When He Takes Possession

When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

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Page 1: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

When He Takes Possession

Page 2: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the

gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the

purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

Page 3: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

Ruth 3 AMP8 At midnight the man was startled, and he turned over, and behold, a woman lay

at his feet!9 And he said, Who are you? And she

answered, I am Ruth your maidservant. Spread your wing [of protection] over

your maidservant, for you are a next of kin.

Page 4: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also
Page 5: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

ROMANS 8 23 And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption,

[to wit], the redemption of our body.

Page 6: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


221 It's got to be a change (Here it is.), a change of the heart, not of this physical thing, but the heart of your soul. In something anchors, till your

thoughts that way is dull; you don't see that no more. You just see the Lord

Jesus. You see righteousness, and holiness, and purity, and love, and

grace. That's when you've been changed.

Page 7: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


Now, if you think that you think it (what a word!), but you imagine you think it,

and you express it, and it doesn't materialize, then you're on the wrong road. You get it? Maybe I better let--talk

a little slower. Look, if you imagine you're a Christian, and you speak it out

with your lips, but you find out that you're not, you better get your

thoughts changed, get your heart changed (See?), because it doesn't bear

the record, it doesn't bear fruit of it.

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"But the fruit of the Spirit is gentleness, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith." If every little thing comes along, and you fly up at it, better be careful. There's something hasn't happened.

You're expressing something here [mouth], that's not here [heart].

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Page 10: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


E-34 And Jesus was possessed with all the fine qualities of God.

God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. When everything was failed around here, He was possessed with a power that He could speak in another tongue. He called in unknown tongues, "Tabitha..." out like that. And that girl's

soul that had done sailed out to eternity yonder, returned back into her body.


Page 11: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


E-45 O Lord Jesus, Son of God, the great Joshua to the Gentile church to

lead us from this chaos of wilderness, for poor little wandering pilgrims are

traveling around through the wilderness, Lord, up-and-down, back-and-forth,

because of the leaders who's robbed them from the children's bread. O

Joshua, Joshua, the Lord Jesus, the I AM, move in tonight with predominating


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Take possession tonight of every sick person in here. If there be a sinner, take possession of him,

shake him, let him know that we're here at Jordan.

O God, one of these days You'll gather all Your children, sanctify them through Your Blood. You'll bring them out on the side of the bank to view the land over, be

changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and cross over Jordan. We're

waiting for that hour.

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E-127 Oh, shut in with God, no uncertain sound. That voice that's telling

you, that voice that's talking to you is God. It's no uncertain sound. You

Pentecostal people ought to know that voice of the Holy Ghost. It's no uncertain sound. That's His virtue coming into you. Believe it. Have faith in God. Don't you doubt it. Don't doubt it. Break that spell of unbelief from around you. Let the Holy Ghost take possession.

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Selfishness PrideComplexesGrudges


Business Private Life Talent Fear

Page 15: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


And I want to open my heart, my door of faith; I want You to come in and take

possession. And I want you to open my eyes.

"Open my door of faith, Lord. I open it to You. Come in. Be Lord. Be Ruler. Take me

as I am. I'm no good."

Page 16: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


You might as well confess it. "What is man that Thou art mindful of him?" I don't mean this rude. I love you. And

God loves you. But without God you're no good anyhow. You're just six foot of

dust where you're going, and that's it, in a soul to hell. But if you're borned again, you're a child of God. Open your door and let Him have lordship over your


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E-24 We won't let Him, surrender our own private lives and all--all we are over to Him. That's what He wants in for,

is to take control of you.

Private Life

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E-25 He wants to be at home with you. He wants to be welcome. He wants

all you are. He wants to be your Lord. And lordship is ownership.

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E-35 People don't want Christ fooling with their business.

"And if I want to be just a little bit dishonest on this deal, Now, Christ, You just stand right out here just a little bit.

But I--I just--I just have to do this, because I have need to do it. Oh, it won't hurt me any; I'm sure." If you'll just let Him come into that door, He will fix that all up for you. He will stand at the door when the enemy tries to

tempt you to do wrong.

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130 SUNDAY_ 60-1204ELet God come into

your life and take control of you, and He'll show you things to

come. For it's not you no more; it's the Holy Spirit

in your life back there looking through them mortal eyes to pick out things.

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Page 22: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


Lord, we pray that He'll come to the throne of our hearts this morning, climb

up and take possession of every thought that we have, and take the Word, and speak to us, that we might know more about Him and His plan in

our lives.

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Page 24: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also


Then you're borned again. Then you're son and daughter of God. It's a

regeneration, a new creation. Then your attributes, your--your thoughts are

not like they were, your life is not like it was. You become a complete

surrendered vessel to God, and He speaks and uses you, and you're not

your own no more. But you're bought with a price. That's the price of the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus

Christ. Think of it.

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123 And if the Life of Jesus Christ lives in the person, they become

identified with Him. It's Christ in you, not a church member, not a system, but a

resurrected power. It's the Holy Ghost is a Token upon you, that your life

says "amen" to every Scripture. The promises written in there.

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And you're not yourself no more. You are Christ's. You don't think your thoughts. You don't think your thoughts. You

say, "I think." You have no thought coming. The Life that was in Christ is in

you. The mind that was in Christ is in you. The works that was in Christ is in you, and Christ Himself is in you.

You are dead; your life is hid in God through Christ, sealed in there by the

Holy Ghost. You're not your own.

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101 Notice, let us remember, He also created our bodies. And won't our bodies have to obey Him? Amen. You surrender your thoughts to Him, surrender your life to Him, surrender your faith to Him, and watch that body obey what He said. If you're a drunkard and you can't--can't quit drinking, surrender that life to Him,

and watch, you'll drink no more.

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If you are a habitual smoker and tried to give it up and can't do it, just surrender that to Him and watch what happens. He'll make that body come back in

subjection to the Word. Yes, sir. But you've got to surrender it to Him.

You've got to believe Him. He made our bodies; they obey His will also. You

believe that? If you're a Christian, you have to.

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102 You say, "He makes our bodies obey? Oh, I believe we have jurisdiction

over that." Then you're--you're not fully surrendered.

For you're not your own; you are dead. "You yourself are dead, and your life is

hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Ghost." How are you going to get away from that? I think we need a revival. "Our lives are dead." We are dead; your own thoughts... You think pure thoughts. Them old worldly

thoughts that leads you off, you're dead to that.

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"And your life is hid in God through Christ, and sealed by the Holy Spirit."

What a position, what a secure. Oh, my. How long, till the next revival? "Until the

day of your redemption." Ephesians 4:30, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of

your redemption." What a secure feeling, knowing and watching the Holy

Spirit change your nature from a vile person. Amen. Then we know we passed from death unto Life; we see

the Holy Spirit living in us, His Life.

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E-18 See, I've put us all as volcanic dust. But it's the promise of God's Word. Therefore, I cannot have confidence in myself; you cannot have confidence in yourself; but together we can have confidence in what's taken over

ourselves. The Holy Spirit has taken us over. We must have confidence in

that. And as we place our confidence in that, then the results come.

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E-19 It would be out of reason for me to try to--to even scratch the surface of telling you some of the things that the Holy Spirit has done in my own broken-up life, my days. I say this with His Bible open, His Word. And that's what He is.

He is the Word.See, this--this seed here comes into the volcanic ash in a way of a spiritual being. God comes in as Spirit, and operates through the ash. So it's

not man: God.

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58-0523 - We Would See Jesus

Those stiff orthodox teachers, they still remain today. Those humble flexible people, that was willing to bow in the

Presence of God, they're here yet today, and the Holy Spirit is here, and the spirit of the devil's here. You're possessed with one or the other, not both of them, one or the other. Can't serve

two masters at once, the Scripture says.

Page 34: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

62-1014M - The Stature Of A Perfect Man

There's only two elements that controls the human being. That's either doubt or

faith, one or the other. You're possessed of one that dominates your life. Just depends on how much faith you have, how high you can rise.

Page 35: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

54-0306 - The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People

Just two things: faith and unbelief. That's the only two senses that's left to the

supernatural man.

Page 36: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

54-0306 - The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People

81  The natural man has five senses. The supernatural man, the spirit, has two senses. That's either faith or unbelief. You have to have one of them. If you're possessed with one tonight,

you're a Christian. If you're possessed with the other one, you're not a

Christian. No matter if you never done a evil thing in your life, that you know of,

you're still a sinner, 'cause you're borned in sin.

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54-0306 - The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People

But it don't matter what you have done… You might be a prostitute on the street. If you believe in your heart Jesus Christ was the Son of God, repent and accept Him as your Saviour, you're a Christian and a believer. That's right. See? That's all, one of two things… If

you come up here tonight as a believer, you're going away healed. If you come as an unbeliever, you're going away the same way you come up. That's right. Is that right? Just have


Page 38: When He Takes Possession. EPHESIANS 1 13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also