flE INT£LLIG-ENCER.' ^-XfljORNlNG, SEPTEMBER 23, 13o5~ .* T* Corre»»ou<Xettt». concent** sumcrtk>tiou,advertisin-nroth ^^iaj'bu^nwsa of the Intelligencer, should be ad-j "^ff.f'he Proprietors. ' ..ieeniii«tbe editorial department of the pa- *SSd he addressed to the editor*, jofutly, or to ei- ' ^i^Jjeots writing for publication, will please otl one side ofthe paper X sirvauce of theabove rules wf. greatly oblige us, re more prompt attention to corresponded* tbw «n»sbt otherwise some times recleve. Tkr Lanr of Newspapers. ..bscdbers who do not give express notice to the '. ^.T are considered as wishing to continue their sub- '^'uvcribers order the discontinuance of their peri- V tii? publisher may continue tj send them, until all ..~h .sscribers neglect or refuse to tike their periodi- ri»m the offices ?o which Usey are diiected. they are Sponsible till tliey have settled thebil!amloidei *1 !*.£ofltinued . ir ibscribers remove to other places without inform ^?J'mibitsber?. and the papers are sent to the former »;«U iher a«e held responsible. r^Coarts have decided that refusing to taks period .mm iheoffifp-ol" removing and leavius them uncall * i^piinw facia evidence of intentional fraud Sevastopol Taken ! It will l>« 5een hy out telegraphic dispa'ches, l5lijiieJ is lnorn.ng, that the steamship Amei- CJ bring3 the important intelligence (hat Sebasio- after a tremendous bombardment and awful s -a-'btcr, has at last been lakeh! Thisdispatcb 54i ine authenticity of out regular dispatches. f anxiously await further particulars. \ ghat many strangers ate in town and out to overflowing. jiels tc Accident..A little daughter of officer Vail had ,toi her Sneers cut off by a straw cutter on the tjtr grounds,yesterday. Wk s:e indebted to Mr. KiUrr****, of the Zanes- e Courier, who is ainongtue visitors to the Fair- .r Ciacinuati papers in advance of the uiail. PicxrnccKTs..These light fingered geniry are ircnlaling on tl»e Fair grounds. A number of :;nns have been relieved of their pocket books, '-rsons visiting the Fair should therefore be on ieir guard. Cossricuois among the articles on exhibition in iectianics' Hall at the Fair,is the splendid Marble °ork by Mr. M- J. Roiiax. The beautiful Gothic -ad stones, the finely chiselrd tablets and the asieiy conceived and exquisi'elv wrought designs i the almost breathing marble which his niche in X tcir.ple of Art pteseuts, are the admiration ol who vis.t the Fair. Tin FikkmaVs ?i»mt yesterday agreeably i;appointed us. Tlie firemen of tins city du- r.iig the past year h .s had much to d shearttn ;i.i! <ii>ci uia^e tl.em.and we were fearful that this -J r. for their innual parade would prove a failoret We * ere, however, very agreeably disa ^pointed, r . ..^cession, though not as large us in past an- wljitades, was really brilliant and imposing,ami aiar>e'a« great enthusiasm. Alt the companies »-ere weii represented, and with Mr. K. 11. Hl'b- 3EL as clnef Marshall marched through the pri nci- jial streets and to the Fair grounds, and elicited universal admiration. The uniform of all was vey ta^iy; the ap.iralus of each company was snilsaioely decorated, and some fouror live bands ol inusic accompanied theprucesiiou. Everything indicated the indomitable courage and pcrseve- raace u! :i>e noble hearted fire'oien of Wheeling. The Fin yesterday was a grcat.im,irovernent on ti.e previous day. The weather, fortunately, was pleasant, ami every prospect inviting to visit the Uland. The number of persons in attendance throughout the day was very large; to say that 10,000 persons visited the grounds, is a moderate estimate. The display in the ring was fine, but will be much fuller and more interesting to-day. Tie address was delivered from the stand yes¬ terday afternoon by W. T. Wir-utT, Esq. of Mor- cntov/n. It was an eloquent and appropriate pro- tijciion and was received with universal approba¬ te. To day will be the most interesting day of the Kama. Many fine horses not yet exhibited will be ou exhibition in the ring. The Tournament «i.l also jrfjuae off soma lime during the day. An Old Soldier Gonk..Thomas Dunbar, a na live of London county, Va., Jied recently in Madi¬ son county, Ky., at the advanced age of 103 years. He was a mi it eman under Col. Payne at York- town, and witness*, tl the surrender of Corn v. allis- He had been for sixty years a resident of Kentucky. Excorraging..When the first State Fair was hei<! some six years ago, there wa< scnrcelv a store the State for the sale of agricultural implements Now every county town in the Stsie, nearly, boasts such a convenience, and what is better, the farm¬ ers, as a general rule, will have nothing but the la test improvement*. So much for the influence of county and Stale Fairs. A Kav..A ray of light will perform the tour of the world in about the same tone that ii would re¬ quire to wink the eyelids. The soil is almost a mill on times larger than the earth, and, although s> remote fruin us that a cannon ball shot directly towards it, and man taming as full speed, would be twenty years in reaching it, yet affects the earth by its attraction in an inappreciable instant of time! Tiie Rise of Scgah..The rise insular since January, according to the New York Post, has been 50 per cent and this owing not so much to trie illfr.in'.shed supply, which oniv applies to New Orleans descriptions, Cuba being plentiful, but to the great increased demand throughout the country lot consumption and stock. The unfavor¬ able harvest of 1S54 led to a great contraction in t':c grocery business, as well as in the dry goods, and dealers worked down their stock to the lowest point possible. The Cheapest and Best "DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE" IN THE "WORLD!!" Fifty Pills for Twenty-Five Cents. Five Box** for $1,00. "O. H ALSTE AD' S" JJM-bVSPKPTlC FILLS VT l bb relieve every .?human being" who has *sr ol M the toiiowiug symptoms: bidi^stioii, Head ache. taiiousiiess, Extreme nervous agitation. Actiiiiy, Palpitation of the heart. A «*.. e o* oppres^roo at theA n incapacity for the slight- the stomach. est exertion, Iteprc.iiouof spun.-, Nistincs* and indistinctness .-vn, of Vision, Cr. iiiutl* a nd eet, Unnlea«.«ut taste in the mouth N^tihuessi.r the Limbsaud particularly when rising in ¦r^i |»aru, the morning, * Siuwa, Uul't heavy pain, and sense ol i»:flkullj o! respiration, weight in the head. .s' -»r. A temporary toss of memory i .' liability, A sense of Emptiness. 1-roasiness, Put?-e .ess frequent and more I'etiilstj. feeble than usual. Kx:!eme Langwtr and Ex- Despondency. bauMiou, Euiaciatiou and Extreme De K^j'essnes*, bility. <-'v>;.*euess. Principal Depot at Burnet & Co.'*. 14 Kaat Fourth street, CINCINNATI. "CjTFor sale by Druggists everywhere., jrn 83-PRICE.ti«5 cents fo-a iingle box, or §1 for five 7 OIL VITRIOL. ~ O carboy* Oil Vitriol, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh unnuiactute, lor sale by A. C. GOOl* dr Co. FOUNDRY PIG IRON. ton* Louaconiiig Foundry Iron, for sa!e by .' i.j GILL a* Co . Waterst. j \UUCastites» oap Cdiyj ju*t icc d by V/ J B. VOWELL j»u; 6 Sign of Red Mortar. 33 Monroe St. d«x Hull's iiouble Trushes, or sale b> '* . -5 I.AiriJHLiys dc KUSHFIKI.D. 3 dox. CMtmiiou l russe?, just ree'd by LAUGHL15S dc BUSHF5ELD. 3 dox. wedee wood mortars. ji»i received by tpt&j LAUGHL1XS dt BUSHPIKLD SEALING WAX And Corks, for Preserve Jars, for-sale b7 fj. B VOWBLL, 33 Monroe »t. VOL'Tll'S ANU CHIJLDKES'S FANCY HATS / 10XSISTZN& of all the qualities and styles now In nae, v extra superfine. S AVKR1 superfine. S AVKRY, Nns 146 a».d 148 Main St. LBS Canary Seed just received by 1 J. B. VOWKLL- *L,SS Sign of Red Mortar, 33 Monroe St. 3oo Savings Bank Store. I" VOCLI)_ respectfully sa> to I be citiicuiof Whtflin- Nnrilk iJtr Ji" 1 blve ¦iuat r«*>«ed rrom tbe Eul inJ itoiu shSi H«t°r?n7 ,11.vious lnd VJn5<1 «uck or noow. Nhoee, Hal,. (.a pi, Ikmoels, Umbrellas, and Car- Me SitS' Ld'cJ\nt' r iS^K *'"* m,Me* fc»Muoa- ^SSSHS&~^ S«^»s£ te'ss&asra- torripuo»; 1 b«ie4 ^ B. H. 'VAT-SOS. jSew block oj Moots and Shoes at N". L. DOR-EY'S ¦ Oak Hall." H me,iLcoj ?BJ&^riS5?KS cvnipiwiagautise Yaried Mylea turtbe SSe" ^5^5 liruacli.it; season of !£«, 1 would rexi-eclfully invite one «dall lo tall and exa.ntne my &ckJ. SSTfiaSt i sou all aiiil every body, jitov.Ued moJ nr»tir fw wul doi ' 1 iok^.^Jbi,Pt «S: Itr of ,ooda in my Hue, and will sellascbeap iruul cLn. er tlian ineycan be boueb'- elsewhere. (ail ami exnuij-ft a°u-l»"e4«' noctai-e wiU be nuJe MEN'S Fine calf boots; Fine loiters: Fine morocco boots; . Fine half welt Fine kip « Ffne Congress * Fin® cloth 4 Gaiters; Glove kid * « cloth, d:tput coir . calf Congress . . Gxiord Ties. L LADIES* SHOES. A 1)1 LS fine black Gaiteis; Tan colored Gaiters;J 4 # Fancy do. do , [ Jcnuy Lind Slippers; do we t»; ' pojt ,ln Toilet Slipper a. "VTISSKS Jenny Liud Stoppers; -i-Ti. *' FirwGaiiera; '* Kid hoot.*; ... *1 < l morocco boots. AH of wbfch are of the laiesi styles. ap4 i> O Y *S calf boots; ) do Kipboots; do calf Oxford Tics; .'J * btogans; \?nS *"? ''""3 oi ever-r ki'"1 description: sizU iu l ct i'v" ' ti uLcr - At, of aiisuitsaud u """"" everybody in anyti.inj iber irmr » ant lu uiy line. Don't fo.Set 123 ilain street, \Vl,o-iin -! P e p. N. L. UORSKY. wcti wui ' "leicl-antu sovunj ud tot cash will do i w;i I- B. a,BS.. . T WATHa.-T" Co-Partnership. JK MARSH has litis d»v associated with him M T . V*W'Jor Uc Pursue of i: ansae ting the whole- sa*r and retail Hoot auu >boe buiiness at the old stain! or Ott & co'^d°er^arror'^"'' duo"" u'«'- J-rw.taa. *ARSH * waymak. Ambrotypes. HPHh subscriber now offers to the public a new style of A pictuie, far supoioi to the Ikigueircotypo, made in W heeung daily at his establ sliinenu They aie termed AMBROTYPES, the process for which is patented in the Unired States. l»reat l.ntain and Fr-nce These pictures aie the most beautrul and truthful ever produced by the Photographic ait The exceed) 1.5 fineness, depth of light and shade, and richness o( tone is wonderful. They not reverse tl^ subject, but repie«ent everything in iu true position.. 1 uey are without tlie glare nf a daguerreotype, niav I»c seen In any view, and will last for a^es unchuuScd, bein- imperishahle, heece the name, Arabrotjpe, whtch signifies Indestructi- biUty. rhe pictuie istakeii on plain glass, to which aII- " corr®slH>l,ding size is secured with an lii.le- stiuctible eement by which tne pictuie will retain its orig¬ inal btiiiiancy lor ages; :: will not con ode b> acids nor, be injured by wafer or cliinatc. A nib roty; e Tere«*sco|>es mu>t be £ecn to be appreciated the relief is as penect hie. lia-uerreofypes takeu at ieduced prices Ladies and gentlemen *re invited to call ai.d examine my g-Uloi v. u<> V. C. P.\K'Tr.l h<;k. L«ana ana Keal Estate -Agency. O ESPKCTFULLY tenders his s'ei v.ces to the public . as "cnersl -^gent tor tbe pur efuse and saieoi Fauns, uoimpioved Lands. City and village pio.er.y. ra,,4,s' ... . RfcFKK TO t » i»£?0n,^<t- Wiiley, Esq., Farming- I'r i> C-siiier /city ton, Va. p 5* ^°?erS ^ ' Lunvord. Esq., county, -whson, hiij. county Thos. Horn brook, E»c. do " heelin-. July »/7, juog The Great Event oj the Season!! TIic arrival of the enormous *tcck of Fall n*»a Wiuter i;ood« at NO. 30 COU. 210NROK AND WATER STREETS, WH Kb LI NO, VA. th.T'*??: having just returned from tne eastern cuies with a gorgeous stock, now invites his trirnu and customers to cai, and inspect the same. They will find the assortment oi CLOTHS of all colors; CASSI.MEKKS of the finest qualities, and V b&TlSGSof the choicest pallet us, unequaled by anything of the kind ever biought to this CiiL >p 12:1 m Shirts and Hosiery, GLOVES, I Silk and Merino Under Shirts and Drawers, r c. 'iml So:ions generallv. ot the finest quality, and at priccr exceedingly low, can be obtained at THOS. HUGFIES, No. 3o corner Monroe and Water sts. yp:'2-Tm M Idling. Va. Overcoatings OF the most >uperb patterns and qualities, and in va¬ riety unequaled by any now in the city, comprising cngltsh and Ftcnch Heaver?, Scutaris. Li-»n-s. iiw, Cas stnieres, a;ul .Moscow Coatings, to be found at No 00, corner Monroe and Water sts. spl_-lm Wheeling, Va iVeic Spring and Summer Goods A T No. 1, Sprigg House. I TAKE pleasuie in saying to iny friends that I have re¬ cently returr.et? irom New York with a beautiful as¬ sortment. of Spring and Summer Good^, consisting of BROAD CI.OT1IS, A LL COLORS %%D ST1ADKS, Summer Gooils in great variety, suitable for making nice Summer coats; . ASSIM-RES AMI VESTINGS. I will say I have the most beaut i<! assortment ever imported to this country, all of which I am better pie- pa:ed to make up iu style and tit than 1 have beeu foi ma- ny years. HEADY MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING GOODS in great variety consisting of Coats, Vesta, Pants, Shltts, Undershirts, Silk, Qnen, and Cotton brawets, Suapende>~S, l* loves, Sfocks, CoflatS, and in !act every¬ thing usually Ke}»t by a Met chant Tat.or or Clothier, all ol which I will sell very cheap for cash. Please ?ive me a call ami I will guarantee that you will be pieaseu. Yours, a?'!-1 S RICK. 4 Lb wtiuart deniuus lo obtain a hamlvune >uit of j\. Clothes, of the b»si qtolitr and most fashionable make, will do well to leave tl»e»r mea*uic* at No 3-j Wa¬ ter >tiee", wbeie will be imi;d tf-e best tvorkn>en and the rfrhest assoi tment of go^ds in the citT. >1*12;I in THOS. HUGHES. James H. Dodgson, Teachcr nf the French Language. AiiDKESS BOX jOS, WHEELING POST OPFICE. Will sive privil'* instruction, if desired, as well receive pupils in h;s cla-ses at his room, No 16 Main street, and at the Whertmg Female Seminary. sp2l.ty LOO K AT THIS! S. A VERY IS daily receiving and tuning large additioi s to his Kali .Vock ol Hats and Caps, comprising one of the most general a>sortiueuts that has ever been offered to the public.call and see. Nos. HO and 148Main Street* Wheeling, Va. sp*21drfw S. AVERY. COPNTKY KAtiS. 030,000 lbs. wanted by sp?l LAMBD1X, GILBERSOS & Co. i).30,000 lb*, woolen and street rags, and waste pa- prr, wauled by sp21 LAMBDIN, GILBBRS05 dr Co. A Music! Music!! JUST received.new and well selected music. Au as- sortment of S0.NC3 FOR. THE PIANO A.Vt» Ul'ITAR, Music 1'aper, Blank books, Violin, Violin ani < uiur Sttiosi. SALTERBAC(1 BROTHERS hook store, sr?n:!m 1*7". Main street. AKillLK'S SELF-SEALING PRESEKVINg' CANS. i NOTiFEK supply at Iiai.il. Also. Preset ving Kettles and Sauce fans oI Enameled Puiceiain and tinned wne, watei coolets, hath tubs, cedar u-ishing tubs and buckets, unit tubs, keclers, brooms, fly brushes, leather dusters, brushes, at mi; R. R. WQQlws. Machine Belting. LARGE invoice of Leather heiting from the celt b rated manufactory ol Hoyt Biothers, .New Yoik, and warranted equal to any made. Just received and for sale by tr? JOHN H TAPPA X Hats ana Gaps. Wholesale and Retail. S. Avery Has on hand and is manutaciurirgand.ieceiving 'one of I he largest assort mciua or uA UATS AS1> CAPS, consisting of all the varieties and colors now in use, all ol which will be sold at the lowest rate-*. A*. B..Hats made to order at the shortest notice. S. A VERY, Main at., No*HS«fc 14S. splfhtf Wheeling. Va. Employment Wanted. IC A HE not what it. or at what wage*. »n that it ena- ble me to ears enough to support myself and family. 1 presume 1 aiu too welt known lo need leferences, but it requited they can be furnished. Any oideiv leit for me at the ..Intelligence!" otlice, will ieceive prompt atten¬ tion spl4 GEO. WHELL1EK NONPAREIL LINIMENT. Dr. Cnrr'a celebrated Nerve and Bone Liniment, manufactured from the original recipe, and sold wholesale and retail by jeSO JOHN H. TAPPA2I. 1 dozen Seymour's Abdorainl Supporters, afiriear- ticle, for sale by s -S-5 LAUGHLI3CS »<r BUSH FIELD. RHODES' Fever and Ague Care lor sale by. J B.VOWBLL. aug6 Sign of Red Mortar, 33 Monroe St. THE LATEST NEWS EEG8IVED BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. ^FOREIGN NEWS." .ARRIVAL OP THE STEAMER AMERICA. Halifax, Sept. 27..The steamer America ar¬ rived this afternoon (rotn Liverpool* with Euro.*;-1 an dales to the !5lb inst. The steamer brings most important news from the Crimea, announc¬ ing in full, the fill of Sebastopol, so lone and anxiously expected, on the 8th after a bombard- meat of three days and six repulses. One being a severe repulse of the French, with ternfic slaugh- trr at the Redan fort before the MalakofT Tower, in which tbe English and French troops lost about 20.000, aud the Russians more than half that number The ene.ny evacuated the town a ur blowing up the defences, sinking all their ship* and firing the city, leaving nothing but a mass of su.oulderin.; ruins. Tne total loss in this terrific atfuir is more than 30,000. Five French Generals, including Gen. Bosquet, are among the killed. A large allied force is marching aiong lite coast to in- tercept the inland retreat of the Rnss ans. Tie: Allies have capture J an immense amount of the materials of war. It is reported mat the allied Generals have demanded tt»e unconditional surren der « f all the Russian troops, stores and defences in the Crimea, including the town of Odessa. The place was attacked in lour different direc¬ tions. The British attempted to storm the Redan. The French and Sarainians made a united attack on ti<e ceutial battery. The attacks were all made simultaneously and with great spirit and energy, but most eminently successful!. Oue was made by Generals Bosquet and Macmahon, on MaiakotT. Both the Recan and ceutral batteries were at oue time in the hands of the allies, but it was found impossible to ftulu them under the accurate and murderous fire of the Russians. A dispatch fr.«m tbe sea ot AzolT states that the allies a re doing immense damage to Russian vessels and merchantmen along tne coast. The fisheries are almost entir ly destroyed, the damage is esti¬ mated at several millions of francs. Two British steamers were about asccudiug the Gulf of Oukii- on* to destr y the government stores cotfected on the const. Belleamn, ti e Wt*.uW-be assassia, is uudoubt- Iv a maniac and will not be liied, but will be sent to the lunatic hospital. Tue Empeior was to leave Paris on Tuesday, the lSth, lor ih- camp of Sr. Omer, to review the iro»«j-s destined for the Crimea. It is reported that Austria has offered her medi¬ ation to Denmark in iaer difficulties with the Uni¬ ted Stales. A Russian dispatch from St. Petersburg says the Czar intends going to Warsaw, on the 13th, with Count Nesselrodc, who it is said will airauge au interview with the King of Prussia. LATEST. London, Sept. 15.Paris correspondence says it! reported that 25,COO troops embarked at B&lal-' 1 »va for the north of Sebastdpol, and also that the | Russian forces were iu full retreat towards Per- ek»p. The P.»ris papers are discussing the question whether Scbastopol is tenable by the allies while the liussiaus arc masters of the (oris on the north side. A dispatch from Dantzic, dated 14th, says the blockade ships are expected to be ordered home immediately. Ii is rumored in ti e clubs to-day that the allies have ouud 1200 guns in Sebastopol, aud also that the Russian? were tailing back on Serai. French rumors say the Russians still certainly hold '.he noith ot Sebastopol, aud will to the last exttemity.- It wis reported in Paris thai the allied admirals had decided that it was not expedieut to enter the harbor of Sebastopol until Fort Constantino is si¬ lence-:. It is probabie that the allies will attack Fo.t Conslantine from Ft. Alexander and Aitillery Bay. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKKR. Sept. 16..Prices of cotton easier but n»: t quota- bly low< r in constque&ce of lhe Bank ot Englaud having increased its rates 4*, and a further ad vance 5 being expected. Salrs of the week 46,000 bales, including liOCO to speculation. Market lor bleadstutls generally dull but no change in prices. Wheat advanced is. The weather ha- been favorable and accounts Irom lhe crojis very flattering. Provisions t!uii but prices unchanged. Lard active speculative demaud at 5Sa60s. Sugar advanctd 3d. London Mone} Market, Sept. 17..Money more stringent. ARRINAL OF THE WASHINGTON. New York, Sept. 27:.The Steamship Washing¬ ton from Southampton arrival, at 8 o'clock this afternoon, bringing dates to the 12th inst., Irom London and Liverpool, The Washington brings oQO passengers. Gen. Simpson in a despatch du- ted Sebastopol Se: t. 9. Sebastapol is in the hands of the allies. The enemy evacuated the south side after exploding their magazines, setting lire to the town, and burning all their ships of war ex¬ cept three steamers, 'i'he bridge communicating with the north side was destroyed. A despatch to the French minister of war, says Karabetma and the south part of Sebastapol no longer exist. The enemy perceiving our solid occupation, evacuated the place after blowing up nearly alt the defeuces. The chief honors of the day arc due to Generals Bucket and Machmatke. A di«p.itch from Varna says the MalakcrF and Redan batteries of Carecuiiig Bay were carried by Storm. t ,On seeing the Flench eagles iloating on the Mal- akoflf. Gen. D- Salles made two attacks upon the Central Bastion, but failed. gJPrince Gortschakoil telegraphs on the 9:h that Sebastopol, after sustaining a most infernal tire ami repulsing six successive assaults, was taken, We found we could not drive the enemy from the) MalnkotT, of which they had possession. Our! brave troops resisted to the la»t extremity. The enemy found nothing in the southern pait of the! town lit blood stained ruins. \Vh»-n intelligence ot the fall of Sebastopol reached London and the provincial citits,! demon strations of joy were manifested at all the theatres and places of amusement. When the fact was officially announced at each place the bands struck up the national anthems of England and France. Thr news ot the evacuation of Petopolou ski by the Russians, reached London on the 9th. The lite of the Emperor of the French was at tempted on the night of the lOtli, when some prr- son tired two pistols at the carriage in which he supposed the Emperor was. The assassin was »r- rested; his uaine isUelieinan and Le is evidently a maniac. WHIG CONVENTION. Syracuse, Sept. 27.The W l>u Convention this morning adopted the ticket aureed upon by the Joint Committee, and also the serious of resolutions protesting strongly agair.s: the further encourage¬ ment of Slave power, and declaring the Republi¬ can party in favor of prohibition by Congress of Slavery in all the Territories in the Union. The Nominating Commities of the two Conven¬ tions agreed to repoit the following State ticket:. For Secretory of Slate Prestois King; Comptroller J. M. Cook; Engineer George M odd is; Treasure A. H. Williams; Attorny General A. Mann; Ca¬ nal Commissioner D. M. Bissel. State Prison In¬ spector W. Bailv; Judgesof Appeals B. R. Wood aud Joseph Mullen. FROM NORFO K. Baltimore-, Sept. 27..The disease at Norfolk continues to abate, and business is partially re¬ sumed. On Tuesday there were 8 new casrs and 16 deaths, to noon «»n Wtdnesday only six deaths occurred Dr. O'llermuiler of Augusta is dead. Rev. Dr. Jackson of the Hpiscopal church is ill. Mrs. Ferguson is convalescent. At Portsmouth there were five deaths on Tuesday and nine on Wednesday, principallp ^chibien, but few new oases have occurred for several days past. Dr. Rizer of Philadelphia is recovering. The wife of Ohi^f Justice Taney is very ill at Old Point, and medical assistance from the city has been sum¬ moned. FROM HAKRISBURG.- Sept. 27..The President, accompanied by Gov Pollock, Sidney Webster, Ex Gov, Bigler and oth¬ ers, visiUd the Fair grounds this afternoon, and were very much pleased. The President aIso visited the Lunatic Asylnra, and expressed much gratification at the com I* rt witnessed. He attends a lecture by S. S. Halademar to-night at the Capitol, and will afterwerds, with suite, visit the A»ricuitur I ball. Several arrests of Phila¬ delphia pickpocktts were made to-day. The weather continues tine FROM BALTIMORE. SfcfT. 27th.Orleans papers of Friday ,bave ar- rived. No news. Flour and graim are steady at yesterday's prices. There appears to be a general disposition to await the advices expected by the steamer uow due at Halifax. CINCINNAtY MARKET? ScmsMBER 26..Flour quiet, sales at 6,60.. Sales of 150 bu rye at 6o. Wheat, red 130. Oats 30. Whisky steady, fair demand,s^les at 32i-32i Bacon sides Hi; shoulders 12$. Mess pork £20. Groceries unchanged with a fair business doing in the regular way. Coffee, sales fair and good Rio at ll|al2c. Sugar belter demand at SaSJ cts. Molasses steady, sales at 42c. Lard oil 90. RIVER AND WEATHER. PrrrssuKcn, Sept. 27..-River 5 feel 0 writes, rising. Weatter cloudy. AMERICAN IRON MARKET. Puil'a. Sept. 27..Transactions during the past week fu*ly equals the average of the season. There is a greater demand for foundry irm than the present stocks allow for immediate delivery. Gm*I quality No 1 has been held firmly at$30. No 2 is advancing under a heavy decrease of stock to No which is that of one dollar less, sales at $23. which is the lowest quotation for good quality of forge. Pig mostly quoted at 824. Sales of 250 tous American bars in brisk demand at 70a$75.. Sales -450 tons American sheet rails at 5Co cash. NEW YORK "MARKET." Sarr. 27..More doing in flour for export and home consumption and forward delivery, but the market is without important change. Sales at 7.75aS for common to straight and extra; State 7,- 75aS.2o for mixed to fnncjr and lower grades of extra Western; 9a 10,50 for extra Genesee. The market closing dull with little disposition to sell common grades. Included in the transactions are 2,000 bris. Ohio for November and Deceml»er at 7, 75; 2.000 State for November at 7.2-5; 2 000 brls. ext.aStite deliverable within 15 days, at, 7.- 9G;Jand 2.500 brls, common State for export to France, at prices within the range. Canadian ftour withont material change in prices. Sales at 7,37aS,50 for Southern superfine to extra com¬ mon brands. 1-ye flour less plt-nlv and prices slightly advance!. Sales at 5,50a 7 for fine and superfine. Corn meal dull, and nominally the same. Wheat dull, unsettled and lower near close of change. The arrival of the America and Washing¬ ton with a w*-eks later later intelligence from Europe reported, and operators disposed to wait for the publication of the news. The market ruled quiet, advance to day in freight* materially check¬ ed Export demand, sale* of 20,000 bnsh. at 185a 193 for red Southern; 203a20$for white.ditto; ISO a!S3 for winter red Western; I03n2ll fnr.gmd to prime white Canadian; 195 f«>r white California and 171 for spring Upper Lake. Rye in fair request at rather easier prices, sales of 15.000 bush, at 115a119. Corn dull and prices favor buyers, sales 26,000 bush, at 87aSS for mm- msit to prime mixed western, one lot later sold at S6{ Oats rule firm, with moderate business at 40a 13 for s^ate and western- Provisions.P.->rk rules firm wi'-h better demand, sal!es» of 1600 bbls. at 22,73a22374 for new mess, and 2l,37a2i,50 for priu e, included in sales are 1000 new mess at 20dollars, buyers option all the ocar. Beef «ternrfy with mo*len»te inquire, «a?es of ISO at 11,50a 12, for country prim* 13a 14, f<» do. mess and 16.50a 17 for repacked; Chicago prime mess beef selling slowly at 22a2G. Bactin scarce and much wanted at full prices. Cut meats nom¬ inally the same. In lard not a great deal doing, market however without impor'ant change,sales of 200b'>is. at llal2. Butter selling t»--ety a: 15iH for Oluo. and I9a22 for state. Cheese only in very moderate request at 9a 10. Whis-y, market a shade firmer with moderate demand, sales«»f 400 Ohio and prison at 40*a4l, mostly latter figure, drudi:*? is nominal at*40c. Hemp, we hear of no transactions to report, market firm, holders insist generally up »n rather better prices. Hops rath¬ er more doing price's slightly in favor of buyers particularly iu new, of which supply is incrca^iosr, sales of 50 bales at 11 a 13 for old and IGalS for new. TRANS POUT ATIOS. WUEELINU AND PAHKErtSBUttG PACK.E Tk new and fe?l runnings! earner W. Gr. WOODSIDB, Capt J. K.. Room, Lea ves \Vi>eeIing .\Jowlays», Wednesdays t fC*[. am! F: Ida vs. a: |U o*c!ucki a m. iff;.- \jj Leaves Parkersbursp '1 uesdayts, Thurs- ym aiij Satui davs, at C o'clock, a m Wheeling and Suntisn .Daily Packet. jyvyqv ^ The f^errant, Ik*t rannin® pscket, thiw siittn ku, Caj>t J. W. Morsin'i 5S>--^Sr^Z£-Jwi!Ileave Suufisb, daily, at C o'clock a. m Returning, will leave Wheeiisig at 4 o'clock, p. *. t:rP! Tile Adams Express Company. OFFICK STLtaE IIOLSK, WHEELING, VA Reduction of rales to and from yEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND DAL- iTIMORE. HK Adams Express Company, '.or the safe aud speedy X conveyance oi MONEY, VALUABLE PACKAGES, AND FKEIGIIT OK ALL KINDS. in charge of ourowi: special njes^engers, is the only reli- able :iue !o and from Wheeling (by Karl road direct.} to .New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Washing¬ ton City. AL^O.ria. Central Ohio Railroad to Zanesville, Co¬ lumbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, Chicago ailil St. LoUIS. Excesses ieave via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at ¦?$ o'clock, I*. 31., Ceulral OLio ilaiaoad at 5 o'tlock, P. m. For Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, ai d Northe* n Ohio at 7 '.rc ock, A .\l 93*Butter. Poultry, Produce of all kinds, delivered in sixteen houisto Baltimore. - N. PIGMAN. Agent I a;r2j .\dcns Kvpiess Co. Change of schedule. »nuiuier Arrau;emeut. Tr assportatios OrrirE B. dc O. II. K.") W heeling Station. July 9th, iS-lo S OX and after .Monday the 9:h ii^tant, the Paisencer Trains (express and mai!) will leave this station daily lor Balttmoie aud the Eastern Cities at 4:13 P. M. and I0s4o P. .M. The Expi ess Train leaves at 4:15 P. M: and will only Stop at the lollowing stations: Kenwood. Moundsville, ("uuieion, Fainnont, Fetteiioan. Newburg. Kowletsbuig, Picdiuoiit Cumbethind. hir John'.- Hun, Marlins burg, Harper's Ferry, Monocacy, Sykesviile and Washington Junction. The Mail train leaves at 10:45 P. M., except Saturdays, aud wilt stop at ail tue recular stations. The Wheeling and Cumberland Accommodation Train will be 'UII daily except Sunday*, leaving Wheeling at *T, A. M., and arriving at Cumberland at 0, P. M.. leaves Cumberland at 5:15 A. Al. aud arrives in Wheeling at 4, P. .M. By order of J. I!. DONE, Sup*t. ju9 i i:. FORIt. agent Sandusky, Mansfield &. Newark RAILROAD. 39 fiy-V-' Change of Time. OX and aiier Tue«d.-sy, August7. t$»5. until further no¬ tice, Tiains will iUU as roliuws, (Sunday* escei«t- GOIXG SOUTH. 3'ait. Exp. Esprit??. Leave Sandusky S 1<?a. M. P Al Huron Jn s-i", - 44 Mouroevi!ie.... ."v-W .. P..-Y* 44 (.'entervilie... 'ji) «. 4.ST. " Pivmouth.'... *1.40 " 4..\j '4 Shelby Jn l -.n; 5 21 44 Mai.sriold Jn 10."j 44 0.51 .* Frederick l.'.IvP. m. 7.is 44 Mt. Vernon I2.ro- 44 7."*s 4i Utica I.i.l 4' L-.vd *4 IIeach Newark- i.3j 44 tr.6U 44 GOING NORTH. M -il Kjp. Express. Leave Newark. 0.2". A. M. 2.10 P M litica ..rl .. ^.4 » 44 .Mount Vernon 10.24 44 3.15 44 F ederick ,:0^ 44 3.2^ -4 3Ja 11#tie d Junction 1I.03 44 4.53 44 Shelby Jui.ctou 12-15 P. M. 6.21 44 Plymouth 1-..^ 44 5.11 44 Center vilie 1 12 44 G.i«» 44 .Mouroev::ie. 2.'5 44 G.v5 4i Huron Junction... ..2.20 ** ".l«) 44 Keacb Saudusky 2.«5 44 7.J5 " GOING SOUTH.TheS.10 a x Train will connect at Sauduvky with Alornlug Tiain from Toledo; at .Monroe- j vi e with 1 hica?o Express on SooUierw Division C. «v T. Kwd; at Sltrlby Junction with Cincinnati Expresa fiom Cleveland; at .Mau*field Junction with.Day Express Iroui Pittsburgh, ard at Newark with the Ea*taud west trains ou > entral Ohio Railroad. The 3 20 ». x Train will connect at Sandusky withsfa- mci Kay City from lietroit; a! MonroeviPe with cve*tem Train on C & T. K. It; ;<t Siseiby Junction at 5.21 r x with .Mail Train onCC+CK K lor Columbu* and Cin- ciunati; at Mansfield Junction at * wish F«st train ioitOA PH K for Pittsburgh, and at Newark with East ai.d Wf?t Night Trains on Central Ohio U It. GOl.NU XoKTH.The 9.26 a at Train will nxake close connection at Xewatkuith Mail Train from heliaiieou Central Ohio K K: at .Mansfield Jnrcsion with Expiess lof Pittsburgh; at ^l.e'b* Junction at 12.15 r x with Cin¬ cinnati Express lor Cleveland. Buffalo and Xew Votk. and at .Moiirneville with .Mail Tiam ouC&T Jload lor Toietlo. Chicago. A-c The 2.10 y h Train will connect at Newark with £lx- rreasfrom the East on Central Ohio Koad; at M.tns&eld Junction with Fast Tiain »or Pittsburgh; at Sheibr Juuc tionato.21 r x with Ci..<iuR-<ti Mall lor \ leveand; at Munroeville wilh Nlgtit Express Kir Toledo and C hicago, and at Sandusky wita steamer i!ay Ctty for iietroit a»id Chicago. J. R. ROBINSON. Sup't. Sandnxky, Aug 4, IS55. *pl.i.tf Summer 'Arrangement. REGULAR PITTSBURGH PACKETS. The fine steamers ECLIPSE, Capt Geo D.Moore, aud ROSALIE, Capt. Asa Sbefpard. Will mn betweon Wheeling and Pittsburgh, forming a daily lice, connecting at Wellsviile with the Express train for Cleveland, and arriviugat Pittsburgh in time for the morning lines East. The Eclipse trill leave Wheeling every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the Rosalie every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. precisely For freight, passage, or through tickets apply to je7s C BAKKR&- Co., Agents PiG IKON. W E keep for sale best quantity Hanging Hock Pig 1 ron, suitable lor four dry or mill purposes. ap29 DOA5E & COWGILL INSURANCE. Valley of Virginia PIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY vvM. T. SBLBY, Agent at Wheeling. OFFICK.at tbe store ofTaltant 6z Delaplain. Main street, bcUveeu Monroe ami Huiucv streets; are pre pared to take 'isksat customary rates on Goodwin trao- utu, Stauiboib, Store*, Dwelling, «Sc. .REFJ&JLSCXS. J R. Baker *la>Unt& Lteiaplain. TIhw. H. List. 1). Lamb. Norton Acneso&dzCo G. H aid man . S--Brady. N.C. buKfft ArCo List& Howell. O. W. UeUkeil 0* On. *p!2 Tlie 2Etna Insurance Company OF UAKrFDKU.COX.-t.. INCOKPOKATt-.D, MAY lSi9. $500,000. One or the oldest ai.-d be>t iMtttmiom in this country continues to take risks upou tbe nu»t tavorabie t«ruu 4 dpi y to F. PKTKRSO.N, wnrj Agni Atr ¦:? 3 .1 virt'.jrr. ATxii^tf-dbiUM FLRJiJ UFFiUJb, London. ACTUOR1ZED CAPITAL .*2.000.000. Available Capital $1,284,300. WILL take auy aii! all lair fire rUksat a reasonable rate. Lo^es adjusted and promptly paid without reference to Loadou. RKFr.ahxcES ix ruiLADicLFaiA. Atwoodci- Co., Jobu Farnunt. Joh»t Gri:?. Gmijp H. >!aart, Myeib, Cushorii & Co. W.lliatu M'Kee Ac Co., Powers dc Weightman, White, Steven* & Co. RKt'tCREXCKS IX WHEKLI3CG. H K. List \V Co., Gill. Ha id nan <1- Co. Heiskell «v Co., IJai'cy. V\ oodwaid A- Co. Tailant A: IMa plain, Norton, AcbesonA; Co. Hobb*. Karnes »v Co Jacob Senaeuey. For lurtber paiticulais enqunr. or \VM. F. PKTKRSON, - Agent foi Wheelii gxnd vicinity. OFFICE next door to Jl + M tank mb3 INSURANCE. THE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COM PANY OF wheeling. Incorporated 1831. rp.\KKS risks at the lowest rates, o* building* or all 1_ k'nds, steamboats. lurniture and merchandize, «»fd asainst all dangers attending tbe transportation of Goods, on rivers,seas, lakes,canal* and railroads. OIK EC tors: R. CranxU, S. L'rady, J. "W. Gill, Sam'l Nee, W40. Fleming, SaurlOtt, l'au'l I«ainb, Kobft Patterson, Rob't Morrisor H0i;T. CKAXGLK, Pie*'(. R. W. I!*rdijio. Sec'y. """Application* lor insurance will be pronitly attended by ilie President or Secfetary. Wheeling. Jan *2$th, lS-"»3. j S. K. Burktioldcr. General Commission Merchant, NO. l(»f FRONT STREET, \ Orl4. \lrILL make li(*:.>.. advance* on ri*j*igii inert.® for T? warded him through Jno. \V. Ru>3& l'u . Locus Po:nt. Caltin^»ie. !ebl:I?hi ELY DO Kb i: Y .ii CO. UK9KRAL FOB WARDING AGENTS, warehouse opposite the kailuoad depot, Whfi lin^. Vn. B3"AllConiguneuU Sarwarded with promptness. ?epl IvIOJJTKOJ^ HOUSE. \VM. F. ('I.AKK, Proprietor. rpf!I^' Ion- established and we ! known hou« having 1 been thoroughly repuled and renovated, now fur¬ nisher evceilent accommodations to the tiaveliug commu¬ nity and Loardeis, at MODERATE PRICES. It i* legated on the co« ner o' Main and Madison street*, immediately tn r-o»:t ot the Suspension Hridg*. and only a tew squares from tbe Steamboat Lardu.g -nd Railroad Depot. EXCELLENT stabling is attached to the Mom oe Koir-e. Travelers and hoard sis nay itsta>snrcd that tim Proprietor wi!i>]«.ei.o pain- to pi01110 e rhei r c«nn'o* t. d.-wf DR. JOHN RITTJUER'3 Water Cure Establishment. KIi«\V\JiVZLI.K, PA. ONH mile and a half east of Jlroww-vilie, a f-iort dis- tai.ee i.oui the National R«ud. in a hcHthy. cw;, .nd tetired vailey. surrounded by b<*au:iiul scenery. supplied by springs of the puie»t ;?»«! so'te.vt w; re _ is open d mine the summer season. Patients vu.'I find ' !»e necessary ac o»mmodatioBs and beti'eaied byeriensive e\peiien« * iu ihc Water Cure iu correction wnn .1 tbor-iuzb kjowkdfe ot Al!o]*athv o: the new >c!n*ol and Houieojiathy. Terms ?or board and trea ment §7.00 pei weefi. ladiesaudgen- tteinen accumpauyins Potients Sl.Wpe' wpi k For jmr- ticularii please apply to D.;. JOHN Rl Tl'LKSt, n .. .rvv.iv jtL uarct. HSNRY TALLINT. LKWlss PHLAPLAIN, and W! I.LI AW Tali. »NT hare to: r.ted .. c«»-pariner- sh*p. for the purpose of transacting -i Wholesale Grocery ?.i d J»iy (ioodsand F«n warding and G»>::e!.a! t'ommissioi L chines'8 in this city, undei the firm of I'.\ l.l.AST iV liK- LAPLAIN. The wholesale Dry Goods business will h* conducted at No Cl Main stree?».ind the wholesale Groce ry and Commission business at >o. 69Main street. Ample and seasonable * ocks of l>ry Goods and Groce ri*s will always be or sa!e at low prices and on eccum- :nodating terms, to which they earnestly invite the atten¬ tion o* rt.o*s utters ina3 ^SiLW S I OCR UP Watches, Clocirs and Je-welry. THE subscriber haxju*t leturned from New York, and ca.( now offer a much la:get* and fin- r stock of Goods in bis line Cand a" prices much lowerj ihanevei heretofore. The public are e«ti m*sTly solic*te i toe li and examine his goods and prices. Every article sold at this establish¬ ment is warranted. Clocks and w a:chescarefu!ly repaired. C. I*. LKO'V.N, Washington flail, myl Monroe street Shooters! Shooters!! Leounrd'a i'silent Kcvolrin^ llnmmrr I»i-lol ! !! THIS pistol, for simplicity of construction, facility o< invliugand caj pire. rapidity of discuarsiu:. power and coriec*uess. convenience oi car; ying, and in exemption !iom liability to accidental discharging, claims a *uj>ci i ority over all others now manufactured. A smalt lot just received and tor tale at the cfce*p Jew¬ elry Store o! C. P JJIIOWN, in vT No 4 Wa^liinston Mall. House Furnishing Store. rH A VK just opened, at Xo 31 Momoe street, a new stock ot Housekeeping Article*. consisting of Table Cutlery, Silver Plated AIbata a»-.l iirilanni* wa»e. Plan isi»e»!, Japanned and Plain Tin wane; Waiters of different styles and varion* patterns. «.. nameirn! and plain Kan .y and plain wilwiw ware. IJmshes. Feather l)uster$ and Fly bn«s!ies, wonleu ware, Family Haidware, Lathing apparatus and Kitchen ware Complete. uplO K. K. WOODS. Groceries at Wholesale. XAA BHLS. MOLASSES; njvjyj 30>» bars Kio coffee; o»~> pockets lrfisuira coffee; fJl ? Old Java . 60 bores ("axeudisli Tobacco; 50 kegs6tw. * 10 bbis cut and dry 4 30 boxes Stewart's N. Y. candles; It'O iihtls Sn^ai-; So bbis L"»vering*s refined Sugar; lil'ds Louisiana * 6»> liJch V. H..G. P,and Imperial Teas; 60 r^tty boxes * IVi tie ices rice; 2 boxes white pipes: pi) * t*»v^a;e*s "iincy Qoap^; Toother with a (ii'l assortment o Family Groceries, including Spires, Fruits, ilye sluifs, Fish, etc. eic. lor sale it wholesale, b\ TA LI. A NT «Sr DKLAPALIN. | i«w3 No 69-Main street. The Verandah Restaurant A1VO o\>ti:k s u,oo\ IS icreivittc every day fie-h Baltimore Oy^len. Our customeis will always fin»I us prepared toswrvctbem up in ihe tno-t deiicair and des:value manner. '^oKUlii.'s complied Within the shortest possible time. i a?r/9 No 107 Main street. Use the Magic Impression PA PKK for writing without Peino Ink. copying plants, leaves, flowers. Pictures, Pa'lcn.s i«»r Embioidery, marking linen indelibly, and manifold writing. This ar tide is absolutely tly be<t i-oriable inkstand in the known world. Tor a small quantity folded and placed in the pock et, constitute* a travelingink*>tand, which cannot be bro kci.. No pen is needed, N>i any stick sharpened lo a point writes equally as we! as the Vest gt Id pen in the universe. For drawing, it Is in ispensable. It is, indeed, the only art of thawing and Paint'Hi taught in one lesson. Any e*l, plant, or flower can be transferred to the pases of an album, with a in'* note and distinct resemblance of nature. With equai lacility, pictures and embroidery patterns arc taken, and have received the highesteulogiums from the uir sex: and indeed ap xnoie ti^teful present tor a lady couM uot be produced. This Magic Paper wjill also mark "linen, or other ai ti¬ des so as to letnaiij penectly indelible. All the washing in the world (aiis to bring it out. A ny child cau use it with perfect ea*e. Wirh this Magic Paper, likewise, onr or four copies oi a letter written, can l»e secured without any additional labor whatever, making it tiiecheapest and most convenient article extant It is used log'e.-t ad van- ..age by repoiters ot tne public press, teie^rapn oj»crators a:itl tiosts of otter.* Each package conuins four different colors, black.blue. STcenand irJ, with iu'taud printed icstructioi», s;: to use, hud will lasl&nfiiciently to obtain i>00 distinct iui- pres^ons. It is put up in beautiful enameled colored envelopes, with a truthful likeness oi the proprietor attached. Eac:. and every package warranted. Pitirt.gr2 pc> dozen, or live for SI. Single packages 25 cts. Maii»-J to all pans of the v.o-fd. on Ik.- icceptiou o: the above prices Address, j«ost-paid, ii. PUiiilELL, IC7 Broadway, New York. OPINIONS OF THE rUEPS, lit'B3ET.L*s Maoio IxpKfsiox P^rrit.W> refer our readeis to the advertisement in another column, sef-ng ioith tiie merits ol tits pleasing and ingeninu* invention. The cheapness should induce aii to give ita trial..Phila¬ delphia Mei chant. It is uu^i'nassed foi neatness and utility, -and should meet with the sale it richly de«rves .Tribune Just what the pubiic has long desired, and recommend? itself to every lover ol taste and refiuemeut..Journal & ourier. augi4:3m. NOTICE TO {CONSIGNEES AND OWNERS. 17 ROM and after ibis date, all freights comtnz by idea- mers for wh ch we are agent-s must be ecei ved on tne whan and r.o cooperage will be allowed to be deduct¬ ed from freight bills in any case Kliill S. C KAKEK diTCo. SPANISH WHITING. EELS, whiiing, in store and to arrive, for sale by agli A. C. GOOD A Co. Refined Camphor..One barrel refined Camphor, just received aud lor sale by ag!4 A. C. GOOD 6t Co. TJe^gnl Indite. snail lot ol prime Bengal Indi- Jj no, received and for sale by agU A C. GOOD dt Co. £5 , MISCELANEOUS. Bl OKS AND STATIONERY.« Wilde Sl Brother, e I*NEK OF IIaIV AND UNION STREETS, Wholwale and Ketail Wca!cr« u> MtsceJIane- r-us. Medical. Theological, School am', L'lank Books, S;a« ubnery. &t.&c 'oujf*Who;esaiepurcha«er« supplied »t 'n- lowest r>1o- Highest pficg given it: tash trade 'of ap6 i'OWOfiU MAGA2INK THKundfrsjjnrU will receive on xtoras-. any Powder which may be offered, at a muietaie c..-.se. He i»sa large and substantial lire-prooi building. with capacity to contain 10,00" kegs oi powder. mL'Jo M. Khll.l Y New and UlegaiA. undesigned bet:* fea\e to inioi'u: his riiend> and 1 patrons, and tne citizens of W hee.ii g tuat Le bas just received bis spring and suutint- *dock 01 CLOTtIS, CAWMSUS A\l» VEST! NO'S, v»hicb fce is picf-arrd to usSe to otrier at shurt uoric*ti llc Utest and most approved st j;e ami best manner. J. It. STALLMAN. Me.cbant Tai.o , apl7 No. V. v. uui H.n. JUST received aJid lo*" sale at the luwfai n«.*i k-i puce*: 3 -ross Fahnestock's VcrmtU^r; 2 . McUr.e:s do 3 * ilo Liver P:IN; 12 * »rvc and Bone L»n:ment; 6 4 GeorreM Ha l&amic Compound; 2 * l»r. Wravfr»* Kre S^lvr: 2 * Greed's Oxygenated Hitters. mb« J H. Ml XllMfKKR. NOTICE.EX in;A. HAVING been bast and select. «l «ne most splendid louvf mart>-eever brot-cbtio this, mat ket. 1 want sli luy fi teuds local! imtnedlately and icave their oidets for an fciud tbey may want. flavins puicuasediargely. 1 will finish up work in the !a:eu and m»»t approved stylss aud at the lowest lates. wa i ranted aud no mistake. jcT* M. J. KOHAN. BAbBlTl'S CHEMICAL YEAST POWDER7 THIS* Powder is the best in use, and the only Gen* iiiie Yeast Powder. For sale by J. «. VOWKLL. Sign oULe Ked Mortar. i-3 .Monioe st. I HAVE examined the **l&erve$cirg Compourrd of Biead aud Cakes,'* wauutaciuied by H. F. Babbitt, aud consider u an excellent article lor the purpose it is iu- lentled. [Signed] JAS. K. CHILTON. M. 1) ic:7 hernial. N Y. Pure lee. WE are prepared to furnish tbe citizens of Wheeling with an article o! pure Ice in quantities as nuy be vvaut- ed, delivered in any part or the city. Our ice sLeefiotn all Impurities, having been taken trom Bed* lion's dam, thiee nnies up "Wheelingcieck. Persons.wishing ice leit al their lesidence* will leave their names at tiic Boat Store, corner Water and Monroe streets. air.*. S C. BAKKR & Co. FLOUR, GKAJN, SEEDS, BUTTEU, ike. \l'antc«!..The subscribers wfll purchase or make t f ibe;al advances on consignment to rialtitnore, Philadelphia or New Yorfc,ol lLmr, wheat, 1 ye, oa»s. corn, bariey. clover aud timothy seeds. Also on butler (solid pickled ) and eggs. GlLL«v <;o. | a^y Walrrst. sundries. 1 AQ barrels Fainily Flour} 1 yJU lOu do KxliaSait: do No 3 medium markerelj i do do do .iG do large do / i.i' J do No 2 do kitj No 1 do iO 44 No'.* do to V-arrels >ice, ii'y lw»gs kio Cofleej 0 do Jr. vn do 10 boxes puie Pepper; 20 dozen buckets: 2^ do wash b.oards, C^O pounds S C. beef; 30 barrels Rye Flour, ^ucsr, molasses, bacou, etc. just Tec'd an«l for s-«!e by apl^ GEO. K M KCH KN. kbmovaiT MKHILLY lias removed from btv o'.d stand In Mar- . ket Square to that new and sj>acious uaiehouse, No. 57. gieen front, west fide of Main street, between Monioe and Quincy. lately occupied by Messrs Annau «'c AUguiie, as a cotnmbsion house, r^e has on hand a Urge and general assortment 01 «iroceries and l.iquois. which he will Sell at * hole.*ale at the lowest mat ket prii c Also:.Gunpowder of every descripttini, and Sai"e:y ruse. splo Kiehard H. .Lee, ATTORNEY AT LAW. FORMEHLV PMACTITIONER IK TUK COL'UTS OK EASTERN VIKJJIMA. \ T ILL attend tbe <*,.>»»is of Ohio rounty, and will at- r } tend t" any busine>?» in tbe counties ol Washington and Grteii'*, Pa. II.s resilience. jni-i V."ism>otos. Pa \ 'ali!able Reading, BANCROFT'S United Stales. 0 vo: , 1> Abbot;'-" NapoWon, \ol>..; l.a»c ot's >Iisce;iBi>:^<: Angelloii 'he lawso; C^r*Iersj I'lckPim Works, comp'e'c.u vol.*. Chemistry o; ommoti Life; LongfeUotv's Kvangeline; iJeir of KedclitT*'; 1 Smith Abroad; Natbatic. by Julia Kavanagh; My Contessions; Keune;h, or the Rear Guard ol the Grand Army; The Winkles, 2 vols. Memoirs of J>s Go>d»n Rental; Le Quincya Note Hook of an Gnium Katcr; Klia. or 'I he Human Coined), e;c- eic., Including a general as^ortmeuL of Miscellaneous an Med.c I Woiks, just received by sep4 W1LHH «V . RO. Sundries. 4<» boxen Raisins? I « boxes O.angrs; -'j bit Uj do 10 do Lemous; .40 qr do do 1000 new roco nuts; 2'1 ii > Malaga Fies; 6 boxes ntaccaioni; 3 case4' do 3 do Vermicelli; r. frail Dates: 9 do Paste; 2 cases Liquorice: *j bass Almond-,; 1 d.» Calabria Uo 1 do Si«.i!y do j 3 do Sardines; -2: do walruts; 1 bbi paper a he II almonds; C doFilheitsj 3 doz fresh Peaches 3 do Pecan; :: d .z Pineapples; 30 dor. as\d Pickles; t cu^e Prunes; 10 duz Pepper Sauce.! Just >ece:vcd and for sale by T. K. ASKEW r-r;n Market rf-w. below XfcLore How-e To (Jenliiiiieii DK^IF.'1NG asopeib and complete outfit in personal appatel. lite opportunity now rfTi«ed a! Thom-ix Muzhcs', >urpasies any eve> presented hi Wheeling! In \auety, qualit}, and extent the ;S{oitmrnt win be'fonnd superior Luany eve oSered. All are irqursted tocalTat .No 35, comer Momoc and V\ u:c sts. _»pl2Uin \\ hecting. V». Spring Stock. J IIAVrjast opening a ver> large and well selected stock ¦*adiUer* Ilardv/are nnd ('aacli Triuimingn, :o wbic.i l invite the attention of ui* customers auu all persons using goods of this kind. Old Stand, lo3 Mainstieet. in>2 JOHN KNOTK. To Farmers. THE subscriber will ship wheat to the eastern market for Tartlets, charging but a small percent, theiefor. liis acquaintance is such as to secure tike highest prices, and by tins arrangement fai iueis cau have all tne benefits of the eastern market. 1. N. KELLER, ju2*1 C»uincy street New Confectionery. TTTllUAN FOX would respectfully inform tbeciti- ? V zeits of Wheeling,that he has opened a new cont^c* tionerv Establishment at the old stand of the "Indian t>ucen,-*on Main street below Monmc. He confidently ii.vtifs liis old ft ieutlsioc^liand patronize him in his new business. J-s-*lcecream-5 and t lit delicacies of the season, at all hours. aplT ^Htnud Dry Tobacco .100 btl- cut and dry and / 100 gros« papers Smoking Tobacco for sa e by n"I LOGXN. KAKKK *V Co. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. rp!lH copartnership herctoSore existing between tlie i undersigned in the livery business,:s this day di». solved by mutual consent. Persons having claims acainst the fi:m will present tbeui for settlement iminedi-te'y..- Also, those indebted will please make payment immedi¬ ately. JAMES JU HULGKi:. DA.N1KL 11 LADY. Wheeling, June 1,1853. jetC TO FARMERS. CI U A N O..Peruvian sud Mexican. Oidersforany T amount ol either description-filled by as9 GILL A- (.'«* Sole ag*»s tor Importers. 1) UK<- Cider Vinegar.50 battels, warranted pure, iu store and for sale by spIo M RKILLV. MOSQUITO NETTING. A lnrgclot of mowpiito Netting, blue, green, pink laucy and white at the lowest price*, just oj«ened at j>.3t W. It. Mol TK .v HHP'S. NEW GOODS BY EXi'KBSS. "! / \ 1*2 FCES Uvbs, in handsome styles; Iv> 1 do haircloth Skirting: 1 do b ack Net, for mantles? 5 do b!ack Guipure Lace; 3 do black Brussels do 1uT HKlSKrt.1. <V To. 1 orkt.. A tii.e &5SO: tntcct «>t priiiie co« Ks, t«>. by cet4 A. C. GOOD A- Co. WOLr'S AROMATIC SCHEiDAM SCHNAPPS C C IN pirn i-2' pint and quart bottles, just received and fo«* ?a!e by JOHN H. TA PPAN. Sax Tsri»t..200 kegs >o. 1 Six Twist lobacco, ior s-.le by iu3l LOGAN, KAKKK <fc Co. very superior ln.porte«! Segsrs; O 100,000 half Spanish and ccmn»on do For sale by LOGAN. BAKER <* Co I 01" DENS' Carminative BaDam lor the Summer Com J A p! lint just ree'd by J. H. VOWELL. a^j; C Sign of Red Mortar, 33 Mouri-e St. I NDlGO, copperas, alum and madder for sale bv J. B. VOWELL Sisn of Red Mortar, 33 Monroe St On conoigniucnL-Keceivru and lor sale. lOiicorustaik and straw cutters of varii us patterns. a^lO [Ar^is r.ppx ] HUI'.KKLL <V- SON. 4Q Leuiois.'s o boxes Oranges (sweet); In prime con 'ition. For sale by jeSa GILL <fc Co. TC'ASK Flench Kiaudy, wananted pute, onitand ami tor sale by je2tj JOHN H TA PPAN For the Intelligencer IKE IHsh Covers, both round and oolong, or asu- perior quality.call and see at je26 R. U WOODS. OILS. Rperat. Whale, and Fish Oib, just received and for tale at the lowest uwiket prices by i«{1 J A. C. GOOD & Co. medical. ALL SHOVJjD TR>'JT.'J DR. J. H~OST~ETT ER'S CELEBRATED K ® STOMACH BITTERS. 100,000 K.ulo. Sold im One Ve»r. X TOfsivs w-M' an.uick "IMlwl.nor ug n . tJKE.A 1 AN'TI-OVSPPPTIP »« ." ow S'innrfc « cfceuiat* of the pie*eut citttiu* >uwi taeuilUc l»r Ho^tettcr submit* ins invaiuahi-. xu. mical u->u, or whati* s;j,f b«.£r ? buiersto *nyct.e your otvn constitutor; The in. ^ l'*'r*on*i trial ui»on te-s hiU U- found by the first »|WJL!;,,er1.ur ^ b"* t»r their great mrdiaio.! effect* wn »> *,u,,U»* Ml lore* a.aln.o.t.ucrcdib:. S1.uw of 'ir,'.?rsJi""PUC' «¦" "k= » «« «,ebrate< Htoiii- Tr*°**>tU. ofl|«e bjueri,4na .h^M~RC"W" <*««. by ill .houtd ,rr .XUgLlit*"^blttenu sisss^ r '.!Cvi,i,,tb,.c!:^'1l^1»l,>« *".« >b.5 will be. < neie me uti»>i «n;«. -t- ..... ...i.vi-unc trial. .* wi.ir ii are%oinf:a -J;',lei r*' won 1 ®ac,,te4i «*« Uie saiue, without a rival, a. *o their ^ur Bilitr* ."» I'ot U,. «qn!« 2m££" ' quaJiiies. They «,« direct)Otis011, and "Z>V / VJSSi t,0,rt' WMti the Mown lue bottle. tiiW »«««*"«. >£££Lu imslssi'/lss^*"¦. states 4 :d by "ralljr throughout (be United Ijl'SHFIKLD 4- f0, ,.d JcS?:Iy,Iaw ' HjUHSOM & K.UTKKSON, * UhFjl 'f^"VUV^AiXtfiS^ B- VONDERSM1TH'S Chang Fhu, .VJ OR, Chinese Liniment. Save tiied it regard it.» iiuLiiiuP.^P l!f All who ""*¦ Iheomalism, »l'rains,brul4s JweHedll°!?i!,,<! lonts. while swelling ..»j,« i- ,Jl*i*"e7?dl'l«b». we*k I.reast. l.ce. nranrolhtr£n '''"..'V"- celleiit reniedv in i>iu,«es v.na . * It la an ex- .«-«ofihi. iSkuJSS^SS'- 1 , e:c. Tbe tueful- coTljned to II,e l.uinai, »l«S!. i,^V"'l'"'"nd *b>""? '«»>'« whenever alM'lied to cure diseasii ..rtf1^ J elB"<i»>um I K. Ii.liml I he Imrte. A niourTne^Jilni fi orltc Jou*'*' denu (KCurr<.. t *,i,e to" «f," '."£??tf'""?,.«!. uiucuie. may be fame J th»-r«ii,.... V tte cer. N'raitt* in the shoulde.s, c.wn, J CuU»! b,ru,*e*» »we«*r. «l>li>e. tutor iolnu.rte pS? ?ur^^ i»r« see directloui ,111 buttled -urthcr ptrticu- TAKE NOTICE. Uiiii.Jmu ,;,i",S^1^u.l^'ue ^Je lO'll UteordliMry :he inost prolouiidcheinlsu «lid tlidM?rf0." hu"",U" '"«"t, ,s tl»ti»,SSo ^il0^ lects, it is tbe must bealthlul zLnZ/L J S eur»«veel- :unir. 1 . iuy |4I, ori|Ie ,ti,,1^" i C^'u'1 «S'««ble per. ;t Hii|»lt» » IOS) i.a nmtural thiw n^ei T*T *7','1'""1 iiouiSt MiiU leave* th#» v»»iv«f«. £ winch lafts for many Mead ol tbe eiacted ^nd cl»ni^d lml."'.'^i'in- coniuion ie>ul; .r aln,o*L ,H u ^ J. "bi^li i. * Wil^^nv;^tr^e^;,t>q^,.1'eit|,e;b,. u"o'r'iou^b'e 0dt" !ou 1,wj Vt. J. a. 1-cndrrrmilh ¦ ZaKMVILL*, Oaio. r.leun»T1^':;r:^hn.d*^'tLu,:i?^''lth Jble lu get uut ol my bed without l£fi« 5 u'0,"b« not -mi city i,..isted o," nTm Srii^Vnd WL**"111" n n«.,la.d t,T wtot e(T«Vit ,J<iSd h.» Sb"'« Pl'u Oe has elieved uie so irnxh tlJi ? . V. ,ml one bot- my bed witlioul didiculty. UMthSu i hf.i?!8"°ut of J-l U, itlo, youiiw.r, ail .«.«« A,lt*- il- lAJOnKAN. Wholesale and Retail Agents, my:=ly 1HO:*'K""0J' ^ "ATTKHSON, iS,- .., '<0 "" *i«<n street. Dissolution of Co-Partnership L'e^e'," ',"i' «« ^e deaUi o'l r&fszis?. crim** "¦«b"- Hey, JubiMtOi!iu. nanieand atyleo. ti,VCe- MICH A l?L SWKKNKV *1": JOHNSTON ' J A\J hS Al. '1 OH J). AH1JAH X. JOHNSTON. THPfi, ro niss°l-L-TIO.\. r;ue.r,?,n,u?L^:t^,- J,^u s,^°- ,'v"" ¦bo"as Johiwtoii. J,., ieti.i,.st,.n"!f(!,^rlinNwt<!"e-v *> sWkHtiKY.' 1 J M TOB1I. ' "gSi JOHXSTOS, J«.. Wheeling. February 01,1, liv, N,S'I O:>- CO-PA RTNEHSHIP ....or "^sas^jsari; vi~' -. A:.«,,n,i I,on Wcif under '1!,'V"*"? N»«».al th. ...< -licit a eun'trnce"o! J- N TODD, HUGH MCHOLS. _Whee|iiigf Feb. S2d 1855 *A * Jul,^»TOX. . -I leb'JT CH-ESTJhJR & CO. FOR WARDING AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS. 93, WEST STNEKT CORNKH OF CKUAR 8T. KKW VOKK C10NS1GXM KNTS lor re tbipment solicited, and good 1 j forwarded to alt pa its ol thj world with the utmost prompt iics# Agents or the IVcw 1 oik, ESnllimorcaud Wherlio| Mae, lui the lian&pot laiion lo the Valiey ol lite Ohio turd Mis¬ sissippi, via i-altimorc and Ohio Kail road Havif- a cl.ain ol well known agents thiocghout the line, we aie prepared to give through receipts, lor lime and price Western merchants are solicited tocall at the New York Agerey upon the subscribers, Leio.e making then toiuiac.s t.scw heie. CHESTER <fc CO., agy;ly u3 West at.. New York. Just Received." WA. EDWARDS dt ERO. Iiavejust received from . the hast, (at their New Grocery adjoining the PosJoifke,; an excellent and carefully selected assortment 0f fuie Ou.ce.ie>, to which they invite the attention or all in want 01 good and cheap groceries. Our stock consist* in l»ai t or line Rio, .Maracaibo, and Java coffees, brown, clarified dO{ Ciushedaud Puivenied Sugais; Tea* 111 great variety and fine qualities Cocoa, Kiouno and chocolale.ol the best brands, Pieso peaches,pine apples, stiawberries and raspber- vies in cans; rice Hour, corn starch; FanU4,sag", macaroni, Isinglass, Jelly Una; Kerinuda Arrowroot dried currants, raislnc, almonds, Olives, hops, etc; Tobacco and aegars, fine qualities; soaps, ctc.; Fine ground Table .salt; Spice* and Essences of every variety. Together with nun) other aiticles t to tedious to enu meiaic, all or which we air se ling at very low prices. Call ami examine lor yourselves, you cau't but be pleas* ed. Remember the place.corner of Mai bet and Quincy .stieetd.adioiuing the Postoffice. Wheeling, Va. my29 c. batknan. 1854. t. riLLi*. Bateman, Fallis & CO. COMMISSION MERGHANTS GENERAL FORWARDERS, By Canal, River and Railroad, No. £3, ( nsnl afreet* (BKTWkKS MA.IN AKI» *YCAMOKS PTRSSTS, SOl'TB SIPS,) U.\tI.\.>ATI, O. !REFER TO. Messrs. Miner, Andrews6c While') .. J C. Duller A: Co Vcinrfniiail " 1.is hop, Welts <fc Co H.lllC«IMaU W. D. Easier dc Co J 03"Particu'arattention given lo tians shipments from Wheelin-j. by canal to Wabash Valley and Toledo. mv5:d6rn _______ Confectioner and Fruiterer, COHM.k or MAIN AND MADISON BTRKKTS, Wbccliai, Va. ivill be »eet from the above, the subscriber baa re- moved hi¦» eslabli hment to the '-Bridge Corner," w ueie he will be pleaded to see all his old customers and as many i:ewoi<es as m*y call. His stock is much en¬ larged, and his rooms neatly refitted. Candies. Pruits, Nu'.s, 4-c., a' wholesale at the very lowest prices. Par¬ lies and families supplied with cakes aiid fruits at short- est notice. His ice cream saloon Is the most p easant in tlie city, and no atteutio«r will be spared to please his gifs-ts unit P. K. ZISW. Ice! Ice!! Ice!! THE subscriber begs leave to inform irs friends, and the public general.), that' lie is now prepared to serve thetu with as pure and transparent an article ol ice as was e%er taken ron the water, and at as low a late at ever before *j(fried. That wbieh be now oflers is in part taken from the creek at the point called AicCoiloch'a Leap, though the stealer poniouwiih which his mammoth Ice House is fil ed is Iroin the river, being nearly all from the Alleghe¬ ny and some tec inches to a lool thick. wi»g-» J. AM1CK J. M. Tl O OK ItLLKB cokxcr or '.Vjtus Axn Uvio* sts., Whkcuko, Va. Keeps constantly on hamt a variety or book*, among which may be found the works of all the leading wri- ten of me tunes, such as Jaiue*. Kulwer, sue, Eliza E. Dupay. Denncit, Arthur, Lipoid, Dumas, and Lever.. Jl-ny of his works ate bound, in good style, with backs He also keeps an Exchange Library. Persona purcbas ing books may return them after reading them, for which i* will pay tlie following prices: for 60c books 40 ctsj 25c hooks-20c, for$l hooks SO cenls. mttMtly ' REFRIGERATORS. I HAVE joat received a lot of Scotf* Palent Galvan¬ ised 1 ton and Zinc Refi igerators, of a superior quality aud the best now in use. Call and see them. K. B. WOODS, i,.yls Wo 81 Monroe at. THIS DAY Rcreirias on consignment, two Seymour's Premium Ciiain Drills, lor sale at HUBBK1«LA. A R uil xV mot

Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1855-09-28 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · flE INT£LLIG-ENCER.' ^-XfljORNlNG, SEPTEMBER 23, 13o5~ T*Corre»»ou

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Page 1: Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, Va. [W. Va.]) 1855-09-28 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · flE INT£LLIG-ENCER.' ^-XfljORNlNG, SEPTEMBER 23, 13o5~ T*Corre»»ou

flE INT£LLIG-ENCER.'^-XfljORNlNG, SEPTEMBER 23, 13o5~.* T* Corre»»ou<Xettt».

concent** sumcrtk>tiou,advertisin-nroth^^iaj'bu^nwsa of the Intelligencer, should be ad-j"^ff.f'he Proprietors.' ..ieeniii«tbe editorial department of the pa-*SSd he addressed to the editor*,jofutly, or to ei-' ^i^Jjeots writing for publication, will please

otl one side ofthe paperX sirvauce oftheabove rules wf. greatly oblige us,re more prompt attention to corresponded*

tbw «n»sbt otherwise some times recleve.

Tkr Lanr of Newspapers...bscdbers who do not give express notice to the'. ^.T are considered as wishing to continue their sub-

'^'uvcribers order the discontinuance of their peri-V tii? publisher may continue tj send them, until all

..~h .sscribers neglect or refuse to tike their periodi-ri»m the offices ?o which Usey are diiected. they areSponsible till tliey have settled thebil!amloidei *1!*.£ofltinued .

ir ibscribers remove to other places without inform^?J'mibitsber?. and the papers are sent to the former»;«U iher a«e held responsible.r^Coarts have decided that refusing to taks period.mm iheoffifp-ol" removing and leavius them uncall*

i^piinw facia evidence of intentional fraud

Sevastopol Taken !It will l>« 5een hy out telegraphic dispa'ches,l5lijiieJ is lnorn.ng, that the steamship Amei-CJ bring3 the important intelligence (hat Sebasio-

after a tremendous bombardment and awfuls -a-'btcr, has at last been lakeh! Thisdispatcb54i ine authenticity of out regular dispatches.f anxiously await further particulars.

\ ghat many strangers ate in town and outto overflowing.jiels tc

Accident..A little daughter of officer Vail had,toi her Sneers cut off by a straw cutter on thetjtr grounds,yesterday.Wk s:e indebted to Mr. KiUrr****, of the Zanes-e Courier, who is ainongtue visitors to the Fair-

.r Ciacinuati papers in advance of the uiail.

PicxrnccKTs..These light fingered geniry are

ircnlaling on tl»e Fair grounds. A number of:;nns have been relieved of their pocket books,

'-rsons visiting the Fair should therefore be on

ieir guard.Cossricuois among the articles on exhibition in

iectianics' Hall at the Fair,is the splendid Marble°ork by Mr. M- J. Roiiax. The beautiful Gothic-ad stones, the finely chiselrd tablets and theasieiy conceived and exquisi'elv wrought designs

i the almost breathing marble which his niche inX tcir.ple of Art pteseuts, are the admiration olwho vis.t the Fair.

Tin FikkmaVs ?i»mt yesterday agreeablyi;appointed us. Tlie firemen of tins city du-r.iig the past year h .s had much to d shearttn;i.i! <ii>ci uia^e tl.em.and we were fearful that this-J r. for their innual parade would prove a failoretWe * ere, however, very agreeably disa ^pointed,r . ..^cession, though not as large us in past an-

wljitades, was really brilliant and imposing,amiaiar>e'a« great enthusiasm. Alt the companies»-ere weii represented, and with Mr. K. 11. Hl'b-3EL as clnef Marshall marched through the pri nci-jial streets and to the Fair grounds, and eliciteduniversal admiration. The uniform of all was

vey ta^iy; the ap.iralus of each company was

snilsaioely decorated, and some fouror live bandsol inusic accompanied theprucesiiou. Everythingindicated the indomitable courage and pcrseve-raace u! :i>e noble hearted fire'oien of Wheeling.The Fin yesterday was a grcat.im,irovernent on

ti.e previous day. The weather, fortunately,was pleasant, ami every prospect inviting to visitthe Uland. The number of persons in attendancethroughout the day was very large; to say that10,000 persons visited the grounds, is a moderateestimate.

The display in the ring was fine, but will bemuch fuller and more interesting to-day.Tie address was delivered from the stand yes¬

terday afternoon by W. T. Wir-utT, Esq. of Mor-cntov/n. It was an eloquent and appropriate pro-tijciion and was received with universal approba¬te.To day will be the most interesting day of the

Kama. Many fine horses not yet exhibited willbe ou exhibition in the ring. The Tournament«i.l also jrfjuae off soma lime during the day.An Old Soldier Gonk..Thomas Dunbar, a na

live of London county, Va., Jied recently in Madi¬son county, Ky., at the advanced age of 103 years.He was a mi iteman under Col. Payne at York-town, and witness*, tl the surrender of Corn v. allis-He had been for sixty years a resident of Kentucky.Excorraging..When the first State Fair was

hei<! some six years ago, there wa< scnrcelv a storei» the State for the sale of agricultural implementsNow every county town in the Stsie, nearly, boastssuch a convenience, and what is better, the farm¬ers, as a general rule, will have nothing but thela test improvement*. So much for the influenceof county and Stale Fairs.

A Kav..A ray of light will perform the tour ofthe world in about the same tone that ii would re¬quire to wink the eyelids. The soil is almost amill on times larger than the earth, and, althoughs> remote fruin us that a cannon ball shot directlytowards it, and mantaming as full speed, wouldbe twenty years in reaching it, yet affects the earthby its attraction in an inappreciable instant of time!

Tiie Rise of Scgah..The rise insular sinceJanuary, according to the New York Post, hasbeen 50 per cent and this owing not so much totrie illfr.in'.shed supply, which oniv applies toNew Orleans descriptions, Cuba being plentiful,but to the great increased demand throughout thecountry lot consumption and stock. The unfavor¬able harvest of 1S54 led to a great contraction int':c grocery business, as well as in the dry goods,and dealers worked down their stock to the lowestpoint possible.

The Cheapest and Best"DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE"


Fifty Pills for Twenty-Five Cents.Five Box** for $1,00.


VT l bb relieve every .?human being" who has *sr olM the toiiowiug symptoms:bidi^stioii, Headache.taiiousiiess, Extreme nervous agitation.Actiiiiy, Palpitation of the heart.A «*.. e o* oppres^roo at theA n incapacity for the slight-

the stomach. est exertion,Iteprc.iiouof spun.-, Nistincs* and indistinctness.-vn, of Vision,Cr. iiiutl* and eet, Unnlea«.«ut taste in the mouth

N^tihuessi.r the Limbsaud particularly when rising in¦r^i |»aru, the morning,

* Siuwa, Uul't heavy pain, and sense oli»:flkullj o! respiration, weight in the head..s' -»r. A temporary toss of memoryi .'liability, A senseof Emptiness.1-roasiness, Put?-e .ess frequent and moreI'etiilstj. feeble than usual.Kx:!eme Langwtr and Ex- Despondency.bauMiou, Euiaciatiou and Extreme DeK^j'essnes*, bility.<-'v>;.*euess.

Principal Depot atBurnet& Co.'*. 14 Kaat Fourth street,

CINCINNATI."CjTFor sale by Druggists everywhere., jrn

83-PRICE.ti«5 cents fo-a iingle box, or §1 for five


O carboy* Oil Vitriol, Philadelphia and Pittsburghunnuiactute, lor sale by


ton* Louaconiiig Foundry Iron, for sa!e by.' i.j GILL a* Co . Waterst.

j \UUCastites» oap Cdiyj ju*t icc d byV/ J B. VOWELLj»u; 6 Sign of Red Mortar. 33 Monroe St.d«x Hull's iiouble Trushes, or sale b>

'* . -5 I.AiriJHLiys dc KUSHFIKI.D.

3 dox. CMtmiiou l russe?, just ree'd byLAUGHL15S dc BUSHF5ELD.

3 dox. wedee wood mortars. ji»i received bytpt&j LAUGHL1XS dt BUSHPIKLD

SEALING WAXAnd Corks, for Preserve Jars, for-sale b7

fj. B VOWBLL,33 Monroe »t.


/ 10XSISTZN& of all the qualities and styles now In nae,v extra superfine. S AVKR1superfine. S AVKRY,

Nns 146 a».d 148 Main St.LBS Canary Seed just received by1 J. B. VOWKLL-

*L,SS Sign of Red Mortar, 33 Monroe St.3oo

Savings Bank Store.I" VOCLI)_respectfully sa> to Ibe citiicuiof Whtflin-Nnrilk iJtr Ji" 1 blve ¦iuat r«*>«ed rrom tbe Eul inJitoiu shSi H«t°r?n7 ,11.vious lnd VJn5<1 «uck ornoow. Nhoee, Hal,. (.a pi, Ikmoels, Umbrellas, and Car-Me SitS' Ld'cJ\nt' r iS^K *'"* m,Me* fc»Muoa-

^SSSHS&~^S«^»s£te'ss&asra-torripuo»; 1 b«ie4

^B. H. 'VAT-SOS.

jSew block oj Moots and Shoes atN". L. DOR-EY'S

¦ Oak Hall."

H me,iLcoj?BJ&^riS5?KScvnipiwiagautise Yaried Mylea turtbe SSe" ^5^5liruacli.it; season of !£«, 1 would rexi-eclfully invite one«dall lo tall and exa.ntne my &ckJ. SSTfiaSti

sou all aiiil every body, jitov.Ued moJ nr»tir

fwwul doi'

1 iok^.^Jbi,Pt «S:Itr of ,ooda in my Hue, and will sellascbeap iruul cLn.er tlian ineycan be boueb'- elsewhere. (ail ami exnuij-fta°u-l»"e4«' noctai-e wiU be nuJe

MEN'S Fine calf boots;Fine loiters:Fine morocco boots;. Fine half weltFine kip «

Ffne Congress *

Fin® cloth 4 Gaiters;Glove kid * «

cloth, d:tput coir .

calf Congress .

. Gxiord Ties.


A 1)1 LS fine black Gaiteis;Tan colored Gaiters;J

4 # Fancy do. do, [ Jcnuy Lind Slippers;

do we t»;' pojt ,lnToilet Slipper a.

"VTISSKS Jenny Liud Stoppers;-i-Ti. *' FirwGaiiera;'*Kid hoot.*;

... *1 < lmorocco boots.

AH of wbfch are of the laiesi styles. ap4

i> O Y *S calf boots;) do Kipboots;do calf Oxford Tics;.'J * btogans;

\?nS *"? ''""3 oi ever-r ki'"1 description:sizU iu l ct i'v" ' ti uLcr - At, of aiisuitsaudu""""" everybody in anyti.inj iber irmr» ant lu uiy line. Don't fo.Set 123 ilain street, \Vl,o-iin -!

P e p. N. L. UORSKY.wcti wui ' "leicl-antu sovunj ud tot cash will do

i w;iI- B. a,BS.. . T WATHa.-T"

Co-Partnership.JK MARSH has litis d»v associated with him M T. V*W'Jor Uc Pursue of i: ansaeting the whole-

sa*r and retail Hoot auu >boe buiiness at the old stain! or

Ott & co'^d°er^arror'^"'' duo"" u'«'-

J-rw.taa.*ARSH * waymak.

Ambrotypes.HPHh subscriber now offers to the public a new style ofA pictuie, far supoioi to the Ikigueircotypo, made inW heeung daily at his establ sliinenu They aie termed

AMBROTYPES,the process for which is patented in the Unired States.l»reat l.ntain and Fr-nce These pictures aie the mostbeautrul and truthful ever produced by the Photographicait The exceed) 1.5 fineness, depth of light and shade, andrichness o( tone is wonderful. They d» not reverse tl^subject, but repie«ent everything in iu true position..1 uey are without tlie glare nf a daguerreotype, niav I»cseen In any view, and will last for a^es unchuuScd, bein-

imperishahle,heece the name, Arabrotjpe, whtch signifies Indestructi-biUty. rhe pictuie istakeii on plain glass, to which aII-

" corr®slH>l,ding size is secured with an lii.le-stiuctible eement by which tne pictuie will retain its orig¬inal btiiiiancy lor ages; :: will not con ode b> acids nor,be injured by wafer or cliinatc.A nib roty; e Tere«*sco|>es mu>t be £ecn to be appreciatedthe relief is as penect hie.lia-uerreofypes takeu at ieduced prices Ladies and

gentlemen *re invited to call ai.d examine my g-Uloi v.u<> V. C. P.\K'Tr.l h<;k.

L«ana ana Keal Estate -Agency.O ESPKCTFULLY tenders his s'ei v.ces to the public.

as "cnersl -^gent tor tbe pur efuse and saieoi Fauns,uoimpioved Lands. City and village pio.er.y.


... .RfcFKK TO

t » i»£?0n,^<t- Wiiley, Esq., Farming-I'r i>C-siiier /city ton, Va.

p 5* ^°?erS ^ ' h¦ Lunvord. Esq., county,-whson, hiij. county Thos. Hornbrook, E»c. do" heelin-. July »/7, juog

The Great Event oj the Season!!TIic arrival ofthe enormous *tcck of Fall

n*»a Wiuter i;ood« atNO. 30 COU. 210NROK AND WATER STREETS,

WH KbLI NO, VA.th.T'*??: having just returned fromtne eastern cuies with a gorgeous stock, now invites histrirnu and customers to cai, and inspect the same. Theywill find the assortment oi

CLOTHS of all colors;CASSI.MEKKS of the finest qualities, and

V b&TlSGSof the choicest pallet us,unequaled by anything of the kind ever biought to this

CiiL >p 12:1 m

Shirts and Hosiery,GLOVES, I

Silk and Merino Under Shirts and Drawers,r c.

'iml So:ions generallv.ot the finest quality, and at priccr exceedingly low, canbe obtained at THOS. HUGFIES,No. 3o corner Monroe and Water sts.yp:'2-Tm M Idling. Va.

OvercoatingsOF the most >uperb patterns and qualities, and in va¬

riety unequaled by any now in the city, comprisingcngltsh and Ftcnch Heaver?, Scutaris. Li-»n-s. iiw, Casstnieres, a;ul .Moscow Coatings, to be found at

No 00, corner Monroe and Water sts.spl_-lm Wheeling, Va

iVeic Spring and Summer GoodsA T

No. 1, Sprigg House.I TAKE pleasuie in saying to iny friends that I have re¬

cently returr.et? irom New York with a beautiful as¬sortment. of Springand Summer Good^, consisting of

BROAD CI.OT1IS, A LL COLORS %%D ST1ADKS,Summer Gooils in great variety, suitable for making nice


I will say I have the most beaut i<! assortment everimported to this country, all of which I am better pie-pa:ed to make up iu style and tit than 1 have beeu foi ma-ny years.HEADY MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISH

ING GOODSin great variety consisting of Coats, Vesta, Pants,Shltts, Undershirts, Silk, Qnen, and Cotton brawets,Suapende>~S, l* loves, Sfocks, CoflatS, and in !act every¬thing usually Ke}»t by a Met chant Tat.or or Clothier, all olwhich I will sell very cheap for cash.

Please ?ive me a call ami I will guarantee that you willbe pieaseu. Yours,

a?'!-1 S RICK.4 Lb wtiuart deniuus lo obtain a hamlvune >uit of

j\. Clothes, of the b»si qtolitr and most fashionablemake, will do well to leave tl»e»r mea*uic* at No 3-j Wa¬ter >tiee", wbeie will be imi;d tf-e best tvorkn>en and therfrhest assoi tment of go^ds in the citT.>1*12;Iin THOS. HUGHES.

James H. Dodgson,Teachcr nf the French Language.


Will sive privil'* instruction, if desired, as wellreceive pupils in h;s cla-ses at his room, No 16 Mainstreet, and at the Whertmg Female Seminary.



IS daily receiving and tuning large additioi s to hisKali .Vock ol Hats and Caps, comprising one of the

most general a>sortiueuts that has ever been offered tothe public.call and see.Nos. HO and 148Main Street* Wheeling, Va.sp*21drfw S. AVERY.

COPNTKY KAtiS.030,000 lbs. wanted by


i).30,000 lb*, woolen and street rags, and waste pa-prr, wauled by

sp21 LAMBDIN, GILBBRS05 dr Co.


Music! Music!!JUST received.new and well selected music. Au as-

sortment ofS0.NC3 FOR. THE PIANO A.Vt» Ul'ITAR,

Music 1'aper, Blank books, Violin, Violin ani< uiur Sttiosi.

SALTERBAC(1 BROTHERS hook store,sr?n:!m 1*7". Main street.


i NOTiFEK supply at Iiai.il. Also. Preset ving Kettlesand Sauce fans oI Enameled Puiceiain and tinned

wne, watei coolets, hath tubs, cedar u-ishing tubs andbuckets, unit tubs, keclers, brooms, fly brushes, leatherdusters, brushes, at

mi; R. R. WQQlws.

Machine Belting.LARGE invoice of Leather heiting from the celtbrated manufactory ol Hoyt Biothers, .New Yoik,

and warranted equal to any made.Just received and for sale by


Hats ana Gaps.Wholesale and Retail.

S. AveryHas on hand and is manutaciurirgand.ieceiving'one of I he largest assortmciua or uA

UATS AS1> CAPS,consisting of all the varieties and colors now in use, allol which will be sold at the lowest rate-*.

A*. B..Hats made to order at the shortest notice.S. AVERY, Main at., No*HS«fc 14S.

splfhtf Wheeling. Va.

Employment Wanted.ICA HE not what it. or at what wage*. »n that it ena-

ble me to ears enough to support myself and family.1 presume 1 aiu too welt known lo need leferences, but itrequited they can be furnished. Any oideiv leit for meat the ..Intelligence!" otlice, will ieceive prompt atten¬tion spl4 GEO. WHELL1EK

NONPAREIL LINIMENT.Dr. Cnrr'a celebrated Nerve and Bone Liniment,

manufactured from the original recipe, and soldwholesale and retail by


1 dozen Seymour's Abdorainl Supporters, afiriear-ticle, for sale bys -S-5 LAUGHLI3CS »<r BUSH FIELD.

RHODES' Fever and Ague Care lor sale by.J B.VOWBLL.

aug6 Sign of Red Mortar, 33 Monroe St.




Halifax, Sept. 27..The steamer America ar¬rived this afternoon (rotn Liverpool* with Euro.*;-1an dales to the !5lb inst. The steamer bringsmost important news from the Crimea, announc¬ing in full, the fill of Sebastopol, so lone andanxiously expected, on the 8th after a bombard-meat of three days and six repulses. One being asevere repulse of the French, with ternfic slaugh-trr at the Redan fort before the MalakofT Tower,in which tbe English and French troops lost about20.000, aud the Russians more than half thatnumber The ene.ny evacuated the town a urblowing up the defences, sinking all their ship*and firing the city, leaving nothing but a mass ofsu.oulderin.; ruins. Tne total loss in this terrificatfuir is more than 30,000. Five French Generals,including Gen. Bosquet, are among the killed. Alarge allied force is marching aiong lite coast to in-tercept the inland retreat of the Rnss ans. Tie:Allies have capture J an immense amount of thematerials of war. It is reported mat the alliedGenerals have demanded tt»e unconditional surrender « f all the Russian troops, stores and defencesin the Crimea, including the town of Odessa.The place was attacked in lour different direc¬

tions. The British attempted to storm the Redan.The French and Sarainians made a united attackon ti<e ceutial battery. The attacks were all madesimultaneously and with great spirit and energy,but most eminently successful!. Oue was madeby Generals Bosquet and Macmahon, on MaiakotT.Both the Recan and ceutral batteries were at ouetime in the hands of the allies, but it was foundimpossible to ftulu them under the accurate andmurderous fire of the Russians.A dispatch fr.«m tbe sea ot AzolT states that the

alliesaredoing immense damage to Russian vesselsand merchantmen along tne coast. The fisheriesare almost entir ly destroyed, the damage is esti¬mated at several millions of francs. Two Britishsteamers were about asccudiug the Gulf of Oukii-on* to destr y the government stores cotfected onthe const.Belleamn, ti e Wt*.uW-be assassia, is uudoubt-

Iv a maniac and will not be liied, but will be sentto the lunatic hospital.Tue Empeior was to leave Paris on Tuesday,the lSth, lor ih- camp of Sr. Omer, to review the

iro»«j-s destined for the Crimea.It is reported that Austria has offered her medi¬

ation to Denmark in iaer difficulties with the Uni¬ted Stales.A Russian dispatch from St. Petersburg says the

Czar intends going to Warsaw, on the 13th, withCount Nesselrodc, who it is said will airauge auinterview with the King of Prussia.

LATEST.London, Sept. 15.Paris correspondence says it!

i» reported that 25,COO troops embarked at B&lal-'1 »va for the north of Sebastdpol, and also that the |Russian forces were iu full retreat towards Per-ek»p.The P.»ris papers are discussing the question

whether Scbastopol is tenable by the allies whilethe liussiaus arc masters of the (oris on the northside.A dispatch from Dantzic, dated 14th, says the

blockade ships are expected to be ordered homeimmediately.

Ii is rumored in ti e clubs to-day that the allieshave ouud 1200 guns in Sebastopol, aud also thatthe Russian? were tailing back on Serai.

French rumors say the Russians still certainlyhold '.he noith ot Sebastopol, aud will to the lastexttemity.-

It wis reported in Paris thai the allied admiralshad decided that it was not expedieut to enter theharbor of Sebastopol until Fort Constantino is si¬lence-:. It is probabie that the allies will attackFo.t Conslantine from Ft. Alexander and AitilleryBay.

LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKKR.Sept. 16..Prices of cotton easier but n»: t quota-bly low< r in constque&ce of lhe Bank ot Englaud

having increased its rates 4*, and a further advance 5 being expected. Salrs of the week46,000 bales, including liOCO to speculation.Market lor bleadstutls generally dull but nochange in prices. Wheat advanced is. Theweather ha- been favorable and accounts Irom lhecrojis very flattering. Provisions t!uii but pricesunchanged. Lard active speculative demaud at5Sa60s. Sugar advanctd 3d.London Mone} Market, Sept. 17..Money more


ARRINAL OF THE WASHINGTON.New York, Sept. 27:.The Steamship Washing¬

ton from Southampton arrival, at 8 o'clock thisafternoon, bringing dates to the 12th inst., IromLondon and Liverpool, The Washington bringsoQO passengers. Gen. Simpson in a despatch du-ted Sebastopol Se: t. 9. Sebastapol is in the handsof the allies. The enemy evacuated the southside after exploding their magazines, setting lire tothe town, and burning all their ships of war ex¬cept three steamers, 'i'he bridge communicatingwith the north side was destroyed. A despatch tothe French minister of war, says Karabetma andthe south part of Sebastapol no longer exist. Theenemy perceiving our solid occupation, evacuatedthe place after blowing up nearly alt the defeuces.The chief honors of the day arc due to GeneralsBucket and Machmatke.A di«p.itch from Varna says the MalakcrF and

Redan batteries of Carecuiiig Bay were carried byStorm.t ,On seeing the Flench eagles iloating on the Mal-akoflf. Gen. D- Salles made two attacks upon theCentral Bastion, but failed.gJPrince Gortschakoil telegraphs on the 9:h thatSebastopol, after sustaining a most infernal tireami repulsing six successive assaults, was taken,We found we could not drive the enemy from the)MalnkotT, of which they had possession. Our!brave troops resisted to the la»t extremity. Theenemy found nothing in the southern pait of the!town lit blood stained ruins.

\Vh»-n intelligence ot the fall of Sebastopolreached London and the provincial citits,! demonstrations of joy were manifested at all the theatresand places of amusement.When the fact was officially announced at each

place the bands struck up the national anthems ofEngland and France.Thr news ot the evacuation of Petopolou ski

by the Russians, reached London on the 9th.The lite of the Emperor of the French was at

tempted on the night of the lOtli, when some prr-son tired two pistols at the carriage in which hesupposed the Emperor was. The assassin was »r-rested; his uaine isUelieinan and Le is evidently amaniac.

WHIG CONVENTION.Syracuse, Sept. 27.The W l>u Convention this

morning adopted the ticket aureed upon by theJoint Committee, and also the serious of resolutionsprotesting strongly agair.s: the further encourage¬ment of Slave power, and declaring the Republi¬can party in favor of prohibition by Congress ofSlavery in all the Territories in the Union.The Nominating Commities of the two Conven¬

tions agreed to repoit the following State ticket:.For Secretory of Slate Prestois King; ComptrollerJ. M. Cook; Engineer George Modd is; TreasureA. H. Williams; Attorny General A. Mann; Ca¬nal Commissioner D. M. Bissel. State Prison In¬spector W. Bailv; Judgesof Appeals B. R. Woodaud Joseph Mullen.

FROM NORFO K.Baltimore-, Sept. 27..The disease at Norfolk

continues to abate, and business is partially re¬sumed. On Tuesday there were 8 new casrs and16 deaths, to noon «»n Wtdnesday only six deathsoccurred Dr. O'llermuiler of Augusta is dead.Rev. Dr. Jackson of the Hpiscopal church is ill.Mrs. Ferguson is convalescent. At Portsmouththere were five deaths on Tuesday and nine on

Wednesday, principallp ^chibien, but few newoases have occurred for several days past. Dr.Rizer of Philadelphia is recovering. The wife ofOhi^f Justice Taney is very ill at Old Point, andmedical assistance from the city has been sum¬moned.

FROM HAKRISBURG.-Sept. 27..The President, accompanied by Gov

Pollock, Sidney Webster, Ex Gov, Bigler and oth¬ers, visiUd the Fair grounds this afternoon, andwere very much pleased. The PresidentaIso visited the Lunatic Asylnra, and expressedmuch gratification at the com I* rt witnessed. Heattends a lecture by S. S. Halademar to-night atthe Capitol, and will afterwerds, with suite, visitthe A»ricuitur I ball. Several arrests of Phila¬delphia pickpocktts were made to-day. Theweather continues tine

FROM BALTIMORE.SfcfT. 27th.Orleans papers of Friday ,bave ar-

rived. No news.Flour and graim are steady at yesterday's prices.

There appears to be a general disposition to awaitthe advices expected by the steamer uow due atHalifax.

CINCINNAtY MARKET?ScmsMBER 26..Flour quiet, sales at 6,60..

Sales of 150 bu rye at 6o. Wheat, red 130. Oats30. Whisky steady, fair demand,s^les at 32i-32iBacon sides Hi; shoulders 12$. Mess pork £20.Groceries unchanged with a fair business doing inthe regular way. Coffee, sales fair and good Rioat ll|al2c. Sugar belter demand at SaSJ cts.Molasses steady, sales at 42c. Lard oil 90.

RIVER AND WEATHER.PrrrssuKcn, Sept. 27..-River 5 feel 0 writes,rising. Weatter cloudy.

AMERICAN IRON MARKET.Puil'a. Sept. 27..Transactions during the

past week fu*ly equals the average of the season.There is a greater demand for foundry irm than thepresent stocks allow for immediate delivery. Gm*Iquality No 1 has been held firmly at$30. No 2 isadvancing under a heavy decrease of stock to Nol» which is that of one dollar less, sales at $23.which is the lowest quotation for good quality offorge. Pig mostly quoted at 824. Sales of 250tous American bars in brisk demand at 70a$75..Sales -450 tons American sheet rails at 5Co cash.

NEW YORK "MARKET."Sarr. 27..More doing in flour for export and

home consumption and forward delivery, but themarket is without important change. Sales at7.75aS for common to straight and extra; State 7,-75aS.2o for mixed to fnncjr and lower grades ofextra Western; 9a 10,50 for extra Genesee. Themarket closing dull with little disposition to sellcommon grades. Included in the transactionsare 2,000 bris. Ohio for November and Deceml»erat 7, 75; 2.000 State for November at 7.2-5; 2 000brls. ext.aStite deliverable within 15 days, at, 7.-9G;Jand 2.500 brls, common State for export toFrance, at prices within the range. Canadianftour withont material change in prices. Sales at7,37aS,50 for Southern superfine to extra com¬mon brands. 1-ye flour less plt-nlv and pricesslightly advance!. Sales at 5,50a 7 for fine andsuperfine. Corn meal dull, and nominally thesame.Wheat dull, unsettled and lower near close of

change. The arrival of the America and Washing¬ton with a w*-eks later later intelligence fromEurope reported, and operators disposed to wait forthe publication of the news. The market ruledquiet, advance to day in freight* materially check¬ed Export demand, sale* of 20,000 bnsh. at 185a193 for red Southern; 203a20$for white.ditto; ISOa!S3 for winter red Western; I03n2ll fnr.gmd toprime white Canadian; 195 f«>r white Californiaand 171 for spring Upper Lake.Rye in fair request at rather easier prices, sales

of 15.000 bush, at 115a119. Corn dull and pricesfavor buyers, sales 26,000 bush, at 87aSS for mm-msit to prime mixed western, one lot later sold atS6{ Oats rule firm, with moderate business at40a 13 for s^ate and western-

Provisions.P.->rk rules firm wi'-h better demand,sal!es» of 1600 bbls. at 22,73a22374 for new mess,and 2l,37a2i,50 for priu e, included in sales are1000 new mess at 20dollars, buyers option all theocar. Beef «ternrfy with mo*len»te inquire, «a?esof ISO at 11,50a 12, for country prim* 13a 14, f<» do.mess and 16.50a 17 for repacked; Chicago primemess beef selling slowly at 22a2G. Bactin scarceand much wanted at full prices. Cut meats nom¬inally the same. In lard not a great deal doing,market however without impor'ant change,sales of200b'>is. at llal2. Butter selling t»--ety a: 15iHfor Oluo. and I9a22 for state. Cheese only invery moderate request at 9a 10. Whis-y, marketa shade firmer with moderate demand, sales«»f 400Ohio and prison at 40*a4l, mostly latter figure,drudi:*? is nominal at*40c. Hemp, we hear of notransactions to report, market firm, holders insistgenerally up »n rather better prices. Hops rath¬er more doing price's slightly in favor of buyersparticularly iu new, of which supply is incrca^iosr,sales of 50 bales at 11 a 13 for old and IGalS fornew.


Tk new and fe?l runnings! earnerW. Gr. WOODSIDB, Capt J. K.. Room,Lea ves \Vi>eeIing .\Jowlays», Wednesdays

t fC*[. am! F: Ida vs. a: |U o*c!ucki a m.iff;.- \jj Leaves Parkersbursp '1 uesdayts, Thurs-ym aiij Satui davs, at C o'clock, a m

Wheeling and Suntisn .DailyPacket.

jyvyqv ^ The f^errant, Ik*t rannin® pscket,thiw siittn ku,

Caj>t J. W. Morsin'i5S>--^Sr^Z£-Jwi!Ileave Suufisb, daily, at C o'clock a. mReturning, will leave Wheeiisig at 4 o'clock, p. *.


Tile Adams Express Company.OFFICK STLtaE IIOLSK, WHEELING, VA

Reduction of rales to and fromyEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND DAL-

iTIMORE.HK Adams Express Company, '.or the safe aud speedyX conveyance oi


in charge of ourowi: special njes^engers, is the only reli-able :iue !o and from Wheeling (by Karl road direct.} to.New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Washing¬ton City.AL^O.ria. Central Ohio Railroad to Zanesville, Co¬

lumbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, Chicagoailil St. LoUIS.Excesses ieave via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at

¦?$ o'clock, I*. 31., Ceulral OLio ilaiaoad at 5 o'tlock, P.m.For Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo, ai d Northe* n Ohio

at 7 '.rc ock, A .\l93*Butter. Poultry, Produce of all kinds, delivered in

sixteen houisto Baltimore. -

N. PIGMAN. AgentI a;r2j .\dcns Kvpiess Co.

Change of schedule.

»nuiuier Arrau;emeut.Tr assportatios OrrirE B. dc O. II. K.")W heeling Station. July 9th, iS-lo S

OX and after .Monday the 9:h ii^tant, the PaisencerTrains (express and mai!) will leave this station dailylor Balttmoie aud the Eastern Cities at 4:13 P. M. andI0s4o P. .M.The Expi ess Train leaves at 4:15 P. M: and will only

Stop at the lollowing stations: Kenwood. Moundsville,("uuieion, Fainnont, Fetteiioan. Newburg. Kowletsbuig,Picdiuoiit Cumbethind. hir John'.- Hun, Marlinsburg,Harper's Ferry, Monocacy, Sykesviile and WashingtonJunction.The Mail train leaves at 10:45 P. M., except Saturdays,aud wilt stop at ail tue recular stations.The Wheeling and Cumberland Accommodation Train

will be 'UII daily except Sunday*, leaving Wheeling at*T, A. M., and arriving at Cumberland at 0, P. M..leaves Cumberland at 5:15 A. Al. aud arrives in Wheelingat 4, P. .M.

By order of J. I!. DONE, Sup*t.ju9 i i:. FORIt. agent

Sandusky, Mansfield &. NewarkRAILROAD.

39 fiy-V-'Change of Time.

OX and aiier Tue«d.-sy, August7. t$»5. until further no¬tice, Tiains will iUU as roliuws, (Sunday* escei«t-

GOIXG SOUTH.3'ait. Exp. Esprit??.

Leave Sandusky S 1<?a. M. P AlHuron Jn s-i", -44

Mouroevi!ie.... ."v-W .. P..-Y* 44

(.'entervilie... 'ji) «. 4.ST. "

Pivmouth.'... *1.40 " 4..\j '4

ShelbyJn l -.n; .« 5 21 44

Mai.sriold Jn 10."j 44 0.51 .*

Frederick l.'.IvP. m. 7.is 44

Mt.Vernon I2.ro- 44 7."*s 4i

UticaI.i.l 4' L-.vd *4

IIeach Newark- i.3j 44 tr.6U 44

GOING NORTH.M -il Kjp. Express.

Leave Newark. 0.2". A. M. 2.10 P Mlitica..rl .. ^.4 » 44

.Mount Vernon 10.24 44 3.15 44

F ederick ,:0^ 44 3.2^ -4

3Ja 11#tie d Junction 1I.03 44 4.53 44

Shelby Jui.ctou 12-15 P. M. 6.21 44

Plymouth 1-..^ 44 5.11 44

Centervilie 1 12 44 G.i«» 44

.Mouroev::ie. 2.'5 44 G.v5 4iHuron Junction... ..2.20 ** ".l«) 44

Keacb Saudusky 2.«5 44 7.J5 "

GOING SOUTH.TheS.10 a x Train will connect atSauduvky with Alornlug Tiain from Toledo; at .Monroe-

j vi e with 1 hica?o Express on SooUierw Division C. «v T.Kwd; at Sltrlby Junction with Cincinnati Expresa fiomCleveland; at .Mau*field Junction with.Day Express IrouiPittsburgh, ard at Newark with the Ea*taud west trainsou > entral Ohio Railroad.The 3 20 ». x Train will connect at Sandusky withsfa-

mci Kay City from lietroit; a! MonroeviPe with cve*temTrain on C & T. K. It; ;<t Siseiby Junction at 5.21 r xwith .Mail Train onCC+CK K lor Columbu* and Cin-ciunati; at Mansfield Junction at * wish F«st trainioitOA PH K for Pittsburgh, and at Newark with Eastai.d Wf?t Night Trains on Central Ohio U It.GOl.NU XoKTH.The 9.26 a at Train will nxake close

connection at Xewatkuith Mail Train from heliaiieouCentral Ohio K K: at .Mansfield Jnrcsion with Expiesslof Pittsburgh; at ^l.e'b* Junction at 12.15 r x with Cin¬cinnati Express lor Cleveland. Buffalo and Xew Votk.and at .Moiirneville with .Mail Tiam ouC&T Jload lorToietlo. Chicago. A-cThe 2.10 y h Train will connect at Newark with £lx-

rreasfrom the East on Central Ohio Koad; at M.tns&eldJunction with Fast Tiain »or Pittsburgh; at Sheibr Juuctionato.21 r x with Ci..<iuR-<ti Mall lor \ leveand; atMunroeville wilh Nlgtit Express Kir Toledo and C hicago,and at Sandusky wita steamer i!ay Ctty for iietroit a»idChicago.

J. R. ROBINSON. Sup't.Sandnxky, Aug 4, IS55. *pl.i.tfSummer 'Arrangement.


ECLIPSE, Capt Geo D.Moore,aud

ROSALIE, Capt. Asa Sbefpard.Will mn betweon Wheeling and Pittsburgh, forming adaily lice, connecting at Wellsviile with the Express trainfor Cleveland, and arriviugat Pittsburgh in time for themorning lines East. The Eclipse trill leave Wheelingevery Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and the Rosalieevery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A.M. preciselyFor freight, passage, or through tickets apply to

je7s C BAKKR&- Co., AgentsPiG IKON.

W E keep for sale best quantity Hanging Hock Pig 1 ron,suitable lor fourdry or mill purposes.ap29 DOA5E & COWGILL

INSURANCE.Valley of Virginia


vvM. T. SBLBY, Agent at Wheeling.

OFFICK.at tbe store ofTaltant 6z Delaplain. Mainstreet, bcUveeu Monroe ami Huiucv streets; are pre

pared to take 'isksat customary rates on Goodwin trao-utu, Stauiboib, Store*, Dwelling, «Sc.

.REFJ&JLSCXS.J R. Baker *la>Unt& Lteiaplain.TIhw. H. List. 1). Lamb.Norton Acneso&dzCo G. Haidman .

S--Brady. N.C. buKfft ArCoList& Howell. O. W. UeUkeil 0* On.

*p!2Tlie 2Etna Insurance Company


$500,000.One or the oldest ai.-d be>t iMtttmiom in this country

continues to take risks upou tbe nu»t tavorabie t«ruu4 dpiy to F. PKTKRSO.N,

wnrjAgni Atr ¦:? 3 .1 virt'.jrr.

ATxii^tf-dbiUM FLRJiJ UFFiUJb,London.

ACTUOR1ZED CAPITAL .*2.000.000.Available Capital $1,284,300.

WILL take auy aii! all lair fire rUksat a reasonablerate.

Lo^es adjusted and promptly paid without reference toLoadou.

RKFr.ahxcES ix ruiLADicLFaiA.Atwoodci- Co., Jobu Farnunt.Joh»t Gri:?. Gmijp H. >!aart,Myeib, Cushorii & Co. W.lliatu M'Kee Ac Co.,Powers dc Weightman, White, Steven* & Co.

RKt'tCREXCKS IX WHEKLI3CG.H K. List \V Co., Gill. Ha idnan <1- Co.Heiskell «v Co., IJai'cy. V\ oodwaid A- Co.Tailant A: IMa plain, Norton, AcbesonA; Co.Hobb*. Karnes »v Co Jacob Senaeuey.

For lurtber paiticulais enqunr. or\VM. F. PKTKRSON,

- Agent foi Wheelii gxnd vicinity.OFFICE next door to Jl + M tank mb3


PANY OF wheeling.Incorporated 1831.

rp.\KKS risks at the lowest rates, o* building* or all1_ k'nds, steamboats. lurniture and merchandize, «»fd

asainst all dangers attending tbe transportation of Goods,on rivers,seas, lakes,canal* and railroads.

OIK EC tors:R. CranxU, S. L'rady, J. "W. Gill,Sam'l Nee, W40. Fleming, SaurlOtt,l'au'l I«ainb, Kobft Patterson, Rob't Morrisor

H0i;T. CKAXGLK, Pie*'(.R. W. I!*rdijio. Sec'y.

"""Application* lor insurance will be pronitly attendedby ilie President or Secfetary.Wheeling. Jan *2$th, lS-"»3. j

S. K. Burktioldcr.General Commission Merchant,

NO. l(»f FRONT STREET,\ Orl4.

\lrILL make li(*:.>.. advance* on ri*j*igiiinert.® forT? warded him through Jno. \V. Ru>3& l'u . Locus

Po:nt. Caltin^»ie. !ebl:I?hi


FOB WARDING AGENTS,warehouse opposite the kailuoad depot,

Whfi lin^. Vn.B3"AllConiguneuU Sarwarded with promptness.


\VM. F. ('I.AKK, Proprietor.

rpf!I^' Ion- established and we ! known hou« having1 been thoroughly repuled and renovated, now fur¬nisher evceilent accommodations to the tiaveliug commu¬nity and Loardeis, at

MODERATE PRICES.It i* legated on the co« ner o' Main and Madison street*,

immediately tn r-o»:t ot the Suspension Hridg*. and onlya tew squares from tbe Steamboat Lardu.g -nd RailroadDepot.

EXCELLENT stablingis attached to the Mom oe Koir-e. Travelers and hoardsis nay itsta>snrcd that tim Proprietor wi!i>]«.ei.opain- to pi01110 e rhei r c«nn'o* t. d.-wf

DR. JOHN RITTJUER'3Water Cure Establishment.


ONH mile and a half east of Jlroww-vilie, a f-iort dis-tai.ee i.oui the National R«ud. in a hcHthy. cw;, .nd

tetired vailey. surrounded by b<*au:iiul scenery. suppliedby springs of the puie»t ;?»«! so'te.vt w; re _ is open dminethe summer season. Patients vu.'I find ' !»e necessary aco»mmodatioBs and beti'eaied byeriensive e\peiien« * iuihc Water Cure iu correction wnn .1 tbor-iuzb kjowkdfeot Al!o]*athv o: the new >c!n*ol and Houieojiathy. Terms?or board and trea ment §7.00 pei weefi. ladiesaudgen-tteinen accumpauyins Potients Sl.Wpe' wpi k For jmr-ticularii please apply to D.;. JOHN Rl Tl'LKSt,

n .. .rvv.iv v»

jtL uarct.

HSNRY TALLINT. LKWlss PHLAPLAIN, andW! I.LI AW Tali. »NT hare to: r.ted .. c«»-pariner-

sh*p. for the purpose of transacting -i Wholesale Grocery?.i d J»iy (ioodsand F«n warding and G»>::e!.a! t'ommissioiL chines'8 in this city, undei the firm of I'.\ l.l.AST iV liK-LAPLAIN. The wholesale Dry Goods business will h*conducted at No Cl Main stree?».ind the wholesale Grocery and Commission business at >o. 69Main street.Ampleand seasonable * ocks of l>ry Goods and Groce

ri*s will always be or sa!e at low prices and on eccum-:nodating terms, to which they earnestly invite the atten¬tion o* rt.o*s utters ina3

^SiLW S I OCR UPWatches, Clocirs and Je-welry.THE subscriber haxju*t leturned from New York, and

ca.( now offer a much la:get* and fin- r stock of Goods inbis line Cand a" prices much lowerj ihanevei heretofore.The public are e«ti m*sTly solic*te i toe li and examine hisgoods and prices. Every article sold at this establish¬ment is warranted.Clocks and w a:chescarefu!ly repaired.

C. I*. LKO'V.N, Washington flail,myl Monroe street

Shooters! Shooters!!Leounrd'a i'silent Kcvolrin^ llnmmrr

I»i-lol ! ! !THIS pistol, for simplicity of construction, facility o<

invliugand caj pire. rapidity of discuarsiu:. power andcoriec*uess. convenience oi car; ying, and in exemption!iom liability to accidental discharging, claims a *uj>ci iority over all others now manufactured.A smalt lot just received and tor tale at the cfce*p Jew¬

elry Store o! C. P JJIIOWN,in vTNo 4 Wa^liinston Mall.

House Furnishing Store.rH A V K just opened, at Xo 31 Momoe street, a new

stock ot Housekeeping Article*. consisting of TableCutlery, Silver Plated AIbata a»-.l iirilanni* wa»e. Planisi»e»!, Japanned and Plain Tin wane; Waiters of differentstyles and varion* patterns. «.. nameirn! and plain Kan.y and plain wilwiw ware. IJmshes. Feather l)uster$ andFly bn«s!ies, wonleu ware, Family Haidware, Lathingapparatus and Kitchen ware Complete.

uplO K. K. WOODS.Groceries at Wholesale.

XAA BHLS. MOLASSES;njvjyj 30>» bars Kio coffee;o»~> pockets lrfisuira coffee;fJl ? Old Java .

60 bores ("axeudisli Tobacco;50 kegs6tw. *

10 bbis cut and dry 4

30 boxes Stewart's N. Y. candles;It'O iihtls Sn^ai-;So bbis L"»vering*s refined Sugar;1» lil'ds Louisiana *

6»> liJch V. H..G. P,and Imperial Teas;60 r^tty boxes *

IVi tie ices rice;2 boxes white pipes:pi) * t*»v^a;e*s "iincy Qoap^;Toother with a (ii'l assortment o Family Groceries,including Spires, Fruits, ilye sluifs, Fish, etc. eic. lor sale

it wholesale, b\TA LI.ANT «Sr DKLAPALIN.| i«w3 No 69-Main street.

The Verandah RestaurantA1VO o\>ti:k s u,oo\

IS icreivittc every day fie-h Baltimore Oy^len. Ourcustomeis will always fin»I us prepared toswrvctbem

up in ihe tno-t deiicair and des:value manner.'^oKUlii.'s complied Within the shortest possibletime.

i a?r/9No 107 Main street.

Use the Magic ImpressionPAPKK for writing without Peino Ink. copying plants,

leaves, flowers. Pictures, Pa'lcn.s i«»r Embioidery,marking linen indelibly, and manifold writing. This artide is absolutely tly be<t i-oriable inkstand in the knownworld. Tor a small quantity folded and placed in the pocket, constitute* a travelingink*>tand, which cannot be brokci.. No pen is needed, N>i any stick sharpened lo a pointwrites equally as we! as the Vest gt Id pen in the universe.For drawing, it Is in ispensable. It is, indeed, the onlyart of thawing and Paint'Hi taught in one lesson. Anye*l, plant, or flower can be transferred to the pases of analbum, with a in'* note and distinct resemblance of nature.With equai lacility, pictures and embroidery patterns arctaken, and have received the highesteulogiums from theuir sex: and indeed ap xnoie ti^teful present tor a ladycouM uot be produced.This MagicPaper wjill also mark "linen, or other ai ti¬

des so as to letnaiij penectly indelible. All the washingin the world (aiis to bring it out. A ny child cau use itwith perfect ea*e. Wirh this Magic Paper, likewise, onror four copies oi a letter written, can l»e secured withoutany additional labor whatever, making it tiiecheapest andmost convenient article extant It is used log'e.-t ad van-..age by repoiters ot tne public press, teie^rapn oj»cratorsa:itl tiosts of otter.*Each package conuins four different colors, black.blue.

STcenand irJ, with iu'taud printed icstructioi», s;:to use, hud will lasl&nfiiciently to obtain i>00 distinct iui-pres^ons.

It is put up in beautiful enameled colored envelopes,with a truthful likeness oi the proprietor attached. Eac:.and every package warranted.

Pitirt.gr2 pc> dozen, or live for SI. Single packages 25cts. Maii»-J to all pans of the v.o-fd. on Ik.- icceptiou o:the above prices Address, j«ost-paid,

ii. PUiiilELL, IC7 Broadway, New York.

OPINIONS OF THE rUEPS,lit'B3ET.L*s Maoio IxpKfsiox P^rrit.W> refer our

readeis to the advertisement in another column, sef-ngioith tiie merits ol tits pleasing and ingeninu* invention.The cheapness should induce aii to give ita trial..Phila¬delphia Mei chant.

It is uu^i'nassed foi neatness and utility, -and shouldmeet with the sale it richly de«rves .TribuneJust what the pubiic has long desired, and recommend?

itself to every lover ol taste and refiuemeut..Journal &ourier. augi4:3m.


17 ROM and after ibis date, all freights comtnz by idea-mers for wh ch we are agent-s must be ecei ved on

tne whan and r.o cooperage will be allowed to be deduct¬ed from freight bills in any caseKliill S. C KAKEK diTCo.

SPANISH WHITING.EELS, whiiing, in store and to arrive, for sale byagli A. C. GOOD A Co.

Refined Camphor..One barrel refined Camphor,just received aud lor sale byag!4 A. C. GOOD 6t Co.

TJe^gnl Indite. snail lot ol prime Bengal Indi-Jj no, received and for sale byagU A C. GOOD dt Co.



Wilde Sl Brother,e I*NEK OF IIaIV AND UNION STREETS,Wholwale and Ketail Wca!cr« u> MtsceJIane-

r-us. Medical. Theological, School am', L'lank Books, S;a«ubnery. &t.&c'oujf*Who;esaiepurcha«er« supplied »t 'n- lowest r>1o-Highest pficg given it: tash trade 'of ap6

i'OWOfiU MAGA2INKTHKundfrsjjnrU will receive on xtoras-. any Powderwhich may be offered, at a muietaie c..-.se. He i»sa

large and substantial lire-prooi building. with capacity tocontain 10,00" kegs oi powder.

mL'Jo M. Khll.l YNew and UlegaiA.undesigned bet:* fea\e to inioi'u: his riiend> and1 patrons, and tne citizens of W hee.ii g tuatLe bas just received bis spring and suutint- *dock 01

CLOTtIS, CAWMSUS A\l» VEST! NO'S,v»hicb fce is picf-arrd to usSe to otrier at shurt uoric*tillc Utest and most approved st j;e ami best manner.J. It. STALLMAN. Me.cbant Tai.o ,apl7 No. V. v. uui H.n.

JUST received aJid lo*" sale at the luwfai n«.*i k-i puce*:3 -ross Fahnestock's VcrmtU^r;2 . McUr.e:s do3 * ilo Liver P:IN;12 * »rvc and Bone L»n:ment;6 4 GeorreM Ha l&amic Compound;2 * l»r. Wravfr»* Kre S^lvr:2 * Greed's Oxygenated Hitters.

mb« J H. Ml XllMfKKR.NOTICE.EX in;A.

HAVING been bast and select. «l «ne most splendidlouvf mart>-eever brot-cbtio this, mat ket. 1 wantsli luy fi teuds local! imtnedlately and icave their oidetsfor an fciud tbey may want.flavins puicuasediargely. 1 will finish up work in the!a:eu and m»»t approved stylss aud at the lowest lates.

wa i ranted aud no mistake.jcT* M. J. KOHAN.

BAbBlTl'S CHEMICAL YEAST POWDER7THIS* Powder is the best in use, and the only Gen*iiiie Yeast Powder.

For sale by J. «. VOWKLL.Sign oULe Ked Mortar.

i-3 .Monioe st.

I HAVE examined the **l&erve$cirg Compourrd ofBiead aud Cakes,'* wauutaciuied by H. F. Babbitt, audconsider u an excellent article lor the purpose it is iu-lentled.[Signed] JAS. K. CHILTON. M. 1)ic:7 <¦ hernial. N Y.

Pure lee.WE are prepared to furnish tbe citizens of Wheelingwith an article o! pure Ice in quantities as nuy be vvaut-ed, delivered in any part or the city. Our ice sLeefiotnall Impurities, having been taken trom Bed* lion's dam,thiee nnies up "Wheelingcieck. Persons.wishing ice leital their lesidence* will leave their names at tiic BoatStore, corner Water and Monroe streets.air.*. S C. BAKKR & Co.FLOUR, GKAJN, SEEDS, BUTTEU, ike.

\l'antc«!..The subscribers wfll purchase or maket f ibe;al advances on consignment to rialtitnore,Philadelphia or New Yorfc,ol lLmr, wheat, 1 ye, oa»s. corn,bariey. clover aud timothy seeds. Also on butler (solidpickled ) and eggs. GlLL«v <;o.| a^yWalrrst.

sundries.1AQ barrels Fainily Flour}1 yJU lOu do KxliaSait:

do No 3 medium markerelji do do do.iG do large do /i.i' J do No 2do

kitj No 1 doiO 44 No'.* doto V-arrels >ice,ii'y lw»gs kio Cofleej0 do Jr. vn do10 boxes puie Pepper;20 dozen buckets:2^ do wash b.oards,C^O pounds S C. beef;30 barrels Rye Flour,^ucsr, molasses, bacou, etc. just Tec'd an«l for s-«!e byapl^ GEO. K M« M KCH KN.

kbmovaiTMKHILLY lias removed from btv o'.d stand In Mar-

. ket Square to that new and sj>acious uaiehouse,No. 57. gieen front, west fide of Main street, betweenMonioe and Quincy. lately occupied by Messrs Annau«'c AUguiie, as a cotnmbsion house, r^e has on hand aUrge and general assortment 01 «iroceries and l.iquois.which he will Sell at * hole.*ale at the lowest mat ket prii cAlso:.Gunpowder of every descripttini, and Sai"e:yruse. sploKiehard H. .Lee,ATTORNEY AT LAW.


\ T ILL attend tbe <*,.>»»is of Ohio rounty, and will at-r } tend t" any busine>?» in tbe counties ol Washingtonand Grteii'*, Pa. II.s resilience.jni-i V."ism>otos. Pa

\ 'ali!able Reading,BANCROFT'S United Stales. 0 vo: ,1> Abbot;'-" NapoWon, \ol>..;l.a»c ot's >Iisce;iBi>:^<:Angelloii 'he lawso; C^r*IersjI'lckPim Works, comp'e'c.u vol.*.Chemistry o; ommoti Life;LongfeUotv's Kvangeline;iJeir of KedclitT*';

1 Smith Abroad;Natbatic. by Julia Kavanagh;My Contessions;Keune;h, or the Rear Guard ol the Grand Army;The Winkles, 2 vols.Memoirs of J>s Go>d»n Rental;Le Quincya Note Hook of an Gnium Katcr;Klia. or 'I he Human Coined), e;c- eic.,Including a general as^ortmeuL of Miscellaneous anMed.c I Woiks, just received bysep4W1LHH «V . RO.

Sundries.4<» boxen Raisins? I « boxes O.angrs;-'j bit Uj do 10 do Lemous;.40 qr do do 1000 new roco nuts;2'1 ii > Malaga Fies; 6 boxes ntaccaioni;3 case4' do 3 do Vermicelli;r. frail Dates: 9 doPaste;2 cases Liquorice: *j bass Almond-,;1 d.» Calabria Uo 1 do Si«.i!y do j3 do Sardines; -2: do walruts;1 bbi paper ahe II almonds; C doFilheitsj3 doz fresh Peaches 3 do Pecan;

:: d .z Pineapples; 30 dor. as\d Pickles;t cu^e Prunes; 10 duz Pepper Sauce.!Just >ece:vcd and for sale byT. K. ASKEW

r-r;n Market rf-w. below XfcLore How-eTo (Jenliiiiieii

DK^IF.'1NG asopeib and complete outfit in personalappatel. lite opportunity now rfTi«ed a! Thom-ixMuzhcs', >urpasies any eve> presented hi Wheeling! In\auety, qualit}, and extent the ;S{oitmrnt win be'fonndsuperior Luany eve oSered. All are irqursted tocalTat.No 35, comer Momoc and V\ u:c sts._»pl2Uin \\ hecting. V».

Spring Stock.J IIAVrjast opening a ver> large and well selected stock¦*adiUer* Ilardv/are nnd ('aacli Triuimingn,:o wbic.i l invite the attention of ui* customers auu allpersons using goods of this kind.Old Stand, lo3 Mainstieet.

in>2 JOHN KNOTK.To Farmers.

THE subscriber will ship wheat to the eastern marketfor Tartlets, charging but a small percent, theiefor. liisacquaintance is such as to secure tike highest prices, andby tins arrangement fai iueis cau have all tne benefits ofthe eastern market. 1. N. KELLER,ju2*1 C»uincy street

New Confectionery.TTTllUAN FOX would respectfully inform tbeciti-? V zeits of Wheeling,that he has opened a new cont^c*tionerv Establishment at the old stand of the "Indian

t>ucen,-*on Main street below Monmc. He confidentlyii.vtifs liis old ft ieutlsioc^liand patronize him in his newbusiness.J-s-*lcecream-5 and t lit delicacies of the season, at allhours. aplT^Htnud Dry Tobacco .100 btl- cut and dry and/ 100 gros« papers Smoking Tobacco for sa e byn"I LOGXN. KAKKK *V Co.Dissolution of Co-Partnership.

rp!lH copartnership herctoSore existing between tliei undersigned in the livery business,:s this day di».solved by mutual consent. Persons having claims acainstthe fi:m will present tbeui for settlement iminedi-te'y..-Also, those indebted will please make payment immedi¬ately. JAMES JU HULGKi:.DA.N1KL 11 LADY.Wheeling, June 1,1853. jetC

TO FARMERS.CI U A N O..Peruvian sud Mexican. OidersforanyT amount ol either description-filled byas9 GILL A- (.'«* Sole ag*»s tor Importers.1) UK<- Cider Vinegar.50 battels, warranted pure, iu

store and for sale byspIoM RKILLV.

MOSQUITO NETTING.A lnrgclot of mowpiito Netting, blue, green, pinklaucy and white at the lowest price*, just oj«ened atj>.3t W. It. Mol TK .v HHP'S.

NEW GOODS BY EXi'KBSS."! / \ 1*2 FCES Uvbs, in handsome styles;Iv> 1 do haircloth Skirting:

1 do b ack Net, for mantles?5 do b!ack Guipure Lace;3 do black Brussels do1uT HKlSKrt.1. <V To.

1 orkt.. A tii.e &5SO: tntcct «>t priiiie co« Ks, t«>. .« bycet4 A. C. GOOD A- Co.WOLr'S AROMATIC SCHEiDAM SCHNAPPS



IN pirni-2'pint and quart bottles, just received and fo«* ?a!e by


Sax Tsri»t..200 kegs >o. 1 Six Twist lobacco, iors-.le by

iu3l LOGAN, KAKKK <fc Co.very superior ln.porte«! Segsrs;O 100,000 half Spanish and ccmn»on doForsale by


I 01"DENS' Carminative BaDam lor the Summer Com JA p! lint just ree'd by J. H. VOWELL.a^j; C Sign of Red Mortar, 33 Mouri-e St.

I NDlGO, copperas, alum and madder for sale bvJ. B. VOWELL

Sisn of Red Mortar, 33 Monroe St

On conoigniucnL-Keceivru and lor sale.lOiicorustaik and straw cutters of varii us patterns.a^lO [Ar^is r.ppx ] HUI'.KKLL <V- SON.4Q Leuiois.'s

o boxes Oranges (sweet);In prime con 'ition.

For sale byjeSa GILL <fc Co.

TC'ASK Flench Kiaudy, wananted pute, onitand amitor sale byje2tj JOHN H TAPPAN

For the IntelligencerIKE IHsh Covers, both round and oolong, or asu-perior quality.call and see at


Rperat. Whale, and Fish Oib, just received and fortale at the lowest uwiket prices byi«{1 J A. C. GOOD & Co.

medical.ALL SHOVJjD TR>'JT.'J


STOMACH BITTERS.100,000 K.ulo. Sold im One Ve»r.

XTOfsivsw-M'an.uick "IMlwl.norug


»« ." ow S'innrfc «

cfceuiat* of the pie*eut citttiu* >uwi taeuilUcl»r Ho^tettcr submit* ins invaiuahi-. xu.

mical u->u, or whati* s;j,f b«.£r ? buiersto *nyct.e

your otvn constitutor; The in. ^ l'*'r*on*i trial ui»onte-s hiU U- found by the first »|WJL!;,,er1.ur^ b"*t»r their great mrdiaio.! effect* wn »> *,u,,U»* Ml lore*a.aln.o.t.ucrcdib:. S1.uw of

.« 'ir,'.?rsJi""PUC' «¦" "k= » «« «,ebrate< Htoiii-Tr*°**>tU. ofl|«e bjueri,4na

.h^M~RC"W" <*««. by

ill .houtd ,rr .XUgLlit*"^blttenu

sisss^ r'.!Cvi,i,,tb,.c!:^'1l^1»l,>« *".« >b.5 will be.< neie me uti»>i «n;«.

-t- ..... ...i.vi-unc trial..*

wi.ir ii are%oinf:a -J;',lei r*'won 1®ac,,te4i *° «*« Uie saiue,without a rival, a. *o their ^ur Bilitr* ."»

I'ot U,. «qn!«2m££" ' quaJiiies. They «,«

direct)Otis011, and "Z>V / VJSSi t,0,rt' WMti the

Mown a« lue bottle. tiiW»«««*"«.

>£££Luimslssi'/lss^*"¦.states 4 :d by"ralljr throughout (be United

Ijl'SHFIKLD 4- f0, ,.d


* UhFjl'f^"VUV^AiXtfiS^B- VONDERSM1TH'SChang Fhu,


Chinese Liniment.

Save tiied it regard it.» iiuLiiiuP.^P l!f All who""*¦ Iheomalism, »l'rains,brul4s JweHedll°!?i!,,<!lonts. while swelling ..»j,« i- ,Jl*i*"e7?dl'l«b». we*kI.reast. l.ce. nranrolhtr£n '''"..'V"-celleiit reniedv in i>iu,«es v.na .

* It la an ex-.«-«ofihi.iSkuJSS^SS'- 1 , e:c. Tbe tueful-coTljned to II,e l.uinai, »l«S!. i,^V"'l'"'"nd *b>""? '«»>'«

whenever alM'lied to cure diseasii ..rtf1^ J elB"<i»>umI K. Ii.liml I he Imrte. A niourTne^Jilni fi orltc Jou*'*'denu (KCurr<.. t *,i,e to" «f," '."£??tf'""?,.«!.uiucuie. may be fameJ th»-r«ii,.... V tte cer.

N'raitt* in the shoulde.s, c.wn,J CuU»! b,ru,*e*»

»we«*r. «l>li>e. tutor iolnu.rte pS? ?ur^^i»r« see directloui ,111 buttled -urthcr ptrticu-

TAKE NOTICE.Uiiii.Jmu ,;,i",S^1^u.l^'ue ^Je lO'll UteordliMry

:he inost prolouiidcheinlsu «lid tlidM?rf0." hu"",U"'"«"t, ,s tl»ti»,SSo^il0^lects, it is tbe must bealthlul zLnZ/L J S eur»«veel-:unir. 1 . iuy |4I, ori|Ie ,ti,,1^" i C^'u'1 «S'««ble per.;t Hii|»lt» » IOS) i.a nmtural thiw n^ei T*T *7','1'""1iiouiSt MiiU leave* th#» v»»iv«f«. £ winch lafts for manyMead ol tbe eiacted ^nd cl»ni^d lml."'.'^i'in-coniuion ie>ul; .r aln,o*L ,H u ^ J. "bi^li i. *

Wil^^nv;^tr^e^;,t>q^,.1'eit|,e;b,.u"o'r'iou^b'e 0dt" !ou 1,wj

Vt. J. a. 1-cndrrrmilh ¦ZaKMVILL*, Oaio.

r.leun»T1^':;r:^hn.d*^'tLu,:i?^''lthJble lu get uut ol my bed without l£fi« 5 u'0,"b« not

-mi city i,..isted o," nTm Srii^Vnd WL**"111"n n«.,la.d t,T wtot e(T«Vit ,J<iSd h.» Sb"'« Pl'u

Oe has elieved uie so irnxh tlJi ? . V. ,ml one bot-my bed witlioul didiculty. UMthSu i hf.i?!8"°ut ofJ-l U, itlo, youiiw.r, ail .«.««

A,lt*- il- lAJOnKAN.

Wholesale and Retail Agents,my:=ly

1HO:*'K""0J' ^ "ATTKHSON,iS,-..,

'<0 "" *i«<n street.Dissolution of Co-Partnership

L'e^e'," ',"i' «« ^e deaUi o'lr&fszis?. crim** "¦«b"-

Hey, JubiMtOi!iu.nanieand atyleo. ti,VCe-



THPfi, roniss°l-L-TIO.\.

r;ue.r,?,n,u?L^:t^,-J,^u s,^°- ,'v""¦bo"as Johiwtoii. J,., ieti.i,.st,.n"!f(!,^rlinNwt<!"e-v*> sWkHtiKY.'

1 J M TOB1I.' "gSi JOHXSTOS, J«..

Wheeling. February 01,1, liv,N,S'I O:>-

CO-PA RTNEHSHIP....or"^sas^jsari; vi~' -.A:.«,,n,i I,on Wcif under '1!,'V"*"? N»«».al th.

...< -licit a eun'trnce"o!J- N TODD,HUGH MCHOLS.

_Whee|iiigf Feb. S2d 1855*A * Jul,^»TOX..-I leb'JT



C10NS1GXM KNTS lor re tbipment solicited, and good 1j forwarded to alt pa its ol thj world with the utmostprompt iics#Agents or the

IVcw 1 oik, ESnllimorcaud Wherlio| Mae,lui the lian&pot laiion lo the Valiey ol lite Ohio turd Mis¬sissippi, via i-altimorc and Ohio KailroadHavif- a cl.ain ol well known agents thiocghout theline, we aie prepared to give through receipts, lor limeand priceWestern merchants are solicited tocall at the NewYork Agerey upon the subscribers, Leio.e making thentoiuiac.s t.scw heie.

CHESTER <fc CO.,agy;ly u3 West at.. New York.Just Received."

WA. EDWARDS dt ERO. Iiavejust received from. the hast, (at their New Grocery adjoining thePosJoifke,; an excellent and carefully selected assortment0f fuie Ou.ce.ie>, to which they invite the attention or allin want 01 good and cheap groceries. Our stock consist*in l»ai t or line

Rio, .Maracaibo, and Java coffees, brown, clarifieddO{Ciushedaud Puivenied Sugais;Tea* 111 great variety and fine qualitiesCocoa, Kiouno and chocolale.ol the best brands,Pieso peaches,pine apples, stiawberries and raspber-vies in cans; rice Hour, corn starch;FanU4,sag", macaroni, Isinglass, JellyUna;Kerinuda Arrowroot dried currants, raislnc, almonds,Olives, hops, etc; Tobacco and aegars, fine qualities;soaps, ctc.; Fine ground Table .salt;Spice* and Essences of every variety.Together with nun) other aiticles t to tedious to enumeiaic, all or which we air se ling at very low prices.Call ami examine lor yourselves, you cau't but be pleas*ed. Remember the place.corner of Mai bet and Quincy.stieetd.adioiuing the Postoffice. Wheeling, Va. my29c. batknan. 1854. t. riLLi*.


GENERAL FORWARDERS,By Canal, River and Railroad,No. £3, ( nsnl afreet*(BKTWkKS MA.IN AKI» *YCAMOKS PTRSSTS, SOl'TB SIPS,)U.\tI.\.>ATI, O.!REFER TO.Messrs. Miner, Andrews6c While').. J C. Duller A: Co Vcinrfniiail" 1.is hop, Welts <fc Co H.lllC«IMaU

.« W. D. Easier dc Co J03"Particu'arattention given lo tians shipments fromWheelin-j. by canal to Wabash Valley and Toledo.mv5:d6rn_______

Confectioner and Fruiterer,COHM.k or MAIN AND MADISON BTRKKTS,Wbccliai, Va.ivill be »eet from the above, the subscriber baa re-moved hi¦» eslabli hment to the '-Bridge Corner,"w ueie he will be pleaded to see all his old customers andas many i:ewoi<es as m*y call. His stock is much en¬larged, and his rooms neatly refitted. Candies. Pruits,Nu'.s, 4-c., a' wholesale at the very lowest prices. Par¬lies and families supplied with cakes aiid fruits at short-est notice. His ice cream saloon Is the most p easant intlie city, and no atteutio«r will be spared to please hisgifs-ts

unit P. K. ZISW.Ice! Ice!! Ice!!

THE subscriber begs leave to inform irs friends, andthe public general.), that' lie is now prepared to servethetu with as pure and transparent an article ol ice as wase%er taken ron the water, and at as low a late at everbefore *j(fried.That wbieh be now oflers is in part taken from thecreek at the point called AicCoiloch'a Leap, though thestealer poniouwiih which his mammoth Ice House isfil ed is Iroin the river, being nearly all from the Alleghe¬ny and some tec inches toa lool thick.wi»g-» J. AM1CK


cokxcr or '.Vjtus Axn Uvio* sts., Whkcuko, Va.Keeps constantly on hamt a variety or book*, amongwhich may be found the works of all the leading wri-ten of me tunes, such as Jaiue*. Kulwer, sue, Eliza E.Dupay. Denncit, Arthur, Lipoid, Dumas, and Lever..Jl-ny of his works ate bound, in good style, with backsHe also keeps an Exchange Library. Persona purcbasing books may return them after reading them, for whichi* will pay tlie following prices: for 60c books 40 ctsj 25chooks-20c, for$l hooks SO cenls. mttMtly'

REFRIGERATORS.I HAVE joat received a lot of Scotf* Palent Galvan¬ised 1 ton and Zinc Refi igerators, of a superior qualityaud the best now in use.Call and see them. K. B. WOODS,

i,.yls Wo 81 Monroe at.THIS DAY

Rcreirias on consignment, two Seymour's PremiumCiiain Drills, lor sale at HUBBK1«LA.

A R uilxV mot