Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan WNP Policies Workshop, 2 nd May 2017

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

WNP Policies Workshop, 2nd May 2017

Page 2: Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

WNP Policies Workshop – Agenda• Introduction (RG)

• Purpose of Workshop (RG)

• Discuss some LP2033 consequences (RG)

• Reminder of Workshop house rules (RG)

• OBU Site (AJ)• Confirm/Finalise land use scope• Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise site policies

• Green Belt land east of Wheatley (AJ)

• Confirm objectives to be met by releasing Green Belt land (if any)

• Confirm/Finalise land to be released (if any)

• Confirm/Finalise land use scope (if any)

• Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise site policies (if any)• Next Steps (RG)

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

Purpose of the Workshop

Consequences of LP2033 for WNP

• SODC will “support proposals made through robust and evidenced NDP” (LP2033 para 5.25)

• Revised definition of the developable area of built form of OBU site

• Omission of “mixed use” for OBU site

• Release of Green Belt status east of The Avenue

• Will there be Community support for review of Green Belt status without any mitigation

• Need more detailed WNP views for OBU site and proposal to release land from Green Belt

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

Detail from LP2033 p 234

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Distribution of Potential Land Use Sites(subject to availability and planning permission)

WHE 21

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan


Final strategy


Land Use Strategy Statements

Housing for first time buyers and key workers

• Should be near schools

Housing for elderly • Elderly housing to be central or near to bus stop

Housing for the rest - 60% • Broad mix of housing options

Housing mix • Affordable housing not less than 40% (sites with > 8)

Housing general • In fill linear development should not be precluded to meet housing needs

Business • Move non-retail business out of residential• Concentrate non-retail business on limited serviced sites• Encourage mixed use on OBU site

Leisure (physical) • Playing fields• No net loss of sports facilities• Close to good access• Walking pathways

Leisure (social) • No net loss of social amenities (pubs, restaurants, clubs)• Bigger community hall close to core village population (this side of A40)

Parking • Additional space near centre and/or bus stop

Burial space • A dignified setting• Suitable ground conditions

Change of Use • Change of land use to improve the environment

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Workshop house rules • There are no dumb ideas

• Offer only constructive criticism for other people’s ideas • Build on other people’s ideas • Avoid getting bogged down with undue “wordsmithing” – that’s later • Unresolved issues will be “parked” for later resolution

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

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OBU Site - Confirm/Finalise Land Use Scope

Land Use Scope currently includes:

• Housing

• Non Retail Businesses

• Can all Littleworth businesses be accommodated on built form of OBU together with housing?

What else should be included:

• Burial ground?

• Shops

• ?????

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

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OBU Site - Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise site policies

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

OBU SITE (WHE25), MV/SS 26 April 2017 •The site to be of mixed use development using where practical some of the existing buildings some of which are quite new. •The Turing Building and Admin/Lodge to the east of the site to be considered for conversion into residential units.• The Motor Tech building to be converted into industrial units. Some consideration will be needed in respect of parking for these units.• The post graduate building is suitable for community use but could also be used for light industry.• Sports pavilion retained along with some of the playing fields/ tennis courts. To keep them all would be overkill.• New access from the west following existing footpath up to the avenue of trees an then diverted between the avenue of TPO trees to run alongside the A40 before being diverted up towards the existing east access.• As many of the TPO trees as possible to be retained.• The area to be developed should be as tight as possible around the existing developed area retaining a planted belt between the development part of the site and the A40 and to retain the maximum open space between the developed area of the site and Holton.• Based on the height of existing residential units, dwellings whether houses or flats to be limited to three storeys with rooms in the roof at the east end of the site, but limited to two storeys with rooms in the roof where they replace existing dwellings to the west end of the site. The use of existing ground levels could make the development more varied.• The main access road should go through the site with access possible from both the roundabout to the west and the Waterperry(buses?) Road to the east of the site.Are further policies required to mitigate potential issues and concerns?

?access/connection to Wheatley?

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OBU Site - Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise site policies

Some OBU Masterplan 2012 considerations for possible adoption


Aims - Reinforce the identity

• Use new high quality buildings to provide the site with a distinct image and identity• Improve quality of the built environment/public realm• Enhance approaches to the site• Use landmark buildings at the site entrance to provide site gateways• Retain and enhance existing landscape features• Create a network of secondary spaces that respond to the built form around them and respect

the location of mature trees and ecological features• Enhance views to, from, and within the site and surroundings• Retain and enhance the importance of sporting facilities at the site• Create a site with a built form that has a scale and massing that reflects the local context• Remove the tower

Aims - Provide high quality environment

• Create a new tree lined green corridor through the heart of the site• Enhance the biodiversity and landscape setting of the site

Aims – Create a sustainable site

• Reduce the amount of traffic travelling through Wheatley• Provide jobs for the local community• Increase integration with the wider community through services• Develop new buildings to a standard of at least BREEAM ‘Very Good’ rating• Generate energy from renewable or low carbon technologies, such as Combined Heat &

Power• Utilise technologies that will help towards achieving Zero Carbon Development on the site

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OBU Site - Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise site policies

Some OBU Masterplan 2012 considerations for possible adoption (cont’d)


Constraints / Opportunities

Constraints• Protected trees• Current policy to protect openness of Green Belt• Development currently limited to 2 storeys within “infill” boundary• Development currently limited to height of existing buildings (excluding the

tower) within the “above two-storey” boundary• Limit to the potential increase in built form

Opportunities• Reduction of the impact of the site on the openness of the Green Belt• Demolition of the tower• Potential for new vehicular access• Enhancement and improved management of the landscape and trees• Enhancement of setting of Scheduled Ancient Monument• Enhancement of habitat for newts and bats• Retention of sports pitches• Enhancement of outdoor sporting facilities for members of the local community• Provision of some indoor sports facilities• Provision of energy efficient buildings• Provision of more aesthetically attractive buildings

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OBU Site - Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise site policies

Some OBU Masterplan 2012 considerations for possible adoption (cont’d)


Redevelopment • Infilling or redevelopment not to have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development

• Masterplan references Local Plan policy RURI which defines boundaries for infill development

• Careful consideration of story heights to retain parkland setting

Traffic • Road around the site linking 2 access roads (east and west) – planning permission already obtained

Asbestos • According to Masterplan, presence of asbestos makes refurbishment prohibitive

Trees • All trees protected in accordance with BS583712012 and all historic trees retained

• Tree Survey Report identifies 52 Grade “A” trees worthy of retention

Archaeological • Desk Based Assessment undertaken

Ecological • Study conducted

Visual • Zone of Visual Influence study conducted

Biodiversity • Various statements for consideration

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Green Belt land in general and Green Belt land

in particular to the east of Wheatley (WHE15 etc)

• Confirm/Finalise general policy towards release of green belt land

• Confirm/Finalise Green Belt land to be released to the east of Wheatley (if any)

• Confirm/Finalise land use scope for Green Belt land to be released to the east of Wheatley (if any)

• Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise site policies for Green Belt land to be released to the east of Wheatley (if any)

• Have any unintended consequences been overlooked?

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

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Scope of Use for Green Belt land east of Wheatley

• Mitigate possible negative reaction to loss of Green Belt status by emphasising WHE22 housing, possible expansion of existing business (Littleworth and M40 business park), new business opportunities

• Support WHE22 relocation to OBU and WHE15 etc• Separate strategy for WHE16? • Support only limited housing on WHE15 (to relocate 10 bungalows?)• Support Green Space and football pitch (plus pavilion) for remainder of WHE15• Green cycle route through WHE15

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

Green Belt Land to east of Wheatley- Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise aims for the site

Mrs Tombs’ Field (WHE15/16/17 and 21), MV/SS 26 April 2017 • The site should be developed with a balanced split between housing, light industrial and open space. • Access to proposed industrial area at the east end of the site using the exiting access from London Road, through Mobb’s site.• Vehicular access to housing development from London Road with no through access to Roman Road except for pedestrians and cycles.• Re-locate the existing footpath so that is parallel to the Avenue. Suggest 20m wide with winding path and planting to either side as a nature corridor. This retains some gap between the rear gardens of the Avenue and proposed new housing.• Cycle/Footpath link from Roman Road to the industrial area.• Retain access from Roman Road to the track that runs in an easterly direction. • Possible games area adjacent to Elton Crescent. • Housing development at least 20m from pylons/power cables.• As SODC policy at least 40% of the dwellings to be low cost for potential first time buyers. 

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

Littleworth Site - Strengthen/Confirm/Finalise aims for the site

Littleworth (WHE22), MV/SS 26April 2017 • Maximum height of the dwellings to be 2 storeys but with the possibility of rooms in the roof. The development should follow the natural contours of the site with feeder roads each group of dwellings as the progress up the site.

• With its good access to the primary school we would suggest smaller low cost dwellings, some which can be terraced to reflect those on adjoining on the main road. These could be aimed at first time buyers particularly those with young families. • Existing access to be retained and used as the main feeder road to the proposed dwellings.. • Retain an area adjoining the road as an open green space/village green. • Provide a footpath that links with the main footpath to Coopers Close.

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Next Steps

• Incorporate outcome of workshop in WNP v.20• Incorporate comments from SODC in WNP v.20• Obtain comments at Village Assembly 3 May• Deliver to WPC and HPC on 8 May (trigger public consultation @ 0 weeks)• Plan village meetings, website, feedback• Formal response to LP2033 by 17 May• Meet WPC and HPC for comments (+ 2 weeks)• Meet SODC for comments (+ 4 weeks)• Finalise WNP and deliver to SODC for Examination (+ 6 weeks)• Referendum (September 2017)

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• website: www.wheatleyneighbourhoodplan.co.uk• email: [email protected]• www.facebook.com/WheatleyNP• @wheatleyplan• letter: (marked WNP) to Wheatley Parish Council

Contact details

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

Development of policies

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HL2V The Green Belt will be retained where it contributes to the environment. Areas of historic heritage will be preserved.

HL2O Allow housing on green belt land that does not fulfil all the functions of the green belt. These are currently designated by WHE15, WHE16, WHE17, WHE21 (or parts thereof)

HL3V The built up area of the OBU site as shown on the Neighbourhood Plan Area will be transformed to provide additional housing and business amenities in accordance with the community vision for Wheatley. The OBU tower will be demolished thereby removing a blight on the landscape.

HL3O1 Where possible, ensure the serviceable OBU buildings will be retained for re-use as business units HL3O2 Identify land for up to 300 on the OBU site HL3O3 Ensure provision of all new housing and infrastructure provided by Wheatley will comply with LP2032 para 5.45HL3O4 Ensure the OBU tower will be demolished.

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HL4V Commercial buildings and non-retail businesses will have been re-located where practical to the OBU site and the eastern perimeter of the village, encouraging growth, improving services and also improving the environment for residents.

HL4O1 Promote the relocation of businesses in designated area WHE22 to create a site for housing commensurate with the surrounding environment.

HL4O2 Promote a mixed development on the OBU site with a strong preference to include the re-use of all suitable OBU buildings (also HL3O3)

HL4O3 Set aside land to attract new businesses and to accommodate relocated businesses to the east of Wheatley which could include green belt exception sites

HL5V There will be sufficient burial capacity.

HL5O Set aside land for burial

HL6V Create a more sustainable and low carbon community

HL6O Attention should be paid to good quality existing design guidance which includes the South Oxfordshire Design Guide and the Chilterns Building Design Guide.

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Scratch Pad

Housing and Land Use HL1V Wheatley will comprise a

balanced range and quantity of housing that meets the needs of both current and future residents of all ages; that is mixed in type, including affordable homes, is thoughtfully located and designed; and integrated into the village of Wheatley to minimise any negative impact on the natural environment.

HL1O1 Provide a range of different types of new houses across all tenures (except “buy to let”) to meet the needs of all income and age ranges, including key workers, within Wheatley and its catchment area HL1O2 Promote the provision of 40% affordable within which there will be equal proportions of social rented and intermediate housingHL1O3 New homes will be built within walking distance of village centre especially for accommodation designed for the aged HL1O4 Ensure that affordable dwellings will be mixed with and indistinguishable from the market housingHL1O5 Prioritise the redevelopment of brownfield sites, and intensify the use of existing land where appropriate.HL1O6 Set aside land for housing for the elderly

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Scratch Pad

Social infrastructure (including a range of sport, education, healthcare and leisure services) SI1V There will be a range of high

quality sports, leisure, education, healthcare and social facilities to meet the community needs commensurate with an expanding population of all ages.

SI1O1 Ensure that the social infrastructure is in place to accommodate the increased need of new and existing residentsSI1O2 Maximise the leisure opportunities for all ages, including the allocation of land and identification of mechanisms for delivering new and improved facilities at appropriate locations to meet increased demand SI1O3 Preserve the leisure facilities used by the residents of Holton and Wheatley that are located on the OBU Site including that part of the Site that is outside the Neighbourhood Plan Area. SI1O4 Set aside land to build a larger village hall to meet current and increased demand created by new housingSI1O5 Set aside land to re-locate the current accommodation used by the Boy Scouts to improve safety and encourage increased participation in the organisation.

SI2V Wheatley will continue to operate as a hub village

SI2O Expand the amenities to satisfy the increasing demand

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Retail Services RS1V Wheatley will be served by a thriving

hub village economy that provides a diverse range of accessible day-to-day services for its residents and those of the surrounding villages.

RS1O1 Retain and support a mix and variety of shops in the village centre

RS1O2 Improve traffic flow to ease congestion to the village centre

RS1O3 Provide adequate parking close to village centre

Village Centre VC1V The village centre will provide a

pleasant, attractive, safe and convenient place for residents of all ages to shop, socialise and generally enjoy life.

VC1O1 Ensure the provision of a public toilet facility for the village centre

VC1O2 Set aside land for controlled parking

VC2V It will be a vibrant place for use by the community that is regularly reviewed for opportunities to provide improvement and regeneration.

VC2O New homes will be built within walking distance of village centre especially to maximise use of the shops, reduce parking needs and provide ease of access for the aged

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Industrial and commercial environment and infrastructure IC1V Wheatley will remain home to the

growing number of small enterprises covering all ownership sectors (private, voluntary and public) across the tertiary sector and light manufacturing sectors

IC1O To provide more business units capable of flexible use and expansion

IC2V New businesses will be located around the eastern end of the village close to existing ones, and at the OBU site, with some flexibility for future expansion.

IC2O Re-locate existing commercial units to provide opportunities to develop WHE22 brownfield site for residential use

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Traffic (motorists, pedestrians and cyclists) and transport TT1V Wheatley will be supported by a

safe and efficiently functioning road network with sufficient village parking.

TT1O1 Ensure that new developments minimise congestion

TT1O2 Enhance parking management and provision

TT1O3 Ensure that new developments do not exacerbate the issues with existing traffic blackspots and rat runs

TT2V The village centre, all schools and leisure facilities will be accessed safely for walkers and cyclists

TT2O1 Provide new and improved pavements throughout Wheatley

TT2O2 Promote safe cycling and walking routes east to west for access to schools

TT2O3 Promote safe walking routes in the High Street

TT2O4 Provide a new pedestrian link to OBU which will include a new pedestrian and cycling bridge for safe and practical access to village centre

TT2O5 Ensure that parking provision for the health and education services are met for future population levels

TT3V Wheatley will continue to be provided with good public transport.

TT3O Promote public transport as first choice mode for residents

TT4V Under all circumstances air quality standards will be met.

TT4O Ensure Air Quality Standards are maintained

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Village character VCh1V Wheatley will enhance its reputation as

a welcoming village, respectful of its heritage, where residents experience a strong community spirit.

VCh1O Preserve and enhance the village character by providing, within walking distance, safe access from all well integrated new housing to a vibrant village centre and all retail locations

Quality of the environment and natural landscape EL1V Residents will continue to enjoy the

natural landscape that offers a range of green spaces and outstanding local vistas.

EL1O1 Preserve the Green Belt except in those areas where criteria are not fully met

EL1O2 The key visual landscapes will be preserved

EL2V The rural habitat and ecological diversity will be protected and enhanced.

EL2O1 Promote enhancement of wildlife sites through the creation of features such as ponds, spinneys, wetlands and grassland

Employment opportunities EO1V There will be increased employment

opportunities for the communities served by the Wheatley hub especially for our young people.

EO1O1 Encourage business expansion in the Wheatley through improved and new business infrastructure

EO1O2 Encourage businesses onto the OBU site to offset the loss of employment due to the relocation of the University.

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Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

Policy for release of Green Belt land - Matters for Consideration

• LP2033 consequences

SODC will “support proposals made through robust and evidenced NDP” (LP2033 para 5.25) – (not sure what this relates to?)

• Community Support

Will village support review of Green Belt status without any mitigation

• Unintentional consequences

Are we leaving the village exposed to unwanted development

• Do we want to change our current policy?

Allow housing on green belt land that does not fulfil all the functions of the green belt. These are currently designated by WHE15, WHE16, WHE17 (or parts thereof)