Itoa60Ti«—LAWN MOWERS to sharpen.

    Sehode Key Shop. 2nd St. So., back of I. D. Store.

    WANTED — Tronsportatl____Oakland. -Shore expenses. Write Box lll-K , core of Times. '



    CHICAGO MVESTOCJC .CH1CA.G0. June 10 iH.Ct—Hocii;

    13.000; 0,000 direct; 10-::0c Icwrr; bulk J0.4S-$0.!)0; top }U,70; pitching sown S7-a3-$8.G0; slmife-hlcr plgn JS.00-$0.13.

    Cattle 6.000; enlvon l.BOO; fllrong: steers JO.OO-Jll.as: liclfern M.75-J1J.OO; cows 57.00-M.OO; vcniers J7.60-5a.7B; Bto«l{ern and • !cdcro S7.00-J8.73.

    Sheep: 8,000;. uctlve; Itimb.i J7.15 lo J«.60.

    OMAHA IJVF.6TOCK OMAHA, Juno 10 (UJ;) — IIokb;

    4,000;'20-20 lower; pmc»ctU ton '9.20; hulk J9.10-J0.20.

    CntUe: 3,000; fully steady 25 higher; bulk steers JO-JlO; hclf.

    'S Je.25-J0.00; veal top J8.Sheep: 3,600; lambs nnd yenrr

    linga strong lo 23 hlRher,'other clcuwes steady. Med. to choice native lambB J0.25-J8; M yenrllnga J3.70-J0; ewes down from J2.00.




    and calling 'cards engrave-' ’ or printed. Many corrcct ntylcs to eboose from. CaU at tho Evening Times otflce,.2M Main Ave. East. Telephjno 38.


    NOTICE FOR rOBUCATlON Dcpanmcnt of tho Interior

    General Land Offlco at Dlaclt' foot, Idaho, Juno 3, 1035.

    NOTICE 1s hereby given that Ernest P. Reail, of Hansen. Idaho, who, on Juno 21,1032,‘mado Stoclc- mlolng homestead entry Serial, No.044701, for NWUSEU,-Sec. 23;

    S%KW»X. NEUNWU,-SWU, Sec. 20, Township 10 South, Range10, East Bolsd Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to'molce three- year ^*roof, to establish claim'to tho land nhova dtacrlbed, before P. S. Bell, U. S. Commissioner, nt Twin Falls, Idaho, on tho Uth day of July, 103C. - ■' Claimant names as wltnesiicsr A. I. Bngnr, of Twin Falls, Idaho; L H.'Vandcrpool, of lOmberly, Idaho; F. E. DKfendOrfer. of Rogerton, IdRho; Leroy McBride, of lUmber- ly, Idaho, . ^

    IRA H. MASTERS,.Register.

    Today’s Markets and Financial News ̂LIVESTOCK I SELLING BREAKS


    NKW YOlUf, June 30 ne ......■VR. |AliuTicnn Tiilmcco B.......l» i crnts n Anuconilik Copier .........

    Si to Armour ..........................Atcli-, Top. A Siinlii KeAtliinllp Hrflnlng .........Auburn Molom ...... ........Onltlmorti niui Olilo.......

    ilREACIION SENDS""i c,s'=! 0

    CHICAGO, June 10 prlceii bnike one lo 1 bunhcl on the Chienxn ixinri trnOe tmlny nnd finished îllRliUy above t>a-lr li Wheat cloncd Isj, t<

    bunliPl lower, com w ................lower, outs wrre 1 to 114 lowtr nnd rye flnltilicil lu to IS. lower.

    Whi-nt opened eiuiy, Influcuceilby hctJcr wealJipranil.unrc'flpoiftltr ..................... ..cnbles. CommLwlon hou-ie BolllnKiCcndlx Avlntlcm carried whenfH^ to 2 ccnUi lowcr.|UeUiIchi'm Still--------- - f ---------.Borinj.

    DENVER Lm STO CKDENVER, Juno 10 (L'.i:)—Cattle;

    400; steady to weuk; beef oleera J8.J11.05; cows J5.75-J7.00; heifers J7-J10; Cftlvea JO to J11.50; feeders nnd stocUem J3.50 to J7.76; bulls

    lo JO-2.5.Jlogs: 300; steady to 10.15 cents

    lower; top J0.30;, bulk J0.15 to J0.30; packing sows J7.70 to J8.16; pign J8 to J8.73.

    Sheep: 1,000; stca'tho market quieted. of the... J2’n’/flittrn p/trt o ! itieir tic-.. 14 Idiiie.... 20 ' Ui'fore the brralf, ulllltldi hlul -. "-■'i Utani'd IV nhiirp riilly on anndilrni'- ... 2r>S,!inc-nl of a revl-ied utility holding ...'64*; [bill. Ilnll.i nliio hncl mmle a

    ■>, Lnhowlng.... 4"?i Volume nppmxlmateil 1.B30.O00 ...211' ahnrcii. compiired with {•[•(t.OdQ ... II'-'* iilmrefl,ye*lenlay. Curb naleii wi io ... I'-i 2yfi,00t) nbiireii compiired with 3G0.« ... 21' i ;000 Mwrea ye.nlerday.

    "4 ’-j I »w Joni’.i i'rullinlnar>’ clofir.g "l(t2>; Bverngeii showed imliiMrrnl 31f>.U,

    oft 1.21. rallroa

  • IDAHO EVENTNG'TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO tr^tmesflny, J i in o W ^ l^


    Pfost Chosen as President to Succccd Sheriff Prater,

    Twin Falls'


    IC. 1'. Pralcr, Twin Fiillrt county nUcrlfr iitiil t>ro;iliIi:nt of Iho M;i- lio PoacL* Officers' nsflocliillon. v/liicli mot Ihlii wcclc In iiiiimiil convention nl Wnllfico. Iihh bcun nucccciJuil by Kmmlll I'fonl. nolm?. conimliwlonor ot Itiu Btntu ilopiirt- went of liiw enforcement, who' v/iM elcclcd licaa of Uie Boclety

    . cliviinj; iii'n;iloti yc.iterilny.. . Hailey \vftn plcltpd for tlie 10315 , cnnvontlon iivjuilon. Prutcr prcakl.

    fc| nt tlie cntlierinfj, which wii.i nl- leixleJ hy 100. ulicrlffg, |>ollct' ]iorcnliient; Jnck Balderaton, roculello, ihlnJ cllntclct vlccprcal- the bnck room of John Burke'a bar. Sweeney dlac.irdcd and

    , drew one.■Two pair for him." nald

    • Michael Jordon. Inughlng.•'.Vot that," luuKhed Sylvester

    -ICcIIy.-"'! know-ratUlo’a trylnff- to fill a BlrulfilJt."

    “Altnost," nmlled Sweeney, ■•rm' trying'to fill a iitralght fluih Inside. If I do, the celling will full."

    Sweeney picked up hln eiinl. At the very Inslnnt u section of the eclllng plaster fell, crown- '

    -Ing him.After he hnd been carried out

    to an ambulance'and before they were carried, too,- hia friends looked at'hls hand. It wiia a ntmlght flush, ijucen high.

    None of t‘ ---------- -• QUflly hurt.

    lOWESIFinal Tribute Paid

    To Mrs: TannehillRachel Tanehlll by frlenila and rel atlven at service* held this 'after- noon at the White mortuary chapel. Rcv.-E. L. m ile officiated. In- terrneiit was In tho Filer cemetery under tho dlrccllan of tho mortu-

    °'rallbearers were Mr. Reams, C. A. Rutherford. Rojcoo Wark. John Dllllon, Burl Busby acd George -^wertaflger.

    KANSA.S CITY, Mo„ Juno 10 (Cl!)~CIcurlng. Inklea today gave hop© of return to normal weather In 'three -Btaten o f Ihe midwest which nlnco Memorial day have lost Hcores of llvex to flood and hurricane.

    Properly damage In cxcess of $3S.OOO,OOU waa partly offset by Improved crop condition* after two years of drouth and vln Falla, and Donneli j

    met death l>y| accident. .1. W. Worley tt'as' drowned.In the Waalilngton state| floods. Dec. 8. 1033, and her oldest' aon. Clyde Worley, and his ■wlfe.| met tragic death In an automobile' uceldent at Cedar Rapids, la., on Eatter Sunday In 1033.

    Mrs. Worley was bom In Allegheny county. Jan. 23, 1805.

    . LEON TIlOr/.KY 1*-!'

    i in Christ churoh in Filer this e ..• Tilng. T^se meeting V lll continue S

    daily at 8 p. m. throughout the 0 of June

    June Brides....And Brides of

    YesterJuiiesW ill find every tliin'g'in' (lie furiiitur'e .lino lo fiirnlKh .

    llieir homes. ,AVe liiivc n good lino o f n6w iitid UHcd

    fiiniitiire iiiul sell'At rcn.sonable |)ricc.s, "Wc arc out of

    .t!io higli rent dislrict and don’t have a big overhead

    . e.’cpcnse to Ueep np and can «iive yon mimey.


    8TOKB NO, 1 501 Main West

    Jfear Post Office



    . 215 Shoshono So. AeroM St. Frocn

    SiUo Qrotinda ..

    ............... „ ......'a background of cspcficiice___and his doc-ii)oth in'the paaloml and evangells-

    • tom have.onlcroaTv comptclo rCBr.ilIc frchbril Is'rejiorlrd. The' pUtK• his; host was quoted ai B.iylftg to-'iic h invited to attend,these ■*"-

    day. 'Vice*.


    Mrs. Pam Miller, Boise, and Mrs. Leo Cmmm, Portland, have returned to their homes after a

    weeks’ visit with their sister, Atrs. Lesa Hooblag.

    Mr, and Mrs. Russell Parker and Melba Jean are staying with W. R. Parker In Buh! while Mrs. Parker Is in the hospital.

    Those from Northvlew attending vacation Dlblo school aro Ruth

    and Faya Hughes. Marjorie and Audrey Roubloek, Junetta Dooar, ISdlth McNeily and Melba Jean I’arker.•Mrs. Charles Reed was hostess

    at a surprise party, hoaoring her husband Friday evening. Pinochle was played followed by dancing at the Alfred Cox home. Refresh- mcata were served.

    June Reed is eonflned to her bed with an attack of appendicitis.

    CompllmenUttg MUa Elizabeth Miller, who Is to be married at tlie Presbyterian church In Buhl Juno 30, lira. Harry Kinter and >lr«. James Perchal were hostesse- *•

    a shower Monday evening. Eight- guests attended and the hoa-

    , . . j received. many altractlvs gifts. Mrs. Frank Atkina sang ft group of songs, Refreshments wero served by the ho-itesaes.

    Mrs. C. B. Conrad and Mrs. Lawrence Roubinelc entertained with 0. pinochle parly Friday evening at tho Conrad homo In honor of Elizabeth Miller and Ralph Piper, Thero wero five tables at play, Lois Miller. Elvln Noh and Mr. and Mrs. H. IL Kinter winning prizes. Elizabeth Miller received a guest prize. Itcfrcsbmenta . wero nerved.

    No wonder Chrysler sales have rnore than doubled this jrearl, Come in and drive a Clio'slerlilrCniinuiiAn>miuti...Ah all-;«teI'body. ' -

    y o u A i^ INVITEDto toko advaatai^ of thwo' coiivcnioricts. They all hayo boott added solclf for your convcfaiciice opd comfort.' •

    BARNARD AUTO GO.P H O lte . lC i .