1 narration: When it comes to commuter cycling on MSU’s campus, there are two main problems that the school needs to address: (1) a lack of appropriate physical infrastructure for cycling and (2) a large need for education about safely traveling on campus. action: Middle bike icon pops in first, followed by “resources” and “education” icon, which pop in from left to right. Icons hover up and down and possibly grow a bit larger when their names are mentioned. sfx: Brief popping sounds. narration: Alright, let’s start with the lack of physical infrastructure.. . action: Zoom finishes to find resources icon, with rotating sunburst behind it. sfx: Heavenly “aaah” music: tbd narration: Matt’s voice, informal yet descriptive speaking style. narration: Important issues indeed, but hard to fix with the current lack of funding. action: Money bag replaces bike icon between other icons, flips over and shakes, only a couple coins come out. sfx: Shake noise followed by a couple little coin clinks. narration: ...whi ch includes facilities, bike lanes, and signage, among other things. action: Icon moves upward, dotted lines grow out from icon one by one, and the correspondi ng glyphs for “facilities, bike lanes, and signage” appear as they are mentioned. sfx: Whoosh when resources icon moves, clicks when lines extend, pops when glyphs appear narration: Funding aside, let’s dive into these issues one-by-one: action: Icons come together after bag disappears, zoom in between icons. sfx: Whoosh as we zoom in. narration: In essence, walkers, bikers, and cars are not as separated as they should be. action: Icons move continuously across the screen in their respective directi ons. sfx: Hubbub of busses, cars, people, bikes (ring ring). Bike MSU! The Interactive Experience “What’s the Problem ?” Storyboard 1 of 5

"What's the Problem?" Storyboard

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Page 1: "What's the Problem?" Storyboard

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narration: When it comes to commuter

cycling on MSU’s campus, there are two

main problems that the school needs to

address: (1) a lack of appropriate physicalinfrastructure for cycling and (2) a large

need for education about safely traveling

on campus.

action: Middle bike icon pops in first,

followed by “resources” and “education”

icon, which pop in from left to right.

Icons hover up and down and possibly

grow a bit larger when their names are


sfx: Brief popping sounds.

narration: Alright, let’s start with the

lack of physical infrastructure...

action: Zoom finishes to find resources

icon, with rotating sunburst behind it.

sfx: Heavenly “aaah”

music: tbd narration: Matt’s voice, informal yet descriptive speaking style.

narration: Important issues indeed,

but hard to fix with the current lack of


action: Money bag replaces bike icon

between other icons, flips over and

shakes, only a couple coins come out.

sfx: Shake noise followed by a couple

little coin clinks.

narration: ...which includes facilities,

bike lanes, and signage, among otherthings.

action: Icon moves upward, dotted lines

grow out from icon one by one, and the

corresponding glyphs for “facilities, bike

lanes, and signage” appear as they are


sfx: Whoosh when resources icon moves,

clicks when lines extend, pops when

glyphs appear

narration: Funding aside, let’s dive into

these issues one-by-one:

action: Icons come together after bagdisappears, zoom in between icons.

sfx: Whoosh as we zoom in.

narration: In essence, walkers, bikers,

and cars are not as separated as theyshould be.

action: Icons move continuously across

the screen in their respective directions.

sfx: Hubbub of busses, cars, people, bikes

(ring ring).

Bike MSU! The Interactive Experience“What’s the Problem?” Storyboard

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narration: Thanks in large part to a

strong effort on the university’s behalf

in the past decade, Michigan State has

extended bike lanes along 7 miles of

roadway, which covers about half of the

roads on campus

action: Map fades in, bike lanes grow

along roads, and at that point map fades

out a bit to emphasize lanes. Cyclist icon

is riding from right to left along one of the

discontinuous bike lanes.

narration: ...and also a significant lack of pavement markings.

action: At first, a path is displayed with designated lanes for pedestrians and cyclists, but

those markings disappear and everything becomes disorderly.

narration: However, because of this

lack of complete coverage, bike lanes

on campus are discontinuous and seem

to stop without warning. Thus, it comes

as no surprise that many stuck in this

dilemma choose to ride up onto the

sidewalk instead.

action: Cyclist riding from right to left

hits end of bike lane and bike screeches

to a halt, throwing him off. Cyclist without

helmet on sidewalk rides by afterward,

chuckling at the other guy’s misfortune.

sfx: crashing/screeching noise

narration: Informational signage that

either tells cyclists where to ride or warns

drivers about bike lanes ending is virtually


action: Informational signs fade in then

randomly pop out/disappear.

sfx: popping noises

narration: In the places that cyclists

have no roads to ride on, there are very

few designated off-road bike paths...

action: We return to previous bike map,

but this time off-road bike paths are

shown in a different color instead of in-

road bike lanes. There will be some sort

of shrink/grow transformation between

the two.

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narration: Now let’s investigate the lack

of education.

action:Rotating sunburst fades in,

followed by a kind of quick zoom/pop of

the education icon.

sfx: Heavenly “aaah”

narration: Most students list education

as one of the biggest issues that needed

to be addressed to improve bike safety on

campus, whether it be amongst cyclists,

pedestrians, or drivers.

action: Post-it “flips” onto the screen,

taking education icon with it, and is stuck

down by a push pin. Checkmark appears

in a box next to the icon. Post-its fly off/

fall down to reveal transit-specific icons

when they are mentioned.

narration: Estimates suggest that there

are over 10,000 bicycles on campus, so

naturally one would expect the MSU

community to have significant “bicycle

culture” and awareness.

action: Lines of bike icons fill the screen

and drive across, initial screen fill may be

a slow fade or lines of bikes riding in from

both sides. Text either does a quick faded

zoom/pop or an exaggerated “pop”

narration: Currently, there aren’t any

formal classes, programs, or initiatives

in place at Michigan State that give

people all of the information they need

to commute safely and legally across

campus. Thus, it’s not totally far-fetched

to assume that our current lack of bicycle

education is in big part responsible for

the overall lack of culture and awareness

in the MSU community.

action: Classes, programs, and initiatives

icons fade in, “F” grade is stamped

on “safety 101” classes icon, speech

bubbles pop and smiles turn to frowns

for programs icon, and signs collapse for

initiatives icon.

narration: However, judging by the

amount of students that ride on the

sidewalks without helmets most of the

time, this is not the case.

action: Sidewalks appear, helmets start

flying off

narration: On top of that, newly

installed loop racks don’t hold as many

bicycles as older toaster racks and seem

to be purely aesthetic.

action: toaster racks and loop racks

shown side-by-side, lots of bikes fit nicely

into the toaster rack, while loop rack gets

full quickly and becomes disorderly as

more bikes roll in.

sfx: popping noises

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narration: In fact, 89.1% of students

choose to ride on the sidewalk at least

part of the time...

action: Zoom in on helmeted cyclist

riding on the sidewalk, rest of cyclists


narration: On top of that, it’s not so

surprising to see distracted commuters

all over campus, whether they are zoned

out on cell phones or listening to their

portable music players.

action: Icon of a student’s eager face

pops in and distractions subsequently

pop in all around him, and his eyes dart

all over.

Either this or people icons riding bikes

and doing ridiculous things like juggling,


narration: ...a whopping 73.6% neglect

to use lights at night...

action: Zoom in on frame of bike,

showing front and back lights flying off.

Highlighted pie region shrinks counter

clockwise as a transition from the

previous scene.

narration: Essentially, there seems to

be an absence of common understanding

between cyclists, pedestrians and drivers

as to who has what rights. People don’t

know the laws!

action: Bike, bus, car and pedestrian

icons are quarreling (shaking, wiggling,

moving around) with bleeped obscenities

in speech bubbles above their heads.

sfx: Muffled mumbles and chatter

narration: ... and and even higher 84.5%

don’t wear helmets, citing such reasons

as “looking dorky” and “inconvenience.”

action: Camera moves upward to upper

torso, where helmet flies off.

narration: Here’s a rundown of a few

key sections of Michigan State’s bicycle


action: Other icons pop out, and officer

icon rotates in from bottom in a circular

motion, as if his pivot point was at the

center of the bottom of the screen.

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narration: Section 33.13 states: [legal jargon]. Essentially, this means that riding your bike

on the sidewalk is prohibited on campus. the crosswalk is an extension of the sidewalk, so

these same rules apply. (repeat for sections 33.14, 33.15, 33.07)

action: Officer icon from previous screen moves down to lower right corner of screen, big

speech bubble covering half of the screen pop/fades in, and in that bubble, excerpts from

the regulations are displayed. To the right of the bubble is a layman’s definition. Previously

mentioned statutes will slide up and disappear at the top while new statutes will slide up

and appear from the bottom of the bubble. The behavior of text will resemble a slide shifting

upward within the view of a microscope.

narration: Unfortunately, many of

these laws are not heavily publicized

or enforced, so most cyclists tend to go

about their business however they want.

action: Officer icon moves to center of

screen and shrinks, but is surrounded by

total anarchy of commuter travel. Busses,

cars, bikes, etc going every which way.

sfx: Sound of honks, screeches, chatter,

rings, etc

narration: As a result, the sidewalk is

full of people on bikes, and some even

choose to ride wherever they please, at

times going the wrong way on the road or

even speeding through red lights.

action: Zoom in on unhelmeted cyclist,

we see now that he is riding down the

sidewalk with other unhelmeted cyclists,

forcing pedestrians to run scared. There

is also a cyclist in the street who is going

the wrong way and running a red light.

narration: Admittedly, however, such

rules are difficult to enforce.

action: Police officer icon pops in and


narration: Please choose your preferred

mode of transportation for more specific

information or click “next” to skip ahead.”

action: Cyclist, driver, and pedestrian

icons fade in with instructional text below

it as well as a “next” button. Other icons

fade when cursor is over an icon.

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action:More information is accessible via scrolling up or down on this page. Use of dominant

videos and photos will be prevalent and can be further enjoyed/accessed via user interactivity.

Buttons at the top near the commuting type icon will allow the user to go back to the previous

page or advance to the next section, that being “why is it a problem?”